/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/bson/bson_depth.h" #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/db/json.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_comparator.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_value_test_util.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/field_path.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/value.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/value_comparator.h" #include "mongo/dbtests/dbtests.h" namespace DocumentTests { using std::numeric_limits; using std::string; using std::vector; mongo::Document::FieldPair getNthField(mongo::Document doc, size_t index) { mongo::FieldIterator it(doc); while (index--) // advance index times it.next(); return it.next(); } namespace Document { using mongo::Document; BSONObj toBson(const Document& document) { return document.toBson(); } Document fromBson(BSONObj obj) { return Document(obj); } void assertRoundTrips(const Document& document1) { BSONObj obj1 = toBson(document1); Document document2 = fromBson(obj1); BSONObj obj2 = toBson(document2); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(obj1, obj2); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(document1, document2); } TEST(DocumentConstruction, Default) { Document document; ASSERT_EQUALS(0U, document.size()); assertRoundTrips(document); } TEST(DocumentConstruction, FromEmptyBson) { Document document = fromBson(BSONObj()); ASSERT_EQUALS(0U, document.size()); assertRoundTrips(document); } TEST(DocumentConstruction, FromNonEmptyBson) { Document document = fromBson(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << "q")); ASSERT_EQUALS(2U, document.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("a", getNthField(document, 0).first.toString()); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, getNthField(document, 0).second.getInt()); ASSERT_EQUALS("b", getNthField(document, 1).first.toString()); ASSERT_EQUALS("q", getNthField(document, 1).second.getString()); } TEST(DocumentConstruction, FromInitializerList) { auto document = Document{{"a", 1}, {"b", "q"_sd}}; ASSERT_EQUALS(2U, document.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("a", getNthField(document, 0).first.toString()); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, getNthField(document, 0).second.getInt()); ASSERT_EQUALS("b", getNthField(document, 1).first.toString()); ASSERT_EQUALS("q", getNthField(document, 1).second.getString()); } TEST(DocumentConstruction, FromEmptyDocumentClone) { Document document; ASSERT_EQUALS(0U, document.size()); // Prior to SERVER-26462, cloning an empty document would cause a segmentation fault. Document documentClone = document.clone(); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(document, documentClone); // Prior to SERVER-39209 this would make ASAN complain. Document documentClone2 = documentClone.clone(); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(document, documentClone2); // For good measure, try a third clone Document documentClone3 = documentClone2.clone(); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(document, documentClone3); } /** * Appends to 'builder' an object nested 'depth' levels deep. */ void appendNestedObject(size_t depth, BSONObjBuilder* builder) { if (depth == 1U) { builder->append("a", 1); } else { BSONObjBuilder subobj(builder->subobjStart("a")); appendNestedObject(depth - 1, &subobj); subobj.doneFast(); } } TEST(DocumentSerialization, CanSerializeDocumentExactlyAtDepthLimit) { BSONObjBuilder builder; appendNestedObject(BSONDepth::getMaxAllowableDepth(), &builder); BSONObj originalBSONObj = builder.obj(); Document doc(originalBSONObj); BSONObjBuilder serializationResult; doc.toBson(&serializationResult); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(originalBSONObj, serializationResult.obj()); } TEST(DocumentSerialization, CannotSerializeDocumentThatExceedsDepthLimit) { BSONObjBuilder builder; appendNestedObject(BSONDepth::getMaxAllowableDepth() + 1, &builder); Document doc(builder.obj()); BSONObjBuilder throwaway; ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(doc.toBson(&throwaway), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::Overflow); throwaway.abandon(); } /** Add Document fields. */ class AddField { public: void run() { MutableDocument md; md.addField("foo", Value(1)); ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, md.peek().size()); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, md.peek()["foo"].getInt()); md.addField("bar", Value(99)); ASSERT_EQUALS(2U, md.peek().size()); ASSERT_EQUALS(99, md.peek()["bar"].getInt()); // No assertion is triggered by a duplicate field name. md.addField("a", Value(5)); Document final = md.freeze(); ASSERT_EQUALS(3U, final.size()); assertRoundTrips(final); } }; /** Get Document values. */ class GetValue { public: void run() { Document document = fromBson(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 2.2)); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, document["a"].getInt()); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, document["a"].getInt()); ASSERT_EQUALS(2.2, document["b"].getDouble()); ASSERT_EQUALS(2.2, document["b"].getDouble()); // Missing field. ASSERT(document["c"].missing()); ASSERT(document["c"].missing()); assertRoundTrips(document); } }; /** Get Document fields. */ class SetField { public: void run() { Document original = fromBson(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 2.2 << "c" << 99)); // Initial positions. Used at end of function to make sure nothing moved const Position apos = original.positionOf("a"); const Position bpos = original.positionOf("c"); const Position cpos = original.positionOf("c"); MutableDocument md(original); // Set the first field. md.setField("a", Value("foo"_sd)); ASSERT_EQUALS(3U, md.peek().size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("foo", md.peek()["a"].getString()); ASSERT_EQUALS("foo", getNthField(md.peek(), 0).second.getString()); assertRoundTrips(md.peek()); // Set the second field. md["b"] = Value("bar"_sd); ASSERT_EQUALS(3U, md.peek().size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("bar", md.peek()["b"].getString()); ASSERT_EQUALS("bar", getNthField(md.peek(), 1).second.getString()); assertRoundTrips(md.peek()); // Remove the second field. md.setField("b", Value()); log() << md.peek().toString(); ASSERT_EQUALS(2U, md.peek().size()); ASSERT(md.peek()["b"].missing()); ASSERT_EQUALS("a", getNthField(md.peek(), 