/** * Copyright (C) 2013 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/db/ops/modifier_current_date.h" #include #include "mongo/base/string_data.h" #include "mongo/bson/mutable/document.h" #include "mongo/bson/mutable/mutable_bson_test_utils.h" #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/db/json.h" #include "mongo/db/logical_clock.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression_context_for_test.h" #include "mongo/db/service_context_noop.h" #include "mongo/db/update/log_builder.h" #include "mongo/stdx/memory.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" namespace { using mongo::BSONObj; using mongo::ExpressionContextForTest; using mongo::LogBuilder; using mongo::ModifierCurrentDate; using mongo::ModifierInterface; using mongo::Status; using mongo::StringData; using mongo::Timestamp; using mongo::fromjson; using mongo::mutablebson::ConstElement; using mongo::mutablebson::Document; using mongo::mutablebson::Element; class ModifierCurrentDateTest : public mongo::unittest::Test { public: ~ModifierCurrentDateTest() override = default; protected: /** * Sets up this fixture with a context and a LogicalClock. */ void setUp() override { auto service = mongo::getGlobalServiceContext(); auto logicalClock = mongo::stdx::make_unique(service); mongo::LogicalClock::set(service, std::move(logicalClock)); } void tearDown() override{}; }; using Init = ModifierCurrentDateTest; using BoolInput = ModifierCurrentDateTest; using DateInput = ModifierCurrentDateTest; using TimestampInput = ModifierCurrentDateTest; using DottedTimestampInput = ModifierCurrentDateTest; /** * Helper to validate oplog entries in the tests below. */ void validateOplogEntry(BSONObj& oplogFormat, Document& doc) { // Ensure that the field is the same ASSERT_EQUALS(oplogFormat.firstElement().fieldName(), doc.root().leftChild().getFieldName()); // Ensure the field names are the same ASSERT_EQUALS(oplogFormat.firstElement().embeddedObject().firstElement().fieldName(), doc.root().leftChild().leftChild().getFieldName()); // Ensure the type is the same in the document as the oplog ASSERT_EQUALS(oplogFormat.firstElement().embeddedObject().firstElement().type(), doc.root().leftChild().leftChild().getType()); } /** Helper to build and manipulate a $currentDate mod. */ class Mod { public: Mod() : _mod() {} explicit Mod(BSONObj modObj) : _modObj(modObj), _mod() { ASSERT_OK(_mod.init(_modObj["$currentDate"].embeddedObject().firstElement(), ModifierInterface::Options::normal(new ExpressionContextForTest()))); } Status prepare(Element root, StringData matchedField, ModifierInterface::ExecInfo* execInfo) { return _mod.prepare(root, matchedField, execInfo); } Status apply() const { return _mod.apply(); } Status log(LogBuilder* logBuilder) const { return _mod.log(logBuilder); } ModifierCurrentDate& mod() { return _mod; } private: BSONObj _modObj; ModifierCurrentDate _mod; }; TEST_F(Init, ValidValues) { BSONObj modObj; ModifierCurrentDate mod; boost::intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); modObj = fromjson("{ $currentDate : { a : true } }"); ASSERT_OK(mod.init(modObj["$currentDate"].embeddedObject().firstElement(), ModifierInterface::Options::normal(expCtx))); modObj = fromjson("{ $currentDate : { a : {$type : 'timestamp' } } }"); ASSERT_OK(mod.init(modObj["$currentDate"].embeddedObject().firstElement(), ModifierInterface::Options::normal(expCtx))); modObj = fromjson("{ $currentDate : { a : {$type : 