/** * Copyright (C) 2019-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression_function.h" namespace mongo { REGISTER_STABLE_EXPRESSION(function, ExpressionFunction::parse); ExpressionFunction::ExpressionFunction(ExpressionContext* const expCtx, boost::intrusive_ptr passedArgs, bool assignFirstArgToThis, std::string funcSource, std::string lang) : Expression(expCtx, {std::move(passedArgs)}), _passedArgs(_children[0]), _assignFirstArgToThis(assignFirstArgToThis), _funcSource(std::move(funcSource)), _lang(std::move(lang)) { expCtx->sbeCompatibility = SbeCompatibility::notCompatible; } Value ExpressionFunction::serialize(SerializationOptions options) const { MutableDocument innerOpts(Document{{"body"_sd, options.serializeLiteral(_funcSource)}, {"args"_sd, _passedArgs->serialize(options)}, // "lang" is purposefully not treated as a literal since it // is more of a selection of an enum {"lang"_sd, _lang}}); // This field will only be seralized when desugaring $where in $expr + $_internalJs if (_assignFirstArgToThis) { innerOpts["_internalSetObjToThis"] = options.serializeLiteral(_assignFirstArgToThis); } return Value(Document{{kExpressionName, innerOpts.freezeToValue()}}); } boost::intrusive_ptr ExpressionFunction::parse(ExpressionContext* const expCtx, BSONElement expr, const VariablesParseState& vps) { uassert(4660800, str::stream() << kExpressionName << " cannot be used inside a validator.", !expCtx->isParsingCollectionValidator); uassert(31260, str::stream() << kExpressionName << " requires an object as an argument, found: " << expr.type(), expr.type() == BSONType::Object); BSONElement bodyField = expr["body"]; uassert(31261, "The body function must be specified.", bodyField); boost::intrusive_ptr bodyExpr = Expression::parseOperand(expCtx, bodyField, vps); auto bodyConst = dynamic_cast(bodyExpr.get()); uassert(31432, "The body function must be a constant expression", bodyConst); auto bodyValue = bodyConst->getValue(); uassert(31262, "The body function must evaluate to type string or code", bodyValue.getType() == BSONType::String || bodyValue.getType() == BSONType::Code); BSONElement argsField = expr["args"]; uassert(31263, "The args field must be specified.", argsField); boost::intrusive_ptr argsExpr = parseOperand(expCtx, argsField, vps); // This element will be present when desugaring $where, only. BSONElement assignFirstArgToThis = expr["_internalSetObjToThis"]; BSONElement langField = expr["lang"]; uassert(31418, "The lang field must be specified.", langField); uassert(31419, "Currently the only supported language specifier is 'js'.", langField.type() == BSONType::String && langField.str() == kJavaScript); return new ExpressionFunction(expCtx, argsExpr, assignFirstArgToThis.trueValue(), bodyValue.coerceToString(), langField.str()); } Value ExpressionFunction::evaluate(const Document& root, Variables* variables) const { auto jsExec = getExpressionContext()->getJsExecWithScope(_assignFirstArgToThis); auto scope = jsExec->getScope(); // createFunction is memoized in MozJSImplScope, so it's ok to call this for each // eval call. ScriptingFunction func = jsExec->getScope()->createFunction(_funcSource.c_str()); uassert(31265, "The body function did not evaluate", func); auto argValue = _passedArgs->evaluate(root, variables); uassert(31266, "The args field must be of type array", argValue.getType() == BSONType::Array); // This logic exists to desugar $where into $expr + $function. In this case set the global obj // to this, to handle cases where the $where function references the current document through // obj. BSONObjBuilder bob; if (_assignFirstArgToThis) { // For defense-in-depth, The $where case will pass a field path expr carrying $$CURRENT as // the only element of the array. auto args = argValue.getArray(); uassert(31422, "field path $$CURRENT must be the only element in args", argValue.getArrayLength() == 1); BSONObj thisBSON = args[0].getDocument().toBson(); scope->setObject("obj", thisBSON); return jsExec->callFunction(func, bob.done(), thisBSON); } int argNum = 0; for (const auto& arg : argValue.getArray()) { arg.addToBsonObj(&bob, "arg" + std::to_string(argNum++)); } return jsExec->callFunction(func, bob.done(), {}); }; } // namespace mongo