/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_internal.h" #include #include #include "mongo/base/string_data.h" #include "mongo/base/string_data_comparator_interface.h" #include "mongo/bson/util/builder.h" namespace mongo { class BSONObj; class FieldIterator; class FieldPath; class Value; class MutableDocument; /** An internal class that represents the position of a field in a document. * * This is a low-level class that you usually don't need to worry about. * * The main use of this class for clients is to allow refetching or * setting a field without looking it up again. It has a default * constructor that represents a field not being in a document. It also * has a method 'bool found()' that tells you if a field was found. * * For more details see document_internal.h */ class Position; /** A Document is similar to a BSONObj but with a different in-memory representation. * * A Document can be treated as a const std::map that is * very cheap to copy and is Assignable. Therefore, it is acceptable to * pass and return by Value. Note that the data in a Document is * immutable, but you can replace a Document instance with assignment. * * See Also: Value class in Value.h */ class Document { public: /** * Operator overloads for relops return a DeferredComparison which can subsequently be evaluated * by a DocumentComparator. */ struct DeferredComparison { enum class Type { kLT, kLTE, kEQ, kGT, kGTE, kNE, }; DeferredComparison(Type type, const Document& lhs, const Document& rhs) : type(type), lhs(lhs), rhs(rhs) {} Type type; const Document& lhs; const Document& rhs; }; static constexpr StringData metaFieldTextScore = "$textScore"_sd; static constexpr StringData metaFieldRandVal = "$randVal"_sd; static constexpr StringData metaFieldSortKey = "$sortKey"_sd; static constexpr StringData metaFieldGeoNearDistance = "$dis"_sd; static constexpr StringData metaFieldGeoNearPoint = "$pt"_sd; static const std::vector allMetadataFieldNames; /// Empty Document (does no allocation) Document() {} /// Create a new Document deep-converted from the given BSONObj. explicit Document(const BSONObj& bson); /** * Create a new document from key, value pairs. Enables constructing a document using this * syntax: * auto document = Document{{"hello", "world"}, {"number": 1}}; */ Document(std::initializer_list> initializerList); void swap(Document& rhs) { _storage.swap(rhs._storage); } /// Look up a field by key name. Returns Value() if no such field. O(1) const Value operator[](StringData key) const { return getField(key); } const Value getField(StringData key) const { return storage().getField(key); } /// Look up a field by Position. See positionOf and getNestedField. const Value operator[](Position pos) const { return getField(pos); } const Value getField(Position pos) const { return storage().getField(pos).val; } /** * Returns the Value stored at the location given by 'path', or Value() if no such path exists. * If 'positions' is non-null, it will be filled with a path suitable to pass to * MutableDocument::setNestedField(). */ const Value getNestedField(const FieldPath& path, std::vector* positions = nullptr) const; /// Number of fields in this document. O(n) size_t size() const { return storage().size(); } /// True if this document has no fields. bool empty() const { return !_storage || storage().iterator().atEnd(); } /// Create a new FieldIterator that can be used to examine the Document's fields in order. FieldIterator fieldIterator() const; /// Convenience type for dealing with fields. Used by FieldIterator. typedef std::pair FieldPair; /** Get the approximate storage size of the document and sub-values in bytes. * Note: Some memory may be shared with other Documents or between fields within * a single Document so this can overestimate usage. */ size_t getApproximateSize() const; /** * Compare two documents. Most callers should prefer using DocumentComparator instead. See * document_comparator.h for details. * * BSON document field order is significant, so this just goes through * the fields in order. The comparison is done in roughly the same way * as strings are compared, but comparing one field at a time instead * of one character at a time. * * Pass a non-null StringData::ComparatorInterface if special string comparison semantics are * required. If the comparator is null, then a simple binary compare is used for strings. This * comparator is only used for string *values*; field names are always compared using simple * binary compare. * * Note: This does not consider metadata when comparing documents. * * @returns an integer less than zero, zero, or an integer greater than * zero, depending on whether lhs < rhs, lhs == rhs, or lhs > rhs * Warning: may return values other than -1, 0, or 1 */ static int compare(const Document& lhs, const Document& rhs, const StringData::ComparatorInterface* stringComparator); std::string toString() const; friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Document& doc) { return out << doc.toString(); } /** Calculate a hash value. * * Meant to be used to create composite hashes suitable for * hashed container classes such as unordered_map. */ void hash_combine(size_t& seed, const