/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kQuery #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/query/canonical_query_encoder.h" #include #include "mongo/base/simple_string_data_comparator.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_array.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_geo.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" namespace mongo { namespace { // Delimiters for cache key encoding. const char kEncodeChildrenBegin = '['; const char kEncodeChildrenEnd = ']'; const char kEncodeChildrenSeparator = ','; const char kEncodeCollationSection = '#'; const char kEncodeProjectionSection = '|'; const char kEncodeRegexFlagsSeparator = '/'; const char kEncodeSortSection = '~'; /** * Encode user-provided string. Cache key delimiters seen in the * user string are escaped with a backslash. */ void encodeUserString(StringData s, StringBuilder* keyBuilder) { for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) { char c = s[i]; switch (c) { case kEncodeChildrenBegin: case kEncodeChildrenEnd: case kEncodeChildrenSeparator: case kEncodeCollationSection: case kEncodeProjectionSection: case kEncodeRegexFlagsSeparator: case kEncodeSortSection: case '\\': *keyBuilder << '\\'; // Fall through to default case. default: *keyBuilder << c; } } } /** * String encoding of MatchExpression::MatchType. */ const char* encodeMatchType(MatchExpression::MatchType mt) { switch (mt) { case MatchExpression::AND: return "an"; case MatchExpression::OR: return "or"; case MatchExpression::NOR: return "nr"; case MatchExpression::NOT: return "nt"; case MatchExpression::ELEM_MATCH_OBJECT: return "eo"; case MatchExpression::ELEM_MATCH_VALUE: return "ev"; case MatchExpression::SIZE: return "sz"; case MatchExpression::LTE: return "le"; case MatchExpression::LT: return "lt"; case MatchExpression::EQ: return "eq"; case MatchExpression::GT: return "gt"; case MatchExpression::GTE: return "ge"; case MatchExpression::REGEX: return "re"; case MatchExpression::MOD: return "mo"; case MatchExpression::EXISTS: return "ex"; case MatchExpression::MATCH_IN: return "in"; case MatchExpression::TYPE_OPERATOR: return "ty"; case MatchExpression::GEO: return "go"; case MatchExpression::WHERE: return "wh"; case MatchExpression::ALWAYS_FALSE: return "af"; case MatchExpression::ALWAYS_TRUE: return "at"; case MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR: return "gn"; case MatchExpression::TEXT: return "te"; case MatchExpression::BITS_ALL_SET: return "ls"; case MatchExpression::BITS_ALL_CLEAR: return "lc"; case MatchExpression::BITS_ANY_SET: return "ys"; case MatchExpression::BITS_ANY_CLEAR: return "yc"; case MatchExpression::EXPRESSION: return "xp"; case MatchExpression::INTERNAL_EXPR_EQ: return "ee"; case MatchExpression::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_ALL_ELEM_MATCH_FROM_INDEX: return "internalSchemaAllElemMatchFromIndex"; case MatchExpression::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_ALLOWED_PROPERTIES: return "internalSchemaAllowedProperties"; case MatchExpression::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_BIN_DATA_ENCRYPTED_TYPE: return "internalSchemaBinDataEncryptedType"; case MatchExpression::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_BIN_DATA_SUBTYPE: return "internalSchemaBinDataSubType"; case MatchExpression::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_COND: return "internalSchemaCond"; case MatchExpression::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_EQ: return "internalSchemaEq"; case MatchExpression::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_FMOD: return "internalSchemaFmod"; case MatchExpression::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_MIN_ITEMS: return "internalSchemaMinItems"; case MatchExpression::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_MAX_ITEMS: return "internalSchemaMaxItems"; case MatchExpression::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_UNIQUE_ITEMS: return "internalSchemaUniqueItems"; case MatchExpression::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_XOR: return "internalSchemaXor"; case MatchExpression::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_OBJECT_MATCH: return "internalSchemaObjectMatch"; case MatchExpression::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_ROOT_DOC_EQ: return "internalSchemaRootDocEq"; case MatchExpression::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_MIN_LENGTH: return "internalSchemaMinLength"; case MatchExpression::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_MAX_LENGTH: return "internalSchemaMaxLength"; case MatchExpression::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_MIN_PROPERTIES: