/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include #include #include #include "mongo/db/exec/document_value/document.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/document_value/document_value_test_util.h" #include "mongo/db/operation_context_noop.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/aggregation_context_fixture.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/dependencies.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_change_stream.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_change_stream_add_post_image.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_change_stream_add_pre_image.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_facet.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_graph_lookup.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_internal_split_pipeline.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_lookup.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_match.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_mock.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_out.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_project.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_sort.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_test_optimizations.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression_context_for_test.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/field_path.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/pipeline.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/process_interface/stub_mongo_process_interface.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/semantic_analysis.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/sharded_agg_helpers.h" #include "mongo/db/query/collation/collator_interface_mock.h" #include "mongo/db/query/query_feature_flags_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/query/query_test_service_context.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator_mock.h" #include "mongo/dbtests/dbtests.h" #include "mongo/idl/server_parameter_test_util.h" #include "mongo/unittest/death_test.h" #include "mongo/unittest/temp_dir.h" namespace mongo { namespace { using boost::intrusive_ptr; using std::string; using std::vector; const NamespaceString kTestNss = NamespaceString("a.collection"); constexpr size_t getChangeStreamStageSize() { return 6; } void setMockReplicationCoordinatorOnOpCtx(OperationContext* opCtx) { repl::ReplicationCoordinator::set( opCtx->getServiceContext(), std::make_unique(opCtx->getServiceContext())); } namespace Optimizations { namespace Local { BSONObj pipelineFromJsonArray(const std::string& jsonArray) { return fromjson("{pipeline: " + jsonArray + "}"); } class StubExplainInterface : public StubMongoProcessInterface { BSONObj preparePipelineAndExplain(Pipeline* ownedPipeline, ExplainOptions::Verbosity verbosity) override { std::unique_ptr pipeline( ownedPipeline, PipelineDeleter(ownedPipeline->getContext()->opCtx)); BSONArrayBuilder bab; auto pipelineVec = pipeline->writeExplainOps(verbosity); for (auto&& stage : pipelineVec) { bab << stage; } return BSON("pipeline" << bab.arr()); } std::unique_ptr attachCursorSourceToPipelineForLocalRead( Pipeline* ownedPipeline) { std::unique_ptr pipeline( ownedPipeline, PipelineDeleter(ownedPipeline->getContext()->opCtx)); return pipeline; } }; void assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(std::string inputPipeJson, std::string outputPipeJson, std::string serializedPipeJson) { QueryTestServiceContext testServiceContext; auto opCtx = testServiceContext.makeOperationContext(); const BSONObj inputBson = pipelineFromJsonArray(inputPipeJson); const BSONObj outputPipeExpected = pipelineFromJsonArray(outputPipeJson); const BSONObj serializePipeExpected = pipelineFromJsonArray(serializedPipeJson); ASSERT_EQUALS(inputBson["pipeline"].type(), BSONType::Array); vector rawPipeline; for (auto&& stageElem : inputBson["pipeline"].Array()) { ASSERT_EQUALS(stageElem.type(), BSONType::Object); rawPipeline.push_back(stageElem.embeddedObject()); } AggregateCommandRequest request(kTestNss, rawPipeline); intrusive_ptr ctx = new ExpressionContextForTest(opCtx.get(), request); ctx->mongoProcessInterface = std::make_shared(); TempDir tempDir("PipelineTest"); ctx->tempDir = tempDir.path(); // For $graphLookup and $lookup, we have to populate the resolvedNamespaces so that the // operations will be able to have a resolved view definition. NamespaceString lookupCollNs("a", "lookupColl"); NamespaceString unionCollNs("b", "unionColl"); ctx->setResolvedNamespace(lookupCollNs, {lookupCollNs, std::vector{}}); ctx->setResolvedNamespace(unionCollNs, {unionCollNs, std::vector{}}); auto outputPipe = Pipeline::parse(request.getPipeline(), ctx); outputPipe->optimizePipeline(); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(outputPipe->writeExplainOps(ExplainOptions::Verbosity::kQueryPlanner)), Value(outputPipeExpected["pipeline"])); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(outputPipe->serialize()), Value(serializePipeExpected["pipeline"])); } void assertPipelineOptimizesTo(std::string inputPipeJson, std::string outputPipeJson) { assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipeJson, outputPipeJson, outputPipeJson); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MoveSkipBeforeProject) { assertPipelineOptimizesTo("[{$project: {a : 1}}, {$skip : 5}]", "[{$skip : 5}, {$project: {_id: true, a : true}}]"); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LimitDoesNotMoveBeforeProject) { assertPipelineOptimizesTo("[{$project: {a : 1}}, {$limit : 5}]", "[{$project: {_id: true, a : true}}, {$limit : 5}]"); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SampleLegallyPushedBefore) { string inputPipe = "[{$replaceRoot: { newRoot: \"$a\" }}, " "{$project: { b: 1 }}, " "{$addFields: { c: 1 }}, " "{$sample: { size: 4 }}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$sample: {size: 4}}, " "{$replaceRoot: {newRoot: \"$a\"}}, " "{$project: {_id: true, b : true}}, " "{$addFields: {c : {$const : 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SampleNotIllegallyPushedBefore) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: { a : 1 }}, " "{$match: { a: 1 }}, " "{$sample: { size: 4 }}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {a: {$eq: 1}}}, " "{$sample : {size: 4}}, " "{$project: {_id: true, a : true}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {a: 1}}, " "{$sample : {size: 4}}, " "{$project: {_id: true, a : true}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MoveMatchBeforeAddFieldsIfInvolvedFieldsNotRelated) { string inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : 1}}, {$match : {b : 1}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match : {b : {$eq : 1}}}, {$addFields : {a : {$const : 1}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {b : 1}}, {$addFields: {a : {$const : 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MoveMatchWithExprBeforeAddFieldsIfInvolvedFieldsNotRelated) { string inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : 1}}, {$match : {$expr: {$eq: ['$b', 1]}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$and: [{b: {$_internalExprEq: 1}}," " {$expr: {$eq: ['$b', {$const: 1}]}}]}}," " {$addFields : {a : {$const : 1}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match : {$expr: {$eq: ['$b', 1]}}}," " {$addFields : {a : {$const : 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchDoesNotMoveBeforeAddFieldsIfInvolvedFieldsAreRelated) { string inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : 1}}, {$match : {a : 1}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const : 1}}}, {$match : {a : {$eq : 1}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const : 1}}}, {$match: {a : 1}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchWithExprDoesNotMoveBeforeAddFieldsIfInvolvedFieldsAreRelated) { string inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : 1}}, {$match : {$expr: {$eq: ['$a', 1]}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const : 1}}}," " {$match: {$and: [{a: {$_internalExprEq: 1}}," " {$expr: {$eq: ['$a', {$const: 1}]}}]}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const : 1}}}," " {$match : {$expr: {$eq: ['$a', 1]}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnTopLevelFieldDoesNotMoveBeforeAddFieldsOfNestedPath) { string inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {'a.b' : 1}}, {$match : {a : 1}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {b : {$const : 1}}}}, {$match : {a : {$eq : 1}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$addFields: {a: {b: {$const: 1}}}}, {$match: {a: 1}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchWithExprOnTopLevelFieldDoesNotMoveBeforeAddFieldsOfNestedPath) { string inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {'a.b' : 1}}, {$match : {$expr: {$eq: ['$a', 1]}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {b : {$const : 1}}}}," " {$match: {$and: [{a: {$_internalExprEq: 1}}," " {$expr: {$eq: ['$a', {$const: 1}]}}]}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$addFields: {a: {b: {$const: 1}}}}," " {$match : {$expr: {$eq: ['$a', 1]}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnNestedFieldDoesNotMoveBeforeAddFieldsOfPrefixOfPath) { string inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : 1}}, {$match : {'a.b' : 1}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const : 1}}}, {$match : {'a.b' : {$eq : 1}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const : 1}}}, {$match : {'a.b' : 1}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchWithExprOnNestedFieldDoesNotMoveBeforeAddFieldsOfPrefixOfPath) { string inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : 1}}, {$match : {$expr: {$eq: ['$a.b', 1]}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const : 1}}}," " {$match: {$and: [{'a.b': {$_internalExprEq: 1}}," " {$expr: {$eq: ['$a.b', {$const: 1}]}}]}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const : 1}}}," " {$match : {$expr: {$eq: ['$a.b', 1]}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MoveMatchOnNestedFieldBeforeAddFieldsOfDifferentNestedField) { string inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {'a.b' : 1}}, {$match : {'a.c' : 1}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match : {'a.c' : {$eq : 1}}}, {$addFields : {a : {b : {$const : 1}}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match : {'a.c' : 1}}, {$addFields : {a : {b: {$const : 1}}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MoveMatchWithExprOnNestedFieldBeforeAddFieldsOfDifferentNestedField) { string inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {'a.b' : 1}}, {$match : {$expr: {$eq: ['$a.c', 1]}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$and: [{'a.c': {$_internalExprEq: 1}}," " {$expr: {$eq: ['$a.c', {$const: 1}]}}]}}," " {$addFields : {a : {b : {$const : 1}}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match : {$expr: {$eq: ['$a.c', 1]}}}," " {$addFields : {a : {b: {$const : 1}}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MoveMatchBeforeAddFieldsWhenMatchedFieldIsPrefixOfAddedFieldName) { string inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {abcd : 1}}, {$match : {abc : 1}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match : {abc : {$eq : 1}}}, {$addFields : {abcd: {$const: 1}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match : {abc : 1}}, {$addFields : {abcd : {$const : 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MoveMatchWithExprBeforeAddFieldsWhenMatchedFieldIsPrefixOfAddedFieldName) { string inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {abcd : 1}}, {$match : {$expr: {$eq: ['$abc', 1]}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$and: [{abc: {$_internalExprEq: 1}}," " {$expr: {$eq: ['$abc', {$const: 1}]}}]}}," " {$addFields : {abcd: {$const: 1}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match : {$expr: {$eq: ['$abc', 1]}}}," " {$addFields : {abcd : {$const : 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LimitDoesNotSwapBeforeSkipWithoutSort) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$skip : 3}" ",{$skip : 5}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$skip : 8}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortSwapsBeforeUnwind) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" ",{$sort : {b: 1}}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort : {sortKey: {b: 1}}}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort : {b: 1}}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortSwapsBeforeUnwindMultipleSorts) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" ",{$sort : {b: 1}}" ",{$sort : {c: 1}}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort : {sortKey: {c: 1}}}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort : {c: 1}}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortSwapsBeforeUnwindDifferentDotPaths) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$a.b'}}" ",{$sort : {'a.c': 1}}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort : {sortKey: {'a.c': 1}}}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a.b'}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort : {'a.c': 1}}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a.b'}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortSwapsBeforeUnwindMultipleSortPaths) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" ",{$sort : {b: 1, c: 1}}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort : {sortKey: {b: 1, c: 1}}}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort : {b: 1, c: 1}}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortDoesNotSwapBeforeUnwindMultipleSortPaths) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" ",{$sort : {b: 1, a: 1}}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" ",{$sort : {sortKey: {b: 1, a: 1}}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" ",{$sort : {b: 1, a: 1}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortDoesNotSwapBeforeUnwindBecauseSortPathPrefixOfUnwindPath) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$b.a'}}" ",{$sort : {b: 1}}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$b.a'}}" ",{$sort : {sortKey: {b: 1}}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$b.a'}}" ",{$sort : {b: 1}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortDoesNotSwapBeforeUnwindBecauseUnwindPathPrefixOfSortPath) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$b'}}" ",{$sort : {'b.a': 1}}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$b'}}" ",{$sort : {sortKey: {'b.a': 1}}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$b'}}" ",{$sort : {'b.a': 1}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortDoesNotSwapBeforeUnwindBecauseUnwindPathEqualToSortPath) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$a.b'}}" ",{$sort : {'a.b': 1}}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$a.b'}}" ",{$sort : {sortKey: {'a.b': 1}}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$a.b'}}" ",{$sort : {'a.b': 1}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupShouldCoalesceWithUnwindOnAsSortDoesNotInterfere) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$same'}}" ",{$sort : {'a.b': 1}}" "]"; string outputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right', unwinding: {preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false}}}" ",{$sort : {sortKey: {'a.b': 1}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$same'}}" ",{$sort : {'a.b': 1}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortSwapsBeforeUnwindMetaWithFieldPath) { std::string inputPipe = "[{ $match: { $text: { $search: \"operating\" } }}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" ",{$sort : {score: {$meta: \"textScore\"}, c: 1}}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$text: {$search: \"operating\", $language: \"\", $caseSensitive: false, " "$diacriticSensitive: false}}}" ",{$sort: {sortKey: {$computed0: {$meta: \"textScore\"}, c: 1}}}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{ $match: { $text: { $search: \"operating\" } }}" ",{$sort: {$computed0: {$meta: \"textScore\"}, c: 1}}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortSwapsBeforeUnwindMetaWithoutFieldPath) { std::string inputPipe = "[{ $match: { $text: { $search: \"operating\" } }}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" ",{$sort : {score: {$meta: \"textScore\"}}}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$text: {$search: \"operating\", $language: \"\", $caseSensitive: false, " "$diacriticSensitive: false}}}" ",{$sort: {sortKey: {$computed0: {$meta: \"textScore\"}}}}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{ $match: { $text: { $search: \"operating\" } }}" ",{$sort: {$computed0: {$meta: \"textScore\"}}}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LimitDuplicatesBeforeUnwindWithPreserveNull) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$a', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" ",{$limit : 100}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$limit : 100}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" ",{$limit : 100}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$limit : 100}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" ",{$limit : 100}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LimitDoesNotDuplicatesBeforeUnwindWithoutPreserveNull) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" ",{$limit : 100}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" ",{$limit : 100}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" ",{$limit : 100}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LimitDuplicatesBeforeSortUnwindAndIsMergedWithSort) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {b: 1}}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" ",{$limit : 100}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {b: 1}, limit: 100}}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" ",{$limit : 100}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort: {b: 1}}" ",{$limit: 100}" ",{$unwind: {path: \"$a\", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" ",{$limit: 100}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortAndLimitSwapsBeforeUnwindAndMerges) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$a', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" ",{$sort : {b: 1}}" ",{$limit : 5}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort : {sortKey: {b: 1}, limit: 5}}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" ",{$limit : 5}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort: {b: 1}}" ",{$limit: 5}" ",{$unwind: {path: \"$a\", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, UnwindLimitLimitPushesSmallestLimitBack) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$unwind : {path: '$a', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" ",{$limit : 500}" ",{$limit : 50}" ",{$limit : 5}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$limit : 5}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" ",{$limit : 5}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$limit : 5}" ",{$unwind : {path: '$a', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" ",{$limit : 5}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortMatchProjSkipLimBecomesMatchTopKSortSkipProj) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$match: {a: 1}}" ",{$project : {a: 1}}" ",{$skip : 3}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$match: {a: {$eq: 1}}}" ",{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}, limit: 8}}" ",{$skip: 3}" ",{$project: {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {a: 1}}" ",{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 