* Copyright (C) 2013-2014 MongoDB Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
* code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
* conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
* linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
* must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for
* all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
* with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
* file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
* delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
* exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
* it in the license file.
#include "mongo/platform/basic.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/explain.h"
#include "mongo/base/owned_pointer_vector.h"
#include "mongo/db/exec/multi_plan.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/get_executor.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/plan_executor.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/query_planner.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/query_settings.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/stage_builder.h"
#include "mongo/db/exec/working_set_common.h"
#include "mongo/db/server_options.h"
#include "mongo/db/server_parameters.h"
#include "mongo/util/mongoutils/str.h"
#include "mongo/util/version.h"
namespace {
using namespace mongo;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
* Traverse the tree rooted at 'root', and add all tree nodes into the list 'flattened'.
void flattenStatsTree(const PlanStageStats* root, vector* flattened) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < root->children.size(); ++i) {
flattenStatsTree(root->children[i], flattened);
* Traverse the tree rooted at 'root', and add all nodes into the list 'flattened'.
void flattenExecTree(const PlanStage* root, vector* flattened) {
vector children = root->getChildren();
for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) {
flattenExecTree(children[i], flattened);
* Get a pointer to the MultiPlanStage inside the stage tree rooted at 'root'.
* Returns NULL if there is no MPS.
MultiPlanStage* getMultiPlanStage(PlanStage* root) {
if (root->stageType() == STAGE_MULTI_PLAN) {
MultiPlanStage* mps = static_cast(root);
return mps;
vector children = root->getChildren();
for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
MultiPlanStage* mps = getMultiPlanStage(children[i]);
if (mps != NULL) {
return mps;
return NULL;
* Given the SpecificStats object for a stage and the type of the stage, returns the
* number of index keys examined by the stage.
* This is used for getting the total number of keys examined by a plan. We need
* to collect a 'totalKeysExamined' metric for a regular explain (in which case this
* gets called from Explain::generateExecStats()) or for the slow query log / profiler
* (in which case this gets called from Explain::getSummaryStats()).
size_t getKeysExamined(StageType type, const SpecificStats* specific) {
if (STAGE_IXSCAN == type) {
const IndexScanStats* spec = static_cast(specific);
return spec->keysExamined;
} else if (STAGE_IDHACK == type) {
const IDHackStats* spec = static_cast(specific);
return spec->keysExamined;
} else if (STAGE_TEXT == type) {
const TextStats* spec = static_cast(specific);
return spec->keysExamined;
} else if (STAGE_COUNT_SCAN == type) {
const CountScanStats* spec = static_cast(specific);
return spec->keysExamined;
} else if (STAGE_DISTINCT_SCAN == type) {
const DistinctScanStats* spec = static_cast(specific);
return spec->keysExamined;
return 0;
* Given the SpecificStats object for a stage and the type of the stage, returns the
* number of documents examined by the stage.
* This is used for getting the total number of documents examined by a plan. We need
* to collect a 'totalDocsExamined' metric for a regular explain (in which case this
* gets called from Explain::generateExecStats()) or for the slow query log / profiler
* (in which case this gets called from Explain::getSummaryStats()).
size_t getDocsExamined(StageType type, const SpecificStats* specific) {
if (STAGE_IDHACK == type) {
const IDHackStats* spec = static_cast(specific);
return spec->docsExamined;
} else if (STAGE_TEXT == type) {
const TextStats* spec = static_cast(specific);
return spec->fetches;
} else if (STAGE_FETCH == type) {
const FetchStats* spec = static_cast(specific);
return spec->docsExamined;
} else if (STAGE_COLLSCAN == type) {
const CollectionScanStats* spec = static_cast(specific);
return spec->docsTested;
return 0;
* Adds to the plan summary string being built by 'ss' for the execution stage 'stage'.
void addStageSummaryStr(const PlanStage* stage, mongoutils::str::stream& ss) {
// First add the stage type string.
