/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsonmisc.h" #include "mongo/config.h" #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/db/json.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/accumulator.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/aggregation_context_fixture.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_value_test_util.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression_context_for_test.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/value_comparator.h" #include "mongo/dbtests/dbtests.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" namespace ExpressionTests { using boost::intrusive_ptr; using std::initializer_list; using std::numeric_limits; using std::pair; using std::set; using std::sort; using std::string; using std::vector; using std::list; /** * Creates an expression given by 'expressionName' and evaluates it using * 'operands' as inputs, returning the result. */ static Value evaluateExpression(const string& expressionName, const vector& operands) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; const BSONObj obj = BSON(expressionName << ImplicitValue::convertToValue(operands)); auto expression = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, obj, vps); Value result = expression->evaluate(Document()); return result; } /** * Takes the name of an expression as its first argument and a list of pairs of arguments and * expected results as its second argument, and asserts that for the given expression the arguments * evaluate to the expected results. */ static void assertExpectedResults( const string& expression, initializer_list, ImplicitValue>> operations) { for (auto&& op : operations) { try { Value result = evaluateExpression(expression, op.first); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(op.second, result); ASSERT_EQUALS(op.second.getType(), result.getType()); } catch (...) { log() << "failed with arguments: " << ImplicitValue::convertToValue(op.first); throw; } } } /** Convert BSONObj to a BSONObj with our $const wrappings. */ static BSONObj constify(const BSONObj& obj, bool parentIsArray = false) { BSONObjBuilder bob; for (BSONObjIterator itr(obj); itr.more(); itr.next()) { BSONElement elem = *itr; if (elem.type() == Object) { bob << elem.fieldName() << constify(elem.Obj(), false); } else if (elem.type() == Array && !parentIsArray) { // arrays within arrays are treated as constant values by the real // parser bob << elem.fieldName() << BSONArray(constify(elem.Obj(), true)); } else if (str::equals(elem.fieldName(), "$const") || (elem.type() == mongo::String && elem.valuestrsafe()[0] == '$')) { bob.append(elem); } else { bob.append(elem.fieldName(), BSON("$const" << elem)); } } return bob.obj(); } /** Check binary equality, ensuring use of the same numeric types. */ static void assertBinaryEqual(const BSONObj& expected, const BSONObj& actual) { ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(expected, actual); ASSERT(expected.binaryEqual(actual)); } /** Convert Value to a wrapped BSONObj with an empty string field name. */ static BSONObj toBson(const Value& value) { BSONObjBuilder bob; value.addToBsonObj(&bob, ""); return bob.obj(); } /** Convert Expression to BSON. */ static BSONObj expressionToBson(const intrusive_ptr& expression) { return BSON("" << expression->serialize(false)).firstElement().embeddedObject().getOwned(); } /** Convert Document to BSON. */ static BSONObj toBson(const Document& document) { return document.toBson(); } /** Create a Document from a BSONObj. */ Document fromBson(BSONObj obj) { return Document(obj); } /** Create a Value from a BSONObj. */ Value valueFromBson(BSONObj obj) { BSONElement element = obj.firstElement(); return Value(element); } template intrusive_ptr makeConstant(T&& val) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); return ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, Value(std::forward(val))); } class ExpressionBaseTest : public unittest::Test { public: void addOperand(intrusive_ptr expr, Value arg) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); expr->addOperand(ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, arg)); } }; class ExpressionNaryTestOneArg : public ExpressionBaseTest { public: virtual void assertEvaluates(Value input, Value output) { addOperand(_expr, input); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(output, _expr->evaluate(Document())); ASSERT_EQUALS(output.getType(), _expr->evaluate(Document()).getType()); } intrusive_ptr _expr; }; /* ------------------------- NaryExpression -------------------------- */ /** A dummy child of ExpressionNary used for testing. */ class Testable : public ExpressionNary { public: virtual Value evaluate(const Document& root) const { // Just put all the values in a list. // By default, this is not associative/commutative so the results will change if // instantiated as commutative or associative and operations are reordered. vector values; for (ExpressionVector::const_iterator i = vpOperand.begin(); i != vpOperand.end(); ++i) { values.push_back((*i)->evaluate(root)); } return Value(values); } virtual const char* getOpName() const { return "$testable"; } virtual bool isAssociative() const { return _isAssociative; } virtual bool isCommutative() const { return _isCommutative; } static intrusive_ptr create(bool associative, bool commutative) { return new Testable(associative, commutative); } private: Testable(bool isAssociative, bool isCommutative) : ExpressionNary( boost::intrusive_ptr(new ExpressionContextForTest())), _isAssociative(isAssociative), _isCommutative(isCommutative) {} bool _isAssociative; bool _isCommutative; }; class ExpressionNaryTest : public unittest::Test { public: virtual void setUp() override { _notAssociativeNorCommutative = Testable::create(false, false); _associativeOnly = Testable::create(true, false); _associativeAndCommutative = Testable::create(true, true); } protected: void assertDependencies(const intrusive_ptr& expr, const BSONArray& expectedDependencies) { DepsTracker dependencies; expr->addDependencies(&dependencies); BSONArrayBuilder dependenciesBson; for (set::const_iterator i = dependencies.fields.begin(); i != dependencies.fields.end(); ++i) { dependenciesBson << *i; } ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(expectedDependencies, dependenciesBson.arr()); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, dependencies.needWholeDocument); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, dependencies.getNeedTextScore()); } void assertContents(const intrusive_ptr& expr, const BSONArray& expectedContents) { ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(constify(BSON("$testable" << expectedContents)), expressionToBson(expr)); } void addOperandArrayToExpr(const intrusive_ptr& expr, const BSONArray& operands) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; BSONObjIterator i(operands); while (i.more()) { BSONElement element = i.next(); expr->addOperand(Expression::parseOperand(expCtx, element, vps)); } } intrusive_ptr _notAssociativeNorCommutative; intrusive_ptr _associativeOnly; intrusive_ptr _associativeAndCommutative; }; TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, AddedConstantOperandIsSerialized) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); _notAssociativeNorCommutative->addOperand(ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, Value(9))); assertContents(_notAssociativeNorCommutative, BSON_ARRAY(9)); } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, AddedFieldPathOperandIsSerialized) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); _notAssociativeNorCommutative->addOperand(ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "ab.c")); assertContents(_notAssociativeNorCommutative, BSON_ARRAY("$ab.c")); } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, ValidateEmptyDependencies) { assertDependencies(_notAssociativeNorCommutative, BSONArray()); } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, ValidateConstantExpressionDependency) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); _notAssociativeNorCommutative->addOperand(ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, Value(1))); assertDependencies(_notAssociativeNorCommutative, BSONArray()); } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, ValidateFieldPathExpressionDependency) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); _notAssociativeNorCommutative->addOperand(ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "ab.c")); assertDependencies(_notAssociativeNorCommutative, BSON_ARRAY("ab.c")); } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, ValidateObjectExpressionDependency) { BSONObj spec = BSON("" << BSON("a" << "$x" << "q" << "$r")); intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); BSONElement specElement = spec.firstElement(); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; _notAssociativeNorCommutative->addOperand( Expression::parseObject(expCtx, specElement.Obj(), vps)); assertDependencies(_notAssociativeNorCommutative, BSON_ARRAY("r" << "x")); } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, SerializationToBsonObj) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); _notAssociativeNorCommutative->addOperand(ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, Value(5))); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("foo" << BSON("$testable" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$const" << 5)))), BSON("foo" << _notAssociativeNorCommutative->serialize(false))); } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, SerializationToBsonArr) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); _notAssociativeNorCommutative->addOperand(ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, Value(5))); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(constify(BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$testable" << BSON_ARRAY(5)))), BSON_ARRAY(_notAssociativeNorCommutative->serialize(false))); } // Verify that the internal operands are optimized TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, InternalOperandOptimizationIsDone) { BSONArray spec = BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$and" << BSONArray()) << "$abc"); addOperandArrayToExpr(_notAssociativeNorCommutative, spec); assertContents(_notAssociativeNorCommutative, spec); ASSERT(_notAssociativeNorCommutative == _notAssociativeNorCommutative->optimize()); assertContents(_notAssociativeNorCommutative, BSON_ARRAY(true << "$abc")); } // Verify that if all the operands are constants, the expression is replaced // by a constant value equivalent to the expression applied to the operands. TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, AllConstantOperandOptimization) { BSONArray spec = BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2); addOperandArrayToExpr(_notAssociativeNorCommutative, spec); assertContents(_notAssociativeNorCommutative, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _notAssociativeNorCommutative->optimize(); ASSERT(_notAssociativeNorCommutative != optimized); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("$const" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2)), expressionToBson(optimized)); } // Verify that the optimization of grouping constant and non-constant operands // and then applying the expression to the constant operands to reduce them to // one constant operand is only applied if the expression is associative and // commutative. TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, GroupingOptimizationOnNotCommutativeNorAssociative) { BSONArray spec = BSON_ARRAY(55 << 66 << "$path"); addOperandArrayToExpr(_notAssociativeNorCommutative, spec); assertContents(_notAssociativeNorCommutative, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _notAssociativeNorCommutative->optimize(); ASSERT(_notAssociativeNorCommutative == optimized); assertContents(_notAssociativeNorCommutative, spec); } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, GroupingOptimizationOnAssociativeOnlyFrontOperands) { BSONArray spec = BSON_ARRAY(55 << 66 << "$path"); addOperandArrayToExpr(_associativeOnly, spec); assertContents(_associativeOnly, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _associativeOnly->optimize(); ASSERT(_associativeOnly == optimized); assertContents(_associativeOnly, BSON_ARRAY(BSON_ARRAY(55 << 66) << "$path")); } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, GroupingOptimizationOnAssociativeOnlyMiddleOperands) { BSONArray spec = BSON_ARRAY("$path1" << 55 << 66 << "$path"); addOperandArrayToExpr(_associativeOnly, spec); assertContents(_associativeOnly, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _associativeOnly->optimize(); ASSERT(_associativeOnly == optimized); assertContents(_associativeOnly, BSON_ARRAY("$path1" << BSON_ARRAY(55 << 66) << "$path")); } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, GroupingOptimizationOnAssociativeOnlyBackOperands) { BSONArray spec = BSON_ARRAY("$path" << 55 << 66); addOperandArrayToExpr(_associativeOnly, spec); assertContents(_associativeOnly, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _associativeOnly->optimize(); ASSERT(_associativeOnly == optimized); assertContents(_associativeOnly, BSON_ARRAY("$path" << BSON_ARRAY(55 << 66))); } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, GroupingOptimizationOnAssociativeOnlyNotExecuteOnSingleConstantsFront) { BSONArray spec = BSON_ARRAY(55 << "$path"); addOperandArrayToExpr(_associativeOnly, spec); assertContents(_associativeOnly, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _associativeOnly->optimize(); ASSERT(_associativeOnly == optimized); assertContents(_associativeOnly, BSON_ARRAY(55 << "$path")); } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, GroupingOptimizationOnAssociativeOnlyNotExecuteOnSingleConstantsMiddle) { BSONArray spec = BSON_ARRAY("$path1" << 55 << "$path2"); addOperandArrayToExpr(_associativeOnly, spec); assertContents(_associativeOnly, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _associativeOnly->optimize(); ASSERT(_associativeOnly == optimized); assertContents(_associativeOnly, BSON_ARRAY("$path1" << 55 << "$path2")); } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, GroupingOptimizationOnAssociativeOnlyNotExecuteOnSingleConstantsBack) { BSONArray spec = BSON_ARRAY("$path" << 55); addOperandArrayToExpr(_associativeOnly, spec); assertContents(_associativeOnly, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _associativeOnly->optimize(); ASSERT(_associativeOnly == optimized); assertContents(_associativeOnly, BSON_ARRAY("$path" << 55)); } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, GroupingOptimizationOnCommutativeAndAssociative) { BSONArray spec = BSON_ARRAY(55 << 66 << "$path"); addOperandArrayToExpr(_associativeAndCommutative, spec); assertContents(_associativeAndCommutative, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _associativeAndCommutative->optimize(); ASSERT(_associativeAndCommutative == optimized); assertContents(_associativeAndCommutative, BSON_ARRAY("$path" << BSON_ARRAY(55 << 66))); } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, FlattenOptimizationNotDoneOnOtherExpressionsForAssociativeExpressions) { BSONArray spec = BSON_ARRAY(66 << "$path" << BSON("$sum" << BSON_ARRAY("$path" << 2))); addOperandArrayToExpr(_associativeOnly, spec); assertContents(_associativeOnly, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _associativeOnly->optimize(); ASSERT(_associativeOnly == optimized); assertContents(_associativeOnly, spec); } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, FlattenOptimizationNotDoneOnSameButNotAssociativeExpression) { BSONArrayBuilder specBuilder; intrusive_ptr innerOperand = Testable::create(false, false); addOperandArrayToExpr(innerOperand, BSON_ARRAY(100 << "$path1" << 101)); specBuilder.append(expressionToBson(innerOperand)); _associativeOnly->addOperand(innerOperand); addOperandArrayToExpr(_associativeOnly, BSON_ARRAY(99 << "$path2")); specBuilder << 99 << "$path2"; BSONArray spec = specBuilder.arr(); assertContents(_associativeOnly, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _associativeOnly->optimize(); ASSERT(_associativeOnly == optimized); assertContents(_associativeOnly, spec); } // Test that if there is an expression of the same type in a non-commutative nor associative // expression, the inner expression is not expanded. // {"$testable" : [ { "$testable" : [ 100, "$path1"] }, 99, "$path2"] } is optimized to: // {"$testable" : [ { "$testable" : [ 100, "$path1"] }, 99, "$path2"] } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, FlattenInnerOperandsOptimizationOnNotCommutativeNorAssociative) { BSONArrayBuilder specBuilder; intrusive_ptr innerOperand = Testable::create(false, false); addOperandArrayToExpr(innerOperand, BSON_ARRAY(100 << "$path1")); specBuilder.append(expressionToBson(innerOperand)); _notAssociativeNorCommutative->addOperand(innerOperand); addOperandArrayToExpr(_notAssociativeNorCommutative, BSON_ARRAY(99 << "$path2")); specBuilder << 99 << "$path2"; BSONArray spec = specBuilder.arr(); assertContents(_notAssociativeNorCommutative, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _notAssociativeNorCommutative->optimize(); ASSERT(_notAssociativeNorCommutative == optimized); assertContents(_notAssociativeNorCommutative, spec); } // Test that if there is an expression of the same type as the first operand // in a non-commutative but associative expression, the inner expression is expanded. // Also, there shouldn't be any grouping of the operands. // {"$testable" : [ { "$testable" : [ 100, "$path1"] }, 99, "$path2"] } is optimized to: // {"$testable" : [ 100, "$path1", 99, "$path2"] } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, FlattenInnerOperandsOptimizationOnAssociativeOnlyFrontOperandNoGroup) { BSONArrayBuilder specBuilder; intrusive_ptr innerOperand = Testable::create(true, false); addOperandArrayToExpr(innerOperand, BSON_ARRAY(100 << "$path1")); specBuilder.append(expressionToBson(innerOperand)); _associativeOnly->addOperand(innerOperand); addOperandArrayToExpr(_associativeOnly, BSON_ARRAY(99 << "$path2")); specBuilder << 99 << "$path2"; BSONArray spec = specBuilder.arr(); assertContents(_associativeOnly, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _associativeOnly->optimize(); ASSERT(_associativeOnly == optimized); BSONArray expectedContent = BSON_ARRAY(100 << "$path1" << 99 << "$path2"); assertContents(_associativeOnly, expectedContent); } // Test that if there is an expression of the same type as the first operand // in a non-commutative but associative expression, the inner expression is expanded. // Partial collapsing optimization should be applied to the operands. // {"$testable" : [ { "$testable" : [ 100, "$path1", 101] }, 99, "$path2"] } is optimized to: // {"$testable" : [ 100, "$path1", [101, 99], "$path2"] } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, FlattenInnerOperandsOptimizationOnAssociativeOnlyFrontOperandAndGroup) { BSONArrayBuilder specBuilder; intrusive_ptr innerOperand = Testable::create(true, false); addOperandArrayToExpr(innerOperand, BSON_ARRAY(100 << "$path1" << 101)); specBuilder.append(expressionToBson(innerOperand)); _associativeOnly->addOperand(innerOperand); addOperandArrayToExpr(_associativeOnly, BSON_ARRAY(99 << "$path2")); specBuilder << 99 << "$path2"; BSONArray spec = specBuilder.arr(); assertContents(_associativeOnly, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _associativeOnly->optimize(); ASSERT(_associativeOnly == optimized); BSONArray expectedContent = BSON_ARRAY(100 << "$path1" << BSON_ARRAY(101 << 99) << "$path2"); assertContents(_associativeOnly, expectedContent); } // Test that if there is an expression of the same type in the middle of the operands // in a non-commutative but associative expression, the inner expression is expanded. // Partial collapsing optimization should not be applied to the operands. // {"$testable" : [ 200, "$path3", { "$testable" : [ 100, "$path1"] }, 99, "$path2"] } is // optimized to: {"$testable" : [ 200, "$path3", 100, "$path1", 99, "$path2"] } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, FlattenInnerOperandsOptimizationOnAssociativeOnlyMiddleOperandNoGroup) { BSONArrayBuilder specBuilder; addOperandArrayToExpr(_associativeOnly, BSON_ARRAY(200 << "$path3")); specBuilder << 200 << "$path3"; intrusive_ptr innerOperand = Testable::create(true, false); addOperandArrayToExpr(innerOperand, BSON_ARRAY(100 << "$path1")); specBuilder.append(expressionToBson(innerOperand)); _associativeOnly->addOperand(innerOperand); addOperandArrayToExpr(_associativeOnly, BSON_ARRAY(99 << "$path2")); specBuilder << 99 << "$path2"; BSONArray spec = specBuilder.arr(); assertContents(_associativeOnly, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _associativeOnly->optimize(); ASSERT(_associativeOnly == optimized); BSONArray expectedContent = BSON_ARRAY(200 << "$path3" << 100 << "$path1" << 99 << "$path2"); assertContents(_associativeOnly, expectedContent); } // Test that if there is an expression of the same type in the middle of the operands // in a non-commutative but associative expression, the inner expression is expanded. // Partial collapsing optimization should be applied to the operands. // {"$testable" : [ 200, "$path3", 201 { "$testable" : [ 100, "$path1", 101] }, 99, "$path2"] } is // optimized to: {"$testable" : [ 200, "$path3", [201, 100], "$path1", [101, 99], "$path2"] } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, FlattenInnerOperandsOptimizationOnAssociativeOnlyMiddleOperandAndGroup) { BSONArrayBuilder specBuilder; addOperandArrayToExpr(_associativeOnly, BSON_ARRAY(200 << "$path3" << 201)); specBuilder << 200 << "$path3" << 201; intrusive_ptr innerOperand = Testable::create(true, false); addOperandArrayToExpr(innerOperand, BSON_ARRAY(100 << "$path1" << 