/** * Copyright (C) 2023-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ /** * This file is included multiple times into `namespace_string.h`, in order to * define NamespaceString constexpr values. The `NSS_CONSTANT` macro callback * will be defined differently at each include. Lines here are of the form: * * NSS_CONSTANT(id, db, coll) * * - `id` is the `ConstantProxy` data member of `NamespaceString` being defined. * - `db` : must be a constexpr DatabaseName::ConstantProxy expression. * - `coll` must be a constexpr StringData expression. */ // Namespace for storing configuration data, which needs to be replicated if the server is // running as a replica set. Documents in this collection should represent some configuration // state of the server, which needs to be recovered/consulted at startup. Each document in this // namespace should have its _id set to some string, which meaningfully describes what it // represents. For example, 'shardIdentity' and 'featureCompatibilityVersion'. NSS_CONSTANT(kServerConfigurationNamespace, DatabaseName::kAdmin, "system.version"_sd) // Namespace for storing the logical sessions information NSS_CONSTANT(kLogicalSessionsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "system.sessions"_sd) // Namespace for storing databases information NSS_CONSTANT(kConfigDatabasesNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "databases"_sd) // Namespace for storing the transaction information for each session NSS_CONSTANT(kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "transactions"_sd) // Name for a shard's collections metadata collection, each document of which indicates the // state of a specific collection NSS_CONSTANT(kShardConfigCollectionsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "cache.collections"_sd) // Name for a shard's databases metadata collection, each document of which indicates the state // of a specific database NSS_CONSTANT(kShardConfigDatabasesNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "cache.databases"_sd) // Namespace for storing keys for signing and validating cluster times created by the cluster // that this node is in. NSS_CONSTANT(kKeysCollectionNamespace, DatabaseName::kAdmin, "system.keys"_sd) // Namespace for storing keys for validating cluster times created by other clusters. NSS_CONSTANT(kExternalKeysCollectionNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "external_validation_keys"_sd) // Namespace of the the oplog collection. NSS_CONSTANT(kRsOplogNamespace, DatabaseName::kLocal, "oplog.rs"_sd) // Namespace for storing the persisted state of transaction coordinators. NSS_CONSTANT(kTransactionCoordinatorsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "transaction_coordinators"_sd) // Namespace for storing the persisted state of migration coordinators. NSS_CONSTANT(kMigrationCoordinatorsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "migrationCoordinators"_sd) // Namespace for storing the persisted state of migration recipients. NSS_CONSTANT(kMigrationRecipientsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "migrationRecipients"_sd) // Namespace for storing the persisted state of movePrimary operation recipients. NSS_CONSTANT(kMovePrimaryRecipientNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "movePrimaryRecipients"_sd) // Namespace for storing the oplog applier progress of movePrimary operations at recipient. NSS_CONSTANT(kMovePrimaryApplierProgressNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "movePrimaryRecipients.applierProgress"_sd) // Namespace for storing the persisted state of movePrimary operation donors. NSS_CONSTANT(kMovePrimaryDonorNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "movePrimaryDonors"_sd) // Namespace for storing the persisted state of tenant migration donors. NSS_CONSTANT(kTenantMigrationDonorsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "tenantMigrationDonors"_sd) // Namespace for storing the persisted state of tenant migration recipient service instances. NSS_CONSTANT(kTenantMigrationRecipientsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "tenantMigrationRecipients"_sd) // Namespace for storing the persisted state of shard merge recipient service instances. NSS_CONSTANT(kShardMergeRecipientsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "shardMergeRecipients"_sd) // Namespace for view on local.oplog.rs for tenant migrations. NSS_CONSTANT(kTenantMigrationOplogView, DatabaseName::kLocal, "system.tenantMigration.oplogView"_sd) // Namespace for storing the persisted state of tenant split donors. NSS_CONSTANT(kShardSplitDonorsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "shardSplitDonors"_sd) // Namespace for replica set configuration settings. NSS_CONSTANT(kSystemReplSetNamespace, DatabaseName::kLocal, "system.replset"_sd) // Namespace for storing the last replica set election vote. NSS_CONSTANT(kLastVoteNamespace, DatabaseName::kLocal, "replset.election"_sd) // Namespace for index build entries. NSS_CONSTANT(kIndexBuildEntryNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "system.indexBuilds"_sd) // Namespace for pending range deletions. NSS_CONSTANT(kRangeDeletionNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "rangeDeletions"_sd) // Namespace containing pending range deletions snapshots for rename operations. NSS_CONSTANT(kRangeDeletionForRenameNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "rangeDeletionsForRename"_sd) // Namespace for the coordinator's resharding operation state. NSS_CONSTANT(kConfigReshardingOperationsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "reshardingOperations"_sd) // Namespace for the donor shard's local resharding operation state. NSS_CONSTANT(kDonorReshardingOperationsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "localReshardingOperations.donor"_sd) // Namespace for the recipient shard's local resharding operation state. NSS_CONSTANT(kRecipientReshardingOperationsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "localReshardingOperations.recipient"_sd) // Namespace for persisting sharding DDL coordinators state documents NSS_CONSTANT(kShardingDDLCoordinatorsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "system.sharding_ddl_coordinators"_sd) // Namespace for persisting sharding DDL rename participant state documents NSS_CONSTANT(kShardingRenameParticipantsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "localRenameParticipants"_sd) // Namespace