/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/op_observer_impl.h" #include #include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/collection_catalog_entry.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/collection_options.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/database.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/database_holder.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/feature_compatibility_version.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/feature_compatibility_version_parser.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/txn_cmds_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/d_concurrency.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/write_conflict_exception.h" #include "mongo/db/index/index_descriptor.h" #include "mongo/db/logical_time_validator.h" #include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h" #include "mongo/db/op_observer_util.h" #include "mongo/db/operation_context.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/oplog.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/oplog_entry_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator.h" #include "mongo/db/s/collection_sharding_state.h" #include "mongo/db/server_options.h" #include "mongo/db/session_catalog_mongod.h" #include "mongo/db/transaction_participant.h" #include "mongo/db/transaction_participant_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/views/durable_view_catalog.h" #include "mongo/s/client/shard_registry.h" #include "mongo/s/grid.h" #include "mongo/scripting/engine.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" #include "mongo/util/fail_point_service.h" namespace mongo { using repl::OplogEntry; namespace { MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(failCollectionUpdates); const auto documentKeyDecoration = OperationContext::declareDecoration(); constexpr auto kNumRecordsFieldName = "numRecords"_sd; constexpr auto kMsgFieldName = "msg"_sd; constexpr long long kInvalidNumRecords = -1LL; repl::OpTime logOperation(OperationContext* opCtx, const char* opstr, const NamespaceString& ns, OptionalCollectionUUID uuid, const BSONObj& obj, const BSONObj* o2, bool fromMigrate, Date_t wallClockTime, const OperationSessionInfo& sessionInfo, StmtId stmtId, const repl::OplogLink& oplogLink, bool prepare, bool inTxn, const OplogSlot& oplogSlot) { auto& times = OpObserver::Times::get(opCtx).reservedOpTimes; auto opTime = repl::logOp(opCtx, opstr, ns, uuid, obj, o2, fromMigrate, wallClockTime, sessionInfo, stmtId, oplogLink, prepare, inTxn, oplogSlot); times.push_back(opTime); return opTime; } /** * Updates the session state with the last write timestamp and transaction for that session. * * In the case of writes with transaction/statement id, this method will be recursively entered a * second time for the actual write to the transactions table. Since this write does not generate an * oplog entry, the recursion will stop at this point. */ void onWriteOpCompleted(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, std::vector stmtIdsWritten, const repl::OpTime& lastStmtIdWriteOpTime, Date_t lastStmtIdWriteDate, boost::optional txnState, boost::optional startOpTime) { if (lastStmtIdWriteOpTime.isNull()) return; auto txnParticipant = TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx); if (!txnParticipant) return; txnParticipant.onWriteOpCompletedOnPrimary(opCtx, *opCtx->getTxnNumber(), std::move(stmtIdsWritten), lastStmtIdWriteOpTime, lastStmtIdWriteDate, txnState, startOpTime); } /** * Given the collection count from Collection::numRecords(), create and return the object for the * 'o2' field of a drop or rename oplog entry. If the collection count exceeds the upper limit of a * BSON NumberLong (long long), we will add a count of -1 and append a message with the original * collection count. * * Replication rollback uses this field to correct correction counts on drop-pending collections. */ BSONObj makeObject2ForDropOrRename(uint64_t numRecords) { BSONObjBuilder obj2Builder; if (numRecords > static_cast(std::numeric_limits::max())) { obj2Builder.appendNumber(kNumRecordsFieldName, kInvalidNumRecords); std::string msg = str::stream() << "Collection count " << numRecords << " is larger than the " "maximum int64_t value. Setting numRecords to -1."; obj2Builder.append(kMsgFieldName, msg); } else { obj2Builder.appendNumber(kNumRecordsFieldName, static_cast(numRecords)); } auto obj = obj2Builder.obj(); return obj; } Date_t getWallClockTimeForOpLog(OperationContext* opCtx) { auto const clockSource = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getFastClockSource(); return clockSource->now(); } struct OpTimeBundle { repl::OpTime writeOpTime; repl::OpTime prePostImageOpTime; Date_t wallClockTime; }; /** * Write oplog entry(ies) for the update operation. */ OpTimeBundle replLogUpdate(OperationContext* opCtx, const OplogUpdateEntryArgs& args) { BSONObj storeObj; if (args.updateArgs.storeDocOption == CollectionUpdateArgs::StoreDocOption::PreImage) { invariant(args.updateArgs.preImageDoc); storeObj = *args.updateArgs.preImageDoc; } else if (args.updateArgs.storeDocOption == CollectionUpdateArgs::StoreDocOption::PostImage) { storeObj = args.updateArgs.updatedDoc; } OperationSessionInfo sessionInfo; repl::OplogLink oplogLink; const auto txnParticipant = TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx); if (txnParticipant) { sessionInfo.setSessionId(*opCtx->getLogicalSessionId()); sessionInfo.setTxnNumber(*opCtx->getTxnNumber()); oplogLink.prevOpTime = txnParticipant.getLastWriteOpTime(); } OpTimeBundle opTimes; opTimes.wallClockTime = getWallClockTimeForOpLog(opCtx); if (!storeObj.isEmpty() && opCtx->getTxnNumber()) { auto noteUpdateOpTime = logOperation(opCtx, "n", args.nss, args.uuid, storeObj, nullptr, false, opTimes.wallClockTime, sessionInfo, args.updateArgs.stmtId, {}, false /* prepare */, false /* inTxn */, OplogSlot()); opTimes.prePostImageOpTime = noteUpdateOpTime; if (args.updateArgs.storeDocOption == CollectionUpdateArgs::StoreDocOption::PreImage) { oplogLink.preImageOpTime = noteUpdateOpTime; } else if (args.updateArgs.storeDocOption == CollectionUpdateArgs::StoreDocOption::PostImage) { oplogLink.postImageOpTime = noteUpdateOpTime; } } opTimes.writeOpTime = logOperation(opCtx, "u", args.nss, args.uuid, args.updateArgs.update, &args.updateArgs.criteria, args.updateArgs.fromMigrate, opTimes.wallClockTime, sessionInfo, args.updateArgs.stmtId, oplogLink, false /* prepare */, false /* inTxn */, OplogSlot()); return opTimes; } /** * Write oplog entry(ies) for the delete operation. */ OpTimeBundle replLogDelete(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, OptionalCollectionUUID uuid, StmtId stmtId, bool fromMigrate, const boost::optional& deletedDoc) { OperationSessionInfo sessionInfo; repl::OplogLink oplogLink; const auto txnParticipant = TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx); if (txnParticipant) { sessionInfo.setSessionId(*opCtx->getLogicalSessionId()); sessionInfo.setTxnNumber(*opCtx->getTxnNumber()); oplogLink.prevOpTime = txnParticipant.getLastWriteOpTime(); } OpTimeBundle opTimes; opTimes.wallClockTime = getWallClockTimeForOpLog(opCtx); if (deletedDoc && opCtx->getTxnNumber()) { auto noteOplog = logOperation(opCtx, "n", nss, uuid, deletedDoc.get(), nullptr, false, opTimes.wallClockTime, sessionInfo, stmtId, {}, false /* prepare */, false /* inTxn */, OplogSlot()); opTimes.prePostImageOpTime = noteOplog; oplogLink.preImageOpTime = noteOplog; } auto& documentKey = documentKeyDecoration(opCtx); opTimes.writeOpTime = logOperation(opCtx, "d", nss, uuid, documentKey, nullptr, fromMigrate, opTimes.wallClockTime, sessionInfo, stmtId, oplogLink, false /* prepare */, false /* inTxn */, OplogSlot()); return opTimes; } /** * Write oplog entry for applyOps/atomic transaction operations. */ OpTimeBundle replLogApplyOps(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& cmdNss, const BSONObj& applyOpCmd, const OperationSessionInfo& sessionInfo, StmtId stmtId, const repl::OplogLink& oplogLink, bool prepare, const OplogSlot& oplogSlot) { OpTimeBundle times; times.wallClockTime = getWallClockTimeForOpLog(opCtx); times.writeOpTime = logOperation(opCtx, "c", cmdNss, {}, applyOpCmd, nullptr, false, times.wallClockTime, sessionInfo, stmtId, oplogLink, prepare, false /* inTxn */, oplogSlot); return times; } } // namespace BSONObj OpObserverImpl::getDocumentKey(OperationContext* opCtx, NamespaceString const& nss, BSONObj const& doc) { auto metadata = CollectionShardingState::get(opCtx, nss)->getCurrentMetadata(); return metadata->extractDocumentKey(doc).getOwned(); } void OpObserverImpl::onCreateIndex(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, CollectionUUID uuid, BSONObj indexDoc, bool fromMigrate) { BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.append("createIndexes", nss.coll()); for (const auto& e : indexDoc) { if (e.fieldNameStringData() != "ns"_sd) builder.append(e); } logOperation(opCtx, "c", nss.getCommandNS(), uuid, builder.done(), nullptr, fromMigrate, getWallClockTimeForOpLog(opCtx), {}, kUninitializedStmtId, {}, false /* prepare */, false /* inTxn */, OplogSlot()); } void OpObserverImpl::onStartIndexBuild(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, CollectionUUID collUUID, const UUID& indexBuildUUID, const std::vector& indexes, bool fromMigrate) { BSONObjBuilder oplogEntryBuilder; oplogEntryBuilder.append("startIndexBuild", nss.coll()); indexBuildUUID.appendToBuilder(&oplogEntryBuilder, "indexBuildUUID"); BSONArrayBuilder indexesArr(oplogEntryBuilder.subarrayStart("indexes")); for (auto indexDoc : indexes) { BSONObjBuilder builder; for (const auto& e : indexDoc) { if (e.fieldNameStringData() != "ns"_sd) builder.append(e); } indexesArr.append(builder.obj()); } indexesArr.done(); logOperation(opCtx, "c", nss.getCommandNS(), collUUID, oplogEntryBuilder.done(), nullptr, fromMigrate, getWallClockTimeForOpLog(opCtx), {}, kUninitializedStmtId, {}, false /* prepare */, false /* inTxn */, OplogSlot()); } void OpObserverImpl::onCommitIndexBuild(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, CollectionUUID collUUID, const UUID& indexBuildUUID, const std::vector& indexes, bool fromMigrate) { BSONObjBuilder oplogEntryBuilder; oplogEntryBuilder.append("commitIndexBuild", nss.coll()); indexBuildUUID.appendToBuilder(&oplogEntryBuilder, "indexBuildUUID"); BSONArrayBuilder indexesArr(oplogEntryBuilder.subarrayStart("indexes")); for (auto indexDoc : indexes) { BSONObjBuilder builder; for (const auto& e : indexDoc) { if (e.fieldNameStringData() != "ns"_sd) builder.append(e); } indexesArr.append(builder.obj()); } indexesArr.done(); logOperation(opCtx, "c", nss.getCommandNS(), collUUID, oplogEntryBuilder.done(), nullptr, fromMigrate, getWallClockTimeForOpLog(opCtx), {}, kUninitializedStmtId, {}, false /* prepare */, false /* inTxn */, OplogSlot()); } void OpObserverImpl::onAbortIndexBuild(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, CollectionUUID collUUID, const UUID& indexBuildUUID, const std::vector& indexes, bool fromMigrate) { BSONObjBuilder oplogEntryBuilder; oplogEntryBuilder.append("abortIndexBuild", nss.coll()); indexBuildUUID.appendToBuilder(&oplogEntryBuilder, "indexBuildUUID"); BSONArrayBuilder indexesArr(oplogEntryBuilder.subarrayStart("indexes")); for (auto indexDoc : indexes) { BSONObjBuilder builder; for (const auto& e : indexDoc) { if (e.fieldNameStringData() != "ns"_sd) builder.append(e); } indexesArr.append(builder.obj()); } indexesArr.done(); logOperation(opCtx, "c", nss.getCommandNS(), collUUID, oplogEntryBuilder.done(), nullptr, fromMigrate, getWallClockTimeForOpLog(opCtx), {}, kUninitializedStmtId, {}, false /* prepare */, false /* inTxn */, OplogSlot()); } void OpObserverImpl::onInserts(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, OptionalCollectionUUID uuid, std::vector::const_iterator first, std::vector::const_iterator last, bool fromMigrate) { auto txnParticipant = TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx); const bool inMultiDocumentTransaction = txnParticipant && opCtx->writesAreReplicated() && txnParticipant.inMultiDocumentTransaction(); Date_t lastWriteDate; std::vector opTimeList; repl::OpTime lastOpTime; if (inMultiDocumentTransaction) { // Do not add writes to the profile collection to the list of transaction operations, since // these are done outside the transaction. if (!opCtx->getWriteUnitOfWork()) { invariant(nss.isSystemDotProfile()); return; } for (auto iter = first; iter != last; iter++) { auto operation = OplogEntry::makeInsertOperation(nss, uuid, iter->doc); txnParticipant.addTransactionOperation(opCtx, operation); } } else { lastWriteDate = getWallClockTimeForOpLog(opCtx); opTimeList = repl::logInsertOps(opCtx, nss, uuid, first, last, fromMigrate, lastWriteDate); if (!opTimeList.empty()) lastOpTime = opTimeList.back(); auto& times = OpObserver::Times::get(opCtx).reservedOpTimes; using std::begin; using std::end; times.insert(end(times), begin(opTimeList), end(opTimeList)); std::vector stmtIdsWritten; std::transform(first, last, std::back_inserter(stmtIdsWritten), [](const InsertStatement& stmt) { return stmt.stmtId; }); onWriteOpCompleted(opCtx, nss, stmtIdsWritten, lastOpTime, lastWriteDate, boost::none, boost::none /* startOpTime */); } size_t index = 0; for (auto it = first; it != last; it++, index++) { auto opTime = opTimeList.empty() ? repl::OpTime() : opTimeList[index]; shardObserveInsertOp(opCtx, nss, it->doc, opTime, fromMigrate, inMultiDocumentTransaction); } if (nss.coll() == "system.js") { Scope::storedFuncMod(opCtx); } else if (nss.coll() == DurableViewCatalog::viewsCollectionName()) { DurableViewCatalog::onExternalChange(opCtx, nss); } else if (nss == NamespaceString::kServerConfigurationNamespace) { // We must check server configuration collection writes for featureCompatibilityVersion // document changes. for (auto it = first; it != last; it++) { FeatureCompatibilityVersion::onInsertOrUpdate(opCtx, it->doc); } } else if (nss == NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace && !lastOpTime.isNull()) { for (auto it = first; it != last; it++) { MongoDSessionCatalog::observeDirectWriteToConfigTransactions(opCtx, it->doc); } } } void OpObserverImpl::onUpdate(OperationContext* opCtx, const OplogUpdateEntryArgs& args) { MONGO_FAIL_POINT_BLOCK(failCollectionUpdates, extraData) { auto collElem = extraData.getData()["collectionNS"]; // If the failpoint specifies no collection or matches the existing one, fail. if (!collElem || args.nss.ns() == collElem.String()) { uasserted(40654, str::stream() << "failCollectionUpdates failpoint enabled, namespace: " << args.nss.ns() << ", update: " << args.updateArgs.update << " on document with " << args.updateArgs.criteria); } } // Do not log a no-op operation; see SERVER-21738 if (args.updateArgs.update.isEmpty()) { return; } auto txnParticipant = TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx); const bool inMultiDocumentTransaction = txnParticipant && opCtx->writesAreReplicated() && txnParticipant.inMultiDocumentTransaction(); OpTimeBundle opTime; if (inMultiDocumentTransaction) { auto operation = OplogEntry::makeUpdateOperation( args.nss, args.uuid, args.updateArgs.update, args.updateArgs.criteria); txnParticipant.addTransactionOperation(opCtx, operation); } else { opTime = replLogUpdate(opCtx, args); onWriteOpCompleted(opCtx, args.nss, std::vector{args.updateArgs.stmtId}, opTime.writeOpTime, opTime.wallClockTime, boost::none, boost::none /* startOpTime */); } if (args.nss != NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace) { if (!args.updateArgs.fromMigrate) { shardObserveUpdateOp(opCtx, args.nss, args.updateArgs.preImageDoc, args.updateArgs.updatedDoc, opTime.writeOpTime, opTime.prePostImageOpTime, inMultiDocumentTransaction); } } if (args.nss.coll() == "system.js") { Scope::storedFuncMod(opCtx); } else if (args.nss.coll() == DurableViewCatalog::viewsCollectionName()) { DurableViewCatalog::onExternalChange(opCtx, args.nss); } else if (args.nss == NamespaceString::kServerConfigurationNamespace) { // We must check server configuration collection writes for featureCompatibilityVersion // document changes. FeatureCompatibilityVersion::onInsertOrUpdate(opCtx, args.updateArgs.updatedDoc); } else if (args.nss == NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace && !opTime.writeOpTime.isNull()) { MongoDSessionCatalog::observeDirectWriteToConfigTransactions(opCtx, args.updateArgs.updatedDoc); } } void OpObserverImpl::aboutToDelete(OperationContext* opCtx, NamespaceString const& nss, BSONObj const& doc) { documentKeyDecoration(opCtx) = getDocumentKey(opCtx, nss, doc); shardObserveAboutToDelete(opCtx, nss, doc); } void OpObserverImpl::onDelete(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, OptionalCollectionUUID uuid, StmtId stmtId, bool fromMigrate, const boost::optional& deletedDoc) { auto& documentKey = documentKeyDecoration(opCtx); invariant(!documentKey.isEmpty()); auto txnParticipant = TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx); const bool inMultiDocumentTransaction = txnParticipant && opCtx->writesAreReplicated() && txnParticipant.inMultiDocumentTransaction(); OpTimeBundle opTime; if (inMultiDocumentTransaction) { auto operation = OplogEntry::makeDeleteOperation(nss, uuid, deletedDoc ? deletedDoc.get() : documentKey); txnParticipant.addTransactionOperation(opCtx, operation); } else { opTime = replLogDelete(opCtx, nss, uuid, stmtId, fromMigrate, deletedDoc); onWriteOpCompleted(opCtx, nss, std::vector{stmtId}, opTime.writeOpTime, opTime.wallClockTime, boost::none, boost::none /* startOpTime */); } if (nss != NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace) { if (!fromMigrate) { shardObserveDeleteOp(opCtx, nss, documentKey, opTime.writeOpTime, opTime.prePostImageOpTime, inMultiDocumentTransaction); } } if (nss.coll() == "system.js") { Scope::storedFuncMod(opCtx); } else if (nss.coll() == DurableViewCatalog::viewsCollectionName()) { DurableViewCatalog::onExternalChange(opCtx, nss); } else if (nss.isServerConfigurationCollection()) { auto _id = documentKey["_id"]; if (_id.type() == BSONType::String && _id.String() == FeatureCompatibilityVersionParser::kParameterName) uasserted(40670, "removing FeatureCompatibilityVersion document is not allowed"); } else if (nss == NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace && !opTime.writeOpTime.isNull()) { MongoDSessionCatalog::observeDirectWriteToConfigTransactions(opCtx, documentKey); } } void OpObserverImpl::onInternalOpMessage(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, const boost::optional uuid, const BSONObj& msgObj, const boost::optional o2MsgObj) { const BSONObj* o2MsgPtr = o2MsgObj ? o2MsgObj.get_ptr() : nullptr; logOperation(opCtx, "n", nss, uuid, msgObj, o2MsgPtr, false, getWallClockTimeForOpLog(opCtx), {}, kUninitializedStmtId, {}, false /* prepare */, false /* inTxn */, OplogSlot()); } void OpObserverImpl::onCreateCollection(OperationContext* opCtx, Collection* coll, const NamespaceString& collectionName, const CollectionOptions& options, const BSONObj& idIndex, const OplogSlot& createOpTime) { const auto cmdNss = collectionName.getCommandNS(); const auto cmdObj = makeCreateCollCmdObj(collectionName, options, idIndex); if (!collectionName.isSystemDotProfile()) { // do not replicate system.profile modifications logOperation(opCtx, "c", cmdNss, options.uuid, cmdObj, nullptr, false, getWallClockTimeForOpLog(opCtx), {}, kUninitializedStmtId, {}, false /* prepare */, false /* inTxn */, createOpTime); } } void OpObserverImpl::onCollMod(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, OptionalCollectionUUID uuid, const BSONObj& collModCmd, const CollectionOptions& oldCollOptions, boost::optional ttlInfo) { const auto cmdNss = nss.getCommandNS(); // Create the 'o' field object. const auto cmdObj = makeCollModCmdObj(collModCmd, oldCollOptions, ttlInfo); // Create the 'o2' field object. We save the old collection metadata and TTL expiration. BSONObjBuilder o2Builder; o2Builder.append("collectionOptions_old", oldCollOptions.toBSON()); if (ttlInfo) { auto oldExpireAfterSeconds = durationCount(ttlInfo->oldExpireAfterSeconds); o2Builder.append("expireAfterSeconds_old", oldExpireAfterSeconds); } const auto o2Obj = o2Builder.done(); if (!nss.isSystemDotProfile()) { // do not replicate system.profile modifications logOperation(opCtx, "c", cmdNss, uuid, cmdObj, &o2Obj, false, getWallClockTimeForOpLog(opCtx), {}, kUninitializedStmtId, {}, false /* prepare */, false /* inTxn */, OplogSlot()); } // Make sure the UUID values in the Collection metadata, the Collection object, and the UUID // catalog are all present and equal. invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isDbLockedForMode(nss.db(), MODE_X)); auto databaseHolder = DatabaseHolder::get(opCtx); auto db = databaseHolder->getDb(opCtx, nss.db()); // Some unit tests call the op observer on an unregistered Database. if (!db) { return; } Collection* coll = db->getCollection(opCtx, nss); invariant(coll->uuid()); invariant(coll->uuid() == uuid); CollectionCatalogEntry* entry = coll->getCatalogEntry(); invariant(entry->isEqualToMetadataUUID(opCtx, uuid)); } void OpObserverImpl::onDropDatabase(OperationContext* opCtx, const std::string& dbName) { const NamespaceString cmdNss{dbName, "$cmd"}; const auto cmdObj = BSON("dropDatabase" << 1); logOperation(opCtx, "c", cmdNss, {}, cmdObj, nullptr, false, getWallClockTimeForOpLog(opCtx), {}, kUninitializedStmtId, {}, false /* prepare */, false /* inTxn */, OplogSlot()); uassert( 50714, "dropping the admin database is not allowed.", dbName != NamespaceString::kAdminDb); if (dbName == NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace.db()) { MongoDSessionCatalog::invalidateAllSessions(opCtx); } } repl::OpTime OpObserverImpl::onDropCollection(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& collectionName, OptionalCollectionUUID uuid, std::uint64_t numRecords, const CollectionDropType dropType) { const auto cmdNss = collectionName.getCommandNS(); const auto cmdObj = BSON("drop" << collectionName.coll()); const auto obj2 = makeObject2ForDropOrRename(numRecords); if (!collectionName.isSystemDotProfile()) { // Do not replicate system.profile modifications. logOperation(opCtx, "c", cmdNss, uuid, cmdObj, &obj2, false, getWallClockTimeForOpLog(opCtx), {}, kUninitializedStmtId, {}, false /* prepare */, false /* inTxn */, OplogSlot()); } uassert(50715, "dropping the server configuration collection (admin.system.version) is not allowed.", collectionName != NamespaceString::kServerConfigurationNamespace); if (collectionName.coll() == DurableViewCatalog::viewsCollectionName()) { DurableViewCatalog::onExternalChange(opCtx, collectionName); } else if (collectionName == NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace) { MongoDSessionCatalog::invalidateAllSessions(opCtx); } return {}; } void OpObserverImpl::onDropIndex(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, OptionalCollectionUUID uuid, const std::string& indexName, const BSONObj& indexInfo) { const auto cmdNss = nss.getCommandNS(); const auto cmdObj = BSON("dropIndexes" << nss.coll() << "index" << indexName); logOperation(opCtx, "c", cmdNss, uuid, cmdObj, &indexInfo, false, getWallClockTimeForOpLog(opCtx), {}, kUninitializedStmtId, {}, false /* prepare */, false /* inTxn */, OplogSlot()); } repl::OpTime OpObserverImpl::preRenameCollection(OperationContext* const opCtx, const NamespaceString& fromCollection, const NamespaceString& toCollection, OptionalCollectionUUID uuid, OptionalCollectionUUID dropTargetUUID, std::uint64_t numRecords, bool stayTemp) { const auto cmdNss = fromCollection.getCommandNS(); BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.append("renameCollection", fromCollection.ns()); builder.append("to", toCollection.ns()); builder.append("stayTemp", stayTemp); if (dropTargetUUID) { dropTargetUUID->appendToBuilder(&builder, "dropTarget"); } const