8}" ",{$skip : 3}" ",{$project : {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortMatchWithExprProjSkipLimBecomesMatchTopKSortSkipProj) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$a', 1]}}}" ",{$project : {a: 1}}" ",{$skip : 3}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$and: [{a: {$_internalExprEq: 1}}, {$expr: {$eq: ['$a', {$const: 1}]}}]}}" ",{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}, limit: 8}}" ",{$skip: 3}" ",{$project: {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$a', 1]}}}" ",{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 8}" ",{$skip : 3}" ",{$project : {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, IdenticalSortSortBecomesSort) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$sort: {a: 1}}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, IdenticalSortSortSortBecomesSort) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$sort: {a: 1}}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, NonIdenticalSortsOnlySortOnFinalKey) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {a: -1}}" ",{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$sort: {a: -1}}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {a: -1}}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort: {a: -1}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortSortLimitBecomesFinalKeyTopKSort) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {a: -1}}" ",{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}, limit: 5}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortSortSkipLimitBecomesTopKSortSkip) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {b: 1}}" ",{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$skip : 3}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}, limit: 8}}" ",{$skip: 3}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 8}" ",{$skip : 3}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortLimitSortLimitBecomesTopKSort) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 12}" ",{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 20}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}, limit: 12}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 12}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortLimitSortRetainsLimit) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 12}" ",{$sort: {a: 1}}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}, limit: 12}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 12}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortLimitSortWithDifferentSortPatterns) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 12}" ",{$sort: {b: 1}}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}, limit: 12}}" ",{$sort: {sortKey: {b: 1}}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = inputPipe; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortSortLimitRetainsLimit) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 20}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}, limit: 20}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 20}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortSortSortMatchProjSkipLimBecomesMatchTopKSortSkipProj) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$match: {a: 1}}" ",{$project : {a: 1}}" ",{$skip : 3}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$match: {a: {$eq: 1}}}" ",{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}, limit: 8}}" ",{$skip: 3}" ",{$project: {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {a: 1}}" ",{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 8}" ",{$skip : 3}" ",{$project : {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortSortSortMatchOnExprProjSkipLimBecomesMatchTopKSortSkipProj) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$a', 1]}}}" ",{$project : {a: 1}}" ",{$skip : 3}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$and: [{a: {$_internalExprEq: 1}}, {$expr: {$eq: ['$a', {$const: 1}]}}]}}" ",{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}, limit: 8}}" ",{$skip: 3}" ",{$project: {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$a', 1]}}}" ",{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 8}" ",{$skip : 3}" ",{$project : {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, NonIdenticalSortsBecomeFinalKeyTopKSort) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {a: -1}}" ",{$sort: {b: -1}}" ",{$sort: {b: 1}}" ",{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 7}" ",{$project : {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}, limit: 5}}" ",{$project: {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 5}" ",{$project : {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SubsequentSortsMergeAndBecomeTopKSortWithFinalKeyAndLowestLimit) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$sort: {a: -1}}" ",{$limit: 8}" ",{$limit: 7}" ",{$project : {a: 1}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$a'}}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {a: -1}, limit: 7}}" ",{$project: {_id: true, a: true}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$a'}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort: {a: -1}}" ",{$limit: 7}" ",{$project : {_id: true, a: true}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$a'}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, RemoveSkipZero) { assertPipelineOptimizesTo("[{$skip: 0}]", "[]"); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, DoNotRemoveSkipOne) { assertPipelineOptimizesTo("[{$skip: 1}]", "[{$skip: 1}]"); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, RemoveEmptyMatch) { assertPipelineOptimizesTo("[{$match: {}}]", "[]"); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, RemoveMultipleEmptyMatches) { string inputPipe = "[{$match: {}}, {$match: {}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {$and: [{}, {}]}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, DoNotRemoveNonEmptyMatch) { string inputPipe = "[{$match: {_id: 1}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {_id: {$eq : 1}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {_id: 1}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MoveMatchBeforeSort) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {b: 1}}, {$match: {a: 2}}]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$match: {a: {$eq : 2}}}, {$sort: {sortKey: {b: 1}}}]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {a: 2}}, {$sort: {b: 1}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupMoveSortNotOnAsBefore) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'new', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$sort: {left: 1}}" "]"; string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {left: 1}}}" ",{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'new', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" "]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$sort: {left: 1}}" ",{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'new', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupMoveSortOnPrefixStringOfAsBefore) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'leftNew', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$sort: {left: 1}}" "]"; string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {left: 1}}}" ",{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'leftNew', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" "]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$sort: {left: 1}}" ",{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'leftNew', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupShouldNotMoveSortOnAsBefore) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$sort: {same: 1, left: 1}}" "]"; string outputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$sort: {sortKey: {same: 1, left: 1}}}" "]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$sort: {same: 1, left: 1}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupShouldNotMoveSortOnPathPrefixOfAsBefore) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same.new', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$sort: {same: 1}}" "]"; string outputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same.new', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$sort: {sortKey: {same: 1}}}" "]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same.new', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$sort: {same: 1}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupUnwindShouldNotMoveSortBefore) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$same'}}" ",{$sort: {left: 1}}" "]"; string outputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right', unwinding: {preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false}}}" ",{$sort: {sortKey: {left: 1}}}" "]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$same'}}" ",{$sort: {left: 1}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MoveMatchOnExprBeforeSort) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {b: 1}}, {$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$a', 2]}}}]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$and: [{a: {$_internalExprEq: 2}}," " {$expr: {$eq: ['$a', {$const: 2}]}}]}}," " {$sort: {sortKey: {b: 1}}}]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$a', 2]}}}, {$sort: {b: 1}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupShouldCoalesceWithUnwindOnAs) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$same'}}" "]"; string outputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right', unwinding: {preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$same'}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupWithPipelineSyntaxShouldCoalesceWithUnwindOnAs) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', let: {}, pipeline: []}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$same'}}" "]"; string outputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', let: {}, pipeline: [], " "unwinding: {preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', let: {}, pipeline: []}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$same'}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupShouldCoalesceWithUnwindOnAsWithPreserveEmpty) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$same', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" "]"; string outputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right', unwinding: {preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$same', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupShouldCoalesceWithUnwindOnAsWithIncludeArrayIndex) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$same', includeArrayIndex: 'index'}}" "]"; string outputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right', unwinding: {preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false, includeArrayIndex: " "'index'}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$same', includeArrayIndex: 'index'}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupShouldNotCoalesceWithUnwindNotOnAs) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$from'}}" "]"; string outputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$from'}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupWithPipelineSyntaxShouldNotCoalesceWithUnwindNotOnAs) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', pipeline: []}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$from'}}" "]"; string outputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', let: {}, pipeline: []}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$from'}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupShouldSwapWithMatch) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: " "'z'}}, " " {$match: {'independent': 0}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {independent: {$eq : 0}}}, " " {$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: " "'z'}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {independent: 0}}, " "{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: 'z'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupShouldSwapWithMatchOnExpr) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: " "'z'}}, " " {$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$independent', 1]}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$and: [{independent: {$_internalExprEq: 1}}," " {$expr: {$eq: ['$independent', {$const: 1}]}}]}}," " {$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: 'z'}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$independent', 1]}}}, " "{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: 'z'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupWithPipelineSyntaxShouldSwapWithMatch) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', pipeline: []}}, " " {$match: {'independent': 0}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {independent: {$eq : 0}}}, " " {$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', let: {}, pipeline: []}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {independent: 0}}, " "{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', let: {}, pipeline: []}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupWithPipelineSyntaxShouldSwapWithMatchOnExpr) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', pipeline: []}}, " " {$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$independent', 1]}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$and: [{independent: {$_internalExprEq: 1}}," " {$expr: {$eq: ['$independent', {$const: 1}]}}]}}," " {$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', let: {}, pipeline: []}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$independent', 1]}}}, " "{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', let: {}, pipeline: []}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupShouldSplitMatch) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: " "'z'}}, " " {$match: {'independent': 0, asField: {$eq: 3}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {independent: {$eq: 0}}}, " " {$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: " "'z'}}, " " {$match: {asField: {$eq: 3}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupShouldNotAbsorbMatchOnAs) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: " "'z'}}, " " {$match: {'asField.subfield': 0}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: " "'z'}}, " " {$match: {'asField.subfield': {$eq : 0}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: " "'z'}}, " " {$match: {'asField.subfield': 0}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupShouldNotAbsorbMatchWithExprOnAs) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: 'z'}}," " {$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$asField.subfield', 0]}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: 'z'}}," "{$match: {$and: [{'asField.subfield': {$_internalExprEq: 0}}," " {$expr: {$eq: ['$asField.subfield', {$const: 0}]}}]}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: 'z'}}," " {$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$asField.subfield', 0]}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupShouldAbsorbUnwindMatch) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: " "'z'}}, " "{$unwind: '$asField'}, " "{$match: {'asField.subfield': {$eq: 1}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: 'z', " " let: {}, pipeline: [{$match: {subfield: {$eq: 1}}}]," " unwinding: {preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: " "'z', let: {}, pipeline: [{$match: {subfield: {$eq: 1}}}]}}," "{$unwind: {path: '$asField'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupShouldAbsorbUnwindAndTypeMatch) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: " "'z'}}, " "{$unwind: '$asField'}, " "{$match: {'asField.subfield': {$type: [2]}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: 'z', " " let: {}, pipeline: [{$match: {subfield: {$type: [2]}}}]," " unwinding: {preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: " "'z', let: {}, pipeline: [{$match: {subfield: {$type: [2]}}}]}}," "{$unwind: {path: '$asField'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupWithPipelineSyntaxShouldAbsorbUnwindMatch) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', pipeline: []}}, " "{$unwind: '$asField'}, " "{$match: {'asField.subfield': {$eq: 1}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', let: {}, " "pipeline: [{$match: {subfield: {$eq: 1}}}], " "unwinding: {preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false} } } ]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', let: {}, " "pipeline: [{$match: {subfield: {$eq: 1}}}]}}, " "{$unwind: {path: '$asField'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupShouldAbsorbUnwindAndSplitAndAbsorbMatch) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: " "'z'}}, " " {$unwind: '$asField'}, " " {$match: {'asField.subfield': {$eq: 1}, independentField: {$gt: 2}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {independentField: {$gt: 2}}}, " " {$lookup: { " " from: 'lookupColl', " " as: 'asField', " " localField: 'y', " " foreignField: 'z', " " let: {}, " " pipeline: [{$match: {subfield: {$eq: 1}}}], " " unwinding: { " " preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false" " } " " }}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {independentField: {$gt: 2}}}, " " {$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: " "'z', let: {}, pipeline: [{$match: {subfield: {$eq: 1}}}]}}, " " {$unwind: {path: '$asField'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupShouldNotSplitIndependentAndDependentOrClauses) { // If any child of the $or is dependent on the 'asField', then the $match cannot be moved above // the $lookup, and if any child of the $or is independent of the 'asField', then the $match // cannot be absorbed by the $lookup. string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: " "'z'}}, " " {$unwind: '$asField'}, " " {$match: {$or: [{'independent': {$gt: 4}}, " " {'asField.dependent': {$elemMatch: {a: {$eq: 1}}}}]}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: 'z', " " unwinding: {preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false}}}, " " {$match: {$or: [{'independent': {$gt: 4}}, " " {'asField.dependent': {$elemMatch: {a: {$eq: 1}}}}]}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: " "'z'}}, " " {$unwind: {path: '$asField'}}, " " {$match: {$or: [{'independent': {$gt: 4}}, " " {'asField.dependent': {$elemMatch: {a: {$eq: 1}}}}]}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupWithMatchOnArrayIndexFieldShouldNotCoalesce) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: " "'z'}}, " " {$unwind: {path: '$asField', includeArrayIndex: 'index'}}, " " {$match: {index: 0, 'asField.value': {$gt: 0}, independent: 1}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {independent: {$eq: 1}}}, " " {$lookup: { " " from: 'lookupColl', " " as: 'asField', " " localField: 'y', " " foreignField: 'z', " " unwinding: { " " preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false, " " includeArrayIndex: 'index' " " } " " }}, " " {$match: {$and: [{index: {$eq: 0}}, {'asField.value': {$gt: 0}}]}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {independent: {$eq: 1}}}, " " {$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: " "'z'}}, " " {$unwind: {path: '$asField', includeArrayIndex: 'index'}}, " " {$match: {$and: [{index: {$eq: 0}}, {'asField.value': {$gt: 0}}]}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupWithUnwindPreservingNullAndEmptyArraysShouldNotCoalesce) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: " "'z'}}, " " {$unwind: {path: '$asField', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}, " " {$match: {'asField.value': {$gt: 0}, independent: 