/** * Copyright (C) 2022-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/db/pipeline/change_stream_document_diff_parser.h" #include "mongo/bson/json.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/document_value/document.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/document_value/document_value_test_util.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/document_value/value.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/document_value/value_comparator.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" namespace mongo { namespace { TEST(ChangeStreamDocumentDiffParserTest, DisambiguatesDottedFields) { BSONObj diff = fromjson( "{" " u: {'a.b': 1}," " 'sc.d.': {" " u: {'e': 1, 'f.g': 1}," " 'sh': {" " u: {'i.j': 1}" " }" " }," " 'sk': {" " u: {'l.m': 1}" " }" "}"); auto parsedDiff = change_stream_document_diff_parser::parseDiff(diff); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ( parsedDiff.updatedFields, Document(fromjson("{'a.b': 1, 'c.d..e': 1, 'c.d..f.g': 1, 'c.d..h.i.j': 1, 'k.l.m': 1}"))); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ( parsedDiff.disambiguatedPaths, Document(fromjson("{'a.b': ['a.b'], 'c.d..e': ['c.d.', 'e'], 'c.d..f.g': ['c.d.', 'f.g'], " "'c.d..h.i.j': ['c.d.', 'h', 'i.j'], 'k.l.m': ['k', 'l.m']}"))); ASSERT(parsedDiff.removedFields.empty()); ASSERT(parsedDiff.truncatedArrays.empty()); } TEST(ChangeStreamDocumentDiffParserTest, DisambiguatesNumericFields) { BSONObj diff = fromjson( "{" " 'sa': {" " u: {'0': 1}" " }" "}"); auto parsedDiff = change_stream_document_diff_parser::parseDiff(diff); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(parsedDiff.updatedFields, Document(fromjson("{'a.0': 1}"))); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(parsedDiff.disambiguatedPaths, Document(fromjson("{'a.0': ['a', '0']}"))); ASSERT(parsedDiff.removedFields.empty()); ASSERT(parsedDiff.truncatedArrays.empty()); } TEST(ChangeStreamDocumentDiffParserTest, DisambiguatesNumericFieldsFromArrayIndices) { BSONObj diff = fromjson( "{" " 'sa': {" " 's0': {a: true, u0: 1}" " }" "}"); auto parsedDiff = change_stream_document_diff_parser::parseDiff(diff); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(parsedDiff.updatedFields, Document(fromjson("{'a.0.0': 1}"))); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(parsedDiff.disambiguatedPaths, Document(fromjson("{'a.0.0': ['a', '0', 0]}"))); ASSERT(parsedDiff.removedFields.empty()); ASSERT(parsedDiff.truncatedArrays.empty()); } TEST(ChangeStreamDocumentDiffParserTest, DoesNotDisambiguateNumericFieldAtRootOfDocument) { BSONObj diff = fromjson( "{" " u: {'0': 1}" "}"); auto parsedDiff = change_stream_document_diff_parser::parseDiff(diff); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(parsedDiff.updatedFields, Document(fromjson("{'0': 1}"))); // A numeric field at the root of the document is unambiguous; it must be a fieldname and cannot // be an array index, since by definition the latter must index a parent field. ASSERT(parsedDiff.disambiguatedPaths.empty()); ASSERT(parsedDiff.removedFields.empty()); ASSERT(parsedDiff.truncatedArrays.empty()); } TEST(ChangeStreamDocumentDiffParserTest, DoesNotDisambiguateNumericFieldWithLeadingZeroes) { BSONObj diff = fromjson( "{" " 'sa': {u: {'01': 1}}" "}"); auto parsedDiff = change_stream_document_diff_parser::parseDiff(diff); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(parsedDiff.updatedFields, Document(fromjson("{'a.01': 1}"))); // A numeric field with leading zeroes is unambiguous; it must be a fieldname and cannot be an // array index, since array indexes are simple integers that do not have leading zeroes. ASSERT(parsedDiff.disambiguatedPaths.empty()); ASSERT(parsedDiff.removedFields.empty()); ASSERT(parsedDiff.truncatedArrays.empty()); } TEST(ChangeStreamDocumentDiffParserTest, DoesNotDisambiguateIfOnlyArrayIndicesPresent) { BSONObj