auto cmdObj = builder.done(); BSONObj obj2; BSONObj* obj2Ptr = nullptr; if (dropTargetUUID) { obj2 = makeObject2ForDropOrRename(numRecords); obj2Ptr = &obj2; } logOperation(opCtx, "c", cmdNss, uuid, cmdObj, obj2Ptr, false, getWallClockTimeForOpLog(opCtx), {}, kUninitializedStmtId, {}, false /* prepare */, false /* inTxn */, OplogSlot()); return {}; } void OpObserverImpl::postRenameCollection(OperationContext* const opCtx, const NamespaceString& fromCollection, const NamespaceString& toCollection, OptionalCollectionUUID uuid, OptionalCollectionUUID dropTargetUUID, bool stayTemp) { if (fromCollection.isSystemDotViews()) DurableViewCatalog::onExternalChange(opCtx, fromCollection); if (toCollection.isSystemDotViews()) DurableViewCatalog::onExternalChange(opCtx, toCollection); } void OpObserverImpl::onRenameCollection(OperationContext* const opCtx, const NamespaceString& fromCollection, const NamespaceString& toCollection, OptionalCollectionUUID uuid, OptionalCollectionUUID dropTargetUUID, std::uint64_t numRecords, bool stayTemp) { preRenameCollection( opCtx, fromCollection, toCollection, uuid, dropTargetUUID, numRecords, stayTemp); postRenameCollection(opCtx, fromCollection, toCollection, uuid, dropTargetUUID, stayTemp); } void OpObserverImpl::onApplyOps(OperationContext* opCtx, const std::string& dbName, const BSONObj& applyOpCmd) { const NamespaceString cmdNss{dbName, "$cmd"}; // Only transactional 'applyOps' commands can be prepared. constexpr bool prepare = false; replLogApplyOps(opCtx, cmdNss, applyOpCmd, {}, kUninitializedStmtId, {}, prepare, OplogSlot()); } void OpObserverImpl::onEmptyCapped(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& collectionName, OptionalCollectionUUID uuid) { const auto cmdNss = collectionName.getCommandNS(); const auto cmdObj = BSON("emptycapped" << collectionName.coll()); if (!collectionName.isSystemDotProfile()) { // Do not replicate system.profile modifications logOperation(opCtx, "c", cmdNss, uuid, cmdObj, nullptr, false, getWallClockTimeForOpLog(opCtx), {}, kUninitializedStmtId, {}, false /* prepare */, false /* inTxn */, OplogSlot()); } } namespace { // Accepts an empty BSON builder and appends the given transaction statements to an 'applyOps' array // field. Appends as many operations as possible until either the constructed object exceeds the // 16MB limit or the maximum number of transaction statements allowed in one entry. // // If 'limitSize' is false, then it attempts to include all given operations, regardless of whether // or not they fit. If the ops don't fit, TransactionTooLarge will be thrown in that case. // // Returns an iterator to the first statement that wasn't packed into the applyOps object. std::vector::const_iterator packTransactionStatementsForApplyOps( BSONObjBuilder* applyOpsBuilder, std::vector::const_iterator stmtBegin, std::vector::const_iterator stmtEnd, bool limitSize) { std::vector::const_iterator stmtIter; BSONArrayBuilder opsArray(applyOpsBuilder->subarrayStart("applyOps"_sd)); for (stmtIter = stmtBegin; stmtIter != stmtEnd; stmtIter++) { const auto& stmt = *stmtIter; // Stop packing when either number of transaction operations is reached, or when the next // one would put the array over the maximum BSON Object User Size. We rely on the // head room between BSONObjMaxUserSize and BSONObjMaxInternalSize to cover the // BSON overhead and the other applyOps fields. But if the array with a single operation // exceeds BSONObjMaxUserSize, we still log it, as a single max-length operation // should be able to be applied. if (limitSize && (opsArray.arrSize() == gMaxNumberOfTransactionOperationsInSingleOplogEntry || (opsArray.arrSize() > 0 && (opsArray.len() + OplogEntry::getDurableReplOperationSize(stmt) > BSONObjMaxUserSize)))) break; opsArray.append(stmt.toBSON()); } try { // BSONArrayBuilder will throw a BSONObjectTooLarge exception if we exceeded the max BSON // size. opsArray.done(); } catch (const AssertionException& e) { // Change the error code to TransactionTooLarge if it is BSONObjectTooLarge. uassert(ErrorCodes::TransactionTooLarge, e.reason(), e.code() != ErrorCodes::BSONObjectTooLarge); throw; } return stmtIter; } // Logs one applyOps entry and may update the transactions table. Assumes that the given BSON // builder object already has an 'applyOps' field appended pointing to the desired array of ops // i.e. { "applyOps" : [op1, op2, ...] } // // @param prepare determines whether a 'prepare' field will be attached to the written oplog entry. // @param isPartialTxn is this applyOps entry part of an in-progress multi oplog entry transaction. // Should be set for all non-terminal ops of an unprepared multi oplog entry transaction. // @param shouldWriteStateField determines whether a 'state' field will be included in the write to // the transactions table. Only meaningful if 'updateTxnTable' is true. // @param updateTxnTable determines whether the transactions table will updated after the oplog // entry is written. // // Returns the optime of the written oplog entry. OpTimeBundle logApplyOpsForTransaction(OperationContext* opCtx, BSONObjBuilder* applyOpsBuilder, const OplogSlot& oplogSlot, repl::OpTime prevWriteOpTime, StmtId stmtId, const bool prepare, const bool isPartialTxn, const bool shouldWriteStateField, const bool updateTxnTable, boost::optional count) { // A 'prepare' oplog entry should never include a 'partialTxn' field. invariant(!