/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include #include "mongo/db/exec/document_value/document.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/document_value/document_value_test_util.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/aggregation_context_fixture.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_merge.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_mock.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/process_interface/non_shardsvr_process_interface.h" namespace mongo { namespace { using boost::intrusive_ptr; constexpr StringData kWhenMatchedModeFieldName = DocumentSourceMergeSpec::kWhenMatchedFieldName; constexpr StringData kWhenNotMatchedModeFieldName = DocumentSourceMergeSpec::kWhenNotMatchedFieldName; constexpr StringData kIntoFieldName = DocumentSourceMergeSpec::kTargetNssFieldName; constexpr StringData kOnFieldName = DocumentSourceMergeSpec::kOnFieldName; const StringData kDefaultWhenMatchedMode = MergeWhenMatchedMode_serializer(MergeWhenMatchedModeEnum::kMerge); const StringData kDefaultWhenNotMatchedMode = MergeWhenNotMatchedMode_serializer(MergeWhenNotMatchedModeEnum::kInsert); /** * For the purpsoses of this test, assume every collection is unsharded. Stages may ask this during * setup. For example, to compute its constraints, the $merge stage needs to know if the output * collection is sharded. */ class MongoProcessInterfaceForTest : public StubMongoProcessInterface { public: bool isSharded(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& ns) override { return false; } /** * For the purposes of these tests, assume each collection is unsharded and has a document key * of just "_id". */ std::vector collectDocumentKeyFieldsActingAsRouter( OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss) const override { return {"_id"}; } void checkRoutingInfoEpochOrThrow(const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx, const NamespaceString&, ChunkVersion) const override { return; // Assume it always matches for our tests here. } }; class DocumentSourceMergeTest : public AggregationContextFixture { public: DocumentSourceMergeTest() : AggregationContextFixture() { getExpCtx()->mongoProcessInterface = std::make_shared(); } intrusive_ptr createMergeStage(BSONObj spec) { auto specElem = spec.firstElement(); intrusive_ptr mergeStage = dynamic_cast( DocumentSourceMerge::createFromBson(specElem, getExpCtx()).get()); ASSERT_TRUE(mergeStage); return mergeStage; } }; TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, CorrectlyParsesIfMergeSpecIsString) { const auto& defaultDb = getExpCtx()->ns.db(); const std::string targetColl = "target_collection"; auto spec = BSON("$merge" << targetColl); auto mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); ASSERT(mergeStage); ASSERT_EQ(mergeStage->getOutputNs().db(), defaultDb); ASSERT_EQ(mergeStage->getOutputNs().coll(), targetColl); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, CorrectlyParsesIfIntoIsString) { const auto& defaultDb = getExpCtx()->ns.db(); const std::string targetColl = "target_collection"; auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << targetColl)); auto mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); ASSERT(mergeStage); ASSERT_EQ(mergeStage->getOutputNs().db(), defaultDb); ASSERT_EQ(mergeStage->getOutputNs().coll(), targetColl); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, CorrectlyParsesIfIntoIsObject) { const auto& defaultDb = getExpCtx()->ns.db(); const std::string targetDb = "target_db"; const std::string targetColl = "target_collection"; auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("coll" << targetColl))); auto mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); ASSERT(mergeStage); ASSERT_EQ(mergeStage->getOutputNs().db(), defaultDb); ASSERT_EQ(mergeStage->getOutputNs().coll(), targetColl); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("db" << targetDb << "coll" << targetColl))); mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); ASSERT(mergeStage); ASSERT_EQ(mergeStage->getOutputNs().db(), targetDb); ASSERT_EQ(mergeStage->getOutputNs().coll(), targetColl); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, CorrectlyParsesIfWhenMatchedIsStringOrArray) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << "merge")); ASSERT(createMergeStage(spec)); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << BSONArray())); ASSERT(createMergeStage(spec)); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, CorrectlyParsesIfTargetAndAggregationNamespacesAreSame) { const auto targetNsSameAsAggregationNs = getExpCtx()->ns; const auto targetColl = targetNsSameAsAggregationNs.coll(); const auto targetDb = targetNsSameAsAggregationNs.db(); auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("coll" << targetColl << "db" << targetDb))); ASSERT(createMergeStage(spec)); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIncorrectMergeSpecType) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << 1); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51182); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSONArray()); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51182); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIfMergeSpecObjectWithoutInto) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSONObj()); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 40414); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("whenMatched" << "replace")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 40414); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIfIntoIsNotStringAndNotObject) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << 