* Copyright (c) 2011 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
* code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
* conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
* linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
* must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for
* all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
* with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
* file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
* delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
* exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
* it in the license file.
#pragma once
#include "mongo/platform/basic.h"
#include "mongo/base/init.h"
#include "mongo/client/connpool.h"
#include "mongo/db/clientcursor.h"
#include "mongo/db/collection_index_usage_tracker.h"
#include "mongo/db/jsobj.h"
#include "mongo/db/matcher/matcher.h"
#include "mongo/db/pipeline/accumulator.h"
#include "mongo/db/pipeline/lookup_set_cache.h"
#include "mongo/db/pipeline/dependencies.h"
#include "mongo/db/pipeline/document.h"
#include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression.h"
#include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression_context.h"
#include "mongo/db/pipeline/pipeline.h"
#include "mongo/db/pipeline/value.h"
#include "mongo/db/sorter/sorter.h"
#include "mongo/stdx/functional.h"
#include "mongo/util/intrusive_counter.h"
namespace mongo {
class Document;
class Expression;
class ExpressionFieldPath;
class ExpressionObject;
class DocumentSourceLimit;
class DocumentSourceSort;
class PlanExecutor;
class RecordCursor;
* Registers a DocumentSource to have the name 'key'. When a stage with name '$key' is found,
* 'parser' will be called to construct a DocumentSource.
* As an example, if your document source looks like {"$foo": }, with a parsing function
* 'createFromBson', you would add this line:
* REGISTER_EXPRESSION(foo, DocumentSourceFoo::createFromBson);
#define REGISTER_DOCUMENT_SOURCE(key, parser) \
MONGO_INITIALIZER(addToDocSourceParserMap_##key)(InitializerContext*) { \
DocumentSource::registerParser("$" #key, (parser)); \
return Status::OK(); \
class DocumentSource : public IntrusiveCounterUnsigned {
using Parser = stdx::function(
BSONElement, const boost::intrusive_ptr&)>;
virtual ~DocumentSource() {}
/** Returns the next Document if there is one or boost::none if at EOF.
* Subclasses must call pExpCtx->checkForInterupt().
virtual boost::optional getNext() = 0;
* Inform the source that it is no longer needed and may release its resources. After
* dispose() is called the source must still be able to handle iteration requests, but may
* become eof().
* NOTE: For proper mutex yielding, dispose() must be called on any DocumentSource that will
* not be advanced until eof(), see SERVER-6123.
virtual void dispose();
Get the source's name.
@returns the std::string name of the source as a constant string;
this is static, and there's no need to worry about adopting it
virtual const char* getSourceName() const;
Set the underlying source this source should use to get Documents
It is an error to set the source more than once. This is to
prevent changing sources once the original source has been started;
this could break the state maintained by the DocumentSource.
This pointer is not reference counted because that has led to
some circular references. As a result, this doesn't keep
sources alive, and is only intended to be used temporarily for
the lifetime of a Pipeline::run().
@param pSource the underlying source to use
virtual void setSource(DocumentSource* pSource);
* Gets a BSONObjSet representing the sort order(s) of the output of the stage.
virtual BSONObjSet getOutputSorts() {
return BSONObjSet();
* Returns an optimized DocumentSource that is semantically equivalent to this one, or
* nullptr if this stage is a no-op. Implementations are allowed to modify themselves
* in-place and return a pointer to themselves. For best results, first optimize the pipeline
* with the optimizePipeline() method defined in pipeline.cpp.
* This is intended for any operations that include expressions, and provides a hook for
* those to optimize those operations.
* The default implementation is to do nothing and return yourself.
virtual boost::intrusive_ptr optimize();
* Attempt to perform an optimization with the following source in the pipeline. 'container'
* refers to the entire pipeline, and 'itr' points to this stage within the pipeline.
* The return value is an iterator over the same container which points to the first location
* in the container at which an optimization may be possible.
* For example, if a swap takes place, the returned iterator should just be the position
* directly preceding 'itr', if such a position exists, since the stage at that position may be
* able to perform further optimizations with its new neighbor.
virtual Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator optimizeAt(Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr,
Pipeline::SourceContainer* container) {
return std::next(itr);
enum GetDepsReturn {
NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x0, // The full object and all metadata may be required
SEE_NEXT = 0x1, // Later stages could need either fields or metadata
EXHAUSTIVE_FIELDS = 0x2, // Later stages won't need more fields from input
EXHAUSTIVE_META = 0x4, // Later stages won't need more metadata from input
* Get the dependencies this operation needs to do its job.
virtual GetDepsReturn getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const {
* In the default case, serializes the DocumentSource and adds it to the std::vector.
* A subclass may choose to overwrite this, rather than serialize,
* if it should output multiple stages (eg, $sort sometimes also outputs a $limit).
virtual void serializeToArray(std::vector& array, bool explain = false) const;
* Returns true if doesn't require an input source (most DocumentSources do).
virtual bool isValidInitialSource() const {
return false;
* Returns true if the DocumentSource needs to be run on the primary shard.
virtual bool needsPrimaryShard() const {
return false;
* If DocumentSource uses additional collections, it adds the namespaces to the input vector.
virtual void addInvolvedCollections(std::vector* collections) const {}
* Create a DocumentSource pipeline stage from 'stageObj'.
static boost::intrusive_ptr parse(
const boost::intrusive_ptr expCtx, BSONObj stageObj);
* Registers a DocumentSource with a parsing function, so that when a stage with the given name
* is encountered, it will call 'parser' to construct that stage.