101)); specBuilder.append(expressionToBson(innerOperand)); _associativeOnly->addOperand(innerOperand); addOperandArrayToExpr(_associativeOnly, BSON_ARRAY(99 << "$path2")); specBuilder << 99 << "$path2"; BSONArray spec = specBuilder.arr(); assertContents(_associativeOnly, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _associativeOnly->optimize(); ASSERT(_associativeOnly == optimized); BSONArray expectedContent = BSON_ARRAY( 200 << "$path3" << BSON_ARRAY(201 << 100) << "$path1" << BSON_ARRAY(101 << 99) << "$path2"); assertContents(_associativeOnly, expectedContent); } // Test that if there is an expression of the same type in the back of the operands in a // non-commutative but associative expression, the inner expression is expanded. // Partial collapsing optimization should not be applied to the operands. // {"$testable" : [ 200, "$path3", { "$testable" : [ 100, "$path1"] }] } is // optimized to: {"$testable" : [ 200, "$path3", 100, "$path1"] } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, FlattenInnerOperandsOptimizationOnAssociativeOnlyBackOperandNoGroup) { BSONArrayBuilder specBuilder; addOperandArrayToExpr(_associativeOnly, BSON_ARRAY(200 << "$path3")); specBuilder << 200 << "$path3"; intrusive_ptr innerOperand = Testable::create(true, false); addOperandArrayToExpr(innerOperand, BSON_ARRAY(100 << "$path1")); specBuilder.append(expressionToBson(innerOperand)); _associativeOnly->addOperand(innerOperand); BSONArray spec = specBuilder.arr(); assertContents(_associativeOnly, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _associativeOnly->optimize(); ASSERT(_associativeOnly == optimized); BSONArray expectedContent = BSON_ARRAY(200 << "$path3" << 100 << "$path1"); assertContents(_associativeOnly, expectedContent); } // Test that if there is an expression of the same type in the back of the operands in a // non-commutative but associative expression, the inner expression is expanded. // Partial collapsing optimization should be applied to the operands. // {"$testable" : [ 200, "$path3", 201, { "$testable" : [ 100, "$path1", 101] }] } is // optimized to: {"$testable" : [ 200, "$path3", [201, 100], "$path1", 101] } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, FlattenInnerOperandsOptimizationOnAssociativeOnlyBackOperandAndGroup) { BSONArrayBuilder specBuilder; addOperandArrayToExpr(_associativeOnly, BSON_ARRAY(200 << "$path3" << 201)); specBuilder << 200 << "$path3" << 201; intrusive_ptr innerOperand = Testable::create(true, false); addOperandArrayToExpr(innerOperand, BSON_ARRAY(100 << "$path1" << 101)); specBuilder.append(expressionToBson(innerOperand)); _associativeOnly->addOperand(innerOperand); BSONArray spec = specBuilder.arr(); assertContents(_associativeOnly, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _associativeOnly->optimize(); ASSERT(_associativeOnly == optimized); BSONArray expectedContent = BSON_ARRAY(200 << "$path3" << BSON_ARRAY(201 << 100) << "$path1" << 101); assertContents(_associativeOnly, expectedContent); } // Test that if there are two consecutive inner expressions of the same type in a non-commutative // but associative expression, both expressions are correctly flattened. // Partial collapsing optimization should not be applied to the operands. // {"$testable" : [ { "$testable" : [ 100, "$path1"] }, { "$testable" : [ 200, "$path2"] }] } is // optimized to: {"$testable" : [ 100, "$path1", 200, "$path2"] } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, FlattenConsecutiveInnerOperandsOptimizationOnAssociativeOnlyNoGroup) { BSONArrayBuilder specBuilder; intrusive_ptr innerOperand = Testable::create(true, false); addOperandArrayToExpr(innerOperand, BSON_ARRAY(100 << "$path1")); specBuilder.append(expressionToBson(innerOperand)); _associativeOnly->addOperand(innerOperand); intrusive_ptr innerOperand2 = Testable::create(true, false); addOperandArrayToExpr(innerOperand2, BSON_ARRAY(200 << "$path2")); specBuilder.append(expressionToBson(innerOperand2)); _associativeOnly->addOperand(innerOperand2); BSONArray spec = specBuilder.arr(); assertContents(_associativeOnly, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _associativeOnly->optimize(); ASSERT(_associativeOnly == optimized); BSONArray expectedContent = BSON_ARRAY(100 << "$path1" << 200 << "$path2"); assertContents(_associativeOnly, expectedContent); } // Test that if there are two consecutive inner expressions of the same type in a non-commutative // but associative expression, both expressions are correctly flattened. // Partial collapsing optimization should be applied to the operands. // {"$testable" : [ { "$testable" : [ 100, "$path1", 101] }, { "$testable" : [ 200, "$path2"] }] } // is optimized to: {"$testable" : [ 100, "$path1", [ 101, 200], "$path2"] } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, FlattenConsecutiveInnerOperandsOptimizationOnAssociativeAndGroup) { BSONArrayBuilder specBuilder; intrusive_ptr innerOperand = Testable::create(true, false); addOperandArrayToExpr(innerOperand, BSON_ARRAY(100 << "$path1" << 101)); specBuilder.append(expressionToBson(innerOperand)); _associativeOnly->addOperand(innerOperand); intrusive_ptr innerOperand2 = Testable::create(true, false); addOperandArrayToExpr(innerOperand2, BSON_ARRAY(200 << "$path2")); specBuilder.append(expressionToBson(innerOperand2)); _associativeOnly->addOperand(innerOperand2); BSONArray spec = specBuilder.arr(); assertContents(_associativeOnly, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _associativeOnly->optimize(); ASSERT(_associativeOnly == optimized); BSONArray expectedContent = BSON_ARRAY(100 << "$path1" << BSON_ARRAY(101 << 200) << "$path2"); assertContents(_associativeOnly, expectedContent); } // Test that inner expressions are correctly flattened and constant operands re-arranged and // collapsed when using a commutative and associative expression. // {"$testable" : [ 200, "$path3", 201, { "$testable" : [ 100, "$path1", 101] }, 99, "$path2"] } is // optimized to: {"$testable" : [ "$path3", "$path1", "$path2", [200, 201, [ 100, 101], 99] ] } TEST_F(ExpressionNaryTest, FlattenInnerOperandsOptimizationOnCommutativeAndAssociative) { BSONArrayBuilder specBuilder; addOperandArrayToExpr(_associativeAndCommutative, BSON_ARRAY(200 << "$path3" << 201)); specBuilder << 200 << "$path3" << 201; intrusive_ptr innerOperand = Testable::create(true, true); addOperandArrayToExpr(innerOperand, BSON_ARRAY(100 << "$path1" << 101)); specBuilder.append(expressionToBson(innerOperand)); _associativeAndCommutative->addOperand(innerOperand); addOperandArrayToExpr(_associativeAndCommutative, BSON_ARRAY(99 << "$path2")); specBuilder << 99 << "$path2"; BSONArray spec = specBuilder.arr(); assertContents(_associativeAndCommutative, spec); intrusive_ptr optimized = _associativeAndCommutative->optimize(); ASSERT(_associativeAndCommutative == optimized); BSONArray expectedContent = BSON_ARRAY("$path3" << "$path1" << "$path2" << BSON_ARRAY(200 << 201 << BSON_ARRAY(100 << 101) << 99)); assertContents(_associativeAndCommutative, expectedContent); } /* ------------------------- ExpressionCeil -------------------------- */ class ExpressionCeilTest : public ExpressionNaryTestOneArg { public: virtual void assertEvaluates(Value input, Value output) override { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); _expr = new ExpressionCeil(expCtx); ExpressionNaryTestOneArg::assertEvaluates(input, output); } }; TEST_F(ExpressionCeilTest, IntArg) { assertEvaluates(Value(0), Value(0)); assertEvaluates(Value(numeric_limits::min()), Value(numeric_limits::min())); assertEvaluates(Value(numeric_limits::max()), Value(numeric_limits::max())); } TEST_F(ExpressionCeilTest, LongArg) { assertEvaluates(Value(0LL), Value(0LL)); assertEvaluates(Value(numeric_limits::min()), Value(numeric_limits::min())); assertEvaluates(Value(numeric_limits::max()), Value(numeric_limits::max())); } TEST_F(ExpressionCeilTest, DoubleArg) { assertEvaluates(Value(2.0), Value(2.0)); assertEvaluates(Value(-2.0), Value(-2.0)); assertEvaluates(Value(0.9), Value(1.0)); assertEvaluates(Value(0.1), Value(1.0)); assertEvaluates(Value(-1.2), Value(-1.0)); assertEvaluates(Value(-1.7), Value(-1.0)); // Outside the range of long longs (there isn't enough precision for decimals in this range, so // ceil should just preserve the number). double largerThanLong = numeric_limits::max() * 2.0; assertEvaluates(Value(largerThanLong), Value(largerThanLong)); double smallerThanLong = numeric_limits::min() * 2.0; assertEvaluates(Value(smallerThanLong), Value(smallerThanLong)); } TEST_F(ExpressionCeilTest, DecimalArg) { assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("2")), Value(Decimal128("2.0"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("-2")), Value(Decimal128("-2.0"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("0.9")), Value(Decimal128("1.0"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("0.1")), Value(Decimal128("1.0"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("-1.2")), Value(Decimal128("-1.0"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("-1.7")), Value(Decimal128("-1.0"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("1234567889.000000000000000000000001")), Value(Decimal128("1234567890"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("-99999999999999999999999999999.99")), Value(Decimal128("-99999999999999999999999999999.00"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("3.4E-6000")), Value(Decimal128("1"))); } TEST_F(ExpressionCeilTest, NullArg) { assertEvaluates(Value(BSONNULL), Value(BSONNULL)); } /* ------------------------- ExpressionFloor -------------------------- */ class ExpressionFloorTest : public ExpressionNaryTestOneArg { public: virtual void assertEvaluates(Value input, Value output) override { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); _expr = new ExpressionFloor(expCtx); ExpressionNaryTestOneArg::assertEvaluates(input, output); } }; TEST_F(ExpressionFloorTest, IntArg) { assertEvaluates(Value(0), Value(0)); assertEvaluates(Value(numeric_limits::min()), Value(numeric_limits::min())); assertEvaluates(Value(numeric_limits::max()), Value(numeric_limits::max())); } TEST_F(ExpressionFloorTest, LongArg) { assertEvaluates(Value(0LL), Value(0LL)); assertEvaluates(Value(numeric_limits::min()), Value(numeric_limits::min())); assertEvaluates(Value(numeric_limits::max()), Value(numeric_limits::max())); } TEST_F(ExpressionFloorTest, DoubleArg) { assertEvaluates(Value(2.0), Value(2.0)); assertEvaluates(Value(-2.0), Value(-2.0)); assertEvaluates(Value(0.9), Value(0.0)); assertEvaluates(Value(0.1), Value(0.0)); assertEvaluates(Value(-1.2), Value(-2.0)); assertEvaluates(Value(-1.7), Value(-2.0)); // Outside the range of long longs (there isn't enough precision for decimals in this range, so // floor should just preserve the number). double largerThanLong = numeric_limits::max() * 2.0; assertEvaluates(Value(largerThanLong), Value(largerThanLong)); double smallerThanLong = numeric_limits::min() * 2.0; assertEvaluates(Value(smallerThanLong), Value(smallerThanLong)); } TEST_F(ExpressionFloorTest, DecimalArg) { assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("2")), Value(Decimal128("2.0"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("-2")), Value(Decimal128("-2.0"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("0.9")), Value(Decimal128("0.0"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("0.1")), Value(Decimal128("0.0"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("-1.2")), Value(Decimal128("-2.0"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("-1.7")), Value(Decimal128("-2.0"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("1234567890.000000000000000000000001")), Value(Decimal128("1234567890"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("-99999999999999999999999999999.99")), Value(Decimal128("-100000000000000000000000000000"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("3.4E-6000")), Value(Decimal128("0"))); } TEST_F(ExpressionFloorTest, NullArg) { assertEvaluates(Value(BSONNULL), Value(BSONNULL)); } /* ------------------------ ExpressionRange --------------------------- */ TEST(ExpressionRangeTest, ComputesStandardRange) { assertExpectedResults("$range", {{{Value(0), Value(3)}, Value(BSON_ARRAY(0 << 1 << 2))}}); } TEST(ExpressionRangeTest, ComputesRangeWithStep) { assertExpectedResults("$range", {{{Value(0), Value(6), Value(2)}, Value(BSON_ARRAY(0 << 2 << 4))}}); } TEST(ExpressionRangeTest, ComputesReverseRange) { assertExpectedResults("$range", {{{Value(0), Value(-3), Value(-1)}, Value(BSON_ARRAY(0 << -1 << -2))}}); } TEST(ExpressionRangeTest, ComputesRangeWithPositiveAndNegative) { assertExpectedResults("$range", {{{Value(-2), Value(3)}, Value(BSON_ARRAY(-2 << -1 << 0 << 1 << 2))}}); } TEST(ExpressionRangeTest, ComputesEmptyRange) { assertExpectedResults("$range", {{{Value(-2), Value(3), Value(-1)}, Value(std::vector())}}); } TEST(ExpressionRangeTest, ComputesRangeWithSameStartAndEnd) { assertExpectedResults("$range", {{{Value(20), Value(20)}, Value(std::vector())}}); } TEST(ExpressionRangeTest, ComputesRangeWithLargeNegativeStep) { assertExpectedResults("$range", {{{Value(3), Value(-5), Value(-3)}, Value(BSON_ARRAY(3 << 0 << -3))}}); } /* ------------------------ ExpressionReverseArray -------------------- */ TEST(ExpressionReverseArrayTest, ReversesNormalArray) { assertExpectedResults("$reverseArray", {{{Value(BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2 << 3))}, Value(BSON_ARRAY(3 << 2 << 1))}}); } TEST(ExpressionReverseArrayTest, ReversesEmptyArray) { assertExpectedResults("$reverseArray", {{{Value(std::vector())}, Value(std::vector())}}); } TEST(ExpressionReverseArrayTest, ReversesOneElementArray) { assertExpectedResults("$reverseArray", {{{Value(BSON_ARRAY(1))}, Value(BSON_ARRAY(1))}}); } TEST(ExpressionReverseArrayTest, ReturnsNullWithNullishInput) { assertExpectedResults( "$reverseArray", {{{Value(BSONNULL)}, Value(BSONNULL)}, {{Value(BSONUndefined)}, Value(BSONNULL)}}); } /* ------------------------- ExpressionTrunc -------------------------- */ class ExpressionTruncTest : public ExpressionNaryTestOneArg { public: virtual void assertEvaluates(Value input, Value output) override { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); _expr = new ExpressionTrunc(expCtx); ExpressionNaryTestOneArg::assertEvaluates(input, output); } }; TEST_F(ExpressionTruncTest, IntArg) { assertEvaluates(Value(0), Value(0)); assertEvaluates(Value(numeric_limits::min()), Value(numeric_limits::min())); assertEvaluates(Value(numeric_limits::max()), Value(numeric_limits::max())); } TEST_F(ExpressionTruncTest, LongArg) { assertEvaluates(Value(0LL), Value(0LL)); assertEvaluates(Value(numeric_limits::min()), Value(numeric_limits::min())); assertEvaluates(Value(numeric_limits::max()), Value(numeric_limits::max())); } TEST_F(ExpressionTruncTest, DoubleArg) { assertEvaluates(Value(2.0), Value(2.0)); assertEvaluates(Value(-2.0), Value(-2.0)); assertEvaluates(Value(0.9), Value(0.0)); assertEvaluates(Value(0.1), Value(0.0)); assertEvaluates(Value(-1.2), Value(-1.0)); assertEvaluates(Value(-1.7), Value(-1.0)); // Outside the range of long longs (there isn't enough precision for decimals in this range, so // should just preserve the number). double largerThanLong = numeric_limits::max() * 2.0; assertEvaluates(Value(largerThanLong), Value(largerThanLong)); double smallerThanLong = numeric_limits::min() * 2.0; assertEvaluates(Value(smallerThanLong), Value(smallerThanLong)); } TEST_F(ExpressionTruncTest, DecimalArg) { assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("2")), Value(Decimal128("2.0"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("-2")), Value(Decimal128("-2.0"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("0.9")), Value(Decimal128("0.0"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("0.1")), Value(Decimal128("0.0"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("-1.2")), Value(Decimal128("-1.0"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("-1.7")), Value(Decimal128("-1.0"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("123456789.9999999999999999999999999")), Value(Decimal128("123456789"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("-99999999999999999999999999999.99")), Value(Decimal128("-99999999999999999999999999999.00"))); assertEvaluates(Value(Decimal128("3.4E-6000")), Value(Decimal128("0"))); } TEST_F(ExpressionTruncTest, NullArg) { assertEvaluates(Value(BSONNULL), Value(BSONNULL)); } /* ------------------------- Old-style tests -------------------------- */ namespace Add { class ExpectedResultBase { public: virtual ~ExpectedResultBase() {} void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = new ExpressionAdd(expCtx); populateOperands(expression); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(expectedResult(), toBson(expression->evaluate(Document()))); } protected: virtual void populateOperands(intrusive_ptr& expression) = 0; virtual BSONObj expectedResult() = 0; }; /** $add with a NULL Document pointer, as called by ExpressionNary::optimize(). */ class NullDocument { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = new ExpressionAdd(expCtx); expression->addOperand(ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, Value(2))); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("" << 2), toBson(expression->evaluate(Document()))); } }; /** $add without operands. */ class NoOperands : public ExpectedResultBase { void populateOperands(intrusive_ptr& expression) {} virtual BSONObj expectedResult() { return BSON("" << 0); } }; /** String type unsupported. */ class String { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = new ExpressionAdd(expCtx); expression->addOperand(ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, Value("a"_sd))); ASSERT_THROWS(expression->evaluate(Document()), AssertionException); } }; /** Bool type unsupported. */ class Bool { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = new ExpressionAdd(expCtx); expression->addOperand(ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, Value(true))); ASSERT_THROWS(expression->evaluate(Document()), AssertionException); } }; class SingleOperandBase : public ExpectedResultBase { void populateOperands(intrusive_ptr& expression) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); expression->addOperand(ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, valueFromBson(operand()))); } BSONObj expectedResult() { return operand(); } protected: virtual BSONObj operand() = 0; }; /** Single int argument. */ class Int : public SingleOperandBase { BSONObj operand() { return BSON("" << 1); } }; /** Single long argument. */ class Long : public SingleOperandBase { BSONObj operand() { return BSON("" << 5555LL); } }; /** Single double argument. */ class Double : public SingleOperandBase { BSONObj operand() { return BSON("" << 99.99); } }; /** Single Date argument. */ class Date : public SingleOperandBase { BSONObj operand() { return BSON("" << Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(12345)); } }; /** Single null argument. */ class Null : public SingleOperandBase { BSONObj operand() { return BSON("" << BSONNULL); } BSONObj expectedResult() { return BSON("" << BSONNULL); } }; /** Single undefined argument. */ class Undefined : public SingleOperandBase { BSONObj operand() { return fromjson("{'':undefined}"); } BSONObj expectedResult() { return BSON("" << BSONNULL); } }; class TwoOperandBase : public ExpectedResultBase { public: TwoOperandBase() : _reverse() {} void run() { ExpectedResultBase::run(); // Now add the operands in the reverse direction. _reverse = true; ExpectedResultBase::run(); } protected: void populateOperands(intrusive_ptr& expression) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); expression->addOperand( ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, valueFromBson(_reverse ? operand2() : operand1()))); expression->addOperand( ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, valueFromBson(_reverse ? operand1() : operand2()))); } virtual BSONObj operand1() = 0; virtual BSONObj operand2() = 0; private: bool _reverse; }; /** Add two ints. */ class IntInt : public TwoOperandBase { BSONObj operand1() { return BSON("" << 1); } BSONObj operand2() { return BSON("" << 5); } BSONObj expectedResult() { return BSON("" << 6); } }; /** Adding two large ints produces a long, not an overflowed int. */ class IntIntNoOverflow : public TwoOperandBase { BSONObj operand1() { return BSON("" << numeric_limits::max()); } BSONObj operand2() { return BSON("" << numeric_limits::max()); } BSONObj expectedResult() { return BSON("" << ((long long)(numeric_limits::max()) + numeric_limits::max())); } }; /** Adding an int and a long produces a long. */ class IntLong : public TwoOperandBase { BSONObj operand1() { return BSON("" << 1); } BSONObj operand2() { return BSON("" << 9LL); } BSONObj expectedResult() { return BSON("" << 10LL); } }; /** Adding an int and a long produces a double. */ class IntLongOverflowToDouble : public TwoOperandBase { BSONObj operand1() { return BSON("" << numeric_limits::max()); } BSONObj operand2() { return BSON("" << numeric_limits::max()); } BSONObj expectedResult() { // When the result cannot be represented in a NumberLong, a NumberDouble is returned. const auto im = numeric_limits::max(); const auto llm = numeric_limits::max(); double result = static_cast(im) + static_cast(llm); return BSON("" << result); } }; /** Adding an int and a double produces a double. */ class IntDouble : public TwoOperandBase { BSONObj operand1() { return BSON("" << 9); } BSONObj operand2() { return BSON("" << 1.1); } BSONObj expectedResult() { return BSON("" << 10.1); } }; /** Adding an int and a Date produces a Date. */ class IntDate : public TwoOperandBase { BSONObj operand1() { return BSON("" << 6); } BSONObj operand2() { return BSON("" << Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(123450)); } BSONObj