1)); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51178); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51178); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIfIntoIsNullish) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSONNULL)); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51178); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSONUndefined)); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51178); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIfIntoIsAnEmptyString) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 5786800); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIfIntoIsObjectWithInvalidFields) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("a" << "b"))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 40415); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("coll" << "target_collection" << "a" << "b"))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 40415); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("db" << "target_db" << "a" << "b"))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 40415); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIfIntoIsObjectWithEmptyCollectionName) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("coll" << ""))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 5786801); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSONObj())); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 5786801); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIfIntoIsObjectWithNullishCollection) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("coll" << BSONNULL))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 5786801); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("coll" << BSONUndefined))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 5786801); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIfIntoIsNotAValidUserCollection) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << ".test."); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidNamespace); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << ".test.")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidNamespace); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("coll" << ".test."))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidNamespace); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIfDbIsNotString) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("coll" << "target_collection" << "db" << true))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("coll" << "target_collection" << "db" << BSONArray()))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("coll" << "target_collection" << "db" << BSON("" << "test")))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIfCollIsNotString) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("db" << "target_db" << "coll" << true))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("db" << "target_db" << "coll" << BSONArray()))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("db" << "target_db" << "coll" << BSON("" << "test")))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIfDbIsNotAValidDatabaseName) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("coll" << "target_collection" << "db" << ".test"))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidNamespace); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIfIntoIsObjectWithDbSpecifiedAndNoColl) { auto targetDb = "target_db"; auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("db" << targetDb))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 5786801); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIfIntoIsObjectWithDbSpecifiedAndEmptyColl) { auto targetDb = "target_db"; auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("coll" << "" << "db" << targetDb))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 5786801); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIfIntoIsObjectWithDbSpecifiedAndNullishColl) { auto targetDb = "target_db"; auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("coll" << BSONNULL << "db" << targetDb))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 5786801); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("coll" << BSONUndefined << "db" << targetDb))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 5786801); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIfWhenMatchedModeIsNotStringOrArray) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << true)); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51191); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << 100)); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51191); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << BSON("" << kDefaultWhenMatchedMode))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51191); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIfWhenNotMatchedModeIsNotString) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenNotMatched" << true)); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenNotMatched" << BSONArray())); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenNotMatched" << BSON("" << kDefaultWhenNotMatchedMode))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIfWhenMatchedModeIsUnsupportedString) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << "unsupported")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::BadValue); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << "insert")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::BadValue); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIfWhenNotMatchedModeIsUnsupportedString) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenNotMatched" << "unsupported")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::BadValue); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenNotMatched" << "merge")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::BadValue); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIfOnFieldIsNotStringOrArrayOfStrings) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "on" << 