* DO NOT call this method directly. Instead, use the REGISTER_DOCUMENT_SOURCE macro defined in
* this file.
static void registerParser(std::string name, Parser parser);
* Given a BSONObj, construct a BSONObjSet consisting of all prefixes of that object. For
* example, given {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}, this will return a set: {{a: 1}, {a: 1, b: 1}, {a: 1, b:
* 1, c: 1}}.
static BSONObjSet allPrefixes(BSONObj obj);
* Given a BSONObjSet, where each BSONObj represents a sort key, return the BSONObjSet that
* results from truncating each sort key before the first path that is a member of 'fields', or
* is a child of a member of 'fields'.
static BSONObjSet truncateSortSet(const BSONObjSet& sorts, const std::set& fields);
Base constructor.
explicit DocumentSource(const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
Most DocumentSources have an underlying source they get their data
from. This is a convenience for them.
The default implementation of setSource() sets this; if you don't
need a source, override that to verify(). The default is to
verify() if this has already been set.
DocumentSource* pSource;
boost::intrusive_ptr pExpCtx;
* Create a Value that represents the document source.
* This is used by the default implementation of serializeToArray() to add this object
* to a pipeline being serialized. Returning a missing() Value results in no entry
* being added to the array for this stage (DocumentSource).
virtual Value serialize(bool explain = false) const = 0;
/** This class marks DocumentSources that should be split between the merger and the shards.
* See Pipeline::Optimizations::Sharded::findSplitPoint() for details.
class SplittableDocumentSource {
/** returns a source to be run on the shards.
* if NULL, don't run on shards
virtual boost::intrusive_ptr getShardSource() = 0;
/** returns a source that combines results from shards.
* if NULL, don't run on merger
virtual boost::intrusive_ptr getMergeSource() = 0;
// It is invalid to delete through a SplittableDocumentSource-typed pointer.
virtual ~SplittableDocumentSource() {}
/** This class marks DocumentSources which need mongod-specific functionality.
* It causes a MongodInterface to be injected when in a mongod and prevents mongos from
* merging pipelines containing this stage.
class DocumentSourceNeedsMongod {
// Wraps mongod-specific functions to allow linking into mongos.
class MongodInterface {
virtual ~MongodInterface(){};
* Sets the OperationContext of the DBDirectClient returned by directClient(). This method
* must be called after updating the 'opCtx' member of the ExpressionContext associated with
* the document source.
virtual void setOperationContext(OperationContext* opCtx) = 0;
* Always returns a DBDirectClient. The return type in the function signature is a
* DBClientBase* because DBDirectClient isn't linked into mongos.
virtual DBClientBase* directClient() = 0;
// Note that in some rare cases this could return a false negative but will never return
// a false positive. This method will be fixed in the future once it becomes possible to
// avoid false negatives.
virtual bool isSharded(const NamespaceString& ns) = 0;
virtual bool isCapped(const NamespaceString& ns) = 0;
* Inserts 'objs' into 'ns' and returns the "detailed" last error object.
virtual BSONObj insert(const NamespaceString& ns, const std::vector& objs) = 0;
virtual CollectionIndexUsageMap getIndexStats(OperationContext* opCtx,
const NamespaceString& ns) = 0;
virtual bool hasUniqueIdIndex(const NamespaceString& ns) const = 0;
// Add new methods as needed.
void injectMongodInterface(std::shared_ptr mongod) {
_mongod = mongod;
void setOperationContext(OperationContext* opCtx) {
// It is invalid to delete through a DocumentSourceNeedsMongod-typed pointer.
virtual ~DocumentSourceNeedsMongod() {}
// Gives subclasses access to a MongodInterface implementation
std::shared_ptr _mongod;
* Constructs and returns Documents from the BSONObj objects produced by a supplied
* PlanExecutor.
* An object of this type may only be used by one thread, see SERVER-6123.
class DocumentSourceCursor final : public DocumentSource {
// virtuals from DocumentSource
~DocumentSourceCursor() final;
boost::optional getNext() final;
const char* getSourceName() const final;
BSONObjSet getOutputSorts() final {
return _outputSorts;
* Attempts to combine with any subsequent $limit stages by setting the internal '_limit' field.
Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator optimizeAt(Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr,
Pipeline::SourceContainer* container) final;
Value serialize(bool explain = false) const final;
bool isValidInitialSource() const final {
return true;
void dispose() final;
* Create a document source based on a passed-in PlanExecutor.
* This is usually put at the beginning of a chain of document sources
* in order to fetch data from the database.
static boost::intrusive_ptr create(
const std::string& ns,
const std::shared_ptr& exec,
const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
Record the query that was specified for the cursor this wraps, if
This should be captured after any optimizations are applied to
the pipeline so that it reflects what is really used.
This gets used for explain output.
@param pBsonObj the query to record
void setQuery(const BSONObj& query) {
_query = query;
Record the sort that was specified for the cursor this wraps, if
This should be captured after any optimizations are applied to
the pipeline so that it reflects what is really used.
This gets used for explain output.
@param pBsonObj the sort to record
void setSort(const BSONObj& sort) {
_sort = sort;
* Informs this object of projection and dependency information.
* @param projection The projection that has been passed down to the query system.