0).first.toString()); ASSERT_EQUALS("c", getNthField(md.peek(), 1).first.toString()); ASSERT_EQUALS(99, md.peek()["c"].getInt()); assertRoundTrips(md.peek()); // Remove the first field. md["a"] = Value(); ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, md.peek().size()); ASSERT(md.peek()["a"].missing()); ASSERT_EQUALS("c", getNthField(md.peek(), 0).first.toString()); ASSERT_EQUALS(99, md.peek()["c"].getInt()); assertRoundTrips(md.peek()); // Remove the final field. Verify document is empty. md.remove("c"); ASSERT(md.peek().empty()); ASSERT_EQUALS(0U, md.peek().size()); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(md.peek(), Document()); ASSERT(!FieldIterator(md.peek()).more()); ASSERT(md.peek()["c"].missing()); assertRoundTrips(md.peek()); // Set a nested field using [] md["x"]["y"]["z"] = Value("nested"_sd); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(md.peek()["x"]["y"]["z"], Value("nested"_sd)); // Set a nested field using setNestedField FieldPath xxyyzz("xx.yy.zz"); md.setNestedField(xxyyzz, Value("nested"_sd)); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(md.peek().getNestedField(xxyyzz), Value("nested"_sd)); // Set a nested fields through an existing empty document md["xxx"] = Value(Document()); md["xxx"]["yyy"] = Value(Document()); FieldPath xxxyyyzzz("xxx.yyy.zzz"); md.setNestedField(xxxyyyzzz, Value("nested"_sd)); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(md.peek().getNestedField(xxxyyyzzz), Value("nested"_sd)); // Make sure nothing moved ASSERT_EQUALS(apos, md.peek().positionOf("a")); ASSERT_EQUALS(bpos, md.peek().positionOf("c")); ASSERT_EQUALS(cpos, md.peek().positionOf("c")); ASSERT_EQUALS(Position(), md.peek().positionOf("d")); } }; /** Document comparator. */ class Compare { public: void run() { assertComparison(0, BSONObj(), BSONObj()); assertComparison(0, BSON("a" << 1), BSON("a" << 1)); assertComparison(-1, BSONObj(), BSON("a" << 1)); assertComparison(-1, BSON("a" << 1), BSON("c" << 1)); assertComparison(0, BSON("a" << 1 << "r" << 2), BSON("a" << 1 << "r" << 2)); assertComparison(-1, BSON("a" << 1), BSON("a" << 1 << "r" << 2)); assertComparison(0, BSON("a" << 2), BSON("a" << 2)); assertComparison(-1, BSON("a" << 1), BSON("a" << 2)); assertComparison(-1, BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1), BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 2)); // numbers sort before strings assertComparison(-1, BSON("a" << 1), BSON("a" << "foo")); // numbers sort before strings, even if keys compare otherwise assertComparison(-1, BSON("b" << 1), BSON("a" << "foo")); // null before number, even if keys compare otherwise assertComparison(-1, BSON("z" << BSONNULL), BSON("a" << 1)); } public: int cmp(const BSONObj& a, const BSONObj& b) { int result = DocumentComparator().compare(fromBson(a), fromBson(b)); return // sign result < 0 ? -1 : result > 0 ? 1 : 0; } void assertComparison(int expectedResult, const BSONObj& a, const BSONObj& b) { ASSERT_EQUALS(expectedResult, cmp(a, b)); ASSERT_EQUALS(-expectedResult, cmp(b, a)); if (expectedResult == 0) { ASSERT_EQUALS(hash(a), hash(b)); } } size_t hash(const BSONObj& obj) { size_t seed = 0x106e1e1; const StringData::ComparatorInterface* stringComparator = nullptr; Document(obj).hash_combine(seed, stringComparator); return seed; } }; /** Shallow copy clone of a single field Document. */ class Clone { public: void run() { const Document document = fromBson(BSON("a" << BSON("b" << 1))); MutableDocument cloneOnDemand(document); // Check equality. ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(document, cloneOnDemand.peek()); // Check pointer equality of sub document. ASSERT_EQUALS(document["a"].getDocument().getPtr(), cloneOnDemand.peek()["a"].getDocument().getPtr()); // Change field in clone and ensure the original document's field is unchanged. cloneOnDemand.setField(StringData("a"), Value(2)); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(1), document.getNestedField(FieldPath("a.b"))); // setNestedField and ensure the original document is unchanged. cloneOnDemand.reset(document); vector path; ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(1), document.getNestedField(FieldPath("a.b"), &path)); cloneOnDemand.setNestedField(path, Value(2)); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(1), document.getNestedField(FieldPath("a.b"))); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(2), cloneOnDemand.peek().getNestedField(FieldPath("a.b"))); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(DOC("a" << DOC("b" << 1)), document); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(DOC("a" << DOC("b" << 2)), cloneOnDemand.freeze()); } }; /** Shallow copy clone of a multi field Document. */ class CloneMultipleFields { public: void run() { Document document = fromBson(fromjson("{a:1,b:['ra',4],c:{z:1},d:'lal'}")); Document clonedDocument = document.clone(); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(document, clonedDocument); } }; /** FieldIterator for an empty Document. */ class FieldIteratorEmpty { public: void run() { FieldIterator iterator((Document())); ASSERT(!iterator.more()); } }; /** FieldIterator for a single field Document. */ class FieldIteratorSingle { public: void run() { FieldIterator iterator(fromBson(BSON("a" << 1))); ASSERT(iterator.more()); Document::FieldPair field = iterator.next(); ASSERT_EQUALS("a", field.first.toString()); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, field.second.getInt()); ASSERT(!iterator.more()); } }; /** FieldIterator for a multiple field Document. */ class FieldIteratorMultiple { public: void run() { FieldIterator iterator(fromBson(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 5.6 << "c" << "z"))); ASSERT(iterator.more()); Document::FieldPair field = iterator.next(); ASSERT_EQUALS("a", field.first.toString()); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, field.second.getInt()); ASSERT(iterator.more()); Document::FieldPair field2 = iterator.next(); ASSERT_EQUALS("b", field2.first.toString()); ASSERT_EQUALS(5.6, field2.second.getDouble()); ASSERT(iterator.more()); Document::FieldPair field3 = iterator.next(); ASSERT_EQUALS("c", field3.first.toString()); ASSERT_EQUALS("z", field3.second.getString()); ASSERT(!iterator.more()); } }; class AllTypesDoc { public: void run() { // These are listed in order of BSONType with some duplicates append("minkey", MINKEY); // EOO not valid in middle of BSONObj append("double", 1.0); append("c++", "string\0after NUL"_sd); append("StringData", "string\0after NUL"_sd); append("emptyObj", BSONObj()); append("filledObj", BSON("a" << 1)); append("emptyArray", BSON("" << BSONArray()).firstElement()); append("filledArray", BSON("" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << "a")).firstElement()); append("binData", BSONBinData("a\0b", 3, BinDataGeneral)); append("binDataCustom", BSONBinData("a\0b", 3, bdtCustom)); append("binDataUUID", BSONBinData("123456789\0abcdef", 16, bdtUUID)); append("undefined", BSONUndefined); append("oid", OID()); append("true", true); append("false", false); append("date", jsTime()); append("null", BSONNULL); append("regex", BSONRegEx(".