// projection.cpp /* Copyright 2009 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects * for all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not * wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you * delete this exception statement from all source files in the program, * then also delete it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/pch.h" #include "mongo/db/projection.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/matcher.h" #include "mongo/util/mongoutils/str.h" namespace mongo { void Projection::init(const BSONObj& o, const MatchExpressionParser::WhereCallback& whereCallback) { massert( 10371 , "can only add to Projection once", _source.isEmpty()); _source = o; BSONObjIterator i( o ); int true_false = -1; while ( i.more() ) { BSONElement e = i.next(); if ( ! e.isNumber() ) _hasNonSimple = true; if (e.type() == Object) { BSONObj obj = e.embeddedObject(); BSONElement e2 = obj.firstElement(); if ( mongoutils::str::equals( e2.fieldName(), "$slice" ) ) { if (e2.isNumber()) { int i = e2.numberInt(); if (i < 0) add(e.fieldName(), i, -i); // limit is now positive else add(e.fieldName(), 0, i); } else if (e2.type() == Array) { BSONObj arr = e2.embeddedObject(); uassert(13099, "$slice array wrong size", arr.nFields() == 2 ); BSONObjIterator it(arr); int skip = it.next().numberInt(); int limit = it.next().numberInt(); uassert(13100, "$slice limit must be positive", limit > 0 ); add(e.fieldName(), skip, limit); } else { uassert(13098, "$slice only supports numbers and [skip, limit] arrays", false); } } else if ( mongoutils::str::equals( e2.fieldName(), "$elemMatch" ) ) { // validate $elemMatch arguments and dependencies uassert( 16342, "elemMatch: invalid argument. object required.", e2.type() == Object ); uassert( 16343, "Cannot specify positional operator and $elemMatch" " (currently unsupported).", _arrayOpType != ARRAY_OP_POSITIONAL ); uassert( 16344, "Cannot use $elemMatch projection on a nested field" " (currently unsupported).", ! mongoutils::str::contains( e.fieldName(), '.' ) ); _arrayOpType = ARRAY_OP_ELEM_MATCH; // initialize new Matcher object(s) _matchers[mongoutils::str::before(e.fieldName(), '.').c_str()] = boost::make_shared(e.wrap(), whereCallback); add( e.fieldName(), true ); } else { uasserted(13097, string("Unsupported projection option: ") + obj.firstElementFieldName() ); } } else if (!strcmp(e.fieldName(), "_id") && !e.trueValue()) { _includeID = false; } else { add( e.fieldName(), e.trueValue() ); // validate input if (true_false == -1) { true_false = e.trueValue(); _include = !e.trueValue(); } else { uassert( 10053 , "You cannot currently mix including and excluding fields. " "Contact us if this is an issue." , (bool)true_false == e.trueValue() ); } } if ( mongoutils::str::contains( e.fieldName(), ".$" ) ) { // positional op found; verify dependencies uassert( 16345, "Cannot exclude array elements with the positional operator" " (currently unsupported).", e.trueValue() ); uassert( 16346, "Cannot specify more than one positional array element per query" " (currently unsupported).", _arrayOpType != ARRAY_OP_POSITIONAL ); uassert( 16347, "Cannot specify positional operator and $elemMatch" " (currently unsupported).", _arrayOpType != ARRAY_OP_ELEM_MATCH ); _arrayOpType = ARRAY_OP_POSITIONAL; } } } void Projection::add(const string& field, bool include) { if (field.empty()) { // this is the field the user referred to _include = include; } else { _include = !include; const size_t dot = field.find('.'); const string subfield = field.substr(0,dot); const string rest = (dot == string::npos ? "" : field.substr(dot+1,string::npos)); boost::shared_ptr& fm = _fields[subfield.c_str()]; if (!fm) fm = boost::make_shared(); fm->add(rest, include); } } void Projection::add(const string& field, int skip, int limit) { _special = true; // can't include or exclude whole object if (field.empty()) { // this is the field the user referred to _skip = skip; _limit = limit; } else { const size_t dot = field.find('.'); const string subfield = field.substr(0,dot); const string rest = (dot == string::npos ? "" : field.substr(dot+1,string::npos)); boost::shared_ptr& fm = _fields[subfield.c_str()]; if (!fm) fm = boost::make_shared(); fm->add(rest, skip, limit); } } void Projection::transform( const BSONObj& in , BSONObjBuilder& b, const MatchDetails* details ) const { const ArrayOpType& arrayOpType = getArrayOpType(); BSONObjIterator i(in); while ( i.more() ) { BSONElement e = i.next(); if ( mongoutils::str::equals( "_id" , e.fieldName() ) ) { if ( _includeID ) b.append( e ); } else { Matchers::const_iterator matcher = _matchers.find( e.fieldName() ); if ( matcher == _matchers.end() ) { // no array projection matchers for this field append( b, e, details, arrayOpType ); } else { // field has array projection with $elemMatch specified. massert( 16348, "matchers are only supported for $elemMatch", arrayOpType == ARRAY_OP_ELEM_MATCH ); MatchDetails arrayDetails; arrayDetails.requestElemMatchKey(); if ( matcher->second->matches( in, &arrayDetails ) ) { LOG(4) << "Matched array on field: " << matcher->first << endl << " from array: " << in.getField( matcher->first ) << endl << " in object: " << in << endl << " at position: " << arrayDetails.elemMatchKey() << endl; FieldMap::const_iterator field = _fields.find( e.fieldName() ); massert( 16349, "$elemMatch specified, but projection field not found.", field != _fields.end() ); BSONArrayBuilder a; BSONObjBuilder o; massert( 16350, "$elemMatch called on document element with eoo", ! in.getField( e.fieldName() ).eoo() ); massert( 16351, "$elemMatch called on array element with eoo", ! in.getField( e.fieldName() ).Obj().getField( arrayDetails.elemMatchKey() ).eoo() ); a.append( in.getField( e.fieldName() ).Obj() .getField( arrayDetails.elemMatchKey() ) ); o.appendArray( matcher->first, a.arr() ); append( b, o.done().firstElement(), details, arrayOpType ); } } } } } BSONObj Projection::transform( const BSONObj& in, const MatchDetails* details ) const { BSONObjBuilder b; transform( in , b, details ); return b.obj(); } //b will be the value part of an array-typed BSONElement void Projection::appendArray( BSONObjBuilder& b , const BSONObj& a , bool nested) const { int skip = nested ? 0 : _skip; int limit = nested ? -1 : _limit; if (skip < 0) { skip = max(0, skip + a.nFields()); } int i=0; BSONObjIterator it(a); while (it.more()) { BSONElement e = it.next(); if (skip) { skip--; continue; } if (limit != -1 && (limit-- == 0)) { break; } switch(e.type()) { case Array: { BSONObjBuilder subb; appendArray(subb , e.embeddedObject(), true); b.appendArray(b.numStr(i++), subb.obj()); break; } case Object: { BSONObjBuilder subb; BSONObjIterator jt(e.embeddedObject()); while (jt.more()) { append(subb , jt.next()); } b.append(b.numStr(i++), subb.obj()); break; } default: if (_include) b.appendAs(e, b.numStr(i++)); } } } void Projection::append( BSONObjBuilder& b , const BSONElement& e, const MatchDetails* details, const ArrayOpType arrayOpType ) const { FieldMap::const_iterator field = _fields.find( e.fieldName() ); if (field == _fields.end()) { if (_include) b.append(e); } else { Projection& subfm = *field->second; if ( ( subfm._fields.empty() && !subfm._special ) || !