/** * Copyright (C) 2021-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_densify.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_sort.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/field_path.h" #include "mongo/db/query/sort_pattern.h" #include "mongo/stdx/variant.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" #include "mongo/util/overloaded_visitor.h" #include "mongo/util/string_map.h" using boost::intrusive_ptr; using boost::optional; using std::list; using SortPatternPart = mongo::SortPattern::SortPatternPart; using ExplicitBounds = mongo::RangeStatement::ExplicitBounds; using Full = mongo::RangeStatement::Full; using Partition = mongo::RangeStatement::Partition; using DensifyValue = mongo::DensifyValue; namespace mongo { RangeStatement RangeStatement::parse(RangeSpec spec) { Value step = spec.getStep(); ValueComparator comp = ValueComparator(); uassert(5733401, "The step parameter in a range statement must be a strictly positive numeric value", step.numeric() && comp.evaluate(step > Value(0))); optional unit = [&]() { if (auto unit = spec.getUnit()) { uassert(6586400, "The step parameter in a range statement must be a whole number when " "densifying a date range", step.integral64Bit()); return optional(parseTimeUnit(unit.value())); } else { return optional(boost::none); } }(); Bounds bounds = [&]() { BSONElement bounds = spec.getBounds().getElement(); switch (bounds.type()) { case mongo::Array: { std::vector array = bounds.Array(); uassert(5733403, "A bounding array in a range statement must have exactly two elements", array.size() == 2); uassert(5733402, "A bounding array must be an ascending array of either two dates or two " "numbers", comp.evaluate(Value(array[0]) <= Value(array[1]))); if (array[0].isNumber()) { uassert(5733409, "Numeric bounds may not have unit parameter", !unit); uassert(5733406, "A bounding array must contain either both dates or both numeric types", array[1].isNumber()); // If these values are types of different sizes, output type may not be // intuitive. uassert(5876900, "Upper bound, lower bound, and step must all have the same type", array[0].type() == array[1].type() && array[0].type() == step.getType()); return Bounds(std::pair(Value(array[0]), Value(array[1]))); } else if (array[0].type() == mongo::Date) { uassert(5733405, "A bounding array must contain either both dates or both numeric types", array[1].type() == mongo::Date); uassert(5733410, "A bounding array of dates must specify a unit", unit); return Bounds(std::pair(array[0].date(), array[1].date())); } else { uasserted(5946800, "Explicit bounds must be numeric or dates"); } MONGO_UNREACHABLE_TASSERT(5946801); } case mongo::String: { if (bounds.str() == kValFull) return Bounds(Full()); else if (bounds.str() == kValPartition) return Bounds(Partition()); else uasserted(5946802, str::stream() << "Bounds string must either be '" << kValFull << "' or '" << kValPartition << "'"); MONGO_UNREACHABLE_TASSERT(5946803); } default: uasserted(5733404, "The bounds in a range statement must be the string \'full\', " "\'partition\', or an ascending array of two numbers or two dates"); } }(); RangeStatement range = RangeStatement(step, bounds, unit); return range; } REGISTER_DOCUMENT_SOURCE(densify, LiteParsedDocumentSourceDefault::parse, document_source_densify::createFromBson, AllowedWithApiStrict::kAlways); REGISTER_INTERNAL_DOCUMENT_SOURCE(_internalDensify, LiteParsedDocumentSourceDefault::parse, DocumentSourceInternalDensify::createFromBson, true); namespace document_source_densify { list> createFromBsonInternal( BSONElement elem, const intrusive_ptr& expCtx, StringData stageName, bool isInternal) { uassert(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, str::stream() << "The " << stageName << " stage specification must be an object, found " << typeName(elem.type()), elem.type() == BSONType::Object); auto spec = DensifySpec::parse(IDLParserContext(stageName), elem.embeddedObject()); auto rangeStatement = RangeStatement::parse(spec.getRange()); list partitions; if (spec.getPartitionByFields()) { auto