/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kCommand #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_change_stream_transform.h" #include "mongo/bson/simple_bsonelement_comparator.h" #include "mongo/db/bson/bson_helper.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/uuid_catalog.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/feature_compatibility_version_documentation.h" #include "mongo/db/logical_clock.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/change_stream_constants.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_path_support.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_change_stream.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_check_resume_token.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_limit.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_lookup_change_post_image.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_sort.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/lite_parsed_document_source.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/resume_token.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/oplog_entry.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/oplog_entry_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator.h" #include "mongo/s/catalog_cache.h" #include "mongo/s/grid.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" namespace mongo { using boost::intrusive_ptr; using boost::optional; using std::list; using std::string; using std::vector; namespace { constexpr auto checkValueType = &DocumentSourceChangeStream::checkValueType; } // namespace boost::intrusive_ptr DocumentSourceChangeStreamTransform::create( const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx, const ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version& fcv, BSONObj changeStreamSpec) { return new DocumentSourceChangeStreamTransform(expCtx, fcv, changeStreamSpec); } DocumentSourceChangeStreamTransform::DocumentSourceChangeStreamTransform( const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx, const ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version& fcv, BSONObj changeStreamSpec) : DocumentSource(expCtx), _changeStreamSpec(changeStreamSpec.getOwned()), _isIndependentOfAnyCollection(expCtx->ns.isCollectionlessAggregateNS()), _fcv(fcv) { _nsRegex.emplace(DocumentSourceChangeStream::getNsRegexForChangeStream(expCtx->ns)); auto spec = DocumentSourceChangeStreamSpec::parse(IDLParserErrorContext("$changeStream"), _changeStreamSpec); // If the change stream spec includes a resumeToken with a shard key, populate the document key // cache with the field paths. auto resumeAfter = spec.getResumeAfter(); auto startAfter = spec.getStartAfter(); if (resumeAfter || startAfter) { ResumeToken token = resumeAfter ? resumeAfter.get() : startAfter.get(); ResumeTokenData tokenData = token.getData(); if (!tokenData.documentKey.missing() && tokenData.uuid) { std::vector docKeyFields; auto docKey = tokenData.documentKey.getDocument(); auto iter = docKey.fieldIterator(); while (iter.more()) { auto fieldPair = iter.next(); docKeyFields.push_back(fieldPair.first); } // If the document key from the resume token has more than one field, that means it // includes the shard key and thus should never change. auto isFinal = docKey.size() > 1; _documentKeyCache[tokenData.uuid.get()] = DocumentKeyCacheEntry({docKeyFields, isFinal}); } } } StageConstraints DocumentSourceChangeStreamTransform::constraints( Pipeline::SplitState pipeState) const { StageConstraints constraints(StreamType::kStreaming, PositionRequirement::kNone, HostTypeRequirement::kNone, DiskUseRequirement::kNoDiskUse, FacetRequirement::kNotAllowed, TransactionRequirement::kNotAllowed, ChangeStreamRequirement::kChangeStreamStage); // This transformation could be part of a 'collectionless' change stream on an entire // database or cluster, mark as independent of any collection if so. constraints.isIndependentOfAnyCollection = _isIndependentOfAnyCollection; return constraints; } void DocumentSourceChangeStreamTransform::initializeTransactionContext(const Document& input) { invariant(!