expectedResult() { return BSON("" << Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(123456)); } }; /** Adding a long and a double produces a double. */ class LongDouble : public TwoOperandBase { BSONObj operand1() { return BSON("" << 9LL); } BSONObj operand2() { return BSON("" << 1.1); } BSONObj expectedResult() { return BSON("" << 10.1); } }; /** Adding a long and a double does not overflow. */ class LongDoubleNoOverflow : public TwoOperandBase { BSONObj operand1() { return BSON("" << numeric_limits::max()); } BSONObj operand2() { return BSON("" << double(numeric_limits::max())); } BSONObj expectedResult() { return BSON("" << numeric_limits::max() + double(numeric_limits::max())); } }; /** Adding an int and null. */ class IntNull : public TwoOperandBase { BSONObj operand1() { return BSON("" << 1); } BSONObj operand2() { return BSON("" << BSONNULL); } BSONObj expectedResult() { return BSON("" << BSONNULL); } }; /** Adding a long and undefined. */ class LongUndefined : public TwoOperandBase { BSONObj operand1() { return BSON("" << 5LL); } BSONObj operand2() { return fromjson("{'':undefined}"); } BSONObj expectedResult() { return BSON("" << BSONNULL); } }; } // namespace Add namespace And { class ExpectedResultBase { public: virtual ~ExpectedResultBase() {} void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); BSONObj specObject = BSON("" << spec()); BSONElement specElement = specObject.firstElement(); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; intrusive_ptr expression = Expression::parseOperand(expCtx, specElement, vps); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(constify(spec()), expressionToBson(expression)); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("" << expectedResult()), toBson(expression->evaluate(fromBson(BSON("a" << 1))))); intrusive_ptr optimized = expression->optimize(); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("" << expectedResult()), toBson(optimized->evaluate(fromBson(BSON("a" << 1))))); } protected: virtual BSONObj spec() = 0; virtual bool expectedResult() = 0; }; class OptimizeBase { public: virtual ~OptimizeBase() {} void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); BSONObj specObject = BSON("" << spec()); BSONElement specElement = specObject.firstElement(); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; intrusive_ptr expression = Expression::parseOperand(expCtx, specElement, vps); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(constify(spec()), expressionToBson(expression)); intrusive_ptr optimized = expression->optimize(); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(expectedOptimized(), expressionToBson(optimized)); } protected: virtual BSONObj spec() = 0; virtual BSONObj expectedOptimized() = 0; }; class NoOptimizeBase : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return constify(spec()); } }; /** $and without operands. */ class NoOperands : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSONArray()); } bool expectedResult() { return true; } }; /** $and passed 'true'. */ class True : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(true)); } bool expectedResult() { return true; } }; /** $and passed 'false'. */ class False : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(false)); } bool expectedResult() { return false; } }; /** $and passed 'true', 'true'. */ class TrueTrue : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(true << true)); } bool expectedResult() { return true; } }; /** $and passed 'true', 'false'. */ class TrueFalse : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(true << false)); } bool expectedResult() { return false; } }; /** $and passed 'false', 'true'. */ class FalseTrue : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(false << true)); } bool expectedResult() { return false; } }; /** $and passed 'false', 'false'. */ class FalseFalse : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(false << false)); } bool expectedResult() { return false; } }; /** $and passed 'true', 'true', 'true'. */ class TrueTrueTrue : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(true << true << true)); } bool expectedResult() { return true; } }; /** $and passed 'true', 'true', 'false'. */ class TrueTrueFalse : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(true << true << false)); } bool expectedResult() { return false; } }; /** $and passed '0', '1'. */ class ZeroOne : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(0 << 1)); } bool expectedResult() { return false; } }; /** $and passed '1', '2'. */ class OneTwo : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2)); } bool expectedResult() { return true; } }; /** $and passed a field path. */ class FieldPath : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY("$a")); } bool expectedResult() { return true; } }; /** A constant expression is optimized to a constant. */ class OptimizeConstantExpression : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(1)); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$const" << true); } }; /** A non constant expression is not optimized. */ class NonConstant : public NoOptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY("$a")); } }; /** An expression beginning with a single constant is optimized. */ class ConstantNonConstantTrue : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << "$a")); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY("$a")); } // note: using $and as serialization of ExpressionCoerceToBool rather than // ExpressionAnd }; class ConstantNonConstantFalse : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(0 << "$a")); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$const" << false); } }; /** An expression with a field path and '1'. */ class NonConstantOne : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY("$a" << 1)); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY("$a")); } }; /** An expression with a field path and '0'. */ class NonConstantZero : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY("$a" << 0)); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$const" << false); } }; /** An expression with two field paths and '1'. */ class NonConstantNonConstantOne : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY("$a" << "$b" << 1)); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY("$a" << "$b")); } }; /** An expression with two field paths and '0'. */ class NonConstantNonConstantZero : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY("$a" << "$b" << 0)); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$const" << false); } }; /** An expression with '0', '1', and a field path. */ class ZeroOneNonConstant : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(0 << 1 << "$a")); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$const" << false); } }; /** An expression with '1', '1', and a field path. */ class OneOneNonConstant : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 1 << "$a")); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY("$a")); } }; /** Nested $and expressions. */ class Nested : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(1)) << "$a" << "$b")); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY("$a" << "$b")); } }; /** Nested $and expressions containing a nested value evaluating to false. */ class NestedZero : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 << BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(0)))) << "$a" << "$b")); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$const" << false); } }; } // namespace And namespace CoerceToBool { /** Nested expression coerced to true. */ class EvaluateTrue { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr nested = ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, Value(5)); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionCoerceToBool::create(expCtx, nested); ASSERT(expression->evaluate(Document()).getBool()); } }; /** Nested expression coerced to false. */ class EvaluateFalse { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr nested = ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, Value(0)); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionCoerceToBool::create(expCtx, nested); ASSERT(!expression->evaluate(Document()).getBool()); } }; /** Dependencies forwarded from nested expression. */ class Dependencies { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr nested = ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a.b"); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionCoerceToBool::create(expCtx, nested); DepsTracker dependencies; expression->addDependencies(&dependencies); ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, dependencies.fields.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, dependencies.fields.count("a.b")); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, dependencies.needWholeDocument); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, dependencies.getNeedTextScore()); } }; /** Output to BSONObj. */ class AddToBsonObj { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionCoerceToBool::create(expCtx, ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "foo")); // serialized as $and because CoerceToBool isn't an ExpressionNary assertBinaryEqual(fromjson("{field:{$and:['$foo']}}"), toBsonObj(expression)); } private: static BSONObj toBsonObj(const intrusive_ptr& expression) { return BSON("field" << expression->serialize(false)); } }; /** Output to BSONArray. */ class AddToBsonArray { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionCoerceToBool::create(expCtx, ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "foo")); // serialized as $and because CoerceToBool isn't an ExpressionNary assertBinaryEqual(BSON_ARRAY(fromjson("{$and:['$foo']}")), toBsonArray(expression)); } private: static BSONArray toBsonArray(const intrusive_ptr& expression) { BSONArrayBuilder bab; bab << expression->serialize(false); return bab.arr(); } }; // TODO Test optimize(), difficult because a CoerceToBool cannot be output as // BSON. } // namespace CoerceToBool namespace Compare { class OptimizeBase { public: virtual ~OptimizeBase() {} void run() { BSONObj specObject = BSON("" << spec()); BSONElement specElement = specObject.firstElement(); intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; intrusive_ptr expression = Expression::parseOperand(expCtx, specElement, vps); intrusive_ptr optimized = expression->optimize(); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(constify(expectedOptimized()), expressionToBson(optimized)); } protected: virtual BSONObj spec() = 0; virtual BSONObj expectedOptimized() = 0; }; class FieldRangeOptimize : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return spec(); } }; class NoOptimize : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return spec(); } }; /** Check expected result for expressions depending on constants. */ class ExpectedResultBase : public OptimizeBase { public: void run() { OptimizeBase::run(); BSONObj specObject = BSON("" << spec()); BSONElement specElement = specObject.firstElement(); intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; intrusive_ptr expression = Expression::parseOperand(expCtx, specElement, vps); // Check expression spec round trip. ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(constify(spec()), expressionToBson(expression)); // Check evaluation result. ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(expectedResult(), toBson(expression->evaluate(Document()))); // Check that the result is the same after optimizing. intrusive_ptr optimized = expression->optimize(); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(expectedResult(), toBson(optimized->evaluate(Document()))); } protected: virtual BSONObj spec() = 0; virtual BSONObj expectedResult() = 0; private: virtual BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$const" << expectedResult().firstElement()); } }; class ExpectedTrue : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj expectedResult() { return BSON("" << true); } }; class ExpectedFalse : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj expectedResult() { return BSON("" << false); } }; class ParseError { public: virtual ~ParseError() {} void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); BSONObj specObject = BSON("" << spec()); BSONElement specElement = specObject.firstElement(); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; ASSERT_THROWS(Expression::parseOperand(expCtx, specElement, vps), AssertionException); } protected: virtual BSONObj spec() = 0; }; /** $eq with first < second. */ class EqLt : public ExpectedFalse { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$eq" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2)); } }; /** $eq with first == second. */ class EqEq : public ExpectedTrue { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$eq" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 1)); } }; /** $eq with first > second. */ class EqGt : public ExpectedFalse { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$eq" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 0)); } }; /** $ne with first < second. */ class NeLt : public ExpectedTrue { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$ne" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2)); } }; /** $ne with first == second. */ class NeEq : public ExpectedFalse { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$ne" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 1)); } }; /** $ne with first > second. */ class NeGt : public ExpectedTrue { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$ne" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 0)); } }; /** $gt with first < second. */ class GtLt : public ExpectedFalse { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$gt" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2)); } }; /** $gt with first == second. */ class GtEq : public ExpectedFalse { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$gt" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 1)); } }; /** $gt with first > second. */ class GtGt : public ExpectedTrue { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$gt" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 0)); } }; /** $gte with first < second. */ class GteLt : public ExpectedFalse { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$gte" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2)); } }; /** $gte with first == second. */ class GteEq : public ExpectedTrue { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$gte" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 1)); } }; /** $gte with first > second. */ class GteGt : public ExpectedTrue { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$gte" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 0)); } }; /** $lt with first < second. */ class LtLt : public ExpectedTrue { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$lt" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2)); } }; /** $lt with first == second. */ class LtEq : public ExpectedFalse { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$lt" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 1)); } }; /** $lt with first > second. */ class LtGt : public ExpectedFalse { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$lt" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 0)); } }; /** $lte with first < second. */ class LteLt : public ExpectedTrue { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$lte" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2)); } }; /** $lte with first == second. */ class LteEq : public ExpectedTrue { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$lte" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 1)); } }; /** $lte with first > second. */ class LteGt : public ExpectedFalse { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$lte" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 0)); } }; /** $cmp with first < second. */ class CmpLt : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$cmp" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2)); } BSONObj expectedResult() { return BSON("" << -1); } }; /** $cmp with first == second. */ class CmpEq : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$cmp" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 1)); } BSONObj expectedResult() { return BSON("" << 0); } }; /** $cmp with first > second. */ class CmpGt : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$cmp" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 0)); } BSONObj expectedResult() { return BSON("" << 1); } }; /** $cmp results are bracketed to an absolute value of 1. */ class CmpBracketed : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$cmp" << BSON_ARRAY("z" << "a")); } BSONObj expectedResult() { return BSON("" << 1); } }; /** Zero operands provided. */ class ZeroOperands : public ParseError { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$ne" << BSONArray()); } }; /** One operand provided. */ class OneOperand : public ParseError { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$eq" << BSON_ARRAY(1)); } }; /** Three operands provided. */ class ThreeOperands : public ParseError { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$gt" << BSON_ARRAY(2 << 3 << 4)); } }; /** Incompatible types can be compared. */ class IncompatibleTypes { public: void run() { BSONObj specObject = BSON("" << BSON("$ne" << BSON_ARRAY("a" << 1))); BSONElement specElement = specObject.firstElement(); intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; intrusive_ptr expression = Expression::parseOperand(expCtx, specElement, vps); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(expression->evaluate(Document()), Value(true)); } }; /** * An expression depending on constants is optimized to a constant via * ExpressionNary::optimize(). */ class OptimizeConstants : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$eq" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 1)); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$const" << true); } }; /** $cmp is not optimized. */ class NoOptimizeCmp : public NoOptimize { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$cmp" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << "$a")); } }; /** $ne is not optimized. */ class NoOptimizeNe : public NoOptimize { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$ne" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << "$a")); } }; /** No optimization is performend without a constant. */ class NoOptimizeNoConstant : public NoOptimize { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$ne" << BSON_ARRAY("$a" << "$b")); } }; /** No optimization is performend without an immediate field path. */ class NoOptimizeWithoutFieldPath : public NoOptimize { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$eq" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY("$a")) << 1)); } }; /** No optimization is performend without an immediate field path. */ class NoOptimizeWithoutFieldPathReverse : public NoOptimize { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$eq" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY("$a")))); } }; /** An equality expression is optimized. */ class OptimizeEq : public FieldRangeOptimize { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$eq" << BSON_ARRAY("$a" << 1)); } }; /** A reverse sense equality expression is optimized. */ class OptimizeEqReverse : public FieldRangeOptimize { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$eq" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << "$a")); } }; /** A $lt expression is optimized. */ class OptimizeLt : public FieldRangeOptimize { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$lt" << BSON_ARRAY("$a" << 1)); } }; /** A reverse sense $lt expression is optimized. */ class OptimizeLtReverse : public FieldRangeOptimize { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$lt" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << "$a")); } }; /** A $lte expression is optimized. */ class OptimizeLte : public FieldRangeOptimize { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$lte" << BSON_ARRAY("$b" << 2)); } }; /** A reverse sense $lte expression is optimized. */ class OptimizeLteReverse : public FieldRangeOptimize { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$lte" << BSON_ARRAY(2 << "$b")); } }; /** A $gt expression is optimized. */ class OptimizeGt : public FieldRangeOptimize { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$gt" << BSON_ARRAY("$b" << 2)); } }; /** A reverse sense $gt expression is optimized. */ class OptimizeGtReverse : public FieldRangeOptimize { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$gt" << BSON_ARRAY(2 << "$b")); } }; /** A $gte expression is optimized. */ class OptimizeGte : public FieldRangeOptimize { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$gte" << BSON_ARRAY("$b" << 2)); } }; /** A reverse sense $gte expression is optimized. */ class OptimizeGteReverse : public FieldRangeOptimize { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$gte" << BSON_ARRAY(2 << "$b")); } }; } // namespace Compare namespace Constant { /** Create an ExpressionConstant from a Value. */ class Create { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, Value(5)); assertBinaryEqual(BSON("" << 5), toBson(expression->evaluate(Document()))); } }; /** Create an ExpressionConstant from a BsonElement. */ class CreateFromBsonElement { public: void run() { BSONObj spec = BSON("IGNORED_FIELD_NAME" << "foo"); intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); BSONElement specElement = spec.firstElement(); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionConstant::parse(expCtx, specElement, vps); assertBinaryEqual(BSON("" << "foo"), toBson(expression->evaluate(Document()))); } }; /** No optimization is performed. */ class Optimize { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, Value(5)); // An attempt to optimize returns the Expression itself. ASSERT_EQUALS(expression, expression->optimize()); } }; /** No dependencies. */ class Dependencies { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, Value(5)); DepsTracker dependencies; expression->addDependencies(&dependencies); ASSERT_EQUALS(0U, dependencies.fields.