# Copyright (C) 2020-present MongoDB, Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, # as published by MongoDB, Inc. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # Server Side Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License # along with this program. If not, see # . # # As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the # code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain # conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute # linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You # must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for # all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) # with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the # file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, # delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this # exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete # it in the license file. # global: cpp_namespace: "mongo" cpp_includes: - "mongo/db/pipeline/aggregation_request_helper.h" - "mongo/db/query/count_request.h" - "mongo/db/query/explain_options.h" imports: - "mongo/crypto/fle_field_schema.idl" - "mongo/db/auth/action_type.idl" - "mongo/db/auth/access_checks.idl" - "mongo/db/basic_types.idl" - "mongo/db/pipeline/exchange_spec.idl" - "mongo/db/pipeline/external_data_source_option.idl" - "mongo/db/pipeline/legacy_runtime_constants.idl" - "mongo/db/query/hint.idl" - "mongo/db/query/cursor_response.idl" - "mongo/db/write_concern_options.idl" types: pipeline: bson_serialization_type: any description: "An array of objects specifying the aggregation pipeline." cpp_type: "std::vector" deserializer: ::mongo::parsePipelineFromBSON aggregateCursor: bson_serialization_type: any description: "A cursor type representing the cursor field of aggregate command." cpp_type: SimpleCursorOptions serializer: ::mongo::serializeAggregateCursorToBSON deserializer: ::mongo::parseAggregateCursorFromBSON explainVerbosity: bson_serialization_type: any description: "The Verbosity value representing explain verbosity." cpp_type: "mongo::ExplainOptions::Verbosity" serializer: ::mongo::serializeExplainToBSON deserializer: ::mongo::parseExplainModeFromBSON structs: PassthroughToShardOptions: description: "options for commands requesting a per shard cursor" fields: shard: description: "id of the shard to passthrough to" type: string stability: unstable commands: aggregate: description: "Represents the user-supplied options to the aggregate command." cpp_name: AggregateCommandRequest command_name: aggregate strict: true namespace: concatenate_with_db allow_global_collection_name: true api_version: "1" access_check: complex: - check: check_cursor_session_privilege - check: is_coauthorized_with_client - check: is_coauthorized_with - check: should_ignore_auth_checks - check: get_authenticated_user - check: lookup_user - privilege: # many commands resource_pattern: exact_namespace action_type: [find, insert, update, remove] - privilege: # $planCacheStats resource_pattern: exact_namespace action_type: planCacheRead - privilege: # $queryStats agg_stage: queryStats resource_pattern: cluster action_type: queryStatsRead - privilege: # $changeStream resource_pattern: exact_namespace action_type: changeStream - privilege: # $changeStream resource_pattern: database action_type: changeStream - privilege: # $changeStream resource_pattern: any_normal action_type: changeStream - privilege: # $changeStream resource_pattern: database action_type: find - privilege: # $changeStream resource_pattern: any_normal action_type: find - privilege: # $changeStream resource_pattern: cluster action_type: internal - privilege: # $collstats resource_pattern: exact_namespace action_type: collStats - privilege: # $currentOp resource_pattern: cluster action_type: inprog - privilege: # $indexStats resource_pattern: exact_namespace action_type: indexStats - privilege: # $listCachedAndActiveUsers resource_pattern: any_normal action_type: listCachedAndActiveUsers - privilege: # $listCatalog agg_stage: listCatalog resource_pattern: exact_namespace action_type: [listCollections, listIndexes] - privilege: # $listCatalog agg_stage: listCatalog resource_pattern: cluster action_type: listDatabases - privilege: # $listCatalog agg_stage: listCatalog resource_pattern: any_normal action_type: [listCollections, listIndexes] - privilege: # $listCatalog agg_stage: listCatalog resource_pattern: collection action_type: [listCollections, listIndexes] - privilege: # $listCatalog agg_stage: listCatalog resource_pattern: any_system_buckets action_type: [listCollections, listIndexes] - privilege: # $listSampledQueries agg_stage: listSampledQueries resource_pattern: cluster action_type: [listSampledQueries] - privilege: # $listSessions resource_pattern: cluster action_type: listSessions - privilege: # various resource_pattern: exact_namespace action_type: bypassDocumentValidation - privilege: # $operationMetrics resource_pattern: cluster action_type: operationMetrics - privilege: # $backupCursorExtend, backupCursor resource_pattern: cluster action_type: fsync - privilege: # $_internalAllCollectionStats agg_stage: _internalAllCollectionStats resource_pattern: cluster action_type: allCollectionStats - privilege: # $shardedDataDistribution agg_stage: shardedDataDistribution resource_pattern: cluster action_type: shardedDataDistribution - privilege: # $_analyzeShardKeyReadWriteDistribution agg_stage: _analyzeShardKeyReadWriteDistribution resource_pattern: exact_namespace action_type: analyzeShardKey # Note that the 'CursorInitialReply' is not the only response that an aggregate command # could return. With 'explain' or 'exchange', the response would not include the fields in # 'CursorInitialReply'. But using 'explain' or 'exchange' is unstable, but otherwise the # aggregate response is guaranteed to be stable. reply_type: CursorInitialReply fields: pipeline: description: "An unparsed version of the pipeline." type: pipeline stability: stable explain: description: "Specifies to return the information on the processing of the pipeline." type: explainVerbosity optional: true stability: unstable allowDiskUse: description: "Enables writing to temporary files." type: optionalBool stability: stable cursor: description: "To indicate a cursor with a non-default batch size." type: aggregateCursor default: SimpleCursorOptions() stability: stable maxTimeMS: description: "Specifies a time limit in milliseconds for processing operations on a cursor. If you do not specify a value for maxTimeMS, operations will not time out." type: safeInt64 validator: { gte: 0 } optional: true stability: stable bypassDocumentValidation: description: "True if this should bypass the document validation." type: safeBool optional: true stability: stable readConcern: description: "Specifies the read concern." type: object_owned optional: true stability: stable collation: description: "Specifies the collation to use for the operation." type: object_owned optional: true stability: stable hint: description: "The index name to use or the index specification document." type: indexHint optional: true stability: stable writeConcern: description: "A document that expresses the write concern to use with the $out or $merge stage." type: WriteConcern optional: true stability: stable let: description: "A document containing user-specified let parameter constants; i.e. values that do not change once computed." type: object_owned optional: true stability: stable needsMerge: description: "True if this request represents the shards part of a split pipeline, and should produce mergeable output." type: optionalBool stability: internal fromMongos: description: "True if this request originated from a mongoS." type: optionalBool stability: internal $queryOptions: description: "The unwrapped readPreference object, if one was given to us by the mongos command processor. This object will be empty when no readPreference is specified or if the request does not originate from mongos." cpp_name: unwrappedReadPref type: object_owned optional: true stability: unstable $_requestReshardingResumeToken: description: "True if this requests resharding resume token." cpp_name: requestReshardingResumeToken type: optionalBool stability: unstable exchange: description: "An optional exchange specification for this request. If set it means that the request represents a producer running as a part of the exchange machinery. This is an internal option; we do not expect it to be set on requests from users or drivers." type: ExchangeSpec optional: true stability: stable runtimeConstants: description: "A legacy way to specify constant variables available during execution. 'let' is now preferred." type: LegacyRuntimeConstants cpp_name: legacyRuntimeConstants optional: true stability: unstable isMapReduceCommand: description: "True if an aggregation was invoked by the MapReduce command." type: optionalBool stability: unstable collectionUUID: description: "The expected UUID of the namespace the aggregation executes on." type: uuid optional: true stability: unstable $_passthroughToShard: description: "An optional internal parameter for this request. If a shard key is specified, then that specific shard will be targeted." type: PassthroughToShardOptions cpp_name: passthroughToShard optional: true stability: unstable encryptionInformation: description: "Encryption Information schema and other tokens for CRUD commands" type: EncryptionInformation optional: true stability: unstable $_externalDataSources: description: "Specification for external data sources." type: array cpp_name: externalDataSources optional: true stability: unstable sampleId: description: "The unique sample id for the operation if it has been chosen for sampling." type: uuid optional: true stability: unstable stmtId: description: "The statement id of the write in the original write batch for a write without shard key." type: int optional: true stability: internal $_isClusterQueryWithoutShardKeyCmd: description: "True if a _clusterQueryWithoutShardKey command is running a broadcast aggregate." type: optionalBool cpp_name: isClusterQueryWithoutShardKeyCmd stability: internal