partitionFields = (*spec.getPartitionByFields()); for (auto& partitionField : partitionFields) partitions.push_back(FieldPath(partitionField)); } FieldPath field = FieldPath(spec.getField()); if (stdx::holds_alternative(rangeStatement.getBounds()) && partitions.empty()) uasserted(5733408, "One cannot specify the bounds as 'partition' without specifying a non-empty " "array of partitionByFields. You may have meant to specify 'full' bounds."); return create(std::move(expCtx), std::move(partitions), std::move(field), std::move(rangeStatement), isInternal); } list> createFromBson(BSONElement elem, const intrusive_ptr& expCtx) { return createFromBsonInternal(elem, expCtx, kStageName, false); } SortPattern getSortPatternForDensify(RangeStatement rangeStatement, list partitions, FieldPath field) { // Add partition fields to sort spec. std::vector sortParts; // We do not add partitions to the sort spec if the range is "full". if (!stdx::holds_alternative(rangeStatement.getBounds())) { for (const auto& partition : partitions) { SortPatternPart part; part.fieldPath = partition.fullPath(); sortParts.push_back(std::move(part)); } } // Add field path to sort spec if it is not yet in the sort spec. const auto inserted = std::find_if( sortParts.begin(), sortParts.end(), [&field](const SortPatternPart& s) -> bool { return s.fieldPath->fullPath().compare(field.fullPath()) == 0; }); if (inserted == sortParts.end()) { SortPatternPart part; part.fieldPath = field.fullPath(); sortParts.push_back(std::move(part)); } return SortPattern{sortParts}; } list> create(const intrusive_ptr& expCtx, list partitions, FieldPath field, RangeStatement rangeStatement, bool isInternal) { list> results; // If we're creating an internal stage then we must not desugar and produce a sort stage in // addition. if (!isInternal) { auto sortPattern = getSortPatternForDensify(rangeStatement, partitions, field); // Constructing resulting stages. results.push_back(DocumentSourceSort::create(expCtx, sortPattern)); } // Constructing resulting stages. results.push_back( make_intrusive(expCtx, field, partitions, rangeStatement)); return results; } } // namespace document_source_densify DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DocGenerator::DocGenerator(DensifyValue min, RangeStatement range, FieldPath fieldName, boost::optional includeFields, boost::optional finalDoc, ValueComparator comp, size_t* counter) : _comp(std::move(comp)), _range(std::move(range)), _path(std::move(fieldName.fullPath())), _finalDoc(std::move(finalDoc)), _min(std::move(min)), _counter(counter) { if (includeFields) { _includeFields = *includeFields; tassert(5733306, "DocGenerator cannot include field that is being densified", _includeFields.getNestedField(_path).missing()); } // Traverse the preserved fields document to make sure we're not going through an array. auto traverseDoc = _includeFields; auto pathLength = _path.getPathLength(); for (size_t i = 0; i < pathLength; ++i) { auto curVal = traverseDoc.getField(_path.getFieldName(i)); uassert(5733307, "$densify cannot generate fields nested inside arrays", !curVal.isArray()); if (curVal.isObject()) { traverseDoc = curVal.getDocument(); } else { // Can't write to a field that has a non-object value as a path-prefix, as that would // overwrite data. We should only have a non-object at the end of the path. uassert(5733308, "$densify cannot overwrite non-object values with objects", i == pathLength - 1 || curVal.missing()); break; } } tassert( 5733305, "DocGenerator step must be positive", _comp.evaluate(_range.getStep() > Value(0))); tassert(5733700, "DocGenerator must be passed a range with ExplicitBounds", stdx::holds_alternative(_range.getBounds())); ExplicitBounds bounds = stdx::get(_range.getBounds()); tassert(5733304, "DocGenerator all values must be same type", bounds.first.isSameTypeAs(bounds.second) && bounds.first.isSameTypeAs(_min)); if (_min.isDate()) { // Extra checks for date step + unit. tassert(5733501, "Unit must be specified with a date step", _range.getUnit()); tassert(5733505, "Step must be a whole number for date densification", _range.getStep().integral64Bit()); } else { tassert(5733506, "Unit must not be specified with non-date values", !