return "internalSchemaMinProperties"; case MatchExpression::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_MAX_PROPERTIES: return "internalSchemaMaxProperties"; case MatchExpression::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_MATCH_ARRAY_INDEX: return "internalSchemaMatchArrayIndex"; case MatchExpression::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_TYPE: return "internalSchemaType"; default: MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } } /** * Encodes GEO match expression. * Encoding includes: * - type of geo query (within/intersect/near) * - geometry type * - CRS (flat or spherical) */ void encodeGeoMatchExpression(const GeoMatchExpression* tree, StringBuilder* keyBuilder) { const GeoExpression& geoQuery = tree->getGeoExpression(); // Type of geo query. switch (geoQuery.getPred()) { case GeoExpression::WITHIN: *keyBuilder << "wi"; break; case GeoExpression::INTERSECT: *keyBuilder << "in"; break; case GeoExpression::INVALID: *keyBuilder << "id"; break; } // Geometry type. // Only one of the shared_ptrs in GeoContainer may be non-NULL. *keyBuilder << geoQuery.getGeometry().getDebugType(); // CRS (flat or spherical) if (FLAT == geoQuery.getGeometry().getNativeCRS()) { *keyBuilder << "fl"; } else if (SPHERE == geoQuery.getGeometry().getNativeCRS()) { *keyBuilder << "sp"; } else if (STRICT_SPHERE == geoQuery.getGeometry().getNativeCRS()) { *keyBuilder << "ss"; } else { error() << "unknown CRS type " << (int)geoQuery.getGeometry().getNativeCRS() << " in geometry of type " << geoQuery.getGeometry().getDebugType(); MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } } /** * Encodes GEO_NEAR match expression. * Encode: * - isNearSphere * - CRS (flat or spherical) */ void encodeGeoNearMatchExpression(const GeoNearMatchExpression* tree, StringBuilder* keyBuilder) { const GeoNearExpression& nearQuery = tree->getData(); // isNearSphere *keyBuilder << (nearQuery.isNearSphere ? "ns" : "nr"); // CRS (flat or spherical or strict-winding spherical) switch (nearQuery.centroid->crs) { case FLAT: *keyBuilder << "fl"; break; case SPHERE: *keyBuilder << "sp"; break; case STRICT_SPHERE: *keyBuilder << "ss"; break; case UNSET: error() << "unknown CRS type " << (int)nearQuery.centroid->crs << " in point geometry for near query"; MONGO_UNREACHABLE; break; } } template char encodeEnum(T val) { static_assert(static_cast(T::kMax) <= 9, "enum has too many values to encode as a value between '0' and '9'. You must " "change the encoding scheme"); invariant(val <= T::kMax); return static_cast(val) + '0'; } void encodeCollation(const CollatorInterface* collation, StringBuilder* keyBuilder) { if (!collation) { return; } const CollationSpec& spec = collation->getSpec(); *keyBuilder << kEncodeCollationSection; *keyBuilder << spec.localeID; *keyBuilder << spec.caseLevel; // Ensure that we can encode this value with a single ascii byte '0' through '9'. *keyBuilder << encodeEnum(spec.caseFirst); *keyBuilder << encodeEnum(spec.strength); *keyBuilder << spec.numericOrdering; *keyBuilder << encodeEnum(spec.alternate); *keyBuilder << encodeEnum(spec.maxVariable); *keyBuilder << spec.normalization; *keyBuilder << spec.backwards; // We do not encode 'spec.version' because query shape strings are never persisted, and need // not be stable between versions. } template void encodeRegexFlagsForMatch(RegexIterator first, RegexIterator last, StringBuilder* keyBuilder) { // We sort the flags, so that queries with the same regex flags in different orders will have // the same shape. We then add them to a set, so that identical flags across multiple regexes // will be deduplicated and the resulting set of unique flags will be ordered consistently. // Regex flags are not validated at parse-time, so we also ensure that only valid flags // contribute to the encoding. static const auto maxValidFlags = RegexMatchExpression::kValidRegexFlags.size(); std::set flags; for (auto it = first; it != last && flags.size() < maxValidFlags; ++it) { auto inserter = std::inserter(flags, flags.begin()); std::copy_if((*it)->getFlags().begin(), (*it)->getFlags().end(), inserter, [](auto flag) { return RegexMatchExpression::kValidRegexFlags.count(flag); }); } if (!flags.empty()) { *keyBuilder << kEncodeRegexFlagsSeparator; for (const auto& flag : flags) { invariant(RegexMatchExpression::kValidRegexFlags.count(flag)); encodeUserString(StringData(&flag, 1), keyBuilder); } *keyBuilder << kEncodeRegexFlagsSeparator; } } // Helper overload to prepare a vector of unique_ptrs for the heavy-lifting function above. void encodeRegexFlagsForMatch(const std::vector>& regexes, StringBuilder* keyBuilder) { const