(isPartialTxn && prepare)); const NamespaceString cmdNss{"admin", "$cmd"}; OperationSessionInfo sessionInfo; repl::OplogLink oplogLink; sessionInfo.setSessionId(*opCtx->getLogicalSessionId()); sessionInfo.setTxnNumber(*opCtx->getTxnNumber()); oplogLink.prevOpTime = prevWriteOpTime; try { if (prepare) { // TODO: SERVER-36814 Remove "prepare" field on applyOps. applyOpsBuilder->append("prepare", true); } if (isPartialTxn) { applyOpsBuilder->append("partialTxn", true); } if (count) { applyOpsBuilder->append("count", *count); } auto applyOpCmd = applyOpsBuilder->done(); auto times = replLogApplyOps( opCtx, cmdNss, applyOpCmd, sessionInfo, stmtId, oplogLink, prepare, oplogSlot); auto txnState = [prepare, prevWriteOpTime, isPartialTxn, shouldWriteStateField]() -> boost::optional { if (!shouldWriteStateField) { // TODO (SERVER-40678): Either remove the invariant on prepare or separate the // checks of FCV and 'prevWriteOpTime' once we support implicit prepare on // primaries. invariant(!prepare); return boost::none; } if (isPartialTxn) { return DurableTxnStateEnum::kInProgress; } return prepare ? DurableTxnStateEnum::kPrepared : DurableTxnStateEnum::kCommitted; }(); if (updateTxnTable) { // Only update the transaction table on the first 'partialTxn' entry when using the // multiple transaction oplog entries format. auto startOpTime = isPartialTxn ? boost::make_optional(oplogSlot) : boost::none; onWriteOpCompleted(opCtx, cmdNss, {stmtId}, times.writeOpTime, times.wallClockTime, txnState, startOpTime); } return times; } catch (const AssertionException& e) { // Change the error code to TransactionTooLarge if it is BSONObjectTooLarge. uassert(ErrorCodes::TransactionTooLarge, e.reason(), e.code() != ErrorCodes::BSONObjectTooLarge); throw; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } // Log a single applyOps for transactions without any attempt to pack operations. If the given // statements would exceed the maximum BSON size limit of a single oplog entry, this will throw a // TransactionTooLarge error. // TODO (SERVER-39809): Consider removing this function once old transaction format is no longer // needed. OpTimeBundle logApplyOpsForTransaction(OperationContext* opCtx, const std::vector& statements, const OplogSlot& oplogSlot, repl::OpTime prevWriteOpTime, StmtId stmtId, const bool prepare, const bool isPartialTxn, const bool shouldWriteStateField, const bool updateTxnTable, boost::optional count) { BSONObjBuilder applyOpsBuilder; packTransactionStatementsForApplyOps( &applyOpsBuilder, statements.begin(), statements.end(), false /* limitSize */); return logApplyOpsForTransaction(opCtx, &applyOpsBuilder, oplogSlot, prevWriteOpTime, stmtId, prepare, isPartialTxn, shouldWriteStateField, updateTxnTable, count); } OpTimeBundle logReplOperationForTransaction(OperationContext* opCtx, const OperationSessionInfo& sessionInfo, repl::OpTime prevOpTime, StmtId stmtId, const repl::ReplOperation& stmt, const OplogSlot& oplogSlot) { repl::OplogLink oplogLink; oplogLink.prevOpTime = prevOpTime; OpTimeBundle times; // The IDL serializer always returns null-terminated string literals, so rawData is safe. const char* optype = repl::OpType_serializer(stmt.getOpType()).rawData(); times.wallClockTime = getWallClockTimeForOpLog(opCtx); times.writeOpTime = logOperation(opCtx, optype, stmt.getNss(), stmt.getUuid(), stmt.getObject(), stmt.getObject2() ? &*stmt.getObject2() : nullptr, false /* fromMigrate*/, times.wallClockTime, sessionInfo, stmtId, oplogLink, false /* prepare */, true /* inTxn */, oplogSlot); return times; } // This function expects that the size of 'oplogSlots' be at least as big as the size of 'stmts' in // the worst case, where each operation requires an applyOps entry of its own. If there are more // oplog slots than applyOps operations are written, the number of oplog slots corresponding to the // number of applyOps written will be used. The number of oplog entries written is returned. int logOplogEntriesForTransaction(OperationContext* opCtx, const std::vector& stmts, const std::vector& oplogSlots, bool prepare) { invariant(!stmts.empty()); invariant(stmts.size() <= oplogSlots.size()); const auto txnParticipant = TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx); OpTimeBundle prevWriteOpTime; StmtId stmtId = 0; writeConflictRetry( opCtx, "logOplogEntriesForTransaction", NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace.ns(), [&] { // Writes to the oplog only require a Global intent lock. Guaranteed by // OplogSlotReserver. invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isWriteLocked()); WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx); prevWriteOpTime.writeOpTime = txnParticipant.getLastWriteOpTime(); // Note the logged statement IDs are not the same as the user-chosen statement IDs. stmtId = 0; auto oplogSlot = oplogSlots.begin(); // At the beginning of each loop iteration below, 'stmtsIter' will always point to the // first statement of the sequence of remaining, unpacked transaction statements. If all // statements have been packed, it should point to stmts.end(), which is the loop's // termination condition. auto stmtsIter = stmts.begin(); while (stmtsIter != stmts.end()) { BSONObjBuilder applyOpsBuilder; auto nextStmt = packTransactionStatementsForApplyOps( &applyOpsBuilder, stmtsIter, stmts.end(), true /* limitSize */); // If we packed the last op, then the next oplog entry we log should be the implicit // commit, i.e. we omit the 'partialTxn' field. // // TODO (SERVER-40678): Until we support implicit prepare for transactions, always // log 'partialTxn' for prepared transactions. For unprepared transactions, update // the transactions table on the first and last op. For prepared transactions, only // update it on the first op. auto firstOp = stmtsIter == stmts.begin(); auto lastOp = nextStmt == stmts.end(); auto isPartialTxn = prepare || !lastOp; auto updateTxnTable = firstOp || (lastOp && !prepare); // The 'count' field gives the total number of individual operations in the // transaction. We do not include this if only logging a single applyOps entry for // an unprepared transaction. It is never included here for prepared transactions. auto count = (lastOp && !firstOp && !prepare) ? boost::optional(stmts.size()) : boost::none; prevWriteOpTime = logApplyOpsForTransaction(opCtx, &applyOpsBuilder, *oplogSlot++, prevWriteOpTime.writeOpTime, stmtId, false /* prepare */, isPartialTxn, true /* shouldWriteStateField */, updateTxnTable, count); // Advance the iterator to the beginning of the remaining