_txnContext); checkValueType(input["o"], "o", BSONType::Object); Value applyOps = input.getNestedField("o.applyOps"); checkValueType(applyOps, "applyOps", BSONType::Array); invariant(applyOps.getArrayLength() > 0); Value lsid = input["lsid"]; checkValueType(lsid, "lsid", BSONType::Object); Value txnNumber = input["txnNumber"]; checkValueType(txnNumber, "txnNumber", BSONType::NumberLong); Value ts = input[repl::OplogEntry::kTimestampFieldName]; Timestamp clusterTime = ts.getTimestamp(); _txnContext.emplace(applyOps, clusterTime, lsid.getDocument(), txnNumber.getLong()); } ResumeTokenData DocumentSourceChangeStreamTransform::getResumeToken(Value ts, Value uuid, Value documentKey) { ResumeTokenData resumeTokenData; if (_txnContext) { // We're in the middle of unwinding an 'applyOps'. // Use the clusterTime from the higher level applyOps resumeTokenData.clusterTime = _txnContext->clusterTime; // 'pos' points to the _next_ applyOps index, so we must subtract one to get the index of // the entry being examined right now. invariant(_txnContext->pos >= 1); resumeTokenData.applyOpsIndex = _txnContext->pos - 1; } else { resumeTokenData.clusterTime = ts.getTimestamp(); resumeTokenData.applyOpsIndex = 0; } resumeTokenData.documentKey = documentKey; if (!uuid.missing()) resumeTokenData.uuid = uuid.getUuid(); if (_fcv < ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version::kFullyUpgradedTo42) { resumeTokenData.version = 0; } return resumeTokenData; } Document DocumentSourceChangeStreamTransform::applyTransformation(const Document& input) { // If we're executing a change stream pipeline that was forwarded from mongos, then we expect it // to "need merge"---we expect to be executing the shards part of a split pipeline. It is never // correct for mongos to pass through the change stream without splitting into into a merging // part executed on mongos and a shards part. // // This is necessary so that mongos can correctly handle "invalidate" and "retryNeeded" change // notifications. See SERVER-31978 for an example of why the pipeline must be split. // // We have to check this invariant at run-time of the change stream rather than parse time, // since a mongos may forward a change stream in an invalid position (e.g. in a nested $lookup // or $facet pipeline). In this case, mongod is responsible for parsing the pipeline and // throwing an error without ever executing the change stream. if (pExpCtx->fromMongos) { invariant(pExpCtx->needsMerge); } MutableDocument doc; // Extract the fields we need. checkValueType(input[repl::OplogEntry::kOpTypeFieldName], repl::OplogEntry::kOpTypeFieldName, BSONType::String); string op = input[repl::OplogEntry::kOpTypeFieldName].getString(); Value ts = input[repl::OplogEntry::kTimestampFieldName]; Value ns = input[repl::OplogEntry::kNssFieldName]; checkValueType(ns, repl::OplogEntry::kNssFieldName, BSONType::String); Value uuid = input[repl::OplogEntry::kUuidFieldName]; std::vector documentKeyFields; // Deal with CRUD operations and commands. auto opType = repl::OpType_parse(IDLParserErrorContext("ChangeStreamEntry.op"), op); NamespaceString nss(ns.getString()); // Ignore commands in the oplog when looking up the document key fields since a command implies // that the change stream is about to be invalidated (e.g. collection drop). if (!uuid.missing() && opType != repl::OpTypeEnum::kCommand) { checkValueType(uuid, repl::OplogEntry::kUuidFieldName, BSONType::BinData); // We need to retrieve the document key fields if our cache does not have an entry for this // UUID or if the cache entry is not definitively final, indicating that the collection was // unsharded when the entry was last populated. auto it = _documentKeyCache.find(uuid.getUuid()); if (it == _documentKeyCache.end() || !it->second.isFinal) { auto docKeyFields = pExpCtx->mongoProcessInterface->collectDocumentKeyFieldsForHostedCollection( pExpCtx->opCtx, nss, uuid.getUuid()); if (it == _documentKeyCache.end() || docKeyFields.second) { _documentKeyCache[uuid.getUuid()] = DocumentKeyCacheEntry(docKeyFields); } } documentKeyFields = _documentKeyCache.find(uuid.getUuid())->second.documentKeyFields; } Value id = input.getNestedField("o._id"); // Non-replace updates have the _id in field "o2". StringData operationType; Value fullDocument; Value updateDescription; Value documentKey; switch (opType) { case repl::OpTypeEnum::kInsert: { operationType = DocumentSourceChangeStream::kInsertOpType; fullDocument = input[repl::OplogEntry::kObjectFieldName]; documentKey = Value(document_path_support::extractPathsFromDoc( fullDocument.getDocument(), documentKeyFields)); break; } case repl::OpTypeEnum::kDelete: { operationType = DocumentSourceChangeStream::kDeleteOpType; documentKey = input[repl::OplogEntry::kObjectFieldName]; break; } case repl::OpTypeEnum::kUpdate: { if (id.missing()) { operationType = DocumentSourceChangeStream::kUpdateOpType; checkValueType(input[repl::OplogEntry::kObjectFieldName], repl::OplogEntry::kObjectFieldName, BSONType::Object); Document opObject = input[repl::OplogEntry::kObjectFieldName].getDocument(); Value