'date' } } }"); ASSERT_OK(mod.init(modObj["$currentDate"].embeddedObject().firstElement(), ModifierInterface::Options::normal(expCtx))); } TEST_F(Init, FailToInitWithInvalidValue) { BSONObj modObj; ModifierCurrentDate mod; boost::intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); // String is an invalid $currentDate argument modObj = fromjson("{ $currentDate : { a : 'Oct 11, 2001' } }"); ASSERT_NOT_OK(mod.init(modObj["$currentDate"].embeddedObject().firstElement(), ModifierInterface::Options::normal(expCtx))); // Array is an invalid $currentDate argument modObj = fromjson("{ $currentDate : { a : [] } }"); ASSERT_NOT_OK(mod.init(modObj["$currentDate"].embeddedObject().firstElement(), ModifierInterface::Options::normal(expCtx))); // Number is an invalid $currentDate argument modObj = fromjson("{ $currentDate : { a : 1 } }"); ASSERT_NOT_OK(mod.init(modObj["$currentDate"].embeddedObject().firstElement(), ModifierInterface::Options::normal(expCtx))); // Regex is an invalid $currentDate argument modObj = fromjson("{ $currentDate : { a : /1/ } }"); ASSERT_NOT_OK(mod.init(modObj["$currentDate"].embeddedObject().firstElement(), ModifierInterface::Options::normal(expCtx))); // An object with missing $type field is an invalid $currentDate argument modObj = fromjson("{ $currentDate : { a : { foo : 4 } } }"); ASSERT_NOT_OK(mod.init(modObj["$currentDate"].embeddedObject().firstElement(), ModifierInterface::Options::normal(expCtx))); // An object with extra fields, including the $type field is bad modObj = fromjson("{ $currentDate : { a : { $type: 'date', foo : 4 } } }"); ASSERT_NOT_OK(mod.init(modObj["$currentDate"].embeddedObject().firstElement(), ModifierInterface::Options::normal(expCtx))); // An object with extra fields, including the $type field is bad modObj = fromjson("{ $currentDate : { a : { foo: 4, $type : 'date' } } }"); ASSERT_NOT_OK(mod.init(modObj["$currentDate"].embeddedObject().firstElement(), ModifierInterface::Options::normal(expCtx))); // An object with non-date/timestamp $type field is an invalid $currentDate argument modObj = fromjson("{ $currentDate : { a : { $type : 4 } } }"); ASSERT_NOT_OK(mod.init(modObj["$currentDate"].embeddedObject().firstElement(), ModifierInterface::Options::normal(expCtx))); // An object with non-date/timestamp $type field is an invalid $currentDate argument modObj = fromjson("{ $currentDate : { a : { $type : 'foo' } } }"); ASSERT_NOT_OK(mod.init(modObj["$currentDate"].embeddedObject().firstElement(), ModifierInterface::Options::normal(expCtx))); } TEST_F(BoolInput, EmptyStartDoc) { Document doc(fromjson("{ }")); Mod mod(fromjson("{ $currentDate : { a : true } }")); ModifierInterface::ExecInfo execInfo; ASSERT_OK(mod.prepare(doc.root(), "", &execInfo)); ASSERT_FALSE(execInfo.noOp); ASSERT_EQUALS("a", execInfo.fieldRef[0]->dottedField()); BSONObj olderDateObj = fromjson("{ a : { $date : 0 } }"); ASSERT_OK(mod.apply()); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_LT(olderDateObj, doc.getObject()); ASSERT_FALSE(doc.isInPlaceModeEnabled()); Document logDoc; LogBuilder logBuilder(logDoc.root()); ASSERT_OK(mod.log(&logBuilder)); BSONObj oplogFormat = fromjson("{ $set : { a : { $date : 0 } } }"); validateOplogEntry(oplogFormat, logDoc); } TEST_F(DateInput, EmptyStartDoc) { Document doc(fromjson("{ }")); Mod mod(fromjson("{ $currentDate : { a : {$type: 'date' } } }")); ModifierInterface::ExecInfo execInfo; ASSERT_OK(mod.prepare(doc.root(), "", &execInfo)); ASSERT_FALSE(execInfo.noOp); ASSERT_EQUALS("a", execInfo.fieldRef[0]->dottedField()); BSONObj