*")); append("regexFlags", BSONRegEx(".*", "i")); append("regexEmpty", BSONRegEx("", "")); append("dbref", BSONDBRef("foo", OID())); append("code", BSONCode("function() {}")); append("codeNul", BSONCode("var nul = '\0'"_sd)); append("symbol", BSONSymbol("foo")); append("symbolNul", BSONSymbol("f\0o"_sd)); append("codeWScope", BSONCodeWScope("asdf", BSONObj())); append("codeWScopeWScope", BSONCodeWScope("asdf", BSON("one" << 1))); append("int", 1); append("timestamp", Timestamp()); append("long", 1LL); append("very long", 1LL << 40); append("maxkey", MAXKEY); const BSONArray arr = arrBuilder.arr(); // can't use append any more since arrBuilder is done objBuilder << "mega array" << arr; docBuilder["mega array"] = mongo::Value(values); const BSONObj obj = objBuilder.obj(); const Document doc = docBuilder.freeze(); const BSONObj obj2 = toBson(doc); const Document doc2 = fromBson(obj); // logical equality ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(obj, obj2); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(doc, doc2); // binary equality ASSERT_EQUALS(obj.objsize(), obj2.objsize()); ASSERT_EQUALS(memcmp(obj.objdata(), obj2.objdata(), obj.objsize()), 0); // ensure sorter serialization round-trips correctly BufBuilder bb; doc.serializeForSorter(bb); BufReader reader(bb.buf(), bb.len()); const Document doc3 = Document::deserializeForSorter(reader, Document::SorterDeserializeSettings()); BSONObj obj3 = toBson(doc3); ASSERT_EQUALS(obj.objsize(), obj3.objsize()); ASSERT_EQUALS(memcmp(obj.objdata(), obj3.objdata(), obj.objsize()), 0); } template void append(const char* name, const T& thing) { objBuilder << name << thing; arrBuilder << thing; docBuilder[name] = mongo::Value(thing); values.push_back(mongo::Value(thing)); } vector values; MutableDocument docBuilder; BSONObjBuilder objBuilder; BSONArrayBuilder arrBuilder; }; } // namespace Document namespace MetaFields { using mongo::Document; TEST(MetaFields, TextScoreBasics) { // Documents should not have a text score until it is set. ASSERT_FALSE(Document().hasTextScore()); // Setting the text score should work as expected. MutableDocument docBuilder; docBuilder.setTextScore(1.0); Document doc = docBuilder.freeze(); ASSERT_TRUE(doc.hasTextScore()); ASSERT_EQ(1.0, doc.getTextScore()); } TEST(MetaFields, RandValBasics) { // Documents should not have a random value until it is set. ASSERT_FALSE(Document().hasRandMetaField()); // Setting the random value field should work as expected. MutableDocument docBuilder; docBuilder.setRandMetaField(1.0); Document doc = docBuilder.freeze(); ASSERT_TRUE(doc.hasRandMetaField()); ASSERT_EQ(1, doc.getRandMetaField()); // Setting the random value twice should keep the second value. MutableDocument docBuilder2; docBuilder2.setRandMetaField(1.0); docBuilder2.setRandMetaField(2.0); Document doc2 = docBuilder2.freeze(); ASSERT_TRUE(doc2.hasRandMetaField()); ASSERT_EQ(2.0, doc2.getRandMetaField()); } TEST(MetaFields, SearchScoreBasic) { // Documents should not have a search score until it is set. ASSERT_FALSE(Document().hasSearchScore()); // Setting the search score field should work as expected. MutableDocument docBuilder; docBuilder.setSearchScore(1.23); Document doc = docBuilder.freeze(); ASSERT_TRUE(doc.hasSearchScore()); ASSERT_EQ(1.23, doc.getSearchScore()); // Setting the searchScore twice should keep the second value. MutableDocument docBuilder2; docBuilder2.setSearchScore(1.0); docBuilder2.setSearchScore(2.0); Document doc2 = docBuilder2.freeze(); ASSERT_TRUE(doc2.hasSearchScore()); ASSERT_EQ(2.0, doc2.getSearchScore()); } TEST(MetaFields, SearchHighlightsBasic) { // Documents should not have a search highlights until it is set. ASSERT_FALSE(Document().hasSearchHighlights()); // Setting the search highlights field should work as expected. MutableDocument docBuilder; Value highlights = DOC_ARRAY("a"_sd << "b"_sd); docBuilder.setSearchHighlights(highlights); Document doc = docBuilder.freeze(); ASSERT_TRUE(doc.hasSearchHighlights()); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(doc.getSearchHighlights(), highlights); // Setting the searchHighlights twice should keep the second value. MutableDocument docBuilder2; Value otherHighlights = DOC_ARRAY("snippet1"_sd << "snippet2"_sd << "snippet3"_sd); docBuilder2.setSearchHighlights(highlights); docBuilder2.setSearchHighlights(otherHighlights); Document doc2 = docBuilder2.freeze(); ASSERT_TRUE(doc2.hasSearchHighlights()); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(doc2.getSearchHighlights(), otherHighlights); } class SerializationTest : public unittest::Test { protected: Document roundTrip(const Document& input) { BufBuilder bb; input.serializeForSorter(bb); BufReader reader(bb.buf(), bb.len()); return Document::deserializeForSorter(reader, Document::SorterDeserializeSettings()); } void assertRoundTrips(const Document& input) { // Round trip to/from a buffer. auto output = roundTrip(input); ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(output, input); ASSERT_EQ(output.hasTextScore(), input.hasTextScore()); ASSERT_EQ(output.hasRandMetaField(), input.hasRandMetaField()); ASSERT_EQ(output.hasSearchScore(), input.hasSearchScore()); ASSERT_EQ(output.hasSearchHighlights(), input.hasSearchHighlights()); if (input.hasTextScore()) ASSERT_EQ(output.getTextScore(), input.getTextScore()); if (input.hasRandMetaField()) ASSERT_EQ(output.getRandMetaField(), input.getRandMetaField()); if (input.hasSearchScore()) ASSERT_EQ(output.getSearchScore(), input.getSearchScore()); if (input.hasSearchHighlights()) ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(output.getSearchHighlights(), input.getSearchHighlights()); ASSERT(output.toBson().binaryEqual(input.toBson())); } }; TEST_F(SerializationTest, MetaSerializationNoVals) { MutableDocument