_range.getUnit()); } tassert(5733303, "DocGenerator min must be lower or equal to max", _min <= bounds.second); } Document DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DocGenerator::getNextDocument() { tassert(5733301, "Called DocGenerator::getNextDocument() but generator is done", _state != GeneratorState::kDone); if (_state == GeneratorState::kReturningFinalDocument) { _state = GeneratorState::kDone; // If _finalDoc is boost::none we can't be in this state. tassert(5832800, "DocGenerator expected _finalDoc, found boost::none", _finalDoc); return _finalDoc.value(); } // Assume all types have been checked at this point and we are in a valid state. DensifyValue valueToAdd = _min; DensifyValue nextValue = _min.increment(_range); ExplicitBounds bounds = stdx::get(_range.getBounds()); if (bounds.second <= nextValue) { _state = _finalDoc ? GeneratorState::kReturningFinalDocument : GeneratorState::kDone; } _min = nextValue; MutableDocument retDoc(_includeFields); retDoc.setNestedField(_path, valueToAdd.toValue()); ++(*_counter); return retDoc.freeze(); } bool DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DocGenerator::done() const { return _state == GeneratorState::kDone; } DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::densifyExplicitRangeAfterEOF() { tassert(5734403, "Expected explicit range in order to densify after last document.", stdx::holds_alternative(_range.getBounds())); auto bounds = stdx::get(_range.getBounds()); // Once we have hit an EOF, if the last seen value (_current) plus the step is greater // than or equal to the rangeMax, that means we have finished densifying // over the explicit range so we just return an EOF. Otherwise, we finish // densifying over the rest of the range. if (!_current) { // We've seen no documents yet. auto lowerBound = bounds.first; _current = lowerBound; createDocGenerator(lowerBound, RangeStatement(_range.getStep(), ExplicitBounds(bounds.first, bounds.second), _range.getUnit())); } else if (_current->increment(_range) >= bounds.second) { _densifyState = DensifyState::kDensifyDone; return DocumentSource::GetNextResult::makeEOF(); } else { auto lowerBound = _current->increment(_range); createDocGenerator(lowerBound, RangeStatement(_range.getStep(), ExplicitBounds(bounds.first, bounds.second), _range.getUnit())); } _densifyState = DensifyState::kHaveGenerator; auto generatedDoc = _docGenerator->getNextDocument(); if (_docGenerator->done()) { _densifyState = DensifyState::kDensifyDone; _docGenerator = boost::none; } return generatedDoc; } DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::processDocAboveExplicitMinBound( Document doc) { auto bounds = stdx::get(_range.getBounds()); auto val = getDensifyValue(doc); // If we are above the range, there must be more left to densify. // Otherwise the state would be kDoneDensify and this function would not be reached. tassert(8423306, "Cannot be in this state if _current is greater than the upper bound.", *_current < bounds.second); // _current is the last seen value, don't generate it again. DensifyValue lowerBound = _current->increment(_range); // If val is the next value to be generated, just return it. if (val == lowerBound) { setPartitionValue(doc); _current = lowerBound; return doc; } DensifyValue upperBound = (val < bounds.second) ? val : bounds.second; createDocGenerator( lowerBound, RangeStatement(_range.getStep(), ExplicitBounds(lowerBound, upperBound), _range.getUnit()), _partitionExpr ? boost::make_optional(getDensifyPartition(doc).getDocument()) : boost::none, doc); Document nextFromGen = _docGenerator->getNextDocument(); _current = getDensifyValue(nextFromGen); _densifyState = DensifyState::kHaveGenerator; // If the doc generator is done it will be deleted and the state will be kNeedGen. resetDocGen(bounds); setPartitionValue(nextFromGen); return nextFromGen; } DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::processFirstDocForExplicitRange( Document doc) { auto bounds = stdx::get(_range.getBounds()); auto val = getDensifyValue(doc); // For the first document in a partition, '_current' is the minimum value - step. if (!