/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" #include "mongo/util/duration.h" #include #include #include #include "mongo/base/status.h" #include "mongo/db/client.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/locker.h" #include "mongo/db/operation_id.h" #include "mongo/db/query/datetime/date_time_support.h" #include "mongo/db/session/logical_session_id.h" #include "mongo/db/session/logical_session_id_helpers.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/recovery_unit.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/storage_options.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/write_unit_of_work.h" #include "mongo/db/write_concern_options.h" #include "mongo/platform/atomic_word.h" #include "mongo/platform/mutex.h" #include "mongo/stdx/condition_variable.h" #include "mongo/transport/session.h" #include "mongo/util/cancellation.h" #include "mongo/util/concurrency/with_lock.h" #include "mongo/util/decorable.h" #include "mongo/util/fail_point.h" #include "mongo/util/interruptible.h" #include "mongo/util/lockable_adapter.h" #include "mongo/util/time_support.h" #include "mongo/util/timer.h" namespace mongo { class CurOp; class ProgressMeter; class ServiceContext; class StringData; namespace repl { class UnreplicatedWritesBlock; } // namespace repl // Enabling the maxTimeAlwaysTimeOut fail point will cause any query or command run with a // valid non-zero max time to fail immediately. Any getmore operation on a cursor already // created with a valid non-zero max time will also fail immediately. // // This fail point cannot be used with the maxTimeNeverTimeOut fail point. extern FailPoint maxTimeAlwaysTimeOut; // Enabling the maxTimeNeverTimeOut fail point will cause the server to never time out any // query, command, or getmore operation, regardless of whether a max time is set. // // This fail point cannot be used with the maxTimeAlwaysTimeOut fail point. extern FailPoint maxTimeNeverTimeOut; /** * This class encompasses the state required by an operation and lives from the time a network * operation is dispatched until its execution is finished. Note that each "getmore" on a cursor * is a separate operation. On construction, an OperationContext associates itself with the * current client, and only on destruction it deassociates itself. At any time a client can be * associated with at most one OperationContext. Each OperationContext has a RecoveryUnit * associated with it, though the lifetime is not necesarily the same, see releaseRecoveryUnit * and setRecoveryUnit. The operation context also keeps track of some transaction state * (RecoveryUnitState) to reduce complexity and duplication in the storage-engine specific * RecoveryUnit and to allow better invariant checking. */ class OperationContext : public Interruptible, public Decorable { OperationContext(const OperationContext&) = delete; OperationContext& operator=(const OperationContext&) = delete; public: static constexpr auto kDefaultOperationContextTimeoutError = ErrorCodes::ExceededTimeLimit; /** * Creates an op context with no unique operation ID tracking - prefer using the OperationIdSlot * CTOR if possible to avoid OperationId collisions. */ OperationContext(Client* client, OperationId opId); OperationContext(Client* client, OperationIdSlot&& opIdSlot); virtual ~OperationContext(); /** * Interface for durability. Caller DOES NOT own pointer. */ RecoveryUnit* recoveryUnit() const { return _recoveryUnit.get(); } /** * Returns the RecoveryUnit (same return value as recoveryUnit()) but the caller takes * ownership of the returned RecoveryUnit, and the OperationContext instance relinquishes * ownership. Sets the RecoveryUnit to NULL. */ std::unique_ptr releaseRecoveryUnit(); /* * Sets up a new, inactive RecoveryUnit in the OperationContext. Destroys any previous recovery * unit and executes its rollback handlers. */ void replaceRecoveryUnit(); /* * Similar to replaceRecoveryUnit(), but returns the previous recovery unit like * releaseRecoveryUnit(). */ std::unique_ptr releaseAndReplaceRecoveryUnit(); /** * Associates the OperatingContext with a different RecoveryUnit for getMore or * subtransactions, see RecoveryUnitSwap. The new state is passed and the old state is * returned separately even though the state logically belongs to the RecoveryUnit, * as it is managed by the OperationContext. */ WriteUnitOfWork::RecoveryUnitState setRecoveryUnit(std::unique_ptr unit, WriteUnitOfWork::RecoveryUnitState state); /** * Interface for locking. Caller DOES NOT own pointer. */ Locker* lockState() const { return _locker.get(); } /** * Sets the locker for use by this OperationContext. Call during OperationContext * initialization, only. */ void setLockState(std::unique_ptr locker); /** * Swaps the locker, releasing the old locker to the caller. The Client lock is required to * call this function. */ std::unique_ptr swapLockState(std::unique_ptr locker, WithLock); /** * Returns Status::OK() unless this operation is in a killed state. */ Status checkForInterruptNoAssert() noexcept override; /** * Returns the service context under which this operation context runs, or nullptr if there is * no such service context. */ ServiceContext* getServiceContext() const { if (!