/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h" #include #include "mongo/base/parse_number.h" #include "mongo/base/status.h" #include "mongo/db/multitenancy_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/server_options.h" #include "mongo/util/str.h" namespace mongo { namespace { constexpr auto listCollectionsCursorCol = "$cmd.listCollections"_sd; constexpr auto bulkWriteCursorCol = "$cmd.bulkWrite"_sd; constexpr auto collectionlessAggregateCursorCol = "$cmd.aggregate"_sd; constexpr auto dropPendingNSPrefix = "system.drop."_sd; constexpr auto fle2Prefix = "enxcol_."_sd; constexpr auto fle2EscSuffix = ".esc"_sd; constexpr auto fle2EccSuffix = ".ecc"_sd; constexpr auto fle2EcocSuffix = ".ecoc"_sd; } // namespace NamespaceString NamespaceString::parseFromStringExpectTenantIdInMultitenancyMode(StringData ns) { if (!gMultitenancySupport) { return NamespaceString(boost::none, ns); } auto tenantDelim = ns.find('_'); auto collDelim = ns.find('.'); // If the first '_' is after the '.' that separates the db and coll names, the '_' is part // of the coll name and is not a db prefix. if (tenantDelim == std::string::npos || collDelim < tenantDelim) { return NamespaceString(boost::none, ns); } auto swOID = OID::parse(ns.substr(0, tenantDelim)); if (swOID.getStatus() == ErrorCodes::BadValue) { // If we fail to parse an OID, either the size of the substring is incorrect, or there is an // invalid character. This indicates that the db has the "_" character, but it does not act // as a delimeter for a tenantId prefix. return NamespaceString(boost::none, ns); } const TenantId tenantId(swOID.getValue()); return NamespaceString(tenantId, ns.substr(tenantDelim + 1, ns.size() - 1 - tenantDelim)); } bool NamespaceString::isListCollectionsCursorNS() const { return coll() == listCollectionsCursorCol; } bool NamespaceString::isCollectionlessAggregateNS() const { return coll() == collectionlessAggregateCursorCol; } bool NamespaceString::isLegalClientSystemNS( const ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility& currentFCV) const { auto collectionName = coll(); if (isAdminDB()) { if (collectionName == "system.roles") return true; if (collectionName == kServerConfigurationNamespace.coll()) return true; if (collectionName == kKeysCollectionNamespace.coll()) return true; if (collectionName == "system.backup_users") return true; } else if (isConfigDB()) { if (collectionName == "system.sessions") return true; if (collectionName == kIndexBuildEntryNamespace.coll()) return true; if (collectionName.find(".system.resharding.") != std::string::npos) return true; if (collectionName == kShardingDDLCoordinatorsNamespace.coll()) return true; if (collectionName == kConfigsvrCoordinatorsNamespace.coll()) return true; } else if (isLocalDB()) { if (collectionName == kSystemReplSetNamespace.coll()) return true; if (collectionName == kLocalHealthLogNamespace.coll()) return true; if (collectionName == kConfigsvrRestoreNamespace.coll()) return true; } if (collectionName == "system.users") return true; if (collectionName == "system.js") return true; if (collectionName == kSystemDotViewsCollectionName) return true; if (isTemporaryReshardingCollection()) { return true; } if (isTimeseriesBucketsCollection() && validCollectionName(collectionName.substr(kTimeseriesBucketsCollectionPrefix.size()))) { return true; } if (isChangeStreamPreImagesCollection()) { return true; } if (isChangeCollection()) { return true; } if (isSystemStatsCollection()) { return true; } return false; } /** * Oplog entries on 'system.views' should also be processed one at a time. View catalog immediately * reflects changes for each oplog entry so we can see inconsistent view catalog if multiple oplog * entries on 'system.views' are being applied out of the original order. * * Process updates to 'admin.system.version' individually as well so the secondary's FCV when * processing each operation matches the primary's when committing that operation. * * Process updates to 'config.shardMergeRecipients' individually so they serialize after * inserts into 'config.donatedFiles.'