/** * Copyright (C) 2021-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include "mongo/db/exec/document_value/value.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/document_value/value_comparator.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_densify_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression_context.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/field_path.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/memory_usage_tracker.h" #include "mongo/db/query/datetime/date_time_support.h" #include "mongo/util/overloaded_visitor.h" #include "mongo/util/time_support.h" namespace mongo { class RangeStatement; class DensifyValue { public: // Delegate to the zero-argument constructor for stdx::variant. This constructor is needed // for DensifyValue to be able to be the value type in a ValueUnorderedMap. DensifyValue() : _value() {} DensifyValue(Value val) : _value(val) {} DensifyValue(Date_t date) : _value(date) {} TimeZone timezone() const { return TimeZoneDatabase::utcZone(); } /** * Convert a DensifyValue into a Value for use in documents/serialization. */ Value toValue() const { return stdx::visit(OverloadedVisitor{[&](Value unwrappedVal) { return unwrappedVal; }, [&](Date_t dateVal) { return Value(dateVal); } }, _value); } /** * Compare two DensifyValues using the standard comparator convention, returning the sign * of (lhs - rhs). Returns -1 if lhs < rhs, 0 if lhs == rhs, and 1 if lhs > rhs. */ static int compare(const DensifyValue& lhs, const DensifyValue& rhs) { return stdx::visit(OverloadedVisitor{[&](Value lhsVal) { Value rhsVal = stdx::get(rhs._value); return Value::compare(lhsVal, rhsVal, nullptr); }, [&](Date_t lhsVal) { Date_t rhsVal = stdx::get(rhs._value); return Value::compare( Value(lhsVal), Value(rhsVal), nullptr); }}, lhs._value); } /** * Get the value to be densified from a document. The function checks the type to ensure that * the document has either a numeric value or a date in the proper field, and throws an error * otherwise. */ static DensifyValue getFromDocument(const Document& doc, const FieldPath& path) { Value val = doc.getNestedField(path); uassert(5733201, "Densify field type must be numeric or a date", val.numeric() || val.getType() == BSONType::Date); if (!val.numeric()) { return val.getDate(); } return val; } std::string toString() const { return stdx::visit(OverloadedVisitor{[&](Value v) { return v.toString(); }, [&](Date_t d) { return d.toString(); }}, _value); } /** * Returns a new DensifyValue incremented by the step in the provided range. */ DensifyValue increment(const RangeStatement& range) const; /** * Returns a new DensifyValue decremented by the step in the provided range. */ DensifyValue decrement(const RangeStatement& range) const; /** * Delegate to Value::getApproximateSize(). */ size_t getApproximateSize() const { return stdx::visit(OverloadedVisitor{[&](Value v) { return v.getApproximateSize(); }, [&](Date_t d) { return Value(d).getApproximateSize(); }}, _value); } /** * Returns true if this DensifyValue is a date. */ bool isDate() const { return stdx::holds_alternative(_value); } /** * Returns the DensifyValue as a date. */ Date_t getDate() const { tassert(5733701, "DensifyValue must be a date", isDate()); return stdx::get(_value); } /** * Returns true if this DensifyValue is a number. */ bool isNumber() const { return stdx::holds_alternative(_value); } /** * Returns the DensifyValue as a number in a Value. */ Value getNumber() const { tassert(5733702, "DensifyValue must be a number", isNumber()); return stdx::get(_value); } /** * Returns true if this DensifyValue and the other one are both the same underlying type. */ bool isSameTypeAs(const DensifyValue& other) const { return (this->isDate() && other.isDate()) || (this->isNumber() && other.isNumber()); } /** * Checks if the value is exactly on the step defined in the given RangeStatement * relative to the provided base value. */ bool isOnStepRelativeTo(DensifyValue base, RangeStatement range) const; /** * Comparison operator overloads. */ bool operator==(const DensifyValue& rhs) const { return compare(*this, rhs) == 0; } bool operator!