const CommonStats* common = stage->getCommonStats();
ss << common->stageTypeStr;
// Some leaf nodes also provide info about the index they used.
const SpecificStats* specific = stage->getSpecificStats();
if (STAGE_COUNT_SCAN == stage->stageType()) {
const CountScanStats* spec = static_cast(specific);
ss << " " << spec->keyPattern;
} else if (STAGE_DISTINCT_SCAN == stage->stageType()) {
const DistinctScanStats* spec = static_cast(specific);
ss << " " << spec->keyPattern;
} else if (STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2D == stage->stageType()) {
const NearStats* spec = static_cast(specific);
ss << " " << spec->keyPattern;
} else if (STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2DSPHERE == stage->stageType()) {
const NearStats* spec = static_cast(specific);
ss << " " << spec->keyPattern;
} else if (STAGE_IXSCAN == stage->stageType()) {
const IndexScanStats* spec = static_cast(specific);
ss << " " << spec->keyPattern;
} else if (STAGE_TEXT == stage->stageType()) {
const TextStats* spec = static_cast(specific);
ss << " " << spec->indexPrefix;
} // namespace
namespace mongo {
using mongoutils::str::stream;
// static
void Explain::statsToBSON(const PlanStageStats& stats,
ExplainCommon::Verbosity verbosity,
BSONObjBuilder* bob,
BSONObjBuilder* topLevelBob) {
// Stop as soon as the BSON object we're building exceeds 10 MB.
static const int kMaxStatsBSONSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
if (topLevelBob->len() > kMaxStatsBSONSize) {
bob->append("warning", "stats tree exceeded 10 MB");
// Stage name.
bob->append("stage", stats.common.stageTypeStr);
// Display the BSON representation of the filter, if there is one.
if (!stats.common.filter.isEmpty()) {
bob->append("filter", stats.common.filter);
// Some top-level exec stats get pulled out of the root stage.
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
bob->appendNumber("nReturned", stats.common.advanced);
bob->appendNumber("executionTimeMillisEstimate", stats.common.executionTimeMillis);
bob->appendNumber("works", stats.common.works);
bob->appendNumber("advanced", stats.common.advanced);
bob->appendNumber("needTime", stats.common.needTime);
bob->appendNumber("needYield", stats.common.needYield);
bob->appendNumber("saveState", stats.common.yields);
bob->appendNumber("restoreState", stats.common.unyields);
bob->appendNumber("isEOF", stats.common.isEOF);
bob->appendNumber("invalidates", stats.common.invalidates);
// Stage-specific stats
if (STAGE_AND_HASH == stats.stageType) {
AndHashStats* spec = static_cast(stats.specific.get());
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
bob->appendNumber("memUsage", spec->memUsage);
bob->appendNumber("memLimit", spec->memLimit);
bob->appendNumber("flaggedButPassed", spec->flaggedButPassed);
bob->appendNumber("flaggedInProgress", spec->flaggedInProgress);
for (size_t i = 0; i < spec->mapAfterChild.size(); ++i) {
bob->appendNumber(string(stream() << "mapAfterChild_" << i),
} else if (STAGE_AND_SORTED == stats.stageType) {
AndSortedStats* spec = static_cast(stats.specific.get());
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
bob->appendNumber("flagged", spec->flagged);
for (size_t i = 0; i < spec->failedAnd.size(); ++i) {
bob->appendNumber(string(stream() << "failedAnd_" << i), spec->failedAnd[i]);
} else if (STAGE_COLLSCAN == stats.stageType) {
CollectionScanStats* spec = static_cast(stats.specific.get());
bob->append("direction", spec->direction > 0 ? "forward" : "backward");
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
bob->appendNumber("docsExamined", spec->docsTested);
} else if (STAGE_COUNT == stats.stageType) {
CountStats* spec = static_cast(stats.specific.get());
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
bob->appendNumber("nCounted", spec->nCounted);
