/** * Copyright (C) 2013 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/db/ops/update_driver.h" #include "mongo/base/error_codes.h" #include "mongo/base/string_data.h" #include "mongo/bson/mutable/algorithm.h" #include "mongo/bson/mutable/document.h" #include "mongo/db/field_ref.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_leaf.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/extensions_callback_noop.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/log_builder.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/modifier_object_replace.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/modifier_table.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/path_support.h" #include "mongo/util/embedded_builder.h" #include "mongo/util/mongoutils/str.h" namespace mongo { namespace str = mongoutils::str; namespace mb = mongo::mutablebson; using std::unique_ptr; using std::vector; using pathsupport::EqualityMatches; UpdateDriver::UpdateDriver(const Options& opts) : _replacementMode(false), _indexedFields(NULL), _logOp(opts.logOp), _modOptions(opts.modOptions), _affectIndices(false), _positional(false) {} UpdateDriver::~UpdateDriver() { clear(); } Status UpdateDriver::parse(const BSONObj& updateExpr, const bool multi) { clear(); // Check if the update expression is a full object replacement. if (*updateExpr.firstElementFieldName() != '$') { if (multi) { return Status(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, "multi update only works with $ operators"); } // Modifiers expect BSONElements as input. But the input to object replace is, by // definition, an object. We wrap the 'updateExpr' as the mod is expecting. Note // that the wrapper is temporary so the object replace mod should make a copy of // the object. unique_ptr mod(new ModifierObjectReplace); BSONObj wrapper = BSON("dummy" << updateExpr); Status status = mod->init(wrapper.firstElement(), _modOptions); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } _mods.push_back(mod.release()); // Register the fact that this driver will only do full object replacements. _replacementMode = true; return Status::OK(); } // The update expression is made of mod operators, that is // { <$mod>: {...}, <$mod>: {...}, ... } BSONObjIterator outerIter(updateExpr); while (outerIter.more()) { BSONElement outerModElem = outerIter.next(); // Check whether this is a valid mod type. modifiertable::ModifierType modType = modifiertable::getType(outerModElem.fieldName()); if (modType == modifiertable::MOD_UNKNOWN) { return Status(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, str::stream() << "Unknown modifier: " << outerModElem.fieldName()); } // Check whether there is indeed a list of mods under this modifier. if (outerModElem.type() != Object) { return Status(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, str::stream() << "Modifiers operate on fields but we found type " << typeName(outerModElem.type()) << " instead. For example: {$mod: {: ...}}" << " not {" << outerModElem.toString() << "}"); } // Check whether there are indeed mods under this modifier. if (outerModElem.embeddedObject().isEmpty()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, str::stream() << "'" << outerModElem.fieldName() << "' is empty. You must specify a field like so: " "{" << outerModElem.fieldName() << ": {: ...}}"); } BSONObjIterator innerIter(outerModElem.embeddedObject()); while (innerIter.more()) { BSONElement innerModElem = innerIter.next(); Status status = addAndParse(modType, innerModElem); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } } } // Register the fact that there will be only $mod's in this driver -- no object // replacement. _replacementMode = false; return Status::OK(); } inline Status UpdateDriver::addAndParse(const modifiertable::ModifierType type, const BSONElement& elem) { if (elem.eoo()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, str::stream() << "'" << elem.fieldName() << "' has no value in : " << elem << " which is not allowed for any $" << type << " mod."); } unique_ptr mod(modifiertable::makeUpdateMod(type)); dassert(mod.get()); bool positional = false; Status status = mod->init(elem, _modOptions, &positional); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } // If any modifier indicates that it requires a positional match, toggle the // _positional flag to true. _positional = _positional || positional; _mods.push_back(mod.release()); return Status::OK(); } Status UpdateDriver::populateDocumentWithQueryFields(const BSONObj& query, const vector* immutablePaths, mutablebson::Document& doc) const { // We canonicalize the query to collapse $and/$or, and the first arg (ns) is not needed. Also, // because this is for the upsert case, where we insert a new document if one was not found, the // $where/$text clauses do not make sense, hence empty ExtensionsCallback. auto statusWithCQ = CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(NamespaceString(""), query, ExtensionsCallbackNoop()); if (!statusWithCQ.isOK()) { return statusWithCQ.getStatus(); } unique_ptr cq = std::move(statusWithCQ.getValue()); return populateDocumentWithQueryFields(*cq, immutablePaths, doc); } Status UpdateDriver::populateDocumentWithQueryFields(const CanonicalQuery& query, const vector* immutablePathsPtr, mutablebson::Document& doc) const { EqualityMatches equalities; Status status = Status::OK(); if (isDocReplacement()) { FieldRefSet