1}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {independent: {$eq: 1}}}, " " {$lookup: { " " from: 'lookupColl', " " as: 'asField', " " localField: 'y', " " foreignField: 'z', " " unwinding: { " " preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true" " } " " }}, " " {$match: {'asField.value': {$gt: 0}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {independent: {$eq: 1}}}, " " {$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'asField', localField: 'y', foreignField: " "'z'}}, " " {$unwind: {path: '$asField', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}, " " {$match: {'asField.value': {$gt: 0}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupDoesNotAbsorbElemMatch) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'x', localField: 'y', foreignField: 'z'}}, " " {$unwind: '$x'}, " " {$match: {x: {$elemMatch: {a: 1}}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$lookup: { " " from: 'lookupColl', " " as: 'x', " " localField: 'y', " " foreignField: 'z', " " unwinding: { " " preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false " " } " " } " " }, " " {$match: {x: {$elemMatch: {a: {$eq: 1}}}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'x', localField: 'y', foreignField: 'z'}}, " " {$unwind: {path: '$x'}}, " " {$match: {x: {$elemMatch: {a: 1}}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupDoesSwapWithMatchOnLocalField) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'x', localField: 'y', foreignField: 'z'}}, " " {$match: {y: {$eq: 3}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {y: {$eq: 3}}}, " " {$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'x', localField: 'y', foreignField: 'z'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupDoesSwapWithMatchOnFieldWithSameNameAsForeignField) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'x', localField: 'y', foreignField: 'z'}}, " " {$match: {z: {$eq: 3}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {z: {$eq: 3}}}, " " {$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'x', localField: 'y', foreignField: 'z'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LookupDoesNotAbsorbUnwindOnSubfieldOfAsButStillMovesMatch) { string inputPipe = "[{$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'x', localField: 'y', foreignField: 'z'}}, " " {$unwind: {path: '$x.subfield'}}, " " {$match: {'independent': 2, 'x.dependent': 2}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {'independent': {$eq: 2}}}, " " {$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'x', localField: 'y', foreignField: 'z'}}, " " {$match: {'x.dependent': {$eq: 2}}}, " " {$unwind: {path: '$x.subfield'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, GroupShouldSwapWithMatchIfFilteringOnID) { string inputPipe = "[{$group : {_id:'$a'}}, " " {$match: {_id : 4}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {a:{$eq : 4}}}, " " {$group:{_id:'$a'}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {a:{$eq :4}}}, " " {$group:{_id:'$a'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, GroupShouldSwapWithMatchOnExprIfFilteringOnID) { string inputPipe = "[{$group: {_id: '$a'}}, " " {$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$_id', 4]}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$and: [{a: {$_internalExprEq: 4}}, {$expr: {$eq: ['$a', {$const: 4}]}}]}}," " {$group: {_id: '$a'}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$a', {$const: 4}]}}}, " " {$group: {_id: '$a'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, GroupShouldNotSwapWithMatchOnExprIfNotFilteringOnID) { string inputPipe = "[{$group : {_id:'$a'}}, " " {$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$b', 4]}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$group : {_id:'$a'}}, " " {$match: {$and: [{b: {$_internalExprEq: 4}}, {$expr: {$eq: ['$b', {$const: 4}]}}]}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$group : {_id:'$a'}}, " " {$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$b', 4]}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, GroupShouldNotSwapWithMatchIfNotFilteringOnID) { string inputPipe = "[{$group : {_id:'$a'}}, " " {$match: {b : 4}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$group : {_id:'$a'}}, " " {$match: {b : {$eq: 4}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$group : {_id:'$a'}}, " " {$match: {b : 4}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, GroupShouldNotSwapWithMatchIfExistsPredicateOnID) { string inputPipe = "[{$group : {_id:'$x'}}, " " {$match: {_id : {$exists: true}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$group : {_id:'$x'}}, " " {$match: {_id : {$exists: true}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$group : {_id:'$x'}}, " " {$match: {_id : {$exists: true}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, GroupShouldNotSwapWithCompoundMatchIfExistsPredicateOnID) { string inputPipe = "[{$group : {_id:'$x'}}, " " {$match: {$or : [ {_id : {$exists: true}}, {_id : {$gt : 70}}]}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$group : {_id:'$x'}}, " " {$match: {$or : [ {_id : {$exists: true}}, {_id : {$gt : 70}}]}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$group : {_id:'$x'}}, " " {$match: {$or : [ {_id : {$exists: true}}, {_id : {$gt : 70}}]}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, GroupShouldSwapWithCompoundMatchIfFilteringOnID) { string inputPipe = "[{$group : {_id:'$x'}}, " " {$match: {$or : [ {_id : {$lte : 50}}, {_id : {$gt : 70}}]}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$or : [ {x : {$lte : 50}}, {x : {$gt : 70}}]}}," "{$group : {_id:'$x'}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {$or : [ {x : {$lte : 50}}, {x : {$gt : 70}}]}}," "{$group : {_id:'$x'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchShouldDuplicateItselfBeforeRedact) { string inputPipe = "[{$redact: '$$PRUNE'}, {$match: {a: 1, b:12}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$and: [{a: {$eq: 1}}, {b: {$eq: 12}}]}}, {$redact: '$$PRUNE'}, " "{$match: {$and: [{a: {$eq: 1}}, {b: {$eq: 12}}]}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {a: 1, b: 12}}, {$redact: '$$PRUNE'}, {$match: {a: 1, b: 12}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchShouldSwapWithUnwind) { string inputPipe = "[{$unwind: '$a.b.c'}, " "{$match: {'b': 1}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {'b': {$eq : 1}}}, " "{$unwind: {path: '$a.b.c'}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {b: 1}}, {$unwind: {path: '$a.b.c'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnExprShouldSwapWithUnwind) { string inputPipe = "[{$unwind: '$a.b.c'}, " "{$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$b', 1]}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$and: [{b: {$_internalExprEq: 1}}, {$expr: {$eq: ['$b', {$const: 1}]}}]}}, " "{$unwind: {path: '$a.b.c'}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$b', 1]}}}, {$unwind: {path: '$a.b.c'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnPrefixShouldNotSwapOnUnwind) { string inputPipe = "[{$unwind: {path: '$a.b.c'}}, " "{$match: {'a.b': 1}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$unwind: {path: '$a.b.c'}}, " "{$match: {'a.b': {$eq : 1}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$unwind: {path: '$a.b.c'}}, {$match: {'a.b': 1}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchShouldSplitOnUnwind) { string inputPipe = "[{$unwind: '$a.b'}, " "{$match: {$and: [{f: {$eq: 5}}, " " {$nor: [{'a.d': 1, c: 5}, {'a.b': 3, c: 5}]}]}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$and: [{f: {$eq: 5}}," " {$nor: [{$and: [{'a.d': {$eq: 1}}, {c: {$eq: 5}}]}]}]}}," "{$unwind: {path: '$a.b'}}, " "{$match: {$nor: [{$and: [{'a.b': {$eq: 3}}, {c: {$eq: 5}}]}]}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchShouldNotOptimizeWithElemMatch) { string inputPipe = "[{$unwind: {path: '$a.b'}}, " "{$match: {a: {$elemMatch: {b: {d: 1}}}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$unwind: {path: '$a.b'}}, " "{$match: {a: {$elemMatch: {b: {$eq : {d: 1}}}}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$unwind : {path : '$a.b'}}, {$match : {a : {$elemMatch : {b : {d : 1}}}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchShouldNotOptimizeWhenMatchingOnIndexField) { string inputPipe = "[{$unwind: {path: '$a', includeArrayIndex: 'foo'}}, " " {$match: {foo: 0, b: 1}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {b: {$eq: 1}}}, " " {$unwind: {path: '$a', includeArrayIndex: 'foo'}}, " " {$match: {foo: {$eq: 0}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchWithNorOnlySplitsIndependentChildren) { string inputPipe = "[{$unwind: {path: '$a'}}, " "{$match: {$nor: [{$and: [{a: {$eq: 1}}, {b: {$eq: 1}}]}, {b: {$eq: 2}} ]}}]"; string outputPipe = R"( [{$match: {b: {$not: {$eq: 2}}}}, {$unwind: {path: '$a'}}, {$match: {$nor: [{$and: [{a: {$eq: 1}}, {b: {$eq: 1}}]}]}}])"; string serializedPipe = R"( [{$match: {$nor: [{b: {$eq: 2}}]}}, {$unwind: {path: '$a'}}, {$match: {$nor: [{$and: [{a: {$eq: 1}}, {b: {$eq: 1}}]}]}}])"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchWithOrDoesNotSplit) { string inputPipe = "[{$unwind: {path: '$a'}}, " "{$match: {$or: [{a: {$eq: 'dependent'}}, {b: {$eq: 'independent'}}]}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$unwind: {path: '$a'}}, " "{$match: {$or: [{a: {$eq: 'dependent'}}, {b: {$eq: 'independent'}}]}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnExprWithOrDoesNotSplit) { string inputPipe = "[{$unwind: {path: '$a'}}, " " {$match: {$or: [{$expr: {$eq: ['$a', 'dependent']}}, {b: {$eq: 'independent'}}]}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$unwind: {path: '$a'}}, " " {$match: {$or: [{$and: [{a: {$_internalExprEq: 'dependent'}}," " {$expr: {$eq: ['$a', {$const: 'dependent'}]}}]}," " {b: {$eq: 'independent'}}]}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$unwind: {path: '$a'}}, " " {$match: {$or: [{$expr: {$eq: ['$a', 'dependent']}}, {b: {$eq: 'independent'}}]}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, UnwindBeforeDoubleMatchShouldRepeatedlyOptimize) { string inputPipe = "[{$unwind: '$a'}, " "{$match: {b: {$gt: 0}}}, " "{$match: {a: 1, c: 1}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$and: [{b: {$gt: 0}}, {c: {$eq: 1}}]}}," "{$unwind: {path: '$a'}}, " "{$match: {a: {$eq: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, GraphLookupShouldCoalesceWithUnwindOnAs) { string inputPipe = "[{$graphLookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'out', connectToField: 'b', " " connectFromField: 'c', startWith: '$d'}}, " " {$unwind: '$out'}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$graphLookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'out', connectToField: 'b', " " connectFromField: 'c', startWith: '$d', " " unwinding: {preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$graphLookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'out', connectToField: 'b', " " connectFromField: 'c', startWith: '$d'}}, " " {$unwind: {path: '$out'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, GraphLookupShouldCoalesceWithUnwindOnAsWithPreserveEmpty) { string inputPipe = "[{$graphLookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'out', connectToField: 'b', " " connectFromField: 'c', startWith: '$d'}}, " " {$unwind: {path: '$out', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$graphLookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'out', connectToField: 'b', " " connectFromField: 'c', startWith: '$d', " " unwinding: {preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$graphLookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'out', connectToField: 'b', " " connectFromField: 'c', startWith: '$d'}}, " " {$unwind: {path: '$out', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, GraphLookupShouldCoalesceWithUnwindOnAsWithIncludeArrayIndex) { string inputPipe = "[{$graphLookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'out', connectToField: 'b', " " connectFromField: 'c', startWith: '$d'}}, " " {$unwind: {path: '$out', includeArrayIndex: 'index'}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$graphLookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'out', connectToField: 'b', " " connectFromField: 'c', startWith: '$d', " " unwinding: {preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false, " " includeArrayIndex: 'index'}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$graphLookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'out', connectToField: 'b', " " connectFromField: 'c', " " startWith: '$d'}}, " " {$unwind: {path: '$out', includeArrayIndex: 'index'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, GraphLookupShouldNotCoalesceWithUnwindNotOnAs) { string inputPipe = "[{$graphLookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'out', connectToField: 'b', " " connectFromField: 'c', startWith: '$d'}}, " " {$unwind: '$nottherightthing'}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$graphLookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'out', connectToField: 'b', " " connectFromField: 'c', startWith: '$d'}}, " " {$unwind: {path: '$nottherightthing'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, GraphLookupShouldSwapWithMatch) { string inputPipe = "[{$graphLookup: {" " from: 'lookupColl'," " as: 'results'," " connectToField: 'to'," " connectFromField: 'from'," " startWith: '$startVal'" " }}," " {$match: {independent: 'x'}}" "]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {independent: {$eq : 'x'}}}," " {$graphLookup: {" " from: 'lookupColl'," " as: 'results'," " connectToField: 'to'," " connectFromField: 'from'," " startWith: '$startVal'" " }}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {independent: 'x'}}, " " {$graphLookup: {" " from: 'lookupColl'," " as: 'results'," " connectToField: 'to'," " connectFromField: 'from'," " startWith: '$startVal'" " }}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, ExclusionProjectShouldSwapWithIndependentMatch) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: 0}}, {$match: {unrelated: 4}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {unrelated: {$eq : 4}}}, {$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match : {unrelated : 4}}, {$project : {redacted : false, _id: true}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, ExclusionProjectShouldNotSwapWithMatchOnExcludedFields) { std::string pipeline = "[{$project: {subdoc: {redacted: false}, _id: true}}, {$match: {'subdoc.redacted': {$eq : " "4}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(pipeline, pipeline); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchShouldSplitIfPartIsIndependentOfExclusionProjection) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: 0}}," " {$match: {redacted: 'x', unrelated: 4}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {unrelated: {$eq: 4}}}," " {$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}," " {$match: {redacted: {$eq: 'x'}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnExprShouldSplitIfPartIsIndependentOfExclusionProjection) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: 0}}," " {$match: {$and: [{$expr: {$eq: ['$redacted', 'x']}}," " {$expr: {$eq: ['$unrelated', 4]}}]}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$and: [{unrelated: {$_internalExprEq: 4}}," " {$expr: {$eq: ['$unrelated', {$const: 4}]}}]}}," " {$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}," " {$match: {$and: [{redacted: {$_internalExprEq: 'x'}}," " {$expr: {$eq: ['$redacted', {$const: 'x'}]}}]}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$unrelated', {$const: 4}]}}}," " {$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}," " {$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$redacted', {$const: 'x'}]}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, InclusionProjectShouldSwapWithIndependentMatch) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {included: 1}}, {$match: {included: 4}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {included: {$eq : 4}}}, {$project: {_id: true, included: true}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match : {included : 4}}, {$project : {_id: true, included : true}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, InclusionProjectShouldNotSwapWithMatchOnFieldsNotIncluded) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, included: true, subdoc: {included: true}}}," " {$match: {notIncluded: 'x', unrelated: 4}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, included: true, subdoc: {included: true}}}," " {$match: {$and: [{notIncluded: {$eq: 'x'}}, {unrelated: {$eq: 4}}]}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, included: true, subdoc: {included: true}}}," " {$match: {notIncluded: 'x', unrelated: 4}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchShouldSplitIfPartIsIndependentOfInclusionProjection) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, included: true}}," " {$match: {included: 'x', unrelated: 4}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {included: {$eq: 'x'}}}," " {$project: {_id: true, included: true}}," " {$match: {unrelated: {$eq: 4}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnExprShouldNotSplitIfDependentOnInclusionProjection) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, included: true}}," " {$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$redacted', 'x']}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, included: true}}," " {$match: {$and: [{redacted: {$_internalExprEq: 'x'}}," " {$expr: {$eq: ['$redacted', {$const: 'x'}]}}]}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, included: true}}," " {$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$redacted', 'x']}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, TwoMatchStagesShouldBothPushIndependentPartsBeforeProjection) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, included: true}}," " {$match: {included: 'x', unrelated: 4}}," " {$match: {included: 'y', unrelated: 5}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$and: [{included: {$eq: 'x'}}, {included: {$eq: 'y'}}]}}," " {$project: {_id: true, included: true}}," " {$match: {$and: [{unrelated: {$eq: 4}}, {unrelated: {$eq: 5}}]}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, NeighboringMatchesShouldCoalesce) { string inputPipe = "[{$match: {x: 'x'}}," " {$match: {y: 'y'}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$and: [{x: {$eq: 'x'}}, {y: {$eq : 'y'}}]}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {$and: [{x: 'x'}, {y: 'y'}]}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchShouldNotSwapBeforeLimit) { string inputPipe = "[{$limit: 3}, {$match: {y: 'y'}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$limit: 3}, {$match: {y: {$eq : 'y'}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$limit: 3}, {$match: {y: 'y'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnExprShouldNotSwapBeforeLimit) { string inputPipe = "[{$limit: 3}, {$match : {$expr: {$eq: ['$y', 'y']}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$limit: 3}, {$match: {$and: [{y: {$_internalExprEq: 'y'}}," " {$expr: {$eq: ['$y', {$const: 'y'}]}}]}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$limit: 3}, {$match : {$expr: {$eq: ['$y', 'y']}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchShouldNotSwapBeforeSkip) { string inputPipe = "[{$skip: 3}, {$match: {y: 'y'}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$skip: 3}, {$match: {y: {$eq : 'y'}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$skip: 3}, {$match: {y: 'y'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnExprShouldNotSwapBeforeSkip) { string inputPipe = "[{$skip: 3}, {$match : {$expr: {$eq: ['$y', 'y']}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$skip: 3}, {$match: {$and: [{y: {$_internalExprEq: 'y'}}," " {$expr: {$eq: ['$y', {$const: 'y'}]}}]}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$skip: 3}, {$match : {$expr: {$eq: ['$y', 'y']}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchShouldMoveAcrossProjectRename) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, {$match: {a: {$eq: 1}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {b: {$eq: 1}}}, {$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchShouldMoveAcrossAddFieldsRename) { string inputPipe = "[{$addFields: {a: '$b'}}, {$match: {a: {$eq: 1}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {b: {$eq: 1}}}, {$addFields: {a: '$b'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchShouldMoveAcrossProjectRenameWithExplicitROOT) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$$ROOT.b'}}, {$match: {a: {$eq: 1}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {b: {$eq: 1}}}, {$project: {_id: true, a: '$$ROOT.b'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchShouldMoveAcrossAddFieldsRenameWithExplicitCURRENT) { string inputPipe = "[{$addFields: {a: '$$CURRENT.b'}}, {$match: {a: {$eq: 1}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {b: {$eq: 1}}}, {$addFields: {a: '$b'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, PartiallyDependentMatchWithRenameShouldSplitAcrossAddFields) { string inputPipe = "[{$addFields: {'a.b': '$c', d: {$add: ['$e', '$f']}}}," "{$match: {$and: [{$or: [{'a.b': 1}, {x: 2}]}, {d: 3}]}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$or: [{c: {$eq: 1}}, {x: {$eq: 2}}]}}," "{$addFields: {a: {b: '$c'}, d: {$add: ['$e', '$f']}}}," "{$match: {d: {$eq: 3}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, NorCanSplitAcrossProjectWithRename) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {x: true, y: '$z', _id: false}}," "{$match: {$nor: [{w: {$eq: 1}}, {y: {$eq: 1}}]}}]"; string outputPipe = R"([{$match: {z : {$not: {$eq: 1}}}}, {$project: {x: true, y: "$z", _id: false}}, {$match: {w: {$not: {$eq: 1}}}}])"; string serializedPipe = R"( [{$match: {$nor: [ {z : {$eq: 1}}]}}, {$project: {x: true, y: "$z", _id: false}}, {$match: {$nor: [ {w: {$eq: 1}}]}}] )"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchCanMoveAcrossSeveralRenames) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {c: '$d', _id: false}}," "{$addFields: {b: '$c'}}," "{$project: {a: '$b', z: 1}}," "{$match: {a: 1, z: 2}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {d: {$eq: 1}}}," "{$project: {c: '$d', _id: false}}," "{$match: {z: {$eq: 2}}}," "{$addFields: {b: '$c'}}," "{$project: {_id: true, z: true, a: '$b'}}]"; string serializedPipe = R"( [{$match: {d : {$eq: 1}}}, {$project: {c: "$d", _id: false}}, {$match: {z : {$eq: 2}}}, {$addFields: {b: "$c"}}, {$project: {_id: true, z: true, a: "$b"}}])"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, RenameShouldNotBeAppliedToDependentMatch) { string pipeline = "[{$project: {x: {$add: ['$foo', '$bar']}, y: '$z', _id: false}}," "{$match: {$or: [{x: {$eq: 1}}, {y: {$eq: 1}}]}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(pipeline, pipeline); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchCannotMoveAcrossAddFieldsRenameOfDottedPath) { string pipeline = "[{$addFields: {a: '$b.c'}}, {$match: {a: {$eq: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(pipeline, pipeline); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchCannotMoveAcrossProjectRenameOfDottedPath) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {a: '$$CURRENT.b.c', _id: false}}, {$match: {a: {$eq: 1}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$project: {a: '$b.c', _id: false}}, {$match: {a: {$eq: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchWithTypeShouldMoveAcrossRename) { string inputPipe = "[{$addFields: {a: '$b'}}, {$match: {a: {$type: 4}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {b: {$type: [4]}}}, {$addFields: {a: '$b'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnArrayFieldCanSplitAcrossRenameWithMapAndProject) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {d: {$map: {input: '$a', as: 'iter', in: {e: '$$iter.b', f: {$add: " "['$$iter.c', 1]}}}}}}, {$match: {'d.e': 1, 'd.f': 1}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {'a.b': {$eq: 1}}}, {$project: {_id: true, d: {$map: {input: '$a', as: 'iter', " "in: {e: '$$iter.b', f: {$add: ['$$iter.c', {$const: 1}]}}}}}}, {$match: {'d.f': {$eq: " "1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnArrayFieldCanSplitAcrossRenameWithMapAndAddFields) { string inputPipe = "[{$addFields: {d: {$map: {input: '$a', as: 'iter', in: {e: '$$iter.b', f: {$add: " "['$$iter.c', 1]}}}}}}, {$match: {'d.e': 1, 'd.f': 1}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {'a.b': {$eq: 1}}}, {$addFields: {d: {$map: {input: '$a', as: 'iter', in: {e: " "'$$iter.b', f: {$add: ['$$iter.c', {$const: 1}]}}}}}}, {$match: {'d.f': {$eq: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchCannotSwapWithLimit) { string pipeline = "[{$limit: 3}, {$match: {x: {$gt: 0}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(pipeline, pipeline); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchCannotSwapWithSortLimit) { string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {x: -1}}, {$limit: 3}, {$match: {x: {$gt: 0}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {x: -1}, limit: 3}}, {$match: {x: {$gt: 0}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, inputPipe); } // Descriptive test. The following internal match expression *could* participate in pipeline // optimizations, but it currently does not. TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnMinItemsShouldNotSwapSinceCategoryIsArrayMatching) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaMinItems: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaMinItems: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {b: {$_internalSchemaMinItems: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); } // Descriptive test. The following internal match expression *could* participate in pipeline // optimizations, but it currently does not. TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnMaxItemsShouldNotSwapSinceCategoryIsArrayMatching) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaMaxItems: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaMaxItems: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {b: {$_internalSchemaMaxItems: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); } // Descriptive test. The following internal match expression *could* participate in pipeline // optimizations, but it currently does not. TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnAllElemMatchFromIndexShouldNotSwapSinceCategoryIsArrayMatching) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaAllElemMatchFromIndex: [1, {b: {$gt: 0}}]}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaAllElemMatchFromIndex: [1, {b: {$gt: 0}}]}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaAllElemMatchFromIndex: [1, {b: {$gt: 0}}]}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); } // Descriptive test. The following internal match expression *could* participate in pipeline // optimizations, but it currently does not. TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnArrayIndexShouldNotSwapSinceCategoryIsArrayMatching) { string inputPipe = R"( [{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, {$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaMatchArrayIndex: {index: 0, namePlaceholder: 'i', expression: {i: {$lt: 0}}}}}}])"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); inputPipe = R"( [{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}, {$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaMatchArrayIndex: {index: 0, namePlaceholder: 'i', expression: {i: {$lt: 0}}}}}}])"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); inputPipe = R"( [{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, {$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaMatchArrayIndex: {index: 0, namePlaceholder: 'i', expression: {i: {$lt: 0}}}}}}])"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); } // Descriptive test. The following internal match expression *could* participate in pipeline // optimizations, but it currently does not. TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnUniqueItemsShouldNotSwapSinceCategoryIsArrayMatching) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaUniqueItems: true}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaUniqueItems: true}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaUniqueItems: true}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); } // Descriptive test. The following internal match expression *could* participate in pipeline // optimizations, but it currently does not. TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnObjectMatchShouldNotSwapSinceCategoryIsOther) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaObjectMatch: {b: 1}}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaObjectMatch: {b: {$eq: 1}}}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}," "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaObjectMatch: {b: 1}}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); inputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaObjectMatch: {b: 1}}}}]"; outputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}," "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaObjectMatch: {b: {$eq: 1}}}}}]"; serializedPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}," "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaObjectMatch: {b: 1}}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaObjectMatch: {b: 1}}}}]"; outputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaObjectMatch: {b: {$eq: 1}}}}}]"; serializedPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaObjectMatch: {b: 1}}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } // Descriptive test. The following internal match expression *could* participate in pipeline // optimizations, but it currently does not. TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnMinPropertiesShouldNotSwapSinceCategoryIsOther) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaMinProperties: 2}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaMinProperties: 2}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaMinProperties: 2}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); } // Descriptive test. The following internal match expression *could* participate in pipeline // optimizations, but it currently does not. TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnMaxPropertiesShouldNotSwapSinceCategoryIsOther) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaMaxProperties: 2}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaMaxProperties: 2}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaMaxProperties: 2}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); } // Descriptive test. The following internal match expression *could* participate in pipeline // optimizations, but it currently does not. TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnAllowedPropertiesShouldNotSwapSinceCategoryIsOther) { string inputPipe = R"( [{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, {$match: {$_internalSchemaAllowedProperties: { properties: ['b'], namePlaceholder: 'i', patternProperties: [], otherwise: {i: 1} }}}])"; string outputPipe = R"( [{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, {$match: {$_internalSchemaAllowedProperties: { properties: ['b'], namePlaceholder: 'i', patternProperties: [], otherwise: {i: {$eq : 1}} }}}])"; string serializedPipe = R"( [{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, {$match: {$_internalSchemaAllowedProperties: { properties: ['b'], namePlaceholder: 'i', patternProperties: [], otherwise: {i : 1}} }}])"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); inputPipe = R"( [{$project: {redacted: false}}, {$match: {$_internalSchemaAllowedProperties: { properties: ['b'], namePlaceholder: 'i', patternProperties: [], otherwise: {i: 1} }}}])"; outputPipe = R"( [{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}, {$match: {$_internalSchemaAllowedProperties: { properties: ['b'], namePlaceholder: 'i', patternProperties: [], otherwise: {i: {$eq: 1} }}}}])"; serializedPipe = R"( [{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}, {$match: {$_internalSchemaAllowedProperties: { properties: ['b'], namePlaceholder: 'i', patternProperties: [], otherwise: {i: 1} }}}])"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); inputPipe = R"( [{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, {$match: {$_internalSchemaAllowedProperties: { properties: ['b'], namePlaceholder: 'i', patternProperties: [], otherwise: {i: 1} }}}])"; outputPipe = R"( [{$addFields: {a: {$const: 1}}}, {$match: {$_internalSchemaAllowedProperties: { properties: ["b"], namePlaceholder: "i", patternProperties: [], otherwise: {i: {$eq: 1} }}}}])"; serializedPipe = R"( [{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, {$match: {$_internalSchemaAllowedProperties: { properties: ['b'], namePlaceholder: 'i', patternProperties: [], otherwise: {i: 1} }}}])"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } // Descriptive test. The following internal match expression *could* participate in pipeline // optimizations, but it currently does not. TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnCondShouldNotSwapSinceCategoryIsOther) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaCond: [{a: 1}, {b: 1}, {c: 1}]}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaCond: [{a: {$eq : 1}}, {b: {$eq : 1}}, {c: {$eq : 1}}]}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaCond: [{a: 1}, {b: 1}, {c: 1}]}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); inputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaCond: [{a: 1}, {b: 1}, {c: 1}]}}]"; outputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaCond: [{a: {$eq : 1}}, {b: {$eq: 1}}, {c: {$eq: 1}}]}}]"; serializedPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaCond: [{a: 1}, {b: 1}, {c: 1}]}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaCond: [{a: 1}, {b: 1}, {c: 1}]}}]"; outputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaCond: [{a: {$eq : 1}}, {b: {$eq: 1}}, {c: {$eq : 1}}]}}]"; serializedPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaCond: [{a: 1}, {b: 1}, {c: 1}]}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } // Descriptive test. The following internal match expression *could* participate in pipeline // optimizations, but it currently does not. TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnRootDocEqShouldNotSwapSinceCategoryIsOther) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaRootDocEq: {a: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaRootDocEq: {a: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaRootDocEq: {a: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, inputPipe); } // Descriptive test. The following internal match expression *could* participate in pipeline // optimizations, but it currently does not. TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnInternalSchemaTypeShouldNotSwapSinceCategoryIsOther) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaType: 1}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, " " {$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaType: [1]}}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaType: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); inputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaType: 1}}}]"; outputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}, " " {$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaType: [1]}}}]"; serializedPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaType: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {b: {$_internalSchemaType: 1}}}]"; outputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " " {$match: {b: {$_internalSchemaType: [1]}}}]"; serializedPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {b: {$_internalSchemaType: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnMinLengthShouldSwapWithAdjacentStage) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaMinLength: 1}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {b: {$_internalSchemaMinLength: 1}}}," "{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaMinLength: 1}}}]"; outputPipe = "[{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaMinLength: 1}}}," "{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {b: {$_internalSchemaMinLength: 1}}}]"; outputPipe = "[{$match: {b: {$_internalSchemaMinLength: 1}}}," "{$addFields: {a: {$const: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnMaxLengthShouldSwapWithAdjacentStage) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaMaxLength: 1}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {b: {$_internalSchemaMaxLength: 1}}}," "{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaMaxLength: 1}}}]"; outputPipe = "[{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaMaxLength: 1}}}, " "{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {b: {$_internalSchemaMaxLength: 1}}}]"; outputPipe = "[{$match: {b: {$_internalSchemaMaxLength: 1}}}, " "{$addFields: {a: {$const: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnInternalEqShouldSwapWithAdjacentStage) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaEq: {c: 1}}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {b: {$_internalSchemaEq: {c: 1}}}}, " "{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaEq: {c: 1}}}}]"; outputPipe = "[{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaEq: {c: 1}}}}, " "{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {b: {$_internalSchemaEq: {c: 1}}}}]"; outputPipe = "[{$match: {b: {$_internalSchemaEq: {c: 1}}}}, " "{$addFields: {a: {$const: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnXorShouldSwapIfEverySubExpressionIsEligible) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b', c: '$d'}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaXor: [{a: 1}, {c: 1}]}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {$_internalSchemaXor: [{b: {$eq: 1}}, {d: {$eq: 1}}]}}, " "{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b', c: '$d'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, outputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaXor: [{a: 1}, {b: 1}]}}]"; outputPipe = "[{$match: {$_internalSchemaXor: [{a: {$eq : 1}}, {b: {$eq : 1}}]}}, " "{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}]"; string serializedPipe = "[{$match: {$_internalSchemaXor: [{a: 1}, {b: 1}]}}, " " {$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaXor: [{b: 1}, {c: 1}]}}]"; outputPipe = "[{$match: {$_internalSchemaXor: [{b: {$eq: 1}}, {c: {$eq: 1}}]}}, " "{$addFields: {a: {$const: 1}}}]"; serializedPipe = "[{$match: {$_internalSchemaXor: [{b: 1}, {c: 1}]}}, " "{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaXor: [{b: 1}, {a: 1}]}}]"; outputPipe = "[{$addFields: {a: {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaXor: [{b: {$eq: 1}}, {a: {$eq: 1}}]}}]"; serializedPipe = "[{$addFields: {a: {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {$_internalSchemaXor: [{b: 1}, {a: 1}]}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchOnFmodShouldSwapWithAdjacentStage) { string inputPipe = "[{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaFmod: [5, 0]}}}]"; string outputPipe = "[{$match: {b: {$_internalSchemaFmod: [5, 0]}}}, " "{$project: {_id: true, a: '$b'}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}, " "{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaFmod: [5, 0]}}}]"; outputPipe = "[{$match: {a: {$_internalSchemaFmod: [5, 0]}}}, " "{$project: {redacted: false, _id: true}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); inputPipe = "[{$addFields : {a : {$const: 1}}}, " "{$match: {b: {$_internalSchemaFmod: [5, 0]}}}]"; outputPipe = "[{$match: {b: {$_internalSchemaFmod: [5, 0]}}}, " "{$addFields: {a: {$const: 1}}}]"; assertPipelineOptimizesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, ChangeStreamLookupSwapsWithIndependentMatch) { QueryTestServiceContext testServiceContext; auto opCtx = testServiceContext.makeOperationContext(); intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest(kTestNss)); expCtx->opCtx = opCtx.get(); expCtx->uuid = UUID::gen(); setMockReplicationCoordinatorOnOpCtx(expCtx->opCtx); // We enable the 'showExpandedEvents' flag to avoid injecting an additional $match stage which // filters out newly added events. auto spec = BSON("$changeStream" << BSON( "fullDocument" << "updateLookup" << DocumentSourceChangeStreamSpec::kShowExpandedEventsFieldName << true)); auto stages = DocumentSourceChangeStream::createFromBson(spec.firstElement(), expCtx); ASSERT_EQ(stages.size(), getChangeStreamStageSize()); // Make sure the change lookup is at the end. ASSERT(dynamic_cast(stages.back().get())); auto matchPredicate = BSON("extra" << "predicate"); stages.push_back(DocumentSourceMatch::create(matchPredicate, expCtx)); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create(stages, expCtx); pipeline->optimizePipeline(); // Make sure the $match stage has swapped before the change look up. ASSERT( dynamic_cast(pipeline->getSources().back().get())); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, ChangeStreamLookupDoesNotSwapWithMatchOnPostImage) { QueryTestServiceContext testServiceContext; auto opCtx = testServiceContext.makeOperationContext(); intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest(kTestNss)); expCtx->opCtx = opCtx.get(); expCtx->uuid = UUID::gen(); setMockReplicationCoordinatorOnOpCtx(expCtx->opCtx); // We enable the 'showExpandedEvents' flag to avoid injecting an additional $match stage which // filters out newly added events. auto spec = BSON("$changeStream" << BSON( "fullDocument" << "updateLookup" << DocumentSourceChangeStreamSpec::kShowExpandedEventsFieldName << true)); auto stages = DocumentSourceChangeStream::createFromBson(spec.firstElement(), expCtx); ASSERT_EQ(stages.size(), getChangeStreamStageSize()); // Make sure the change lookup is at the end. ASSERT(dynamic_cast(stages.back().get())); stages.push_back(DocumentSourceMatch::create( BSON(DocumentSourceChangeStreamAddPostImage::kFullDocumentFieldName << BSONNULL), expCtx)); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create(stages, expCtx); pipeline->optimizePipeline(); // Make sure the $match stage stays at the end. ASSERT(dynamic_cast(pipeline->getSources().back().get())); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, FullDocumentBeforeChangeLookupSwapsWithIndependentMatch) { QueryTestServiceContext testServiceContext; auto opCtx = testServiceContext.makeOperationContext(); intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest(kTestNss)); expCtx->opCtx = opCtx.get(); expCtx->uuid = UUID::gen(); setMockReplicationCoordinatorOnOpCtx(expCtx->opCtx); // We enable the 'showExpandedEvents' flag to avoid injecting an additional $match stage which // filters out newly added events. auto spec = BSON("$changeStream" << BSON( "fullDocumentBeforeChange" << "required" << DocumentSourceChangeStreamSpec::kShowExpandedEventsFieldName << true)); auto stages = DocumentSourceChangeStream::createFromBson(spec.firstElement(), expCtx); ASSERT_EQ(stages.size(), getChangeStreamStageSize()); // Make sure the pre-image lookup is at the end. ASSERT(dynamic_cast(stages.back().get())); auto matchPredicate = BSON("extra" << "predicate"); stages.push_back(DocumentSourceMatch::create(matchPredicate, expCtx)); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create(stages, expCtx); pipeline->optimizePipeline(); // Make sure the $match stage has swapped before the change look up. ASSERT( dynamic_cast(pipeline->getSources().back().get())); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, FullDocumentBeforeChangeDoesNotSwapWithMatchOnPreImage) { QueryTestServiceContext testServiceContext; auto opCtx = testServiceContext.makeOperationContext(); intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest(kTestNss)); expCtx->opCtx = opCtx.get(); expCtx->uuid = UUID::gen(); setMockReplicationCoordinatorOnOpCtx(expCtx->opCtx); // We enable the 'showExpandedEvents' flag to avoid injecting an additional $match stage which // filters out newly added events. auto spec = BSON("$changeStream" << BSON( "fullDocumentBeforeChange" << "required" << DocumentSourceChangeStreamSpec::kShowExpandedEventsFieldName << true)); auto stages = DocumentSourceChangeStream::createFromBson(spec.firstElement(), expCtx); ASSERT_EQ(stages.size(), getChangeStreamStageSize()); // Make sure the pre-image lookup is at the end. ASSERT(dynamic_cast(stages.back().get())); stages.push_back(DocumentSourceMatch::create( BSON(DocumentSourceChangeStreamAddPreImage::kFullDocumentBeforeChangeFieldName << BSONNULL), expCtx)); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create(stages, expCtx); pipeline->optimizePipeline(); // Make sure the $match stage stays at the end. ASSERT(dynamic_cast(pipeline->getSources().back().get())); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortLimProjLimBecomesTopKSortProj) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 7}" ",{$project : {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}, limit: 5}}" ",{$project: {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 5}" ",{$project : {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortProjUnwindLimLimBecomesSortProjUnwindLim) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$project : {a: 1}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$a'}}" ",{$limit: 7}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}}}" ",{$project: {_id: true, a: true}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$a'}}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$project : {_id: true, a: true}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$a'}}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortSkipLimBecomesTopKSortSkip) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$skip: 2}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}, limit: 7}}" ",{$skip: 2}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 7}" ",{$skip: 2}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, LimDoesNotCoalesceWithSortInSortProjGroupLim) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$project : {a: 1}}" ",{$group: {_id: '$a'}}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}}}" ",{$project: {_id: true, a: true}}" ",{$group: {_id: '$a'}}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$project : {_id: true, a: true}}" ",{$group: {_id: '$a'}}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortProjSkipLimBecomesTopKSortSkipProj) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$project : {a: 1}}" ",{$skip: 3}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}, limit: 8}}" ",{$skip: 3}" ",{$project: {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 8}" ",{$skip: 3}" ",{$project : {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, SortSkipProjSkipLimSkipLimBecomesTopKSortSkipProj) { std::string inputPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$skip: 2}" ",{$project : {a: 1}}" ",{$skip: 4}" ",{$limit: 25}" ",{$skip: 6}" ",{$limit: 3}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}, limit: 15}}" ",{$skip: 12}" ",{$project: {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; std::string serializedPipe = "[{$sort: {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 15}" ",{$skip: 12}" ",{$project : {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo(inputPipe, outputPipe, serializedPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MatchGetsPushedIntoBothChildrenOfUnion) { assertPipelineOptimizesTo( "[" " {$unionWith: 'unionColl'}," " {$match: {x: {$eq: 2}}}" "]", "[{$match: {x: {$eq: 2}}}," " {$unionWith: {" " coll: 'unionColl'," " pipeline: [{$match: {x: {$eq: 2}}}]" " }}]"); // Test that the $match can get pulled forward through other stages. assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo( "[" " {$unionWith: 'unionColl'}," " {$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'y', localField: 'z', foreignField: 'z'}}," " {$sort: {score: 1}}," " {$match: {x: {$eq: 2}}}" "]", "[" " {$match: {x: {$eq: 2}}}," " {$unionWith: {" " coll: 'unionColl'," " pipeline: [{$match: {x: {$eq: 2}}}]" " }}," " {$sort: {sortKey: {score: 1}}}," " {$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'y', localField: 'z', foreignField: 'z'}}" "]", "[" " {$match: {x: {$eq: 2}}}," " {$unionWith: {" " coll: 'unionColl'," " pipeline: [{$match: {x: {$eq: 2}}}]" " }}," " {$sort: {score: 1}}," " {$lookup: {from: 'lookupColl', as: 'y', localField: 'z', foreignField: 'z'}}" "]"); // Test that the $match can get pulled forward from after the $unionWith to inside, then to the // beginning of a $unionWith subpipeline. assertPipelineOptimizesAndSerializesTo( "[" " {$unionWith: {" " coll: 'unionColl'," " pipeline: [" " {$project: {y: false}}," " {$sort: {score: 1}}" " ]" " }}," " {$match: {x: {$eq: 2}}}" "]", "[" " {$match: {x: {$eq: 2}}}," " {$unionWith: {" " coll: 'unionColl'," " pipeline: [" " {$match: {x: {$eq: 2}}}," " {$project: {y: false, _id: true}}," " {$sort: {sortKey: {score: 1}}}" " ]" " }}" "]", "[" " {$match: {x: {$eq: 2}}}," " {$unionWith: {" " coll: 'unionColl'," " pipeline: [" " {$match: {x: {$eq: 2}}}," " {$project: {y: false, _id: true}}," " {$sort: {score: 1}}" " ]" " }}" "]"); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, ProjectGetsPushedIntoBothChildrenOfUnion) { assertPipelineOptimizesTo( "[" " {$unionWith: 'unionColl'}," " {$project: {x: false}}" "]", "[{$project: {x: false, _id: true}}," " {$unionWith: {" " coll: 'unionColl'," " pipeline: [{$project: {x: false, _id: true}}]" " }}]"); // Test an inclusion projection. assertPipelineOptimizesTo( "[" " {$unionWith: 'unionColl'}," " {$project: {x: true}}" "]", "[{$project: {_id: true, x: true}}," " {$unionWith: {" " coll: 'unionColl'," " pipeline: [{$project: {_id: true, x: true}}]" " }}]"); // Test a $set. assertPipelineOptimizesTo( "[" " {$unionWith: 'unionColl'}," " {$set: {x: 'new value'}}" "]", "[{$set: {x: {$const: 'new value'}}}," " {$unionWith: {" " coll: 'unionColl'," " pipeline: [{$set: {x: {$const: 'new value'}}}]" " }}]"); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, UnionWithViewsSampleUseCase) { // Test that if someone uses $unionWith to query one logical collection from four physical // collections then the query and projection can get pushed down to next to each collection // access. assertPipelineOptimizesTo( "[" " {$unionWith: 'unionColl'}," " {$unionWith: 'unionColl'}," " {$unionWith: 'unionColl'}," " {$match: {business: {$eq: 'good'}}}," " {$project: {_id: true, x: true}}" "]", "[{$match: {business: {$eq: 'good'}}}," " {$project: {_id: true, x: true}}," " {$unionWith: {" " coll: 'unionColl'," " pipeline: [" " {$match: {business: {$eq: 'good'}}}," " {$project: {_id: true, x: true}}" " ]" " }}," " {$unionWith: {" " coll: 'unionColl'," " pipeline: [" " {$match: {business: {$eq: 'good'}}}," " {$project: {_id: true, x: true}}" " ]" " }}," " {$unionWith: {" " coll: 'unionColl'," " pipeline: [" " {$match: {business: {$eq: 'good'}}}," " {$project: {_id: true, x: true}}" " ]" " }}" "]"); } std::unique_ptr getOptimizedPipeline(const BSONObj inputBson) { QueryTestServiceContext testServiceContext; auto opCtx = testServiceContext.makeOperationContext(); ASSERT_EQUALS(inputBson["pipeline"].type(), BSONType::Array); vector rawPipeline; for (auto&& stageElem : inputBson["pipeline"].Array()) { ASSERT_EQUALS(stageElem.type(), BSONType::Object); rawPipeline.push_back(stageElem.embeddedObject()); } AggregateCommandRequest request(kTestNss, rawPipeline); intrusive_ptr ctx = new ExpressionContextForTest(opCtx.get(), request); ctx->mongoProcessInterface = std::make_shared(); TempDir tempDir("PipelineTest"); ctx->tempDir = tempDir.path(); auto outputPipe = Pipeline::parse(request.getPipeline(), ctx); outputPipe->optimizePipeline(); return outputPipe; } void assertTwoPipelinesOptimizeAndMergeTo(const std::string inputPipe1, const std::string inputPipe2, const std::string outputPipe) { const BSONObj input1Bson = pipelineFromJsonArray(inputPipe1); const BSONObj input2Bson = pipelineFromJsonArray(inputPipe2); const BSONObj outputBson = pipelineFromJsonArray(outputPipe); auto pipeline1 = getOptimizedPipeline(input1Bson); auto pipeline2 = getOptimizedPipeline(input2Bson); // Merge the pipelines for (auto source : pipeline2->getSources()) { pipeline1->pushBack(source); } pipeline1->optimizePipeline(); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(pipeline1->writeExplainOps(ExplainOptions::Verbosity::kQueryPlanner)), Value(outputBson["pipeline"])); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MergeUnwindPipelineWithSortLimitPipelineDoesNotSwapIfNoPreserve) { std::string inputPipe1 = "[{$unwind : {path: '$a'}}" "]"; std::string inputPipe2 = "[{$sort: {b: 1}}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$unwind: {path: \"$a\"}}" ",{$sort: {sortKey: {b: 1}, limit: 5}}" "]"; assertTwoPipelinesOptimizeAndMergeTo(inputPipe1, inputPipe2, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MergeUnwindPipelineWithSortLimitPipelineDoesSwapWithPreserve) { std::string inputPipe1 = "[{$unwind : {path: '$a', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" "]"; std::string inputPipe2 = "[{$sort: {b: 1}}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {b: 1}, limit: 5}}" ",{$unwind: {path: \"$a\", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; assertTwoPipelinesOptimizeAndMergeTo(inputPipe1, inputPipe2, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MergeUnwindPipelineWithSortLimitPipelineDoesNotSwapWithOverlapPaths) { std::string inputPipe1 = "[{$unwind : {path: '$b', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" "]"; std::string inputPipe2 = "[{$sort: {b: 1}}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$unwind: {path: \"$b\", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" ",{$sort: {sortKey: {b: 1}, limit: 5}}" "]"; assertTwoPipelinesOptimizeAndMergeTo(inputPipe1, inputPipe2, outputPipe); } TEST(PipelineOptimizationTest, MergeUnwindPipelineWithSortLimitPipelinePlacesLimitProperly) { std::string inputPipe1 = "[{$unwind : {path: '$a', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" "]"; std::string inputPipe2 = "[{$sort: {b: 1}}" ",{$limit: 5}" ",{$skip: 4}" "]"; std::string outputPipe = "[{$sort: {sortKey: {b: 1}, limit: 5}}" ",{$unwind: {path: \"$a\", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" ",{$limit: 5}" ",{$skip: 4}" "]"; assertTwoPipelinesOptimizeAndMergeTo(inputPipe1, inputPipe2, outputPipe); } } // namespace Local namespace Sharded { class Base { public: // These all return json arrays of pipeline operators virtual string inputPipeJson() = 0; virtual string shardPipeJson() = 0; virtual string mergePipeJson() = 0; // Allows tests to override the default resolvedNamespaces. virtual NamespaceString getLookupCollNs() { return NamespaceString("a", "lookupColl"); } BSONObj pipelineFromJsonArray(const string& array) { return fromjson("{pipeline: " + array + "}"); } virtual void run() { const BSONObj inputBson = pipelineFromJsonArray(inputPipeJson()); const BSONObj shardPipeExpected = pipelineFromJsonArray(shardPipeJson()); const BSONObj mergePipeExpected = pipelineFromJsonArray(mergePipeJson()); ASSERT_EQUALS(inputBson["pipeline"].type(), BSONType::Array); vector rawPipeline; for (auto&& stageElem : inputBson["pipeline"].Array()) { ASSERT_EQUALS(stageElem.type(), BSONType::Object); rawPipeline.push_back(stageElem.embeddedObject()); } AggregateCommandRequest request(kTestNss, rawPipeline); intrusive_ptr ctx = createExpressionContext(request); TempDir tempDir("PipelineTest"); ctx->tempDir = tempDir.path(); // For $graphLookup and $lookup, we have to populate the resolvedNamespaces so that the // operations will be able to have a resolved view definition. auto lookupCollNs = getLookupCollNs(); ctx->setResolvedNamespace(lookupCollNs, {lookupCollNs, std::vector{}}); // Test that we can both split the pipeline and reassemble it into its original form. mergePipe = Pipeline::parse(request.getPipeline(), ctx); mergePipe->optimizePipeline(); auto splitPipeline = sharded_agg_helpers::splitPipeline(std::move(mergePipe)); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(splitPipeline.shardsPipeline->writeExplainOps( ExplainOptions::Verbosity::kQueryPlanner)), Value(shardPipeExpected["pipeline"])); ASSERT_VALUE_EQ(Value(splitPipeline.mergePipeline->writeExplainOps( ExplainOptions::Verbosity::kQueryPlanner)), Value(mergePipeExpected["pipeline"])); shardPipe = std::move(splitPipeline.shardsPipeline); mergePipe = std::move(splitPipeline.mergePipeline); } virtual ~Base() {} virtual intrusive_ptr createExpressionContext( const AggregateCommandRequest& request) { return new ExpressionContextForTest(&_opCtx, request); } protected: std::unique_ptr mergePipe; std::unique_ptr shardPipe; private: OperationContextNoop _opCtx; }; // General test to make sure all optimizations support empty pipelines class Empty : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[]"; } }; // Since each shard has an identical copy of config.cache.chunks.* namespaces, $lookup from // config.cache.chunks.