/** * Copyright (C) 2019-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/accumulator_js_reduce.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/make_js_function.h" namespace mongo { REGISTER_ACCUMULATOR(_internalJsReduce, AccumulatorInternalJsReduce::parseInternalJsReduce); AccumulationExpression AccumulatorInternalJsReduce::parseInternalJsReduce( ExpressionContext* const expCtx, BSONElement elem, VariablesParseState vps) { uassert(31326, str::stream() << kName << " requires a document argument, but found " << elem.type(), elem.type() == BSONType::Object); BSONObj obj = elem.embeddedObject(); expCtx->sbeGroupCompatible = false; std::string funcSource; boost::intrusive_ptr argument; for (auto&& element : obj) { if (element.fieldNameStringData() == "eval") { funcSource = parseReduceFunction(element); } else if (element.fieldNameStringData() == "data") { argument = Expression::parseOperand(expCtx, element, vps); } else { uasserted(31243, str::stream() << "Invalid argument specified to " << kName << ": " << element.toString()); } } uassert(31245, str::stream() << kName << " requires 'eval' argument, recieved input: " << obj.toString(false), !funcSource.empty()); uassert(31349, str::stream() << kName << " requires 'data' argument, recieved input: " << obj.toString(false), argument); auto factory = [expCtx, funcSource = funcSource]() { return AccumulatorInternalJsReduce::create(expCtx, funcSource); }; auto initializer = ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, Value(BSONNULL)); return {std::move(initializer), std::move(argument), std::move(factory), AccumulatorInternalJsReduce::kName}; } std::string AccumulatorInternalJsReduce::parseReduceFunction(BSONElement func) { uassert( 31244, str::stream() << kName << " requires the 'eval' argument to be of type string, or code but found " << func.type(), func.type() == BSONType::String || func.type() == BSONType::Code); return func._asCode(); } void AccumulatorInternalJsReduce::processInternal(const Value& input, bool merging) { if (input.missing()) { return; } uassert(31242, str::stream() << kName << " requires a document argument, but found " << input.getType(), input.getType() == BSONType::Object); Document data = input.getDocument(); // Avoid too many lookups into the Document cache. const Value kField = data["k"]; Value vField = data["v"]; uassert( 31251, str::stream() << kName << " requires the 'data' argument to have a 'k' and 'v' field. Instead found" << data.toString(), data.computeSize() == 2ull && !kField.missing() && !vField.missing()); _key = kField; _memUsageBytes += vField.getApproximateSize(); _values.push_back(std::move(vField)); } Value AccumulatorInternalJsReduce::getValue(bool toBeMerged) { if (_values.size() < 1) { return Value{}; } const auto keySize = _key.getApproximateSize(); Value result; // Keep reducing until we have exactly one value. while (true) { BSONArrayBuilder bsonValues; size_t numLeft = _values.size(); for (; numLeft > 0; numLeft--) { Value val = _values[numLeft - 1]; // Do not insert if doing so would exceed the the maximum allowed BSONObj size. if (bsonValues.len() + keySize + val.getApproximateSize() > BSONObjMaxUserSize) { // If we have reached the threshold for maximum allowed BSONObj size and only have a // single value then no progress will be made on reduce. We must fail when this // scenario is encountered. size_t numNextReduce = _values.size() - numLeft; uassert(31392, "Value too large to reduce", numNextReduce > 1); break; } bsonValues << val; } auto expCtx = getExpressionContext(); auto reduceFunc = makeJsFunc(expCtx, _funcSource); // Function signature: reduce(key, values). BSONObj params = BSON_ARRAY(_key << bsonValues.arr()); // For reduce, the key and values are both passed as 'params' so there's no need to set // 'this'. BSONObj thisObj; Value reduceResult = expCtx->getJsExecWithScope()->callFunction(reduceFunc, params, thisObj); if (numLeft == 0) { result = reduceResult; break; } else { // Remove all values which have been reduced. _values.resize(numLeft); // Include most recent result in the set of values to be reduced. _values.push_back(reduceResult); } } // If we're merging after this, wrap the value in the same format it was inserted in. if (toBeMerged) { MutableDocument output; output.addField("k", _key); output.addField("v", std::move(result)); return Value(output.freeze()); } else { return result; } } boost::intrusive_ptr AccumulatorInternalJsReduce::create( ExpressionContext* const expCtx, StringData funcSource) { return make_intrusive(expCtx, funcSource); } void AccumulatorInternalJsReduce::reset() { _values.clear(); _memUsageBytes = sizeof(*this); _key = Value{}; } // Returns this accumulator serialized as a Value along with the reduce function. Document AccumulatorInternalJsReduce::serialize(boost::intrusive_ptr initializer, boost::intrusive_ptr argument, bool explain) const { return DOC(kName << DOC("data" << argument->serialize(explain) << "eval" << _funcSource)); } REGISTER_ACCUMULATOR(accumulator, AccumulatorJs::parse); boost::intrusive_ptr AccumulatorJs::create( ExpressionContext* const expCtx, std::string init, std::string accumulate, std::string merge, boost::optional finalize) { return new AccumulatorJs( expCtx, std::move(init), std::move(accumulate), std::move(merge), std::move(finalize)); } namespace { // Parses a constant expression of type String or Code. std::string parseFunction(StringData fieldName, ExpressionContext* const expCtx, BSONElement elem, VariablesParseState vps) { boost::intrusive_ptr expr = Expression::parseOperand(expCtx, elem, vps); expr = expr->optimize(); ExpressionConstant* ec = dynamic_cast(expr.get()); uassert(4544701, str::stream() << "$accumulator '" << fieldName << "' must be a constant expression", ec); Value v = ec->getValue(); uassert(4544702, str::stream() << "$accumulator '" << fieldName << "' must be a String or Code", v.getType() == BSONType::String || v.getType() == BSONType::Code); return v.coerceToString(); } } // namespace Document AccumulatorJs::serialize(boost::intrusive_ptr initializer, boost::intrusive_ptr argument, bool explain) const { MutableDocument args; args.addField("init", Value(_init)); args.addField("initArgs", Value(initializer->serialize(explain))); args.addField("accumulate", Value(_accumulate)); args.addField("accumulateArgs", Value(argument->serialize(explain))); args.addField("merge", Value(_merge)); if (_finalize) { args.addField("finalize", Value(*_finalize)); } args.addField("lang", Value("js"_sd)); return DOC(kName << args.freeze()); } AccumulationExpression AccumulatorJs::parse(ExpressionContext* const expCtx, BSONElement elem, VariablesParseState vps) { /* * {$accumulator: { * init: , * accumulate: , * merge: , * finalize: , * * accumulateArgs: , // evaluated once per document * * initArgs: , // evaluated once per group * * lang: 'js', * }} */ uassert(4544703, str::stream() << "$accumulator expects an object as an argument; found: " << typeName(elem.type()), elem.type() == BSONType::Object); BSONObj obj = elem.embeddedObject(); expCtx->sbeGroupCompatible = false; std::string init, accumulate, merge; boost::optional finalize; boost::intrusive_ptr initArgs, accumulateArgs; for (auto&& element : obj) { auto name = element.fieldNameStringData(); if (name == "init") { init = parseFunction("init", expCtx, element, vps); } else if (name == "accumulate") { accumulate = parseFunction("accumulate", expCtx, element, vps); } else if (name == "merge") { merge = parseFunction("merge", expCtx, element, vps); } else if (name == "finalize") { finalize = parseFunction("finalize", expCtx, element, vps); } else if (name == "initArgs") { initArgs = Expression::parseOperand(expCtx, element, vps); } else if (name == "accumulateArgs") { accumulateArgs = Expression::parseOperand(expCtx, element, vps); } else if (name == "lang") { uassert(4544704, str::stream() << "$accumulator lang must be a string; found: " << element.type(), element.type() == BSONType::String); uassert(4544705, "$accumulator only supports lang: 'js'", element.valueStringData() == "js"); } else { // unexpected field uassert( 4544706, str::stream() << "$accumulator got an unexpected field: " << name, false); } } uassert(4544707, "$accumulator missing required argument 'init'", !init.empty()); uassert(4544708, "$accumulator missing required argument 'accumulate'", !accumulate.empty()); uassert(4544709, "$accumulator missing required argument 'merge'", !merge.empty()); if (!initArgs) { // initArgs is optional because most custom accumulators don't need the state to depend on // the group key. initArgs = ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, Value(BSONArray())); } // accumulateArgs is required because it's the only way to communicate a value from the input // stream into the accumulator state. uassert(4544710, "$accumulator missing required argument 'accumulateArgs'", accumulateArgs); auto factory = [expCtx = expCtx, init = std::move(init), accumulate = std::move(accumulate), merge = std::move(merge), finalize = std::move(finalize)]() { return new AccumulatorJs(expCtx, init, accumulate, merge, finalize); }; return { std::move(initArgs), std::move(accumulateArgs), std::move(factory), AccumulatorJs::kName}; } Value AccumulatorJs::getValue(bool toBeMerged) { // _state is initialized when we encounter the first document in each group. We never create // empty groups: even in a {$group: {_id: 1, ...