_client) { return nullptr; } return _client->getServiceContext(); } /** * Returns the client under which this context runs. */ Client* getClient() const { return _client; } /** * Returns the operation ID associated with this operation. */ OperationId getOpID() const { return _opId.getId(); } /** * Returns the operation UUID associated with this operation or boost::none. */ const boost::optional& getOperationKey() const { return _opKey; } /** * Sets the operation UUID associated with this operation. * * This function may only be called once per OperationContext. */ void setOperationKey(OperationKey opKey); /** * Removes the operation UUID associated with this operation. * DO NOT call this function outside `~OperationContext()` and `killAndDelistOperation()`. */ void releaseOperationKey(); /** * Returns the session ID associated with this operation, if there is one. */ const boost::optional& getLogicalSessionId() const { return _lsid; } /** * Associates a logical session id with this operation context. May only be called once for the * lifetime of the operation. */ void setLogicalSessionId(LogicalSessionId lsid); /** * Returns the transaction number associated with thes operation. The combination of logical * session id + transaction number is what constitutes the operation transaction id. */ boost::optional getTxnNumber() const { return _txnNumber; } /** * Returns the txnRetryCounter associated with this operation. */ boost::optional getTxnRetryCounter() const { return _txnRetryCounter; } /** * Returns a CancellationToken that will be canceled when the OperationContext is killed via * markKilled (including for internal reasons, like the OperationContext deadline being * reached). */ CancellationToken getCancellationToken() { return _cancelSource.token(); } /** * Sets a transport Baton on the operation. This will trigger the Baton on markKilled. */ void setBaton(const BatonHandle& baton) { _baton = baton; } /** * Retrieves the baton associated with the operation. */ const BatonHandle& getBaton() const { return _baton; } /** * Associates a transaction number with this operation context. May only be called once for the * lifetime of the operation and the operation must have a logical session id assigned. */ void setTxnNumber(TxnNumber txnNumber); /** * Associates a txnRetryCounter with this operation context. May only be called once for the * lifetime of the operation and the operation must have a logical session id and a transaction * number assigned. */ void setTxnRetryCounter(TxnRetryCounter txnRetryCounter); /** * Returns the top-level WriteUnitOfWork associated with this operation context, if any. */ WriteUnitOfWork* getWriteUnitOfWork() { return _writeUnitOfWork.get(); } /** * Sets a top-level WriteUnitOfWork for this operation context, to be held for the duration * of the given network operation. */ void setWriteUnitOfWork(std::unique_ptr writeUnitOfWork) { invariant(writeUnitOfWork || _writeUnitOfWork); invariant(!(writeUnitOfWork && _writeUnitOfWork)); _writeUnitOfWork = std::move(writeUnitOfWork); } /** * Returns WriteConcernOptions of the current operation */ const WriteConcernOptions& getWriteConcern() const { return _writeConcern; } void setWriteConcern(const WriteConcernOptions& writeConcern) { _writeConcern = writeConcern; } /** * Returns true if operations should generate oplog entries. */ bool writesAreReplicated() const { return _writesAreReplicated; } /** * Returns true if the operation is running lock-free. */ bool isLockFreeReadsOp() const { return _lockFreeReadOpCount; } /** * Returns true if operations' durations should be added to serverStatus latency metrics. */ bool shouldIncrementLatencyStats() const { return _shouldIncrementLatencyStats; } /** * Sets the shouldIncrementLatencyStats flag. */ void setShouldIncrementLatencyStats(bool shouldIncrementLatencyStats) { _shouldIncrementLatencyStats = shouldIncrementLatencyStats; } void