* Copyright (c) 2011 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
* code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
* conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
* linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
* must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for
* all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
* with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
* file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
* delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
* exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
* it in the license file.
#include "mongo/platform/basic.h"
#include "mongo/db/pipeline/document.h"
#include "mongo/db/jsobj.h"
#include "mongo/db/pipeline/field_path.h"
#include "mongo/util/mongoutils/str.h"
namespace mongo {
using namespace mongoutils;
using boost::intrusive_ptr;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
Position DocumentStorage::findField(StringData requested) const {
int reqSize = requested.size(); // get size calculation out of the way if needed
if (_numFields >= HASH_TAB_MIN) { // hash lookup
const unsigned bucket = bucketForKey(requested);
Position pos = _hashTab[bucket];
while (pos.found()) {
const ValueElement& elem = getField(pos);
if (elem.nameLen == reqSize && memcmp(requested.rawData(), elem._name, reqSize) == 0) {
return pos;
// possible collision
pos = elem.nextCollision;
} else { // linear scan
for (DocumentStorageIterator it = iteratorAll(); !it.atEnd(); it.advance()) {
if (it->nameLen == reqSize && memcmp(requested.rawData(), it->_name, reqSize) == 0) {
return it.position();
// if we got here, there's no such field
return Position();
Value& DocumentStorage::appendField(StringData name) {
Position pos = getNextPosition();
const int nameSize = name.size();
// these are the same for everyone
const Position nextCollision;
const Value value;
// Make room for new field (and padding at end for alignment)
const unsigned newUsed = ValueElement::align(_usedBytes + sizeof(ValueElement) + nameSize);
if (_buffer + newUsed > _bufferEnd)
_usedBytes = newUsed;
// Append structure of a ValueElement
char* dest = _buffer + pos.index; // must be after alloc since it changes _buffer
#define append(x) \
memcpy(dest, &(x), sizeof(x)); \
dest += sizeof(x)
name.copyTo(dest, true);
// Padding for alignment handled above
#undef append
// Make sure next field starts where we expect it
fassert(16486, getField(pos).next()->ptr() == _buffer + _usedBytes);
if (_numFields > HASH_TAB_MIN) {
} else if (_numFields == HASH_TAB_MIN) {
// adds all fields to hash table (including the one we just added)
return getField(pos).val;
// Call after adding field to _fields and increasing _numFields
void DocumentStorage::addFieldToHashTable(Position pos) {
ValueElement& elem = getField(pos);
elem.nextCollision = Position();
const unsigned bucket = bucketForKey(elem.nameSD());
Position* posPtr = &_hashTab[bucket];
while (posPtr->found()) {
// collision: walk links and add new to end
posPtr = &getField(*posPtr).nextCollision;
*posPtr = Position(pos.index);
void DocumentStorage::alloc(unsigned newSize) {
const bool firstAlloc = !_buffer;
const bool doingRehash = needRehash();
const size_t oldCapacity = _bufferEnd - _buffer;
// make new bucket count big enough
while (needRehash() || hashTabBuckets() < HASH_TAB_INIT_SIZE)
_hashTabMask = hashTabBuckets() * 2 - 1;
// only allocate power-of-two sized space > 128 bytes
size_t capacity = 128;
while (capacity < newSize + hashTabBytes())
capacity *= 2;
uassert(16490, "Tried to make oversized document", capacity <= size_t(BufferMaxSize));
std::unique_ptr oldBuf(_buffer);
_buffer = new char[capacity];
_bufferEnd = _buffer + capacity - hashTabBytes();
if (!firstAlloc) {
// This just copies the elements
memcpy(_buffer, oldBuf.get(), _usedBytes);
if (_numFields >= HASH_TAB_MIN) {
// if we were hashing, deal with the hash table
if (doingRehash) {
} else {
// no rehash needed so just slide table down to new position
memcpy(_hashTab, oldBuf.get() + oldCapacity, hashTabBytes());
void DocumentStorage::reserveFields(size_t expectedFields) {
fassert(16487, !_buffer);
unsigned buckets = HASH_TAB_INIT_SIZE;
while (buckets < expectedFields)
buckets *= 2;
_hashTabMask = buckets - 1;
// Using expectedFields+1 to allow space for long field names
const size_t newSize = (expectedFields + 1) * ValueElement::align(sizeof(ValueElement));
uassert(16491, "Tried to make oversized document", newSize <= size_t(BufferMaxSize));
_buffer = new char[newSize + hashTabBytes()];
_bufferEnd = _buffer + newSize;
intrusive_ptr DocumentStorage::clone() const {
intrusive_ptr out(new DocumentStorage());
// Make a copy of the buffer.