pathsToExtract; // TODO: Refactor update logic, make _id just another immutable field static const FieldRef idPath("_id"); static const vector emptyImmutablePaths; const vector& immutablePaths = immutablePathsPtr ? *immutablePathsPtr : emptyImmutablePaths; pathsToExtract.fillFrom(immutablePaths); pathsToExtract.insert(&idPath); // Extract only immutable fields from replacement-style status = pathsupport::extractFullEqualityMatches(*query.root(), pathsToExtract, &equalities); } else { // Extract all fields from op-style status = pathsupport::extractEqualityMatches(*query.root(), &equalities); } if (!status.isOK()) return status; status = pathsupport::addEqualitiesToDoc(equalities, &doc); return status; } Status UpdateDriver::update(StringData matchedField, mutablebson::Document* doc, BSONObj* logOpRec, FieldRefSet* updatedFields, bool* docWasModified) { // TODO: assert that update() is called at most once in a !_multi case. // Use the passed in FieldRefSet FieldRefSet* targetFields = updatedFields; // If we didn't get a FieldRefSet* from the caller, allocate storage and use // the unique_ptr for lifecycle management unique_ptr targetFieldScopedPtr; if (!targetFields) { targetFieldScopedPtr.reset(new FieldRefSet()); targetFields = targetFieldScopedPtr.get(); } _affectIndices = (isDocReplacement() && (_indexedFields != NULL)); _logDoc.reset(); LogBuilder logBuilder(_logDoc.root()); // Ask each of the mods to type check whether they can operate over the current document // and, if so, to change that document accordingly. for (vector::iterator it = _mods.begin(); it != _mods.end(); ++it) { ModifierInterface::ExecInfo execInfo; Status status = (*it)->prepare(doc->root(), matchedField, &execInfo); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } // If a mod wants to be applied only if this is an upsert (or only if this is a // strict update), we should respect that. If a mod doesn't care, it would state // it is fine with ANY update context. const bool validContext = (execInfo.context == ModifierInterface::ExecInfo::ANY_CONTEXT || execInfo.context == _context); // Nothing to do if not in a valid context. if (!validContext) { continue; } // Gather which fields this mod is interested on and whether these fields were // "taken" by previous mods. Note that not all mods are multi-field mods. When we // see an empty field, we may stop looking for others. for (int i = 0; i < ModifierInterface::ExecInfo::MAX_NUM_FIELDS; i++) { if (execInfo.fieldRef[i] == 0) { break; } // Record each field being updated but check for conflicts first const FieldRef* other; if (!targetFields->insert(execInfo.fieldRef[i], &other)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::ConflictingUpdateOperators, str::stream() << "Cannot update '" << other->dottedField() << "' and '" << execInfo.fieldRef[i]->dottedField() << "' at the same time"); } // We start with the expectation that a mod will be in-place. But if the mod // touched an indexed field and the mod will indeed be executed -- that is, it // is not a no-op and it is in a valid context -- then we switch back to a // non-in-place mode. // // TODO: make mightBeIndexed and fieldRef like each other. if (!_affectIndices && !execInfo.noOp && _indexedFields && _indexedFields->mightBeIndexed(execInfo.fieldRef[i]->dottedField())) { _affectIndices = true; doc->disableInPlaceUpdates(); } } if (!execInfo.noOp) { status = (*it)->apply(); if (docWasModified) *docWasModified = true; if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } } // If we require a replication oplog entry for this update, go ahead and generate one. if (!execInfo.noOp && _logOp && logOpRec) { status = (*it)->log(&logBuilder); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } } } if (_logOp && logOpRec) *logOpRec = _logDoc.getObject(); return Status::OK(); } size_t UpdateDriver::numMods() const { return _mods.size(); } bool UpdateDriver::isDocReplacement() const { return _replacementMode; } bool UpdateDriver::modsAffectIndices() const { return _affectIndices; } void UpdateDriver::refreshIndexKeys(const UpdateIndexData* indexedFields) { _indexedFields = indexedFields; } bool UpdateDriver::logOp() const { return _logOp; } void UpdateDriver::setLogOp(bool logOp) { _logOp = logOp; } ModifierInterface::Options UpdateDriver::modOptions() const { return _modOptions; } void UpdateDriver::setModOptions(ModifierInterface::Options modOpts) { _modOptions = modOpts; } ModifierInterface::ExecInfo::UpdateContext UpdateDriver::context() const { return _context; } void UpdateDriver::setContext(ModifierInterface::ExecInfo::UpdateContext context) { _context = context; } BSONObj UpdateDriver::makeOplogEntryQuery(const BSONObj& doc, bool multi) const { BSONObjBuilder idPattern; BSONElement id; // NOTE: If the matching object lacks an id, we'll log // with the original pattern. This isn't replay-safe. // It might make sense to suppress the log instead // if there's no id. if (doc.getObjectID(id)) { idPattern.append(id); return idPattern.obj(); } else { uassert(16980, str::stream() << "Multi-update operations require all documents to " "have an '_id' field. " << doc.toString(false, false), !multi); return doc; } } void UpdateDriver::clear() { for (vector::iterator it = _mods.begin(); it != _mods.end(); ++it) { delete *it; } _mods.clear(); _indexedFields = NULL; _replacementMode = false; _positional = false; } } // namespace mongo