* @param deps The output of DepsTracker::toParsedDeps.
void setProjection(const BSONObj& projection, const boost::optional& deps);
/// returns -1 for no limit
long long getLimit() const;
* If subsequent sources need no information from the cursor, the cursor can simply output empty
* documents, avoiding the overhead of converting BSONObjs to Documents.
void shouldProduceEmptyDocs() {
_shouldProduceEmptyDocs = true;
DocumentSourceCursor(const std::string& ns,
const std::shared_ptr& exec,
const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
void loadBatch();
std::deque _currentBatch;
// BSONObj members must outlive _projection and cursor.
BSONObj _query;
BSONObj _sort;
BSONObj _projection;
bool _shouldProduceEmptyDocs = false;
boost::optional _dependencies;
boost::intrusive_ptr _limit;
long long _docsAddedToBatches; // for _limit enforcement
const std::string _ns;
std::shared_ptr _exec; // PipelineProxyStage holds a weak_ptr to this.
BSONObjSet _outputSorts;
class DocumentSourceGroup final : public DocumentSource, public SplittableDocumentSource {
using Accumulators = std::vector>;
using GroupsMap = std::unordered_map;
// Virtuals from DocumentSource.
boost::intrusive_ptr optimize() final;
GetDepsReturn getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const final;
Value serialize(bool explain = false) const final;
boost::optional getNext() final;
void dispose() final;
const char* getSourceName() const final;
BSONObjSet getOutputSorts() final;
static boost::intrusive_ptr create(
const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
* This is a convenience method that uses create(), and operates on a BSONElement that has been
* determined to be an Object with an element named $group.
static boost::intrusive_ptr createFromBson(
BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
* Add an accumulator.
* Accumulators become fields in the Documents that result from grouping. Each unique group
* document must have it's own accumulator; the accumulator factory is used to create that.
* 'fieldName' is the name the accumulator result will have in the result documents and
* 'AccumulatorFactory' is used to create the accumulator for the group field.
void addAccumulator(const std::string& fieldName,
Accumulator::Factory accumulatorFactory,
const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpression);
* Tell this source if it is doing a merge from shards. Defaults to false.
void setDoingMerge(bool doingMerge) {
_doingMerge = doingMerge;
bool isStreaming() const {
return _streaming;
// Virtuals for SplittableDocumentSource.
boost::intrusive_ptr getShardSource() final;
boost::intrusive_ptr getMergeSource() final;
explicit DocumentSourceGroup(const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
* getNext() dispatches to one of these three depending on what type of $group it is. All three
* of these methods expect '_currentAccumulators' to have been reset before being called, and
* also expect initialize() to have been called already.
boost::optional getNextStreaming();
boost::optional getNextSpilled();
boost::optional getNextStandard();
* Attempt to identify an input sort order that allows us to turn into a streaming $group. If we
* find one, return it. Otherwise, return boost::none.
boost::optional findRelevantInputSort() const;
* Before returning anything, this source must prepare itself. In a streaming $group,
* initialize() requests the first document from the previous source, and uses it to prepare the
* accumulators. In an unsorted $group, initialize() exhausts the previous source before
* returning. The '_initialized' boolean indicates that initialize() has been called.
void initialize();
* Spill groups map to disk and returns an iterator to the file. Note: Since a sorted $group
* does not exhaust the previous stage before returning, and thus does not maintain as large a
* store of documents at any one time, only an unsorted group can spill to disk.
std::shared_ptr::Iterator> spill();
Document makeDocument(const Value& id, const Accumulators& accums, bool mergeableOutput);
* Parses the raw id expression into _idExpressions and possibly _idFieldNames.
void parseIdExpression(BSONElement groupField, const VariablesParseState& vps);
* Computes the internal representation of the group key.
Value computeId(Variables* vars);
* Converts the internal representation of the group key to the _id shape specified by the
* user.
Value expandId(const Value& val);
* 'vFieldName' contains the field names for the result documents, 'vpAccumulatorFactory'
* contains the accumulator factories for the result documents, and 'vpExpression' contains the
* common expressions used by each instance of each accumulator in order to find the right-hand
* side of what gets added to the accumulator. These three vectors parallel each other.
std::vector vFieldName;
std::vector vpAccumulatorFactory;
std::vector> vpExpression;
bool _doingMerge;
int _maxMemoryUsageBytes;
std::unique_ptr _variables;
std::vector _idFieldNames; // used when id is a document
std::vector> _idExpressions;
BSONObj _inputSort;
bool _streaming;
bool _initialized;
Value _currentId;
Accumulators _currentAccumulators;
GroupsMap groups;
bool _spilled;
// Only used when '_spilled' is false.
GroupsMap::iterator groupsIterator;
// Only used when '_spilled' is true.
std::unique_ptr::Iterator> _sorterIterator;
const bool _extSortAllowed;
std::pair _firstPartOfNextGroup;
// Only used when '_sorted' is true.
boost::optional _firstDocOfNextGroup;
* Provides a document source interface to retrieve index statistics for a given namespace.
* Each document returned represents a single index and mongod instance.
class DocumentSourceIndexStats final : public DocumentSource, public DocumentSourceNeedsMongod {
// virtuals from DocumentSource
boost::optional getNext() final;
const char* getSourceName() const final;
Value serialize(bool explain = false) const final;
virtual bool isValidInitialSource() const final {
return true;
static boost::intrusive_ptr createFromBson(
BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
DocumentSourceIndexStats(const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
CollectionIndexUsageMap _indexStatsMap;
CollectionIndexUsageMap::const_iterator _indexStatsIter;
std::string _processName;
class DocumentSourceMatch final : public DocumentSource {
// virtuals from DocumentSource
boost::optional getNext() final;
const char* getSourceName() const final;
Value serialize(bool explain = false) const final;
boost::intrusive_ptr optimize() final;
BSONObjSet getOutputSorts() final {
return pSource ? pSource->getOutputSorts() : BSONObjSet();
* Attempts to combine with any subsequent $match stages, joining the query objects with a
* $and.
Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator optimizeAt(Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr,
Pipeline::SourceContainer* container) final;
void setSource(DocumentSource* Source) final;
GetDepsReturn getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const final;
Create a filter.
@param pBsonElement the raw BSON specification for the filter
@returns the filter
static boost::intrusive_ptr createFromBson(
BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr& pCtx);
* Access the MatchExpression stored inside the DocumentSourceMatch. Does not release ownership.
MatchExpression* getMatchExpression() const {
return _expression.get();
* Combines the filter in this $match with the filter of 'other' using a $and, updating this
* match in place.
void joinMatchWith(boost::intrusive_ptr other);
* Returns the query in MatchExpression syntax.
BSONObj getQuery() const;
/** Returns the portion of the match that can safely be promoted to before a $redact.
* If this returns an empty BSONObj, no part of this match may safely be promoted.
* To be safe to promote, removing a field from a document to be matched must not cause
* that document to be accepted when it would otherwise be rejected. As an example,
* {name: {$ne: "bob smith"}} accepts documents without a name field, which means that
* running this filter before a redact that would remove the name field would leak
* information. On the other hand, {age: {$gt:5}} is ok because it doesn't accept documents
* that have had their age field removed.
BSONObj redactSafePortion() const;
static bool isTextQuery(const BSONObj& query);
bool isTextQuery() const {
return _isTextQuery;
* Attempt to split this $match into two stages, where the first is not dependent upon any path
* from 'fields', and where applying them in sequence is equivalent to applying this stage once.
* Will return two intrusive_ptrs to new $match stages, where the first pointer is independent
* of 'fields', and the second is dependent. Either pointer may be null, so be sure to check the
* return value.
* For example, {$match: {a: "foo", "b.c": 4}} split by "b" will return pointers to two stages:
* {$match: {a: "foo"}}, and {$match: {"b.c": 4}}.
std::pair, boost::intrusive_ptr>
splitSourceBy(const std::set& fields);
* Given a document 'input', extract 'fields' and produce a BSONObj with those values.
static BSONObj getObjectForMatch(const Document& input, const std::set& fields);
* Should be called _only_ on a MatchExpression that is a predicate on 'path', or subfields of
* 'path'. It is also invalid to call this method on a $match including a $elemMatch on 'path',
* for example: {$match: {'path': {$elemMatch: {'subfield': 3}}}}
* Returns a new DocumentSourceMatch that, if executed on the subdocument at 'path', is
* equivalent to 'expression'.
* For example, if the original expression is {$and: [{'a.b': {$gt: 0}}, {'a.d': {$eq: 3}}]},
* the new $match will have the expression {$and: [{b: {$gt: 0}}, {d: {$eq: 3}}]} after
* descending on the path 'a'.
static boost::intrusive_ptr descendMatchOnPath(
MatchExpression* matchExpr,
const std::string& path,
boost::intrusive_ptr expCtx);
DocumentSourceMatch(const BSONObj& query,
const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
void addDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const;
std::unique_ptr _expression;
// Cache the dependencies so that we know what fields we need to serialize to BSON for matching.
DepsTracker _dependencies;
BSONObj _predicate;
bool _isTextQuery;
class DocumentSourceMergeCursors : public DocumentSource {
struct CursorDescriptor {
CursorDescriptor(ConnectionString connectionString, std::string ns, CursorId cursorId)
: connectionString(std::move(connectionString)),
cursorId(cursorId) {}
ConnectionString connectionString;
std::string ns;
CursorId cursorId;
// virtuals from DocumentSource
boost::optional getNext();
const char* getSourceName() const final;
void dispose() final;
Value serialize(bool explain = false) const final;
bool isValidInitialSource() const final {
return true;
static boost::intrusive_ptr createFromBson(
BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
static boost::intrusive_ptr create(
std::vector cursorDescriptors,
const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
/** Returns non-owning pointers to cursors managed by this stage.
* Call this instead of getNext() if you want access to the raw streams.
* This method should only be called at most once.
std::vector getCursors();
* Returns the next object from the cursor, throwing an appropriate exception if the cursor
* reported an error. This is a better form of DBClientCursor::nextSafe.
static Document nextSafeFrom(DBClientCursor* cursor);
struct CursorAndConnection {
CursorAndConnection(const CursorDescriptor& cursorDescriptor);
ScopedDbConnection connection;
DBClientCursor cursor;
// using list to enable removing arbitrary elements
typedef std::list> Cursors;
DocumentSourceMergeCursors(std::vector cursorDescriptors,
const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
// Converts _cursorDescriptors into active _cursors.
void start();
// This is the description of cursors to merge.
const std::vector _cursorDescriptors;
// These are the actual cursors we are merging. Created lazily.
