/** * Copyright (C) 2020-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include "mongo/util/duration.h" #include #include "mongo/db/exec/document_value/document.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/pipeline.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/plan_explainer_pipeline.h" #include "mongo/db/query/plan_executor.h" namespace mongo { /** * A plan executor which is used to execute a Pipeline of DocumentSources. */ class PlanExecutorPipeline final : public PlanExecutor { public: /** * Determines the type of resumable scan being run by the PlanExecutorPipeline. */ enum class ResumableScanType { kNone, // No resuming. This is the default. kChangeStream, // For change stream pipelines. kOplogScan // For non-changestream resumable oplog scans. }; PlanExecutorPipeline(boost::intrusive_ptr expCtx, std::unique_ptr pipeline, ResumableScanType resumableScanType); CanonicalQuery* getCanonicalQuery() const override { return nullptr; } const NamespaceString& nss() const override { return _expCtx->ns; } const std::vector& getSecondaryNamespaces() const final { // Return a reference to an empty static array. This array will never contain any elements // because even though a PlanExecutorPipeline can reference multiple collections, it never // takes any locks over said namespaces (this is the responsibility of DocumentSources // which internally manage their own PlanExecutors). const static std::vector emptyNssVector; return emptyNssVector; } OperationContext* getOpCtx() const override { return _expCtx->opCtx; } // Pipeline execution does not support the saveState()/restoreState() interface. Instead, the // underlying data access plan is saved/restored internally in between DocumentSourceCursor // batches, or when the underlying PlanStage tree yields. void saveState() override {} void restoreState(const RestoreContext&) override {} void detachFromOperationContext() override { _pipeline->detachFromOperationContext(); } void reattachToOperationContext(OperationContext* opCtx) override { _pipeline->reattachToOperationContext(opCtx); } ExecState getNext(BSONObj* objOut, RecordId* recordIdOut) override; ExecState getNextDocument(Document* docOut, RecordId* recordIdOut) override; bool isEOF() override; // DocumentSource execution is only used for executing aggregation commands, so the interfaces // for executing other CRUD operations are not supported. long long executeCount() override { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } UpdateResult executeUpdate() override { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } UpdateResult getUpdateResult() const override { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } long long executeDelete() override { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } BatchedDeleteStats getBatchedDeleteStats() override { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void dispose(OperationContext* opCtx) override { _pipeline->dispose(opCtx); } void stashResult(const BSONObj& obj) override { _stash.push(obj.getOwned()); } void markAsKilled(Status killStatus) override; bool isMarkedAsKilled() const override { return !_killStatus.isOK(); } Status getKillStatus() override { invariant(isMarkedAsKilled()); return _killStatus; } bool isDisposed() const override { return _pipeline->isDisposed(); } Timestamp getLatestOplogTimestamp() const override { return _latestOplogTimestamp; } BSONObj getPostBatchResumeToken() const override { return _postBatchResumeToken; } LockPolicy lockPolicy() const override { return LockPolicy::kLocksInternally; } const PlanExplainer& getPlanExplainer() const final { return _planExplainer; } /** * Writes the explain information about the underlying pipeline to a std::vector, * providing the level of detail specified by 'verbosity'. */ std::vector writeExplainOps(ExplainOptions::Verbosity verbosity) const { return _pipeline->writeExplainOps(verbosity); } void enableSaveRecoveryUnitAcrossCommandsIfSupported() override {} bool isSaveRecoveryUnitAcrossCommandsEnabled() const override { return false; } boost::optional getExecutorType() const override { tassert(6253504, "Can't get type string without pipeline", _pipeline); return _pipeline->getTypeString(); } PlanExecutor::QueryFramework getQueryFramework() const override final; private: /** * Obtains the next document from the underlying Pipeline, and does change streams-related * accounting if needed. */ boost::optional _getNext(); /** * Obtains the next result from the pipeline, gracefully handling any known exceptions which may * be thrown. */ boost::optional _tryGetNext(); /** * Serialize the given document to BSON while updating stats for BSONObjectTooLarge exception. */ BSONObj _trySerializeToBson(const Document& doc); /** * For a change stream or resumable oplog scan, updates the scan state based on the latest * document returned by the underlying pipeline. */ void _updateResumableScanState(const boost::optional& document); /** * If this is a change stream, advance the cluster time and post batch resume token based on the * latest document returned by the underlying pipeline. */ void _performChangeStreamsAccounting(const boost::optional&); /** * Verifies that the docs's resume token has not been modified. */ void _validateChangeStreamsResumeToken(const Document& event) const; /** * For a non-changestream resumable oplog scan, updates the latest oplog timestamp and * postBatchResumeToken value from the underlying pipeline. */ void _performResumableOplogScanAccounting(); /** * Set the speculative majority read timestamp if we have scanned up to a certain oplog * timestamp. */ void _setSpeculativeReadTimestamp(); /** * For a change stream or resumable oplog scan, initializes the scan state. */ void _initializeResumableScanState(); boost::intrusive_ptr _expCtx; std::unique_ptr _pipeline; PlanExplainerPipeline _planExplainer; std::queue _stash; // If _killStatus has a non-OK value, then we have been killed and the value represents the // reason for the kill. Status _killStatus = Status::OK(); // Set to true once we have received all results from the underlying '_pipeline', and the // pipeline has indicated end-of-stream. bool _pipelineIsEof = false; const ResumableScanType _resumableScanType{ResumableScanType::kNone}; // If '_pipeline' is a change stream or other resumable scan type, these track the latest // timestamp seen while scanning the oplog, as well as the most recent PBRT. Timestamp _latestOplogTimestamp; BSONObj _postBatchResumeToken; }; } // namespace mongo