docBuilder; docBuilder.setTextScore(10.0); docBuilder.setRandMetaField(20.0); docBuilder.setSearchScore(30.0); docBuilder.setSearchHighlights(DOC_ARRAY("abc"_sd << "def"_sd)); assertRoundTrips(docBuilder.freeze()); } TEST_F(SerializationTest, MetaSerializationWithVals) { // Same as above test, but add a non-meta field as well. MutableDocument docBuilder(DOC("foo" << 10)); docBuilder.setTextScore(10.0); docBuilder.setRandMetaField(20.0); docBuilder.setSearchScore(30.0); docBuilder.setSearchHighlights(DOC_ARRAY("abc"_sd << "def"_sd)); assertRoundTrips(docBuilder.freeze()); } TEST_F(SerializationTest, MetaSerializationSearchHighlightsNonArray) { MutableDocument docBuilder; docBuilder.setTextScore(10.0); docBuilder.setRandMetaField(20.0); docBuilder.setSearchScore(30.0); // Everything should still round trip even if the searchHighlights metadata isn't an array. docBuilder.setSearchHighlights(Value(1.23)); assertRoundTrips(docBuilder.freeze()); } TEST(MetaFields, ToAndFromBson) { MutableDocument docBuilder; docBuilder.setTextScore(10.0); docBuilder.setRandMetaField(20.0); docBuilder.setSearchScore(30.0); docBuilder.setSearchHighlights(DOC_ARRAY("abc"_sd << "def"_sd)); Document doc = docBuilder.freeze(); BSONObj obj = doc.toBsonWithMetaData(); ASSERT_EQ(10.0, obj[Document::metaFieldTextScore].Double()); ASSERT_EQ(20, obj[Document::metaFieldRandVal].numberLong()); ASSERT_EQ(30.0, obj[Document::metaFieldSearchScore].Double()); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(obj[Document::metaFieldSearchHighlights].embeddedObject(), BSON_ARRAY("abc"_sd << "def"_sd)); Document fromBson = Document::fromBsonWithMetaData(obj); ASSERT_TRUE(fromBson.hasTextScore()); ASSERT_TRUE(fromBson.hasRandMetaField()); ASSERT_EQ(10.0, fromBson.getTextScore()); ASSERT_EQ(20, fromBson.getRandMetaField()); } TEST(MetaFields, MetaFieldsIncludedInDocumentApproximateSize) { MutableDocument docBuilder; docBuilder.setSearchHighlights(DOC_ARRAY("abc"_sd << "def"_sd)); const size_t smallMetadataDocSize = docBuilder.freeze().getApproximateSize(); // The second document has a larger "search highlights" object. MutableDocument docBuilder2; docBuilder2.setSearchHighlights(DOC_ARRAY("abc"_sd << "def"_sd << "ghijklmnop"_sd)); Document doc2 = docBuilder2.freeze(); const size_t bigMetadataDocSize = doc2.getApproximateSize(); ASSERT_GT(bigMetadataDocSize, smallMetadataDocSize); // Do a sanity check on the amount of space taken by metadata in document 2. ASSERT_LT(doc2.getMetadataApproximateSize(), 200U); Document emptyDoc; ASSERT_LT(emptyDoc.getMetadataApproximateSize(), 100U); } TEST(MetaFields, BadSerialization) { // Write an unrecognized option to the buffer. BufBuilder bb; // Signal there are 0 fields. bb.appendNum(0); // This would specify a meta field with an invalid type. bb.appendNum(char(DocumentStorage::MetaType::NUM_FIELDS) + 1); // Signals end of input. bb.appendNum(char(0)); BufReader reader(bb.buf(), bb.len()); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE( Document::deserializeForSorter(reader, Document::SorterDeserializeSettings()), AssertionException, 28744); } } // namespace MetaFields namespace Value { using mongo::Value; BSONObj toBson(const Value& value) { if (value.missing()) return BSONObj(); // EOO BSONObjBuilder bob; value.addToBsonObj(&bob, ""); return bob.obj(); } Value fromBson(const BSONObj& obj) { BSONElement element = obj.firstElement(); return Value(element); } void assertRoundTrips(const Value& value1) { BSONObj obj1 = toBson(value1); Value value2 = fromBson(obj1); BSONObj obj2 = toBson(value2); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(obj1, obj2); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(value1, value2); ASSERT_EQUALS(value1.getType(), value2.getType()); } class BSONArrayTest { public: void run() { ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2 << 3)), DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2 << 3)); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(BSONArray()), Value(vector())); } }; /** Int type. */ class Int { public: void run() { Value value = Value(5); ASSERT_EQUALS(5, value.getInt()); ASSERT_EQUALS(5, value.getLong()); ASSERT_EQUALS(5, value.getDouble()); ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberInt, value.getType()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** Long type. */ class Long { public: void run() { Value value = Value(99LL); ASSERT_EQUALS(99, value.getLong()); ASSERT_EQUALS(99, value.getDouble()); ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberLong, value.getType()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** Double type. */ class Double { public: void run() { Value value = Value(5.5); ASSERT_EQUALS(5.5, value.getDouble()); ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberDouble, value.getType()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** String type. */ class String { public: void run() { Value value = Value("foo"_sd); ASSERT_EQUALS("foo", value.getString()); ASSERT_EQUALS(mongo::String, value.getType()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** String with a null character. */ class StringWithNull { public: void run() { string withNull("a\0b", 3); BSONObj objWithNull = BSON("" << withNull); ASSERT_EQUALS(withNull, objWithNull[""].str()); Value value = fromBson(objWithNull); ASSERT_EQUALS(withNull, value.getString()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** Date type. */ class Date { public: void run() { Value value = Value(Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(999)); ASSERT_EQUALS(999, value.getDate().toMillisSinceEpoch()); ASSERT_EQUALS(mongo::Date, value.getType()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** Timestamp type. */ class JSTimestamp { public: void run() { Value value = Value(Timestamp(777)); ASSERT(Timestamp(777) == value.getTimestamp()); ASSERT_EQUALS(mongo::bsonTimestamp, value.getType()); assertRoundTrips(value); value = Value(Timestamp(~0U, 3)); ASSERT(Timestamp(~0U, 3) == value.getTimestamp()); ASSERT_EQUALS(mongo::bsonTimestamp, value.getType()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** Document with no fields. */ class EmptyDocument { public: void run() { mongo::Document document = mongo::Document(); Value value = Value(document); ASSERT_EQUALS(document.getPtr(), value.getDocument().getPtr()); ASSERT_EQUALS(Object, value.getType()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** Document type. */ class Document { public: void run() { mongo::MutableDocument