updatedFields = opObject["$set"]; Value removedFields = opObject["$unset"]; // Extract the field names of $unset document. vector removedFieldsVector; if (removedFields.getType() == BSONType::Object) { auto iter = removedFields.getDocument().fieldIterator(); while (iter.more()) { removedFieldsVector.push_back(Value(iter.next().first)); } } updateDescription = Value(Document{ {"updatedFields", updatedFields.missing() ? Value(Document()) : updatedFields}, {"removedFields", removedFieldsVector}}); } else { operationType = DocumentSourceChangeStream::kReplaceOpType; fullDocument = input[repl::OplogEntry::kObjectFieldName]; } documentKey = input[repl::OplogEntry::kObject2FieldName]; break; } case repl::OpTypeEnum::kCommand: { if (!input.getNestedField("o.applyOps").missing()) { // We should never see an applyOps inside of an applyOps that made it past the // filter. This prevents more than one level of recursion. invariant(!_txnContext); initializeTransactionContext(input); // Now call applyTransformation on the first relevant entry in the applyOps. boost::optional nextDoc = extractNextApplyOpsEntry(); invariant(nextDoc); return applyTransformation(*nextDoc); } else if (!input.getNestedField("o.drop").missing()) { operationType = DocumentSourceChangeStream::kDropCollectionOpType; // The "o.drop" field will contain the actual collection name. nss = NamespaceString(nss.db(), input.getNestedField("o.drop").getString()); } else if (!input.getNestedField("o.renameCollection").missing()) { operationType = DocumentSourceChangeStream::kRenameCollectionOpType; // The "o.renameCollection" field contains the namespace of the original collection. nss = NamespaceString(input.getNestedField("o.renameCollection").getString()); // The "o.to" field contains the target namespace for the rename. const auto renameTargetNss = NamespaceString(input.getNestedField("o.to").getString()); doc.addField(DocumentSourceChangeStream::kRenameTargetNssField, Value(Document{{"db", renameTargetNss.db()}, {"coll", renameTargetNss.coll()}})); } else if (!input.getNestedField("o.dropDatabase").missing()) { operationType = DocumentSourceChangeStream::kDropDatabaseOpType; // Extract the database name from the namespace field and leave the collection name // empty. nss = NamespaceString(nss.db()); } else { // All other commands will invalidate the stream. operationType = DocumentSourceChangeStream::kInvalidateOpType; } // Make sure the result doesn't have a document key. documentKey = Value(); break; } case repl::OpTypeEnum::kNoop: { operationType = DocumentSourceChangeStream::kNewShardDetectedOpType; // Generate a fake document Id for NewShardDetected operation so that we can resume // after this operation. documentKey = Value(Document{{DocumentSourceChangeStream::kIdField, input[repl::OplogEntry::kObject2FieldName]}}); break; } default: { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } } // UUID should always be present except for invalidate and dropDatabase entries. if (operationType != DocumentSourceChangeStream::kInvalidateOpType && operationType != DocumentSourceChangeStream::kDropDatabaseOpType) { invariant(!uuid.missing(), "Saw a CRUD op without a UUID"); } // Note that 'documentKey' and/or 'uuid' might be missing, in which case they will not appear // in the output. auto resumeTokenData = getResumeToken(ts, uuid, documentKey); auto resumeToken = ResumeToken(resumeTokenData).toDocument(); // Add some additional fields only relevant to transactions. if (_txnContext) { doc.addField(DocumentSourceChangeStream::kTxnNumberField, Value(static_cast(_txnContext->txnNumber))); doc.addField(DocumentSourceChangeStream::kLsidField, Value(_txnContext->lsid)); } doc.addField(DocumentSourceChangeStream::kIdField, Value(resumeToken)); doc.addField(DocumentSourceChangeStream::kOperationTypeField, Value(operationType)); doc.addField(DocumentSourceChangeStream::kClusterTimeField, Value(resumeTokenData.clusterTime)); // We set the resume token as the document's sort key in both the sharded and non-sharded cases, // since we will subsequently rely upon it to generate a correct postBatchResumeToken. // TODO SERVER-38539: when returning results for merging, we first check whether 'mergeByPBRT' // has been set. If not, then the request was sent from an older mongoS which cannot merge by // raw resume tokens, and we must use the old sort key format. This check, and the 'mergeByPBRT' // flag, are no longer necessary in 4.4; all change streams will be merged by resume token. if (pExpCtx->needsMerge && !pExpCtx->mergeByPBRT) { doc.setSortKeyMetaField(BSON("" << ts << "" << uuid << "" << documentKey)); } else { doc.setSortKeyMetaField(resumeToken.toBson()); } // "invalidate" and "newShardDetected" entries have fewer fields. if (operationType == DocumentSourceChangeStream::kInvalidateOpType || operationType == DocumentSourceChangeStream::kNewShardDetectedOpType) { return doc.freeze(); } doc.addField(DocumentSourceChangeStream::kFullDocumentField, fullDocument); doc.addField(DocumentSourceChangeStream::kNamespaceField, operationType == DocumentSourceChangeStream::kDropDatabaseOpType ? Value(Document{{"db", nss.db()}}) : Value(Document{{"db", nss.db()}, {"coll", nss.coll()}})); doc.addField(DocumentSourceChangeStream::kDocumentKeyField, documentKey); // Note that 'updateDescription' might be the 'missing' value, in which case it will not be // serialized. doc.addField("updateDescription", updateDescription); return doc.freeze(); } Value DocumentSourceChangeStreamTransform::serialize( boost::optional explain) const { Document changeStreamOptions(_changeStreamSpec); // If we're on a mongos and no other start time is specified, we want to start at the current // cluster time on the mongos. This ensures all shards use the same start time. if (pExpCtx->inMongos && changeStreamOptions[DocumentSourceChangeStreamSpec::kResumeAfterFieldName].missing() && changeStreamOptions[DocumentSourceChangeStreamSpec::kStartAtOperationTimeFieldName] .missing() && changeStreamOptions[DocumentSourceChangeStreamSpec::kStartAfterFieldName].missing()) { MutableDocument newChangeStreamOptions(changeStreamOptions); // Use the current cluster time plus 1 tick since the oplog query will include all // operations/commands equal to or greater than the 'startAtOperationTime' timestamp. In // particular, avoid including the last operation that went through mongos in an attempt to // match the behavior of a replica set more closely. auto clusterTime = LogicalClock::get(pExpCtx->opCtx)->getClusterTime(); clusterTime.addTicks(1); newChangeStreamOptions[DocumentSourceChangeStreamSpec::kStartAtOperationTimeFieldName] = Value(clusterTime.asTimestamp()); changeStreamOptions = newChangeStreamOptions.freeze(); } return Value(Document{{getSourceName(), changeStreamOptions}}); } DepsTracker::State DocumentSourceChangeStreamTransform::getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const { deps->fields.insert(repl::OplogEntry::kOpTypeFieldName.toString()); deps->fields.insert(repl::OplogEntry::kTimestampFieldName.toString()); deps->fields.insert(repl::OplogEntry::kNssFieldName.toString()); deps->fields.insert(repl::OplogEntry::kUuidFieldName.toString()); deps->fields.insert(repl::OplogEntry::kObjectFieldName.toString()); deps->fields.insert(repl::OplogEntry::kObject2FieldName.toString()); return DepsTracker::State::EXHAUSTIVE_ALL; } DocumentSource::GetModPathsReturn DocumentSourceChangeStreamTransform::getModifiedPaths() const { // All paths are modified. return {DocumentSource::GetModPathsReturn::Type::kAllPaths, std::set{}, {}}; } DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceChangeStreamTransform::getNext() { pExpCtx->checkForInterrupt(); uassert(50988, "Illegal attempt to execute an internal change stream stage on mongos. A $changeStream " "stage must be the first stage in a pipeline", !pExpCtx->inMongos); // If we're unwinding an 'applyOps' from a transaction, check if there are any documents we have // stored that can be returned. if (_txnContext) { boost::optional next = extractNextApplyOpsEntry(); if (next) { return applyTransformation(*next); } } // Get the next input document. auto input = pSource->getNext(); if (!input.isAdvanced()) { return input; } // Apply the transform and return the document with added fields. return applyTransformation(input.releaseDocument()); } bool DocumentSourceChangeStreamTransform::isDocumentRelevant(const Document& d) { invariant( d["op"].getType() == BSONType::String, str::stream() << "Unexpected format for entry within a transaction oplog entry: 'op' field was type " << typeName(d["op"].getType())); invariant(ValueComparator::kInstance.evaluate(d["op"] != Value("n"_sd)), "Unexpected noop entry within a transaction"); Value nsField = d["ns"]; invariant(!nsField.missing()); return _nsRegex->PartialMatch(nsField.getString()); } boost::optional DocumentSourceChangeStreamTransform::extractNextApplyOpsEntry() { while (_txnContext && _txnContext->pos < _txnContext->arr.size()) { Document d = _txnContext->arr[_txnContext->pos++].getDocument(); if (isDocumentRelevant(d)) { return d; } } _txnContext = boost::none; return boost::none; } } // namespace mongo