// It is very important that the positions of each field are the same after cloning.
const size_t bufferBytes = (_bufferEnd + hashTabBytes()) - _buffer;
out->_buffer = new char[bufferBytes];
out->_bufferEnd = out->_buffer + (_bufferEnd - _buffer);
memcpy(out->_buffer, _buffer, bufferBytes);
// Copy remaining fields
out->_usedBytes = _usedBytes;
out->_numFields = _numFields;
out->_hashTabMask = _hashTabMask;
out->_metaFields = _metaFields;
out->_textScore = _textScore;
out->_randVal = _randVal;
// Tell values that they have been memcpyed (updates ref counts)
for (DocumentStorageIterator it = out->iteratorAll(); !it.atEnd(); it.advance()) {
return out;
DocumentStorage::~DocumentStorage() {
std::unique_ptr deleteBufferAtScopeEnd(_buffer);
for (DocumentStorageIterator it = iteratorAll(); !it.atEnd(); it.advance()) {
it->val.~Value(); // explicit destructor call
Document::Document(const BSONObj& bson) {
MutableDocument md(bson.nFields());
BSONObjIterator it(bson);
while (it.more()) {
BSONElement bsonElement(it.next());
md.addField(bsonElement.fieldNameStringData(), Value(bsonElement));
*this = md.freeze();
BSONObjBuilder& operator<<(BSONObjBuilderValueStream& builder, const Document& doc) {
BSONObjBuilder subobj(builder.subobjStart());
return builder.builder();
void Document::toBson(BSONObjBuilder* pBuilder) const {
for (DocumentStorageIterator it = storage().iterator(); !it.atEnd(); it.advance()) {
*pBuilder << it->nameSD() << it->val;
BSONObj Document::toBson() const {
BSONObjBuilder bb;
return bb.obj();
const StringData Document::metaFieldTextScore("$textScore", StringData::LiteralTag());
const StringData Document::metaFieldRandVal("$randVal", StringData::LiteralTag());
BSONObj Document::toBsonWithMetaData() const {
BSONObjBuilder bb;
if (hasTextScore())
bb.append(metaFieldTextScore, getTextScore());
if (hasRandMetaField())
bb.append(metaFieldRandVal, static_cast(getRandMetaField()));
return bb.obj();
Document Document::fromBsonWithMetaData(const BSONObj& bson) {
MutableDocument md;
BSONObjIterator it(bson);
while (it.more()) {
BSONElement elem(it.next());
auto fieldName = elem.fieldNameStringData();
if (fieldName[0] == '$') {
if (fieldName == metaFieldTextScore) {
} else if (fieldName == metaFieldRandVal) {
// Note: this will not parse out metadata in embedded documents.