markKillOnClientDisconnect(); /** * Identifies the opCtx as an operation which is executing global shutdown. This has the effect * of masking any existing time limits, removing markKill-ability and is slightly stronger than * code run under runWithoutInterruptionExceptAtGlobalShutdown, because it is also immune to * global shutdown. * * This should only be called from the registered task of global shutdown and is not * recoverable. */ void setIsExecutingShutdown(); /** * Marks this operation as killed so that subsequent calls to checkForInterrupt and * checkForInterruptNoAssert by the thread executing the operation will start returning the * specified error code. * * If multiple threads kill the same operation with different codes, only the first code * will be preserved. * * May be called by any thread that has locked the Client owning this operation context, or * by the thread executing this on behalf of this OperationContext. */ void markKilled(ErrorCodes::Error killCode = ErrorCodes::Interrupted); /** * Returns the code passed to markKilled if this operation context has been killed previously * or ErrorCodes::OK otherwise. * * May be called by any thread that has locked the Client owning this operation context, or * without lock by the thread executing on behalf of this operation context. */ ErrorCodes::Error getKillStatus() const { if (_ignoreInterrupts) { return ErrorCodes::OK; } return _killCode.loadRelaxed(); } /** * Shortcut method, which checks whether getKillStatus returns a non-OK value. Has the same * concurrency rules as getKillStatus. */ bool isKillPending() const { return getKillStatus() != ErrorCodes::OK; } /** * Returns the amount of time since the operation was constructed. Uses the system's most * precise tick source, and may not be cheap to call in a tight loop. */ Microseconds getElapsedTime() const { return _elapsedTime.elapsed(); } void beginPlanningTimer() { // TODO: SERVER-71143 If possible, change this to a tassert to guarantee this is not called // more than once. This may not be possible as runAggregate(), which calls this function, // can be called recursively. if (_planningTimer != nullptr) { return; } _planningTimer = std::make_unique(getServiceContext()->getTickSource()); } Microseconds getElapsedQueryPlanningTime() { // This information has been requested before. if (_timeElapsedPlanning > Microseconds{0}) { return _timeElapsedPlanning; } // First time receiving the request. if (_planningTimer != nullptr) { _timeElapsedPlanning = _planningTimer->elapsed(); return _timeElapsedPlanning; } // This is an inner cursor/PlanExecutor, their metrics don't get saved to the telemetry // cache. return Microseconds{-1}; } /** * Sets the deadline for this operation to the given point in time. * * To remove a deadline, pass in Date_t::max(). */ void setDeadlineByDate(Date_t when, ErrorCodes::Error timeoutError); /** * Sets the deadline for this operation to the maxTime plus the current time reported * by the ServiceContext's fast clock source. */ void setDeadlineAfterNowBy(Microseconds maxTime, ErrorCodes::Error timeoutError); template void setDeadlineAfterNowBy(D maxTime, ErrorCodes::Error timeoutError) { if (maxTime <= D::zero()) { maxTime = D::zero(); } if (maxTime <= Microseconds::max()) { setDeadlineAfterNowBy(duration_cast(maxTime), timeoutError); } else { setDeadlineByDate(Date_t::max(), timeoutError); } } /** * Returns the deadline for this operation, or Date_t::max() if there is no deadline. */ Date_t getDeadline() const override { return _deadline; } /** * Returns the error code used when this operation's time limit is reached. */ ErrorCodes::Error getTimeoutError() const; /** * Returns the number of milliseconds remaining for this operation's time limit or * Milliseconds::max() if the operation has no time limit. */ Milliseconds getRemainingMaxTimeMillis() const; /** * NOTE: This is a legacy "max time" method for controlling operation deadlines and it should * not be used in new code. Use getRemainingMaxTimeMillis instead. * * Returns the number of microseconds remaining for this operation's time limit, or the special * value Microseconds::max() if the operation has no time limit. */ Microseconds getRemainingMaxTimeMicros() const; bool isIgnoringInterrupts() const; /** * Returns whether this operation is part of a multi-document transaction. Specifically, it * indicates whether the user asked for a multi-document transaction. */ bool inMultiDocumentTransaction() const { return _inMultiDocumentTransaction; } bool isRetryableWrite() const { return _txnNumber && (!