/** * Copyright (C) 2020-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/db/pipeline/change_stream_document_diff_parser.h" #include "mongo/db/field_ref.h" namespace mongo { using doc_diff::ArrayDiffReader; using doc_diff::Diff; using doc_diff::DocumentDiffReader; namespace { using DeltaUpdateDescription = change_stream_document_diff_parser::DeltaUpdateDescription; using FieldNameOrArrayIndex = stdx::variant; /** * DeltaUpdateDescriptionBuilder is responsible both for tracking the current path as we traverse * the diff, and for populating a DeltaUpdateDescription reflecting the contents of that diff. */ struct DeltaUpdateDescriptionBuilder { // Adds the specified entry to the 'updateFields' document in the DeltaUpdateDescription. void addToUpdatedFields(FieldNameOrArrayIndex terminalField, Value updatedValue) { DeltaUpdateDescriptionBuilder::TempAppendToPath tmpAppend(*this, terminalField); _updatedFields.addField(_fieldRef.dottedField(), updatedValue); _addToDisambiguatedPathsIfRequired(); } // Adds the specified entry to the 'removedFields' vector in the DeltaUpdateDescription. void addToRemovedFields(StringData terminalFieldName) { DeltaUpdateDescriptionBuilder::TempAppendToPath tmpAppend(*this, terminalFieldName); _updateDesc.removedFields.push_back(Value(_fieldRef.dottedField())); _addToDisambiguatedPathsIfRequired(); } // Adds the current path to the 'truncatedArrays' vector in the DeltaUpdateDescription. void addToTruncatedArrays(int newSize) { _updateDesc.truncatedArrays.push_back( Value(Document{{"field", _fieldRef.dottedField()}, {"newSize", newSize}})); _addToDisambiguatedPathsIfRequired(); } // Called once the diff traversal is complete. Freezes and returns the DeltaUpdateDescription. // It is an error to use the DeltaUpdateDescriptionBuilder again after this method is called. DeltaUpdateDescription&& freezeDeltaUpdateDescription() { _updateDesc.updatedFields = _updatedFields.freeze(); _updateDesc.disambiguatedPaths = _disambiguatedPaths.freeze(); return std::move(_updateDesc); } // Returns the last field in the current path. StringData lastPart() const { return _fieldRef.getPart(_fieldRef.numParts() - 1); } // Returns the number of fields in the current path. FieldIndex numParts() const { return _fieldRef.numParts(); } // A structure used to add a scope-guarded field to the current path maintained by the builder. // When this object goes out of scope, it will automatically remove the field from the path. struct TempAppendToPath { TempAppendToPath(DeltaUpdateDescriptionBuilder& builder, FieldNameOrArrayIndex field) : _builder(builder) { // Append the specified field to the builder's path. _builder._appendFieldToPath(std::move(field)); } ~TempAppendToPath() { // Remove the last field from the path when we go out of scope. _builder._removeLastFieldfromPath(); } private: DeltaUpdateDescriptionBuilder& _builder; }; private: // A structure for tracking path ambiguity information. Maps 1:1 to fields in the FieldRef via // the _pathAmbiguity list. The 'pathIsAmbiguous' bool indicates whether the path as a whole is // ambiguous as of the corresponding field. Once a path is marked as ambiguous, all subsequent // entries must also be marked as ambiguous. struct AmbiguityInfo { bool pathIsAmbiguous = false; BSONType fieldType = BSONType::String; }; // Append the given field to the path, and update the path ambiguity information accordingly. void _appendFieldToPath(FieldNameOrArrayIndex field) { // Resolve the FieldNameOrArrayIndex to one or the other, and append it to the path. const bool isArrayIndex = stdx::holds_alternative(field); _fieldRef.appendPart(isArrayIndex ? std::to_string(stdx::get(field)) : stdx::get(field)); // Once a path has become ambiguous, it will remain so as new fields are added. If the final // path component is marked ambiguous, retain that value and add the type of the new field. const auto fieldType = (isArrayIndex ? BSONType::NumberInt : BSONType::String); if (!