olderDateObj = fromjson("{ a : { $date : 0 } }"); ASSERT_OK(mod.apply()); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_LT(olderDateObj, doc.getObject()); ASSERT_FALSE(doc.isInPlaceModeEnabled()); Document logDoc; LogBuilder logBuilder(logDoc.root()); ASSERT_OK(mod.log(&logBuilder)); BSONObj oplogFormat = fromjson("{ $set : { a : { $date : 0 } } }"); validateOplogEntry(oplogFormat, logDoc); } TEST_F(TimestampInput, EmptyStartDoc) { Document doc(fromjson("{ }")); Mod mod(fromjson("{ $currentDate : { a : {$type : 'timestamp' } } }")); ModifierInterface::ExecInfo execInfo; ASSERT_OK(mod.prepare(doc.root(), "", &execInfo)); ASSERT_FALSE(execInfo.noOp); ASSERT_EQUALS("a", execInfo.fieldRef[0]->dottedField()); mongo::Timestamp ts; BSONObj olderDateObj = BSON("a" << ts); ASSERT_OK(mod.apply()); ASSERT_FALSE(doc.isInPlaceModeEnabled()); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_LT(olderDateObj, doc.getObject()); Document logDoc; LogBuilder logBuilder(logDoc.root()); ASSERT_OK(mod.log(&logBuilder)); BSONObj oplogFormat = fromjson("{ $set : { a : { $timestamp : {t:0, i:0} } } }"); validateOplogEntry(oplogFormat, logDoc); } TEST_F(BoolInput, ExistingStringDoc) { Document doc(fromjson("{ a: 'a' }")); Mod mod(fromjson("{ $currentDate : { a : true } }")); ModifierInterface::ExecInfo execInfo; ASSERT_OK(mod.prepare(doc.root(), "", &execInfo)); ASSERT_FALSE(execInfo.noOp); ASSERT_EQUALS("a", execInfo.fieldRef[0]->dottedField()); BSONObj olderDateObj = fromjson("{ a : { $date : 0 } }"); ASSERT_OK(mod.apply()); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_LT(olderDateObj, doc.getObject()); ASSERT_FALSE(doc.isInPlaceModeEnabled()); Document logDoc; LogBuilder logBuilder(logDoc.root()); ASSERT_OK(mod.log(&logBuilder)); BSONObj oplogFormat = fromjson("{ $set : { a : { $date : 0 } } }"); validateOplogEntry(oplogFormat, logDoc); } TEST_F(BoolInput, ExistingDateDoc) { Document doc(fromjson("{ a: {$date: 0 } }")); Mod mod(fromjson("{ $currentDate : { a : true } }")); ModifierInterface::ExecInfo execInfo; ASSERT_OK(mod.prepare(doc.root(), "", &execInfo)); ASSERT_FALSE(execInfo.noOp); ASSERT_EQUALS("a", execInfo.fieldRef[0]->dottedField()); BSONObj olderDateObj = fromjson("{ a : { $date : 0 } }"); ASSERT_OK(mod.apply()); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_LT(olderDateObj, doc.getObject()); ASSERT_TRUE(doc.isInPlaceModeEnabled()); Document logDoc; LogBuilder logBuilder(logDoc.root()); ASSERT_OK(mod.log(&logBuilder)); BSONObj oplogFormat = fromjson("{ $set : { a : { $date : 0 } } }"); validateOplogEntry(oplogFormat, logDoc); } TEST_F(DateInput, ExistingDateDoc) { Document doc(fromjson("{ a: {$date: 0 } }")); Mod mod(fromjson("{ $currentDate : { a : {$type: 'date' } } }")); ModifierInterface::ExecInfo execInfo; ASSERT_OK(mod.prepare(doc.root(), "", &execInfo)); ASSERT_FALSE(execInfo.noOp); ASSERT_EQUALS("a", execInfo.fieldRef[0]->dottedField()); BSONObj olderDateObj = fromjson("{ a : { $date : 0 } }"); ASSERT_OK(mod.apply()); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_LT(olderDateObj, doc.getObject()); ASSERT_TRUE(doc.isInPlaceModeEnabled()); Document logDoc; LogBuilder logBuilder(logDoc.root()); ASSERT_OK(mod.log(&logBuilder)); BSONObj oplogFormat = fromjson("{ $set : { a : { $date : 0 } } }"); validateOplogEntry(oplogFormat, logDoc); } TEST_F(TimestampInput, ExistingDateDoc) { Document doc(fromjson("{ a: {$date: 