StringData::ComparatorInterface* stringComparator) const; /** * Serializes this document to the BSONObj under construction in 'builder'. Metadata is not * included. Throws a AssertionException if 'recursionLevel' exceeds the maximum allowable * depth. */ void toBson(BSONObjBuilder* builder, size_t recursionLevel = 1) const; BSONObj toBson() const; /** * Like toBson, but includes metadata at the top-level. * Output is parseable by fromBsonWithMetaData */ BSONObj toBsonWithMetaData() const; /** * Like Document(BSONObj) but treats top-level fields with special names as metadata. * Special field names are available as static constants on this class with names starting * with metaField. */ static Document fromBsonWithMetaData(const BSONObj& bson); /** * Given a BSON object that may have metadata fields added as part of toBsonWithMetadata(), * returns the same object without any of the metadata fields. */ static BSONObj stripMetadataFields(const BSONObj& bsonWithMetadata); // Support BSONObjBuilder and BSONArrayBuilder "stream" API friend BSONObjBuilder& operator<<(BSONObjBuilderValueStream& builder, const Document& d); /** Return the abstract Position of a field, suitable to pass to operator[] or getField(). * This can potentially save time if you need to refer to a field multiple times. */ Position positionOf(StringData fieldName) const { return storage().findField(fieldName); } /** Clone a document. * * This should only be called by MutableDocument and tests * * The new document shares all the fields' values with the original. * This is not a deep copy. Only the fields on the top-level document * are cloned. */ Document clone() const { return Document(storage().clone().get()); } bool hasTextScore() const { return storage().hasTextScore(); } double getTextScore() const { return storage().getTextScore(); } bool hasRandMetaField() const { return storage().hasRandMetaField(); } double getRandMetaField() const { return storage().getRandMetaField(); } bool hasSortKeyMetaField() const { return storage().hasSortKeyMetaField(); } BSONObj getSortKeyMetaField() const { return storage().getSortKeyMetaField(); } bool hasGeoNearDistance() const { return storage().hasGeoNearDistance(); } double getGeoNearDistance() const { return storage().getGeoNearDistance(); } bool hasGeoNearPoint() const { return storage().hasGeoNearPoint(); } Value getGeoNearPoint() const { return storage().getGeoNearPoint(); } /// members for Sorter struct SorterDeserializeSettings {}; // unused void serializeForSorter(BufBuilder& buf) const; static Document deserializeForSorter(BufReader& buf, const SorterDeserializeSettings&); int memUsageForSorter() const { return getApproximateSize(); } Document getOwned() const { return *this; } /// only for testing const void* getPtr() const { return _storage.get(); } private: friend class FieldIterator; friend class ValueStorage; friend class MutableDocument; friend class MutableValue; explicit Document(boost::intrusive_ptr&& ptr) : _storage(std::move(ptr)) {} const DocumentStorage& storage() const { return (_storage ? *_storage : DocumentStorage::emptyDoc()); } boost::intrusive_ptr _storage; }; // // Comparison API. // // Document instances can be compared either using Document::compare() or via operator overloads. // Most callers should prefer operator overloads. Note that the operator overloads return a // DeferredComparison, which must be subsequently evaluated by a DocumentComparator. See // document_comparator.h for details. // inline Document::DeferredComparison operator==(const Document& lhs, const Document& rhs) { return Document::DeferredComparison(Document::DeferredComparison::Type::kEQ, lhs, rhs); } inline Document::DeferredComparison operator!=(const Document& lhs, const Document& rhs) { return Document::DeferredComparison(Document::DeferredComparison::Type::kNE, lhs, rhs); } inline Document::DeferredComparison operator<(const Document& lhs, const Document& rhs) { return Document::DeferredComparison(Document::DeferredComparison::Type::kLT, lhs, rhs); } inline Document::DeferredComparison operator<=(const Document& lhs, const Document& rhs) { return Document::DeferredComparison(Document::DeferredComparison::Type::kLTE, lhs, rhs); } inline Document::DeferredComparison operator>(const Document& lhs, const Document& rhs) { return Document::DeferredComparison(Document::DeferredComparison::Type::kGT, lhs, rhs); } inline Document::DeferredComparison operator>=(const Document& lhs, const Document& rhs) { return Document::DeferredComparison(Document::DeferredComparison::Type::kGTE, lhs, rhs); } /** This class is returned by MutableDocument to allow you to modify its values. * You are not allowed to hold variables of this type (enforced by the type system). */ class MutableValue { public: void operator=(const Value& v) { _val = v; } void operator=(Value&& v) { _val = std::move(v); } /** These are designed to allow things like mutDoc["a"]["b"]["c"] = Value(10); * It is safe to use even on nonexistent fields. */ MutableValue operator[](StringData key) { return getField(key); } MutableValue operator[](Position pos) { return getField(pos); } MutableValue getField(StringData key); MutableValue getField(Position pos); private: friend class