/** * Copyright (C) 2016 MongoDB Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/document_validation.h" #include "mongo/db/dbmessage.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/write_ops.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/write_ops_parsers.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/write_ops_parsers_test_helpers.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" namespace mongo { namespace { TEST(CommandWriteOpsParsers, CommonFields_BypassDocumentValidation) { for (BSONElement bypassDocumentValidation : BSON_ARRAY(true << false << 1 << 0 << 1.0 << 0.0)) { auto cmd = BSON("insert" << "bar" << "documents" << BSON_ARRAY(BSONObj()) << "bypassDocumentValidation" << bypassDocumentValidation); for (bool seq : {false, true}) { auto request = toOpMsg("foo", cmd, seq); auto op = InsertOp::parse(request); ASSERT_EQ(op.getWriteCommandBase().getBypassDocumentValidation(), shouldBypassDocumentValidationForCommand(cmd)); } } } TEST(CommandWriteOpsParsers, CommonFields_Ordered) { for (bool ordered : {true, false}) { auto cmd = BSON("insert" << "bar" << "documents" << BSON_ARRAY(BSONObj()) << "ordered" << ordered); for (bool seq : {false, true}) { auto request = toOpMsg("foo", cmd, seq); auto op = InsertOp::parse(request); ASSERT_EQ(op.getWriteCommandBase().getOrdered(), ordered); } } } TEST(CommandWriteOpsParsers, CommonFields_IgnoredFields) { // These flags are ignored, so there is nothing to check other than that this doesn't throw. auto cmd = BSON("insert" << "bar" << "documents" << BSON_ARRAY(BSONObj()) << "maxTimeMS" << 1000 << "shardVersion" << BSONObj() << "writeConcern" << BSONObj()); for (bool seq : {false, true}) { auto request = toOpMsg("foo", cmd, seq); InsertOp::parse(request); } } TEST(CommandWriteOpsParsers, GarbageFieldsAtTopLevel_Body) { auto cmd = BSON("insert" << "bar" << "documents" << BSON_ARRAY(BSONObj()) << "GARBAGE" << BSON_ARRAY(BSONObj())); for (bool seq : {false, true}) { auto request = toOpMsg("foo", cmd, seq); ASSERT_THROWS(InsertOp::parse(request), AssertionException); } } TEST(CommandWriteOpsParsers, ErrorOnDuplicateCommonField) { auto cmd = BSON("insert" << "bar" << "documents" << BSON_ARRAY(BSONObj()) << "documents" << BSON_ARRAY(BSONObj())); for (bool seq : {false, true}) { auto request = toOpMsg("foo", cmd, seq); ASSERT_THROWS(InsertOp::parse(request), AssertionException); } } TEST(CommandWriteOpsParsers, ErrorOnDuplicateCommonFieldBetweenBodyAndSequence) { OpMsgRequest request; request.body = BSON("insert" << "bar" << "documents" << BSON_ARRAY(BSONObj()) << "$db" << "foo"); request.sequences = {{"documents", { BSONObj(), }}}; ASSERT_THROWS(InsertOp::parse(request), AssertionException); } TEST(CommandWriteOpsParsers, GarbageFieldsInUpdateDoc) { auto cmd = BSON("update" << "bar" << "updates" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("q" << BSONObj() << "u" << BSONObj() << "GARBAGE" << 1))); for (bool seq : {false, true}) { auto request = toOpMsg("foo", cmd, seq); ASSERT_THROWS(UpdateOp::parse(request), AssertionException); } } TEST(CommandWriteOpsParsers, GarbageFieldsInDeleteDoc) { auto cmd = BSON("delete" << "bar" << "deletes" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("q" << BSONObj() << "limit" << 0 << "GARBAGE" << 1))); for (bool seq : {false, true}) { auto request = toOpMsg("foo", cmd, seq); ASSERT_THROWS(DeleteOp::parse(request), AssertionException); } } TEST(CommandWriteOpsParsers, BadCollationFieldInUpdateDoc) { auto cmd = BSON("update" << "bar" << "updates" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("q" << BSONObj() << "u" << BSONObj() << "collation" << 1))); for (bool seq : {false, true}) { auto request = toOpMsg("foo", cmd, seq); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(UpdateOp::parse(request), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch); } } TEST(CommandWriteOpsParsers, BadCollationFieldInDeleteDoc) { auto cmd = BSON("delete" << "bar" << "deletes" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("q" << BSONObj() << "limit" << 0 << "collation" << 1))); for (bool seq : {false, true}) { auto request = toOpMsg("foo", cmd, seq); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(DeleteOp::parse(request), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch); } } TEST(CommandWriteOpsParsers, BadArrayFiltersFieldInUpdateDoc) { auto cmd = BSON("update" << "bar" << "updates" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("q" << BSONObj() << "u" << BSONObj() << "arrayFilters" << "bad"))); for (bool seq : {false, true}) { auto request = toOpMsg("foo", cmd, seq); ASSERT_THROWS(UpdateOp::parse(request), AssertionException); } } TEST(CommandWriteOpsParsers, BadArrayFiltersElementInUpdateDoc) { auto cmd = BSON("update" << "bar" << "updates" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("q" << BSONObj() << "u" << BSONObj() << "arrayFilters" << BSON_ARRAY("bad")))); for (bool seq : {false, true}) { auto request = toOpMsg("foo", cmd, seq); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(UpdateOp::parse(request), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch); } } TEST(CommandWriteOpsParsers, SingleInsert) { const auto ns = NamespaceString("test", "foo"); const BSONObj obj = BSON("x" << 1); auto cmd = BSON("insert" << ns.coll() << "documents" << BSON_ARRAY(obj)); for (bool seq : {false, true}) { auto request = toOpMsg(ns.db(), cmd, seq); const auto op = InsertOp::parse(request); ASSERT_EQ(op.getNamespace().ns(), ns.ns()); ASSERT(!op.getWriteCommandBase().getBypassDocumentValidation()); ASSERT(op.getWriteCommandBase().getOrdered()); ASSERT_EQ(op.getDocuments().size(), 1u); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(op.getDocuments()[0], obj); } } TEST(CommandWriteOpsParsers, EmptyMultiInsertFails) { const auto ns = NamespaceString("test", "foo"); auto cmd = BSON("insert" << ns.coll() << "documents" << BSONArray()); for (bool seq : {false, true}) { auto request = toOpMsg(ns.db(), cmd, seq); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(InsertOp::parse(request), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidLength); } } TEST(CommandWriteOpsParsers, RealMultiInsert) { const auto ns = NamespaceString("test", "foo"); const BSONObj obj0 = BSON("x" << 0); const BSONObj obj1 = BSON("x" << 1); auto cmd = BSON("insert" << ns.coll() << "documents" << BSON_ARRAY(obj0 << obj1)); for (bool seq : {false, true}) { auto request = toOpMsg(ns.db(), cmd, seq); const auto op = InsertOp::parse(request); ASSERT_EQ(op.getNamespace().ns(), ns.ns()); ASSERT(!op.getWriteCommandBase().getBypassDocumentValidation()); ASSERT(op.getWriteCommandBase().getOrdered()); ASSERT_EQ(op.getDocuments().size(), 2u); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(op.getDocuments()[0], obj0); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(op.getDocuments()[1], obj1); } } TEST(CommandWriteOpsParsers, Update) { const auto ns = NamespaceString("test", "foo"); const BSONObj query = BSON("x" << 1); const BSONObj update = BSON("$inc" << BSON("x" << 1)); const BSONObj collation = BSON("locale" << "en_US"); const BSONObj arrayFilter = BSON("i" << 0); for (bool upsert : {false, true}) { for (bool multi : {false, true}) { auto rawUpdate = BSON("q" << query << "u" << update << "arrayFilters" << BSON_ARRAY(arrayFilter) << "multi" << multi << "upsert" << upsert << "collation" << collation); auto cmd = BSON("update" << ns.coll() << "updates" << BSON_ARRAY(rawUpdate)); for (bool seq : {false, true}) { auto request = toOpMsg(ns.db(), cmd, seq); auto op = UpdateOp::parse(request); ASSERT_EQ(op.getNamespace().ns(), ns.ns()); ASSERT(!op.getWriteCommandBase().getBypassDocumentValidation()); ASSERT_EQ(op.getWriteCommandBase().getOrdered(), true); ASSERT_EQ(op.getUpdates().size(), 1u); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(op.getUpdates()[0].getQ(), query); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(op.getUpdates()[0].getU(), update); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(write_ops::collationOf(op.getUpdates()[0]), collation); ASSERT_EQ(write_ops::arrayFiltersOf(op.getUpdates()[0]).size(), 1u); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(write_ops::arrayFiltersOf(op.getUpdates()[0]).front(), arrayFilter); ASSERT_EQ(op.getUpdates()[0].getUpsert(), upsert); ASSERT_EQ(op.getUpdates()[0].getMulti(), multi); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(op.getUpdates()[0].toBSON(), rawUpdate); } } } } TEST(CommandWriteOpsParsers, Remove) { const auto ns = NamespaceString("test", "foo"); const BSONObj query = BSON("x" << 1); const BSONObj collation = BSON("locale" << "en_US"); for (bool multi : {false, true}) { auto rawDelete = BSON("q" << query << "limit" << (multi ? 