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, dependencies.needWholeDocument); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, dependencies.getNeedTextScore()); } }; /** Output to BSONObj. */ class AddToBsonObj { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, Value(5)); // The constant is replaced with a $ expression. assertBinaryEqual(BSON("field" << BSON("$const" << 5)), toBsonObj(expression)); } private: static BSONObj toBsonObj(const intrusive_ptr& expression) { return BSON("field" << expression->serialize(false)); } }; /** Output to BSONArray. */ class AddToBsonArray { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, Value(5)); // The constant is copied out as is. assertBinaryEqual(constify(BSON_ARRAY(5)), toBsonArray(expression)); } private: static BSONObj toBsonArray(const intrusive_ptr& expression) { BSONArrayBuilder bab; bab << expression->serialize(false); return bab.obj(); } }; TEST(ExpressionConstantTest, ConstantOfValueMissingRemovesField) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, Value()); assertBinaryEqual(BSONObj(), toBson(expression->evaluate(Document{{"foo", Value("bar"_sd)}}))); } TEST(ExpressionConstantTest, ConstantOfValueMissingSerializesToRemoveSystemVar) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, Value()); assertBinaryEqual(BSON("field" << "$$REMOVE"), BSON("field" << expression->serialize(false))); } } // namespace Constant TEST(ExpressionFromAccumulators, Avg) { assertExpectedResults("$avg", {// $avg ignores non-numeric inputs. {{Value("string"_sd), Value(BSONNULL), Value(), Value(3)}, Value(3.0)}, // $avg always returns a double. {{Value(10LL), Value(20LL)}, Value(15.0)}, // $avg returns null when no arguments are provided. {{}, Value(BSONNULL)}}); } TEST(ExpressionFromAccumulators, Max) { assertExpectedResults("$max", {// $max treats non-numeric inputs as valid arguments. {{Value(1), Value(BSONNULL), Value(), Value("a"_sd)}, Value("a"_sd)}, {{Value("a"_sd), Value("b"_sd)}, Value("b"_sd)}, // $max always preserves the type of the result. {{Value(10LL), Value(0.0), Value(5)}, Value(10LL)}, // $max returns null when no arguments are provided. {{}, Value(BSONNULL)}}); } TEST(ExpressionFromAccumulators, Min) { assertExpectedResults("$min", {// $min treats non-numeric inputs as valid arguments. {{Value("string"_sd)}, Value("string"_sd)}, {{Value(1), Value(BSONNULL), Value(), Value("a"_sd)}, Value(1)}, {{Value("a"_sd), Value("b"_sd)}, Value("a"_sd)}, // $min always preserves the type of the result. {{Value(0LL), Value(20.0), Value(10)}, Value(0LL)}, // $min returns null when no arguments are provided. {{}, Value(BSONNULL)}}); } TEST(ExpressionFromAccumulators, Sum) { assertExpectedResults( "$sum", {// $sum ignores non-numeric inputs. {{Value("string"_sd), Value(BSONNULL), Value(), Value(3)}, Value(3)}, // If any argument is a double, $sum returns a double {{Value(10LL), Value(10.0)}, Value(20.0)}, // If no arguments are doubles and an argument is a long, $sum returns a long {{Value(10LL), Value(10)}, Value(20LL)}, // $sum returns 0 when no arguments are provided. {{}, Value(0)}}); } TEST(ExpressionFromAccumulators, StdDevPop) { assertExpectedResults("$stdDevPop", {// $stdDevPop ignores non-numeric inputs. {{Value("string"_sd), Value(BSONNULL), Value(), Value(3)}, Value(0.0)}, // $stdDevPop always returns a double. {{Value(1LL), Value(3LL)}, Value(1.0)}, // $stdDevPop returns null when no arguments are provided. {{}, Value(BSONNULL)}}); } TEST(ExpressionFromAccumulators, StdDevSamp) { assertExpectedResults( "$stdDevSamp", {// $stdDevSamp ignores non-numeric inputs. {{Value("string"_sd), Value(BSONNULL), Value(), Value(3)}, Value(BSONNULL)}, // $stdDevSamp always returns a double. {{Value(1LL), Value(2LL), Value(3LL)}, Value(1.0)}, // $stdDevSamp returns null when no arguments are provided. {{}, Value(BSONNULL)}}); } namespace FieldPath { /** The provided field path does not pass validation. */ class Invalid { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); ASSERT_THROWS(ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, ""), AssertionException); } }; TEST(FieldPath, NoOptimizationForRootFieldPathWithDottedPath) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$$ROOT.x.y", expCtx->variablesParseState); // An attempt to optimize returns the Expression itself. ASSERT_EQUALS(expression, expression->optimize()); } TEST(FieldPath, NoOptimizationForCurrentFieldPathWithDottedPath) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$$CURRENT.x.y", expCtx->variablesParseState); // An attempt to optimize returns the Expression itself. ASSERT_EQUALS(expression, expression->optimize()); } TEST(FieldPath, RemoveOptimizesToMissingValue) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$$REMOVE", expCtx->variablesParseState); auto optimizedExpr = expression->optimize(); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(), optimizedExpr->evaluate(Document(BSON("x" << BSON("y" << 123))))); } TEST(FieldPath, NoOptimizationOnNormalPath) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a"); // An attempt to optimize returns the Expression itself. ASSERT_EQUALS(expression, expression->optimize()); } TEST(FieldPath, OptimizeOnVariableWithConstantScalarValue) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto varId = expCtx->variablesParseState.defineVariable("userVar"); expCtx->variables.setConstantValue(varId, Value(123)); auto expr = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$$userVar", expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_TRUE(dynamic_cast(expr.get())); auto optimizedExpr = expr->optimize(); ASSERT_TRUE(dynamic_cast(optimizedExpr.get())); } TEST(FieldPath, OptimizeOnVariableWithConstantArrayValue) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto varId = expCtx->variablesParseState.defineVariable("userVar"); expCtx->variables.setConstantValue(varId, Value(BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2 << 3))); auto expr = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$$userVar", expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_TRUE(dynamic_cast(expr.get())); auto optimizedExpr = expr->optimize(); auto constantExpr = dynamic_cast(optimizedExpr.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(constantExpr); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2 << 3)), constantExpr->getValue()); } TEST(FieldPath, OptimizeToEmptyArrayOnNumericalPathComponentAndConstantArrayValue) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto varId = expCtx->variablesParseState.defineVariable("userVar"); expCtx->variables.setConstantValue(varId, Value(BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2 << 3))); auto expr = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$$userVar.1", expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_TRUE(dynamic_cast(expr.get())); auto optimizedExpr = expr->optimize(); auto constantExpr = dynamic_cast(optimizedExpr.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(constantExpr); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(BSONArray()), constantExpr->getValue()); } TEST(FieldPath, OptimizeOnVariableWithConstantValueAndDottedPath) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto varId = expCtx->variablesParseState.defineVariable("userVar"); expCtx->variables.setConstantValue(varId, Value(Document{{"x", Document{{"y", 123}}}})); auto expr = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$$userVar.x.y", expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_TRUE(dynamic_cast(expr.get())); auto optimizedExpr = expr->optimize(); auto constantExpr = dynamic_cast(optimizedExpr.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(constantExpr); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(123), constantExpr->getValue()); } TEST(FieldPath, NoOptimizationOnVariableWithNoValue) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); expCtx->variablesParseState.defineVariable("userVar"); auto expr = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$$userVar", expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_TRUE(dynamic_cast(expr.get())); auto optimizedExpr = expr->optimize(); ASSERT_FALSE(dynamic_cast(optimizedExpr.get())); } TEST(FieldPath, NoOptimizationOnVariableWithMissingValue) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto varId = expCtx->variablesParseState.defineVariable("userVar"); expCtx->variables.setValue(varId, Value()); auto expr = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$$userVar", expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_TRUE(dynamic_cast(expr.get())); auto optimizedExpr = expr->optimize(); ASSERT_FALSE(dynamic_cast(optimizedExpr.get())); } TEST(FieldPath, ScalarVariableWithDottedFieldPathOptimizesToConstantMissingValue) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto varId = expCtx->variablesParseState.defineVariable("userVar"); expCtx->variables.setConstantValue(varId, Value(123)); auto expr = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$$userVar.x.y", expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_TRUE(dynamic_cast(expr.get())); auto optimizedExpr = expr->optimize(); auto constantExpr = dynamic_cast(optimizedExpr.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(constantExpr); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(), constantExpr->getValue()); } /** The field path itself is a dependency. */ class Dependencies { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a.b"); DepsTracker dependencies; expression->addDependencies(&dependencies); ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, dependencies.fields.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, dependencies.fields.count("a.b")); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, dependencies.needWholeDocument); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, dependencies.getNeedTextScore()); } }; /** Field path target field is missing. */ class Missing { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a"); assertBinaryEqual(fromjson("{}"), toBson(expression->evaluate(Document()))); } }; /** Simple case where the target field is present. */ class Present { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a"); assertBinaryEqual(fromjson("{'':123}"), toBson(expression->evaluate(fromBson(BSON("a" << 123))))); } }; /** Target field parent is null. */ class NestedBelowNull { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a.b"); assertBinaryEqual(fromjson("{}"), toBson(expression->evaluate(fromBson(fromjson("{a:null}"))))); } }; /** Target field parent is undefined. */ class NestedBelowUndefined { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a.b"); assertBinaryEqual(fromjson("{}"), toBson(expression->evaluate(fromBson(fromjson("{a:undefined}"))))); } }; /** Target field parent is missing. */ class NestedBelowMissing { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a.b"); assertBinaryEqual(fromjson("{}"), toBson(expression->evaluate(fromBson(fromjson("{z:1}"))))); } }; /** Target field parent is an integer. */ class NestedBelowInt { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a.b"); assertBinaryEqual(fromjson("{}"), toBson(expression->evaluate(fromBson(BSON("a" << 2))))); } }; /** A value in a nested object. */ class NestedValue { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a.b"); assertBinaryEqual(BSON("" << 55), toBson(expression->evaluate(fromBson(BSON("a" << BSON("b" << 55)))))); } }; /** Target field within an empty object. */ class NestedBelowEmptyObject { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a.b"); assertBinaryEqual(fromjson("{}"), toBson(expression->evaluate(fromBson(BSON("a" << BSONObj()))))); } }; /** Target field within an empty array. */ class NestedBelowEmptyArray { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a.b"); assertBinaryEqual(BSON("" << BSONArray()), toBson(expression->evaluate(fromBson(BSON("a" << BSONArray()))))); } }; /** Target field within an array containing null. */ class NestedBelowArrayWithNull { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a.b"); assertBinaryEqual(fromjson("{'':[]}"), toBson(expression->evaluate(fromBson(fromjson("{a:[null]}"))))); } }; /** Target field within an array containing undefined. */ class NestedBelowArrayWithUndefined { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a.b"); assertBinaryEqual(fromjson("{'':[]}"), toBson(expression->evaluate(fromBson(fromjson("{a:[undefined]}"))))); } }; /** Target field within an array containing an integer. */ class NestedBelowArrayWithInt { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a.b"); assertBinaryEqual(fromjson("{'':[]}"), toBson(expression->evaluate(fromBson(fromjson("{a:[1]}"))))); } }; /** Target field within an array. */ class NestedWithinArray { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a.b"); assertBinaryEqual(fromjson("{'':[9]}"), toBson(expression->evaluate(fromBson(fromjson("{a:[{b:9}]}"))))); } }; /** Multiple value types within an array. */ class MultipleArrayValues { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a.b"); assertBinaryEqual(fromjson("{'':[9,20]}"), toBson(expression->evaluate( fromBson(fromjson("{a:[{b:9},null,undefined,{g:4},{b:20},{}]}"))))); } }; /** Expanding values within nested arrays. */ class ExpandNestedArrays { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a.b.c"); assertBinaryEqual(fromjson("{'':[[1,2],3,[4],[[5]],[6,7]]}"), toBson(expression->evaluate(fromBson(fromjson("{a:[{b:[{c:1},{c:2}]}," "{b:{c:3}}," "{b:[{c:4}]}," "{b:[{c:[5]}]}," "{b:{c:[6,7]}}]}"))))); } }; /** Add to a BSONObj. */ class AddToBsonObj { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a.b.c"); assertBinaryEqual(BSON("foo" << "$a.b.c"), BSON("foo" << expression->serialize(false))); } }; /** Add to a BSONArray. */ class AddToBsonArray { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); intrusive_ptr expression = ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a.b.c"); BSONArrayBuilder bab; bab << expression->serialize(false); assertBinaryEqual(BSON_ARRAY("$a.b.c"), bab.arr()); } }; } // namespace FieldPath namespace Object { using mongo::ExpressionObject; template Document literal(T&& value) { return Document{{"$const", Value(std::forward(value))}}; } // // Parsing. // TEST(ExpressionObjectParse, ShouldAcceptEmptyObject) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; auto object = ExpressionObject::parse(expCtx, BSONObj(), vps); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(Document{}), object->serialize(false)); } TEST(ExpressionObjectParse, ShouldAcceptLiteralsAsValues) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; auto object = ExpressionObject::parse(expCtx, BSON("a" << 5 << "b" << "string" << "c" << BSONNULL), vps); auto expectedResult = Value(Document{{"a", literal(5)}, {"b", literal("string"_sd)}, {"c", literal(BSONNULL)}}); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(expectedResult, object->serialize(false)); } TEST(ExpressionObjectParse, ShouldAccept_idAsFieldName) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; auto object = ExpressionObject::parse(expCtx, BSON("_id" << 5), vps); auto expectedResult = Value(Document{{"_id", literal(5)}}); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(expectedResult, object->serialize(false)); } TEST(ExpressionObjectParse, ShouldAcceptFieldNameContainingDollar) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; auto object = ExpressionObject::parse(expCtx, BSON("a$b" << 5), vps); auto expectedResult = Value(Document{{"a$b", literal(5)}}); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(expectedResult, object->serialize(false)); } TEST(ExpressionObjectParse, ShouldAcceptNestedObjects) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; auto object = ExpressionObject::parse(expCtx, fromjson("{a: {b: 1}, c: {d: {e: 1, f: 1}}}"), vps); auto expectedResult = Value(Document{{"a", Document{{"b", literal(1)}}}, {"c", Document{{"d", Document{{"e", literal(1)}, {"f", literal(1)}}}}}}); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(expectedResult, object->serialize(false)); } TEST(ExpressionObjectParse, ShouldAcceptArrays) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; auto object = ExpressionObject::parse(expCtx, fromjson("{a: [1, 2]}"), vps); auto expectedResult = Value(Document{{"a", vector{Value(literal(1)), Value(literal(2))}}}); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(expectedResult, object->serialize(false)); } TEST(ObjectParsing, ShouldAcceptExpressionAsValue) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; auto object = ExpressionObject::parse(expCtx, BSON("a" << BSON("$and" << BSONArray())), vps); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(object->serialize(false), Value(Document{{"a", Document{{"$and", BSONArray()}}}})); } // // Error cases. // TEST(ExpressionObjectParse, ShouldRejectDottedFieldNames) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; ASSERT_THROWS(ExpressionObject::parse(expCtx, BSON("a.b" << 1), vps), AssertionException); ASSERT_THROWS(ExpressionObject::parse(expCtx, BSON("c" << 3 << "a.b" << 1), vps), AssertionException); ASSERT_THROWS(ExpressionObject::parse(expCtx, BSON("a.b" << 1 << "c" << 3), vps), AssertionException); } TEST(ExpressionObjectParse, ShouldRejectDuplicateFieldNames) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; ASSERT_THROWS(ExpressionObject::parse(expCtx, BSON("a" << 1 << "a" << 1), vps), AssertionException); ASSERT_THROWS(ExpressionObject::parse(expCtx, BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 2 << "a" << 1), vps), AssertionException); ASSERT_THROWS( ExpressionObject::parse(expCtx, BSON("a" << BSON("c" << 1) << "b" << 2 << "a" << 1), vps), AssertionException); ASSERT_THROWS( ExpressionObject::parse(expCtx, BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 2 << "a" << BSON("c" << 1)), vps), AssertionException); } TEST(ExpressionObjectParse, ShouldRejectInvalidFieldName) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; ASSERT_THROWS(ExpressionObject::parse(expCtx, BSON("$a" << 1), vps), AssertionException); ASSERT_THROWS(ExpressionObject::parse(expCtx, BSON("" << 1), vps), AssertionException); ASSERT_THROWS(ExpressionObject::parse(expCtx, BSON(std::string("a\0b", 3) << 1), vps), AssertionException); } TEST(ExpressionObjectParse, ShouldRejectInvalidFieldPathAsValue) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; ASSERT_THROWS(ExpressionObject::parse(expCtx, BSON("a" << "$field."), vps), AssertionException); } TEST(ParseObject, ShouldRejectExpressionAsTheSecondField) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; ASSERT_THROWS( ExpressionObject::parse( expCtx, BSON("a" << BSON("$and" << BSONArray()) << "$or" << BSONArray()), vps), AssertionException); } // // Evaluation. // TEST(ExpressionObjectEvaluate, EmptyObjectShouldEvaluateToEmptyDocument) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto object = ExpressionObject::create(expCtx, {}); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(Document()), object->evaluate(Document())); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(Document()), object->evaluate(Document{{"a", 1}})); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(Document()), object->evaluate(Document{{"_id", "ID"_sd}})); } TEST(ExpressionObjectEvaluate, ShouldEvaluateEachField) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto object = ExpressionObject::create(expCtx, {{"a", makeConstant(1)}, {"b", makeConstant(5)}}); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(Document{{"a", 1}, {"b", 5}}), object->evaluate(Document())); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(Document{{"a", 1}, {"b", 5}}), object->evaluate(Document{{"a", 1}})); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(Document{{"a", 1}, {"b", 5}}), object->evaluate(Document{{"_id", "ID"_sd}})); } TEST(ExpressionObjectEvaluate, OrderOfFieldsInOutputShouldMatchOrderInSpecification) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto object = ExpressionObject::create(expCtx, {{"a", ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a")}, {"b", ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "b")}, {"c", ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "c")}}); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ( Value(Document{{"a", "A"_sd}, {"b", "B"_sd}, {"c", "C"_sd}}), object->evaluate(Document{{"c", "C"_sd}, {"a", "A"_sd}, {"b", "B"_sd}, {"_id", "ID"_sd}})); } TEST(ExpressionObjectEvaluate, ShouldRemoveFieldsThatHaveMissingValues) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto object = ExpressionObject::create(expCtx, {{"a", ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "a.b")}, {"b", ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "missing")}}); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(Document{}), object->evaluate(Document())); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(Document{}), object->evaluate(Document{{"a", 1}})); } TEST(ExpressionObjectEvaluate, ShouldEvaluateFieldsWithinNestedObject) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto object = ExpressionObject::create( expCtx, {{"a", ExpressionObject::create( expCtx, {{"b", makeConstant(1)}, {"c", ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "_id")}})}}); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(Document{{"a", Document{{"b", 1}}}}), object->evaluate(Document())); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(Document{{"a", Document{{"b", 1}, {"c", "ID"_sd}}}}), object->evaluate(Document{{"_id", "ID"_sd}})); } TEST(ExpressionObjectEvaluate, ShouldEvaluateToEmptyDocumentIfAllFieldsAreMissing) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto object = ExpressionObject::create(expCtx, {{"a", ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "missing")}}); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(Document{}), object->evaluate(Document())); auto objectWithNestedObject = ExpressionObject::create(expCtx, {{"nested", object}}); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(Document{{"nested", Document{}}}), objectWithNestedObject->evaluate(Document())); } // // Dependencies. // TEST(ExpressionObjectDependencies, ConstantValuesShouldNotBeAddedToDependencies) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto object = ExpressionObject::create(expCtx, {{"a", makeConstant(5)}}); DepsTracker deps; object->addDependencies(&deps); ASSERT_EQ(deps.fields.size(), 0UL); } TEST(ExpressionObjectDependencies, FieldPathsShouldBeAddedToDependencies) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto object = ExpressionObject::create(expCtx, {{"x", ExpressionFieldPath::create(expCtx, "c.d")}}); DepsTracker deps; object->addDependencies(&deps); ASSERT_EQ(deps.fields.size(), 1UL); ASSERT_EQ(deps.fields.count("c.d"), 1UL); }; TEST(ExpressionObjectDependencies, VariablesShouldBeAddedToDependencies) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto varID = expCtx->variablesParseState.defineVariable("var1"); auto fieldPath = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$$var1", expCtx->variablesParseState); DepsTracker deps; fieldPath->addDependencies(&deps); ASSERT_EQ(deps.vars.size(), 1UL); ASSERT_EQ(deps.vars.count(varID), 1UL); } TEST(ExpressionObjectDependencies, LocalLetVariablesShouldBeFilteredOutOfDependencies) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); expCtx->variablesParseState.defineVariable("var1"); auto letSpec = BSON("$let" << BSON("vars" << BSON("var2" << "abc") << "in" << BSON("$multiply" << BSON_ARRAY("$$var1" << "$$var2")))); auto expressionLet = ExpressionLet::parse(expCtx, letSpec.firstElement(), expCtx->variablesParseState); DepsTracker deps; expressionLet->addDependencies(&deps); ASSERT_EQ(deps.vars.size(), 1UL); ASSERT_EQ(expCtx->variablesParseState.getVariable("var1"), *deps.vars.begin()); } TEST(ExpressionObjectDependencies, LocalMapVariablesShouldBeFilteredOutOfDependencies) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); expCtx->variablesParseState.defineVariable("var1"); auto mapSpec = BSON("$map" << BSON("input" << "$field1" << "as" << "var2" << "in" << BSON("$multiply" << BSON_ARRAY("$$var1" << "$$var2")))); auto expressionMap = ExpressionMap::parse(expCtx, mapSpec.firstElement(), expCtx->variablesParseState); DepsTracker deps; expressionMap->addDependencies(&deps); ASSERT_EQ(deps.vars.size(), 1UL); ASSERT_EQ(expCtx->variablesParseState.getVariable("var1"), *deps.vars.begin()); } TEST(ExpressionObjectDependencies, LocalFilterVariablesShouldBeFilteredOutOfDependencies) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); expCtx->variablesParseState.defineVariable("var1"); auto filterSpec = BSON("$filter" << BSON("input" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2 << 3) << "as" << "var2" << "cond" << BSON("$gt" << BSON_ARRAY("$$var1" << "$$var2")))); auto expressionFilter = ExpressionFilter::parse(expCtx, filterSpec.firstElement(), expCtx->variablesParseState); DepsTracker deps; expressionFilter->addDependencies(&deps); ASSERT_EQ(deps.vars.size(), 1UL); ASSERT_EQ(expCtx->variablesParseState.getVariable("var1"), *deps.vars.begin()); } // // Optimizations. // TEST(ExpressionObjectOptimizations, OptimizingAnObjectShouldOptimizeSubExpressions) { // Build up the object {a: {$add: [1, 2]}}. intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; auto addExpression = ExpressionAdd::parse(expCtx, BSON("$add" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2)).firstElement(), vps); auto object = ExpressionObject::create(expCtx, {{"a", addExpression}}); ASSERT_EQ(object->getChildExpressions().size(), 1UL); auto optimized = object->optimize(); auto optimizedObject = dynamic_cast(optimized.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(optimizedObject); ASSERT_EQ(optimizedObject->getChildExpressions().size(), 1UL); // We should have optimized {$add: [1, 2]} to just the constant 3. auto expConstant = dynamic_cast(optimizedObject->getChildExpressions()[0].second.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(expConstant); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(expConstant->evaluate(Document()), Value(3)); }; } // namespace Object namespace Or { class ExpectedResultBase { public: virtual ~ExpectedResultBase() {} void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); BSONObj specObject = BSON("" << spec()); BSONElement specElement = specObject.firstElement(); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; intrusive_ptr expression = Expression::parseOperand(expCtx, specElement, vps); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(constify(spec()), expressionToBson(expression)); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("" << expectedResult()), toBson(expression->evaluate(fromBson(BSON("a" << 1))))); intrusive_ptr optimized = expression->optimize(); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("" << expectedResult()), toBson(optimized->evaluate(fromBson(BSON("a" << 1))))); } protected: virtual BSONObj spec() = 0; virtual bool expectedResult() = 0; }; class OptimizeBase { public: virtual ~OptimizeBase() {} void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); BSONObj specObject = BSON("" << spec()); BSONElement specElement = specObject.firstElement(); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; intrusive_ptr expression = Expression::parseOperand(expCtx, specElement, vps); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(constify(spec()), expressionToBson(expression)); intrusive_ptr optimized = expression->optimize(); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(expectedOptimized(), expressionToBson(optimized)); } protected: virtual BSONObj spec() = 0; virtual BSONObj expectedOptimized() = 0; }; class NoOptimizeBase : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return constify(spec()); } }; /** $or without operands. */ class NoOperands : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSONArray()); } bool expectedResult() { return false; } }; /** $or passed 'true'. */ class True : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(true)); } bool expectedResult() { return true; } }; /** $or passed 'false'. */ class False : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(false)); } bool expectedResult() { return false; } }; /** $or passed 'true', 'true'. */ class TrueTrue : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(true << true)); } bool expectedResult() { return true; } }; /** $or passed 'true', 'false'. */ class TrueFalse : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(true << false)); } bool expectedResult() { return true; } }; /** $or passed 'false', 'true'. */ class FalseTrue : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(false << true)); } bool expectedResult() { return true; } }; /** $or passed 'false', 'false'. */ class FalseFalse : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(false << false)); } bool expectedResult() { return false; } }; /** $or passed 'false', 'false', 'false'. */ class FalseFalseFalse : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(false << false << false)); } bool expectedResult() { return false; } }; /** $or passed 'false', 'false', 'true'. */ class FalseFalseTrue : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(false << false << true)); } bool expectedResult() { return true; } }; /** $or passed '0', '1'. */ class ZeroOne : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(0 << 1)); } bool expectedResult() { return true; } }; /** $or passed '0', 'false'. */ class ZeroFalse : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(0 << false)); } bool expectedResult() { return false; } }; /** $or passed a field path. */ class FieldPath : public ExpectedResultBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY("$a")); } bool expectedResult() { return true; } }; /** A constant expression is optimized to a constant. */ class OptimizeConstantExpression : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(1)); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$const" << true); } }; /** A non constant expression is not optimized. */ class NonConstant : public NoOptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY("$a")); } }; /** An expression beginning with a single constant is optimized. */ class ConstantNonConstantTrue : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << "$a")); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$const" << true); } }; /** An expression beginning with a single constant is optimized. */ class ConstantNonConstantFalse : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(0 << "$a")); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY("$a")); } // note: using $and as serialization of ExpressionCoerceToBool rather than // ExpressionAnd }; /** An expression with a field path and '1'. */ class NonConstantOne : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY("$a" << 1)); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$const" << true); } }; /** An expression with a field path and '0'. */ class NonConstantZero : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY("$a" << 0)); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY("$a")); } }; /** An expression with two field paths and '1'. */ class NonConstantNonConstantOne : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY("$a" << "$b" << 1)); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$const" << true); } }; /** An expression with two field paths and '0'. */ class NonConstantNonConstantZero : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY("$a" << "$b" << 0)); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY("$a" << "$b")); } }; /** An expression with '0', '1', and a field path. */ class ZeroOneNonConstant : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(0 << 1 << "$a")); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$const" << true); } }; /** An expression with '0', '0', and a field path. */ class ZeroZeroNonConstant : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(0 << 0 << "$a")); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY("$a")); } }; /** Nested $or expressions. */ class Nested : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(0 << BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(0)) << "$a" << "$b")); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY("$a" << "$b")); } }; /** Nested $or expressions containing a nested value evaluating to false. */ class NestedOne : public OptimizeBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(0 << BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(1)))) << "$a" << "$b")); } BSONObj expectedOptimized() { return BSON("$const" << true); } }; } // namespace Or namespace Parse { namespace Object { /** * Parses the object given by 'specification', with the options given by 'parseContextOptions'. */ boost::intrusive_ptr parseObject(BSONObj specification) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; return Expression::parseObject(expCtx, specification, vps); }; TEST(ParseObject, ShouldAcceptEmptyObject) { auto resultExpression = parseObject(BSONObj()); // Should return an empty ExpressionObject. auto resultObject = dynamic_cast(resultExpression.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(resultObject); ASSERT_EQ(resultObject->getChildExpressions().size(), 0UL); } TEST(ParseObject, ShouldRecognizeKnownExpression) { auto resultExpression = parseObject(BSON("$and" << BSONArray())); // Should return an ExpressionAnd. auto resultAnd = dynamic_cast(resultExpression.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(resultAnd); } } // namespace Object namespace Expression { using mongo::Expression; /** * Parses an expression from the given BSON specification. */ boost::intrusive_ptr parseExpression(BSONObj specification) { const boost::intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; return Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, specification, vps); } TEST(ParseExpression, ShouldRecognizeConstExpression) { auto resultExpression = parseExpression(BSON("$const" << 5)); auto constExpression = dynamic_cast(resultExpression.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(constExpression); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(constExpression->serialize(false), Value(Document{{"$const", 5}})); } TEST(ParseExpression, ShouldRejectUnknownExpression) { ASSERT_THROWS(parseExpression(BSON("$invalid" << 1)), AssertionException); } TEST(ParseExpression, ShouldRejectExpressionArgumentsWhichAreNotInArray) { ASSERT_THROWS(parseExpression(BSON("$strcasecmp" << "foo")), AssertionException); } TEST(ParseExpression, ShouldRejectExpressionWithWrongNumberOfArguments) { ASSERT_THROWS(parseExpression(BSON("$strcasecmp" << BSON_ARRAY("foo"))), AssertionException); } TEST(ParseExpression, ShouldRejectObjectWithTwoTopLevelExpressions) { ASSERT_THROWS(parseExpression(BSON("$and" << BSONArray() << "$or" << BSONArray())), AssertionException); } TEST(ParseExpression, ShouldRejectExpressionIfItsNotTheOnlyField) { ASSERT_THROWS(parseExpression(BSON("$and" << BSONArray() << "a" << BSON("$or" << BSONArray()))), AssertionException); } TEST(ParseExpression, ShouldParseExpressionWithMultipleArguments) { auto resultExpression = parseExpression(BSON("$strcasecmp" << BSON_ARRAY("foo" << "FOO"))); auto strCaseCmpExpression = dynamic_cast(resultExpression.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(strCaseCmpExpression); vector arguments = {Value(Document{{"$const", "foo"_sd}}), Value(Document{{"$const", "FOO"_sd}})}; ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(strCaseCmpExpression->serialize(false), Value(Document{{"$strcasecmp", arguments}})); } TEST(ParseExpression, ShouldParseExpressionWithNoArguments) { auto resultExpression = parseExpression(BSON("$and" << BSONArray())); auto andExpression = dynamic_cast(resultExpression.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(andExpression); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(andExpression->serialize(false), Value(Document{{"$and", vector{}}})); } TEST(ParseExpression, ShouldParseExpressionWithOneArgument) { auto resultExpression = parseExpression(BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(1))); auto andExpression = dynamic_cast(resultExpression.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(andExpression); vector arguments = {Value(Document{{"$const", 1}})}; ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(andExpression->serialize(false), Value(Document{{"$and", arguments}})); } TEST(ParseExpression, ShouldAcceptArgumentWithoutArrayForVariadicExpressions) { auto resultExpression = parseExpression(BSON("$and" << 1)); auto andExpression = dynamic_cast(resultExpression.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(andExpression); vector arguments = {Value(Document{{"$const", 1}})}; ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(andExpression->serialize(false), Value(Document{{"$and", arguments}})); } TEST(ParseExpression, ShouldAcceptArgumentWithoutArrayAsSingleArgument) { auto resultExpression = parseExpression(BSON("$not" << 1)); auto notExpression = dynamic_cast(resultExpression.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(notExpression); vector arguments = {Value(Document{{"$const", 1}})}; ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(notExpression->serialize(false), Value(Document{{"$not", arguments}})); } TEST(ParseExpression, ShouldAcceptObjectAsSingleArgument) { auto resultExpression = parseExpression(BSON("$and" << BSON("$const" << 1))); auto andExpression = dynamic_cast(resultExpression.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(andExpression); vector arguments = {Value(Document{{"$const", 1}})}; ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(andExpression->serialize(false), Value(Document{{"$and", arguments}})); } TEST(ParseExpression, ShouldAcceptObjectInsideArrayAsSingleArgument) { auto resultExpression = parseExpression(BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$const" << 1)))); auto andExpression = dynamic_cast(resultExpression.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(andExpression); vector arguments = {Value(Document{{"$const", 1}})}; ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(andExpression->serialize(false), Value(Document{{"$and", arguments}})); } } // namespace Expression namespace Operand { using mongo::Expression; /** * Parses an operand from the given BSON specification. The field name is ignored, since it is * assumed to have come from an array, or to have been the only argument to an expression, in which * case the field name would be the name of the expression. */ intrusive_ptr parseOperand(BSONObj specification) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); BSONElement specElement = specification.firstElement(); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; return Expression::parseOperand(expCtx, specElement, vps); } TEST(ParseOperand, ShouldRecognizeFieldPath) { auto resultExpression = parseOperand(BSON("" << "$field")); auto fieldPathExpression = dynamic_cast(resultExpression.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(fieldPathExpression); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(fieldPathExpression->serialize(false), Value("$field"_sd)); } TEST(ParseOperand, ShouldRecognizeStringLiteral) { auto resultExpression = parseOperand(BSON("" << "foo")); auto constantExpression = dynamic_cast(resultExpression.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(constantExpression); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(constantExpression->serialize(false), Value(Document{{"$const", "foo"_sd}})); } TEST(ParseOperand, ShouldRecognizeNestedArray) { auto resultExpression = parseOperand(BSON("" << BSON_ARRAY("foo" << "$field"))); auto arrayExpression = dynamic_cast(resultExpression.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(arrayExpression); vector expectedSerializedArray = {Value(Document{{"$const", "foo"_sd}}), Value("$field"_sd)}; ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(arrayExpression->serialize(false), Value(expectedSerializedArray)); } TEST(ParseOperand, ShouldRecognizeNumberLiteral) { auto resultExpression = parseOperand(BSON("" << 5)); auto constantExpression = dynamic_cast(resultExpression.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(constantExpression); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(constantExpression->serialize(false), Value(Document{{"$const", 5}})); } TEST(ParseOperand, ShouldRecognizeNestedExpression) { auto resultExpression = parseOperand(BSON("" << BSON("$and" << BSONArray()))); auto andExpression = dynamic_cast(resultExpression.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(andExpression); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(andExpression->serialize(false), Value(Document{{"$and", vector{}}})); } } // namespace Operand } // namespace Parse namespace Set { Value sortSet(Value set) { if (set.nullish()) { return Value(BSONNULL); } vector sortedSet = set.getArray(); ValueComparator valueComparator; sort(sortedSet.begin(), sortedSet.end(), valueComparator.getLessThan()); return Value(sortedSet); } class ExpectedResultBase { public: virtual ~ExpectedResultBase() {} void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); const Document spec = getSpec(); const Value args = spec["input"]; if (!spec["expected"].missing()) { FieldIterator fields(spec["expected"].getDocument()); while (fields.more()) { const Document::FieldPair field(fields.next()); const Value expected = field.second; const BSONObj obj = BSON(field.first << args); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; const intrusive_ptr expr = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, obj, vps); Value result = expr->evaluate(Document()); if (result.getType() == Array) { result = sortSet(result); } if (ValueComparator().evaluate(result != expected)) { string errMsg = str::stream() << "for expression " << field.first.toString() << " with argument " << args.toString() << " full tree: " << expr->serialize(false).toString() << " expected: " << expected.toString() << " but got: " << result.toString(); FAIL(errMsg); } // TODO test optimize here } } if (!spec["error"].missing()) { const vector& asserters = spec["error"].getArray(); size_t n = asserters.