unpacked statements. stmtsIter = nextStmt; stmtId++; } wuow.commit(); }); return stmtId; } void logCommitOrAbortForPreparedTransaction(OperationContext* opCtx, const OplogSlot& oplogSlot, const BSONObj& objectField, DurableTxnStateEnum durableState) { const NamespaceString cmdNss{"admin", "$cmd"}; OperationSessionInfo sessionInfo; repl::OplogLink oplogLink; sessionInfo.setSessionId(*opCtx->getLogicalSessionId()); sessionInfo.setTxnNumber(*opCtx->getTxnNumber()); auto txnParticipant = TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx); oplogLink.prevOpTime = txnParticipant.getLastWriteOpTime(); StmtId stmtId(1); if (gUseMultipleOplogEntryFormatForTransactions && serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.getVersion() == ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version::kFullyUpgradedTo42) { stmtId = txnParticipant.retrieveCompletedTransactionOperations(opCtx).size() + 1; } const auto wallClockTime = getWallClockTimeForOpLog(opCtx); // There should not be a parent WUOW outside of this one. This guarantees the safety of the // write conflict retry loop. invariant(!opCtx->getWriteUnitOfWork()); invariant(!opCtx->lockState()->inAWriteUnitOfWork()); // We must not have a maximum lock timeout, since writing the commit or abort oplog entry for a // prepared transaction must always succeed. invariant(!opCtx->lockState()->hasMaxLockTimeout()); writeConflictRetry( opCtx, "onPreparedTransactionCommitOrAbort", NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace.ns(), [&] { // Writes to the oplog only require a Global intent lock. Guaranteed by // OplogSlotReserver. invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isWriteLocked()); WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx); const auto oplogOpTime = logOperation(opCtx, "c", cmdNss, {} /* uuid */, objectField, nullptr /* o2 */, false /* fromMigrate */, wallClockTime, sessionInfo, stmtId, oplogLink, false /* prepare */, false /* inTxn */, oplogSlot); invariant(oplogSlot.isNull() || oplogSlot == oplogOpTime); onWriteOpCompleted(opCtx, cmdNss, {stmtId}, oplogOpTime, wallClockTime, durableState, boost::none /* startOpTime */); wuow.commit(); }); } // This is used only for multi-oplog-entry unprepared transactions // TODO (SERVER-40728) Remove this unused function. repl::OpTime logCommitForUnpreparedTransaction(OperationContext* opCtx, StmtId stmtId, const repl::OpTime& prevOpTime, const OplogSlot oplogSlot, const unsigned long long numInTxnOps) { const NamespaceString cmdNss{"admin", "$cmd"}; const auto wallClockTime = getWallClockTimeForOpLog(opCtx); OperationSessionInfo sessionInfo; repl::OplogLink oplogLink; CommitTransactionOplogObject cmdObj; sessionInfo.setSessionId(*opCtx->getLogicalSessionId()); sessionInfo.setTxnNumber(*opCtx->getTxnNumber()); oplogLink.prevOpTime = prevOpTime; cmdObj.setPrepared(false); cmdObj.setCount(numInTxnOps); const auto oplogOpTime = logOperation(opCtx, "c", cmdNss, {} /* uuid */, cmdObj.toBSON(), nullptr /* o2 */, false /* fromMigrate */, wallClockTime, sessionInfo, stmtId, oplogLink, false /* prepare */, false /* inTxn */, oplogSlot); // In the present implementation, a reserved oplog slot is always provided. However that // is not enforced at this level. invariant(oplogSlot.isNull() || oplogSlot == oplogOpTime); onWriteOpCompleted(opCtx, cmdNss, {stmtId}, oplogOpTime, wallClockTime, DurableTxnStateEnum::kCommitted, boost::none /* startOpTime */); return oplogSlot; } } // namespace void OpObserverImpl::onUnpreparedTransactionCommit( OperationContext* opCtx, const std::vector& statements) { invariant(opCtx->getTxnNumber()); if (!opCtx->writesAreReplicated()) { return; } // It is possible that the transaction resulted in no changes. In that case, we should // not write an empty applyOps entry. if (statements.empty()) return; repl::OpTime commitOpTime; // As FCV downgrade/upgrade is racey, we want to avoid performing a FCV check multiple times in // a single call into the OpObserver. Therefore, we store the result here and pass it as an // argument. const auto fcv = serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.getVersion(); if (!gUseMultipleOplogEntryFormatForTransactions || fcv < ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version::kFullyUpgradedTo42) { auto txnParticipant = TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx); const auto lastWriteOpTime = txnParticipant.getLastWriteOpTime(); invariant(lastWriteOpTime.isNull()); commitOpTime = logApplyOpsForTransaction( opCtx, statements, OplogSlot(), lastWriteOpTime, StmtId(0), false /* prepare */, false /* isPartialTxn */, fcv >= ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version::kUpgradingTo42, true /* updateTxnTable */, boost::none) .writeOpTime; } else { // Reserve all the optimes in advance, so we only need to get the optime mutex once. We // reserve enough entries for all statements in the transaction. auto oplogSlots = repl::getNextOpTimes(opCtx, statements.size()); invariant(oplogSlots.size() == statements.size()); // Log in-progress entries for the transaction along with the implicit commit. int numOplogEntries = logOplogEntriesForTransaction(opCtx, statements, oplogSlots, false); commitOpTime = oplogSlots[numOplogEntries - 1]; } invariant(!commitOpTime.isNull()); shardObserveTransactionPrepareOrUnpreparedCommit(opCtx, statements, commitOpTime); } void OpObserverImpl::onPreparedTransactionCommit( OperationContext* opCtx, OplogSlot commitOplogEntryOpTime, Timestamp commitTimestamp, const std::vector& statements) noexcept { invariant(opCtx->getTxnNumber()); if (!opCtx->writesAreReplicated()) { return; } invariant(!commitTimestamp.isNull()); CommitTransactionOplogObject cmdObj; cmdObj.setCommitTimestamp(commitTimestamp); if (gUseMultipleOplogEntryFormatForTransactions && serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.getVersion() == ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version::kFullyUpgradedTo42) { cmdObj.setPrepared(true); } logCommitOrAbortForPreparedTransaction( opCtx, commitOplogEntryOpTime, cmdObj.toBSON(), DurableTxnStateEnum::kCommitted); } repl::OpTime