md; md.addField("a", Value(5)); md.addField("apple", Value("rrr"_sd)); md.addField("banana", Value(-.3)); mongo::Document document = md.freeze(); Value value = Value(document); // Check document pointers are equal. ASSERT_EQUALS(document.getPtr(), value.getDocument().getPtr()); // Check document contents. ASSERT_EQUALS(5, document["a"].getInt()); ASSERT_EQUALS("rrr", document["apple"].getString()); ASSERT_EQUALS(-.3, document["banana"].getDouble()); ASSERT_EQUALS(Object, value.getType()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** Array with no elements. */ class EmptyArray { public: void run() { vector array; Value value(array); const vector& array2 = value.getArray(); ASSERT(array2.empty()); ASSERT_EQUALS(Array, value.getType()); ASSERT_EQUALS(0U, value.getArrayLength()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** Array type. */ class Array { public: void run() { vector array; array.push_back(Value(5)); array.push_back(Value("lala"_sd)); array.push_back(Value(3.14)); Value value = Value(array); const vector& array2 = value.getArray(); ASSERT(!array2.empty()); ASSERT_EQUALS(array2.size(), 3U); ASSERT_EQUALS(5, array2[0].getInt()); ASSERT_EQUALS("lala", array2[1].getString()); ASSERT_EQUALS(3.14, array2[2].getDouble()); ASSERT_EQUALS(mongo::Array, value.getType()); ASSERT_EQUALS(3U, value.getArrayLength()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** Oid type. */ class Oid { public: void run() { Value value = fromBson(BSON("" << OID("abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef"))); ASSERT_EQUALS(OID("abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef"), value.getOid()); ASSERT_EQUALS(jstOID, value.getType()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** Bool type. */ class Bool { public: void run() { Value value = fromBson(BSON("" << true)); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, value.getBool()); ASSERT_EQUALS(mongo::Bool, value.getType()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** Regex type. */ class Regex { public: void run() { Value value = fromBson(fromjson("{'':/abc/}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(string("abc"), value.getRegex()); ASSERT_EQUALS(RegEx, value.getType()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** Symbol type (currently unsupported). */ class Symbol { public: void run() { Value value(BSONSymbol("FOOBAR")); ASSERT_EQUALS("FOOBAR", value.getSymbol()); ASSERT_EQUALS(mongo::Symbol, value.getType()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** Undefined type. */ class Undefined { public: void run() { Value value = Value(BSONUndefined); ASSERT_EQUALS(mongo::Undefined, value.getType()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** Null type. */ class Null { public: void run() { Value value = Value(BSONNULL); ASSERT_EQUALS(jstNULL, value.getType()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** True value. */ class True { public: void run() { Value value = Value(true); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, value.getBool()); ASSERT_EQUALS(mongo::Bool, value.getType()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** False value. */ class False { public: void run() { Value value = Value(false); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, value.getBool()); ASSERT_EQUALS(mongo::Bool, value.getType()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** -1 value. */ class MinusOne { public: void run() { Value value = Value(-1); ASSERT_EQUALS(-1, value.getInt()); ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberInt, value.getType()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** 0 value. */ class Zero { public: void run() { Value value = Value(0); ASSERT_EQUALS(0, value.getInt()); ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberInt, value.getType()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; /** 1 value. */ class One { public: void run() { Value value = Value(1); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, value.getInt()); ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberInt, value.getType()); assertRoundTrips(value); } }; namespace Coerce { class ToBoolBase { public: virtual ~ToBoolBase() {} void run() { ASSERT_EQUALS(expected(), value().coerceToBool()); } protected: virtual Value value() = 0; virtual bool expected() = 0; }; class ToBoolTrue : public ToBoolBase { bool expected() { return true; } }; class ToBoolFalse : public ToBoolBase { bool expected() { return false; } }; /** Coerce 0 to bool. */ class ZeroIntToBool : public ToBoolFalse { Value value() { return Value(0); } }; /** Coerce -1 to bool. */ class NonZeroIntToBool : public ToBoolTrue { Value value() { return Value(-1); } }; /** Coerce 0LL to bool. */ class ZeroLongToBool : public ToBoolFalse { Value value() { return Value(0LL); } }; /** Coerce 5LL to bool. */ class NonZeroLongToBool : public ToBoolTrue { Value value() { return Value(5LL); } }; /** Coerce 0.0 to bool. */ class ZeroDoubleToBool : public ToBoolFalse { Value value() { return Value(0); } }; /** Coerce -1.3 to bool. */ class NonZeroDoubleToBool : public ToBoolTrue { Value value() { return Value(-1.3); } }; /** Coerce "" to bool. */ class StringToBool : public ToBoolTrue { Value value() { return Value(StringData()); } }; /** Coerce {} to bool. */ class ObjectToBool : public ToBoolTrue { Value value() { return Value(mongo::Document()); } }; /** Coerce [] to bool. */ class ArrayToBool : public ToBoolTrue { Value value() { return Value(vector()); } }; /** Coerce Date(0) to bool. */ class DateToBool : public ToBoolTrue { Value value() { return Value(Date_t{}); } }; /** Coerce js literal regex to bool. */ class RegexToBool : public ToBoolTrue { Value value() { return fromBson(fromjson("{''://}")); } }; /** Coerce true to bool. */ class TrueToBool : public ToBoolTrue { Value value() { return fromBson(BSON("" << true)); } }; /** Coerce false to bool. */ class FalseToBool : public ToBoolFalse { Value value() { return fromBson(BSON("" << false)); } }; /** Coerce null to bool. */ class NullToBool : public ToBoolFalse { Value value() { return Value(BSONNULL); } }; /** Coerce undefined to bool. */ class UndefinedToBool : public ToBoolFalse { Value value() { return Value(BSONUndefined); } }; class ToIntBase { public: virtual ~ToIntBase() {} void run() { if (asserts()) ASSERT_THROWS(value().coerceToInt(), AssertionException); else ASSERT_EQUALS(expected(), value().coerceToInt()); } protected: virtual Value value() = 0; virtual int expected() { return 