* should run on each shard in parallel. namespace lookupFromShardsInParallel { class LookupWithDBAndColl : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$lookup: {from: {db: 'config', coll: 'cache.chunks.test.foo'}, as: 'results', " "localField: 'x', foreignField: '_id'}}]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return inputPipeJson(); } string mergePipeJson() { return "[]"; } NamespaceString getLookupCollNs() override { return {"config", "cache.chunks.test.foo"}; } }; class LookupWithLetWithDBAndColl : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$lookup: {from: {db: 'config', coll: 'cache.chunks.test.foo'}, as: 'results', " "let: {x_field: '$x'}, pipeline: []}}]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return inputPipeJson(); } string mergePipeJson() { return "[]"; } NamespaceString getLookupCollNs() override { return {"config", "cache.chunks.test.foo"}; } }; class CollectionCloningPipeline : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {$expr: {$gte: ['$_id', {$literal: 1}]}}}" ",{$sort: {_id: 1}}" ",{$replaceWith: {original: '$$ROOT'}}" ",{$lookup: {from: {db: 'config', coll: 'cache.chunks.test'}," "pipeline: [], as: 'intersectingChunk'}}" ",{$match: {intersectingChunk: {$ne: []}}}" ",{$replaceWith: '$original'}" "]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {$and: [{_id: {$_internalExprGte: 1}}, {$expr: {$gte: ['$_id', " "{$const: 1}]}}]}}" ", {$sort: {sortKey: {_id: 1}}}" ", {$replaceRoot: {newRoot: {original: '$$ROOT'}}}" ", {$lookup: {from: {db: 'config', coll: 'cache.chunks.test'}, as: " "'intersectingChunk', let: {}, pipeline: []}}" ", {$match: {intersectingChunk: {$not: {$eq: []}}}}" ", {$replaceRoot: {newRoot: '$original'}}" "]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[]"; } NamespaceString getLookupCollNs() override { return {"config", "cache.chunks.test"}; } }; } // namespace lookupFromShardsInParallel namespace moveFinalUnwindFromShardsToMerger { class OneUnwind : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$unwind: {path: '$a'}}]}"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[]}"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$unwind: {path: '$a'}}]}"; } }; class TwoUnwind : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$unwind: {path: '$a'}}, {$unwind: {path: '$b'}}]}"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[]}"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$unwind: {path: '$a'}}, {$unwind: {path: '$b'}}]}"; } }; class UnwindNotFinal : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$unwind: {path: '$a'}}, {$match: {a:1}}]}"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$unwind: {path: '$a'}}, {$match: {a:{$eq:1}}}]}"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[]}"; } }; class UnwindWithOther : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {a:1}}, {$unwind: {path: '$a'}}]}"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {a:{$eq:1}}}]}"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$unwind: {path: '$a'}}]}"; } }; } // namespace moveFinalUnwindFromShardsToMerger namespace propagateDocLimitToShards { /** * The $skip stage splits the pipeline into a shard pipeline and merge pipeline. Because the $limit * stage in the merge pipeline creates an upper bound on how many documents are necessary from any * of the shards, we can add a $limit to the shard pipeline to prevent it from sending more * documents than necessary. See the comment for propagateDocLimitToShard in * sharded_agg_helpers.cpp and the explanation in SERVER-36881. */ class MatchWithSkipAndLimit : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {x: 4}}, {$skip: 10}, {$limit: 5}]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {x: {$eq: 4}}}, {$limit: 15}]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$skip: 10}, {$limit: 5}]"; } }; /** * When computing an upper bound on how many documents we need from each shard, make sure to count * all $skip stages in any pipeline that has more than one. */ class MatchWithMultipleSkipsAndLimit : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {x: 4}}, {$skip: 7}, {$skip: 3}, {$limit: 5}]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {x: {$eq: 4}}}, {$limit: 15}]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$skip: 10}, {$limit: 5}]"; } }; /** * A $limit stage splits the pipeline with the $limit in place on both the shard and merge * pipelines. Make sure that the propagateDocLimitToShards() optimization does not add another * $limit to the shard pipeline. */ class MatchWithLimitAndSkip : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {x: 4}}, {$limit: 10}, {$skip: 5}]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {x: {$eq: 4}}}, {$limit: 10}]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$limit: 10}, {$skip: 5}]"; } }; /** * The addition of an $addFields stage between the $skip and $limit stages does not prevent us from * propagating the limit to the shards. */ class MatchWithSkipAddFieldsAndLimit : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {x: 4}}, {$skip: 10}, {$addFields: {y: 1}}, {$limit: 5}]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {x: {$eq: 4}}}, {$limit: 15}]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$skip: 10}, {$addFields: {y: {$const: 1}}}, {$limit: 5}]"; } }; /** * The addition of a $group stage between the $skip and $limit stages _does_ prevent us from * propagating the limit to the shards. The merger will need to see all the documents from each * shard before it can apply the $limit. */ class MatchWithSkipGroupAndLimit : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {x: 4}}, {$skip: 10}, {$group: {_id: '$y'}}, {$limit: 5}]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {x: {$eq: 4}}}, {$project: {y: true, _id: false}}]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$skip: 10}, {$group: {_id: '$y'}}, {$limit: 5}]"; } }; /** * The addition of a $match stage between the $skip and $limit stages also prevents us from * propagating the limit to the shards. We don't know in advance how many documents will pass the * filter in the second $match, so we also don't know how many documents we'll need from the shards. */ class MatchWithSkipSecondMatchAndLimit : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {x: 4}}, {$skip: 10}, {$match: {y: {$gt: 10}}}, {$limit: 5}]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {x: {$eq: 4}}}]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$skip: 10}, {$match: {y: {$gt: 10}}}, {$limit: 5}]"; } }; } // namespace propagateDocLimitToShards namespace limitFieldsSentFromShardsToMerger { // These tests use $limit to split the pipelines between shards and merger as it is // always a split point and neutral in terms of needed fields. class NeedWholeDoc : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$limit:1}]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$limit:1}]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$limit:1}]"; } }; class JustNeedsId : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$limit:1}, {$group: {_id: '$_id'}}]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$limit:1}, {$project: {_id:true}}]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$limit:1}, {$group: {_id: '$_id'}}]"; } }; class JustNeedsNonId : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$limit:1}, {$group: {_id: '$a.b'}}]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$limit:1}, {$project: {a: {b: true}, _id: false}}]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$limit:1}, {$group: {_id: '$a.b'}}]"; } }; class NothingNeeded : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$limit:1}" ",{$group: {_id: {$const: null}, count: {$sum: {$const: 1}}}}" "]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$limit:1}" ",{$project: {_id: true}}" "]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$limit:1}" ",{$group: {_id: {$const: null}, count: {$sum: {$const: 1}}}}" "]"; } }; class ShardAlreadyExhaustive : public Base { // No new project should be added. This test reflects current behavior where the // 'a' field is still sent because it is explicitly asked for, even though it // isn't actually needed. If this changes in the future, this test will need to // change. string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$project: {_id:true, a:true}}" ",{$group: {_id: '$_id'}}" "]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$project: {_id:true, a:true}}" ",{$group: {_id: '$_id'}}" "]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$group: {_id: '$$ROOT._id', $doingMerge: true}}" "]"; } }; class ShardedSortMatchProjSkipLimBecomesMatchTopKSortSkipProj : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$sort: {a : 1}}" ",{$match: {a: 1}}" ",{$project : {a: 1}}" ",{$skip : 3}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {a: {$eq : 1}}}" ",{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}, limit: 8}}" ",{$project: {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$limit: 8}" ",{$skip: 3}" ",{$project: {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; } }; class ShardedMatchProjLimDoesNotBecomeMatchLimProj : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {a: 1}}" ",{$project : {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {a: {$eq : 1}}}" ",{$project: {_id: true, a: true}}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$limit: 5}]"; } }; class ShardedSortProjLimBecomesTopKSortProj : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$sort: {a : 1}}" ",{$project : {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}, limit: 5}}" ",{$project: {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$limit: 5}" ",{$project: {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; } }; class ShardedSortGroupProjLimDoesNotBecomeTopKSortProjGroup : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$sort: {a : 1}}" ",{$group : {_id: {a: '$a'}}}" ",{$project : {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}}}" ",{$project : {a: true, _id: false}}" "]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$group : {_id: {a: '$a'}}}" ",{$project: {_id: true, a: true}}" ",{$limit: 5}" "]"; } }; class ShardedMatchSortProjLimBecomesMatchTopKSortProj : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {a: {$eq : 1}}}" ",{$sort: {a: -1}}" ",{$project : {a: 1}}" ",{$limit: 6}" "]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$match: {a: {$eq : 1}}}" ",{$sort: {sortKey: {a: -1}, limit: 6}}" ",{$project: {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$limit: 6}" ",{$project: {_id: true, a: true}}" "]"; } }; } // namespace limitFieldsSentFromShardsToMerger namespace coalesceLookUpAndUnwind { class ShouldCoalesceUnwindOnAs : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$same'}}" "]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right', unwinding: {preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false}}}]"; } }; class ShouldCoalesceUnwindOnAsWithPreserveEmpty : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$same', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}" "]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right', unwinding: {preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true}}}]"; } }; class ShouldCoalesceUnwindOnAsWithIncludeArrayIndex : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$same', includeArrayIndex: 'index'}}" "]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right', unwinding: {preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false, includeArrayIndex: " "'index'}}}]"; } }; class ShouldNotCoalesceUnwindNotOnAs : public Base { string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$from'}}" "]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}" ",{$unwind: {path: '$from'}}" "]"; } }; } // namespace coalesceLookUpAndUnwind namespace needsPrimaryShardMerger { class ShardMergerBase : public Base { public: void run() override { Base::run(); ASSERT_EQUALS(mergePipe->needsPrimaryShardMerger(), needsPrimaryShardMerger()); ASSERT(!shardPipe->needsPrimaryShardMerger()); } virtual bool needsPrimaryShardMerger() = 0; }; class Out : public ShardMergerBase { bool needsPrimaryShardMerger() { return true; } string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$out: 'outColl'}]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$out: {db: 'a', coll: 'outColl'}}]"; } }; class MergeWithUnshardedCollection : public ShardMergerBase { bool needsPrimaryShardMerger() { return true; } string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$merge: 'outColl'}]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$merge: {into: {db: 'a', coll: 'outColl'}, on: '_id', " "whenMatched: 'merge', whenNotMatched: 'insert'}}]"; } }; class MergeWithShardedCollection : public ShardMergerBase { intrusive_ptr createExpressionContext( const AggregateCommandRequest& request) override { class ProcessInterface : public StubMongoProcessInterface { bool isSharded(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& ns) override { return true; } }; auto expCtx = ShardMergerBase::createExpressionContext(request); expCtx->inMongos = true; expCtx->mongoProcessInterface = std::make_shared(); return expCtx; } bool needsPrimaryShardMerger() { return false; } string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$merge: 'outColl'}]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$merge: {into: {db: 'a', coll: 'outColl'}, on: '_id', " "whenMatched: 'merge', whenNotMatched: 'insert'}}]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[]"; } }; class Project : public ShardMergerBase { bool needsPrimaryShardMerger() { return false; } string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$project: {a : 1}}]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[{$project: {_id: true, a: true}}]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[]"; } }; class LookUp : public ShardMergerBase { bool needsPrimaryShardMerger() { return true; } string inputPipeJson() { return "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}]"; } string shardPipeJson() { return "[]"; } string mergePipeJson() { return "[{$lookup: {from : 'lookupColl', as : 'same', localField: 'left', foreignField: " "'right'}}]"; } }; } // namespace needsPrimaryShardMerger namespace mustRunOnMongoS { // Like a DocumentSourceMock, but must run on mongoS and can be used anywhere in the pipeline. class DocumentSourceMustRunOnMongoS : public DocumentSourceMock { public: DocumentSourceMustRunOnMongoS(const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) : DocumentSourceMock({}, expCtx) {} StageConstraints constraints(Pipeline::SplitState pipeState) const final { // Overrides DocumentSourceMock's required position. return {StreamType::kStreaming, PositionRequirement::kNone, HostTypeRequirement::kMongoS, DiskUseRequirement::kNoDiskUse, FacetRequirement::kNotAllowed, TransactionRequirement::kAllowed, LookupRequirement::kNotAllowed, UnionRequirement::kAllowed}; } static boost::intrusive_ptr create( const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) { return new DocumentSourceMustRunOnMongoS(expCtx); } }; using HostTypeRequirement = StageConstraints::HostTypeRequirement; using PipelineMustRunOnMongoSTest = AggregationContextFixture; TEST_F(PipelineMustRunOnMongoSTest, UnsplittablePipelineMustRunOnMongoS) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); expCtx->inMongos = true; auto match = DocumentSourceMatch::create(fromjson("{x: 5}"), expCtx); auto runOnMongoS = DocumentSourceMustRunOnMongoS::create(expCtx); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({match, runOnMongoS}, expCtx); ASSERT_TRUE(pipeline->requiredToRunOnMongos()); pipeline->optimizePipeline(); ASSERT_TRUE(pipeline->requiredToRunOnMongos()); } TEST_F(PipelineMustRunOnMongoSTest, UnsplittableMongoSPipelineAssertsIfDisallowedStagePresent) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); expCtx->allowDiskUse = true; expCtx->inMongos = true; auto match = DocumentSourceMatch::create(fromjson("{x: 5}"), expCtx); auto runOnMongoS = DocumentSourceMustRunOnMongoS::create(expCtx); auto sort = DocumentSourceSort::create(expCtx, fromjson("{x: 1}")); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({match, runOnMongoS, sort}, expCtx); pipeline->optimizePipeline(); // The entire pipeline must run on mongoS, but $sort cannot do so when 'allowDiskUse' is true. ASSERT_THROWS_CODE( pipeline->requiredToRunOnMongos(), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation); } DEATH_TEST_F(PipelineMustRunOnMongoSTest, SplittablePipelineMustMergeOnMongoSAfterSplit, "invariant") { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); expCtx->inMongos = true; auto match = DocumentSourceMatch::create(fromjson("{x: 5}"), expCtx); auto split = DocumentSourceInternalSplitPipeline::create(expCtx, HostTypeRequirement::kNone); auto runOnMongoS = DocumentSourceMustRunOnMongoS::create(expCtx); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({match, split, runOnMongoS}, expCtx); // We don't need to run the entire pipeline on mongoS because we can split at // $_internalSplitPipeline. ASSERT_FALSE(pipeline->requiredToRunOnMongos()); auto splitPipeline = sharded_agg_helpers::splitPipeline(std::move(pipeline)); ASSERT(splitPipeline.shardsPipeline); ASSERT(splitPipeline.mergePipeline); ASSERT_TRUE(splitPipeline.mergePipeline->requiredToRunOnMongos()); // Calling 'requiredToRunOnMongos' on the shard pipeline will hit an invariant. splitPipeline.shardsPipeline->requiredToRunOnMongos(); } /** * For the purposes of this test, assume every collection is unsharded. Stages may ask this during * setup. For example, to compute its constraints, the $merge stage needs to know if the output * collection is sharded. */ class FakeMongoProcessInterface : public StubMongoProcessInterface { public: bool isSharded(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& ns) override { return false; } }; TEST_F(PipelineMustRunOnMongoSTest, SplitMongoSMergePipelineAssertsIfShardStagePresent) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); expCtx->allowDiskUse = true; expCtx->inMongos = true; expCtx->mongoProcessInterface = std::make_shared(); auto match = DocumentSourceMatch::create(fromjson("{x: 5}"), expCtx); auto split = DocumentSourceInternalSplitPipeline::create(expCtx, HostTypeRequirement::kNone); auto runOnMongoS = DocumentSourceMustRunOnMongoS::create(expCtx); auto outSpec = fromjson("{$out: 'outcoll'}"); auto out = DocumentSourceOut::createFromBson(outSpec["$out"], expCtx); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({match, split, runOnMongoS, out}, expCtx); // We don't need to run the entire pipeline on mongoS because we can split at // $_internalSplitPipeline. ASSERT_FALSE(pipeline->requiredToRunOnMongos()); auto splitPipeline = sharded_agg_helpers::splitPipeline(std::move(pipeline)); // The merge pipeline must run on mongoS, but $out needs to run on the primary shard. ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(splitPipeline.mergePipeline->requiredToRunOnMongos(), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation); } TEST_F(PipelineMustRunOnMongoSTest, SplittablePipelineAssertsIfMongoSStageOnShardSideOfSplit) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); expCtx->inMongos = true; auto match = DocumentSourceMatch::create(fromjson("{x: 5}"), expCtx); auto runOnMongoS = DocumentSourceMustRunOnMongoS::create(expCtx); auto split = DocumentSourceInternalSplitPipeline::create(expCtx, HostTypeRequirement::kAnyShard); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({match, runOnMongoS, split}, expCtx); pipeline->optimizePipeline(); // The 'runOnMongoS' stage comes before any splitpoint, so this entire pipeline must run on // mongoS. However, the pipeline *cannot* run on mongoS and *must* split at // $_internalSplitPipeline due to the latter's 'anyShard' requirement. The mongoS stage would // end up on the shard side of this split, and so it asserts. ASSERT_THROWS_CODE( pipeline->requiredToRunOnMongos(), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation); } TEST_F(PipelineMustRunOnMongoSTest, SplittablePipelineRunsUnsplitOnMongoSIfSplitpointIsEligible) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); expCtx->inMongos = true; auto match = DocumentSourceMatch::create(fromjson("{x: 5}"), expCtx); auto runOnMongoS = DocumentSourceMustRunOnMongoS::create(expCtx); auto split = DocumentSourceInternalSplitPipeline::create(expCtx, HostTypeRequirement::kNone); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({match, runOnMongoS, split}, expCtx); pipeline->optimizePipeline(); // The 'runOnMongoS' stage is before the splitpoint, so this entire pipeline must run on mongoS. // In this case, the splitpoint is itself eligible to run on mongoS, and so we are able to // return true. ASSERT_TRUE(pipeline->requiredToRunOnMongos()); } } // namespace mustRunOnMongoS namespace DeferredSort { // Like a DocumentSourceMock, but has a deferrable merge sort. class DocumentSourceDeferredMergeSort : public DocumentSourceMock { public: DocumentSourceDeferredMergeSort(const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) : DocumentSourceMock({}, expCtx) {} static boost::intrusive_ptr create( const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) { return new DocumentSourceDeferredMergeSort(expCtx); } static bool canMovePastDuringSplit(const DocumentSource& ds) { return ds.constraints().preservesOrderAndMetadata; } boost::optional distributedPlanLogic() override { DistributedPlanLogic logic; logic.shardsStage = this; logic.mergingStages = {}; logic.mergeSortPattern = BSON("a" << 1); logic.needsSplit = false; logic.canMovePast = canMovePastDuringSplit; return logic; } }; class DocumentSourceCanSwapWithSort : public DocumentSourceMock { public: DocumentSourceCanSwapWithSort(const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) : DocumentSourceMock({}, expCtx) {} static boost::intrusive_ptr