0 : 1) << "collation" << collation); auto cmd = BSON("delete" << ns.coll() << "deletes" << BSON_ARRAY(rawDelete)); for (bool seq : {false, true}) { auto request = toOpMsg(ns.db(), cmd, seq); auto op = DeleteOp::parse(request); ASSERT_EQ(op.getNamespace().ns(), ns.ns()); ASSERT(!op.getWriteCommandBase().getBypassDocumentValidation()); ASSERT_EQ(op.getWriteCommandBase().getOrdered(), true); ASSERT_EQ(op.getDeletes().size(), 1u); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(op.getDeletes()[0].getQ(), query); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(write_ops::collationOf(op.getDeletes()[0]), collation); ASSERT_EQ(op.getDeletes()[0].getMulti(), multi); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(op.getDeletes()[0].toBSON(), rawDelete); } } } TEST(CommandWriteOpsParsers, RemoveErrorsWithBadLimit) { // Only 1 and 0 should be accepted. for (BSONElement limit : BSON_ARRAY(-1 << 2 << 0.5)) { auto cmd = BSON("delete" << "bar" << "deletes" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("q" << BSONObj() << "limit" << limit))); for (bool seq : {false, true}) { auto request = toOpMsg("foo", cmd, seq); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE( DeleteOp::parse(request), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::FailedToParse); } } } TEST(LegacyWriteOpsParsers, SingleInsert) { const std::string ns = "test.foo"; const BSONObj obj = BSON("x" << 1); for (bool continueOnError : {false, true}) { auto message = makeInsertMessage(ns, obj, continueOnError ? InsertOption_ContinueOnError : 0); const auto op = InsertOp::parseLegacy(message); ASSERT_EQ(op.getNamespace().ns(), ns); ASSERT(!op.getWriteCommandBase().getBypassDocumentValidation()); ASSERT_EQ(!op.getWriteCommandBase().getOrdered(), continueOnError); ASSERT_EQ(op.getDocuments().size(), 1u); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(op.getDocuments()[0], obj); } } TEST(LegacyWriteOpsParsers, EmptyMultiInsertFails) { const std::string ns = "test.foo"; for (bool continueOnError : {false, true}) { auto objs = std::vector{}; auto message = makeInsertMessage( ns, objs.data(), objs.size(), (continueOnError ? InsertOption_ContinueOnError : 0)); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE( InsertOp::parseLegacy(message), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidLength); } } TEST(LegacyWriteOpsParsers, RealMultiInsert) { const std::string ns = "test.foo"; const BSONObj obj0 = BSON("x" << 0); const BSONObj obj1 = BSON("x" << 1); for (bool continueOnError : {false, true}) { auto objs = std::vector{obj0, obj1}; auto message = makeInsertMessage( ns, objs.data(), objs.size(), continueOnError ? InsertOption_ContinueOnError : 0); const auto op = InsertOp::parseLegacy(message); ASSERT_EQ(op.getNamespace().ns(), ns); ASSERT(!op.getWriteCommandBase().getBypassDocumentValidation()); ASSERT_EQ(!op.getWriteCommandBase().getOrdered(), continueOnError); ASSERT_EQ(op.getDocuments().size(), 2u); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(op.getDocuments()[0], obj0); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(op.getDocuments()[1], obj1); } } TEST(LegacyWriteOpsParsers, Update) { const std::string ns = "test.foo"; const BSONObj query = BSON("x" << 1); const BSONObj update = BSON("$inc" << BSON("x" << 1)); for (bool upsert : {false, true}) { for (bool multi : {false, true}) { auto message = makeUpdateMessage(ns, query, update, (upsert ? UpdateOption_Upsert : 0) | (multi ? UpdateOption_Multi : 0)); const auto op = UpdateOp::parseLegacy(message); ASSERT_EQ(op.getNamespace().ns(), ns); ASSERT(!op.getWriteCommandBase().getBypassDocumentValidation()); ASSERT_EQ(op.getWriteCommandBase().getOrdered(), true); ASSERT_EQ(op.getUpdates().size(), 1u); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(op.getUpdates()[0].getQ(), query); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(op.getUpdates()[0].getU(), update); ASSERT_EQ(op.getUpdates()[0].getUpsert(), upsert); ASSERT_EQ(op.getUpdates()[0].getMulti(), multi); } } } TEST(LegacyWriteOpsParsers, Remove) { const std::string ns = "test.foo"; const BSONObj query = BSON("x" << 1); for (bool multi : {false, true}) { auto message = makeRemoveMessage(ns, query, (multi ? 0 : RemoveOption_JustOne)); const auto op = DeleteOp::parseLegacy(message); ASSERT_EQ(op.getNamespace().ns(), ns); ASSERT(!op.getWriteCommandBase().getBypassDocumentValidation()); ASSERT_EQ(op.getWriteCommandBase().getOrdered(), true); ASSERT_EQ(op.getDeletes().size(), 1u); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(op.getDeletes()[0].getQ(), query); ASSERT_EQ(op.getDeletes()[0].getMulti(), multi); } } } // namespace } // namespace mongo