_current) { _current = bounds.first.decrement(_range); } auto where = getPositionRelativeToRange(val); switch (where) { case ValComparedToRange::kInside: { return processDocAboveExplicitMinBound(doc); } case ValComparedToRange::kAbove: { return processDocAboveExplicitMinBound(doc); } case ValComparedToRange::kRangeMin: { _densifyState = DensifyState::kNeedGen; _current = val; return doc; } case ValComparedToRange::kBelow: { _densifyState = DensifyState::kUninitializedOrBelowRange; return doc; } } MONGO_UNREACHABLE_TASSERT(5733414); return DocumentSource::GetNextResult::makeEOF(); } /** Checks if the generator is done, changes states accordingly. */ void DocumentSourceInternalDensify::resetDocGen(ExplicitBounds bounds) { if (_docGenerator->done()) { if (*_current >= bounds.second && !_partitionExpr) { _densifyState = DensifyState::kDensifyDone; } else if (_partitionExpr && _eof) { _densifyState = DensifyState::kFinishingDensify; } else { _densifyState = DensifyState::kNeedGen; } _docGenerator = boost::none; } } DocumentSourceInternalDensify::ValComparedToRange DocumentSourceInternalDensify::getPositionRelativeToRange(DensifyValue val) { auto bounds = stdx::get(_range.getBounds()); int comparison = DensifyValue::compare(val, bounds.first); if (comparison < 0) { return DocumentSourceInternalDensify::ValComparedToRange::kBelow; } else if (comparison == 0) { return DocumentSourceInternalDensify::ValComparedToRange::kRangeMin; } else if (val < bounds.second) { return DocumentSourceInternalDensify::ValComparedToRange::kInside; } else { return DocumentSourceInternalDensify::ValComparedToRange::kAbove; } } DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::finishDensifyingPartitionedInputHelper( DensifyValue max, boost::optional minOverride) { while (_partitionTable.size() != 0) { auto firstPartitionKeyVal = _partitionTable.begin(); Value firstPartition = firstPartitionKeyVal->first; DensifyValue firstPartitionVal = firstPartitionKeyVal->second; // We've already seen the stored value, we want to start generating on the next // one. auto valToGenerate = firstPartitionVal.increment(_range); // If the valToGenerate is > max seen, skip this partition. It is done. if (valToGenerate >= max) { _partitionTable.erase(firstPartitionKeyVal); continue; } // If the valToGenerate is < 'minOverride', use the override instead. if (minOverride && valToGenerate < *minOverride) { valToGenerate = *minOverride; } createDocGenerator( valToGenerate, RangeStatement(_range.getStep(), ExplicitBounds(valToGenerate, max), _range.getUnit()), firstPartition.getDocument(), boost::none // final doc. ); // Remove this partition from the table, we're done with it. _partitionTable.erase(firstPartitionKeyVal); _densifyState = DensifyState::kHaveGenerator; auto nextDoc = _docGenerator->getNextDocument(); if (_docGenerator->done()) { _docGenerator = boost::none; _densifyState = DensifyState::kFinishingDensify; } return nextDoc; } _densifyState = DensifyState::kDensifyDone; return DocumentSource::GetNextResult::makeEOF(); } DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::finishDensifyingPartitionedInput() { // If the partition map is empty, we're done. if (_partitionTable.size() == 0) { _densifyState = DensifyState::kDensifyDone; return DocumentSource::GetNextResult::makeEOF(); } return stdx::visit( OverloadedVisitor{ [&](Full) { // Densify between partitions's last seen value and global max. tassert(5733707, "_current must be set if partitionTable is non-empty", _current); return finishDensifyingPartitionedInputHelper( _globalMax->isOnStepRelativeTo(*_current, _range) ? _globalMax->increment(_range) : *_globalMax); }, [&](Partition) { // Partition bounds don't do any extra work after EOF; MONGO_UNREACHABLE_TASSERT(5733704); return DocumentSource::GetNextResult::makeEOF(); }, [&](ExplicitBounds bounds) { // Densify between