create( const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) { return new DocumentSourceCanSwapWithSort(expCtx); } boost::optional distributedPlanLogic() override { return boost::none; } // This is just to test splitting logic, doGetNext should not be called. GetNextResult doGetNext() override { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } StageConstraints constraints(Pipeline::SplitState pipeState) const override { StageConstraints constraints(StreamType::kStreaming, PositionRequirement::kNone, HostTypeRequirement::kNone, DiskUseRequirement::kNoDiskUse, FacetRequirement::kNotAllowed, TransactionRequirement::kNotAllowed, LookupRequirement::kAllowed, UnionRequirement::kAllowed, ChangeStreamRequirement::kDenylist); constraints.preservesOrderAndMetadata = true; return constraints; } }; using PipelineDeferredMergeSortTest = AggregationContextFixture; using HostTypeRequirement = StageConstraints::HostTypeRequirement; TEST_F(PipelineDeferredMergeSortTest, StageWithDeferredSortDoesNotSplit) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); expCtx->inMongos = true; auto mock = DocumentSourceDeferredMergeSort::create(expCtx); auto swappable = DocumentSourceCanSwapWithSort::create(expCtx); auto split = DocumentSourceInternalSplitPipeline::create(expCtx, HostTypeRequirement::kNone); auto runOnMongoS = DocumentSourceMatch::create(fromjson("{b: 5}"), expCtx); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({mock, swappable, split, runOnMongoS}, expCtx); auto splitPipeline = sharded_agg_helpers::splitPipeline(std::move(pipeline)); // Verify that we've split the pipeline at the SplitPipeline stage, not on the deferred sort. ASSERT_EQ(splitPipeline.shardsPipeline->getSources().size(), 2); ASSERT_EQ(splitPipeline.mergePipeline->getSources().size(), 2); // Verify the sort is correct. ASSERT(splitPipeline.shardCursorsSortSpec); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(splitPipeline.shardCursorsSortSpec.get(), BSON("a" << 1)); } TEST_F(PipelineDeferredMergeSortTest, EarliestSortIsSelectedIfDeferred) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); expCtx->inMongos = true; auto mock = DocumentSourceDeferredMergeSort::create(expCtx); auto swappable = DocumentSourceCanSwapWithSort::create(expCtx); auto sort = DocumentSourceSort::create(expCtx, fromjson("{NO: 1}")); auto split = DocumentSourceInternalSplitPipeline::create(expCtx, HostTypeRequirement::kNone); auto runOnMongoS = DocumentSourceMatch::create(fromjson("{b: 5}"), expCtx); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({mock, swappable, sort, split, runOnMongoS}, expCtx); auto splitPipeline = sharded_agg_helpers::splitPipeline(std::move(pipeline)); // Verify that we've split the pipeline at the non-deferred sort. ASSERT_EQ(splitPipeline.shardsPipeline->getSources().size(), 2); ASSERT_EQ(splitPipeline.mergePipeline->getSources().size(), 3); // Verify the sort is correct. ASSERT(splitPipeline.shardCursorsSortSpec); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(splitPipeline.shardCursorsSortSpec.get(), BSON("a" << 1)); } TEST_F(PipelineDeferredMergeSortTest, StageThatCantSwapGoesToMergingHalf) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); expCtx->inMongos = true; auto mock = DocumentSourceDeferredMergeSort::create(expCtx); auto match = DocumentSourceMatch::create(fromjson("{a: 5}"), expCtx); auto split = DocumentSourceInternalSplitPipeline::create(expCtx, HostTypeRequirement::kNone); auto runOnMongoS = DocumentSourceMatch::create(fromjson("{b: 5}"), expCtx); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({mock, match, split, runOnMongoS}, expCtx); auto splitPipeline = sharded_agg_helpers::splitPipeline(std::move(pipeline)); // Verify that we've split the pipeline at the stage that can't be swapped. ASSERT_EQ(splitPipeline.shardsPipeline->getSources().size(), 1); ASSERT_EQ(splitPipeline.mergePipeline->getSources().size(), 3); // Verify the sort is correct. ASSERT(splitPipeline.shardCursorsSortSpec); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(splitPipeline.shardCursorsSortSpec.get(), BSON("a" << 1)); } } // namespace DeferredSort } // namespace Sharded } // namespace Optimizations TEST(PipelineInitialSource, GeoNearInitialQuery) { OperationContextNoop _opCtx; const std::vector rawPipeline = { fromjson("{$geoNear: {distanceField: 'd', near: [0, 0], query: {a: 1}}}")}; intrusive_ptr ctx = new ExpressionContextForTest( &_opCtx, AggregateCommandRequest(NamespaceString("a.collection"), rawPipeline)); auto pipe = Pipeline::parse(rawPipeline, ctx); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(pipe->getInitialQuery(), BSON("a" << 1)); } TEST(PipelineInitialSource, MatchInitialQuery) { OperationContextNoop _opCtx; const std::vector rawPipeline = {fromjson("{$match: {'a': 4}}")}; intrusive_ptr ctx = new ExpressionContextForTest( &_opCtx, AggregateCommandRequest(NamespaceString("a.collection"), rawPipeline)); auto pipe = Pipeline::parse(rawPipeline, ctx); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(pipe->getInitialQuery(), BSON("a" << 4)); } // Contains test cases for validation done on pipeline creation. namespace pipeline_validate { using PipelineValidateTest = AggregationContextFixture; class DocumentSourceCollectionlessMock : public DocumentSourceMock { public: DocumentSourceCollectionlessMock(const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) : DocumentSourceMock({}, expCtx) {} StageConstraints constraints(Pipeline::SplitState pipeState) const final { StageConstraints constraints(StreamType::kStreaming, PositionRequirement::kFirst, HostTypeRequirement::kNone, DiskUseRequirement::kNoDiskUse, FacetRequirement::kNotAllowed, TransactionRequirement::kAllowed, LookupRequirement::kAllowed, UnionRequirement::kAllowed); constraints.isIndependentOfAnyCollection = true; constraints.requiresInputDocSource = false; return constraints; } static boost::intrusive_ptr create( const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) { return new DocumentSourceCollectionlessMock(expCtx); } }; TEST_F(PipelineValidateTest, AggregateOneNSNotValidForEmptyPipeline) { const std::vector rawPipeline = {}; auto ctx = getExpCtx(); ctx->ns = NamespaceString::makeCollectionlessAggregateNSS(TenantDatabaseName(boost::none, "a")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE( Pipeline::parse(rawPipeline, ctx), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidNamespace); } TEST_F(PipelineValidateTest, AggregateOneNSNotValidIfInitialStageRequiresCollection) { const std::vector rawPipeline = {fromjson("{$match: {}}")}; auto ctx = getExpCtx(); ctx->ns = NamespaceString::makeCollectionlessAggregateNSS(TenantDatabaseName(boost::none, "a")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE( Pipeline::parse(rawPipeline, ctx), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidNamespace); } TEST_F(PipelineValidateTest, AggregateOneNSValidIfInitialStageIsCollectionless) { auto ctx = getExpCtx(); auto collectionlessSource = DocumentSourceCollectionlessMock::create(ctx); ctx->ns = NamespaceString::makeCollectionlessAggregateNSS(TenantDatabaseName(boost::none, "a")); Pipeline::create({collectionlessSource}, ctx); } TEST_F(PipelineValidateTest, CollectionNSNotValidIfInitialStageIsCollectionless) { auto ctx = getExpCtx(); auto collectionlessSource = DocumentSourceCollectionlessMock::create(ctx); ctx->ns = kTestNss; ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(Pipeline::parse({fromjson("{$listLocalSessions: {}}")}, ctx), // Pipeline::create({collectionlessSource}, ctx), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidNamespace); } TEST_F(PipelineValidateTest, AggregateOneNSValidForFacetPipelineRegardlessOfInitialStage) { const std::vector rawPipeline = {fromjson("{$facet: {subPipe: [{$match: {}}]}}")}; auto ctx = getExpCtx(); ctx->ns = NamespaceString::makeCollectionlessAggregateNSS( TenantDatabaseName(boost::none, "unittests")); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE( Pipeline::parse(rawPipeline, ctx), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidNamespace); } TEST_F(PipelineValidateTest, ChangeStreamIsValidAsFirstStage) { const std::vector rawPipeline = {fromjson("{$changeStream: {}}")}; auto ctx = getExpCtx(); setMockReplicationCoordinatorOnOpCtx(ctx->opCtx); ctx->ns = NamespaceString("a.collection"); Pipeline::parse(rawPipeline, ctx); } TEST_F(PipelineValidateTest, ChangeStreamIsNotValidIfNotFirstStage) { const std::vector rawPipeline = {fromjson("{$match: {custom: 'filter'}}"), fromjson("{$changeStream: {}}")}; auto ctx = getExpCtx(); setMockReplicationCoordinatorOnOpCtx(ctx->opCtx); ctx->ns = NamespaceString("a.collection"); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(Pipeline::parse(rawPipeline, ctx), AssertionException, 40602); } TEST_F(PipelineValidateTest, ChangeStreamIsNotValidIfNotFirstStageInFacet) { const std::vector rawPipeline = { fromjson("{$facet: {subPipe: [{$match: {}}, {$changeStream: {}}]}}")}; auto ctx = getExpCtx(); setMockReplicationCoordinatorOnOpCtx(ctx->opCtx); ctx->ns = NamespaceString("a.collection"); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(Pipeline::parse(rawPipeline, ctx), AssertionException, 40600); } class DocumentSourceDisallowedInTransactions : public DocumentSourceMock { public: DocumentSourceDisallowedInTransactions(const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) : DocumentSourceMock({}, expCtx) {} StageConstraints constraints(Pipeline::SplitState pipeState) const final { return StageConstraints{StreamType::kStreaming, PositionRequirement::kNone, HostTypeRequirement::kNone, DiskUseRequirement::kNoDiskUse, FacetRequirement::kAllowed, TransactionRequirement::kNotAllowed, LookupRequirement::kAllowed, UnionRequirement::kAllowed}; } static boost::intrusive_ptr create( const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) { return new DocumentSourceDisallowedInTransactions(expCtx); } }; TEST_F(PipelineValidateTest, TopLevelPipelineValidatedForStagesIllegalInTransactions) { auto ctx = getExpCtx(); ctx->opCtx->setInMultiDocumentTransaction(); // Make a pipeline with a legal $match, and then an illegal mock stage, and verify that pipeline // creation fails with the expected error code. auto matchStage = DocumentSourceMatch::create(BSON("_id" << 3), ctx); auto illegalStage = DocumentSourceDisallowedInTransactions::create(ctx); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(Pipeline::create({matchStage, illegalStage}, ctx), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::OperationNotSupportedInTransaction); } TEST_F(PipelineValidateTest, FacetPipelineValidatedForStagesIllegalInTransactions) { auto ctx = getExpCtx(); ctx->opCtx->setInMultiDocumentTransaction(); const std::vector rawPipeline = { fromjson("{$facet: {subPipe: [{$match: {}}, {$out: 'outColl'}]}}")}; ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(Pipeline::parse(rawPipeline, ctx), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::OperationNotSupportedInTransaction); } } // namespace pipeline_validate namespace Dependencies { using PipelineDependenciesTest = AggregationContextFixture; TEST_F(PipelineDependenciesTest, EmptyPipelineShouldRequireWholeDocument) { auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({}, getExpCtx()); auto depsTracker = pipeline->getDependencies(DepsTracker::kAllMetadata); ASSERT_TRUE(depsTracker.needWholeDocument); ASSERT_FALSE(depsTracker.getNeedsMetadata(DocumentMetadataFields::kTextScore)); depsTracker = pipeline->getDependencies(DepsTracker::kAllMetadata & ~DepsTracker::kOnlyTextScore); ASSERT_TRUE(depsTracker.needWholeDocument); } // // Some dummy DocumentSources with different dependencies. // // Like a DocumentSourceMock, but can be used anywhere in the pipeline. class DocumentSourceDependencyDummy : public DocumentSourceMock { public: DocumentSourceDependencyDummy(const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) : DocumentSourceMock({}, expCtx) {} StageConstraints constraints(Pipeline::SplitState pipeState) const final { // Overrides DocumentSourceMock's required position. return {StreamType::kStreaming, PositionRequirement::kNone, HostTypeRequirement::kNone, DiskUseRequirement::kNoDiskUse, FacetRequirement::kAllowed, TransactionRequirement::kAllowed, LookupRequirement::kAllowed, UnionRequirement::kAllowed}; } }; class DocumentSourceDependenciesNotSupported : public DocumentSourceDependencyDummy { public: DocumentSourceDependenciesNotSupported(const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) : DocumentSourceDependencyDummy(expCtx) {} DepsTracker::State getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const final { return DepsTracker::State::NOT_SUPPORTED; } static boost::intrusive_ptr create( const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) { return new DocumentSourceDependenciesNotSupported(expCtx); } }; class DocumentSourceNeedsASeeNext : public DocumentSourceDependencyDummy { public: DocumentSourceNeedsASeeNext(const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) : DocumentSourceDependencyDummy(expCtx) {} DepsTracker::State getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const final { deps->fields.insert("a"); return DepsTracker::State::SEE_NEXT; } static boost::intrusive_ptr create( const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) { return new DocumentSourceNeedsASeeNext(expCtx); } }; class DocumentSourceNeedsOnlyB : public DocumentSourceDependencyDummy { public: DocumentSourceNeedsOnlyB(const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) : DocumentSourceDependencyDummy(expCtx) {} DepsTracker::State getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const final { deps->fields.insert("b"); return DepsTracker::State::EXHAUSTIVE_FIELDS; } static boost::intrusive_ptr create( const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) { return new DocumentSourceNeedsOnlyB(expCtx); } }; class DocumentSourceNeedsOnlyTextScore : public DocumentSourceDependencyDummy { public: DocumentSourceNeedsOnlyTextScore(const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) : DocumentSourceDependencyDummy(expCtx) {} DepsTracker::State getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const final { deps->setNeedsMetadata(DocumentMetadataFields::kTextScore, true); return DepsTracker::State::EXHAUSTIVE_META; } static boost::intrusive_ptr create( const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) { return new DocumentSourceNeedsOnlyTextScore(expCtx); } }; class DocumentSourceStripsTextScore : public DocumentSourceDependencyDummy { public: DocumentSourceStripsTextScore(const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) : DocumentSourceDependencyDummy(expCtx) {} DepsTracker::State getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const final { return DepsTracker::State::EXHAUSTIVE_META; } static boost::intrusive_ptr create( const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) { return new DocumentSourceStripsTextScore(expCtx); } }; TEST_F(PipelineDependenciesTest, ShouldRequireWholeDocumentIfAnyStageDoesNotSupportDeps) { auto ctx = getExpCtx(); auto needsASeeNext = DocumentSourceNeedsASeeNext::create(ctx); auto notSupported = DocumentSourceDependenciesNotSupported::create(ctx); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({needsASeeNext, notSupported}, ctx); auto depsTracker = pipeline->getDependencies(DepsTracker::kAllMetadata); ASSERT_TRUE(depsTracker.needWholeDocument); // The inputs did not have a text score available, so we should not require a text score. ASSERT_FALSE(depsTracker.getNeedsMetadata(DocumentMetadataFields::kTextScore)); // Now in the other order. pipeline = Pipeline::create({notSupported, needsASeeNext}, ctx); depsTracker = pipeline->getDependencies(DepsTracker::kAllMetadata); ASSERT_TRUE(depsTracker.needWholeDocument); } TEST_F(PipelineDependenciesTest, ShouldRequireWholeDocumentIfNoStageReturnsExhaustiveFields) { auto ctx = getExpCtx(); auto needsASeeNext = DocumentSourceNeedsASeeNext::create(ctx); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({needsASeeNext}, ctx); auto depsTracker = pipeline->getDependencies(DepsTracker::kNoMetadata); ASSERT_TRUE(depsTracker.needWholeDocument); } TEST_F(PipelineDependenciesTest, ShouldNotRequireWholeDocumentIfAnyStageReturnsExhaustiveFields) { auto ctx = getExpCtx(); auto needsASeeNext = DocumentSourceNeedsASeeNext::create(ctx); auto needsOnlyB = DocumentSourceNeedsOnlyB::create(ctx); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({needsASeeNext, needsOnlyB}, ctx); auto depsTracker = pipeline->getDependencies(DepsTracker::kNoMetadata); ASSERT_FALSE(depsTracker.needWholeDocument); ASSERT_EQ(depsTracker.fields.size(), 2UL); ASSERT_EQ(depsTracker.fields.count("a"), 1UL); ASSERT_EQ(depsTracker.fields.count("b"), 1UL); } TEST_F(PipelineDependenciesTest, ShouldNotAddAnyRequiredFieldsAfterFirstStageWithExhaustiveFields) { auto ctx = getExpCtx(); auto needsOnlyB = DocumentSourceNeedsOnlyB::create(ctx); auto needsASeeNext = DocumentSourceNeedsASeeNext::create(ctx); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({needsOnlyB, needsASeeNext}, ctx); auto depsTracker = pipeline->getDependencies(DepsTracker::kAllMetadata); ASSERT_FALSE(depsTracker.needWholeDocument); ASSERT_FALSE(depsTracker.getNeedsMetadata(DocumentMetadataFields::kTextScore)); // 'needsOnlyB' claims to know all its field dependencies, so we shouldn't add any from // 'needsASeeNext'. ASSERT_EQ(depsTracker.fields.size(), 1UL); ASSERT_EQ(depsTracker.fields.count("b"), 1UL); } TEST_F(PipelineDependenciesTest, ShouldNotRequireTextScoreIfThereIsNoScoreAvailable) { auto ctx = getExpCtx(); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({}, ctx); auto depsTracker = pipeline->getDependencies(DepsTracker::kAllMetadata); ASSERT_FALSE(depsTracker.getNeedsMetadata(DocumentMetadataFields::kTextScore)); } TEST_F(PipelineDependenciesTest, ShouldThrowIfTextScoreIsNeededButNotPresent) { auto ctx = getExpCtx(); auto needsText = DocumentSourceNeedsOnlyTextScore::create(ctx); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({needsText}, ctx); ASSERT_THROWS(pipeline->getDependencies(DepsTracker::kAllMetadata), AssertionException); } TEST_F(PipelineDependenciesTest, ShouldRequireTextScoreIfAvailableAndNoStageReturnsExhaustiveMetaAndNeedsMerge) { auto ctx = getExpCtx(); // When needsMerge is true, the consumer might implicitly use textScore, if it's available. ctx->needsMerge = true; auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({}, ctx); auto deps = pipeline->getDependencies(DepsTracker::kAllMetadata & ~DepsTracker::kOnlyTextScore); ASSERT_TRUE(deps.getNeedsMetadata(DocumentMetadataFields::kTextScore)); pipeline = Pipeline::create({DocumentSourceNeedsASeeNext::create(ctx)}, ctx); deps = pipeline->getDependencies(DepsTracker::kAllMetadata & ~DepsTracker::kOnlyTextScore); ASSERT_TRUE(deps.getNeedsMetadata(DocumentMetadataFields::kTextScore)); // When needsMerge is false, if no stage explicitly uses textScore then we know it isn't needed. ctx->needsMerge = false; pipeline = Pipeline::create({}, ctx); deps = pipeline->getDependencies(DepsTracker::kAllMetadata & ~DepsTracker::kOnlyTextScore); ASSERT_FALSE(deps.getNeedsMetadata(DocumentMetadataFields::kTextScore)); pipeline = Pipeline::create({DocumentSourceNeedsASeeNext::create(ctx)}, ctx); deps = pipeline->getDependencies(DepsTracker::kAllMetadata & ~DepsTracker::kOnlyTextScore); ASSERT_FALSE(deps.getNeedsMetadata(DocumentMetadataFields::kTextScore)); } TEST_F(PipelineDependenciesTest, ShouldNotRequireTextScoreIfAvailableButDefinitelyNotNeeded) { auto ctx = getExpCtx(); auto stripsTextScore = DocumentSourceStripsTextScore::create(ctx); auto needsText = DocumentSourceNeedsOnlyTextScore::create(ctx); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({stripsTextScore, needsText}, ctx); auto