bob->appendNumber("nSkipped", spec->nSkipped);
} else if (STAGE_COUNT_SCAN == stats.stageType) {
CountScanStats* spec = static_cast(stats.specific.get());
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
bob->appendNumber("keysExamined", spec->keysExamined);
bob->append("keyPattern", spec->keyPattern);
bob->append("indexName", spec->indexName);
bob->appendBool("isMultiKey", spec->isMultiKey);
bob->appendBool("isUnique", spec->isUnique);
bob->appendBool("isSparse", spec->isSparse);
bob->appendBool("isPartial", spec->isPartial);
bob->append("indexVersion", spec->indexVersion);
} else if (STAGE_DELETE == stats.stageType) {
DeleteStats* spec = static_cast(stats.specific.get());
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
bob->appendNumber("nWouldDelete", spec->docsDeleted);
bob->appendNumber("nInvalidateSkips", spec->nInvalidateSkips);
} else if (STAGE_FETCH == stats.stageType) {
FetchStats* spec = static_cast(stats.specific.get());
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
bob->appendNumber("docsExamined", spec->docsExamined);
bob->appendNumber("alreadyHasObj", spec->alreadyHasObj);
} else if (STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2D == stats.stageType || STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2DSPHERE == stats.stageType) {
NearStats* spec = static_cast(stats.specific.get());
bob->append("keyPattern", spec->keyPattern);
bob->append("indexName", spec->indexName);
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
BSONArrayBuilder intervalsBob(bob->subarrayStart("searchIntervals"));
for (vector::const_iterator it = spec->intervalStats.begin();
it != spec->intervalStats.end();
++it) {
BSONObjBuilder intervalBob(intervalsBob.subobjStart());
intervalBob.append("minDistance", it->minDistanceAllowed);
intervalBob.append("maxDistance", it->maxDistanceAllowed);
intervalBob.append("maxInclusive", it->inclusiveMaxDistanceAllowed);
} else if (STAGE_GROUP == stats.stageType) {
GroupStats* spec = static_cast(stats.specific.get());
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
bob->appendNumber("nGroups", spec->nGroups);
} else if (STAGE_IDHACK == stats.stageType) {
IDHackStats* spec = static_cast(stats.specific.get());
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
bob->appendNumber("keysExamined", spec->keysExamined);
bob->appendNumber("docsExamined", spec->docsExamined);
} else if (STAGE_IXSCAN == stats.stageType) {
IndexScanStats* spec = static_cast(stats.specific.get());
bob->append("keyPattern", spec->keyPattern);
bob->append("indexName", spec->indexName);
bob->appendBool("isMultiKey", spec->isMultiKey);
bob->appendBool("isUnique", spec->isUnique);
bob->appendBool("isSparse", spec->isSparse);
bob->appendBool("isPartial", spec->isPartial);
bob->append("indexVersion", spec->indexVersion);
bob->append("direction", spec->direction > 0 ? "forward" : "backward");
if ((topLevelBob->len() + spec->indexBounds.objsize()) > kMaxStatsBSONSize) {
bob->append("warning", "index bounds omitted due to BSON size limit");
} else {
bob->append("indexBounds", spec->indexBounds);
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
bob->appendNumber("keysExamined", spec->keysExamined);
bob->appendNumber("dupsTested", spec->dupsTested);
bob->appendNumber("dupsDropped", spec->dupsDropped);
bob->appendNumber("seenInvalidated", spec->seenInvalidated);
} else if (STAGE_OR == stats.stageType) {
OrStats* spec = static_cast(stats.specific.get());
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
bob->appendNumber("dupsTested", spec->dupsTested);
bob->appendNumber("dupsDropped", spec->dupsDropped);
bob->appendNumber("locsForgotten", spec->locsForgotten);
} else if (STAGE_LIMIT == stats.stageType) {
LimitStats* spec = static_cast(stats.specific.get());