Cursors _cursors;
Cursors::iterator _currentCursor;
bool _unstarted;
* Used in testing to store documents without using the storage layer. Methods are not marked as
* final in order to allow tests to intercept calls if needed.
class DocumentSourceMock : public DocumentSource {
DocumentSourceMock(std::deque docs);
boost::optional getNext() override;
const char* getSourceName() const override;
Value serialize(bool explain = false) const override;
void dispose() override;
bool isValidInitialSource() const override {
return true;
BSONObjSet getOutputSorts() override {
return sorts;
static boost::intrusive_ptr create();
static boost::intrusive_ptr create(const Document& doc);
static boost::intrusive_ptr create(std::deque documents);
static boost::intrusive_ptr create(const char* json);
static boost::intrusive_ptr create(
const std::initializer_list& jsons);
// Return documents from front of queue.
std::deque queue;
bool disposed = false;
BSONObjSet sorts;
class DocumentSourceOut final : public DocumentSource,
public SplittableDocumentSource,
public DocumentSourceNeedsMongod {
// virtuals from DocumentSource
~DocumentSourceOut() final;
boost::optional getNext() final;
const char* getSourceName() const final;
Value serialize(bool explain = false) const final;
GetDepsReturn getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const final;
bool needsPrimaryShard() const final {
return true;
// Virtuals for SplittableDocumentSource
boost::intrusive_ptr getShardSource() final {
return NULL;
boost::intrusive_ptr getMergeSource() final {
return this;
const NamespaceString& getOutputNs() const {
return _outputNs;
Create a document source for output and pass-through.
This can be put anywhere in a pipeline and will store content as
well as pass it on.
@param pBsonElement the raw BSON specification for the source
@param pExpCtx the expression context for the pipeline
@returns the newly created document source
static boost::intrusive_ptr createFromBson(
BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
DocumentSourceOut(const NamespaceString& outputNs,
const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
// Sets _tempsNs and prepares it to receive data.
void prepTempCollection();
void spill(const std::vector& toInsert);
bool _done;
NamespaceString _tempNs; // output goes here as it is being processed.
const NamespaceString _outputNs; // output will go here after all data is processed.
class DocumentSourceProject final : public DocumentSource {
// virtuals from DocumentSource
boost::optional getNext() final;
const char* getSourceName() const final;
* Attempt to move a subsequent $skip or $limit stage before the $project, thus reducing the
* number of documents that pass through this stage.
Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator optimizeAt(Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr,
Pipeline::SourceContainer* container) final;
boost::intrusive_ptr optimize() final;
Value serialize(bool explain = false) const final;
virtual GetDepsReturn getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const;
Create a new projection DocumentSource from BSON.
This is a convenience for directly handling BSON, and relies on the
above methods.
@param pBsonElement the BSONElement with an object named $project
@param pExpCtx the expression context for the pipeline
@returns the created projection
static boost::intrusive_ptr createFromBson(
BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
/** projection as specified by the user */
BSONObj getRaw() const {
return _raw;
DocumentSourceProject(const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx,
const boost::intrusive_ptr& exprObj);
// configuration state
std::unique_ptr _variables;
boost::intrusive_ptr pEO;
BSONObj _raw;
class DocumentSourceRedact final : public DocumentSource {
boost::optional getNext() final;
const char* getSourceName() const final;
boost::intrusive_ptr optimize() final;
* Attempts to duplicate the redact-safe portion of a subsequent $match before the $redact
* stage.
Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator optimizeAt(Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr,
Pipeline::SourceContainer* container) final;
static boost::intrusive_ptr createFromBson(
BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx);
Value serialize(bool explain = false) const final;
DocumentSourceRedact(const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx,
const boost::intrusive_ptr& previsit);
// These both work over _variables
boost::optional redactObject(); // redacts CURRENT
Value redactValue(const Value& in);
Variables::Id _currentId;
std::unique_ptr _variables;
boost::intrusive_ptr _expression;
class DocumentSourceSample final : public DocumentSource, public SplittableDocumentSource {
boost::optional getNext() final;
const char* getSourceName() const final;
Value serialize(bool explain = false) const final;
GetDepsReturn getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const final {
return SEE_NEXT;
boost::intrusive_ptr getShardSource() final;
boost::intrusive_ptr getMergeSource() final;
long long getSampleSize() const {
return _size;
static boost::intrusive_ptr createFromBson(
BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx);
explicit DocumentSourceSample(const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
long long _size;
// Uses a $sort stage to randomly sort the documents.
boost::intrusive_ptr _sortStage;
* This class is not a registered stage, it is only used as an optimized replacement for $sample
* when the storage engine allows us to use a random cursor.
class DocumentSourceSampleFromRandomCursor final : public DocumentSource {
boost::optional getNext() final;
const char* getSourceName() const final;
Value serialize(bool explain = false) const final;
GetDepsReturn getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const final;
static boost::intrusive_ptr create(
const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx,
long long size,
std::string idField,
long long collectionSize);
DocumentSourceSampleFromRandomCursor(const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx,
long long size,
std::string idField,
long long collectionSize);
* Keep asking for documents from the random cursor until it yields a new document. Errors if a
* a document is encountered without a value for '_idField', or if the random cursor keeps
* returning duplicate elements.
boost::optional getNextNonDuplicateDocument();
long long _size;
// The field to use as the id of a document. Usually '_id', but 'ts' for the oplog.
std::string _idField;
// Keeps track of the documents that have been returned, since a random cursor is allowed to
// return duplicates.