=(const DensifyValue& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } bool operator<(const DensifyValue& rhs) const { return compare(*this, rhs) < 0; } bool operator>(const DensifyValue& rhs) const { return compare(*this, rhs) > 0; } bool operator>=(const DensifyValue& rhs) const { return !(*this < rhs); } bool operator<=(const DensifyValue& rhs) const { return !(*this > rhs); } /** * Stream pipe operator for debug purposes. */ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DensifyValue& val) { os << val.toString(); return os; } private: stdx::variant _value; }; class RangeStatement { public: static constexpr StringData kArgUnit = "unit"_sd; static constexpr StringData kArgBounds = "bounds"_sd; static constexpr StringData kArgStep = "step"_sd; static constexpr StringData kValFull = "full"_sd; static constexpr StringData kValPartition = "partition"_sd; struct Full {}; struct Partition {}; typedef std::pair ExplicitBounds; using Bounds = stdx::variant; Bounds getBounds() const { return _bounds; } boost::optional getUnit() const { return _unit; } Value getStep() const { return _step; } RangeStatement(Value step, Bounds bounds, boost::optional unit) : _step(step), _bounds(bounds), _unit(unit) {} static RangeStatement parse(RangeSpec spec); Value serialize(SerializationOptions opts) const { MutableDocument spec; spec[kArgStep] = opts.serializeLiteralValue(_step); spec[kArgBounds] = stdx::visit( OverloadedVisitor{[&](Full) { return Value(kValFull); }, [&](Partition) { return Value(kValPartition); }, [&](ExplicitBounds bounds) { return Value(std::vector( {opts.serializeLiteralValue(bounds.first.toValue()), opts.serializeLiteralValue(bounds.second.toValue())})); }}, _bounds); if (_unit) spec[kArgUnit] = opts.serializeLiteralValue(serializeTimeUnit(*_unit)); return spec.freezeToValue(); } private: Value _step; Bounds _bounds; boost::optional _unit = boost::none; }; namespace document_source_densify { constexpr StringData kStageName = "$densify"_sd; /** * The 'internal' parameter specifies whether or not we create a sort stage that is required for * correct execution of an _internalDensify stage. */ std::list> createFromBsonInternal( BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx, StringData stageName, bool isInternal); std::list> createFromBson( BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx); /** * The 'internal' parameter specifies whether or not we create a sort stage that is required for * correct execution of an _internalDensify stage. */ std::list> create( const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx, std::list partitions, FieldPath field, RangeStatement rangeStatement, bool isInternal); } // namespace document_source_densify class DocumentSourceInternalDensify final : public DocumentSource { public: static constexpr StringData kStageName = "$_internalDensify"_sd; static constexpr StringData kPartitionByFieldsFieldName = "partitionByFields"_sd; static constexpr StringData kFieldFieldName = "field"_sd; static constexpr StringData kRangeFieldName = "range"_sd; DocumentSourceInternalDensify(const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx, const FieldPath& field, const std::list& partitions, const RangeStatement& range) : DocumentSource(kStageName, pExpCtx), _field(std::move(field)), _partitions(std::move(partitions)), _range(std::move(range)), _partitionTable(pExpCtx->getValueComparator().makeUnorderedValueMap()), _memTracker( MemoryUsageTracker(false, internalDocumentSourceDensifyMaxMemoryBytes.load())) { _maxDocs = internalQueryMaxAllowedDensifyDocs.load(); }; class DocGenerator { public: DocGenerator(DensifyValue current, RangeStatement range, FieldPath fieldName, boost::optional includeFields, boost::optional finalDoc, ValueComparator comp, size_t* counter); Document getNextDocument(); bool done() const; private: ValueComparator _comp; RangeStatement _range; // The field to add to 'includeFields' to generate a document. FieldPath _path; Document _includeFields; // The document that is equal to or larger than the upper bound that prompted the // creation of this generator. Will be returned after the final generated document. Can // be boost::none if we are generating the values at the end of the range. boost::optional _finalDoc; // The minimum value that this generator will create, therefore the next generated // document will have this value. DensifyValue _min; enum class GeneratorState { // Generating documents between '_min' and the upper bound. kGeneratingDocuments, // Generated all necessary documents, waiting for a final 'getNextDocument()' call. kReturningFinalDocument, kDone, }; GeneratorState _state = GeneratorState::kGeneratingDocuments; // Value to increment when returning a generated document. This is a pointer to the counter // that keeps track of the total number of documents generated by the owning stage across // all generators. size_t* _counter; }; DocumentSourceInternalDensify( const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx, double step, FieldPath path, boost::optional> range = boost::none); static boost::intrusive_ptr create( const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx); static boost::intrusive_ptr createFromBson( BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr& pExpCtx); StageConstraints constraints(Pipeline::SplitState pipeState) const final { return {StreamType::kStreaming, PositionRequirement::kNone, HostTypeRequirement::kNone, DiskUseRequirement::kNoDiskUse, FacetRequirement::kAllowed, TransactionRequirement::kAllowed, LookupRequirement::kAllowed, UnionRequirement::kAllowed}; } const char* getSourceName() const final { return kStageName.rawData(); } Value serialize(SerializationOptions opts = SerializationOptions()) const final override; DepsTracker::State getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const final { deps->fields.insert(_field.fullPath()); // We don't need to traverse _partitionExpr because it was generated from _partitions. // Every ExpressionFieldPath it contains is already covered by _partitions. for (const auto& field : _partitions) { deps->fields.insert(field.fullPath()); } return DepsTracker::State::SEE_NEXT; } void addVariableRefs(std::set* refs) const final { // The partition expression cannot refer to any variables because it is internally generated // based on a set of field paths. } boost::optional distributedPlanLogic() final { return DistributedPlanLogic{nullptr, this, boost::none}; } GetNextResult doGetNext() final; protected: Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator doOptimizeAt(Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr, Pipeline::SourceContainer* container) final; private: enum class ValComparedToRange { kBelow, kRangeMin, kInside, kAbove, }; DensifyValue getDensifyValue(const Document& doc) { auto val = DensifyValue::getFromDocument(doc, _field); uassert(6053600, val.isNumber() ? "Encountered numeric densify value in collection when step has a date unit." : "Encountered date densify value in collection when step does not have a date " "unit.", (!_range.getUnit() && val.isNumber()) || (_range.getUnit() && val.isDate())); return val; } Value getDensifyPartition(const Document& doc) { auto part = _partitionExpr->evaluate(doc, &pExpCtx->variables); return part; } /** * Decides whether or not to build a DocGen and return the first document generated or return * the current doc if the rangeMin + step is greater than rangeMax. Used for both 'full' and * 'partition' bounds. */ DocumentSource::GetNextResult handleNeedGen(Document currentDoc); /** * Checks where the current doc's value lies compared to the range and creates the correct * DocGen if needed and returns the next doc. */ DocumentSource::GetNextResult handleNeedGenExplicit(Document currentDoc); /** * Takes care of when an EOF has been hit for the explicit case. It checks if we have finished * densifying over the range, and if so changes the state to be kDensify done. Otherwise it * builds a new generator that will finish densifying over the range and changes the state to * kHaveGen. Only used if the input is not partitioned. */ DocumentSource::GetNextResult densifyExplicitRangeAfterEOF(); /** * Decide what to do for the first document in a given partition for explicit range. Either * generate documents between the minimum and the value, or just return it. */ DocumentSource::GetNextResult processFirstDocForExplicitRange(Document doc); /** * Creates a document generator based on the value passed in, the current _current, and the * ExplicitBounds on the stage. Once created, the state changes to