/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include "mongo/db/hasher.h" #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_parser.h" #include "mongo/db/query/index_bounds.h" #include "mongo/db/query/index_entry.h" #include "mongo/db/query/interval_evaluation_tree.h" namespace mongo { class CollatorInterface; /** * Translates expressions over fields into bounds on an index. */ class IndexBoundsBuilder { public: static const Interval kUndefinedPointInterval; static const Interval kNullPointInterval; static const Interval kEmptyArrayPointInterval; /** * Describes various degrees of precision with which predicates can be evaluated based * on the index bounds. * * Exact vs. inexact is about whether or not you will need to apply a predicate after scanning, * and fetch vs. not fetch is whether you need data which is not in the index to answer the * query. Often if you have inexact bounds it causes you to need more than the index data, but * not always. For example, to correctly match null predicates like {a: {$eq: null}} you may * need to fetch the data to distinguish between a null and missing 'a' value (the index stores * both with a literal null), so would need INEXACT_FETCH bounds. And as an INEXACT_COVERED * example you could think of something like $mod where you can apply the predicate to the data * directly in the index, but $mod won't generate tight bounds so you still need to apply the * predicate. * * The integer values of the enum are significant, and are assigned in order of * increasing tightness. These values are used when we need to do comparison between two * BoundsTightness values. Such comparisons can answer questions such as "Does predicate * X have tighter or looser bounds than predicate Y?". */ enum BoundsTightness { // Index bounds are inexact, and a fetch is required. INEXACT_FETCH = 0, // Index bounds are inexact, but no fetch is required INEXACT_COVERED = 1, // Index bounds are exact. EXACT = 2 }; /** * Populate the provided O.I.L. with one interval goes from MinKey to MaxKey (or vice-versa * depending on the index direction). */ static void allValuesForField(const BSONElement& elt, OrderedIntervalList* out); /** * Returns true if 'expr' can correctly be assigned as an INEXACT_COVERED predicate to an index * scan over 'index'. * * The result of this function is not meaningful when the predicate applies to special fields * such as "hashed", "2d", or "2dsphere". That is, the caller is responsible for ensuring that * 'expr' is a candidate for covered matching over a regular ascending/descending field of the * index. */ static bool canUseCoveredMatching(const MatchExpression* expr, const IndexEntry& index); /** * Turn the MatchExpression in 'expr' into a set of index bounds. The field that 'expr' is * concerned with is indexed according to the keypattern element 'elt' from index 'index'. * * If 'expr' is elemMatch, the index tag is affixed to a child. * * The expression must be a predicate over one field. That is, expression category must be * kLeaf or kArrayMatching. * * If 'ietBuilder' is not null the given `expr` is turned into a Interval Evaluation Tree which * might be used to restore index bounds from a cached plan. */ static void translate(const MatchExpression* expr, const BSONElement& elt, const IndexEntry& index, OrderedIntervalList* oilOut, BoundsTightness* tightnessOut, interval_evaluation_tree::Builder* ietBuilder); /** * Turn the MatchExpression in 'expr' into a set of index bounds. The field that 'expr' is * concerned with is indexed according to the keypattern element 'elt' from index 'index'. This * function is used to evaluate index bounds from cached Interval Evaluation Trees. */ static void translate(const MatchExpression* expr, const BSONElement& elt, const IndexEntry& index, OrderedIntervalList* oilOut); /** * Creates bounds for 'expr' (indexed according to 'elt'). Intersects those bounds * with the bounds in oilOut, which is an in/out parameter. * * If 'ietBuilder' is not null the given `expr` is turned into a Interval Evaluation Tree which * might be used to restore index bounds from a cached plan. */ static void translateAndIntersect(const MatchExpression* expr, const BSONElement& elt, const IndexEntry& index, OrderedIntervalList* oilOut, BoundsTightness* tightnessOut, interval_evaluation_tree::Builder* ietBuilder); /** * Creates bounds for 'expr' (indexed according to 'elt'). Unions those bounds * with the bounds in oilOut, which is an in/out parameter. * * If 'ietBuilder' is not null the given `expr` is turned into a Interval Evaluation Tree which * might be used to restore index bounds from a cached plan. */ static void translateAndUnion(const MatchExpression* expr, const BSONElement& elt, const IndexEntry& index, OrderedIntervalList* oilOut, BoundsTightness* tightnessOut, interval_evaluation_tree::Builder* ietBuilder); /** * Make a range interval from the provided object. * The object must have exactly two fields. The first field is the start, the second the * end. * The BoundInclusion indicates whether or not the start/end fields are included in the * interval (closed interval if included, open if not). */ static Interval makeRangeInterval(const BSONObj& obj, BoundInclusion boundInclusion); static Interval makeRangeInterval(const std::string& start, const std::string& end, BoundInclusion boundInclusion); /** * Make a point interval from the provided object. * The object must have exactly one field which is the value of the point interval. */ static Interval makePointInterval(const BSONObj& obj); static Interval makePointInterval(StringData str); static Interval makePointInterval(double d); /** * Wraps 'elt' in a BSONObj with an empty field name and returns the result. If 'elt' is a * string, and 'collator' is non-null, the result contains the collator-generated comparison key * rather than the original string. */ static BSONObj objFromElement(const BSONElement& elt, const CollatorInterface* collator); /** * Swap start/end in the provided interval. */ static void reverseInterval(Interval* ival); /** * Returns a std::string that when used as a matcher, would match a superset of regex. Used to * optimize queries in some simple regex cases that start with '^'. * * Returns "" for complex regular expressions that cannot use tight index bounds. */ static std::string simpleRegex(const char* regex, const char* flags, const IndexEntry& index, BoundsTightness* tightnessOut); /** * Returns an Interval from minKey to maxKey */ static Interval allValues(); /** * Returns an Interval from minKey to maxKey, preserving the specified inclusion. */ static Interval allValuesRespectingInclusion(BoundInclusion bi); static void translateRegex(const RegexMatchExpression* rme, const IndexEntry& index, OrderedIntervalList* oil, BoundsTightness* tightnessOut); static void translateEquality(const BSONElement& data, const IndexEntry& index, bool isHashed, OrderedIntervalList* oil, BoundsTightness* tightnessOut); static void unionize(OrderedIntervalList* oilOut); static void intersectize(const OrderedIntervalList& arg, OrderedIntervalList* oilOut); /** * Fills out 'bounds' with the bounds for an index scan over all values of the * index described by 'keyPattern' in the default forward direction. */ static void allValuesBounds(const BSONObj& keyPattern, IndexBounds* bounds, bool hasNonSimpleCollation); /** * Assumes each OIL in 'bounds' is increasing. * * Aligns OILs (and bounds) according to the 'kp' direction * the scanDir. */ static void alignBounds(IndexBounds* bounds, const BSONObj& kp, bool hasNonSimpleCollation, int scanDir = 1); /** * Returns 'true' if the bounds 'bounds' can be represented as one interval between * 'startKey' and 'endKey'. Inclusivity of each bound is set through the relevant * (name)KeyInclusive parameter. Returns 'false' if otherwise. */ static bool isSingleInterval(const IndexBounds& bounds, BSONObj* startKey, bool* startKeyInclusive, BSONObj* endKey, bool* endKeyInclusive); /** * Returns 'true' if the ordered intervals 'oil' represent a strict null equality predicate. * Returns 'false' otherwise. */ static bool isNullInterval(const OrderedIntervalList& oil); /** * Returns 'true' if the ordered intervals 'oil' represent a strict equality predicate matching * null and the empty list. Returns 'false' otherwise. */ static bool isNullAndEmptyArrayInterval(const OrderedIntervalList& oil); /** * Appends the startKey and endKey of the given "all values" 'interval' (which is either * [MinKey, MaxKey] or [MaxKey, MinKey] interval) to the 'startBob' and 'endBob' respectively, * handling inclusivity of each bound through the relevant '*KeyInclusive' parameter. * * If the 'interval' is not an "all values" interval, does nothing. * * Precondition: startBob and endBob should contain one or more leading intervals which are not * "all values" intervals, to make the constructed interval valid. * * The decision whether to append MinKey or MaxKey value either to startBob or endBob is based * on the interval type (min -> max or max -> min), and inclusivity flags. * * As an example, consider the index {a:1, b:1} and a count for {a: {$gt: 2}}. Our start key * isn't inclusive (as it's $gt: 2) and looks like {"":2} so far. Because {a: 2, b: MaxKey} * sorts *after* any real-world data pair {a: 2, b: anything}, setting it as the start value * ensures that the first index entry we encounter will be the smallest key with a > 2. * * Same logic applies if the end key is not inclusive. Consider the index {a:1, b:1} and a count * for {a: {$lt: 2}}. Our end key isn't inclusive as ($lt: 2) and looks like {"":2} so far. * Because {a: 2, b: MinKey} sorts *before* any real-world data pair {a: 2, b: anything}, * setting it as the end value ensures that the final index entry we encounter will be the last * key with a < 2. */ static void appendTrailingAllValuesInterval(const Interval& interval, bool startKeyInclusive, bool endKeyInclusive, BSONObjBuilder* startBob, BSONObjBuilder* endBob); private: /** * Performs the heavy lifting for IndexBoundsBuilder::translate(). */ static void _translatePredicate(const MatchExpression* expr, const BSONElement& elt, const IndexEntry& index, OrderedIntervalList* oilOut, BoundsTightness* tightnessOut, interval_evaluation_tree::Builder* ietBuilder); }; } // namespace mongo