1)); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51186); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "on" << BSONArray())); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51187); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "on" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2 << BSON("a" << 3)))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51134); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "on" << BSON("_id" << 1))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51186); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, CorrectlyUsesTargetDbThatMatchesAggregationDb) { const auto targetDbSameAsAggregationDb = getExpCtx()->ns.db(); const auto targetColl = "target_collection"; auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("coll" << targetColl << "db" << targetDbSameAsAggregationDb))); auto mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); ASSERT_EQ(mergeStage->getOutputNs().db(), targetDbSameAsAggregationDb); ASSERT_EQ(mergeStage->getOutputNs().coll(), targetColl); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, SerializeDefaultModesWhenMatchedWhenNotMatched) { auto spec = BSON("$out" << BSON("into" << "target_collection")); auto mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); auto serialized = mergeStage->serialize().getDocument(); ASSERT_EQ(serialized["$merge"][kWhenMatchedModeFieldName].getStringData(), kDefaultWhenMatchedMode); ASSERT_EQ(serialized["$merge"][kWhenNotMatchedModeFieldName].getStringData(), kDefaultWhenNotMatchedMode); // Make sure we can reparse the serialized BSON. auto reparsedMergeStage = createMergeStage(serialized.toBson()); auto reSerialized = reparsedMergeStage->serialize().getDocument(); ASSERT_EQ(reSerialized["$merge"][kWhenMatchedModeFieldName].getStringData(), kDefaultWhenMatchedMode); ASSERT_EQ(reSerialized["$merge"][kWhenNotMatchedModeFieldName].getStringData(), kDefaultWhenNotMatchedMode); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, SerializeOnFieldDefaultsToId) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection")); auto mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); auto serialized = mergeStage->serialize().getDocument(); ASSERT_EQ(serialized["$merge"][kOnFieldName].getStringData(), "_id"); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, SerializeCompoundOnFields) { auto spec = BSON("$out" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "on" << BSON_ARRAY("_id" << "shardKey"))); auto mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); auto serialized = mergeStage->serialize().getDocument(); auto on = serialized["$merge"][kOnFieldName].getArray(); ASSERT_EQ(on.size(), 2UL); auto comparator = ValueComparator(); ASSERT_TRUE(comparator.evaluate(on[0] == Value(std::string("_id")))); ASSERT_TRUE(comparator.evaluate(on[1] == Value(std::string("shardKey")))); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, SerializeDottedPathOnFields) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "on" << BSON_ARRAY("_id" << "a.b"))); auto mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); auto serialized = mergeStage->serialize().getDocument(); auto on = serialized["$merge"][kOnFieldName].getArray(); ASSERT_EQ(on.size(), 2UL); auto comparator = ValueComparator(); ASSERT_TRUE(comparator.evaluate(on[0] == Value(std::string("_id")))); ASSERT_TRUE(comparator.evaluate(on[1] == Value(std::string("a.b")))); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "on" << "_id.a")); mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); serialized = mergeStage->serialize().getDocument(); ASSERT_EQ(serialized["$merge"][kOnFieldName].getStringData(), "_id.a"); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, SerializeDottedPathOnFieldsSharedPrefix) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "on" << BSON_ARRAY("_id" << "a.b" << "a.c"))); auto mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); auto serialized = mergeStage->serialize().getDocument(); auto on = serialized["$merge"][kOnFieldName].getArray(); ASSERT_EQ(on.size(), 3UL); auto comparator = ValueComparator(); ASSERT_TRUE(comparator.evaluate(on[0] == Value(std::string("_id")))); ASSERT_TRUE(comparator.evaluate(on[1] == Value(std::string("a.b")))); ASSERT_TRUE(comparator.evaluate(on[2] == Value(std::string("a.c")))); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, SerializeIntoWhenMergeSpecIsStringNotDotted) { const auto aggregationDb = getExpCtx()->ns.db(); auto spec = BSON("$merge" << "target_collection"); auto mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); auto serialized = mergeStage->serialize().getDocument(); ASSERT_EQ(serialized["$merge"][kIntoFieldName]["db"].getStringData(), aggregationDb); ASSERT_EQ(serialized["$merge"][kIntoFieldName]["coll"].getStringData(), "target_collection"); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, SerializeIntoWhenMergeSpecIsStringDotted) { const auto aggregationDb = getExpCtx()->ns.db(); auto spec = BSON("$merge" << "my.target_collection"); auto mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); auto serialized = mergeStage->serialize().getDocument(); ASSERT_EQ(serialized["$merge"][kIntoFieldName]["db"].getStringData(), aggregationDb); ASSERT_EQ(serialized["$merge"][kIntoFieldName]["coll"].getStringData(), "my.target_collection"); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, SerializeIntoWhenIntoIsStringNotDotted) { const auto aggregationDb = getExpCtx()->ns.db(); auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection")); auto mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); auto serialized = mergeStage->serialize().getDocument(); ASSERT_EQ(serialized["$merge"][kIntoFieldName]["db"].getStringData(), aggregationDb); ASSERT_EQ(serialized["$merge"][kIntoFieldName]["coll"].getStringData(), "target_collection"); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, SerializeIntoWhenIntoIsStringDotted) { const auto aggregationDb = getExpCtx()->ns.db(); auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "my.target_collection")); auto mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); auto serialized = mergeStage->serialize().getDocument(); ASSERT_EQ(serialized["$merge"][kIntoFieldName]["db"].getStringData(), aggregationDb); ASSERT_EQ(serialized["$merge"][kIntoFieldName]["coll"].getStringData(), "my.target_collection"); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, SerializeIntoWhenIntoIsObjectWithCollNotDotted) { const auto aggregationDb = getExpCtx()->ns.db(); auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("coll" << "target_collection"))); auto mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); auto serialized = mergeStage->serialize().getDocument(); ASSERT_EQ(serialized["$merge"][kIntoFieldName]["db"].getStringData(), aggregationDb); ASSERT_EQ(serialized["$merge"][kIntoFieldName]["coll"].getStringData(), "target_collection"); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, SerializeIntoWhenIntoIsObjectWithCollDotted) { const auto aggregationDb = getExpCtx()->ns.db(); auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("coll" << "my.target_collection"))); auto mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); auto serialized = mergeStage->serialize().getDocument(); ASSERT_EQ(serialized["$merge"][kIntoFieldName]["db"].getStringData(), aggregationDb); ASSERT_EQ(serialized["$merge"][kIntoFieldName]["coll"].getStringData(), "my.target_collection"); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, CorrectlyHandlesWhenMatchedAndWhenNotMatchedModes) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << "replace" << "whenNotMatched" << "insert")); ASSERT(createMergeStage(spec)); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << "replace" << "whenNotMatched" << "fail")); ASSERT(createMergeStage(spec)); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << "replace" << "whenNotMatched" << "discard")); ASSERT(createMergeStage(spec)); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << "fail" << "whenNotMatched" << "insert")); ASSERT(createMergeStage(spec)); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << "fail" << "whenNotMatched" << "fail")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51189); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << "fail" << "whenNotMatched" << "discard")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), DBException, 51189); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << "merge" << "whenNotMatched" << "insert")); ASSERT(createMergeStage(spec)); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << "merge" << "whenNotMatched" << "fail")); ASSERT(createMergeStage(spec)); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << "merge" << "whenNotMatched" << "discard")); ASSERT(createMergeStage(spec)); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << "keepExisting" << "whenNotMatched" << "insert")); ASSERT(createMergeStage(spec)); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << "keepExisting" << "whenNotMatched" << "fail")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51189); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << "keepExisting" << "whenNotMatched" << "discard")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), DBException, 51189); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$project" << BSON("x" << 1))) << "whenNotMatched" << "insert")); ASSERT(createMergeStage(spec)); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$project" << BSON("x" << 1))) << "whenNotMatched" << "fail")); ASSERT(createMergeStage(spec)); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$project" << BSON("x" << 1))) << "whenNotMatched" << "discard")); ASSERT(createMergeStage(spec)); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << "pipeline" << "whenNotMatched" << "insert")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::BadValue); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << "[{$addFields: {x: 1}}]" << "whenNotMatched" << "insert")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::BadValue); } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, LetVariablesCanOnlyBeUsedWithPipelineMode) { auto let = BSON("foo" << "bar"); auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "let" << let << "whenMatched" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$project" << BSON("x" << 1))) << "whenNotMatched" << "insert")); ASSERT(createMergeStage(spec)); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "let" << let << "whenMatched" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$project" << BSON("x" << 1))) << "whenNotMatched" << "fail")); ASSERT(createMergeStage(spec)); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "let" << let << "whenMatched" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$project" << BSON("x" << 1))) << "whenNotMatched" << "discard")); ASSERT(createMergeStage(spec)); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "let" << let << "whenMatched" << "replace" << "whenNotMatched" << "insert")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51199); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "let" << let << "whenMatched" << "replace" << "whenNotMatched" << "fail")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51199); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "let" << let << "whenMatched" << "replace" << "whenNotMatched" << "discard")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51199); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "let" << let << "whenMatched" << "merge" << "whenNotMatched" << "insert")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51199); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "let" << let << "whenMatched" << "merge" << "whenNotMatched" << "fail")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51199); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "let" << let << "whenMatched" << "merge" << "whenNotMatched" << "discard")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51199); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "let" << let << "whenMatched" << "keepExisting" << "whenNotMatched" << "insert")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51199); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "let" << let << "whenMatched" << "fail" << "whenNotMatched" << "insert")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 51199); } // We always serialize the default let variables as {new: "$$ROOT"} if omitted. TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, SerializeDefaultLetVariable) { for (auto&& whenNotMatched : {"insert", "fail", "discard"}) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "whenMatched" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$project" << BSON("x" << 1))) << "whenNotMatched" << whenNotMatched)); auto mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); auto serialized = mergeStage->serialize().getDocument(); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(serialized["$merge"]["let"], Value(BSON("new" << "$$ROOT"))); } } // Test the behaviour of 'let' serialization for each whenNotMatched mode. TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, SerializeLetVariables) { auto pipeline = BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$project" << BSON("x" << "$$v1" << "y" << "$$v2" << "z" << "$$v3"))); const auto createAndSerializeMergeStage = [this, &pipeline](StringData whenNotMatched) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "let" << BSON("v1" << 10 << "v2" << "foo" << "v3" << BSON("x" << 1 << "y" << BSON("z" << "bar"))) << "whenMatched" << pipeline << "whenNotMatched" << whenNotMatched)); auto mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); ASSERT(mergeStage); return mergeStage->serialize().getDocument(); }; for (auto&& whenNotMatched : {"insert", "fail", "discard"}) { const auto serialized = createAndSerializeMergeStage(whenNotMatched); // For {whenNotMatched:insert}, we always attach the 'new' document even if the user has // already specified a set of variables. This is because a {whenNotMatched: insert} merge // generates an upsert, and if no documents in the target collection match the query we must // insert the original document. For other 'whenNotMatched' modes, we do not serialize the // new document, since neither 'fail' nor 'discard' can result in an upsert. ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(serialized["$merge"]["let"]["new"], (whenNotMatched == "insert"_sd ? Value("$$ROOT"_sd) : Value())); // The user's variables should be serialized in all cases. ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(serialized["$merge"]["let"]["v1"], Value(BSON("$const" << 10))); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(serialized["$merge"]["let"]["v2"], Value(BSON("$const" << "foo"))); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(serialized["$merge"]["let"]["v3"], Value(BSON("x" << BSON("$const" << 1) << "y" << BSON("z" << BSON("$const" << "bar"))))); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(serialized["$merge"]["whenMatched"], Value(pipeline)); } } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, SerializeLetArrayVariable) { for (auto&& whenNotMatched : {"insert", "fail", "discard"}) { auto pipeline = BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$project" << BSON("x" << "$$v1"))); auto spec = BSON( "$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "let" << BSON("v1" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << "2" << BSON("x" << 1 << "y" << 2))) << "whenMatched" << pipeline << "whenNotMatched" << whenNotMatched)); auto mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); ASSERT(mergeStage); auto serialized = mergeStage->serialize().getDocument(); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ( serialized["$merge"]["let"]["v1"], Value(BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$const" << 1) << BSON("$const" << "2") << BSON("x" << BSON("$const" << 1) << "y" << BSON("$const" << 2))))); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(serialized["$merge"]["whenMatched"], Value(pipeline)); } } // This test verifies that when the 'let' argument is specified as 'null', the default 'new' // variable is still available. This is not a desirable behaviour but rather a limitation in the // IDL parser which cannot