partitions's last seen value and global max. Use the override for // the global min. return finishDensifyingPartitionedInputHelper(bounds.second, bounds.first); }}, _range.getBounds()); } DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::handleSourceExhausted() { _eof = true; return stdx::visit(OverloadedVisitor{ [&](RangeStatement::Full) { if (_partitionExpr) { return finishDensifyingPartitionedInput(); } else { _densifyState = DensifyState::kDensifyDone; return DocumentSource::GetNextResult::makeEOF(); } }, [&](RangeStatement::Partition) { // We have already densified up to the last document in each // partition. _densifyState = DensifyState::kDensifyDone; return DocumentSource::GetNextResult::makeEOF(); }, [&](RangeStatement::ExplicitBounds bounds) { if (_partitionExpr) { return finishDensifyingPartitionedInput(); } return densifyExplicitRangeAfterEOF(); }, }, _range.getBounds()); } DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::handleNeedGen(Document currentDoc) { auto val = getDensifyValue(currentDoc); auto nextValToGenerate = _current->increment(_range); // If the current value is the next value to be generated, save it as the current (last seen) // value. if (val == nextValToGenerate) { setPartitionValue(currentDoc); _current = val; } // If we don't need to create a generator (no intervening documents to generate before // outputting currentDoc), then don't create a generator or update _current. if (val <= nextValToGenerate) { return currentDoc; } // Falling through the above conditions means the currentDoc is strictly greater than the last // seen document plus the step value. auto newCurrent = _current->increment(_range); createDocGenerator( newCurrent, RangeStatement(_range.getStep(), ExplicitBounds(newCurrent, val), _range.getUnit()), _partitionExpr ? boost::make_optional(getDensifyPartition(currentDoc).getDocument()) : boost::none, currentDoc); _densifyState = DensifyState::kHaveGenerator; auto nextDoc = _docGenerator->getNextDocument(); if (_docGenerator->done()) { _docGenerator = boost::none; _densifyState = DensifyState::kNeedGen; } // Documents generated by the generator are always on the step. _current = getDensifyValue(nextDoc); // If we are partitioned, save the most recent doc. setPartitionValue(nextDoc); return nextDoc; } DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::handleNeedGenExplicit( Document currentDoc) { auto bounds = stdx::get(_range.getBounds()); auto val = getDensifyValue(currentDoc); auto where = getPositionRelativeToRange(val); switch (where) { case ValComparedToRange::kInside: { auto nextStep = _current->increment(_range); if (val == nextStep) { _current = val; setPartitionValue(currentDoc); return currentDoc; } else if (val < nextStep) { return currentDoc; } return processDocAboveExplicitMinBound(currentDoc); } case ValComparedToRange::kAbove: { auto nextStep = _current->increment(_range); if (nextStep >= bounds.second) { _current = nextStep; // If we are partitioning other partitions may still need to densify. setPartitionValue(currentDoc); if (!_partitionExpr) { _densifyState = DensifyState::kDensifyDone; } return currentDoc; } return processDocAboveExplicitMinBound(currentDoc); } case ValComparedToRange::kRangeMin: { setPartitionValue(currentDoc); _current = val; return currentDoc; } case ValComparedToRange::kBelow: { setPartitionValue(currentDoc); _densifyState = DensifyState::kUninitializedOrBelowRange; return currentDoc; } default: { MONGO_UNREACHABLE_TASSERT(5733705); } } } boost::intrusive_ptr DocumentSourceInternalDensify::createFromBson( BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) { auto results = document_source_densify::createFromBsonInternal(elem, expCtx, kStageName, true); tassert(5733413, "When creating an $_internalDensify stage, only one stage should be returned", results.size() == 1); return results.front(); } Value DocumentSourceInternalDensify::serialize(SerializationOptions opts) const { MutableDocument spec; spec[kFieldFieldName] = Value(opts.serializeFieldPath(_field)); std::vector