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { const BSONObj obj = BSON(asserters[i].getString() << args); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; ASSERT_THROWS( { // NOTE: parse and evaluatation failures are treated the // same const intrusive_ptr expr = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, obj, vps); expr->evaluate(Document()); }, AssertionException); } } } private: virtual Document getSpec() = 0; }; class Same : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2)) << "expected" << DOC("$setIsSubset" << true << "$setEquals" << true << "$setIntersection" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << "$setUnion" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << "$setDifference" << vector())); } }; class Redundant : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2 << 2)) << "expected" << DOC("$setIsSubset" << true << "$setEquals" << true << "$setIntersection" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << "$setUnion" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << "$setDifference" << vector())); } }; class DoubleRedundant : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC( "input" << DOC_ARRAY(DOC_ARRAY(1 << 1 << 2) << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2 << 2)) << "expected" << DOC("$setIsSubset" << true << "$setEquals" << true << "$setIntersection" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << "$setUnion" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << "$setDifference" << vector())); } }; class Super : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << DOC_ARRAY(1)) << "expected" << DOC("$setIsSubset" << false << "$setEquals" << false << "$setIntersection" << DOC_ARRAY(1) << "$setUnion" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << "$setDifference" << DOC_ARRAY(2))); } }; class SuperWithRedundant : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2 << 2) << DOC_ARRAY(1)) << "expected" << DOC("$setIsSubset" << false << "$setEquals" << false << "$setIntersection" << DOC_ARRAY(1) << "$setUnion" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << "$setDifference" << DOC_ARRAY(2))); } }; class Sub : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(DOC_ARRAY(1) << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2)) << "expected" << DOC("$setIsSubset" << true << "$setEquals" << false << "$setIntersection" << DOC_ARRAY(1) << "$setUnion" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << "$setDifference" << vector())); } }; class SameBackwards : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << DOC_ARRAY(2 << 1)) << "expected" << DOC("$setIsSubset" << true << "$setEquals" << true << "$setIntersection" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << "$setUnion" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << "$setDifference" << vector())); } }; class NoOverlap : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << DOC_ARRAY(8 << 4)) << "expected" << DOC("$setIsSubset" << false << "$setEquals" << false << "$setIntersection" << vector() << "$setUnion" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2 << 4 << 8) << "$setDifference" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2))); } }; class Overlap : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << DOC_ARRAY(8 << 2 << 4)) << "expected" << DOC("$setIsSubset" << false << "$setEquals" << false << "$setIntersection" << DOC_ARRAY(2) << "$setUnion" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2 << 4 << 8) << "$setDifference" << DOC_ARRAY(1))); } }; class LastNull : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << Value(BSONNULL)) << "expected" << DOC("$setIntersection" << BSONNULL << "$setUnion" << BSONNULL << "$setDifference" << BSONNULL) << "error" << DOC_ARRAY("$setEquals"_sd << "$setIsSubset"_sd)); } }; class FirstNull : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(Value(BSONNULL) << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2)) << "expected" << DOC("$setIntersection" << BSONNULL << "$setUnion" << BSONNULL << "$setDifference" << BSONNULL) << "error" << DOC_ARRAY("$setEquals"_sd << "$setIsSubset"_sd)); } }; class NoArg : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC( "input" << vector() << "expected" << DOC("$setIntersection" << vector() << "$setUnion" << vector()) << "error" << DOC_ARRAY("$setEquals"_sd << "$setIsSubset"_sd << "$setDifference"_sd)); } }; class OneArg : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2)) << "expected" << DOC("$setIntersection" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << "$setUnion" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2)) << "error" << DOC_ARRAY("$setEquals"_sd << "$setIsSubset"_sd << "$setDifference"_sd)); } }; class EmptyArg : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC( "input" << DOC_ARRAY(vector()) << "expected" << DOC("$setIntersection" << vector() << "$setUnion" << vector()) << "error" << DOC_ARRAY("$setEquals"_sd << "$setIsSubset"_sd << "$setDifference"_sd)); } }; class LeftArgEmpty : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(vector() << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2)) << "expected" << DOC("$setIntersection" << vector() << "$setUnion" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << "$setIsSubset" << true << "$setEquals" << false << "$setDifference" << vector())); } }; class RightArgEmpty : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << vector()) << "expected" << DOC("$setIntersection" << vector() << "$setUnion" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2) << "$setIsSubset" << false << "$setEquals" << false << "$setDifference" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2))); } }; class ManyArgs : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC( "input" << DOC_ARRAY(DOC_ARRAY(8 << 3) << DOC_ARRAY("asdf"_sd << "foo"_sd) << DOC_ARRAY(80.3 << 34) << vector() << DOC_ARRAY(80.3 << "foo"_sd << 11 << "yay"_sd)) << "expected" << DOC("$setIntersection" << vector() << "$setEquals" << false << "$setUnion" << DOC_ARRAY(3 << 8 << 11 << 34 << 80.3 << "asdf"_sd << "foo"_sd << "yay"_sd)) << "error" << DOC_ARRAY("$setIsSubset"_sd << "$setDifference"_sd)); } }; class ManyArgsEqual : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2 << 4) << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2 << 2 << 4) << DOC_ARRAY(4 << 1 << 2) << DOC_ARRAY(2 << 1 << 1 << 4)) << "expected" << DOC("$setIntersection" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2 << 4) << "$setEquals" << true << "$setUnion" << DOC_ARRAY(1 << 2 << 4)) << "error" << DOC_ARRAY("$setIsSubset"_sd << "$setDifference"_sd)); } }; } // namespace Set namespace Strcasecmp { class ExpectedResultBase { public: virtual ~ExpectedResultBase() {} void run() { assertResult(expectedResult(), spec()); assertResult(-expectedResult(), reverseSpec()); } protected: virtual string a() = 0; virtual string b() = 0; virtual int expectedResult() = 0; private: BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$strcasecmp" << BSON_ARRAY(a() << b())); } BSONObj reverseSpec() { return BSON("$strcasecmp" << BSON_ARRAY(b() << a())); } void assertResult(int expectedResult, const BSONObj& spec) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); BSONObj specObj = BSON("" << spec); BSONElement specElement = specObj.firstElement(); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; intrusive_ptr expression = Expression::parseOperand(expCtx, specElement, vps); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(constify(spec), expressionToBson(expression)); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("" << expectedResult), toBson(expression->evaluate(Document()))); } }; class NullBegin : public ExpectedResultBase { string a() { return string("\0ab", 3); } string b() { return string("\0AB", 3); } int expectedResult() { return 0; } }; class NullEnd : public ExpectedResultBase { string a() { return string("ab\0", 3); } string b() { return string("aB\0", 3); } int expectedResult() { return 0; } }; class NullMiddleLt : public ExpectedResultBase { string a() { return string("a\0a", 3); } string b() { return string("a\0B", 3); } int expectedResult() { return -1; } }; class NullMiddleEq : public ExpectedResultBase { string a() { return string("a\0b", 3); } string b() { return string("a\0B", 3); } int expectedResult() { return 0; } }; class NullMiddleGt : public ExpectedResultBase { string a() { return string("a\0c", 3); } string b() { return string("a\0B", 3); } int expectedResult() { return 1; } }; } // namespace Strcasecmp namespace StrLenBytes { TEST(ExpressionStrLenBytes, ComputesLengthOfString) { assertExpectedResults("$strLenBytes", {{{Value("abc"_sd)}, Value(3)}}); } TEST(ExpressionStrLenBytes, ComputesLengthOfEmptyString) { assertExpectedResults("$strLenBytes", {{{Value(StringData())}, Value(0)}}); } TEST(ExpressionStrLenBytes, ComputesLengthOfStringWithNull) { assertExpectedResults("$strLenBytes", {{{Value("ab\0c"_sd)}, Value(4)}}); } TEST(ExpressionStrLenCP, ComputesLengthOfStringWithNullAtEnd) { assertExpectedResults("$strLenBytes", {{{Value("abc\0"_sd)}, Value(4)}}); } } // namespace StrLenBytes namespace StrLenCP { TEST(ExpressionStrLenCP, ComputesLengthOfASCIIString) { assertExpectedResults("$strLenCP", {{{Value("abc"_sd)}, Value(3)}}); } TEST(ExpressionStrLenCP, ComputesLengthOfEmptyString) { assertExpectedResults("$strLenCP", {{{Value(StringData())}, Value(0)}}); } TEST(ExpressionStrLenCP, ComputesLengthOfStringWithNull) { assertExpectedResults("$strLenCP", {{{Value("ab\0c"_sd)}, Value(4)}}); } TEST(ExpressionStrLenCP, ComputesLengthOfStringWithNullAtEnd) { assertExpectedResults("$strLenCP", {{{Value("abc\0"_sd)}, Value(4)}}); } TEST(ExpressionStrLenCP, ComputesLengthOfStringWithAccent) { assertExpectedResults("$strLenCP", {{{Value("a\0bâ"_sd)}, Value(4)}}); } TEST(ExpressionStrLenCP, ComputesLengthOfStringWithSpecialCharacters) { assertExpectedResults("$strLenCP", {{{Value("ºabøåß"_sd)}, Value(6)}}); } } // namespace StrLenCP namespace SubstrBytes { class ExpectedResultBase { public: virtual ~ExpectedResultBase() {} void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); BSONObj specObj = BSON("" << spec()); BSONElement specElement = specObj.firstElement(); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; intrusive_ptr expression = Expression::parseOperand(expCtx, specElement, vps); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(constify(spec()), expressionToBson(expression)); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("" << expectedResult()), toBson(expression->evaluate(Document()))); } protected: virtual string str() = 0; virtual int offset() = 0; virtual int length() = 0; virtual string expectedResult() = 0; private: BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$substrBytes" << BSON_ARRAY(str() << offset() << length())); } }; /** Retrieve a full string containing a null character. */ class FullNull : public ExpectedResultBase { string str() { return string("a\0b", 3); } int offset() { return 0; } int length() { return 3; } string expectedResult() { return str(); } }; /** Retrieve a substring beginning with a null character. */ class BeginAtNull : public ExpectedResultBase { string str() { return string("a\0b", 3); } int offset() { return 1; } int length() { return 2; } string expectedResult() { return string("\0b", 2); } }; /** Retrieve a substring ending with a null character. */ class EndAtNull : public ExpectedResultBase { string str() { return string("a\0b", 3); } int offset() { return 0; } int length() { return 2; } string expectedResult() { return string("a\0", 2); } }; /** Drop a beginning null character. */ class DropBeginningNull : public ExpectedResultBase { string str() { return string("\0b", 2); } int offset() { return 1; } int length() { return 1; } string expectedResult() { return "b"; } }; /** Drop an ending null character. */ class DropEndingNull : public ExpectedResultBase { string str() { return string("a\0", 2); } int offset() { return 0; } int length() { return 1; } string expectedResult() { return "a"; } }; } // namespace Substr namespace SubstrCP { TEST(ExpressionSubstrCPTest, DoesThrowWithBadContinuationByte) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; const auto continuationByte = "\x80\x00"_sd; const auto expr = Expression::parseExpression( expCtx, BSON("$substrCP" << BSON_ARRAY(continuationByte << 0 << 1)), vps); ASSERT_THROWS({ expr->evaluate(Document()); }, AssertionException); } TEST(ExpressionSubstrCPTest, DoesThrowWithInvalidLeadingByte) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; const auto leadingByte = "\xFF\x00"_sd; const auto expr = Expression::parseExpression( expCtx, BSON("$substrCP" << BSON_ARRAY(leadingByte << 0 << 1)), vps); ASSERT_THROWS({ expr->evaluate(Document()); }, AssertionException); } TEST(ExpressionSubstrCPTest, WithStandardValue) { assertExpectedResults("$substrCP", {{{Value("abc"_sd), Value(0), Value(2)}, Value("ab"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionSubstrCPTest, WithNullCharacter) { assertExpectedResults("$substrCP", {{{Value("abc\0d"_sd), Value(2), Value(3)}, Value("c\0d"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionSubstrCPTest, WithNullCharacterAtEnd) { assertExpectedResults("$substrCP", {{{Value("abc\0"_sd), Value(2), Value(2)}, Value("c\0"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionSubstrCPTest, WithOutOfRangeString) { assertExpectedResults("$substrCP", {{{Value("abc"_sd), Value(3), Value(2)}, Value(StringData())}}); } TEST(ExpressionSubstrCPTest, WithPartiallyOutOfRangeString) { assertExpectedResults("$substrCP", {{{Value("abc"_sd), Value(1), Value(4)}, Value("bc"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionSubstrCPTest, WithUnicodeValue) { assertExpectedResults("$substrCP", {{{Value("øø∫å"_sd), Value(0), Value(4)}, Value("øø∫å"_sd)}}); assertExpectedResults("$substrBytes", {{{Value("øø∫å"_sd), Value(0), Value(4)}, Value("øø"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionSubstrCPTest, WithMixedUnicodeAndASCIIValue) { assertExpectedResults("$substrCP", {{{Value("a∫bøßabc"_sd), Value(1), Value(4)}, Value("∫bøß"_sd)}}); assertExpectedResults("$substrBytes", {{{Value("a∫bøßabc"_sd), Value(1), Value(4)}, Value("∫b"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionSubstrCPTest, ShouldCoerceDateToString) { assertExpectedResults("$substrCP", {{{Value(Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(0)), Value(0), Value(1000)}, Value("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"_sd)}}); assertExpectedResults("$substrBytes", {{{Value(Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(0)), Value(0), Value(1000)}, Value("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"_sd)}}); } } // namespace SubstrCP namespace Type { TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithMinKeyValue) { assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value(MINKEY)}, Value("minKey"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithDoubleValue) { assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value(1.0)}, Value("double"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithStringValue) { assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value("stringValue"_sd)}, Value("string"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithObjectValue) { BSONObj objectVal = fromjson("{a: {$literal: 1}}"); assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value(objectVal)}, Value("object"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithArrayValue) { assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value(BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2))}, Value("array"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithBinDataValue) { BSONBinData binDataVal = BSONBinData("", 0, BinDataGeneral); assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value(binDataVal)}, Value("binData"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithUndefinedValue) { assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value(BSONUndefined)}, Value("undefined"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithOIDValue) { assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value(OID())}, Value("objectId"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithBoolValue) { assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value(true)}, Value("bool"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithDateValue) { Date_t dateVal = BSON("" << DATENOW).firstElement().Date(); assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value(dateVal)}, Value("date"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithNullValue) { assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value(BSONNULL)}, Value("null"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithRegexValue) { assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value(BSONRegEx("a.b"))}, Value("regex"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithSymbolValue) { assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value(BSONSymbol("a"))}, Value("symbol"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithDBRefValue) { assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value(BSONDBRef("", OID()))}, Value("dbPointer"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithCodeWScopeValue) { assertExpectedResults( "$type", {{{Value(BSONCodeWScope("var x = 3", BSONObj()))}, Value("javascriptWithScope"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithCodeValue) { assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value(BSONCode("var x = 3"))}, Value("javascript"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithIntValue) { assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value(1)}, Value("int"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithDecimalValue) { assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value(Decimal128(0.3))}, Value("decimal"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithLongValue) { assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value(1LL)}, Value("long"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithTimestampValue) { assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value(Timestamp(0, 0))}, Value("timestamp"_sd)}}); } TEST(ExpressionTypeTest, WithMaxKeyValue) { assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value(MAXKEY)}, Value("maxKey"_sd)}}); } } // namespace Type namespace BuiltinRemoveVariable { TEST(BuiltinRemoveVariableTest, TypeOfRemoveIsMissing) { assertExpectedResults("$type", {{{Value("$$REMOVE"_sd)}, Value("missing"_sd)}}); } TEST(BuiltinRemoveVariableTest, LiteralEscapesRemoveVar) { assertExpectedResults( "$literal", {{{Value("$$REMOVE"_sd)}, Value(std::vector{Value("$$REMOVE"_sd)})}}); } TEST(BuiltinRemoveVariableTest, RemoveSerializesCorrectly) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; auto expression = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$$REMOVE", vps); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("foo" << "$$REMOVE"), BSON("foo" << expression->serialize(false))); } TEST(BuiltinRemoveVariableTest, RemoveSerializesCorrectlyWithTrailingPath) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; auto expression = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$$REMOVE.a.b", vps); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("foo" << "$$REMOVE.a.b"), BSON("foo" << expression->serialize(false))); } TEST(BuiltinRemoveVariableTest, RemoveSerializesCorrectlyAfterOptimization) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; auto expression = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$$REMOVE.a.b", vps); auto optimizedExpression = expression->optimize(); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(optimizedExpression.get())); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("foo" << "$$REMOVE"), BSON("foo" << optimizedExpression->serialize(false))); } } // namespace BuiltinRemoveVariable /* ------------------------- ExpressionMergeObjects -------------------------- */ namespace ExpressionMergeObjects { TEST(ExpressionMergeObjects, MergingWithSingleObjectShouldLeaveUnchanged) { assertExpectedResults("$mergeObjects", {{{}, {Document({})}}}); auto doc = Document({{"a", 1}, {"b", 1}}); assertExpectedResults("$mergeObjects", {{{doc}, doc}}); } TEST(ExpressionMergeObjects, MergingDisjointObjectsShouldIncludeAllFields) { auto first = Document({{"a", 1}, {"b", 1}}); auto second = Document({{"c", 1}}); assertExpectedResults("$mergeObjects", {{{first, second}, Document({{"a", 1}, {"b", 1}, {"c", 1}})}}); } TEST(ExpressionMergeObjects, MergingIntersectingObjectsShouldOverrideInOrderReceived) { auto first = Document({{"a", "oldValue"_sd}, {"b", 0}, {"c", 1}}); auto second = Document({{"a", "newValue"_sd}}); assertExpectedResults( "$mergeObjects", {{{first, second}, Document({{"a", "newValue"_sd}, {"b", 0}, {"c", 1}})}}); } TEST(ExpressionMergeObjects, MergingIntersectingEmbeddedObjectsShouldOverrideInOrderReceived) { auto firstSubDoc = Document({{"a", 1}, {"b", 2}, {"c", 3}}); auto secondSubDoc = Document({{"a", 2}, {"b", 1}}); auto first = Document({{"d", 1}, {"subDoc", firstSubDoc}}); auto second = Document({{"subDoc", secondSubDoc}}); auto expected = Document({{"d", 1}, {"subDoc", secondSubDoc}}); assertExpectedResults("$mergeObjects", {{{first, second}, expected}}); } TEST(ExpressionMergeObjects, MergingWithEmptyDocumentShouldIgnore) { auto first = Document({{"a", 0}, {"b", 1}, {"c", 1}}); auto second = Document({}); auto expected = Document({{"a", 0}, {"b", 1}, {"c", 1}}); assertExpectedResults("$mergeObjects", {{{first, second}, expected}}); } TEST(ExpressionMergeObjects, MergingSingleArgumentArrayShouldUnwindAndMerge) { std::vector first = {Document({{"a", 1}}), Document({{"a", 2}})}; auto expected = Document({{"a", 2}}); assertExpectedResults("$mergeObjects", {{{first}, expected}}); } TEST(ExpressionMergeObjects, MergingArrayWithDocumentShouldThrowException) { std::vector first = {Document({{"a", 1}}), Document({{"a", 2}})}; auto second = Document({{"b", 2}}); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE( evaluateExpression("$mergeObjects", {first, second}), AssertionException, 40400); } TEST(ExpressionMergeObjects, MergingArrayContainingInvalidTypesShouldThrowException) { std::vector first = {Value(Document({{"validType", 1}})), Value("invalidType"_sd)}; ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(evaluateExpression("$mergeObjects", {first}), AssertionException, 40400); } TEST(ExpressionMergeObjects, MergingNonObjectsShouldThrowException) { ASSERT_THROWS_CODE( evaluateExpression("$mergeObjects", {"invalidArg"_sd}), AssertionException, 40400); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE( evaluateExpression("$mergeObjects", {"invalidArg"_sd, Document({{"validArg", 1}})}), AssertionException, 40400); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(evaluateExpression("$mergeObjects", {1, Document({{"validArg", 1}})}), AssertionException, 40400); } } // namespace ExpressionMergeObjects namespace ToLower { class ExpectedResultBase { public: virtual ~ExpectedResultBase() {} void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); BSONObj specObj = BSON("" << spec()); BSONElement