}}, we will return zero groups rather than one // empty group. invariant(_state); // Ensure we've actually called accumulate/merge for every input document. reduceMemoryConsumptionIfAble(); invariant(_pendingCalls.empty()); // If toBeMerged then we return the current state, to be fed back in to accumulate / merge / // finalize later. If not toBeMerged then we return the final value, by calling finalize. if (toBeMerged) { return *_state; } // Get the final value given the current accumulator state. if (_finalize) { auto expCtx = getExpressionContext(); auto jsExec = expCtx->getJsExecWithScope(); auto func = makeJsFunc(expCtx, *_finalize); return jsExec->callFunction(func, BSON_ARRAY(*_state), {}); } else { return *_state; } } void AccumulatorJs::resetMemUsageBytes() { _memUsageBytes = sizeof(*this) + _init.capacity() + _accumulate.capacity() + _merge.capacity(); if (_finalize) { _memUsageBytes += _finalize->capacity(); } } void AccumulatorJs::incrementMemUsageBytes(size_t bytes) { _memUsageBytes += bytes; } void AccumulatorJs::startNewGroup(Value const& input) { // Between groups the _state should be empty: we initialize it to be empty it in the // constructor, and we clear it at the end of each group (in .reset()). invariant(!_state); auto expCtx = getExpressionContext(); auto jsExec = expCtx->getJsExecWithScope(); auto func = makeJsFunc(expCtx, _init); // input is a value produced by our AccumulationExpression::initializer. uassert(4544711, str::stream() << "$accumulator initArgs must evaluate to an array: " << input.toString(), input.getType() == BSONType::Array); size_t index = 0; BSONArrayBuilder bob; for (auto&& arg : input.getArray()) { arg.addToBsonArray(&bob, index++); } _state = jsExec->callFunction(func, bob.arr(), {}); // getApproximateSize includes sizeof(Value), but we already counted that in resetMemUsageBytes // as part of sizeof(*this). incrementMemUsageBytes(_state->getApproximateSize() - sizeof(Value)); } void AccumulatorJs::reset() { _state = boost::none; _pendingCalls.clear(); _pendingCallsMerging = false; resetMemUsageBytes(); } void AccumulatorJs::processInternal(const Value& input, bool merging) { // _state should be nonempty because we populate it in startNewGroup. invariant(_state); invariant(_pendingCalls.empty() || _pendingCallsMerging == merging); if (!merging) { uassert(4544712, str::stream() << "$accumulator accumulateArgs must evaluate to an array: " << input.toString(), input.getType() == BSONType::Array); } _pendingCalls.emplace_back(input); _pendingCallsMerging = merging; // getApproximateSize includes sizeof(Value), but we already counted that in resetMemUsageBytes // as part of sizeof(*this). incrementMemUsageBytes(input.getApproximateSize() - sizeof(Value) + sizeof(std::pair)); } void AccumulatorJs::reduceMemoryConsumptionIfAble() { // _state should be nonempty because we populate it in startNewGroup. invariant(_state); if (_pendingCalls.empty()) { return; } auto expCtx = getExpressionContext(); auto jsExec = expCtx->getJsExecWithScope(); // Expose user functions. if (_pendingCallsMerging) { jsExec->getScope()->setFunction("__merge", _merge.c_str()); } else { jsExec->getScope()->setFunction("__accumulate", _accumulate.c_str()); } // Use a wrapper function that calls accumulate and merge in a JS loop, to cut down on the // number of calls into the JS engine. ScriptingFunction func; if (_pendingCallsMerging) { func = makeJsFunc(expCtx, "function(state, pendingCalls) {" " const length = pendingCalls.length;" " for (let i=0; iaddToBsonArray(&args); BSONArrayBuilder pendingCalls = args.subarrayStart(); for (; it != end; ++it) { auto&& input = *it; // The JS call will fail if the arguments object is larger than BSONObjMaxInternalSize, // which is a much greater limit than BSONObjMaxUserSize. So it should be safe to go // slightly over the BSONObjMaxUserSize. if (args.len() + input.getApproximateSize() > BSONObjMaxUserSize) break; input.addToBsonArray(&pendingCalls); } pendingCalls.done(); // For the outer loop to make progress, the inner loop needs to append at least one element // of _pendingCalls to pendingCalls. Otherwise we would call `state = accumulate(state, [])` // forever. uassert(4545000, str::stream() << "$accumulator arguments exceed max BSON size: " << args.len() + it->getApproximateSize(), pendingCalls.arrSize() > 0); _state = jsExec->callFunction(func, args.arr(), {}); } _pendingCalls.clear(); resetMemUsageBytes(); incrementMemUsageBytes(_state->getApproximateSize()); } } // namespace mongo