serializedPartitionByFields(_partitions.size()); std::transform(_partitions.begin(), _partitions.end(), serializedPartitionByFields.begin(), [&](FieldPath field) -> Value { return Value(opts.serializeFieldPath(field)); }); spec[kPartitionByFieldsFieldName] = Value(serializedPartitionByFields); spec[kRangeFieldName] = _range.serialize(opts); MutableDocument out; out[getSourceName()] = Value(spec.freeze()); return Value(out.freezeToValue()); } void DocumentSourceInternalDensify::initializePartitionState(Document initialDoc) { // Initialize _partitionExpr from _partitions. // We check whether there is anything in _partitions during parsing. tassert( 6154800, "Expected at least one field when partitioning is enabled.", !_partitions.empty()); MutableDocument partitionExpr; for (auto&& p : _partitions) { partitionExpr.setNestedField(p.fullPath(), Value{"$"_sd + p.fullPath()}); } _partitionExpr = ExpressionObject::parse( pExpCtx.get(), partitionExpr.freeze().toBson(), pExpCtx->variablesParseState); setPartitionValue(initialDoc); } DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::doGetNext() { // When we return a generated document '_docsGenerated' is incremented. Check that the last // document didn't put us over the limit. uassert(5897900, str::stream() << "Generated " << _docsGenerated << " documents in $densify, which is over the limit of " << _maxDocs << ". Increase the 'internalQueryMaxAllowedDensifyDocs' parameter to " "allow more generated documents", _docsGenerated <= _maxDocs); switch (_densifyState) { case DensifyState::kUninitializedOrBelowRange: { // This state represents the first run of doGetNext() or that the value that we last // pulled is below the range. auto nextDoc = pSource->getNext(); if (!nextDoc.isAdvanced()) { if (nextDoc.isEOF()) { return handleSourceExhausted(); } return nextDoc; } auto doc = nextDoc.getDocument(); if (doc.getNestedField(_field).nullish()) { // The densify field is not present or null, let document pass unmodified. return nextDoc; } auto val = getDensifyValue(doc); // If we have partitions specified, setup the partition expression and table. if (_partitions.size() != 0 && !_partitionExpr) { initializePartitionState(doc); } return stdx::visit( OverloadedVisitor{ [&](Full) { _current = val; _globalMin = val; _globalMax = val; _densifyState = DensifyState::kNeedGen; return nextDoc; }, [&](Partition) { tassert(5734400, "Partition state must be initialized for partition bounds", _partitionExpr); _densifyState = DensifyState::kNeedGen; return nextDoc; }, [&](ExplicitBounds bounds) { return processFirstDocForExplicitRange(doc); }}, _range.getBounds()); } case DensifyState::kNeedGen: { tassert(8423305, "Document generator must not exist in this state.", !_docGenerator); auto nextDoc = pSource->getNext(); if (!nextDoc.isAdvanced()) { if (nextDoc.isEOF()) { return handleSourceExhausted(); } return nextDoc; } auto currentDoc = nextDoc.getDocument(); if (currentDoc.getNestedField(_field).nullish()) { // The densify field is not present or null, let document pass unmodified. return nextDoc; } auto val = getDensifyValue(currentDoc); return stdx::visit( OverloadedVisitor{[&](Full) { if (_partitionExpr) { // Keep track of '_globalMax' for later. The latest // document from the source is always the max. _globalMax = val; // If we haven't seen this partition before, densify // between // '_globalMin' and this value. auto partitionVal = getDensifyPartition(currentDoc); auto foundPartitionVal = _partitionTable.find(partitionVal); if (foundPartitionVal == _partitionTable.end()) { // _current represents the last value seen. We want to // generate _globalMin, so pretend we've seen the // value before that. _current = _globalMin->decrement(_range); // Insert the new partition into the table. setPartitionValue(currentDoc); return handleNeedGen(currentDoc); } // Otherwise densify between the last seen value and this // one. _current = foundPartitionVal->second; } return handleNeedGen(currentDoc); }, [&](Partition) { // If we haven't seen this partition before, add it to the // table then return. auto