depsTracker = pipeline->getDependencies(DepsTracker::kAllMetadata & ~DepsTracker::kOnlyTextScore); // 'stripsTextScore' claims that no further stage will need metadata information, so we // shouldn't have the text score as a dependency. ASSERT_FALSE(depsTracker.getNeedsMetadata(DocumentMetadataFields::kTextScore)); } } // namespace Dependencies namespace { using PipelineRenameTracking = AggregationContextFixture; TEST_F(PipelineRenameTracking, ReportsIdentityMapWhenEmpty) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(expCtx)}, expCtx); { // Tracking renames backwards. auto renames = semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().crbegin(), pipeline->getSources().crend(), {"a", "b", "c.d"}); ASSERT(static_cast(renames)); auto nameMap = *renames; ASSERT_EQ(nameMap.size(), 3UL); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["a"], "a"); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["b"], "b"); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["c.d"], "c.d"); } { // Tracking renames forwards. auto renames = semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().cbegin(), pipeline->getSources().cend(), {"a", "b", "c.d"}); ASSERT(static_cast(renames)); auto nameMap = *renames; ASSERT_EQ(nameMap.size(), 3UL); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["a"], "a"); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["b"], "b"); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["c.d"], "c.d"); } } class NoModifications : public DocumentSourceTestOptimizations { public: NoModifications(const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) : DocumentSourceTestOptimizations(expCtx) {} static boost::intrusive_ptr create( const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) { return new NoModifications(expCtx); } /** * Returns a description which communicate that this stage modifies nothing. */ GetModPathsReturn getModifiedPaths() const final { return {GetModPathsReturn::Type::kFiniteSet, std::set(), {}}; } }; TEST_F(PipelineRenameTracking, ReportsIdentityWhenNoStageModifiesAnything) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); { // Tracking renames backwards. auto pipeline = Pipeline::create( {DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(expCtx), NoModifications::create(expCtx)}, expCtx); auto renames = semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().crbegin(), pipeline->getSources().crend(), {"a", "b", "c.d"}); ASSERT(static_cast(renames)); auto nameMap = *renames; ASSERT_EQ(nameMap.size(), 3UL); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["a"], "a"); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["b"], "b"); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["c.d"], "c.d"); } { // Tracking renames forwards. auto pipeline = Pipeline::create( {DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(expCtx), NoModifications::create(expCtx)}, expCtx); auto renames = semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().cbegin(), pipeline->getSources().cend(), {"a", "b", "c.d"}); ASSERT(static_cast(renames)); auto nameMap = *renames; ASSERT_EQ(nameMap.size(), 3UL); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["a"], "a"); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["b"], "b"); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["c.d"], "c.d"); } { // Tracking renames backwards. auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(expCtx), NoModifications::create(expCtx), NoModifications::create(expCtx), NoModifications::create(expCtx)}, expCtx); auto renames = semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().crbegin(), pipeline->getSources().crend(), {"a", "b", "c.d"}); auto nameMap = *renames; ASSERT_EQ(nameMap.size(), 3UL); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["a"], "a"); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["b"], "b"); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["c.d"], "c.d"); } { // Tracking renames forwards. auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(expCtx), NoModifications::create(expCtx), NoModifications::create(expCtx), NoModifications::create(expCtx)}, expCtx); auto renames = semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().cbegin(), pipeline->getSources().cend(), {"a", "b", "c.d"}); auto nameMap = *renames; ASSERT_EQ(nameMap.size(), 3UL); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["a"], "a"); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["b"], "b"); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["c.d"], "c.d"); } } class NotSupported : public DocumentSourceTestOptimizations { public: NotSupported(const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) : DocumentSourceTestOptimizations(expCtx) {} static boost::intrusive_ptr create( const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) { return new NotSupported(expCtx); } /** * Returns a description which communicate that this stage modifies nothing. */ GetModPathsReturn getModifiedPaths() const final { return {GetModPathsReturn::Type::kNotSupported, std::set(), {}}; } }; TEST_F(PipelineRenameTracking, DoesNotReportRenamesIfAStageDoesNotSupportTrackingThem) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(expCtx), NoModifications::create(expCtx), NotSupported::create(expCtx), NoModifications::create(expCtx)}, expCtx); // Backwards case. ASSERT_FALSE(static_cast(semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().crbegin(), pipeline->getSources().crend(), {"a"}))); ASSERT_FALSE(static_cast(semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().crbegin(), pipeline->getSources().crend(), {"a", "b"}))); ASSERT_FALSE(static_cast(semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().crbegin(), pipeline->getSources().crend(), {"x", "yahoo", "c.d"}))); // Forwards case. ASSERT_FALSE(static_cast(semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().cbegin(), pipeline->getSources().cend(), {"a"}))); ASSERT_FALSE(static_cast(semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().cbegin(), pipeline->getSources().cend(), {"a", "b"}))); ASSERT_FALSE(static_cast(semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().cbegin(), pipeline->getSources().cend(), {"x", "yahoo", "c.d"}))); } class RenamesAToB : public DocumentSourceTestOptimizations { public: RenamesAToB(const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) : DocumentSourceTestOptimizations(expCtx) {} static boost::intrusive_ptr create( const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) { return new RenamesAToB(expCtx); } GetModPathsReturn getModifiedPaths() const final { return {GetModPathsReturn::Type::kFiniteSet, std::set{}, {{"b", "a"}}}; } }; TEST_F(PipelineRenameTracking, ReportsNewNamesWhenSingleStageRenames) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create( {DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(expCtx), RenamesAToB::create(expCtx)}, expCtx); { // Tracking backwards. auto renames = semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().crbegin(), pipeline->getSources().crend(), {"b"}); ASSERT(static_cast(renames)); auto nameMap = *renames; ASSERT_EQ(nameMap.size(), 1UL); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["b"], "a"); } { // Tracking forwards. auto renames = semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().cbegin(), pipeline->getSources().cend(), {"a"}); ASSERT(static_cast(renames)); auto nameMap = *renames; ASSERT_EQ(nameMap.size(), 1UL); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["a"], "b"); } { // Tracking backwards. auto renames = semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().crbegin(), pipeline->getSources().crend(), {"b", "c.d"}); ASSERT(static_cast(renames)); auto nameMap = *renames; ASSERT_EQ(nameMap.size(), 2UL); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["b"], "a"); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["c.d"], "c.d"); } { // Tracking forwards. auto renames = semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().cbegin(), pipeline->getSources().cend(), {"a", "c.d"}); ASSERT(static_cast(renames)); auto nameMap = *renames; ASSERT_EQ(nameMap.size(), 2UL); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["a"], "b"); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["c.d"], "c.d"); } { // This is strange; the mock stage reports to essentially duplicate the "a" field into "b". // Because of this, both "b" and "a" should map to "a". auto renames = semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().crbegin(), pipeline->getSources().crend(), {"b", "a"}); ASSERT(static_cast(renames)); auto nameMap = *renames; ASSERT_EQ(nameMap.size(), 2UL); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["b"], "a"); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["a"], "a"); } { // Same strangeness as above, but in the forwards direction. auto renames = semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().cbegin(), pipeline->getSources().cend(), {"b", "a"}); ASSERT(static_cast(renames)); auto nameMap = *renames; ASSERT_EQ(nameMap.size(), 2UL); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["a"], "b"); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["b"], "b"); } } TEST_F(PipelineRenameTracking, ReportsIdentityMapWhenGivenEmptyIteratorRange) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create( {DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(expCtx), RenamesAToB::create(expCtx)}, expCtx); { // Tracking backwards. auto renames = semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().crbegin(), pipeline->getSources().crbegin(), {"b"}); ASSERT(static_cast(renames)); auto nameMap = *renames; ASSERT_EQ(nameMap.size(), 1UL); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["b"], "b"); } { // Tracking forwards. auto renames = semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().cbegin(), pipeline->getSources().cbegin(), {"b"}); ASSERT(static_cast(renames)); auto nameMap = *renames; ASSERT_EQ(nameMap.size(), 1UL); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["b"], "b"); } { // Tracking backwards. auto renames = semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().crbegin(), pipeline->getSources().crbegin(), {"b", "c.d"}); ASSERT(static_cast(renames)); auto nameMap = *renames; ASSERT_EQ(nameMap.size(), 2UL); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["b"], "b"); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["c.d"], "c.d"); } { // Tracking forwards. auto renames = semantic_analysis::renamedPaths( pipeline->getSources().cbegin(), pipeline->getSources().cbegin(), {"b", "c.d"}); ASSERT(static_cast(renames)); auto nameMap = *renames; ASSERT_EQ(nameMap.size(), 2UL); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["b"], "b"); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["c.d"], "c.d"); } } class RenamesBToC : public DocumentSourceTestOptimizations { public: RenamesBToC(const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) : DocumentSourceTestOptimizations(expCtx) {} static boost::intrusive_ptr create( const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) { return new RenamesBToC(expCtx); } GetModPathsReturn getModifiedPaths() const final { return {GetModPathsReturn::Type::kFiniteSet, std::set{}, {{"c", "b"}}}; } }; TEST_F(PipelineRenameTracking, ReportsNewNameAcrossMultipleRenames) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); { // Tracking backwards. auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(expCtx), RenamesAToB::create(expCtx), RenamesBToC::create(expCtx)}, expCtx); auto stages = pipeline->getSources(); auto renames = semantic_analysis::renamedPaths(stages.crbegin(), stages.crend(), {"c"}); ASSERT(static_cast(renames)); auto nameMap = *renames; ASSERT_EQ(nameMap.size(), 1UL); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["c"], "a"); } { // Tracking forwards. auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(expCtx), RenamesAToB::create(expCtx), RenamesBToC::create(expCtx)}, expCtx); auto stages = pipeline->getSources(); auto renames = semantic_analysis::renamedPaths(stages.cbegin(), stages.cend(), {"a"}); ASSERT(static_cast(renames)); auto nameMap = *renames; ASSERT_EQ(nameMap.size(), 1UL); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["a"], "c"); } } class RenamesBToA : public DocumentSourceTestOptimizations { public: RenamesBToA(const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) : DocumentSourceTestOptimizations(expCtx) {} static boost::intrusive_ptr create( const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) { return new RenamesBToA(expCtx); } GetModPathsReturn getModifiedPaths() const final { return {GetModPathsReturn::Type::kFiniteSet, std::set{}, {{"a", "b"}}}; } }; TEST_F(PipelineRenameTracking, CanHandleBackAndForthRename) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); { // Tracking backwards. auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(expCtx), RenamesAToB::create(expCtx), RenamesBToA::create(expCtx)}, expCtx); auto stages = pipeline->getSources(); auto renames = semantic_analysis::renamedPaths(stages.crbegin(), stages.crend(), {"a"}); ASSERT(static_cast(renames)); auto nameMap = *renames; ASSERT_EQ(nameMap.size(), 1UL); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["a"], "a"); } { // Tracking forwards. auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(expCtx), RenamesAToB::create(expCtx), RenamesBToA::create(expCtx)}, expCtx); auto stages = pipeline->getSources(); auto renames = semantic_analysis::renamedPaths(stages.cbegin(), stages.cend(), {"a"}); ASSERT(static_cast(renames)); auto nameMap = *renames; ASSERT_EQ(nameMap.size(), 1UL); ASSERT_EQ(nameMap["a"], "a"); } } using InvolvedNamespacesTest = AggregationContextFixture; TEST_F(InvolvedNamespacesTest, NoInvolvedNamespacesForMatchSortProject) { boost::intrusive_ptr expCtx(getExpCtx()); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create( {DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(expCtx), DocumentSourceMatch::create(BSON("x" << 1), expCtx), DocumentSourceSort::create(expCtx, BSON("y" << -1)), DocumentSourceProject::create(BSON("x" << 1 << "y" << 1), expCtx, "$project"_sd)}, expCtx); auto involvedNssSet = pipeline->getInvolvedCollections(); ASSERT(involvedNssSet.empty()); } TEST_F(InvolvedNamespacesTest, IncludesLookupNamespace) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); const NamespaceString lookupNss{"test", "foo"}; const NamespaceString resolvedNss{"test", "bar"}; expCtx->setResolvedNamespace(lookupNss, {resolvedNss, vector{}}); auto lookupSpec = fromjson("{$lookup: {from: 'foo', as: 'x', localField: 'foo_id', foreignField: '_id'}}"); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(expCtx), DocumentSourceLookUp::createFromBson(lookupSpec.firstElement(), expCtx)}, expCtx); auto involvedNssSet = pipeline->getInvolvedCollections(); ASSERT_EQ(involvedNssSet.size(), 1UL); ASSERT(involvedNssSet.find(resolvedNss) != involvedNssSet.end()); } TEST_F(InvolvedNamespacesTest, IncludesGraphLookupNamespace) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); const NamespaceString lookupNss{"test", "foo"}; const NamespaceString resolvedNss{"test", "bar"}; expCtx->setResolvedNamespace(lookupNss, {resolvedNss, vector{}}); auto graphLookupSpec = fromjson( "{$graphLookup: {" " from: 'foo'," " as: 'x'," " connectFromField: 'x'," " connectToField: 'y'," " startWith: '$start'" "}}"); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create( {DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(expCtx), DocumentSourceGraphLookUp::createFromBson(graphLookupSpec.firstElement(), expCtx)}, expCtx); auto involvedNssSet = pipeline->getInvolvedCollections(); ASSERT_EQ(involvedNssSet.size(), 1UL); ASSERT(involvedNssSet.find(resolvedNss) != involvedNssSet.end()); } TEST_F(InvolvedNamespacesTest, IncludesLookupSubpipelineNamespaces) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); const NamespaceString outerLookupNss{"test", "foo_outer"}; const NamespaceString outerResolvedNss{"test", "bar_outer"}; const NamespaceString innerLookupNss{"test", "foo_inner"}; const NamespaceString innerResolvedNss{"test", "bar_inner"}; expCtx->setResolvedNamespace(outerLookupNss, {outerResolvedNss, vector{}}); expCtx->setResolvedNamespace(innerLookupNss, {innerResolvedNss, vector{}}); auto lookupSpec = fromjson( "{$lookup: {" " from: 'foo_outer', " " as: 'x', " " pipeline: [{$lookup: {from: 'foo_inner', as: 'y', pipeline: []}}]" "}}"); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(expCtx), DocumentSourceLookUp::createFromBson(lookupSpec.firstElement(), expCtx)}, expCtx); auto involvedNssSet = pipeline->getInvolvedCollections(); ASSERT_EQ(involvedNssSet.size(), 2UL); ASSERT(involvedNssSet.find(outerResolvedNss) != involvedNssSet.end()); ASSERT(involvedNssSet.find(innerResolvedNss) != involvedNssSet.end()); } TEST_F(InvolvedNamespacesTest, IncludesGraphLookupSubPipeline) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); const NamespaceString outerLookupNss{"test", "foo_outer"}; const NamespaceString outerResolvedNss{"test", "bar_outer"}; const NamespaceString innerLookupNss{"test", "foo_inner"}; const NamespaceString innerResolvedNss{"test", "bar_inner"}; expCtx->setResolvedNamespace(outerLookupNss, {outerResolvedNss, vector{}}); expCtx->setResolvedNamespace( outerLookupNss, {outerResolvedNss, vector{fromjson("{$lookup: {from: 'foo_inner', as: 'x', pipeline: []}}")}}); expCtx->setResolvedNamespace(innerLookupNss, {innerResolvedNss, vector{}}); auto graphLookupSpec = fromjson( "{$graphLookup: {" " from: 'foo_outer', " " as: 'x', " " connectFromField: 'x'," " connectToField: 'y'," " startWith: '$start'" "}}"); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create( {DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(expCtx), DocumentSourceGraphLookUp::createFromBson(graphLookupSpec.firstElement(), expCtx)}, expCtx); auto involvedNssSet = pipeline->getInvolvedCollections(); ASSERT_EQ(involvedNssSet.size(), 2UL); ASSERT(involvedNssSet.find(outerResolvedNss) != involvedNssSet.end()); ASSERT(involvedNssSet.find(innerResolvedNss) != involvedNssSet.end()); } TEST_F(InvolvedNamespacesTest, IncludesAllCollectionsWhenResolvingViews) { auto expCtx = getExpCtx(); const NamespaceString normalCollectionNss{"test", "collection"}; const NamespaceString lookupNss{"test", "foo"}; const NamespaceString resolvedNss{"test", "bar"}; const NamespaceString nssIncludedInResolvedView{"test", "extra_backer_of_bar"}; expCtx->setResolvedNamespace( lookupNss, {resolvedNss, vector{ fromjson("{$lookup: {from: 'extra_backer_of_bar', as: 'x', pipeline: []}}")}}); expCtx->setResolvedNamespace(nssIncludedInResolvedView, {nssIncludedInResolvedView, vector{}}); expCtx->setResolvedNamespace(normalCollectionNss, {normalCollectionNss, vector{}}); auto facetSpec = fromjson( "{$facet: {" " pipe_1: [" " {$lookup: {" " from: 'foo'," " as: 'x'," " localField: 'foo_id'," " foreignField: '_id'" " }}" " ]," " pipe_2: [" " {$lookup: {" " from: 'collection'," " as: 'z'," " pipeline: []" " }}" " ]" "}}"); auto pipeline = Pipeline::create({DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(expCtx), DocumentSourceFacet::createFromBson(facetSpec.firstElement(), expCtx)}, expCtx); auto involvedNssSet = pipeline->getInvolvedCollections(); ASSERT_EQ(involvedNssSet.size(), 3UL); ASSERT(involvedNssSet.find(resolvedNss) != involvedNssSet.end()); ASSERT(involvedNssSet.find(nssIncludedInResolvedView) != involvedNssSet.end()); ASSERT(involvedNssSet.find(normalCollectionNss) != involvedNssSet.end()); } } // namespace class All : public OldStyleSuiteSpecification { public: All() : OldStyleSuiteSpecification("PipelineOptimizations") {} void setupTests() { add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); } }; OldStyleSuiteInitializer myall; } // namespace } // namespace mongo