md.addField(fieldName, Value(elem));
return md.freeze();
MutableDocument::MutableDocument(size_t expectedFields)
: _storageHolder(NULL), _storage(_storageHolder) {
if (expectedFields) {
MutableValue MutableDocument::getNestedFieldHelper(const FieldPath& dottedField, size_t level) {
if (level == dottedField.getPathLength() - 1) {
return getField(dottedField.getFieldName(level));
} else {
MutableDocument nested(getField(dottedField.getFieldName(level)));
return nested.getNestedFieldHelper(dottedField, level + 1);
MutableValue MutableDocument::getNestedField(const FieldPath& dottedField) {
fassert(16601, dottedField.getPathLength());
return getNestedFieldHelper(dottedField, 0);
MutableValue MutableDocument::getNestedFieldHelper(const vector& positions,
size_t level) {
if (level == positions.size() - 1) {
return getField(positions[level]);
} else {
MutableDocument nested(getField(positions[level]));
return nested.getNestedFieldHelper(positions, level + 1);
MutableValue MutableDocument::getNestedField(const vector& positions) {
fassert(16488, !positions.empty());
return getNestedFieldHelper(positions, 0);
static Value getNestedFieldHelper(const Document& doc,
const FieldPath& fieldNames,
vector* positions,
size_t level) {
const string& fieldName = fieldNames.getFieldName(level);
const Position pos = doc.positionOf(fieldName);
if (!pos.found())
return Value();
if (positions)
if (level == fieldNames.getPathLength() - 1)
return doc.getField(pos);
Value val = doc.getField(pos);
if (val.getType() != Object)
return Value();
return getNestedFieldHelper(val.getDocument(), fieldNames, positions, level + 1);
const Value Document::getNestedField(const FieldPath& fieldNames,
vector* positions) const {
fassert(16489, fieldNames.getPathLength());
return getNestedFieldHelper(*this, fieldNames, positions, 0);
size_t Document::getApproximateSize() const {
if (!_storage)
return 0; // we've allocated no memory
size_t size = sizeof(DocumentStorage);
size += storage().allocatedBytes();
for (DocumentStorageIterator it = storage().iterator(); !it.atEnd(); it.advance()) {
size += it->val.getApproximateSize();
size -= sizeof(Value); // already accounted for above
return size;
void Document::hash_combine(size_t& seed) const {
for (DocumentStorageIterator it = storage().iterator(); !it.atEnd(); it.advance()) {
StringData name = it->nameSD();
boost::hash_range(seed, name.rawData(), name.rawData() + name.size());
int Document::compare(const Document& rL, const Document& rR) {
DocumentStorageIterator lIt = rL.storage().iterator();
DocumentStorageIterator rIt = rR.storage().iterator();
while (true) {
if (lIt.atEnd()) {
if (rIt.atEnd())
return 0; // documents are the same length
return -1; // left document is shorter
if (rIt.atEnd())
return 1; // right document is shorter
const ValueElement& rField = rIt.get();
const ValueElement& lField = lIt.get();
// For compatibility with BSONObj::woCompare() consider the canonical type of values
// before considerting their names.
const int rCType = canonicalizeBSONType(rField.val.getType());
const int lCType = canonicalizeBSONType(lField.val.getType());
if (lCType != rCType)
return lCType < rCType ? -1 : 1;
const int nameCmp = lField.nameSD().compare(rField.nameSD());
if (nameCmp)
return nameCmp; // field names are unequal
const int valueCmp = Value::compare(lField.val, rField.val);
if (valueCmp)
return valueCmp; // fields are unequal
string Document::toString() const {
if (empty())
return "{}";
StringBuilder out;
const char* prefix = "{";
for (DocumentStorageIterator it = storage().iterator(); !it.atEnd(); it.advance()) {
out << prefix << it->nameSD() << ": " << it->val.toString();
prefix = ", ";
out << '}';
return out.str();
void Document::serializeForSorter(BufBuilder& buf) const {
const int numElems = size();
for (DocumentStorageIterator it = storage().iterator(); !it.atEnd(); it.advance()) {
buf.appendStr(it->nameSD(), /*NUL byte*/ true);
if (hasTextScore()) {
buf.appendNum(char(DocumentStorage::MetaType::TEXT_SCORE + 1));
if (hasRandMetaField()) {
buf.appendNum(char(DocumentStorage::MetaType::RAND_VAL + 1));
Document Document::deserializeForSorter(BufReader& buf, const SorterDeserializeSettings&) {
const int numElems = buf.read();
MutableDocument doc(numElems);
for (int i = 0; i < numElems; i++) {
StringData name = buf.readCStr();
doc.addField(name, Value::deserializeForSorter(buf, Value::SorterDeserializeSettings()));
while (char marker = buf.read()) {
if (marker == char(DocumentStorage::MetaType::TEXT_SCORE) + 1) {
} else if (marker == char(DocumentStorage::MetaType::RAND_VAL) + 1) {
} else {
uasserted(28744, "Unrecognized marker, unable to deserialize buffer");
return doc.freeze();