auto transformFunc = [](const auto& regex) { return regex.get(); }; encodeRegexFlagsForMatch(boost::make_transform_iterator(regexes.begin(), transformFunc), boost::make_transform_iterator(regexes.end(), transformFunc), keyBuilder); } // Helper that passes a range covering the entire source set into the heavy-lifting function above. void encodeRegexFlagsForMatch(const std::vector& regexes, StringBuilder* keyBuilder) { encodeRegexFlagsForMatch(regexes.begin(), regexes.end(), keyBuilder); } /** * Traverses expression tree pre-order. * Appends an encoding of each node's match type and path name * to the output stream. */ void encodeKeyForMatch(const MatchExpression* tree, StringBuilder* keyBuilder) { invariant(keyBuilder); // Encode match type and path. *keyBuilder << encodeMatchType(tree->matchType()); encodeUserString(tree->path(), keyBuilder); // GEO and GEO_NEAR require additional encoding. if (MatchExpression::GEO == tree->matchType()) { encodeGeoMatchExpression(static_cast(tree), keyBuilder); } else if (MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR == tree->matchType()) { encodeGeoNearMatchExpression(static_cast(tree), keyBuilder); } // We encode regular expression flags such that different options produce different shapes. if (MatchExpression::REGEX == tree->matchType()) { encodeRegexFlagsForMatch({static_cast(tree)}, keyBuilder); } else if (MatchExpression::MATCH_IN == tree->matchType()) { const auto* inMatch = static_cast(tree); if (!inMatch->getRegexes().empty()) { // Append '_re' to distinguish an $in without regexes from an $in with regexes. encodeUserString("_re"_sd, keyBuilder); encodeRegexFlagsForMatch(inMatch->getRegexes(), keyBuilder); } } // Traverse child nodes. // Enclose children in []. if (tree->numChildren() > 0) { *keyBuilder << kEncodeChildrenBegin; } // Use comma to separate children encoding. for (size_t i = 0; i < tree->numChildren(); ++i) { if (i > 0) { *keyBuilder << kEncodeChildrenSeparator; } encodeKeyForMatch(tree->getChild(i), keyBuilder); } if (tree->numChildren() > 0) { *keyBuilder << kEncodeChildrenEnd; } } /** * Encodes sort order into cache key. * Sort order is normalized because it provided by * QueryRequest. */ void encodeKeyForSort(const BSONObj& sortObj, StringBuilder* keyBuilder) { if (sortObj.isEmpty()) { return; } *keyBuilder << kEncodeSortSection; BSONObjIterator it(sortObj); while (it.more()) { BSONElement elt = it.next(); // $meta text score if (QueryRequest::isTextScoreMeta(elt)) { *keyBuilder << "t"; } // Ascending else if (elt.numberInt() == 1) { *keyBuilder << "a"; } // Descending else { *keyBuilder << "d"; } encodeUserString(elt.fieldName(), keyBuilder); // Sort argument separator if (it.more()) { *keyBuilder << ","; } } } /** * Encodes parsed projection into cache key. * Does a simple toString() on each projected field * in the BSON object. * Orders the encoded elements in the projection by field name. * This handles all the special projection types ($meta, $elemMatch, etc.) */ void encodeKeyForProj(const BSONObj& projObj, StringBuilder* keyBuilder) { // Sorts the BSON elements by field name using a map. std::map elements; BSONObjIterator it(projObj); while (it.more()) { BSONElement elt = it.next(); StringData fieldName = elt.fieldNameStringData(); // Internal callers may add $-prefixed fields to the projection. These are not part of a // user query, and therefore are not considered part of the cache key. if (fieldName[0] == '$') { continue; } elements[fieldName] = elt; } if (!elements.empty()) { *keyBuilder << kEncodeProjectionSection; } // Read elements in order of field name for (std::map::const_iterator i = elements.begin(); i != elements.end(); ++i) { const BSONElement& elt = (*i).second; if (elt.type() != BSONType::Object) { // For inclusion/exclusion projections, we encode as "i" or "e". *keyBuilder << (elt.trueValue() ? "i" : "e"); } else { // For projection operators, we use the verbatim string encoding of the element. encodeUserString(elt.toString(false, // includeFieldName false), // full keyBuilder); } encodeUserString(elt.fieldName(), keyBuilder); } } } // namespace namespace canonical_query_encoder { CanonicalQuery::QueryShapeString encode(const CanonicalQuery& cq) { StringBuilder keyBuilder; encodeKeyForMatch(cq.root(), &keyBuilder); encodeKeyForSort(cq.getQueryRequest().getSort(), &keyBuilder); encodeKeyForProj(cq.getQueryRequest().getProj(), &keyBuilder); encodeCollation(cq.getCollator(), &keyBuilder); return keyBuilder.str(); } uint32_t computeHash(StringData key) { return SimpleStringDataComparator::kInstance.hash(key); } } // namespace canonical_query_encoder } // namespace mongo