for balancer settings and default read and write concerns. NSS_CONSTANT(kConfigSettingsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "settings"_sd) // Namespace for vector clock state. NSS_CONSTANT(kVectorClockNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "vectorClock"_sd) // Namespace for storing oplog applier progress for resharding. NSS_CONSTANT(kReshardingApplierProgressNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "localReshardingOperations.recipient.progress_applier"_sd) // Namespace for storing config.transactions cloner progress for resharding. NSS_CONSTANT(kReshardingTxnClonerProgressNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "localReshardingOperations.recipient.progress_txn_cloner"_sd) // Namespace for storing config.collectionCriticalSections documents NSS_CONSTANT(kCollectionCriticalSectionsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "collection_critical_sections"_sd) // Dummy namespace used for forcing secondaries to handle an oplog entry on its own batch. NSS_CONSTANT(kForceOplogBatchBoundaryNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "system.forceOplogBatchBoundary"_sd) // Namespace used for storing retryable findAndModify images. NSS_CONSTANT(kConfigImagesNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "image_collection"_sd) // Namespace used for persisting ConfigsvrCoordinator state documents. NSS_CONSTANT(kConfigsvrCoordinatorsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "sharding_configsvr_coordinators"_sd) // Namespace for storing user write blocking critical section documents NSS_CONSTANT(kUserWritesCriticalSectionsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "user_writes_critical_sections"_sd) // Namespace used during the recovery procedure for the config server. NSS_CONSTANT(kConfigsvrRestoreNamespace, DatabaseName::kLocal, "system.collections_to_restore"_sd) // Namespace used for CompactParticipantCoordinator service. NSS_CONSTANT(kCompactStructuredEncryptionCoordinatorNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "compact_structured_encryption_coordinator"_sd) // Namespace used for storing cluster wide parameters on dedicated configurations. NSS_CONSTANT(kClusterParametersNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "clusterParameters"_sd) // Namespace used for storing the list of shards on the CSRS. NSS_CONSTANT(kConfigsvrShardsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "shards"_sd) // Namespace used for storing the list of sharded collections on the CSRS. NSS_CONSTANT(kConfigsvrCollectionsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "collections"_sd) // Namespace used for storing the index catalog on the CSRS. NSS_CONSTANT(kConfigsvrIndexCatalogNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "csrs.indexes"_sd) // Namespace used for storing the index catalog on the shards. NSS_CONSTANT(kShardIndexCatalogNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "shard.indexes"_sd) // Namespace used for storing the collection catalog on the shards. NSS_CONSTANT(kShardCollectionCatalogNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "shard.collections"_sd) // Namespace used for storing NamespacePlacementType docs on the CSRS. NSS_CONSTANT(kConfigsvrPlacementHistoryNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "placementHistory"_sd) // Identifier for the "initialization metadata descriptors" contained by // kConfigsvrPlacementHistoryNamespace NSS_CONSTANT(kConfigsvrPlacementHistoryFcvMarkerNamespace, DatabaseName::kEmpty, StringData{}) // TODO SERVER-68551: remove once 7.0 becomes last-lts NSS_CONSTANT(kLockpingsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "lockpings"_sd) // TODO SERVER-68551: remove once 7.0 becomes last-lts NSS_CONSTANT(kDistLocksNamepsace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "locks"_sd) // Namespace used to store the state document of 'SetChangeStreamStateCoordinator'. NSS_CONSTANT(kSetChangeStreamStateCoordinatorNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "change_stream_coordinator"_sd) // Namespace used for storing global index cloner state documents. NSS_CONSTANT(kGlobalIndexClonerNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "localGlobalIndexOperations.cloner"_sd) // Namespace used for storing query analyzer settings. NSS_CONSTANT(kConfigQueryAnalyzersNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "queryAnalyzers"_sd) // Namespace used for storing sampled queries. NSS_CONSTANT(kConfigSampledQueriesNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "sampledQueries"_sd) // Namespace used for storing the diffs for sampled update queries. NSS_CONSTANT(kConfigSampledQueriesDiffNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "sampledQueriesDiff"_sd) // Namespace used for the health log. NSS_CONSTANT(kLocalHealthLogNamespace, DatabaseName::kLocal, "system.healthlog"_sd) // Namespace used for command oplog entries. NSS_CONSTANT(kAdminCommandNamespace, DatabaseName::kAdmin, "$cmd"_sd) // Namespace used to store roles. NSS_CONSTANT(kAdminRolesNamespace, DatabaseName::kAdmin, "system.roles"_sd) // Namespace used to store users. NSS_CONSTANT(kAdminUsersNamespace, DatabaseName::kAdmin, "system.users"_sd) // Namespace used by mms-automation. NSS_CONSTANT(kLocalClusterManagerNamespace, DatabaseName::kLocal, "clustermanager"_sd) // Namespace used for startup log. NSS_CONSTANT(kStartupLogNamespace, DatabaseName::kLocal, "startup_log"_sd) // TODO SERVER-75080 delete unused `config.migrations` namespace // Deptecated: namespace for storing the persisted state of migrations on the config server. NSS_CONSTANT(kMigrationsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "migrations"_sd) // Namespace for changelog on CSRS. NSS_CONSTANT(kConfigChangelogNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "changelog"_sd) // Namespace used for storing the list of chunks on the CSRS. NSS_CONSTANT(kConfigsvrChunksNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "chunks"_sd) // Namespace used for storing the list of tags on the CSRS. NSS_CONSTANT(kConfigsvrTagsNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "tags"_sd) // Namespace used for storing version info on the CSRS. NSS_CONSTANT(kConfigVersionNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "version"_sd) // Namespace used for storing mongos info on the CSRS. NSS_CONSTANT(kConfigMongosNamespace, DatabaseName::kConfig, "mongos"_sd)