/** * Copyright (C) 2017 MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include "mongo/base/status_with.h" #include "mongo/base/string_data.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/optime.h" #include "mongo/platform/hash_namespace.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" namespace mongo { const size_t MaxDatabaseNameLen = 128; // max str len for the db name, including null char /* e.g. NamespaceString ns("acme.orders"); cout << ns.coll; // "orders" */ class NamespaceString { public: // Reserved system namespaces // Namespace for the admin database static constexpr StringData kAdminDb = "admin"_sd; // Namespace for the local database static constexpr StringData kLocalDb = "local"_sd; // Namespace for the sharding config database static constexpr StringData kConfigDb = "config"_sd; // Name for the system views collection static constexpr StringData kSystemDotViewsCollectionName = "system.views"_sd; // Name for a shard's collections metadata collection, each document of which indicates the // state of a specific collection. static constexpr StringData kShardConfigCollectionsCollectionName = "config.collections"_sd; // Namespace for storing configuration data, which needs to be replicated if the server is // running as a replica set. Documents in this collection should represent some configuration // state of the server, which needs to be recovered/consulted at startup. Each document in this // namespace should have its _id set to some string, which meaningfully describes what it // represents. static const NamespaceString kServerConfigurationNamespace; // Namespace for storing the transaction information for each session static const NamespaceString kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace; // Namespace of the the oplog collection. static const NamespaceString kRsOplogNamespace; /** * Constructs an empty NamespaceString. */ NamespaceString(); /** * Constructs a NamespaceString from the fully qualified namespace named in "ns". */ explicit NamespaceString(StringData ns); /** * Constructs a NamespaceString for the given database and collection names. * "dbName" must not contain a ".", and "collectionName" must not start with one. */ NamespaceString(StringData dbName, StringData collectionName); /** * Constructs the namespace '.$cmd.aggregate', which we use as the namespace for * aggregation commands with the format {aggregate: 1}. */ static NamespaceString makeCollectionlessAggregateNSS(StringData dbName); /** * Constructs a NamespaceString representing a listCollections namespace. The format for this * namespace is ".$cmd.listCollections". */ static NamespaceString makeListCollectionsNSS(StringData dbName); /** * Constructs a NamespaceString representing a listIndexes namespace. The format for this * namespace is ".$cmd.listIndexes.". */ static NamespaceString makeListIndexesNSS(StringData dbName, StringData collectionName); /** * Note that these values are derived from the mmap_v1 implementation and that * is the only reason they are constrained as such. */ enum MaxNsLenValue { // Maximum possible length of name any namespace, including special ones like $extra. // This includes rum for the NUL byte so it can be used when sizing buffers. MaxNsLenWithNUL = 128, // MaxNsLenWithNUL excluding the NUL byte. Use this when comparing std::string lengths. MaxNsLen = MaxNsLenWithNUL - 1, // Maximum allowed length of fully qualified namespace name of any real collection. // Does not include NUL so it can be directly compared to std::string lengths. MaxNsCollectionLen = MaxNsLen - 7 /*strlen(".$extra")*/, }; /** * DollarInDbNameBehavior::allow is deprecated. * Please use DollarInDbNameBehavior::disallow and check explicitly for any DB names that must * contain a $. */ enum class DollarInDbNameBehavior { Disallow, Allow, // Deprecated }; StringData db() const; StringData coll() const; const std::string& ns() const { return _ns; } const std::string& toString() const { return ns(); } size_t size() const { return _ns.size(); } bool isEmpty() const { return _ns.empty(); } struct Hasher { size_t operator()(const NamespaceString& nss) const { return std::hash()(nss._ns); } }; // // The following methods assume isValid() is true for this NamespaceString. // bool isHealthlog() const { return isLocal() && coll() == "system.healthlog"; } bool isSystem() const { return coll().startsWith("system."); } bool isLocal() const { return db() == "local"; } bool isSystemDotIndexes() const { return coll() == "system.indexes"; } bool isSystemDotProfile() const { return coll() == "system.profile"; } bool isSystemDotViews() const { return coll() == kSystemDotViewsCollectionName; } bool isConfigDB() const { return db() == "config"; } bool isCommand() const { return coll() == "$cmd"; } bool isOplog() const { return oplog(_ns); } bool isSpecial() const { return special(_ns); } bool isOnInternalDb() const { return internalDb(db()); } bool isNormal() const { return normal(_ns); } // Check if the NamespaceString references a special collection that cannot // be used for generic data storage. bool isVirtualized() const { return virtualized(_ns); } /** * Returns true if cursors for this namespace are registered with the global cursor manager. */ bool isGloballyManagedNamespace() const { return coll().startsWith("$cmd."