. * * Oplog entries on 'config.shards' should be processed one at a time, otherwise the in-memory state * that its kept on the TopologyTimeTicker might be wrong. * * Serialize updates to 'config.tenantMigrationDonors' and 'config.shardSplitDonors' to avoid races * with creating tenant access blockers on secondaries. */ bool NamespaceString::mustBeAppliedInOwnOplogBatch() const { auto ns = this->ns(); return isSystemDotViews() || isServerConfigurationCollection() || isPrivilegeCollection() || ns == kDonorReshardingOperationsNamespace.ns() || ns == kForceOplogBatchBoundaryNamespace.ns() || ns == kTenantMigrationDonorsNamespace.ns() || ns == kShardMergeRecipientsNamespace.ns() || ns == kTenantMigrationRecipientsNamespace.ns() || ns == kShardSplitDonorsNamespace.ns() || ns == kConfigsvrShardsNamespace.ns(); } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeBulkWriteNSS(const boost::optional& tenantId) { return NamespaceString(DatabaseName::kAdmin.db(), bulkWriteCursorCol, tenantId); } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeClusterParametersNSS( const boost::optional& tenantId) { return tenantId ? NamespaceString(tenantId, DatabaseName::kConfig.db(), "clusterParameters") : kClusterParametersNamespace; } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeSystemDotViewsNamespace(const DatabaseName& dbName) { return NamespaceString(dbName, kSystemDotViewsCollectionName); } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeSystemDotProfileNamespace(const DatabaseName& dbName) { return NamespaceString(dbName, kSystemDotProfileCollectionName); } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeListCollectionsNSS(const DatabaseName& dbName) { NamespaceString nss(dbName, listCollectionsCursorCol); dassert(nss.isValid()); dassert(nss.isListCollectionsCursorNS()); return nss; } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeGlobalConfigCollection(StringData collName) { return NamespaceString(DatabaseName::kConfig, collName); } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeLocalCollection(StringData collName) { return NamespaceString(DatabaseName::kLocal, collName); } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeCollectionlessAggregateNSS(const DatabaseName& dbName) { NamespaceString nss(dbName, collectionlessAggregateCursorCol); dassert(nss.isValid()); dassert(nss.isCollectionlessAggregateNS()); return nss; } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeChangeCollectionNSS( const boost::optional& tenantId) { return NamespaceString{tenantId, DatabaseName::kConfig.db(), kChangeCollectionName}; } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeGlobalIndexNSS(const UUID& id) { return NamespaceString(DatabaseName::kSystem, NamespaceString::kGlobalIndexCollectionPrefix + id.toString()); } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeMovePrimaryOplogBufferNSS(const UUID& migrationId) { return NamespaceString(DatabaseName::kConfig, "movePrimaryOplogBuffer." + migrationId.toString()); } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeMovePrimaryCollectionsToCloneNSS(const UUID& migrationId) { return NamespaceString(DatabaseName::kConfig, "movePrimaryCollectionsToClone." + migrationId.toString()); } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeMovePrimaryTempCollectionsPrefix(const UUID& migrationId) { return NamespaceString(DatabaseName::kConfig, "movePrimaryRecipient." + migrationId.toString() + ".willBeDeleted."); } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makePreImageCollectionNSS( const boost::optional& tenantId) { return NamespaceString{tenantId, DatabaseName::kConfig.db(), kPreImagesCollectionName}; } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeReshardingLocalOplogBufferNSS( const UUID& existingUUID, const std::string& donorShardId) { return