ValueSet _seenDocs;
// The approximate number of documents in the collection (includes orphans).
const long long _nDocsInColl;
// The value to be assigned to the randMetaField of outcoming documents. Each call to getNext()
// will decrement this value by an amount scaled by _nDocsInColl as an attempt to appear as if
// the documents were produced by a top-k random sort.
double _randMetaFieldVal = 1.0;
class DocumentSourceLimit final : public DocumentSource, public SplittableDocumentSource {
// virtuals from DocumentSource
boost::optional getNext() final;
const char* getSourceName() const final;
BSONObjSet getOutputSorts() final {
return pSource ? pSource->getOutputSorts() : BSONObjSet();
* Attempts to combine with a subsequent $limit stage, setting 'limit' appropriately.
Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator optimizeAt(Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr,
Pipeline::SourceContainer* container) final;
Value serialize(bool explain = false) const final;
GetDepsReturn getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const final {
return SEE_NEXT; // This doesn't affect needed fields
Create a new limiting DocumentSource.
@param pExpCtx the expression context for the pipeline
@returns the DocumentSource
static boost::intrusive_ptr create(
const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx, long long limit);
// Virtuals for SplittableDocumentSource
// Need to run on rounter. Running on shard as well is an optimization.
boost::intrusive_ptr getShardSource() final {
return this;
boost::intrusive_ptr getMergeSource() final {
return this;
long long getLimit() const {
return limit;
void setLimit(long long newLimit) {
limit = newLimit;
Create a limiting DocumentSource from BSON.
This is a convenience method that uses the above, and operates on
a BSONElement that has been deteremined to be an Object with an
element named $limit.
@param pBsonElement the BSONELement that defines the limit
@param pExpCtx the expression context
@returns the grouping DocumentSource
static boost::intrusive_ptr createFromBson(
BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
DocumentSourceLimit(const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx, long long limit);
long long limit;
long long count;
class DocumentSourceSort final : public DocumentSource, public SplittableDocumentSource {
// virtuals from DocumentSource
boost::optional getNext() final;
const char* getSourceName() const final;
void serializeToArray(std::vector& array, bool explain = false) const final;
BSONObjSet getOutputSorts() final {
return allPrefixes(_sort);
* Attempts to move a subsequent $match stage before the $sort, reducing the number of
* documents that pass through the stage. Also attempts to absorb a subsequent $limit stage so
* that it an perform a top-k sort.
Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator optimizeAt(Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr,
Pipeline::SourceContainer* container) final;
void dispose() final;
GetDepsReturn getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const final;
boost::intrusive_ptr getShardSource() final;
boost::intrusive_ptr getMergeSource() final;
Add sort key field.
Adds a sort key field to the key being built up. A concatenated
key is built up by calling this repeatedly.
@param fieldPath the field path to the key component
@param ascending if true, use the key for an ascending sort,
otherwise, use it for descending
void addKey(const std::string& fieldPath, bool ascending);
/// Write out a Document whose contents are the sort key.
Document serializeSortKey(bool explain) const;
Create a sorting DocumentSource from BSON.
This is a convenience method that uses the above, and operates on
a BSONElement that has been deteremined to be an Object with an
element named $group.
@param pBsonElement the BSONELement that defines the group
@param pExpCtx the expression context for the pipeline
@returns the grouping DocumentSource
static boost::intrusive_ptr createFromBson(
BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
/// Create a DocumentSourceSort with a given sort and (optional) limit
static boost::intrusive_ptr create(
const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx,
BSONObj sortOrder,
long long limit = -1);
/// returns -1 for no limit
long long getLimit() const;
* Loads a document to be sorted. This can be used to sort a stream of documents that are not
* coming from another DocumentSource. Once all documents have been added, the caller must call
* loadingDone() before using getNext() to receive the documents in sorted order.
void loadDocument(const Document& doc);
* Signals to the sort stage that there will be no more input documents. It is an error to call
* loadDocument() once this method returns.
void loadingDone();
* Instructs the sort stage to use the given set of cursors as inputs, to merge documents that
* have already been sorted.
void populateFromCursors(const std::vector& cursors);
bool isPopulated() {
return populated;
boost::intrusive_ptr getLimitSrc() const {
return limitSrc;
explicit DocumentSourceSort(const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
Value serialize(bool explain = false) const final {
verify(false); // should call addToBsonArray instead
Before returning anything, this source must fetch everything from
the underlying source and group it. populate() is used to do that
on the first call to any method on this source. The populated
boolean indicates that this has been done.
void populate();
bool populated;
BSONObj _sort;
SortOptions makeSortOptions() const;
// This is used to merge pre-sorted results from a DocumentSourceMergeCursors.
class IteratorFromCursor;
/* these two parallel each other */
typedef std::vector> SortKey;
SortKey vSortKey;
std::vector vAscending; // used like std::vector but without specialization
/// Extracts the fields in vSortKey from the Document;
Value extractKey(const Document& d) const;
/// Compare two Values according to the specified sort key.
int compare(const Value& lhs, const Value& rhs) const;
typedef Sorter MySorter;
* Absorbs 'limit', enabling a top-k sort. It is safe to call this multiple times, it will keep
* the smallest limit.
void setLimitSrc(boost::intrusive_ptr limit) {
if (!limitSrc || limit->getLimit() < limitSrc->getLimit()) {
limitSrc = limit;
// For MySorter
class Comparator {
explicit Comparator(const DocumentSourceSort& source) : _source(source) {}
int operator()(const MySorter::Data& lhs, const MySorter::Data& rhs) const {
return _source.compare(lhs.first, rhs.first);
const DocumentSourceSort& _source;
boost::intrusive_ptr limitSrc;
bool _done;
bool _mergingPresorted;
std::unique_ptr _sorter;
std::unique_ptr _output;
class DocumentSourceSkip final : public DocumentSource, public SplittableDocumentSource {
// virtuals from DocumentSource
boost::optional getNext() final;
const char* getSourceName() const final;
* Attempts to move a subsequent $limit before the skip, potentially allowing for forther
* optimizations earlier in the pipeline.
Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator optimizeAt(Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr,
Pipeline::SourceContainer* container) final;
Value serialize(bool explain = false) const final;
boost::intrusive_ptr optimize() final;
BSONObjSet getOutputSorts() final {
return pSource ? pSource->getOutputSorts() : BSONObjSet();
GetDepsReturn getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const final {
return SEE_NEXT; // This doesn't affect needed fields
Create a new skipping DocumentSource.
@param pExpCtx the expression context
@returns the DocumentSource
static boost::intrusive_ptr create(
const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
// Virtuals for SplittableDocumentSource
// Need to run on rounter. Can't run on shards.
boost::intrusive_ptr getShardSource() final {
return NULL;
boost::intrusive_ptr getMergeSource() final {
return this;
long long getSkip() const {
return _skip;
void setSkip(long long newSkip) {
_skip = newSkip;
Create a skipping DocumentSource from BSON.
This is a convenience method that uses the above, and operates on
a BSONElement that has been deteremined to be an Object with an
element named $skip.
@param pBsonElement the BSONELement that defines the skip
@param pExpCtx the expression context
@returns the grouping DocumentSource
static boost::intrusive_ptr createFromBson(
BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
explicit DocumentSourceSkip(const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
long long _skip;
bool _needToSkip;
class DocumentSourceUnwind final : public DocumentSource {
// virtuals from DocumentSource
boost::optional getNext() final;
const char* getSourceName() const final;
Value serialize(bool explain = false) const final;
BSONObjSet getOutputSorts() final;
GetDepsReturn getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const final;
* If the next stage is a $match, the part of the match that is not dependent on the unwound
* field can be moved into a new, preceding, $match stage.
Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator optimizeAt(Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr,
Pipeline::SourceContainer* container) final;
* Creates a new $unwind DocumentSource from a BSON specification.
static boost::intrusive_ptr createFromBson(
BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
static boost::intrusive_ptr create(
const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx,
const std::string& path,
bool includeNullIfEmptyOrMissing,
const boost::optional& includeArrayIndex);
std::string getUnwindPath() const {
return _unwindPath.getPath(false);
bool preserveNullAndEmptyArrays() const {
return _preserveNullAndEmptyArrays;
const boost::optional& indexPath() const {
return _indexPath;
DocumentSourceUnwind(const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx,
const FieldPath& fieldPath,
bool includeNullIfEmptyOrMissing,
const boost::optional& includeArrayIndex);
// Configuration state.
const FieldPath _unwindPath;
// Documents that have a nullish value, or an empty array for the field '_unwindPath', will pass
// through the $unwind stage unmodified if '_preserveNullAndEmptyArrays' is true.
const bool _preserveNullAndEmptyArrays;
// If set, the $unwind stage will include the array index in the specified path, overwriting any
// existing value, setting to null when the value was a non-array or empty array.
const boost::optional _indexPath;
// Iteration state.
class Unwinder;
std::unique_ptr _unwinder;
class DocumentSourceGeoNear : public DocumentSource,
public SplittableDocumentSource,
public DocumentSourceNeedsMongod {
static const long long kDefaultLimit;
// virtuals from DocumentSource
boost::optional getNext() final;
const char* getSourceName() const final;
* Attempts to combine with a subsequent limit stage, setting the internal limit field
* as a result.
Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator optimizeAt(Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr,
Pipeline::SourceContainer* container) final;
bool isValidInitialSource() const final {
return true;
Value serialize(bool explain = false) const final;
BSONObjSet getOutputSorts() final {
return {BSON(distanceField->getPath(false) << -1)};
// Virtuals for SplittableDocumentSource
boost::intrusive_ptr getShardSource() final;
boost::intrusive_ptr getMergeSource() final;
static boost::intrusive_ptr createFromBson(
BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr& pCtx);
static char geoNearName[];
long long getLimit() {
return limit;
BSONObj getQuery() const {
return query;
// this should only be used for testing
static boost::intrusive_ptr create(
const boost::intrusive_ptr& pCtx);
explicit DocumentSourceGeoNear(const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
void parseOptions(BSONObj options);
BSONObj buildGeoNearCmd() const;
void runCommand();
// These fields describe the command to run.
// coords and distanceField are required, rest are optional
BSONObj coords; // "near" option, but near is a reserved keyword on windows
bool coordsIsArray;
std::unique_ptr distanceField; // Using unique_ptr because FieldPath can't be empty
long long limit;
double maxDistance;
double minDistance;
BSONObj query;
bool spherical;
double distanceMultiplier;
std::unique_ptr includeLocs;
// these fields are used while processing the results
BSONObj cmdOutput;
std::unique_ptr resultsIterator; // iterator over cmdOutput["results"]
* Queries separate collection for equality matches with documents in the pipeline collection.
* Adds matching documents to a new array field in the input document.
class DocumentSourceLookUp final : public DocumentSource,
public SplittableDocumentSource,
public DocumentSourceNeedsMongod {
boost::optional getNext() final;
const char* getSourceName() const final;
void serializeToArray(std::vector& array, bool explain = false) const final;
* Attempts to combine with a subsequent $unwind stage, setting the internal '_unwindSrc'
* field.
Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator optimizeAt(Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr,
Pipeline::SourceContainer* container) final;
GetDepsReturn getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const final;
void dispose() final;
BSONObjSet getOutputSorts() final {
return DocumentSource::truncateSortSet(pSource->getOutputSorts(), {_as.getPath(false)});
bool needsPrimaryShard() const final {
return true;
boost::intrusive_ptr getShardSource() final {
return nullptr;
boost::intrusive_ptr getMergeSource() final {
return this;
void addInvolvedCollections(std::vector* collections) const final {
static boost::intrusive_ptr createFromBson(
BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
* Build the BSONObj used to query the foreign collection.
static BSONObj queryForInput(const Document& input,
const FieldPath& localFieldName,
const std::string& foreignFieldName,
const BSONObj& additionalFilter);
DocumentSourceLookUp(NamespaceString fromNs,
std::string as,
std::string localField,
std::string foreignField,
const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
Value serialize(bool explain = false) const final {
boost::optional unwindResult();
NamespaceString _fromNs;
FieldPath _as;
FieldPath _localField;
FieldPath _foreignField;
std::string _foreignFieldFieldName;
boost::optional _additionalFilter;
boost::intrusive_ptr _matchSrc;
boost::intrusive_ptr _unwindSrc;
bool _handlingUnwind = false;
bool _handlingMatch = false;
std::unique_ptr _cursor;
long long _cursorIndex = 0;
boost::optional _input;
class DocumentSourceGraphLookUp final : public DocumentSource, public DocumentSourceNeedsMongod {
boost::optional getNext() final;
const char* getSourceName() const final;
void dispose() final;
BSONObjSet getOutputSorts() final;
void serializeToArray(std::vector& array, bool explain = false) const final;
* Attempts to combine with a subsequent $unwind stage, setting the internal '_unwind' field.
Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator optimizeAt(Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr,
Pipeline::SourceContainer* container) final;
GetDepsReturn getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const final {
_startWith->addDependencies(deps, nullptr);
return SEE_NEXT;
bool needsPrimaryShard() const final {
return true;
void addInvolvedCollections(std::vector* collections) const final {
static boost::intrusive_ptr createFromBson(
BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx);
DocumentSourceGraphLookUp(NamespaceString from,
std::string as,
std::string connectFromField,
std::string connectToField,
boost::intrusive_ptr startWith,
boost::optional depthField,
boost::optional maxDepth,
const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx);
Value serialize(bool explain = false) const final {
// Should not be called; use serializeToArray instead.
* Prepare the query to execute on the 'from' collection, using the contents of '_frontier'.
* Fills 'cached' with any values that were retrieved from the cache.
* Returns boost::none if no query is necessary, i.e., all values were retrieved from the cache.
* Otherwise, returns a query object.
boost::optional constructQuery(BSONObjSet* cached);
* If we have internalized a $unwind, getNext() dispatches to this function.
boost::optional getNextUnwound();
* Perform a breadth-first search of the 'from' collection. '_frontier' should already be
* populated with the values for the initial query. Populates '_discovered' with the result(s)
* of the query.
void doBreadthFirstSearch();
* Populates '_frontier' with the '_startWith' value(s) from '_input' and then performs a
* breadth-first search. Caller should check that _input is not boost::none.
void performSearch();
* Updates '_cache' with 'result' appropriately, given that 'result' was retrieved when querying
* for 'queried'.
void addToCache(const BSONObj& result, const unordered_set& queried);
* Assert that '_visited' and '_frontier' have not exceeded the maximum meory usage, and then
* evict from '_cache' until this source is using less than '_maxMemoryUsageBytes'.
void checkMemoryUsage();
* Process 'result', adding it to '_visited' with the given 'depth', and updating '_frontier'
* with the object's 'connectTo' values.
* Returns whether '_visited' was updated, and thus, whether the search should recurse.
bool addToVisitedAndFrontier(BSONObj result, long long depth);
// $graphLookup options.
NamespaceString _from;
FieldPath _as;
FieldPath _connectFromField;
FieldPath _connectToField;
boost::intrusive_ptr _startWith;
boost::optional _depthField;
boost::optional _maxDepth;
size_t _maxMemoryUsageBytes = 100 * 1024 * 1024;
// Track memory usage to ensure we don't exceed '_maxMemoryUsageBytes'.
size_t _visitedUsageBytes = 0;
size_t _frontierUsageBytes = 0;
// Only used during the breadth-first search, tracks the set of values on the current frontier.
std::unordered_set _frontier;
// Tracks nodes that have been discovered for a given input. Keys are the '_id' value of the
// document from the foreign collection, value is the document itself.
std::unordered_map _visited;
// Caches query results to avoid repeating any work. This structure is maintained across calls
// to getNext().
LookupSetCache _cache;
// When we have internalized a $unwind, we must keep track of the input document, since we will
// need it for multiple "getNext()" calls.
boost::optional _input;
// The variables that are in scope to be used by the '_startWith' expression.
std::unique_ptr _variables;
// Keep track of a $unwind that was absorbed into this stage.
boost::optional> _unwind;
// If we absorbed a $unwind that specified 'includeArrayIndex', this is used to populate that
// field, tracking how many results we've returned so far for the current input document.
long long _outputIndex;