diff = fromjson( "{" " 'sa': {a: true," " s0: {u: {'b': 1}}" " }" "}"); auto parsedDiff = change_stream_document_diff_parser::parseDiff(diff); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(parsedDiff.updatedFields, Document(fromjson("{'a.0.b': 1}"))); ASSERT(parsedDiff.disambiguatedPaths.empty()); ASSERT(parsedDiff.removedFields.empty()); ASSERT(parsedDiff.truncatedArrays.empty()); } TEST(ChangeStreamDocumentDiffParserTest, DisambiguatesRemovedFields) { BSONObj diff = fromjson( "{" " d: {'a.b': false}," " 'sc': {" " d: {'0': false}" " }" "}"); auto parsedDiff = change_stream_document_diff_parser::parseDiff(diff); ASSERT(parsedDiff.removedFields.size() == 2); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(parsedDiff.removedFields[0], Value("a.b"_sd)); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(parsedDiff.removedFields[1], Value("c.0"_sd)); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(parsedDiff.disambiguatedPaths, Document(fromjson("{'a.b': ['a.b'], 'c.0': ['c', '0']}"))); ASSERT(parsedDiff.updatedFields.empty()); ASSERT(parsedDiff.truncatedArrays.empty()); } TEST(ChangeStreamDocumentDiffParserTest, DisambiguatesTruncatedArrays) { BSONObj diff = fromjson( "{" " 'sa.b': {a: true, l: 5}," " 'sc': {" " 's0': {a: true, l: 5}" " }" "}"); auto parsedDiff = change_stream_document_diff_parser::parseDiff(diff); ASSERT(parsedDiff.truncatedArrays.size() == 2); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(parsedDiff.truncatedArrays[0], Value(fromjson("{field: 'a.b', newSize: 5}"))); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(parsedDiff.truncatedArrays[1], Value(fromjson("{field: 'c.0', newSize: 5}"))); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(parsedDiff.disambiguatedPaths, Document(fromjson("{'a.b': ['a.b'], 'c.0': ['c', '0']}"))); ASSERT(parsedDiff.updatedFields.empty()); ASSERT(parsedDiff.removedFields.empty()); } TEST(ChangeStreamDocumentDiffParserTest, DisambiguatesCombinationOfAmbiguousFields) { // Array and numeric field within dotted parent, dotted and numeric fields within array, dotted // field and array within numeric parent. BSONObj diff = fromjson( "{" " 'sa.b': {a: true," " 's0': {u: {'1': 1}}" " }," " 'sc': {a: true," " 's0': {u: {'d.e': 1}}," " 's1': {u: {'2': 1}}" " }," " 'sf': {" " 's1': {" " u: {'g.h': 1}," " 's2': {a: true," " u3: 1," " s4: {u: {'5': 1}}" " }" " }" " }" "}"); auto parsedDiff = change_stream_document_diff_parser::parseDiff(diff); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(parsedDiff.updatedFields, Document(fromjson("{'a.b.0.1': 1, 'c.0.d.e': 1, 'c.1.2': 1, 'f.1.g.h': 1, " "'f.1.2.3': 1, 'f.': 1}"))); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ( parsedDiff.disambiguatedPaths, Document(fromjson("{'a.b.0.1': ['a.b', 0, '1'], 'c.0.d.e': ['c', 0, 'd.e'], 'c.1.2': ['c', " "1, '2'], 'f.1.g.h': ['f', '1', 'g.h'], 'f.1.2.3': ['f', '1', '2', 3], " "'f.': ['f', '1', '2', 4, '5']}"))); ASSERT(parsedDiff.removedFields.empty()); ASSERT(parsedDiff.truncatedArrays.empty()); } TEST(ChangeStreamDocumentDiffParserTest, DoesNotFullyDisambiguateWithDuplicateFieldsInDiff) { BSONObj diff = fromjson("{u: {'a.b' : 2}, sa : {u: {b: 1 }}}"); auto parsedDiff = change_stream_document_diff_parser::parseDiff(diff); auto expectedUpdateFields = Document{{"a.b", 2}, {"a.b", 1}}; ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(parsedDiff.updatedFields, expectedUpdateFields); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(parsedDiff.disambiguatedPaths, Document(fromjson("{'a.b': ['a.b']}"))); ASSERT(parsedDiff.removedFields.empty()); ASSERT(parsedDiff.truncatedArrays.empty()); } } // namespace } // namespace mongo