0 } }")); Mod mod(fromjson("{ $currentDate : { a : {$type : 'timestamp' } } }")); ModifierInterface::ExecInfo execInfo; ASSERT_OK(mod.prepare(doc.root(), "", &execInfo)); ASSERT_FALSE(execInfo.noOp); ASSERT_EQUALS("a", execInfo.fieldRef[0]->dottedField()); mongo::Timestamp ts; BSONObj olderDateObj = BSON("a" << ts); ASSERT_OK(mod.apply()); ASSERT_TRUE(doc.isInPlaceModeEnabled()); // Same Size as Date ASSERT_BSONOBJ_LT(olderDateObj, doc.getObject()); Document logDoc; LogBuilder logBuilder(logDoc.root()); ASSERT_OK(mod.log(&logBuilder)); BSONObj oplogFormat = fromjson("{ $set : { a : { $timestamp : {t:0, i:0} } } }"); validateOplogEntry(oplogFormat, logDoc); } TEST_F(TimestampInput, ExistingEmbeddedDateDoc) { Document doc(fromjson("{ a: {b: {$date: 0 } } }")); Mod mod(fromjson("{ $currentDate : { 'a.b' : {$type : 'timestamp' } } }")); ModifierInterface::ExecInfo execInfo; ASSERT_OK(mod.prepare(doc.root(), "", &execInfo)); ASSERT_FALSE(execInfo.noOp); ASSERT_EQUALS("a.b", execInfo.fieldRef[0]->dottedField()); mongo::Timestamp ts; BSONObj olderDateObj = BSON("a" << BSON("b" << ts)); ASSERT_OK(mod.apply()); ASSERT_TRUE(doc.isInPlaceModeEnabled()); // Same Size as Date ASSERT_BSONOBJ_LT(olderDateObj, doc.getObject()); Document logDoc; LogBuilder logBuilder(logDoc.root()); ASSERT_OK(mod.log(&logBuilder)); BSONObj oplogFormat = fromjson("{ $set : { 'a.b' : { $timestamp : {t:0, i:0} } } }"); validateOplogEntry(oplogFormat, logDoc); } TEST_F(DottedTimestampInput, EmptyStartDoc) { Document doc(fromjson("{ }")); Mod mod(fromjson("{ $currentDate : { 'a.b' : {$type : 'timestamp' } } }")); ModifierInterface::ExecInfo execInfo; ASSERT_OK(mod.prepare(doc.root(), "", &execInfo)); ASSERT_FALSE(execInfo.noOp); ASSERT_EQUALS("a.b", execInfo.fieldRef[0]->dottedField()); mongo::Timestamp ts; BSONObj olderDateObj = BSON("a" << BSON("b" << ts)); ASSERT_OK(mod.apply()); ASSERT_FALSE(doc.isInPlaceModeEnabled()); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_LT(olderDateObj, doc.getObject()); Document logDoc; LogBuilder logBuilder(logDoc.root()); ASSERT_OK(mod.log(&logBuilder)); BSONObj oplogFormat = fromjson("{ $set : { 'a.b' : { $timestamp : {t:0, i:0} } } }"); validateOplogEntry(oplogFormat, logDoc); } TEST_F(BoolInput, PrepareReportCreatedArrayElement) { Document doc(fromjson("{a: [{b: 0}]}")); Mod mod(fromjson("{$currentDate: {'a.1.c': true}}")); ModifierInterface::ExecInfo execInfo; ASSERT_OK(mod.prepare(doc.root(), "", &execInfo)); ASSERT_EQUALS(execInfo.fieldRef[0]->dottedField(), "a.1.c"); ASSERT_TRUE(execInfo.indexOfArrayWithNewElement[0]); ASSERT_EQUALS(*execInfo.indexOfArrayWithNewElement[0], 0u); ASSERT_FALSE(execInfo.noOp); } TEST_F(BoolInput, PrepareDoNotReportModifiedArrayElement) { Document doc(fromjson("{a: [{b: 0}]}")); Mod mod(fromjson("{$currentDate: {'a.0.c': true}}")); ModifierInterface::ExecInfo execInfo; ASSERT_OK(mod.prepare(doc.root(), "", &execInfo)); ASSERT_EQUALS(execInfo.fieldRef[0]->dottedField(), "a.0.c"); ASSERT_FALSE(execInfo.indexOfArrayWithNewElement[0]); ASSERT_FALSE(execInfo.noOp); } TEST_F(BoolInput, PrepareDoNotReportCreatedNumericObjectField) { Document doc(fromjson("{a: {'0': {b: 0}}}")); Mod mod(fromjson("{$currentDate: {'a.1.c': true}}")); ModifierInterface::ExecInfo execInfo; ASSERT_OK(mod.prepare(doc.root(), "", &execInfo)); ASSERT_EQUALS(execInfo.fieldRef[0]->dottedField(), "a.1.c"); ASSERT_FALSE(execInfo.indexOfArrayWithNewElement[0]); ASSERT_FALSE(execInfo.noOp); } } // namespace