logPrepareTransaction(OperationContext* opCtx, StmtId stmtId, const repl::OpTime& prevOpTime, const OplogSlot oplogSlot, const repl::OpTime& startOpTime) { const NamespaceString cmdNss{"admin", "$cmd"}; const auto wallClockTime = getWallClockTimeForOpLog(opCtx); OperationSessionInfo sessionInfo; repl::OplogLink oplogLink; PrepareTransactionOplogObject cmdObj; sessionInfo.setSessionId(*opCtx->getLogicalSessionId()); sessionInfo.setTxnNumber(*opCtx->getTxnNumber()); oplogLink.prevOpTime = prevOpTime; const auto oplogOpTime = logOperation(opCtx, "c", cmdNss, {} /* uuid */, cmdObj.toBSON(), nullptr /* o2 */, false /* fromMigrate */, wallClockTime, sessionInfo, stmtId, oplogLink, false /* prepare */, false /* inTxn */, oplogSlot); invariant(oplogSlot == oplogOpTime); onWriteOpCompleted(opCtx, cmdNss, {stmtId}, oplogOpTime, wallClockTime, DurableTxnStateEnum::kPrepared, startOpTime /* startOpTime */); return oplogSlot; } void OpObserverImpl::onTransactionPrepare(OperationContext* opCtx, const std::vector& reservedSlots, std::vector& statements) { invariant(!reservedSlots.empty()); const auto prepareOpTime = reservedSlots.back(); invariant(opCtx->getTxnNumber()); invariant(!prepareOpTime.isNull()); // Don't write oplog entry on secondaries. if (!opCtx->writesAreReplicated()) { return; } // As FCV downgrade/upgrade is racey, we want to avoid performing a FCV check multiple times in // a single call into the OpObserver. Therefore, we store the result here and pass it as an // argument. const auto fcv = serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.getVersion(); if (!gUseMultipleOplogEntryFormatForTransactions || fcv < ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version::kFullyUpgradedTo42) { // We write the oplog entry in a side transaction so that we do not commit the now-prepared // transaction. // We write an empty 'applyOps' entry if there were no writes to choose a prepare timestamp // and allow this transaction to be continued on failover. TransactionParticipant::SideTransactionBlock sideTxn(opCtx); writeConflictRetry( opCtx, "onTransactionPrepare", NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace.ns(), [&] { // Writes to the oplog only require a Global intent lock. Guaranteed by // OplogSlotReserver. invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isWriteLocked()); WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx); auto txnParticipant = TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx); const auto lastWriteOpTime = txnParticipant.getLastWriteOpTime(); invariant(lastWriteOpTime.isNull()); logApplyOpsForTransaction( opCtx, statements, prepareOpTime, lastWriteOpTime, StmtId(0), true /* prepare */, false /* isPartialTxn */, fcv >= ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version::kUpgradingTo42, true /* updateTxnTable */, boost::none); wuow.commit(); }); } else { // We should have reserved an extra oplog slot for the prepare oplog entry. invariant(reservedSlots.size() == statements.size() + 1); TransactionParticipant::SideTransactionBlock sideTxn(opCtx); // prevOpTime is a null OpTime if there were no operations written other than the prepare // oplog entry. repl::OpTime prevOpTime; writeConflictRetry( opCtx, "onTransactionPrepare", NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace.ns(), [&] { // Writes to the oplog only require a Global intent lock. Guaranteed by // OplogSlotReserver. invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isWriteLocked()); WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx); // It is possible that the transaction resulted in no changes, In that case, we // should not write any operations other than the prepare oplog entry. int nOperationOplogEntries = 0; if (!statements.empty()) { nOperationOplogEntries = logOplogEntriesForTransaction( opCtx, statements, reservedSlots, true /* prepare */); // We had reserved enough oplog slots for the worst case where each operation // produced one oplog entry. When operations are smaller and can be packed, // we will waste the extra slots. The prepare will still use the last // reserved slot, because the transaction participant has already used // that as the prepare time. So we set the prevOpTime to the last applyOps, // to make the prevOpTime links work correctly. prevOpTime = reservedSlots[nOperationOplogEntries - 1]; } auto startTxnSlot = reservedSlots.front(); const auto startOpTime = startTxnSlot; logPrepareTransaction( opCtx, StmtId(nOperationOplogEntries), prevOpTime, prepareOpTime, startOpTime); wuow.commit(); }); } shardObserveTransactionPrepareOrUnpreparedCommit(opCtx, statements, prepareOpTime); } void OpObserverImpl::onTransactionAbort(OperationContext* opCtx, boost::optional abortOplogEntryOpTime) { invariant(opCtx->getTxnNumber()); if (!opCtx->writesAreReplicated()) { return; } auto txnParticipant = TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx); invariant(txnParticipant); if (!abortOplogEntryOpTime) { invariant(!txnParticipant.transactionIsCommitted()); return; } AbortTransactionOplogObject cmdObj; logCommitOrAbortForPreparedTransaction( opCtx, *abortOplogEntryOpTime, cmdObj.toBSON(), DurableTxnStateEnum::kAborted); } void OpObserverImpl::onReplicationRollback(OperationContext* opCtx, const RollbackObserverInfo& rbInfo) { // Reset the key manager cache. auto validator = LogicalTimeValidator::get(opCtx); if (validator) { validator->resetKeyManagerCache(); } // Check if the shard identity document rolled back. if (rbInfo.shardIdentityRolledBack) { fassertFailedNoTrace(50712); } // Force the config server to update its shard registry on next access. Otherwise it may have // the stale data that has been just rolled back. if (serverGlobalParams.clusterRole == ClusterRole::ConfigServer) { if (auto shardRegistry = Grid::get(opCtx)->shardRegistry()) { shardRegistry->clearEntries(); } } } } // namespace mongo