_inMultiDocumentTransaction || isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite(*_lsid)); } /** * Sets that this operation is part of a multi-document transaction. Once this is set, it cannot * be unset. */ void setInMultiDocumentTransaction() { _inMultiDocumentTransaction = true; if (!_txnRetryCounter.has_value()) { _txnRetryCounter = 0; } } /** * Some operations coming into the system must be validated to ensure they meet constraints, * such as collection namespace length limits or unique index key constraints. However, * operations being performed from a source of truth such as during initial sync and oplog * application often must ignore constraint violations. * * Initial sync and oplog application opt in to relaxed constraint checking by setting this * value to false. */ void setEnforceConstraints(bool enforceConstraints) { _enforceConstraints = enforceConstraints; } /** * This method can be used to tell if an operation requires validation of constraints. This * should be preferred to alternatives such as checking if a node is primary or if a client is * from a user connection as those have nuances (e.g: primary catch up and client disassociation * due to task executors). */ bool isEnforcingConstraints() { return _enforceConstraints; } /** * Sets that this operation should always get killed during stepDown and stepUp, regardless of * whether or not it's taken a write lock. * * Note: This function is NOT synchronized with the ReplicationStateTransitionLock! This means * that the node's view of it's replication state can change concurrently with this function * running - in which case your operation may _not_ be interrupted by that concurrent * replication state change. If you need to ensure that your node does not change * replication-state while calling this function, take the RSTL. See SERVER-66353 for more info. */ void setAlwaysInterruptAtStepDownOrUp_UNSAFE() { _alwaysInterruptAtStepDownOrUp.store(true); } /** * Indicates that this operation should always get killed during stepDown and stepUp, regardless * of whether or not it's taken a write lock. */ bool shouldAlwaysInterruptAtStepDownOrUp() { return _alwaysInterruptAtStepDownOrUp.load(); } /** * Sets that this operation should ignore interruption except for replication state change. Can * only be called by the thread executing this on behalf of this OperationContext. */ void setIgnoreInterruptsExceptForReplStateChange(bool target) { _ignoreInterruptsExceptForReplStateChange = target; } /** * Clears metadata associated with a multi-document transaction. */ void resetMultiDocumentTransactionState() { invariant(_inMultiDocumentTransaction); invariant(!_writeUnitOfWork); invariant(_ruState == WriteUnitOfWork::RecoveryUnitState::kNotInUnitOfWork); _inMultiDocumentTransaction = false; _isStartingMultiDocumentTransaction = false; _lsid = boost::none; _txnNumber = boost::none; _txnRetryCounter = boost::none; _killOpsExempt = false; } /** * Returns whether this operation is starting a multi-document transaction. */ bool isStartingMultiDocumentTransaction() const { return _isStartingMultiDocumentTransaction; } /** * Returns whether this operation is continuing (not starting) a multi-document transaction. */ bool isContinuingMultiDocumentTransaction() const { return inMultiDocumentTransaction() && !isStartingMultiDocumentTransaction(); } /** * Sets whether this operation is starting a multi-document transaction. */ void setIsStartingMultiDocumentTransaction(bool isStartingMultiDocumentTransaction) { _isStartingMultiDocumentTransaction = isStartingMultiDocumentTransaction; } /** * Sets '_comment'. The client lock must be acquired before calling this method. */ void setComment(const BSONObj& comment) { _comment = comment.getOwned(); } /** * Gets '_comment'. The client lock must be acquired when calling from any thread that does * not own the client associated with the operation. */ boost::optional getComment() { // The '_comment' object, if present, will only ever have one field. return _comment ? boost::optional(_comment->firstElement()) : boost::none; } /** * Sets whether this operation is an exhaust command. */ void setExhaust(bool exhaust) { _exhaust = exhaust; } /** * Returns whether this operation is an exhaust command. */ bool isExhaust() const { return _exhaust; } void storeMaxTimeMS(Microseconds maxTime) { _storedMaxTime = maxTime; } /** * Restore deadline to match the value stored in _storedMaxTime. */ void restoreMaxTimeMS(); /** * Returns whether this operation must run in read-only mode. * * If the read-only flag is set on the ServiceContext then: * - Internal operations are allowed to perform writes. * - User originating operations are not allowed to perform writes. */ bool readOnly() const { if (!