MutableDocument; /// can only be constructed or copied by self and friends MutableValue(const MutableValue& other) : _val(other._val) {} explicit MutableValue(Value& val) : _val(val) {} /// Used by MutableDocument(MutableValue) const RefCountable*& getDocPtr() { if (_val.getType() != Object || _val._storage.genericRCPtr == NULL) { // If the current value isn't an object we replace it with a Object-typed Value. // Note that we can't just use Document() here because that is a NULL pointer and // Value doesn't refcount NULL pointers. This led to a memory leak (SERVER-10554) // because MutableDocument::newStorage() would set a non-NULL pointer into the Value // without setting the refCounter bit. While allocating a DocumentStorage here could // result in an allocation where none is needed, in practice this is only called // when we are about to add a field to the sub-document so this just changes where // the allocation is done. _val = Value(Document(make_intrusive())); } return _val._storage.genericRCPtr; } MutableValue& operator=(const MutableValue&); // not assignable with another MutableValue Value& _val; }; /** MutableDocument is a Document builder that supports both adding and updating fields. * * This class fills a similar role to BSONObjBuilder, but allows you to * change existing fields and more easily write to sub-Documents. * * To preserve the immutability of Documents, MutableDocument will * shallow-clone its storage on write (COW) if it is shared with any other * Documents. */ class MutableDocument { MutableDocument(const MutableDocument&) = delete; MutableDocument& operator=(const MutableDocument&) = delete; public: /** Create a new empty Document. * * @param expectedFields a hint at what the number of fields will be, if known. * this can be used to increase memory allocation efficiency. There is * no impact on correctness if this field over or under estimates. * * TODO: find some way to convey field-name sizes to make even more efficient */ MutableDocument() : _storageHolder(NULL), _storage(_storageHolder) {} explicit MutableDocument(size_t expectedFields); /// No copy of data yet. Copy-on-write. See storage() explicit MutableDocument(Document d) : _storageHolder(NULL), _storage(_storageHolder) { reset(std::move(d)); } ~MutableDocument() { if (_storageHolder) intrusive_ptr_release(_storageHolder); } /** Replace the current base Document with the argument * * All Positions from the passed in Document are valid and refer to the * same field in this MutableDocument. */ void reset(Document d = Document()) { reset(std::move(d._storage)); } /** Add the given field to the Document. * * BSON documents' fields are ordered; the new Field will be * appended to the current list of fields. * * Unlike getField/setField, addField does not look for a field with the * same name and therefore cannot be used to update fields. * * It is an error to add a field that has the same name as another field. * * TODO: This is currently allowed but getField only gets first field. * Decide what level of support is needed for duplicate fields. * If duplicates are not allowed, consider removing this method. */ void addField(StringData fieldName, const Value& val) { storage().appendField(fieldName) = val; } /** Update field by key. If there is no field with that key, add one. * * If the new value is missing(), the field is logically removed. */ MutableValue operator[](StringData key) { return getField(key); } void setField(StringData key, const Value& val) { getField(key) = val; } MutableValue getField(StringData key) { return MutableValue(storage().getField(key)); } /// Update field by Position. Must already be a valid Position. MutableValue operator[](Position pos) { return getField(pos); } void setField(Position pos, const Value& val) { getField(pos) = val; } MutableValue getField(Position pos) { return MutableValue(storage().getField(pos).val); } /// Logically remove a field. Note that memory usage does not decrease. void remove(StringData key) { getField(key) = Value(); } void removeNestedField(const std::vector& positions) { getNestedField(positions) = Value(); } /** Gets/Sets a nested field given a path. * * All fields along path are created as empty Documents if they don't exist or are any other * type. Does *not* traverse nested arrays when evaluating a nested path, instead returning * Value() if the dotted field points to a nested object within an array. */ MutableValue getNestedField(const FieldPath& dottedField); void setNestedField(const FieldPath& dottedField, const Value& val) { getNestedField(dottedField) = val; } /// Takes positions vector from Document::getNestedField. All fields in path must exist. MutableValue getNestedField(const std::vector& positions); void setNestedField(const std::vector& positions, const Value& val) { getNestedField(positions) = val; } /** * Copies all metadata from source if it has any. * Note: does not clear metadata from this. */ void copyMetaDataFrom(const Document& source) { storage().copyMetaDataFrom(source.storage()); } void setTextScore(double score) { storage().setTextScore(score); } void setRandMetaField(double val) { storage().setRandMetaField(val); } void setSortKeyMetaField(BSONObj