bob->appendNumber("limitAmount", spec->limit);
} else if (STAGE_PROJECTION == stats.stageType) {
ProjectionStats* spec = static_cast(stats.specific.get());
bob->append("transformBy", spec->projObj);
} else if (STAGE_SHARDING_FILTER == stats.stageType) {
ShardingFilterStats* spec = static_cast(stats.specific.get());
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
bob->appendNumber("chunkSkips", spec->chunkSkips);
} else if (STAGE_SKIP == stats.stageType) {
SkipStats* spec = static_cast(stats.specific.get());
bob->appendNumber("skipAmount", spec->skip);
} else if (STAGE_SORT == stats.stageType) {
SortStats* spec = static_cast(stats.specific.get());
bob->append("sortPattern", spec->sortPattern);
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
bob->appendNumber("memUsage", spec->memUsage);
bob->appendNumber("memLimit", spec->memLimit);
if (spec->limit > 0) {
bob->appendNumber("limitAmount", spec->limit);
} else if (STAGE_SORT_MERGE == stats.stageType) {
MergeSortStats* spec = static_cast(stats.specific.get());
bob->append("sortPattern", spec->sortPattern);
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
bob->appendNumber("dupsTested", spec->dupsTested);
bob->appendNumber("dupsDropped", spec->dupsDropped);
} else if (STAGE_TEXT == stats.stageType) {
TextStats* spec = static_cast(stats.specific.get());
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
bob->appendNumber("keysExamined", spec->keysExamined);
bob->appendNumber("docsExamined", spec->fetches);
bob->append("indexPrefix", spec->indexPrefix);
bob->append("indexName", spec->indexName);
bob->append("parsedTextQuery", spec->parsedTextQuery);
} else if (STAGE_UPDATE == stats.stageType) {
UpdateStats* spec = static_cast(stats.specific.get());
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
bob->appendNumber("nMatched", spec->nMatched);
bob->appendNumber("nWouldModify", spec->nModified);
bob->appendNumber("nInvalidateSkips", spec->nInvalidateSkips);
bob->appendBool("wouldInsert", spec->inserted);
bob->appendBool("fastmod", spec->fastmod);
bob->appendBool("fastmodinsert", spec->fastmodinsert);
// We're done if there are no children.
if (stats.children.empty()) {
// If there's just one child (a common scenario), avoid making an array. This makes
// the output more readable by saving a level of nesting. Name the field 'inputStage'
// rather than 'inputStages'.
if (1 == stats.children.size()) {
BSONObjBuilder childBob;
statsToBSON(*stats.children[0], verbosity, &childBob, topLevelBob);
bob->append("inputStage", childBob.obj());
// There is more than one child. Recursively call statsToBSON(...) on each
// of them and add them to the 'inputStages' array.
BSONArrayBuilder childrenBob(bob->subarrayStart("inputStages"));
for (size_t i = 0; i < stats.children.size(); ++i) {
BSONObjBuilder childBob(childrenBob.subobjStart());
statsToBSON(*stats.children[i], verbosity, &childBob, topLevelBob);
// static
BSONObj Explain::statsToBSON(const PlanStageStats& stats, ExplainCommon::Verbosity verbosity) {
BSONObjBuilder bob;
statsToBSON(stats, &bob, verbosity);
return bob.obj();
// static
void Explain::statsToBSON(const PlanStageStats& stats,
BSONObjBuilder* bob,
ExplainCommon::Verbosity verbosity) {
statsToBSON(stats, verbosity, bob, bob);
// static
void Explain::generatePlannerInfo(PlanExecutor* exec,
PlanStageStats* winnerStats,
const vector& rejectedStats,
BSONObjBuilder* out) {
CanonicalQuery* query = exec->getCanonicalQuery();
BSONObjBuilder plannerBob(out->subobjStart("queryPlanner"));
plannerBob.append("plannerVersion", QueryPlanner::kPlannerVersion);
plannerBob.append("namespace", exec->ns());
// Find whether there is an index filter set for the query shape. The 'indexFilterSet'
// field will always be false in the case of EOF or idhack plans.