_pathAmbiguity.empty() && _pathAmbiguity.back().pathIsAmbiguous) { _pathAmbiguity.push_back({true /* pathIsAmbiguous */, fieldType}); return; } // If the field is a numeric string or contains an embedded dot, it's ambiguous. We record // array indices so that we can reconstruct the path, but the presence of an array index is // not itself sufficient to make the path ambiguous. We don't include numeric fields at the // start of the path because those are unambiguous. const bool isNumeric = (!isArrayIndex && _fieldRef.numParts() > 1 && FieldRef::isNumericPathComponentStrict(lastPart())); const bool isDotted = (!isArrayIndex && !isNumeric && lastPart().find('.') != std::string::npos); // Add to the field list, marking the path as ambiguous if this field is dotted or numeric. _pathAmbiguity.push_back({(isNumeric || isDotted), fieldType}); } // Remove the last field from the path, along with its entry in the ambiguity list. void _removeLastFieldfromPath() { _fieldRef.removeLastPart(); _pathAmbiguity.pop_back(); } // If this path is marked as ambiguous, add a new entry for it to 'disambiguatedPaths'. void _addToDisambiguatedPathsIfRequired() { // The final entry in _pathAmbiguity will always be marked as ambiguous if any field in the // path is ambiguous. If so, iterate over the list and create a vector of individual fields. if (!_pathAmbiguity.empty() && _pathAmbiguity.back().pathIsAmbiguous) { std::vector disambiguatedPath; FieldIndex fieldNum = 0; for (const auto& fieldInfo : _pathAmbiguity) { auto fieldVal = _fieldRef.getPart(fieldNum++); disambiguatedPath.push_back(fieldInfo.fieldType == BSONType::NumberInt ? Value(std::stoi(fieldVal.toString())) : Value(fieldVal)); } // Add the vector of individual fields into the 'disambiguatedPaths' document. The name // of the field matches the entry in updatedFields, removedFields, or truncatedArrays. _disambiguatedPaths.addField(_fieldRef.dottedField(), Value(std::move(disambiguatedPath))); } } friend struct DeltaUpdateDescriptionBuilder::TempAppendToPath; // Each element in the _pathAmbiguity list annotates the field at the corresponding index in the // _fieldRef, indicating the type of that field and whether the path is ambiguous at that point. std::list _pathAmbiguity; FieldRef _fieldRef; DeltaUpdateDescription _updateDesc; MutableDocument _updatedFields; MutableDocument _disambiguatedPaths; }; void buildUpdateDescriptionWithDeltaOplog( stdx::variant reader, DeltaUpdateDescriptionBuilder* builder, boost::optional currentSubField) { // Append the field name associated with the current level of the diff to the path. boost::optional tempAppend; if (currentSubField) { tempAppend.emplace(*builder, std::move(*currentSubField)); } stdx::visit( visit_helper::Overloaded{ [&](DocumentDiffReader* reader) { boost::optional nextMod; while ((nextMod = reader->nextUpdate()) || (nextMod = reader->nextInsert())) { builder->addToUpdatedFields(nextMod->fieldNameStringData(), Value(*nextMod)); } while (auto nextDelete = reader->nextDelete()) { builder->addToRemovedFields(*nextDelete); } while (auto nextSubDiff = reader->nextSubDiff()) { stdx::variant nextReader; stdx::visit(visit_helper::Overloaded{[&nextReader](auto& reader) { nextReader = &reader; }}, nextSubDiff->second); buildUpdateDescriptionWithDeltaOplog( nextReader, builder, {{nextSubDiff->first}}); } }, [&](ArrayDiffReader* reader) { // Cannot be the root of the diff object, so 'fieldRef' should not be empty. tassert(6697700, "Invalid diff or parsing error", builder->numParts() > 0); // We don't need to add a fieldname, since we already descended into the array diff. if (auto newSize = reader->newSize()) { builder->addToTruncatedArrays(*newSize); } for (auto nextMod = reader->next(); nextMod; nextMod = reader->next()) { stdx::visit( visit_helper::Overloaded{ [&](BSONElement elem) { builder->addToUpdatedFields(nextMod->first, Value(elem)); }, [&](auto& nextReader) { buildUpdateDescriptionWithDeltaOplog( &nextReader, builder, {{nextMod->first}}); }, }, nextMod->second); } }, }, reader); return; } } // namespace namespace change_stream_document_diff_parser { DeltaUpdateDescription parseDiff(const Diff& diff) { DeltaUpdateDescriptionBuilder builder; DocumentDiffReader docReader(diff); buildUpdateDescriptionWithDeltaOplog(&docReader, &builder, boost::none); return builder.freezeDeltaUpdateDescription(); } } // namespace change_stream_document_diff_parser } // namespace mongo