specElement = specObj.firstElement(); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; intrusive_ptr expression = Expression::parseOperand(expCtx, specElement, vps); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(constify(spec()), expressionToBson(expression)); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("" << expectedResult()), toBson(expression->evaluate(Document()))); } protected: virtual string str() = 0; virtual string expectedResult() = 0; private: BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$toLower" << BSON_ARRAY(str())); } }; /** String beginning with a null character. */ class NullBegin : public ExpectedResultBase { string str() { return string("\0aB", 3); } string expectedResult() { return string("\0ab", 3); } }; /** String containing a null character. */ class NullMiddle : public ExpectedResultBase { string str() { return string("a\0B", 3); } string expectedResult() { return string("a\0b", 3); } }; /** String ending with a null character. */ class NullEnd : public ExpectedResultBase { string str() { return string("aB\0", 3); } string expectedResult() { return string("ab\0", 3); } }; } // namespace ToLower namespace ToUpper { class ExpectedResultBase { public: virtual ~ExpectedResultBase() {} void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); BSONObj specObj = BSON("" << spec()); BSONElement specElement = specObj.firstElement(); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; intrusive_ptr expression = Expression::parseOperand(expCtx, specElement, vps); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(constify(spec()), expressionToBson(expression)); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("" << expectedResult()), toBson(expression->evaluate(Document()))); } protected: virtual string str() = 0; virtual string expectedResult() = 0; private: BSONObj spec() { return BSON("$toUpper" << BSON_ARRAY(str())); } }; /** String beginning with a null character. */ class NullBegin : public ExpectedResultBase { string str() { return string("\0aB", 3); } string expectedResult() { return string("\0AB", 3); } }; /** String containing a null character. */ class NullMiddle : public ExpectedResultBase { string str() { return string("a\0B", 3); } string expectedResult() { return string("A\0B", 3); } }; /** String ending with a null character. */ class NullEnd : public ExpectedResultBase { string str() { return string("aB\0", 3); } string expectedResult() { return string("AB\0", 3); } }; } // namespace ToUpper namespace AllAnyElements { class ExpectedResultBase { public: virtual ~ExpectedResultBase() {} void run() { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); const Document spec = getSpec(); const Value args = spec["input"]; if (!spec["expected"].missing()) { FieldIterator fields(spec["expected"].getDocument()); while (fields.more()) { const Document::FieldPair field(fields.next()); const Value expected = field.second; const BSONObj obj = BSON(field.first << args); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; const intrusive_ptr expr = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, obj, vps); const Value result = expr->evaluate(Document()); if (ValueComparator().evaluate(result != expected)) { string errMsg = str::stream() << "for expression " << field.first.toString() << " with argument " << args.toString() << " full tree: " << expr->serialize(false).toString() << " expected: " << expected.toString() << " but got: " << result.toString(); FAIL(errMsg); } // TODO test optimize here } } if (!spec["error"].missing()) { const vector& asserters = spec["error"].getArray(); size_t n = asserters.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { const BSONObj obj = BSON(asserters[i].getString() << args); VariablesParseState vps = expCtx->variablesParseState; ASSERT_THROWS( { // NOTE: parse and evaluatation failures are treated the // same const intrusive_ptr expr = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, obj, vps); expr->evaluate(Document()); }, AssertionException); } } } private: virtual Document getSpec() = 0; }; class JustFalse : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(DOC_ARRAY(false)) << "expected" << DOC("$allElementsTrue" << false << "$anyElementTrue" << false)); } }; class JustTrue : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(DOC_ARRAY(true)) << "expected" << DOC("$allElementsTrue" << true << "$anyElementTrue" << true)); } }; class OneTrueOneFalse : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(DOC_ARRAY(true << false)) << "expected" << DOC("$allElementsTrue" << false << "$anyElementTrue" << true)); } }; class Empty : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(vector()) << "expected" << DOC("$allElementsTrue" << true << "$anyElementTrue" << false)); } }; class TrueViaInt : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(DOC_ARRAY(1)) << "expected" << DOC("$allElementsTrue" << true << "$anyElementTrue" << true)); } }; class FalseViaInt : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(DOC_ARRAY(0)) << "expected" << DOC("$allElementsTrue" << false << "$anyElementTrue" << false)); } }; class Null : public ExpectedResultBase { Document getSpec() { return DOC("input" << DOC_ARRAY(BSONNULL) << "error" << DOC_ARRAY("$allElementsTrue"_sd << "$anyElementTrue"_sd)); } }; } // namespace AllAnyElements namespace GetComputedPathsTest { TEST(GetComputedPathsTest, ExpressionFieldPathDoesNotCountAsRenameWhenUsingRemoveBuiltin) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto expr = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$$REMOVE", expCtx->variablesParseState); auto computedPaths = expr->getComputedPaths("a", Variables::kRootId); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.paths.size(), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.paths.count("a"), 1u); ASSERT(computedPaths.renames.empty()); } TEST(GetComputedPathsTest, ExpressionFieldPathDoesNotCountAsRenameWhenOnlyRoot) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto expr = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$$ROOT", expCtx->variablesParseState); auto computedPaths = expr->getComputedPaths("a", Variables::kRootId); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.paths.size(), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.paths.count("a"), 1u); ASSERT(computedPaths.renames.empty()); } TEST(GetComputedPathsTest, ExpressionFieldPathDoesNotCountAsRenameWithNonMatchingUserVariable) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); expCtx->variablesParseState.defineVariable("userVar"); auto expr = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$$userVar.b", expCtx->variablesParseState); auto computedPaths = expr->getComputedPaths("a", Variables::kRootId); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.paths.size(), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.paths.count("a"), 1u); ASSERT(computedPaths.renames.empty()); } TEST(GetComputedPathsTest, ExpressionFieldPathDoesNotCountAsRenameWhenDotted) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto expr = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$a.b", expCtx->variablesParseState); auto computedPaths = expr->getComputedPaths("c", Variables::kRootId); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.paths.size(), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.paths.count("c"), 1u); ASSERT(computedPaths.renames.empty()); } TEST(GetComputedPathsTest, ExpressionFieldPathDoesCountAsRename) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto expr = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$a", expCtx->variablesParseState); auto computedPaths = expr->getComputedPaths("b", Variables::kRootId); ASSERT(computedPaths.paths.empty()); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.renames.size(), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.renames["b"], "a"); } TEST(GetComputedPathsTest, ExpressionFieldPathDoesCountAsRenameWithExplicitRoot) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto expr = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$$ROOT.a", expCtx->variablesParseState); auto computedPaths = expr->getComputedPaths("b", Variables::kRootId); ASSERT(computedPaths.paths.empty()); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.renames.size(), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.renames["b"], "a"); } TEST(GetComputedPathsTest, ExpressionFieldPathDoesCountAsRenameWithExplicitCurrent) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto expr = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$$CURRENT.a", expCtx->variablesParseState); auto computedPaths = expr->getComputedPaths("b", Variables::kRootId); ASSERT(computedPaths.paths.empty()); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.renames.size(), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.renames["b"], "a"); } TEST(GetComputedPathsTest, ExpressionFieldPathDoesCountAsRenameWithMatchingUserVariable) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto varId = expCtx->variablesParseState.defineVariable("userVar"); auto expr = ExpressionFieldPath::parse(expCtx, "$$userVar.a", expCtx->variablesParseState); auto computedPaths = expr->getComputedPaths("b", varId); ASSERT(computedPaths.paths.empty()); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.renames.size(), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.renames["b"], "a"); } TEST(GetComputedPathsTest, ExpressionObjectCorrectlyReportsComputedPaths) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto specObject = fromjson("{a: '$b', c: {$add: [1, 3]}}"); auto expr = Expression::parseObject(expCtx, specObject, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(expr.get())); auto computedPaths = expr->getComputedPaths("d"); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.paths.size(), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.paths.count("d.c"), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.renames.size(), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.renames["d.a"], "b"); } TEST(GetComputedPathsTest, ExpressionObjectCorrectlyReportsComputedPathsNested) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto specObject = fromjson( "{a: {b: '$c'}," "d: {$map: {input: '$e', as: 'iter', in: {f: '$$iter.g'}}}}"); auto expr = Expression::parseObject(expCtx, specObject, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(expr.get())); auto computedPaths = expr->getComputedPaths("h"); ASSERT(computedPaths.paths.empty()); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.renames.size(), 2u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.renames["h.a.b"], "c"); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.renames["h.d.f"], "e.g"); } TEST(GetComputedPathsTest, ExpressionMapCorrectlyReportsComputedPaths) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto specObject = fromjson("{$map: {input: '$a', as: 'iter', in: {b: '$$iter.c', d: {$add: [1, 2]}}}}"); auto expr = Expression::parseObject(expCtx, specObject, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(expr.get())); auto computedPaths = expr->getComputedPaths("e"); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.paths.size(), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.paths.count("e.d"), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.renames.size(), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.renames["e.b"], "a.c"); } TEST(GetComputedPathsTest, ExpressionMapCorrectlyReportsComputedPathsWithDefaultVarName) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto specObject = fromjson("{$map: {input: '$a', in: {b: '$$this.c', d: {$add: [1, 2]}}}}"); auto expr = Expression::parseObject(expCtx, specObject, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(expr.get())); auto computedPaths = expr->getComputedPaths("e"); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.paths.size(), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.paths.count("e.d"), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.renames.size(), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.renames["e.b"], "a.c"); } TEST(GetComputedPathsTest, ExpressionMapCorrectlyReportsComputedPathsWithNestedExprObject) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto specObject = fromjson("{$map: {input: '$a', in: {b: {c: '$$this.d'}}}}"); auto expr = Expression::parseObject(expCtx, specObject, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(expr.get())); auto computedPaths = expr->getComputedPaths("e"); ASSERT(computedPaths.paths.empty()); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.renames.size(), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.renames["e.b.c"], "a.d"); } TEST(GetComputedPathsTest, ExpressionMapNotConsideredRenameWithWrongRootVariable) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto specObject = fromjson("{$map: {input: '$a', as: 'iter', in: {b: '$c'}}}"); auto expr = Expression::parseObject(expCtx, specObject, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(expr.get())); auto computedPaths = expr->getComputedPaths("d"); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.paths.size(), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.paths.count("d"), 1u); ASSERT(computedPaths.renames.empty()); } TEST(GetComputedPathsTest, ExpressionMapNotConsideredRenameWithWrongVariableNoExpressionObject) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto specObject = fromjson("{$map: {input: '$a', as: 'iter', in: '$b'}}"); auto expr = Expression::parseObject(expCtx, specObject, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(expr.get())); auto computedPaths = expr->getComputedPaths("d"); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.paths.size(), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.paths.count("d"), 1u); ASSERT(computedPaths.renames.empty()); } TEST(GetComputedPathsTest, ExpressionMapNotConsideredRenameWithDottedInputPath) { intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto specObject = fromjson("{$map: {input: '$a.b', as: 'iter', in: {c: '$$iter.d'}}}}"); auto expr = Expression::parseObject(expCtx, specObject, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(expr.get())); auto computedPaths = expr->getComputedPaths("e"); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.paths.size(), 1u); ASSERT_EQ(computedPaths.paths.count("e"), 1u); ASSERT(computedPaths.renames.empty()); } } // namespace GetComputedPathsTest namespace ExpressionDateFromPartsTest { // This provides access to an ExpressionContext that has a valid ServiceContext with a // TimeZoneDatabase via getExpCtx(), but we'll use a different name for this test suite. using ExpressionDateFromPartsTest = AggregationContextFixture; TEST_F(ExpressionDateFromPartsTest, SerializesToObjectSyntax) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); // Test that it serializes to the full format if given an object specification. BSONObj spec = BSON("$dateFromParts" << BSON( "year" << 2017 << "month" << 6 << "day" << 27 << "hour" << 14 << "minute" << 37 << "second" << 15 << "millisecond" << 414 << "timezone" << "America/Los_Angeles")); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); auto expectedSerialization = Value(Document{{"$dateFromParts", Document{{"year", Document{{"$const", 2017}}}, {"month", Document{{"$const", 6}}}, {"day", Document{{"$const", 27}}}, {"hour", Document{{"$const", 14}}}, {"minute", Document{{"$const", 37}}}, {"second", Document{{"$const", 15}}}, {"millisecond", Document{{"$const", 414}}}, {"timezone", Document{{"$const", "America/Los_Angeles"_sd}}}}}}); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(dateExp->serialize(true), expectedSerialization); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(dateExp->serialize(false), expectedSerialization); } TEST_F(ExpressionDateFromPartsTest, OptimizesToConstantIfAllInputsAreConstant) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); auto spec = BSON("$dateFromParts" << BSON("year" << 2017)); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it becomes a constant if both year, month and day are provided, and are both // constants. spec = BSON("$dateFromParts" << BSON("year" << 2017 << "month" << 6 << "day" << 27)); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it becomes a constant if both year, hour and minute are provided, and are both // expressions which evaluate to constants. spec = BSON("$dateFromParts" << BSON("year" << BSON("$add" << BSON_ARRAY(1900 << 107)) << "hour" << BSON("$add" << BSON_ARRAY(13 << 1)) << "minute" << BSON("$add" << BSON_ARRAY(40 << 3)))); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it becomes a constant if both year and milliseconds are provided, and year is an // expressions which evaluate to a constant, with milliseconds a constant spec = BSON("$dateFromParts" << BSON( "year" << BSON("$add" << BSON_ARRAY(1900 << 107)) << "millisecond" << 514)); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it becomes a constant if both isoWeekYear, and isoWeek are provided, and are both // constants. spec = BSON("$dateFromParts" << BSON("isoWeekYear" << 2017 << "isoWeek" << 26)); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it becomes a constant if both isoWeekYear, isoWeek and isoDayOfWeek are provided, // and are both expressions which evaluate to constants. spec = BSON("$dateFromParts" << BSON("isoWeekYear" << BSON("$add" << BSON_ARRAY(1017 << 1000)) << "isoWeek" << BSON("$add" << BSON_ARRAY(20 << 6)) << "isoDayOfWeek" << BSON("$add" << BSON_ARRAY(3 << 2)))); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it does *not* become a constant if both year and month are provided, but // year is not a constant. spec = BSON("$dateFromParts" << BSON("year" << "$year" << "month" << 6)); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_FALSE(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it does *not* become a constant if both year and day are provided, but // day is not a constant. spec = BSON("$dateFromParts" << BSON("year" << 2017 << "day" << "$day")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_FALSE(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it does *not* become a constant if both isoWeekYear and isoDayOfWeek are provided, // but // isoDayOfWeek is not a constant. spec = BSON("$dateFromParts" << BSON("isoWeekYear" << 2017 << "isoDayOfWeek" << "$isoDayOfWeekday")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_FALSE(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); } } // namespace ExpressionDateFromPartsTest namespace ExpressionDateToPartsTest { // This provides access to an ExpressionContext that has a valid ServiceContext with a // TimeZoneDatabase via getExpCtx(), but we'll use a different name for this test suite. using ExpressionDateToPartsTest = AggregationContextFixture; TEST_F(ExpressionDateToPartsTest, SerializesToObjectSyntax) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); // Test that it serializes to the full format if given an object specification. BSONObj spec = BSON("$dateToParts" << BSON("date" << Date_t{} << "timezone" << "Europe/London" << "iso8601" << false)); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); auto expectedSerialization = Value(Document{{"$dateToParts", Document{{"date", Document{{"$const", Date_t{}}}}, {"timezone", Document{{"$const", "Europe/London"_sd}}}, {"iso8601", Document{{"$const", false}}}}}}); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(dateExp->serialize(true), expectedSerialization); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(dateExp->serialize(false), expectedSerialization); } TEST_F(ExpressionDateToPartsTest, OptimizesToConstantIfAllInputsAreConstant) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); auto spec = BSON("$dateToParts" << BSON("date" << Date_t{})); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it becomes a constant if both date and timezone are provided, and are both // constants. spec = BSON("$dateToParts" << BSON("date" << Date_t{} << "timezone" << "UTC")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it becomes a constant if both date and timezone are provided, and are both // expressions which evaluate to constants. spec = BSON("$dateToParts" << BSON("date" << BSON("$add" << BSON_ARRAY(Date_t{} << 1000)) << "timezone" << BSON("$concat" << BSON_ARRAY("Europe" << "/" << "London")))); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it becomes a constant if both date and iso8601 are provided, and are both // constants. spec = BSON("$dateToParts" << BSON("date" << Date_t{} << "iso8601" << true)); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it becomes a constant if both date and iso8601 are provided, and are both // expressions which evaluate to constants. spec = BSON("$dateToParts" << BSON("date" << BSON("$add" << BSON_ARRAY(Date_t{} << 1000)) << "iso8601" << BSON("$not" << false))); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it does *not* become a constant if both date and timezone are provided, but // date is not a constant. spec = BSON("$dateToParts" << BSON("date" << "$date" << "timezone" << "Europe/London")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_FALSE(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it does *not* become a constant if both date and timezone are provided, but // timezone is not a constant. spec = BSON("$dateToParts" << BSON("date" << Date_t{} << "timezone" << "$tz")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_FALSE(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it does *not* become a constant if both date and iso8601 are provided, but // iso8601 is not a constant. spec = BSON("$dateToParts" << BSON("date" << Date_t{} << "iso8601" << "$iso8601")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_FALSE(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); } } // namespace ExpressionDateToPartsTest namespace DateExpressionsTest { std::vector dateExpressions = {"$year"_sd, "$isoWeekYear"_sd, "$month"_sd, "$dayOfMonth"_sd, "$hour"_sd, "$minute"_sd, "$second"_sd, "$millisecond"_sd, "$week"_sd, "$isoWeek"_sd, "$dayOfYear"_sd}; // This provides access to an ExpressionContext that has a valid ServiceContext with a // TimeZoneDatabase via getExpCtx(), but we'll use a different name for this test suite. using DateExpressionTest = AggregationContextFixture; TEST_F(DateExpressionTest, ParsingAcceptsAllFormats) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); for (auto&& expName : dateExpressions) { auto possibleSyntaxes = { // Single argument. BSON(expName << Date_t{}), BSON(expName << "$date"), BSON(expName << BSON("$add" << BSON_ARRAY(Date_t{} << 1000))), // Single argument wrapped in an array. BSON(expName << BSON_ARRAY("$date")), BSON(expName << BSON_ARRAY(Date_t{})), BSON(expName << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$add" << BSON_ARRAY(Date_t{} << 1000)))), // Object literal syntax. BSON(expName << BSON("date" << Date_t{})), BSON(expName << BSON("date" << "$date")), BSON(expName << BSON("date" << BSON("$add" << BSON_ARRAY("$date" << 1000)))), BSON(expName << BSON("date" << Date_t{} << "timezone" << "Europe/London")), BSON(expName << BSON("date" << Date_t{} << "timezone" << "$tz"))}; for (auto&& syntax : possibleSyntaxes) { Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, syntax, expCtx->variablesParseState); } } } TEST_F(DateExpressionTest, ParsingRejectsUnrecognizedFieldsInObjectSpecification) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); for (auto&& expName : dateExpressions) { BSONObj spec = BSON(expName << BSON("date" << Date_t{} << "timezone" << "Europe/London" << "extra" << 4)); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState), AssertionException, 40535); } } TEST_F(DateExpressionTest, ParsingRejectsEmptyObjectSpecification) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); for (auto&& expName : dateExpressions) { BSONObj spec = BSON(expName << BSONObj()); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState), AssertionException, 40539); } } TEST_F(DateExpressionTest, RejectsEmptyArray) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); for (auto&& expName : dateExpressions) { BSONObj spec = BSON(expName << BSONArray()); // It will parse as an ExpressionArray, and fail at runtime. ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState), AssertionException, 40536); } } TEST_F(DateExpressionTest, RejectsArraysWithMoreThanOneElement) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); for (auto&& expName : dateExpressions) { BSONObj spec = BSON(expName << BSON_ARRAY("$date" << "$tz")); // It will parse as an ExpressionArray, and fail at runtime. ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState), AssertionException, 40536); } } TEST_F(DateExpressionTest, RejectsArraysWithinObjectSpecification) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); for (auto&& expName : dateExpressions) { BSONObj spec = BSON(expName << BSON("date" << BSON_ARRAY(Date_t{}) << "timezone" << "Europe/London")); // It will parse as an ExpressionArray, and fail at runtime. auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); auto contextDoc = Document{{"_id", 0}}; ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(dateExp->evaluate(contextDoc), AssertionException, 16006); // Test that it rejects an array for the timezone option. spec = BSON(expName << BSON("date" << Date_t{} << "timezone" << BSON_ARRAY("Europe/London"))); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); contextDoc = Document{{"_id", 0}}; ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(dateExp->evaluate(contextDoc), AssertionException, 40533); } } TEST_F(DateExpressionTest, RejectsTypesThatCannotCoerceToDate) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); for (auto&& expName : dateExpressions) { BSONObj spec = BSON(expName << "$stringField"); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); auto contextDoc = Document{{"stringField", "string"_sd}}; ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(dateExp->evaluate(contextDoc), AssertionException, 16006); } } TEST_F(DateExpressionTest, AcceptsObjectIds) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); for (auto&& expName : dateExpressions) { BSONObj spec = BSON(expName << "$oid"); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); auto contextDoc = Document{{"oid", OID::gen()}}; dateExp->evaluate(contextDoc); // Should not throw. } } TEST_F(DateExpressionTest, AcceptsTimestamps) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); for (auto&& expName : dateExpressions) { BSONObj spec = BSON(expName << "$ts"); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); auto contextDoc = Document{{"ts", Timestamp{Date_t{}}}}; dateExp->evaluate(contextDoc); // Should not throw. } } TEST_F(DateExpressionTest, RejectsNonStringTimezone) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); for (auto&& expName : dateExpressions) { BSONObj spec = BSON(expName << BSON("date" << Date_t{} << "timezone" << "$intField")); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); auto contextDoc = Document{{"intField", 4}}; ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(dateExp->evaluate(contextDoc), AssertionException, 40533); } } TEST_F(DateExpressionTest, RejectsUnrecognizedTimeZoneSpecification) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); for (auto&& expName : dateExpressions) { BSONObj spec = BSON(expName << BSON("date" << Date_t{} << "timezone" << "UNRECOGNIZED!")); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); auto contextDoc = Document{{"_id", 0}}; ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(dateExp->evaluate(contextDoc), AssertionException, 40485); } } TEST_F(DateExpressionTest, SerializesToObjectSyntax) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); for (auto&& expName : dateExpressions) { // Test that it serializes to the full format if given an object specification. BSONObj spec = BSON(expName << BSON("date" << Date_t{} << "timezone" << "Europe/London")); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); auto expectedSerialization = Value(Document{{expName, Document{{"date", Document{{"$const", Date_t{}}}}, {"timezone", Document{{"$const", "Europe/London"_sd}}}}}}); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(dateExp->serialize(true), expectedSerialization); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(dateExp->serialize(false), expectedSerialization); // Test that it serializes to the full format if given a date. spec = BSON(expName << Date_t{}); expectedSerialization = Value(Document{{expName, Document{{"date", Document{{"$const", Date_t{}}}}}}}); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(dateExp->serialize(true), expectedSerialization); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(dateExp->serialize(false), expectedSerialization); // Test that it serializes to the full format if given a date within an array. spec = BSON(expName << BSON_ARRAY(Date_t{})); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(dateExp->serialize(true), expectedSerialization); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(dateExp->serialize(false), expectedSerialization); } } TEST_F(DateExpressionTest, OptimizesToConstantIfAllInputsAreConstant) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); for (auto&& expName : dateExpressions) { // Test that it becomes a constant if only date is provided, and it is constant. auto spec = BSON(expName << BSON("date" << Date_t{})); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it becomes a constant if both date and timezone are provided, and are both // constants. spec = BSON(expName << BSON("date" << Date_t{} << "timezone" << "Europe/London")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it becomes a constant if both date and timezone are provided, and are both // expressions which evaluate to constants. spec = BSON(expName << BSON("date" << BSON("$add" << BSON_ARRAY(Date_t{} << 1000)) << "timezone" << BSON("$concat" << BSON_ARRAY("Europe" << "/" << "London")))); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it does *not* become a constant if both date and timezone are provided, but // date is not a constant. spec = BSON(expName << BSON("date" << "$date" << "timezone" << "Europe/London")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_FALSE(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it does *not* become a constant if both date and timezone are provided, but // timezone is not a constant. spec = BSON(expName << BSON("date" << Date_t{} << "timezone" << "$tz")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_FALSE(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); } } TEST_F(DateExpressionTest, DoesRespectTimeZone) { // Make sure they each successfully evaluate with a different TimeZone. auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); for (auto&& expName : dateExpressions) { auto spec = BSON(expName << BSON("date" << Date_t{} << "timezone" << "America/New_York")); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); auto contextDoc = Document{{"_id", 0}}; dateExp->evaluate(contextDoc); // Should not throw. } // Make sure the time zone is used during evaluation. auto date = Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(1496777923000LL); // 2017-06-06T19:38:43:234Z. auto specWithoutTimezone = BSON("$hour" << BSON("date" << date)); auto hourWithoutTimezone = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, specWithoutTimezone, expCtx->variablesParseState) ->evaluate({}); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(hourWithoutTimezone, Value(19)); auto specWithTimezone = BSON("$hour" << BSON("date" << date << "timezone" << "America/New_York")); auto hourWithTimezone = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, specWithTimezone, expCtx->variablesParseState) ->evaluate({}); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(hourWithTimezone, Value(15)); } TEST_F(DateExpressionTest, DoesResultInNullIfGivenNullishInput) { // Make sure they each successfully evaluate with a different TimeZone. auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); for (auto&& expName : dateExpressions) { auto contextDoc = Document{{"_id", 0}}; // Test that the expression results in null if the date is nullish and the timezone is not // specified. auto spec = BSON(expName << BSON("date" << "$missing")); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(BSONNULL), dateExp->evaluate(contextDoc)); spec = BSON(expName << BSON("date" << BSONNULL)); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(BSONNULL), dateExp->evaluate(contextDoc)); spec = BSON(expName << BSON("date" << BSONUndefined)); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(BSONNULL), dateExp->evaluate(contextDoc)); // Test that the expression results in null if the date is present but the timezone is // nullish. spec = BSON(expName << BSON("date" << Date_t{} << "timezone" << "$missing")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(BSONNULL), dateExp->evaluate(contextDoc)); spec = BSON(expName << BSON("date" << Date_t{} << "timezone" << BSONNULL)); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(BSONNULL), dateExp->evaluate(contextDoc)); spec = BSON(expName << BSON("date" << Date_t{} << "timezone" << BSONUndefined)); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(BSONNULL), dateExp->evaluate(contextDoc)); // Test that the expression results in null if the date and timezone both nullish. spec = BSON(expName << BSON("date" << "$missing" << "timezone" << BSONUndefined)); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(BSONNULL), dateExp->evaluate(contextDoc)); // Test that the expression results in null if the date is nullish and timezone is present. spec = BSON(expName << BSON("date" << "$missing" << "timezone" << "Europe/London")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(BSONNULL), dateExp->evaluate(contextDoc)); } } } // namespace DateExpressionsTest namespace ExpressionDateToStringTest { // This provides access to an ExpressionContext that has a valid ServiceContext with a // TimeZoneDatabase via getExpCtx(), but we'll use a different name for this test suite. using ExpressionDateToStringTest = AggregationContextFixture; TEST_F(ExpressionDateToStringTest, SerializesToObjectSyntax) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); // Test that it serializes to the full format if given an object specification. BSONObj spec = BSON("$dateToString" << BSON("date" << Date_t{} << "timezone" << "Europe/London" << "format" << "%Y-%m-%d")); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); auto expectedSerialization = Value(Document{{"$dateToString", Document{{"format", "%Y-%m-%d"_sd}, {"date", Document{{"$const", Date_t{}}}}, {"timezone", Document{{"$const", "Europe/London"_sd}}}}}}); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(dateExp->serialize(true), expectedSerialization); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(dateExp->serialize(false), expectedSerialization); } TEST_F(ExpressionDateToStringTest, OptimizesToConstantIfAllInputsAreConstant) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); // Test that it becomes a constant if both format and date are constant, and timezone is // missing. auto spec = BSON("$dateToString" << BSON("format" << "%Y-%m-%d" << "date" << Date_t{})); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it becomes a constant if both format, date and timezone are provided, and are both // constants. spec = BSON("$dateToString" << BSON("format" << "%Y-%m-%d" << "date" << Date_t{} << "timezone" << "Europe/Amsterdam")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it becomes a constant if both format, date and timezone are provided, and are both // expressions which evaluate to constants. spec = BSON("$dateToString" << BSON("format" << "%Y-%m%d" << "date" << BSON("$add" << BSON_ARRAY(Date_t{} << 1000)) << "timezone" << BSON("$concat" << BSON_ARRAY("Europe" << "/" << "London")))); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it does *not* become a constant if both format, date and timezone are provided, but // date is not a constant. spec = BSON("$dateToString" << BSON("format" << "%Y-%m-%d" << "date" << "$date" << "timezone" << "Europe/London")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_FALSE(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it does *not* become a constant if both format, date and timezone are provided, but // timezone is not a constant. spec = BSON("$dateToString" << BSON("format" << "%Y-%m-%d" << "date" << Date_t{} << "timezone" << "$tz")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_FALSE(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); } } // namespace ExpressionDateToStringTest namespace ExpressionDateFromStringTest { // This provides access to an ExpressionContext that has a valid ServiceContext with a // TimeZoneDatabase via getExpCtx(), but we'll use a different name for this test suite. using ExpressionDateFromStringTest = AggregationContextFixture; TEST_F(ExpressionDateFromStringTest, SerializesToObjectSyntax) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); // Test that it serializes to the full format if given an object specification. BSONObj spec = BSON("$dateFromString" << BSON("dateString" << "2017-07-04T13:06:44Z")); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); auto expectedSerialization = Value( Document{{"$dateFromString", Document{{"dateString", Document{{"$const", "2017-07-04T13:06:44Z"_sd}}}}}}); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(dateExp->serialize(true), expectedSerialization); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(dateExp->serialize(false), expectedSerialization); // Test that it serializes to the full format if given an object specification. spec = BSON("$dateFromString" << BSON("dateString" << "2017-07-04T13:06:44Z" << "timezone" << "Europe/London")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); expectedSerialization = Value(Document{{"$dateFromString", Document{{"dateString", Document{{"$const", "2017-07-04T13:06:44Z"_sd}}}, {"timezone", Document{{"$const", "Europe/London"_sd}}}}}}); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(dateExp->serialize(true), expectedSerialization); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(dateExp->serialize(false), expectedSerialization); } TEST_F(ExpressionDateFromStringTest, OptimizesToConstantIfAllInputsAreConstant) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); // Test that it becomes a constant with just the dateString. auto spec = BSON("$dateFromString" << BSON("dateString" << "2017-07-04T13:09:57Z")); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); Date_t dateVal = Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(1499173797000); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(dateVal), dateExp->evaluate(Document{})); // Test that it becomes a constant with the dateString and timezone being a constant. spec = BSON("$dateFromString" << BSON("dateString" << "2017-07-04T13:09:57" << "timezone" << "Europe/London")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); dateVal = Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(1499170197000); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(dateVal), dateExp->evaluate(Document{})); // Test that it does *not* become a constant if dateString is not a constant. spec = BSON("$dateFromString" << BSON("dateString" << "$date")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_FALSE(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); // Test that it does *not* become a constant if timezone is not a constant. spec = BSON("$dateFromString" << BSON("dateString" << "2017-07-04T13:09:57Z" << "timezone" << "$tz")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_FALSE(dynamic_cast(dateExp->optimize().get())); } TEST_F(ExpressionDateFromStringTest, RejectsUnparsableString) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); auto spec = BSON("$dateFromString" << BSON("dateString" << "60.Monday1770/06:59")); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(dateExp->evaluate({}), AssertionException, 40553); } TEST_F(ExpressionDateFromStringTest, RejectsTimeZoneInString) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); auto spec = BSON("$dateFromString" << BSON("dateString" << "2017-07-13T10:02:57 Europe/London")); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(dateExp->evaluate({}), AssertionException, 40553); spec = BSON("$dateFromString" << BSON("dateString" << "July 4, 2017 Europe/London")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(dateExp->evaluate({}), AssertionException, 40553); } TEST_F(ExpressionDateFromStringTest, RejectsTimeZoneInStringAndArgument) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); // Test with "Z" and timezone auto spec = BSON("$dateFromString" << BSON("dateString" << "2017-07-14T15:24:38Z" << "timezone" << "Europe/London")); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(dateExp->evaluate({}), AssertionException, 40551); // Test with timezone abbreviation and timezone spec = BSON("$dateFromString" << BSON("dateString" << "2017-07-14T15:24:38 PDT" << "timezone" << "Europe/London")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(dateExp->evaluate({}), AssertionException, 40551); // Test with GMT offset and timezone spec = BSON("$dateFromString" << BSON("dateString" << "2017-07-14T15:24:38+02:00" << "timezone" << "Europe/London")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(dateExp->evaluate({}), AssertionException, 40554); // Test with GMT offset and GMT timezone spec = BSON("$dateFromString" << BSON("dateString" << "2017-07-14 -0400" << "timezone" << "GMT")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(dateExp->evaluate({}), AssertionException, 40554); } TEST_F(ExpressionDateFromStringTest, ReadWithUTCOffset) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); auto spec = BSON("$dateFromString" << BSON("dateString" << "2017-07-28T10:47:52.912" << "timezone" << "-01:00")); auto dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); auto dateVal = Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(1501242472912); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(dateVal), dateExp->evaluate(Document{})); spec = BSON("$dateFromString" << BSON("dateString" << "2017-07-28T10:47:52.912" << "timezone" << "+01:00")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); dateVal = Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(1501235272912); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(dateVal), dateExp->evaluate(Document{})); spec = BSON("$dateFromString" << BSON("dateString" << "2017-07-28T10:47:52.912" << "timezone" << "+0445")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); dateVal = Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(1501221772912); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(dateVal), dateExp->evaluate(Document{})); spec = BSON("$dateFromString" << BSON("dateString" << "2017-07-28T10:47:52.912" << "timezone" << "+10:45")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); dateVal = Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(1501200172912); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(dateVal), dateExp->evaluate(Document{})); spec = BSON("$dateFromString" << BSON("dateString" << "1945-07-28T10:47:52.912" << "timezone" << "-08:00")); dateExp = Expression::parseExpression(expCtx, spec, expCtx->variablesParseState); dateVal = Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(-770879527088); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(dateVal), dateExp->evaluate(Document{})); } } // namespace ExpressionDateFromStringTest class All : public Suite { public: All() : Suite("expression") {} void setupTests() { add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); } }; SuiteInstance myall; } // namespace ExpressionTests