0; } virtual bool asserts() { return false; } }; /** Coerce -5 to int. */ class IntToInt : public ToIntBase { Value value() { return Value(-5); } int expected() { return -5; } }; /** Coerce long to int. */ class LongToInt : public ToIntBase { Value value() { return Value(0xff00000007LL); } int expected() { return 7; } }; /** Coerce 9.8 to int. */ class DoubleToInt : public ToIntBase { Value value() { return Value(9.8); } int expected() { return 9; } }; /** Coerce null to int. */ class NullToInt : public ToIntBase { Value value() { return Value(BSONNULL); } bool asserts() { return true; } }; /** Coerce undefined to int. */ class UndefinedToInt : public ToIntBase { Value value() { return Value(BSONUndefined); } bool asserts() { return true; } }; /** Coerce "" to int unsupported. */ class StringToInt { public: void run() { ASSERT_THROWS(Value(StringData()).coerceToInt(), AssertionException); } }; class ToLongBase { public: virtual ~ToLongBase() {} void run() { if (asserts()) ASSERT_THROWS(value().coerceToLong(), AssertionException); else ASSERT_EQUALS(expected(), value().coerceToLong()); } protected: virtual Value value() = 0; virtual long long expected() { return 0; } virtual bool asserts() { return false; } }; /** Coerce -5 to long. */ class IntToLong : public ToLongBase { Value value() { return Value(-5); } long long expected() { return -5; } }; /** Coerce long to long. */ class LongToLong : public ToLongBase { Value value() { return Value(0xff00000007LL); } long long expected() { return 0xff00000007LL; } }; /** Coerce 9.8 to long. */ class DoubleToLong : public ToLongBase { Value value() { return Value(9.8); } long long expected() { return 9; } }; /** Coerce null to long. */ class NullToLong : public ToLongBase { Value value() { return Value(BSONNULL); } bool asserts() { return true; } }; /** Coerce undefined to long. */ class UndefinedToLong : public ToLongBase { Value value() { return Value(BSONUndefined); } bool asserts() { return true; } }; /** Coerce string to long unsupported. */ class StringToLong { public: void run() { ASSERT_THROWS(Value(StringData()).coerceToLong(), AssertionException); } }; class ToDoubleBase { public: virtual ~ToDoubleBase() {} void run() { if (asserts()) ASSERT_THROWS(value().coerceToDouble(), AssertionException); else ASSERT_EQUALS(expected(), value().coerceToDouble()); } protected: virtual Value value() = 0; virtual double expected() { return 0; } virtual bool asserts() { return false; } }; /** Coerce -5 to double. */ class IntToDouble : public ToDoubleBase { Value value() { return Value(-5); } double expected() { return -5; } }; /** Coerce long to double. */ class LongToDouble : public ToDoubleBase { Value value() { // A long that cannot be exactly represented as a double. return Value(static_cast(0x8fffffffffffffffLL)); } double expected() { return static_cast(0x8fffffffffffffffLL); } }; /** Coerce double to double. */ class DoubleToDouble : public ToDoubleBase { Value value() { return Value(9.8); } double expected() { return 9.8; } }; /** Coerce null to double. */ class NullToDouble : public ToDoubleBase { Value value() { return Value(BSONNULL); } bool asserts() { return true; } }; /** Coerce undefined to double. */ class UndefinedToDouble : public ToDoubleBase { Value value() { return Value(BSONUndefined); } bool asserts() { return true; } }; /** Coerce string to double unsupported. */ class StringToDouble { public: void run() { ASSERT_THROWS(Value(StringData()).coerceToDouble(), AssertionException); } }; class ToDateBase { public: virtual ~ToDateBase() {} void run() { ASSERT_EQUALS(Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(expected()), value().coerceToDate()); } protected: virtual Value value() = 0; virtual long long expected() = 0; }; /** Coerce date to date. */ class DateToDate : public ToDateBase { Value value() { return Value(Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(888)); } long long expected() { return 888; } }; /** * Convert timestamp to date. This extracts the time portion of the timestamp, which * is different from BSON behavior of interpreting all bytes as a date. */ class TimestampToDate : public ToDateBase { Value value() { return Value(Timestamp(777, 666)); } long long expected() { return 777 * 1000; } }; /** Coerce string to date unsupported. */ class StringToDate { public: void run() { ASSERT_THROWS(Value(StringData()).coerceToDate(), AssertionException); } }; class ToStringBase { public: virtual ~ToStringBase() {} void run() { ASSERT_EQUALS(expected(), value().coerceToString()); } protected: virtual Value value() = 0; virtual string expected() { return ""; } }; /** Coerce -0.2 to string. */ class DoubleToString : public ToStringBase { Value value() { return Value(-0.2); } string expected() { return "-0.2"; } }; /** Coerce -4 to string. */ class IntToString : public ToStringBase { Value value() { return Value(-4); } string expected() { return "-4"; } }; /** Coerce 10000LL to string. */ class LongToString : public ToStringBase { Value value() { return Value(10000LL); } string expected() { return "10000"; } }; /** Coerce string to string. */ class StringToString : public ToStringBase { Value value() { return Value("fO_o"_sd); } string expected() { return "fO_o"; } }; /** Coerce timestamp to string. */ class TimestampToString : public ToStringBase { Value value() { return Value(Timestamp(1, 2)); } string expected() { return Timestamp(1, 2).toStringPretty(); } }; /** Coerce date to string. */ class DateToString : public ToStringBase { Value value() { return Value(Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(1234567890123LL)); } string expected() { return "2009-02-13T23:31:30.123Z"; } // from js }; /** Coerce null to string. */ class NullToString : public ToStringBase { Value value() { return Value(BSONNULL); } }; /** Coerce undefined to string. */ class UndefinedToString : public ToStringBase { Value value() { return Value(BSONUndefined); } }; /** Coerce document to string unsupported. */ class DocumentToString { public: void run() { ASSERT_THROWS(Value(mongo::Document()).coerceToString(), AssertionException); } }; /** Coerce timestamp to timestamp. */ class TimestampToTimestamp { public: void run() { Value value = Value(Timestamp(1010)); ASSERT(Timestamp(1010) == value.coerceToTimestamp()); } }; /** Coerce date to timestamp unsupported. */ class DateToTimestamp { public: void run() { ASSERT_THROWS(Value(Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(1010)).coerceToTimestamp(), AssertionException); } }; } // namespace