/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/db/ops/parsed_update.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/parsed_update_array_filters.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/update_request.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/write_ops_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/query/canonical_query.h" #include "mongo/db/query/collation/collator_factory_interface.h" namespace mongo { ParsedUpdate::ParsedUpdate(OperationContext* opCtx, const UpdateRequest* request, const ExtensionsCallback& extensionsCallback, bool forgoOpCounterIncrements) : _opCtx(opCtx), _request(request), _expCtx(make_intrusive( opCtx, nullptr, _request->getNamespaceString(), _request->getLegacyRuntimeConstants(), _request->getLetParameters(), true, // mayDbProfile. We pass 'true' here conservatively. In the future we may // change this. request->explain())), _driver(_expCtx), _canonicalQuery(), _extensionsCallback(extensionsCallback) { if (forgoOpCounterIncrements) { _expCtx->enabledCounters = false; } } Status ParsedUpdate::parseRequest() { // It is invalid to request that the UpdateStage return the prior or newly-updated version // of a document during a multi-update. invariant(!(_request->shouldReturnAnyDocs() && _request->isMulti())); // It is invalid to specify 'upsertSupplied:true' for a non-upsert operation, or if no upsert // document was supplied with the request. if (_request->shouldUpsertSuppliedDocument()) { uassert(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, str::stream() << "cannot specify '" << write_ops::UpdateOpEntry::kUpsertSuppliedFieldName << ": true' for a non-upsert operation", _request->isUpsert()); const auto& constants = _request->getUpdateConstants(); uassert(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, str::stream() << "the parameter '" << write_ops::UpdateOpEntry::kUpsertSuppliedFieldName << "' is set to 'true', but no document was supplied", constants && (*constants)["new"_sd].type() == BSONType::Object); } // It is invalid to request that a ProjectionStage be applied to the UpdateStage if the // UpdateStage would not return any document. invariant(_request->getProj().isEmpty() || _request->shouldReturnAnyDocs()); if (!_request->getCollation().isEmpty()) { auto collator = CollatorFactoryInterface::get(_opCtx->getServiceContext()) ->makeFromBSON(_request->getCollation()); if (!collator.isOK()) { return collator.getStatus(); } _expCtx->setCollator(std::move(collator.getValue())); } auto statusWithArrayFilters = parsedUpdateArrayFilters( _expCtx, _request->getArrayFilters(), _request->getNamespaceString()); if (!statusWithArrayFilters.isOK()) { return statusWithArrayFilters.getStatus(); } _arrayFilters = std::move(statusWithArrayFilters.getValue()); // We parse the update portion before the query portion because the dispostion of the update // may determine whether or not we need to produce a CanonicalQuery at all. For example, if // the update involves the positional-dollar operator, we must have a CanonicalQuery even if // it isn't required for query execution. parseUpdate(); Status status = parseQuery(); if (!status.isOK()) return status; return Status::OK(); } Status ParsedUpdate::parseQuery() { dassert(!_canonicalQuery.get()); if (!_driver.needMatchDetails() && CanonicalQuery::isSimpleIdQuery(_request->getQuery())) { return Status::OK(); } return parseQueryToCQ(); } Status ParsedUpdate::parseQueryToCQ() { dassert(!_canonicalQuery.get()); // The projection needs to be applied after the update operation, so we do not specify a // projection during canonicalization. auto findCommand = std::make_unique(_request->getNamespaceString()); findCommand->setFilter(_request->getQuery()); findCommand->setSort(_request->getSort()); findCommand->setHint(_request->getHint()); // We get the collation off the ExpressionContext because it may contain a collection-default // collator if no collation was included in the user's request. findCommand->setCollation(_expCtx->getCollatorBSON()); // Limit should only used for the findAndModify command when a sort is specified. If a sort // is requested, we want to use a top-k sort for efficiency reasons, so should pass the // limit through. Generally, a update stage expects to be able to skip documents that were // deleted/modified under it, but a limit could inhibit that and give an EOF when the update // has not actually updated a document. This behavior is fine for findAndModify, but should // not apply to update in general. if (!_request->isMulti() && !_request->getSort().isEmpty()) { findCommand->setLimit(1); } // $expr is not allowed in the query for an upsert, since it is not clear what the equality // extraction behavior for $expr should be. MatchExpressionParser::AllowedFeatureSet allowedMatcherFeatures = MatchExpressionParser::kAllowAllSpecialFeatures; if (_request->isUpsert()) { allowedMatcherFeatures &= ~MatchExpressionParser::AllowedFeatures::kExpr; } // If the update request has runtime constants or let parameters attached to it, pass them to // the FindCommandRequest. if (auto& runtimeConstants = _request->getLegacyRuntimeConstants()) { findCommand->setLegacyRuntimeConstants(*runtimeConstants); } if (auto& letParams = _request->getLetParameters()) { findCommand->setLet(*letParams); } _expCtx->startExpressionCounters(); auto statusWithCQ = CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(_opCtx, std::move(findCommand), static_cast(_request->explain()), _expCtx, _extensionsCallback, allowedMatcherFeatures); if (statusWithCQ.isOK()) { _canonicalQuery = std::move(statusWithCQ.getValue()); } if (statusWithCQ.getStatus().code() == ErrorCodes::QueryFeatureNotAllowed) { // The default error message for disallowed $expr is not descriptive enough, so we rewrite // it here. return {ErrorCodes::QueryFeatureNotAllowed, "$expr is not allowed in the query predicate for an upsert"}; } return statusWithCQ.getStatus(); } void ParsedUpdate::parseUpdate() { _driver.setCollator(_expCtx->getCollator()); _driver.setLogOp(true); _driver.setFromOplogApplication(_request->isFromOplogApplication()); // Time-series operations will not result in any documents with dots or dollars fields. if (auto source = _request->source(); source == OperationSource::kTimeseriesInsert || source == OperationSource::kTimeseriesUpdate) { _driver.setSkipDotsDollarsCheck(true); } _expCtx->isParsingPipelineUpdate = true; _driver.parse(_request->getUpdateModification(), _arrayFilters, _request->getUpdateConstants(), _request->isMulti()); _expCtx->isParsingPipelineUpdate = false; } PlanYieldPolicy::YieldPolicy ParsedUpdate::yieldPolicy() const { return _request->isGod() ? PlanYieldPolicy::YieldPolicy::NO_YIELD : _request->getYieldPolicy(); } bool ParsedUpdate::hasParsedQuery() const { return _canonicalQuery.get() != nullptr; } std::unique_ptr ParsedUpdate::releaseParsedQuery() { invariant(_canonicalQuery.get() != nullptr); return std::move(_canonicalQuery); } const UpdateRequest* ParsedUpdate::getRequest() const { return _request; } UpdateDriver* ParsedUpdate::getDriver() { return &_driver; } void ParsedUpdate::setCollator(std::unique_ptr collator) { auto* rawCollator = collator.get(); if (_canonicalQuery) { _canonicalQuery->setCollator(std::move(collator)); } else { _expCtx->setCollator(std::move(collator)); } _driver.setCollator(rawCollator); for (auto&& arrayFilter : _arrayFilters) { arrayFilter.second->getFilter()->setCollator(rawCollator); } } } // namespace mongo