_sd); } bool isCollectionlessAggregateNS() const; bool isListCollectionsCursorNS() const; bool isListIndexesCursorNS() const; /** * Returns true if a client can modify this namespace even though it is under ".system." * For example .system.users is ok for regular clients to update. */ bool isLegalClientSystemNS() const; /** * Given a NamespaceString for which isGloballyManagedNamespace() returns true, returns the * namespace the command targets, or boost::none for commands like 'listCollections' which * do not target a collection. */ boost::optional getTargetNSForGloballyManagedNamespace() const; /** * Returns true if this namespace refers to a drop-pending collection. */ bool isDropPendingNamespace() const; /** * Returns the drop-pending namespace name for this namespace, provided the given optime. * * Example: * test.foo -> test.system.drop.it.foo * * Original collection name may be truncated so that the generated namespace length does not * exceed MaxNsCollectionLen. */ NamespaceString makeDropPendingNamespace(const repl::OpTime& opTime) const; /** * Returns the optime used to generate the drop-pending namespace. * Returns an error if this namespace is not drop-pending. */ StatusWith getDropPendingNamespaceOpTime() const; /** * Checks if this namespace is valid as a target namespace for a rename operation, given * the length of the longest index name in the source collection. */ Status checkLengthForRename(const std::string::size_type longestIndexNameLength) const; /** * Given a NamespaceString for which isListIndexesCursorNS() returns true, returns the * NamespaceString for the collection that the "listIndexes" targets. */ NamespaceString getTargetNSForListIndexes() const; /** * @return true if the namespace is valid. Special namespaces for internal use are considered as * valid. */ bool isValid() const { return validDBName(db(), DollarInDbNameBehavior::Allow) && !coll().empty(); } bool operator==(const std::string& nsIn) const { return nsIn == _ns; } bool operator==(StringData nsIn) const { return nsIn == _ns; } bool operator==(const NamespaceString& nsIn) const { return nsIn._ns == _ns; } bool operator!=(const std::string& nsIn) const { return nsIn != _ns; } bool operator!=(const NamespaceString& nsIn) const { return nsIn._ns != _ns; } bool operator<(const NamespaceString& rhs) const { return _ns < rhs._ns; } /** ( foo.bar ).getSisterNS( "blah" ) == foo.blah */ std::string getSisterNS(StringData local) const; // @return db() + ".system.indexes" std::string getSystemIndexesCollection() const; // @return {db(), "$cmd"} NamespaceString getCommandNS() const; /** * Function to escape most non-alpha characters from file names */ static std::string escapeDbName(const StringData dbname); /** * @return true if ns is 'normal'. A "$" is used for namespaces holding index data, * which do not contain BSON objects in their records. ("oplog.$main" is the exception) */ static bool normal(StringData ns); /** * @return true if the ns is an oplog one, otherwise false. */ static bool oplog(StringData ns); static bool special(StringData ns); // Check if `ns` references a special collection that cannot be used for // generic data storage. static bool virtualized(StringData ns); /** * Returns true for DBs with special meaning to mongodb. */ static bool internalDb(StringData db) { if (db == "admin") return true; if (db == "local") return true; if (db == "config") return true; return false; } /** * samples: * good * foo * bar * foo-bar * bad: * foo bar * foo.bar * foo"bar * * @param db - a possible database name * @param DollarInDbNameBehavior - please do not change the default value. DB names that must * contain a $ should be checked explicitly. * @return if db is an allowed database name */ static bool validDBName(StringData db, DollarInDbNameBehavior behavior = DollarInDbNameBehavior::Disallow); /** * Takes a fully qualified namespace (ie dbname.collectionName), and returns true if * the collection name component of the namespace is valid. * samples: * good: * foo.bar * bad: * foo. * * @param ns - a full namespace (a.b) * @return if db.coll is an allowed collection name */ static bool validCollectionComponent(StringData ns); /** * Takes a collection name and returns true if it is a valid collection name. * samples: * good: * foo * system.indexes * bad: * $foo * @param coll - a collection name component of a namespace * @return if the input is a valid collection name */ static bool validCollectionName(StringData coll); private: std::string _ns; size_t _dotIndex; }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const NamespaceString& nss); // "database.a.b.c" -> "database" inline StringData nsToDatabaseSubstring(StringData ns) { size_t i = ns.find('.'); if (i == std::string::npos) { massert(10078, "nsToDatabase: db too long", ns.size() < MaxDatabaseNameLen); return ns; } massert(10088, "nsToDatabase: db too long", i < static_cast(MaxDatabaseNameLen)); return ns.substr(0, i); } // "database.a.b.c" -> "database" inline void nsToDatabase(StringData ns, char* database) { StringData db = nsToDatabaseSubstring(ns); db.copyTo(database, true); } // TODO: make this return a StringData inline std::string nsToDatabase(StringData ns) { return nsToDatabaseSubstring(ns).toString(); } // "database.a.b.c" -> "a.b.c" inline StringData nsToCollectionSubstring(StringData ns) { size_t i = ns.find('.'); massert(16886, "nsToCollectionSubstring: no .", i != std::string::npos); return ns.substr(i + 1); } /** * foo = false * foo. = false * foo.a = true */ inline bool nsIsFull(StringData ns) { size_t i = ns.find('.'); if (i == std::string::npos) return false; if (i == ns.size() - 1) return false; return true; } /** * foo = true * foo. = false * foo.a = false */ inline bool nsIsDbOnly(StringData ns) { size_t i = ns.find('.'); if (i == std::string::npos) return true; return false; } /** * this can change, do not store on disk */ int nsDBHash(const std::string& ns); } // namespace mongo #include "mongo/db/namespace_string-inl.h" MONGO_HASH_NAMESPACE_START template <> struct hash { size_t operator()(const mongo::NamespaceString& nss) const { mongo::NamespaceString::Hasher hasher; return hasher(nss); } }; MONGO_HASH_NAMESPACE_END