partitionVal = getDensifyPartition(currentDoc); auto foundPartitionVal = _partitionTable.find(partitionVal); if (foundPartitionVal == _partitionTable.end()) { setPartitionValue(currentDoc); return nextDoc; } // Reset current to be the last value in this partition. _current = foundPartitionVal->second; return handleNeedGen(currentDoc); }, [&](ExplicitBounds bounds) { if (_partitionExpr) { // If we haven't seen this partition before, add it to the // table then check where it is in the range. auto partitionVal = getDensifyPartition(currentDoc); auto foundPartitionVal = _partitionTable.find(partitionVal); if (foundPartitionVal == _partitionTable.end()) { setPartitionValue(currentDoc); // This partition has seen no values. _current = boost::none; return processFirstDocForExplicitRange(currentDoc); } // Otherwise reset current to be the last value in this // partition. _current = foundPartitionVal->second; } return handleNeedGenExplicit(nextDoc.getDocument()); }}, _range.getBounds()); } case DensifyState::kHaveGenerator: { tassert(5733203, "Densify state is kHaveGenerator but DocGenerator is null or done.", _docGenerator && !_docGenerator->done()); auto generatedDoc = _docGenerator->getNextDocument(); return stdx::visit( OverloadedVisitor{[&](Full) { if (_docGenerator->done()) { _docGenerator = boost::none; if (_eof && _partitionExpr) { _densifyState = DensifyState::kFinishingDensify; } else { _densifyState = DensifyState::kNeedGen; } } // The generator's final document may not be on the // step. auto genDensifyVal = getDensifyValue(generatedDoc); if (genDensifyVal == _current->increment(_range)) { _current = genDensifyVal; setPartitionValue(generatedDoc); } return generatedDoc; }, [&](Partition) { if (_docGenerator->done()) { _docGenerator = boost::none; _densifyState = DensifyState::kNeedGen; } // The generator's final document may not be on the // step. auto genDensifyVal = getDensifyValue(generatedDoc); if (genDensifyVal == _current->increment(_range)) { _current = genDensifyVal; setPartitionValue(generatedDoc); } return generatedDoc; }, [&](ExplicitBounds bounds) { auto val = getDensifyValue(generatedDoc); // Only want to update the rangeMin if the value - // current is divisible by the step. if (val.isOnStepRelativeTo(*_current, _range)) { _current = val; setPartitionValue(generatedDoc); } resetDocGen(bounds); return generatedDoc; }}, _range.getBounds()); } case DensifyState::kFinishingDensify: { tassert(5734402, "Densify expected to have already hit EOF in FinishingDensify state", _eof); return finishDensifyingPartitionedInput(); } case DensifyState::kDensifyDone: { // In the full range, this should only return EOF. // In the explicit range we finish densifying over the range and any remaining documents // is passed to the next stage. auto doc = pSource->getNext(); if (stdx::holds_alternative(_range.getBounds())) { tassert(5734005, "GetNextResult must be EOF in kDensifyDone and kFull state", !doc.isAdvanced()); } return doc; } default: { MONGO_UNREACHABLE_TASSERT(5733706); } } // namespace mongo } DensifyValue DensifyValue::increment(const RangeStatement& range) const { return stdx::visit( OverloadedVisitor{ [&](Value val) { return DensifyValue(uassertStatusOK(ExpressionAdd::apply(val, range.getStep()))); }, [&](Date_t date) { return DensifyValue(dateAdd( date, range.getUnit().value(), range.getStep().coerceToLong(), timezone())); }}, _value); } DensifyValue DensifyValue::decrement(const RangeStatement& range) const { return stdx::visit( OverloadedVisitor{ [&](Value val) { return DensifyValue( uassertStatusOK(ExpressionSubtract::apply(val, range.getStep()))); }, [&](Date_t date) { return DensifyValue(dateAdd( date, range.getUnit().value(), -range.getStep().coerceToLong(), timezone())); }}, _value); } bool DensifyValue::isOnStepRelativeTo(DensifyValue base, RangeStatement range) const { return stdx::visit( OverloadedVisitor{ [&](Value val) { Value diff = uassertStatusOK(ExpressionSubtract::apply(val, base.getNumber())); Value remainder = uassertStatusOK(ExpressionMod::apply(diff, range.getStep())); return