Coerce /** Get the "widest" of two numeric types. */ class GetWidestNumeric { public: void run() { using mongo::Undefined; // Numeric types. assertWidest(NumberInt, NumberInt, NumberInt); assertWidest(NumberLong, NumberInt, NumberLong); assertWidest(NumberDouble, NumberInt, NumberDouble); assertWidest(NumberLong, NumberLong, NumberLong); assertWidest(NumberDouble, NumberLong, NumberDouble); assertWidest(NumberDouble, NumberDouble, NumberDouble); // Missing value and numeric types (result Undefined). assertWidest(Undefined, NumberInt, Undefined); assertWidest(Undefined, NumberInt, Undefined); assertWidest(Undefined, NumberLong, jstNULL); assertWidest(Undefined, NumberLong, Undefined); assertWidest(Undefined, NumberDouble, jstNULL); assertWidest(Undefined, NumberDouble, Undefined); // Missing value types (result Undefined). assertWidest(Undefined, jstNULL, jstNULL); assertWidest(Undefined, jstNULL, Undefined); assertWidest(Undefined, Undefined, Undefined); // Other types (result Undefined). assertWidest(Undefined, NumberInt, mongo::Bool); assertWidest(Undefined, mongo::String, NumberDouble); } private: void assertWidest(BSONType expectedWidest, BSONType a, BSONType b) { ASSERT_EQUALS(expectedWidest, Value::getWidestNumeric(a, b)); ASSERT_EQUALS(expectedWidest, Value::getWidestNumeric(b, a)); } }; /** Add a Value to a BSONObj. */ class AddToBsonObj { public: void run() { BSONObjBuilder bob; Value(4.4).addToBsonObj(&bob, "a"); Value(22).addToBsonObj(&bob, "b"); Value("astring"_sd).addToBsonObj(&bob, "c"); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("a" << 4.4 << "b" << 22 << "c" << "astring"), bob.obj()); } }; /** Add a Value to a BSONArray. */ class AddToBsonArray { public: void run() { BSONArrayBuilder bab; Value(4.4).addToBsonArray(&bab); Value(22).addToBsonArray(&bab); Value("astring"_sd).addToBsonArray(&bab); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON_ARRAY(4.4 << 22 << "astring"), bab.arr()); } }; /** Value comparator. */ class Compare { public: void run() { BSONObjBuilder undefinedBuilder; undefinedBuilder.appendUndefined(""); BSONObj undefined = undefinedBuilder.obj(); // Undefined / null. assertComparison(0, undefined, undefined); assertComparison(-1, undefined, BSON("" << BSONNULL)); assertComparison(0, BSON("" << BSONNULL), BSON("" << BSONNULL)); // Undefined / null with other types. assertComparison(-1, undefined, BSON("" << 1)); assertComparison(-1, undefined, BSON("" << "bar")); assertComparison(-1, BSON("" << BSONNULL), BSON("" << -1)); assertComparison(-1, BSON("" << BSONNULL), BSON("" << "bar")); // Numeric types. assertComparison(0, 5, 5LL); assertComparison(0, -2, -2.0); assertComparison(0, 90LL, 90.0); assertComparison(-1, 5, 6LL); assertComparison(-1, -2, 2.1); assertComparison(1, 90LL, 89.999); assertComparison(-1, 90, 90.1); assertComparison( 0, numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(), numeric_limits::signaling_NaN()); assertComparison(-1, numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(), 5); // strings compare between numbers and objects assertComparison(1, "abc", 90); assertComparison(-1, "abc", BSON("a" << "b")); // String comparison. assertComparison(-1, "", "a"); assertComparison(0, "a", "a"); assertComparison(-1, "a", "b"); assertComparison(-1, "aa", "b"); assertComparison(1, "bb", "b"); assertComparison(1, "bb", "b"); assertComparison(1, "b-", "b"); assertComparison(-1, "b-", "ba"); // With a null character. assertComparison(1, string("a\0", 2), "a"); // Object. assertComparison(0, fromjson("{'':{}}"), fromjson("{'':{}}")); assertComparison(0, fromjson("{'':{x:1}}"), fromjson("{'':{x:1}}")); assertComparison(-1, fromjson("{'':{}}"), fromjson("{'':{x:1}}")); assertComparison(-1, fromjson("{'':{'z': 1}}"), fromjson("{'':{'a': 'a'}}")); // Array. assertComparison(0, fromjson("{'':[]}"), fromjson("{'':[]}")); assertComparison(-1, fromjson("{'':[0]}"), fromjson("{'':[1]}")); assertComparison(-1, fromjson("{'':[0,0]}"), fromjson("{'':[1]}")); assertComparison(-1, fromjson("{'':[0]}"), fromjson("{'':[0,0]}")); assertComparison(-1, fromjson("{'':[0]}"), fromjson("{'':['']}")); // OID. assertComparison(0, OID("abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef"), OID("abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef")); assertComparison(1, OID("abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef"), OID("010101010101010101010101")); // Bool. assertComparison(0, true, true); assertComparison(0, false, false); assertComparison(1, true, false); // Date. assertComparison(0, Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(555), Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(555)); assertComparison(1, Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(555), Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(554)); // Negative date. assertComparison(1, Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(0), Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(-1)); // Regex. assertComparison(0, fromjson("{'':/a/}"), fromjson("{'':/a/}")); assertComparison(-1, fromjson("{'':/a/}"), fromjson("{'':/a/i}")); assertComparison(-1, fromjson("{'':/a/}"), fromjson("{'':/aa/}")); // Timestamp. assertComparison(0, Timestamp(1234), Timestamp(1234)); assertComparison(-1, Timestamp(4), Timestamp(1234)); // High bit set. assertComparison(1, Timestamp(~0U, 2), Timestamp(0, 3)); // Cross-type comparisons. Listed in order of canonical types. assertComparison(-1, Value(mongo::MINKEY), Value()); assertComparison(0, Value(), Value()); assertComparison(0, Value(), Value(BSONUndefined)); assertComparison(-1, Value(BSONUndefined), Value(BSONNULL)); assertComparison(-1, Value(BSONNULL), Value(1)); assertComparison(0, Value(1), Value(1LL)); assertComparison(0, Value(1), Value(1.0)); assertComparison(-1, Value(1), Value("string"_sd)); assertComparison(0, Value("string"_sd), Value(BSONSymbol("string"))); assertComparison(-1, Value("string"_sd), Value(mongo::Document())); assertComparison(-1, Value(mongo::Document()), Value(vector())); assertComparison(-1, Value(vector()), Value(BSONBinData("", 0, MD5Type))); assertComparison(-1, Value(BSONBinData("", 0, MD5Type)), Value(mongo::OID())); assertComparison(-1, Value(mongo::OID()), Value(false)); assertComparison(-1, Value(false), Value(Date_t())); assertComparison(-1, Value(Date_t()), Value(Timestamp())); assertComparison(-1, Value(Timestamp()), Value(BSONRegEx(""))); assertComparison(-1, Value(BSONRegEx("")), Value(BSONDBRef("", mongo::OID()))); assertComparison(-1, Value(BSONDBRef("", mongo::OID())), Value(BSONCode(""))); assertComparison(-1, Value(BSONCode("")), Value(BSONCodeWScope("", BSONObj()))); assertComparison(-1, Value(BSONCodeWScope("", BSONObj())), Value(mongo::MAXKEY)); } private: template void assertComparison(int expectedResult, const T& a, const U& b) { assertComparison(expectedResult, BSON("" << a), BSON("" << b)); } void assertComparison(int expectedResult, const Timestamp& a, const Timestamp& b) { BSONObjBuilder first; first.append("", a); BSONObjBuilder second; second.append("", b); assertComparison(expectedResult, first.obj(), second.obj()); } int sign(int cmp) { if (cmp == 0) return 0; else if (cmp < 0) return -1; else return 1; } int cmp(const Value& a, const Value& b) { return sign(ValueComparator().compare(a, b)); } void assertComparison(int expectedResult, const BSONObj& a, const BSONObj& b) { assertComparison(expectedResult, fromBson(a), fromBson(b)); } void assertComparison(int expectedResult, const Value& a, const Value& b) { mongo::unittest::log() << "testing " << a.toString() << " and " << b.toString(); // reflexivity ASSERT_EQUALS(0, cmp(a, a)); ASSERT_EQUALS(0, cmp(b, b)); // symmetry ASSERT_EQUALS(expectedResult, cmp(a, b)); ASSERT_EQUALS(-expectedResult, cmp(b, a)); if (expectedResult == 0) { // equal values must hash equally. ASSERT_EQUALS(hash(a), hash(b)); } else { // unequal values must hash unequally. // (not true in general but we should error if it fails in any of these cases) ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(hash(a), hash(b)); } // same as BSON ASSERT_EQUALS(expectedResult, sign(toBson(a).firstElement().woCompare(toBson(b).firstElement()))); } size_t hash(const Value& v) { size_t seed = 0xf00ba6; const StringData::ComparatorInterface* stringComparator = nullptr; v.hash_combine(seed, stringComparator); return seed; } }; class SubFields { public: void run() { const Value val = fromBson(fromjson("{'': {a: [{x:1, b:[1, {y:1, c:1234, z:1}, 1]}]}}")); // ^ this outer object is removed by fromBson ASSERT(val.getType() == mongo::Object); ASSERT(val[999].missing()); ASSERT(val["missing"].missing()); ASSERT(val["a"].getType() == mongo::Array); ASSERT(val["a"][999].missing()); ASSERT(val["a"]["missing"].missing()); ASSERT(val["a"][0].getType() == mongo::Object); ASSERT(val["a"][0][999].missing()); ASSERT(val["a"][0]["missing"].missing()); ASSERT(val["a"][0]["b"].getType() == mongo::Array); ASSERT(val["a"][0]["b"][999].missing()); ASSERT(val["a"][0]["b"]["missing"].missing()); ASSERT(val["a"][0]["b"][1].getType() == mongo::Object); ASSERT(val["a"][0]["b"][1][999].missing()); ASSERT(val["a"][0]["b"][1]["missing"].missing()); ASSERT(val["a"][0]["b"][1]["c"].getType() == mongo::NumberInt); ASSERT_EQUALS(val["a"][0]["b"][1]["c"].getInt(), 1234); } }; class SerializationOfMissingForSorter { // Can't be tested in AllTypesDoc since missing values are omitted when adding to BSON. public: void run() { const Value missing; const Value arrayOfMissing = Value(vector(10)); BufBuilder bb; missing.serializeForSorter(bb); arrayOfMissing.serializeForSorter(bb); BufReader reader(bb.buf(), bb.len()); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(missing, Value::deserializeForSorter(reader, Value::SorterDeserializeSettings())); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(arrayOfMissing, Value::deserializeForSorter(reader, Value::SorterDeserializeSettings())); } }; namespace { // Integer limits. const int kIntMax = std::numeric_limits::max(); const int kIntMin = std::numeric_limits::lowest(); const long long kIntMaxAsLongLong = kIntMax; const long long kIntMinAsLongLong = kIntMin; const double kIntMaxAsDouble = kIntMax; const double kIntMinAsDouble = kIntMin; const Decimal128 kIntMaxAsDecimal = Decimal128(kIntMax); const Decimal128 kIntMinAsDecimal = Decimal128(kIntMin); // 64-bit integer limits. const long long kLongLongMax = std::numeric_limits::max(); const long long kLongLongMin = std::numeric_limits::lowest(); const double kLongLongMaxAsDouble = static_cast(kLongLongMax); const double kLongLongMinAsDouble = static_cast(kLongLongMin); const Decimal128 kLongLongMaxAsDecimal = Decimal128(static_cast(kLongLongMax)); const Decimal128 kLongLongMinAsDecimal = Decimal128(static_cast(kLongLongMin)); // Double limits. const double kDoubleMax = std::numeric_limits::max(); const double kDoubleMin = std::numeric_limits::lowest(); const Decimal128 kDoubleMaxAsDecimal = Decimal128(kDoubleMin); const Decimal128 kDoubleMinAsDecimal = Decimal128(kDoubleMin); } // namespace TEST(ValueIntegral, CorrectlyIdentifiesValidIntegralValues) { ASSERT_TRUE(Value(kIntMax).integral()); ASSERT_TRUE(Value(kIntMin).integral()); ASSERT_TRUE(Value(kIntMaxAsLongLong).integral()); ASSERT_TRUE(Value(kIntMinAsLongLong).integral()); ASSERT_TRUE(Value(kIntMaxAsDouble).integral()); ASSERT_TRUE(Value(kIntMinAsDouble).integral()); ASSERT_TRUE(Value(kIntMaxAsDecimal).integral()); ASSERT_TRUE(Value(kIntMinAsDecimal).integral()); } TEST(ValueIntegral, CorrectlyIdentifiesInvalidIntegralValues) { ASSERT_FALSE(Value(kLongLongMax).integral()); ASSERT_FALSE(Value(kLongLongMin).integral()); ASSERT_FALSE(Value(kLongLongMaxAsDouble).integral()); ASSERT_FALSE(Value(kLongLongMinAsDouble).integral()); ASSERT_FALSE(Value(kLongLongMaxAsDecimal).integral()); ASSERT_FALSE(Value(kLongLongMinAsDecimal).integral()); ASSERT_FALSE(Value(kDoubleMax).integral()); ASSERT_FALSE(Value(kDoubleMin).integral()); } TEST(ValueIntegral, CorrectlyIdentifiesValid64BitIntegralValues) { ASSERT_TRUE(Value(kIntMax).integral64Bit()); ASSERT_TRUE(Value(kIntMin).integral64Bit()); ASSERT_TRUE(Value(kLongLongMax).integral64Bit()); ASSERT_TRUE(Value(kLongLongMin).integral64Bit()); ASSERT_TRUE(Value(kLongLongMinAsDouble).integral64Bit()); ASSERT_TRUE(Value(kLongLongMaxAsDecimal).integral64Bit()); ASSERT_TRUE(Value(kLongLongMinAsDecimal).integral64Bit()); } TEST(ValueIntegral, CorrectlyIdentifiesInvalid64BitIntegralValues) { ASSERT_FALSE(Value(kLongLongMaxAsDouble).integral64Bit()); ASSERT_FALSE(Value(kDoubleMax).integral64Bit()); ASSERT_FALSE(Value(kDoubleMin).integral64Bit()); ASSERT_FALSE(Value(kDoubleMaxAsDecimal).integral64Bit()); ASSERT_FALSE(Value(kDoubleMinAsDecimal).integral64Bit()); } } // namespace Value class All : public Suite { public: All() : Suite("document") {} void setupTests() { add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); } }; SuiteInstance myall; } // namespace DocumentTests