bool indexFilterSet = false;
if (exec->collection() && exec->getCanonicalQuery()) {
const CollectionInfoCache* infoCache = exec->collection()->infoCache();
const QuerySettings* querySettings = infoCache->getQuerySettings();
PlanCacheKey planCacheKey =
AllowedIndices* allowedIndicesRaw;
if (querySettings->getAllowedIndices(planCacheKey, &allowedIndicesRaw)) {
// Found an index filter set on the query shape.
std::unique_ptr allowedIndices(allowedIndicesRaw);
indexFilterSet = true;
plannerBob.append("indexFilterSet", indexFilterSet);
// In general we should have a canonical query, but sometimes we may avoid
// creating a canonical query as an optimization (specifically, the update system
// does not canonicalize for idhack updates). In these cases, 'query' is NULL.
if (NULL != query) {
BSONObjBuilder parsedQueryBob(plannerBob.subobjStart("parsedQuery"));
BSONObjBuilder winningPlanBob(plannerBob.subobjStart("winningPlan"));
statsToBSON(*winnerStats, &winningPlanBob, ExplainCommon::QUERY_PLANNER);
// Genenerate array of rejected plans.
BSONArrayBuilder allPlansBob(plannerBob.subarrayStart("rejectedPlans"));
for (size_t i = 0; i < rejectedStats.size(); i++) {
BSONObjBuilder childBob(allPlansBob.subobjStart());
statsToBSON(*rejectedStats[i], &childBob, ExplainCommon::QUERY_PLANNER);
// static
void Explain::generateExecStats(PlanStageStats* stats,
ExplainCommon::Verbosity verbosity,
BSONObjBuilder* out,
long long totalTimeMillis) {
out->appendNumber("nReturned", stats->common.advanced);
// Time elapsed could might be either precise or approximate.
if (totalTimeMillis >= 0) {
out->appendNumber("executionTimeMillis", totalTimeMillis);
} else {
out->appendNumber("executionTimeMillisEstimate", stats->common.executionTimeMillis);
// Flatten the stats tree into a list.
vector statsNodes;
flattenStatsTree(stats, &statsNodes);
// Iterate over all stages in the tree and get the total number of keys/docs examined.
// These are just aggregations of information already available in the stats tree.
size_t totalKeysExamined = 0;
size_t totalDocsExamined = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < statsNodes.size(); ++i) {
totalKeysExamined +=
getKeysExamined(statsNodes[i]->stageType, statsNodes[i]->specific.get());
totalDocsExamined +=
getDocsExamined(statsNodes[i]->stageType, statsNodes[i]->specific.get());
out->appendNumber("totalKeysExamined", totalKeysExamined);
out->appendNumber("totalDocsExamined", totalDocsExamined);
// Add the tree of stages, with individual execution stats for each stage.
BSONObjBuilder stagesBob(out->subobjStart("executionStages"));
statsToBSON(*stats, &stagesBob, verbosity);
// static
void Explain::generateServerInfo(BSONObjBuilder* out) {
BSONObjBuilder serverBob(out->subobjStart("serverInfo"));
out->append("host", getHostNameCached());
out->appendNumber("port", serverGlobalParams.port);
out->append("version", versionString);
out->append("gitVersion", gitVersion());
// static
void Explain::explainStages(PlanExecutor* exec,
ExplainCommon::Verbosity verbosity,
BSONObjBuilder* out) {
// Step 1: run the stages as required by the verbosity level.
// Inspect the tree to see if there is a MultiPlanStage.
MultiPlanStage* mps = getMultiPlanStage(exec->getRootStage());
// Get stats of the winning plan from the trial period, if the verbosity level
// is high enough and there was a runoff between multiple plans.
unique_ptr winningStatsTrial;
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_ALL_PLANS && NULL != mps) {
// If we need execution stats, then run the plan in order to gather the stats.