(e.type()==Object || e.type()==Array) ) { // field map empty, or element is not an array/object if (subfm._include) b.append(e); } else if (e.type() == Object) { BSONObjBuilder subb; BSONObjIterator it(e.embeddedObject()); while (it.more()) { subfm.append(subb, it.next(), details, arrayOpType); } b.append(e.fieldName(), subb.obj()); } else { //Array BSONObjBuilder matchedBuilder; if ( details && arrayOpType == ARRAY_OP_POSITIONAL ) { // $ positional operator specified LOG(4) << "projection: checking if element " << e << " matched spec: " << getSpec() << " match details: " << *details << endl; uassert( 16352, mongoutils::str::stream() << "positional operator (" << e.fieldName() << ".$) requires corresponding field in query specifier", details && details->hasElemMatchKey() ); uassert( 16353, "positional operator element mismatch", ! e.embeddedObject()[details->elemMatchKey()].eoo() ); // append as the first and only element in the projected array matchedBuilder.appendAs( e.embeddedObject()[details->elemMatchKey()], "0" ); } else { // append exact array; no subarray matcher specified subfm.appendArray( matchedBuilder, e.embeddedObject() ); } b.appendArray( e.fieldName(), matchedBuilder.obj() ); } } } Projection::ArrayOpType Projection::getArrayOpType( ) const { return _arrayOpType; } void Projection::validateQuery( const BSONObj query ) const { // this function only validates positional operator ($) projections if ( getArrayOpType() != ARRAY_OP_POSITIONAL ) return; BSONObjIterator querySpecIter( query ); while ( querySpecIter.more() ) { // for each query element BSONElement queryElement = querySpecIter.next(); if ( mongoutils::str::equals( queryElement.fieldName(), "$and" ) ) // don't check $and to avoid deep comparison of the arguments. // TODO: can be replaced with Matcher::FieldSink when complete (SERVER-4644) return; BSONObjIterator projectionSpecIter( getSpec() ); while ( projectionSpecIter.more() ) { // for each projection element BSONElement projectionElement = projectionSpecIter.next(); if ( mongoutils::str::contains( projectionElement.fieldName(), ".$" ) && mongoutils::str::before( queryElement.fieldName(), '.' ) == mongoutils::str::before( projectionElement.fieldName(), "." ) ) { // found query spec that matches positional array projection spec LOG(4) << "Query specifies field named for positional operator: " << queryElement.fieldName() << endl; return; } } } uasserted( 16354, "Positional operator does not match the query specifier." ); } Projection::KeyOnly* Projection::checkKey( const BSONObj& keyPattern ) const { if ( _include ) { // if we default to including then we can't // use an index because we don't know what we're missing return 0; } if ( _hasNonSimple ) return 0; if ( _includeID && keyPattern["_id"].eoo() ) return 0; // at this point we know its all { x : 1 } style auto_ptr p( new KeyOnly() ); int got = 0; BSONObjIterator i( keyPattern ); while ( i.more() ) { BSONElement k = i.next(); if ( _source[k.fieldName()].type() ) { if ( strchr( k.fieldName() , '.' ) ) { // TODO we currently don't support dotted fields // SERVER-2104 return 0; } if ( ! _includeID && mongoutils::str::equals( k.fieldName() , "_id" ) ) { p->addNo(); } else { p->addYes( k.fieldName() ); got++; } } else if ( mongoutils::str::equals( "_id" , k.fieldName() ) && _includeID ) { p->addYes( "_id" ); } else { p->addNo(); } } int need = _source.nFields(); if ( ! _includeID ) need--; if ( got == need ) return p.release(); return 0; } BSONObj Projection::KeyOnly::hydrate( const BSONObj& key ) const { verify( _include.size() == _names.size() ); BSONObjBuilder b( key.objsize() + _stringSize + 16 ); BSONObjIterator i(key); unsigned n=0; while ( i.more() ) { verify( n < _include.size() ); BSONElement e = i.next(); if ( _include[n] ) { b.appendAs( e , _names[n] ); } n++; } return b.obj(); } }