kHaveGenerator and the first * document from the generator is returned. */ DocumentSource::GetNextResult processDocAboveExplicitMinBound(Document doc); /** * Takes in a value and checks if the value is below, on the bottom, inside, or above the * range, and returns the equivelant state from ValComparedToRange. */ ValComparedToRange getPositionRelativeToRange(DensifyValue val); /** * Handles when the pSource has been exhausted. In the full case we are done with the * densification process and the state becomes kDensifyDone, however in the explicit case we * may still need to densify over the remainder of the range, so the * densifyExplicitRangeAfterEOF() function is called. */ DocumentSource::GetNextResult handleSourceExhausted(); /** * Handles building a document generator once we've seen an EOF for partitioned input. Min will * be the last seen value in the partition unless it is less than the optional 'minOverride'. * Helper is to share code between visit functions. */ DocumentSource::GetNextResult finishDensifyingPartitionedInput(); DocumentSource::GetNextResult finishDensifyingPartitionedInputHelper( DensifyValue max, boost::optional minOverride = boost::none); /** * Checks if the current document generator is done. If it is and we have finished densifying, * it changes the state to be kDensifyDone. If there is more to densify, the state becomes * kNeedGen. The generator is also deleted. */ void resetDocGen(RangeStatement::ExplicitBounds bounds); /** * Set up the state for densifying over partitions. */ void initializePartitionState(Document initialDoc); /** * Helper to set the value in the partition table. */ void setPartitionValue(Document doc) { if (_partitionExpr) { auto partitionKey = getDensifyPartition(doc); auto partitionVal = getDensifyValue(doc); auto lastValForPartitionIt = _partitionTable.find(partitionKey); if (lastValForPartitionIt == _partitionTable.end()) { // If this is a new partition, store the size of the key and the value. _memTracker.update(partitionKey.getApproximateSize() + partitionVal.getApproximateSize()); } else { // Subtract the size of the previous value and add the new one. _memTracker.update(partitionVal.getApproximateSize() - lastValForPartitionIt->second.getApproximateSize()); } uassert(6007200, str::stream() << "$densify exceeded memory limit of " << _memTracker._maxAllowedMemoryUsageBytes, _memTracker.withinMemoryLimit()); _partitionTable[partitionKey] = partitionVal; } } /** * Helpers to create doc generators. Sets _docGenerator to the created generator. */ void createDocGenerator(DensifyValue min, RangeStatement range, boost::optional includeFields, boost::optional finalDoc) { _docGenerator = DocGenerator(min, range, _field, includeFields, finalDoc, pExpCtx->getValueComparator(), &_docsGenerated); } void createDocGenerator(DensifyValue min, RangeStatement range) { createDocGenerator(min, range, boost::none, boost::none); } Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator combineSorts(Pipeline::SourceContainer::iterator itr, Pipeline::SourceContainer* container); boost::optional _docGenerator = boost::none; /** * The last value seen or generated by the stage that is also in line with the step. */ boost::optional _current = boost::none; // Used to keep track of the bounds for densification in the full case. boost::optional _globalMin = boost::none; boost::optional _globalMax = boost::none; // _partitionExpr has two purposes: // 1. to determine which partition a document belongs in. // 2. to initialize new documents with the right partition key. // For example, if the stage had 'partitionByFields: ["a", "x.y"]' then this expression // would be {a: "$a", {x: {y: "$x.y"}}}. boost::intrusive_ptr _partitionExpr; bool _eof = false; enum class DensifyState { kUninitializedOrBelowRange, kNeedGen, kHaveGenerator, kFinishingDensify, kDensifyDone }; DensifyState _densifyState = DensifyState::kUninitializedOrBelowRange; FieldPath _field; std::list _partitions; RangeStatement _range; // Store of the value we've seen for each partition. ValueUnorderedMap _partitionTable; // Keep track of documents generated, error if it goes above the limit. size_t _docsGenerated = 0; size_t _maxDocs = 0; MemoryUsageTracker _memTracker; }; } // namespace mongo