(getClient() && getClient()->isFromUserConnection())) return false; return !getServiceContext()->userWritesAllowed(); } /** * Sets whether this operation was started by a compressed command. */ void setOpCompressed(bool opCompressed) { _opCompressed = opCompressed; } /** * Returns whether this operation was started by a compressed command. */ bool isOpCompressed() const { return _opCompressed; } /** * Returns whether or not a local killOps may kill this opCtx. */ bool isKillOpsExempt() const { return _killOpsExempt; } /** * Set to prevent killOps from killing this opCtx even when an LSID is set. * You may only call this method prior to setting an LSID on this opCtx. * Calls to resetMultiDocumentTransactionState will reset _killOpsExempt to false. */ void setKillOpsExempt() { invariant(!_lsid); _killOpsExempt = true; } private: StatusWith waitForConditionOrInterruptNoAssertUntil( stdx::condition_variable& cv, BasicLockableAdapter m, Date_t deadline) noexcept override; IgnoreInterruptsState pushIgnoreInterrupts() override { IgnoreInterruptsState iis{_ignoreInterrupts, {_deadline, _timeoutError, _hasArtificialDeadline}}; _hasArtificialDeadline = true; setDeadlineByDate(Date_t::max(), ErrorCodes::ExceededTimeLimit); _ignoreInterrupts = true; return iis; } void popIgnoreInterrupts(IgnoreInterruptsState iis) override { _ignoreInterrupts = iis.ignoreInterrupts; setDeadlineByDate(iis.deadline.deadline, iis.deadline.error); _hasArtificialDeadline = iis.deadline.hasArtificialDeadline; _markKilledIfDeadlineRequires(); } DeadlineState pushArtificialDeadline(Date_t deadline, ErrorCodes::Error error) override { DeadlineState ds{_deadline, _timeoutError, _hasArtificialDeadline}; _hasArtificialDeadline = true; setDeadlineByDate(std::min(_deadline, deadline), error); return ds; } void popArtificialDeadline(DeadlineState ds) override { setDeadlineByDate(ds.deadline, ds.error); _hasArtificialDeadline = ds.hasArtificialDeadline; _markKilledIfDeadlineRequires(); } void _markKilledIfDeadlineRequires() { if (!_ignoreInterrupts && !_hasArtificialDeadline && hasDeadlineExpired() && !isKillPending()) { markKilled(_timeoutError); } } /** * Returns true if ignoring interrupts other than repl state change and no repl state change * has occurred. */ bool _noReplStateChangeWhileIgnoringOtherInterrupts() const { return _ignoreInterruptsExceptForReplStateChange && getKillStatus() != ErrorCodes::InterruptedDueToReplStateChange && !_killRequestedForReplStateChange.loadRelaxed(); } /** * Returns true if this operation has a deadline and it has passed according to the fast clock * on ServiceContext. */ bool hasDeadlineExpired() const; /** * Sets the deadline and maxTime as described. It is up to the caller to ensure that * these correctly correspond. */ void setDeadlineAndMaxTime(Date_t when, Microseconds maxTime, ErrorCodes::Error timeoutError); /** * Compute maxTime based on the given deadline. */ Microseconds computeMaxTimeFromDeadline(Date_t when); /** * Returns the timepoint that is "waitFor" ms after now according to the * ServiceContext's precise clock. */ Date_t getExpirationDateForWaitForValue(Milliseconds waitFor) override; /** * Set whether or not operations should generate oplog entries. */ void setReplicatedWrites(bool writesAreReplicated = true) { _writesAreReplicated = writesAreReplicated; } /** * Increment a count to indicate that the operation is running lock-free. */ void incrementLockFreeReadOpCount() { ++_lockFreeReadOpCount; } void decrementLockFreeReadOpCount() { --_lockFreeReadOpCount; } friend class WriteUnitOfWork; friend class repl::UnreplicatedWritesBlock; friend class LockFreeReadsBlock; Client* const _client; const OperationIdSlot _opId; boost::optional _opKey; boost::optional _lsid; boost::optional _txnNumber; boost::optional _txnRetryCounter; std::unique_ptr _locker; std::unique_ptr _recoveryUnit; WriteUnitOfWork::RecoveryUnitState _ruState = WriteUnitOfWork::RecoveryUnitState::kNotInUnitOfWork; // Operations run within a transaction will hold a WriteUnitOfWork for the duration in order // to maintain two-phase locking. std::unique_ptr _writeUnitOfWork; // Follows the values of ErrorCodes::Error. The default value is 0 (OK), which means the // operation is not killed. If killed, it will contain a specific code. This value changes only // once from OK to some kill code. AtomicWord _killCode{ErrorCodes::OK}; // Used to cancel all tokens obtained via getCancellationToken() when this OperationContext is // killed. CancellationSource _cancelSource; BatonHandle _baton; WriteConcernOptions _writeConcern; // The timepoint at which this operation exceeds its time limit. Date_t _deadline = Date_t::max(); ErrorCodes::Error _timeoutError = kDefaultOperationContextTimeoutError; bool _ignoreInterrupts = false; bool _hasArtificialDeadline = false; bool _markKillOnClientDisconnect = false; Date_t _lastClientCheck; bool _isExecutingShutdown = false; // Max operation time requested by the user or by the cursor in the case of a getMore with no // user-specified maxTimeMS. This is tracked with microsecond granularity for the purpose of // assigning unused execution time back to a cursor at the end of an operation, only. The // _deadline and the service context's fast clock are the only values consulted for determining // if the operation's timelimit has been exceeded. Microseconds _maxTime = Microseconds::max(); // The value of the maxTimeMS requested by user in the case it was overwritten. boost::optional _storedMaxTime; // Timer counting the elapsed time since the construction of this OperationContext. Timer _elapsedTime; std::unique_ptr _planningTimer = nullptr; Microseconds _timeElapsedPlanning; bool _writesAreReplicated = true; bool _shouldIncrementLatencyStats = true; bool _inMultiDocumentTransaction = false; bool _isStartingMultiDocumentTransaction = false; bool _ignoreInterruptsExceptForReplStateChange = false; // Commands from user applications must run validations and enforce constraints. Operations from // a trusted source, such as initial sync or consuming an oplog entry generated by a primary // typically desire to ignore constraints. bool _enforceConstraints = true; // Counts how many lock-free read operations are running nested. // Necessary to use a counter rather than a boolean because there is existing code that // destructs lock helpers out of order. int _lockFreeReadOpCount = 0; // If true, this OpCtx will get interrupted during replica set stepUp and stepDown, regardless // of what locks it's taken. AtomicWord _alwaysInterruptAtStepDownOrUp{false}; AtomicWord _killRequestedForReplStateChange{false}; // If populated, this is an owned singleton BSONObj whose only field, 'comment', is a copy of // the 'comment' field from the input command object. boost::optional _comment; // Whether this operation is an exhaust command. bool _exhaust = false; // Whether this operation was started by a compressed command. bool _opCompressed = false; // Prevent this opCtx from being killed by killSessionsLocalKillOps if an LSID is attached. // Normally, the presence of an LSID implies kill-eligibility as it uniquely identifies a // session and can thus be passed into a killSessions command to target that session and its // operations. However, there are some cases where we want the opCtx to have both an LSID and // kill-immunity. Current examples include checking out sessions on replica set step up in order // to refresh locks for prepared tranasctions or abort in-progress transactions. bool _killOpsExempt = false; }; // Gets a TimeZoneDatabase pointer from the ServiceContext. inline const TimeZoneDatabase* getTimeZoneDatabase(OperationContext* opCtx) { return opCtx && opCtx->getServiceContext() ? TimeZoneDatabase::get(opCtx->getServiceContext()) : nullptr; } namespace repl { /** * RAII-style class to turn off replicated writes. Writes do not create oplog entries while the * object is in scope. */ class UnreplicatedWritesBlock { UnreplicatedWritesBlock(const UnreplicatedWritesBlock&) = delete; UnreplicatedWritesBlock& operator=(const UnreplicatedWritesBlock&) = delete; public: UnreplicatedWritesBlock(OperationContext* opCtx) : _opCtx(opCtx), _shouldReplicateWrites(opCtx->writesAreReplicated()) { opCtx->setReplicatedWrites(false); } ~UnreplicatedWritesBlock() { _opCtx->setReplicatedWrites(_shouldReplicateWrites); } private: OperationContext* _opCtx; const bool _shouldReplicateWrites; }; } // namespace repl /** * RAII-style class to indicate the operation is lock-free and code should behave accordingly. */ class LockFreeReadsBlock { LockFreeReadsBlock(const LockFreeReadsBlock&) = delete; LockFreeReadsBlock& operator=(const LockFreeReadsBlock&) = delete; public: LockFreeReadsBlock(OperationContext* opCtx) : _opCtx(opCtx) { _opCtx->incrementLockFreeReadOpCount(); } ~LockFreeReadsBlock() { _opCtx->decrementLockFreeReadOpCount(); } private: OperationContext* _opCtx; }; } // namespace mongo