Status executePlanStatus = Status::OK();
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
executePlanStatus = exec->executePlan();
// Step 2: collect plan stats (which also give the structure of the plan tree).
// Get stats for the winning plan.
unique_ptr winningStats(exec->getStats());
// Get stats for the rejected plans, if more than one plan was considered.
OwnedPointerVector allPlansStats;
if (NULL != mps) {
allPlansStats = mps->generateCandidateStats();
// Step 3: use the stats trees to produce explain BSON.
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::QUERY_PLANNER) {
generatePlannerInfo(exec, winningStats.get(), allPlansStats.vector(), out);
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_STATS) {
BSONObjBuilder execBob(out->subobjStart("executionStats"));
// If there is an execution error while running the query, the error is reported under
// the "executionStats" section and the explain as a whole succeeds.
execBob.append("executionSuccess", executePlanStatus.isOK());
if (!executePlanStatus.isOK()) {
execBob.append("errorMessage", executePlanStatus.reason());
execBob.append("errorCode", executePlanStatus.code());
// Generate exec stats BSON for the winning plan.
OperationContext* opCtx = exec->getOpCtx();
long long totalTimeMillis = CurOp::get(opCtx)->elapsedMillis();
generateExecStats(winningStats.get(), verbosity, &execBob, totalTimeMillis);
// Also generate exec stats for all plans, if the verbosity level is high enough.
// These stats reflect what happened during the trial period that ranked the plans.
if (verbosity >= ExplainCommon::EXEC_ALL_PLANS) {
// If we ranked multiple plans against each other, then add stats collected
// from the trial period of the winning plan. The "allPlansExecution" section
// will contain an apples-to-apples comparison of the winning plan's stats against
// all rejected plans' stats collected during the trial period.
if (NULL != mps) {
BSONArrayBuilder allPlansBob(execBob.subarrayStart("allPlansExecution"));
for (size_t i = 0; i < allPlansStats.size(); ++i) {
BSONObjBuilder planBob(allPlansBob.subobjStart());
generateExecStats(allPlansStats[i], verbosity, &planBob);
// static
std::string Explain::getPlanSummary(const PlanExecutor* exec) {
return getPlanSummary(exec->getRootStage());
// static
std::string Explain::getPlanSummary(const PlanStage* root) {
std::vector stages;
flattenExecTree(root, &stages);
// Use this stream to build the plan summary string.
mongoutils::str::stream ss;
bool seenLeaf = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < stages.size(); i++) {
if (stages[i]->getChildren().empty()) {
// This is a leaf node. Add to the plan summary string accordingly. Unless
// this is the first leaf we've seen, add a delimiting string first.
if (seenLeaf) {
ss << ", ";
} else {
seenLeaf = true;
addStageSummaryStr(stages[i], ss);
return ss;
// static
void Explain::getSummaryStats(const PlanExecutor* exec, PlanSummaryStats* statsOut) {
invariant(NULL != statsOut);
PlanStage* root = exec->getRootStage();
// We can get some of the fields we need from the common stats stored in the
// root stage of the plan tree.
const CommonStats* common = root->getCommonStats();
statsOut->nReturned = common->advanced;
statsOut->executionTimeMillis = common->executionTimeMillis;
// The other fields are aggregations over the stages in the plan tree. We flatten
// the tree into a list and then compute these aggregations.
std::vector stages;
flattenExecTree(root, &stages);
for (size_t i = 0; i < stages.size(); i++) {
statsOut->totalKeysExamined +=
getKeysExamined(stages[i]->stageType(), stages[i]->getSpecificStats());
statsOut->totalDocsExamined +=
getDocsExamined(stages[i]->stageType(), stages[i]->getSpecificStats());
if (STAGE_IDHACK == stages[i]->stageType()) {
statsOut->isIdhack = true;
if (STAGE_SORT == stages[i]->stageType()) {
statsOut->hasSortStage = true;
} // namespace mongo