sortKey) { storage().setSortKeyMetaField(sortKey); } void setGeoNearDistance(double dist) { storage().setGeoNearDistance(dist); } void setGeoNearPoint(Value point) { storage().setGeoNearPoint(std::move(point)); } /** Convert to a read-only document and release reference. * * Call this to indicate that you are done with this Document and will * not be making further changes from this MutableDocument. * * TODO: there are some optimizations that may make sense at freeze time. */ Document freeze() { // This essentially moves _storage into a new Document by way of temp. Document ret; boost::intrusive_ptr temp(storagePtr(), /*inc_ref_count=*/false); temp.swap(ret._storage); _storage = NULL; return ret; } /// Used to simplify the common pattern of creating a value of the document. Value freezeToValue() { return Value(freeze()); } /** Borrow a readable reference to this Document. * * Note that unlike freeze(), this indicates intention to continue * modifying this document. The returned Document will not observe * future changes to this MutableDocument. */ Document peek() { return Document(storagePtr()); } size_t getApproximateSize() { return peek().getApproximateSize(); } private: friend class MutableValue; // for access to next constructor explicit MutableDocument(MutableValue mv) : _storageHolder(NULL), _storage(mv.getDocPtr()) {} void reset(boost::intrusive_ptr ds) { if (_storage) intrusive_ptr_release(_storage); _storage = ds.detach(); } // This is split into 3 functions to speed up the fast-path DocumentStorage& storage() { if (MONGO_unlikely(!_storage)) return newStorage(); if (MONGO_unlikely(_storage->isShared())) return clonedStorage(); // This function exists to ensure this is safe return const_cast(*storagePtr()); } DocumentStorage& newStorage() { reset(make_intrusive()); return const_cast(*storagePtr()); } DocumentStorage& clonedStorage() { reset(storagePtr()->clone()); return const_cast(*storagePtr()); } // recursive helpers for same-named public methods MutableValue getNestedFieldHelper(const FieldPath& dottedField, size_t level); MutableValue getNestedFieldHelper(const std::vector& positions, size_t level); // this should only be called by storage methods and peek/freeze const DocumentStorage* storagePtr() const { dassert(!_storage || typeid(*_storage) == typeid(const DocumentStorage)); return static_cast(_storage); } // These are both const to prevent modifications bypassing storage() method. // They always point to NULL or an object with dynamic type DocumentStorage. const RefCountable* _storageHolder; // Only used in constructors and destructor const RefCountable*& _storage; // references either above member or genericRCPtr in a Value }; /// This is the public iterator over a document class FieldIterator { public: explicit FieldIterator(const Document& doc) : _doc(doc), _it(_doc.storage().iterator()) {} /// Ask if there are more fields to return. bool more() const { return !_it.atEnd(); } /// Get next item and advance iterator Document::FieldPair next() { verify(more()); Document::FieldPair fp(_it->nameSD(), _it->val); _it.advance(); return fp; } private: // We'll hang on to the original document to ensure we keep its storage alive Document _doc; DocumentStorageIterator _it; }; /// Macro to create Document literals. Syntax is the same as the BSON("name" << 123) macro. #define DOC(fields) ((DocumentStream() << fields).done()) /** Macro to create Array-typed Value literals. * Syntax is the same as the BSON_ARRAY(123 << "foo") macro. */ #define DOC_ARRAY(fields) ((ValueArrayStream() << fields).done()) // These classes are only for the implementation of the DOC and DOC_ARRAY macros. // They should not be used for any other reason. class DocumentStream { // The stream alternates between DocumentStream taking a fieldname // and ValueStream taking a Value. class ValueStream { public: ValueStream(DocumentStream& builder) : builder(builder) {} DocumentStream& operator<<(const Value& val) { builder._md[name] = val; return builder; } /// support anything directly supported by a value constructor template DocumentStream& operator<<(const T& val) { return *this << Value(val); } StringData name; DocumentStream& builder; }; public: DocumentStream() : _stream(*this) {} ValueStream& operator<<(StringData name) { _stream.name = name; return _stream; } Document done() { return _md.freeze(); } private: ValueStream _stream; MutableDocument _md; }; class ValueArrayStream { public: ValueArrayStream& operator<<(const Value& val) { _array.push_back(val); return *this; } /// support anything directly supported by a value constructor template ValueArrayStream& operator<<(const T& val) { return *this << Value(val); } Value done() { return Value(std::move(_array)); } private: std::vector _array; }; inline void swap(mongo::Document& lhs, mongo::Document& rhs) { lhs.swap(rhs); } /* ======================= INLINED IMPLEMENTATIONS ========================== */ inline FieldIterator Document::fieldIterator() const { return FieldIterator(*this); } inline MutableValue MutableValue::getField(Position pos) { return MutableDocument(*this).getField(pos); } inline MutableValue MutableValue::getField(StringData key) { return MutableDocument(*this).getField(key); } }