remainder.getDouble() == 0.0; }, [&](Date_t date) { auto unit = range.getUnit().value(); long long step = range.getStep().coerceToLong(); auto baseDate = base.getDate(); // Months, quarters and years have variable lengths depending on leap days // and days-in-a-month, so a step is not a constant number of milliseconds // across all dates. For these units, we need to iterate through rather than // performing a calculation with modulo. As long as `baseDate` is not a large number // of steps away from the value we're testing (as is true in our usage with _current // as the base), this should not be a performance issue. if (unit == TimeUnit::month || unit == TimeUnit::quarter || unit == TimeUnit::year) { Date_t steppedDate = baseDate; while (steppedDate < date) { steppedDate = dateAdd(steppedDate, unit, step, timezone()); } return steppedDate == date; } else { // Steps with units smaller than one month are always constant sized // (because unix time does not have leap seconds), so we can perform // modulo arithmetic. auto testMillis = date.toMillisSinceEpoch(); auto baseMillis = baseDate.toMillisSinceEpoch(); auto stepDurationInMillis = dateAdd(Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(0), unit, step, timezone()) .toMillisSinceEpoch(); auto diff = testMillis - baseMillis; return diff % stepDurationInMillis == 0; } }}, _value); } Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator DocumentSourceInternalDensify::combineSorts( Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr, Pipeline::SourceContainer* container) { if (std::next(itr) == container->end() || itr == container->begin()) { return container->end(); } // We can only combine the sorts if we can guarantee the output order will maintain the // sort. Densify changes the sort order if partitions are present and range is type 'full'. if (_partitions.size() != 0 && stdx::holds_alternative(_range.getBounds())) { // We will not maintain sort order. return std::next(itr); } // If $densify was the first stage in the pipeline, there should be a preceding sort. tassert(6059802, "$_internalDensify did not have a preceding stage", itr != container->begin()); // Get the spec of the preceding sort stage. Densify always has a preceding sort, unless // the preceding sort was already removed by an earlier stage. const auto preSortItr = std::prev(itr); const auto preSortStage = dynamic_cast((*preSortItr).get()); if (!preSortStage || preSortStage->getLimit()) { return std::next(itr); } // Check that the preceding sort was actually generated by $densify, and not by combining the // generated sort with a sort earlier in the pipeline. auto densifySortPattern = document_source_densify::getSortPatternForDensify(_range, _partitions, _field); auto preDensifySortPattern = preSortStage->getSortKeyPattern(); if (densifySortPattern != preDensifySortPattern) { return std::next(itr); } // Get the spec of the following sort stage, if it exists. const auto postSortItr = std::next(itr); const auto postSortStage = dynamic_cast((*postSortItr).get()); if (!postSortStage || postSortStage->getLimit()) { // If there is not a following sort stage, we won't do any optimization. Return the next // stage in the pipeline. return std::next(itr); } auto postDensifySortPattern = postSortStage->getSortKeyPattern(); // We can only combine the sorts if the sorts are compatible. $densify only preserves a sort on // the fields on which it operates, as any other fields will be missing in generated documents. if (!preDensifySortPattern.isExtensionOf(postDensifySortPattern)) { return std::next(itr); } // If the post sort is longer, we would have bailed earlier. Remove the sort after the $densify. container->erase(postSortItr); return std::prev(itr); } Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator DocumentSourceInternalDensify::doOptimizeAt( Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr, Pipeline::SourceContainer* container) { tassert(6059800, "Expected to optimize $densify stage", *itr == this); return combineSorts(itr, container); } } // namespace mongo