NamespaceString(DatabaseName::kConfig, "localReshardingOplogBuffer." + existingUUID.toString() + "." + donorShardId); } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeReshardingLocalConflictStashNSS( const UUID& existingUUID, const std::string& donorShardId) { return NamespaceString(DatabaseName::kConfig, "localReshardingConflictStash." + existingUUID.toString() + "." + donorShardId); } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeTenantUsersCollection( const boost::optional& tenantId) { return NamespaceString(tenantId, DatabaseName::kAdmin.db(), NamespaceString::kSystemUsers); } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeTenantRolesCollection( const boost::optional& tenantId) { return NamespaceString(tenantId, DatabaseName::kAdmin.db(), NamespaceString::kSystemRoles); } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeCommandNamespace(const DatabaseName& dbName) { return NamespaceString(dbName, "$cmd"); } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeDummyNamespace(const boost::optional& tenantId) { return NamespaceString(tenantId, DatabaseName::kConfig.db(), "dummy.namespace"); } std::string NamespaceString::getSisterNS(StringData local) const { verify(local.size() && local[0] != '.'); return db().toString() + "." + local.toString(); } void NamespaceString::serializeCollectionName(BSONObjBuilder* builder, StringData fieldName) const { if (isCollectionlessAggregateNS()) { builder->append(fieldName, 1); } else { builder->append(fieldName, coll()); } } bool NamespaceString::isDropPendingNamespace() const { return coll().startsWith(dropPendingNSPrefix); } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeDropPendingNamespace(const repl::OpTime& opTime) const { StringBuilder ss; ss << db() << "." << dropPendingNSPrefix; ss << opTime.getSecs() << "i" << opTime.getTimestamp().getInc() << "t" << opTime.getTerm(); ss << "." << coll(); return NamespaceString(ss.stringData()); } StatusWith NamespaceString::getDropPendingNamespaceOpTime() const { if (!isDropPendingNamespace()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, fmt::format("Not a drop-pending namespace: {}", ns())); } auto collectionName = coll(); auto opTimeBeginIndex = dropPendingNSPrefix.size(); auto opTimeEndIndex = collectionName.find('.', opTimeBeginIndex); auto opTimeStr = std::string::npos == opTimeEndIndex ? collectionName.substr(opTimeBeginIndex) : collectionName.substr(opTimeBeginIndex, opTimeEndIndex - opTimeBeginIndex); auto incrementSeparatorIndex = opTimeStr.find('i'); if (std::string::npos == incrementSeparatorIndex) { return Status(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, fmt::format("Missing 'i' separator in drop-pending namespace: {}", ns())); } auto termSeparatorIndex = opTimeStr.find('t', incrementSeparatorIndex); if (std::string::npos == termSeparatorIndex) { return Status(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, fmt::format("Missing 't' separator in drop-pending namespace: {}", ns())); } long long seconds; auto status = NumberParser{}(opTimeStr.substr(0, incrementSeparatorIndex), &seconds); if (!status.isOK()) { return status.withContext( fmt::format("Invalid timestamp seconds in drop-pending namespace: {}", ns())); } unsigned int increment; status = NumberParser{}(opTimeStr.substr(incrementSeparatorIndex + 1, termSeparatorIndex - (incrementSeparatorIndex + 1)), &increment); if (!status.isOK()) { return status.withContext( fmt::format("Invalid timestamp increment in drop-pending namespace: {}", ns())); } long long term; status = mongo::NumberParser{}(opTimeStr.substr(termSeparatorIndex + 1), &term); if (!status.isOK()) { return status.withContext(fmt::format("Invalid term in drop-pending namespace: {}", ns())); } return repl::OpTime(Timestamp(Seconds(seconds), increment), term); } bool NamespaceString::isNamespaceAlwaysUnsharded() const { // Local and admin never have sharded collections if (isLocalDB() || isAdminDB()) return true; // Config can only have the system.sessions as sharded if (isConfigDB()) return *this != NamespaceString::kLogicalSessionsNamespace; if (isSystem()) { // Only some system collections (.system.) can be sharded, // all the others are always unsharded. // This list does not contain 'config.system.sessions' because we already check it above return !isTemporaryReshardingCollection() && !isTimeseriesBucketsCollection(); } return false; } bool NamespaceString::isConfigDotCacheDotChunks() const { return db() == "config" && coll().startsWith("cache.chunks."); } bool NamespaceString::isReshardingLocalOplogBufferCollection() const { return db() == "config" && coll().startsWith(kReshardingLocalOplogBufferPrefix); } bool NamespaceString::isReshardingConflictStashCollection() const { return db() == "config" && coll().startsWith(kReshardingConflictStashPrefix); } bool NamespaceString::isTemporaryReshardingCollection() const { return coll().startsWith(kTemporaryReshardingCollectionPrefix); } bool NamespaceString::isTimeseriesBucketsCollection() const { return coll().startsWith(kTimeseriesBucketsCollectionPrefix); } bool NamespaceString::isChangeStreamPreImagesCollection() const { return isConfigDB() && coll() == kPreImagesCollectionName; } bool NamespaceString::isChangeCollection() const { return isConfigDB() && coll() == kChangeCollectionName; } bool NamespaceString::isConfigImagesCollection() const { return ns() == kConfigImagesNamespace.ns(); } bool NamespaceString::isConfigTransactionsCollection() const { return ns() == kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace.ns(); } bool NamespaceString::isFLE2StateCollection() const { return coll().startsWith(fle2Prefix) && (coll().endsWith(fle2EscSuffix) || coll().endsWith(fle2EccSuffix) || coll().endsWith(fle2EcocSuffix)); } bool NamespaceString::isOplogOrChangeCollection() const { return isOplog() || isChangeCollection(); } bool NamespaceString::isSystemStatsCollection() const { return coll().startsWith(kStatisticsCollectionPrefix); } bool NamespaceString::isOutTmpBucketsCollection() const { return isTimeseriesBucketsCollection() && getTimeseriesViewNamespace().coll().startsWith(kOutTmpCollectionPrefix); } NamespaceString NamespaceString::makeTimeseriesBucketsNamespace() const { return {dbName(), kTimeseriesBucketsCollectionPrefix.toString() + coll()}; } NamespaceString NamespaceString::getTimeseriesViewNamespace() const { invariant(isTimeseriesBucketsCollection(), ns()); return {dbName(), coll().substr(kTimeseriesBucketsCollectionPrefix.size())}; } bool NamespaceString::isImplicitlyReplicated() const { if (isChangeStreamPreImagesCollection() || isConfigImagesCollection() || isChangeCollection()) { // Implicitly replicated namespaces are replicated, although they only replicate a subset of // writes. invariant(isReplicated()); return true; } return false; } bool NamespaceString::isReplicated() const { if (isLocalDB()) { return false; } // Of collections not in the `local` database, only `system` collections might not be // replicated. if (!isSystem()) { return true; } if (isSystemDotProfile()) { return false; } // E.g: `system.version` is replicated. return true; } Status NamespaceStringOrUUID::isNssValid() const { if (!_nss || _nss->isValid()) { return Status::OK(); } // _nss is set and not valid. return { ErrorCodes::InvalidNamespace, fmt::format("Namespace {} is not a valid collection name", _nss->toStringForErrorMsg())}; } std::string NamespaceStringOrUUID::toString() const { if (_nss) return _nss->toString(); else return _uuid->toString(); } std::string NamespaceStringOrUUID::toStringForErrorMsg() const { if (_nss) return _nss->toStringForErrorMsg(); else return _uuid->toString(); } void NamespaceStringOrUUID::serialize(BSONObjBuilder* builder, StringData fieldName) const { invariant(_uuid || _nss); if (_preferNssForSerialization) { if (_nss) { builder->append(fieldName, _nss->coll()); } else { _uuid->appendToBuilder(builder, fieldName); } } else { if (_uuid) { _uuid->appendToBuilder(builder, fieldName); } else { builder->append(fieldName, _nss->coll()); } } } } // namespace mongo