differentiate between an optional field specified explicitly as 'null', // or not specified at all. In both cases it will treat the field like it wasn't specified. So, // this test ensures that we're aware of this limitation. Once the limitation is addressed in // SERVER-41272, this test should be updated to accordingly. TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, SerializeNullLetVariablesAsDefault) { for (auto&& whenNotMatched : {"insert", "fail", "discard"}) { auto pipeline = BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$project" << BSON("x" << "1"))); auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "let" << BSONNULL << "whenMatched" << pipeline << "whenNotMatched" << whenNotMatched)); auto mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); ASSERT(mergeStage); auto serialized = mergeStage->serialize().getDocument(); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(serialized["$merge"]["let"], Value(BSON("new" << "$$ROOT"))); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(serialized["$merge"]["whenMatched"], Value(pipeline)); } } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, SerializeEmptyLetVariables) { for (auto&& whenNotMatched : {"insert", "fail", "discard"}) { auto pipeline = BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$project" << BSON("x" << "1"))); auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "let" << BSONObj() << "whenMatched" << pipeline << "whenNotMatched" << whenNotMatched)); auto mergeStage = createMergeStage(spec); ASSERT(mergeStage); auto serialized = mergeStage->serialize().getDocument(); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(serialized["$merge"]["let"], (whenNotMatched == "insert"_sd ? Value(BSON("new" << "$$ROOT")) : Value(BSONObj()))); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(serialized["$merge"]["whenMatched"], Value(pipeline)); } } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, OnlyObjectCanBeUsedAsLetVariables) { for (auto&& whenNotMatched : {"insert", "fail", "discard"}) { auto pipeline = BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$project" << BSON("x" << "1"))); auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "let" << 1 << "whenMatched" << pipeline << "whenNotMatched" << whenNotMatched)); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "let" << "foo" << "whenMatched" << pipeline << "whenNotMatched" << whenNotMatched)); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "let" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << "2") << "whenMatched" << pipeline << "whenNotMatched" << whenNotMatched)); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch); } } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeTest, FailsToParseIfOnFieldHaveDuplicates) { auto spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "on" << BSON_ARRAY("x" << "y" << "x"))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 31465); spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << "target_collection" << "on" << BSON_ARRAY("_id" << "_id"))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(createMergeStage(spec), AssertionException, 31465); } using DocumentSourceMergeServerlessTest = ServerlessAggregationContextFixture; TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeServerlessTest, LiteParsedDocumentSourceLookupContainsExpectedNamespacesInServerless) { const std::string targetColl = "target_collection"; auto tenantId = TenantId(OID::gen()); NamespaceString nss(tenantId, "test", "testColl"); std::vector pipeline; auto stageSpec = BSON("$merge" << targetColl); auto liteParsedLookup = DocumentSourceMerge::LiteParsed::parse(nss, stageSpec.firstElement()); auto namespaceSet = liteParsedLookup->getInvolvedNamespaces(); ASSERT_EQ(1, namespaceSet.size()); ASSERT_EQ(1ul, namespaceSet.count(NamespaceString(tenantId, "test", "target_collection"))); // TODO SERVER-66708 Add a test case once IDL parsed objects have access to tenantId. } TEST_F(DocumentSourceMergeServerlessTest, CreateFromBSONContainsExpectedNamespacesInServerless) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); ASSERT(expCtx->ns.tenantId()); const std::string targetColl = "target_collection"; // Pass collection name as a string. auto spec = BSON("$merge" << targetColl); auto mergeStage = DocumentSourceMerge::createFromBson(spec.firstElement(), expCtx); auto mergeSource = static_cast(mergeStage.get()); ASSERT(mergeStage); ASSERT(mergeSource->getOutputNs().tenantId()); ASSERT_EQ(*mergeSource->getOutputNs().tenantId(), *expCtx->ns.tenantId()); // Assert the tenantId is not included in the serialized namespace. auto serialized = mergeSource->serialize().getDocument(); auto expectedDoc = Document{{"db", expCtx->ns.dbName().db()}, {"coll", targetColl}}; ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(serialized["$merge"][kIntoFieldName].getDocument(), expectedDoc); // Pass collection name as an object. spec = BSON("$merge" << BSON("into" << BSON("coll" << targetColl))); mergeStage = DocumentSourceMerge::createFromBson(spec.firstElement(), expCtx); mergeSource = static_cast(mergeStage.get()); ASSERT(mergeSource); ASSERT(mergeSource->getOutputNs().tenantId()); ASSERT_EQ(*mergeSource->getOutputNs().tenantId(), *expCtx->ns.tenantId()); // Assert the tenantId is not included in the serialized namespace. serialized = mergeSource->serialize().getDocument(); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(serialized["$merge"][kIntoFieldName].getDocument(), expectedDoc); // TODO SERVER-66708 Add a test case once IDL parsed objects have access to tenantId. } } // namespace } // namespace mongo