/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kCommand #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_change_stream.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_check_invalidate.h" #include "mongo/db/query/query_feature_flags_gen.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" namespace mongo { using DSCS = DocumentSourceChangeStream; REGISTER_INTERNAL_DOCUMENT_SOURCE( _internalChangeStreamCheckInvalidate, LiteParsedDocumentSourceChangeStreamInternal::parse, DocumentSourceCheckInvalidate::createFromBson, feature_flags::gFeatureFlagChangeStreamsOptimization.isEnabledAndIgnoreFCV()); namespace { // Returns true if the given 'operationType' should invalidate the change stream based on the // namespace in 'pExpCtx'. bool isInvalidatingCommand(const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx, StringData operationType) { if (pExpCtx->isSingleNamespaceAggregation()) { return operationType == DSCS::kDropCollectionOpType || operationType == DSCS::kRenameCollectionOpType || operationType == DSCS::kDropDatabaseOpType; } else if (!pExpCtx->isClusterAggregation()) { return operationType == DSCS::kDropDatabaseOpType; } else { return false; } }; } // namespace boost::intrusive_ptr DocumentSourceCheckInvalidate::createFromBson( BSONElement spec, const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) { uassert(5467602, str::stream() << "the '" << kStageName << "' object spec must be an object", spec.type() == Object); auto parsed = DocumentSourceChangeStreamCheckInvalidateSpec::parse( IDLParserErrorContext("DocumentSourceChangeStreamCheckInvalidateSpec"), spec.embeddedObject()); return new DocumentSourceCheckInvalidate( expCtx, parsed.getStartAfterInvalidate() ? boost::optional(parsed.getStartAfterInvalidate()->getData()) : boost::none); } DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceCheckInvalidate::doGetNext() { // To declare a change stream as invalidated, this stage first emits an invalidate event and // then throws a 'ChangeStreamInvalidated' exception on the next call to this method. if (_queuedInvalidate) { const auto res = DocumentSource::GetNextResult(std::move(_queuedInvalidate.get())); _queuedInvalidate.reset(); return res; } if (_queuedException && feature_flags::gFeatureFlagChangeStreamsOptimization.isEnabledAndIgnoreFCV()) { uasserted(static_cast(*_queuedException), "Change stream invalidated"); } auto nextInput = pSource->getNext(); if (!nextInput.isAdvanced()) return nextInput; auto doc = nextInput.getDocument(); const auto& kOperationTypeField = DSCS::kOperationTypeField; DSCS::checkValueType(doc[kOperationTypeField], kOperationTypeField, BSONType::String); auto operationType = doc[kOperationTypeField].getString(); // If this command should invalidate the stream, generate an invalidate entry and queue it up // to be returned after the notification of this command. The new entry will have a nearly // identical resume token to the notification for the command, except with an extra flag // indicating that the token is from an invalidate. This flag is necessary to disambiguate // the two tokens, and thus preserve a total ordering on the stream. if (isInvalidatingCommand(pExpCtx, operationType)) { auto resumeTokenData = ResumeToken::parse(doc[DSCS::kIdField].getDocument()).getData(); resumeTokenData.fromInvalidate = ResumeTokenData::FromInvalidate::kFromInvalidate; // If a client receives an invalidate and wants to start a new stream after the invalidate, // they can use the 'startAfter' option. In this case, '_startAfterInvalidate' will be set // to the resume token with which the client restarted the stream. We must be sure to avoid // re-invalidating the new stream, and so we will swallow the first invalidate we see on // each shard. The one exception is the invalidate which matches the 'startAfter' resume // token. We must re-generate this invalidate, since DSEnsureResumeTokenPresent needs to see // (and will take care of swallowing) the event which exactly matches the client's token. if (_startAfterInvalidate && resumeTokenData != _startAfterInvalidate) { _startAfterInvalidate.reset(); return nextInput; } auto resumeTokenDoc = ResumeToken(resumeTokenData).toDocument(); MutableDocument result(Document{{DSCS::kIdField, resumeTokenDoc}, {DSCS::kOperationTypeField, DSCS::kInvalidateOpType}, {DSCS::kClusterTimeField, doc[DSCS::kClusterTimeField]}}); result.copyMetaDataFrom(doc); // We set the resume token as the document's sort key in both the sharded and non-sharded // cases, since we will later rely upon it to generate a correct postBatchResumeToken. We // must therefore update the sort key to match the new resume token that we generated above. const bool isSingleElementKey = true; result.metadata().setSortKey(Value{resumeTokenDoc}, isSingleElementKey); _queuedInvalidate = result.freeze(); // By this point, either the '_startAfterInvalidate' is absent or it is present and the // current event matches the resume token. In the latter case, we do not want to close the // change stream and should not throw an exception. Therefore, we only queue up an exception // if '_startAfterInvalidate' is absent. if (!_startAfterInvalidate) { _queuedException = ChangeStreamInvalidationInfo( _queuedInvalidate->metadata().getSortKey().getDocument().toBson()); } } // Regardless of whether the first document we see is an invalidating command, we only skip the // first invalidate for streams with the 'startAfter' option, so we should not skip any // invalidates that come after the first one. _startAfterInvalidate.reset(); return nextInput; } Value DocumentSourceCheckInvalidate::serializeLatest( boost::optional explain) const { if (explain) { return Value(Document{{DocumentSourceChangeStream::kStageName, Document{{"stage"_sd, "internalCheckInvalidate"_sd}}}}); } DocumentSourceChangeStreamCheckInvalidateSpec spec; if (_startAfterInvalidate) { spec.setStartAfterInvalidate(ResumeToken(*_startAfterInvalidate)); } return Value(Document{{DocumentSourceCheckInvalidate::kStageName, spec.toBSON()}}); } } // namespace mongo