/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ /** * This file contains tests for mongo/db/query/index_bounds.cpp */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/db/json.h" #include "mongo/db/query/index_bounds.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" #include "mongo/util/str.h" #include "mongo/util/text.h" using namespace mongo; namespace { // // Validation // TEST(IndexBoundsTest, ValidBasic) { OrderedIntervalList list("foo"); list.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 7 << "" << 20), true, true)); IndexBounds bounds; bounds.fields.push_back(list); // Go forwards with data indexed forwards. ASSERT(bounds.isValidFor(BSON("foo" << 1), 1)); // Go backwards with data indexed backwards. ASSERT(bounds.isValidFor(BSON("foo" << -1), -1)); // Bounds are not oriented along the direction of traversal. ASSERT_FALSE(bounds.isValidFor(BSON("foo" << 1), -1)); // Bounds must match the index exactly. ASSERT_FALSE(bounds.isValidFor(BSON("foo" << 1 << "bar" << 1), 1)); ASSERT_FALSE(bounds.isValidFor(BSON("bar" << 1), 1)); } TEST(IndexBoundsTest, ValidTwoFields) { OrderedIntervalList list("foo"); list.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 7 << "" << 20), true, true)); IndexBounds bounds; bounds.fields.push_back(list); // Let's add another field OrderedIntervalList otherList("bar"); otherList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 0 << "" << 3), true, true)); bounds.fields.push_back(otherList); // These are OK. ASSERT(bounds.isValidFor(BSON("foo" << 1 << "bar" << 1), 1)); ASSERT(bounds.isValidFor(BSON("foo" << -1 << "bar" << -1), -1)); // Direction(s) don't match. ASSERT_FALSE(bounds.isValidFor(BSON("foo" << -1 << "bar" << 1), -1)); ASSERT_FALSE(bounds.isValidFor(BSON("foo" << 1 << "bar" << -1), -1)); // Index doesn't match. ASSERT_FALSE(bounds.isValidFor(BSON("foo" << 1), 1)); ASSERT_FALSE(bounds.isValidFor(BSON("bar" << 1 << "foo" << 1), 1)); } TEST(IndexBoundsTest, ValidIntervalsInOrder) { OrderedIntervalList list("foo"); // Whether navigated forward or backward, there's no valid ordering for these two intervals. list.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 7 << "" << 20), true, true)); list.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 0 << "" << 5), true, true)); IndexBounds bounds; bounds.fields.push_back(list); ASSERT_FALSE(bounds.isValidFor(BSON("foo" << 1), 1)); ASSERT_FALSE(bounds.isValidFor(BSON("foo" << -1), 1)); ASSERT_FALSE(bounds.isValidFor(BSON("foo" << 1), -1)); ASSERT_FALSE(bounds.isValidFor(BSON("foo" << -1), -1)); } TEST(IndexBoundsTest, ValidNoOverlappingIntervals) { OrderedIntervalList list("foo"); // overlapping intervals not allowed. list.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 7 << "" << 20), true, true)); list.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 19 << "" << 25), true, true)); IndexBounds bounds; bounds.fields.push_back(list); ASSERT_FALSE(bounds.isValidFor(BSON("foo" << 1), 1)); } TEST(IndexBoundsTest, ValidOverlapOnlyWhenBothOpen) { OrderedIntervalList list("foo"); list.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 7 << "" << 20), true, false)); list.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 20 << "" << 25), false, true)); IndexBounds bounds; bounds.fields.push_back(list); ASSERT(bounds.isValidFor(BSON("foo" << 1), 1)); } TEST(IndexBoundsCheckerTest, CheckOILReverse) { // Check that the reverse of an empty list is empty. OrderedIntervalList emptyList("someField"); emptyList.reverse(); OrderedIntervalList expectedReversedEmptyList("someField"); ASSERT_TRUE(emptyList == expectedReversedEmptyList); // The reverse of a single-interval OIL is just an OIL with that interval reversed. OrderedIntervalList singleEltList("xyz"); singleEltList.intervals = {Interval(BSON("" << 5 << "" << 0), false, false)}; singleEltList.reverse(); OrderedIntervalList expectedReversedSingleEltList("xyz"); expectedReversedSingleEltList.intervals = {Interval(BSON("" << 0 << "" << 5), false, false)}; ASSERT_TRUE(singleEltList == expectedReversedSingleEltList); // List with a few elements OrderedIntervalList fooList("foo"); fooList.intervals = {Interval(BSON("" << 40 << "" << 35), false, true), Interval(BSON("" << 30 << "" << 21), true, true), Interval(BSON("" << 20 << "" << 7), true, false)}; fooList.reverse(); OrderedIntervalList expectedReverseFooList("foo"); expectedReverseFooList.intervals = {Interval(BSON("" << 7 << "" << 20), false, true), Interval(BSON("" << 21 << "" << 30), true, true), Interval(BSON("" << 35 << "" << 40), true, false)}; ASSERT_TRUE(fooList == expectedReverseFooList); } TEST(IndexBoundsTest, OILReverseClone) { OrderedIntervalList emptyA("foo"); OrderedIntervalList emptyB = emptyA.reverseClone(); ASSERT(emptyA == emptyB); ASSERT(emptyA.computeDirection() == Interval::Direction::kDirectionNone); ASSERT(emptyB.computeDirection() == Interval::Direction::kDirectionNone); OrderedIntervalList list("foo"); list.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 7 << "" << 20), true, false)); list.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 20 << "" << 25), false, true)); OrderedIntervalList listClone = list.reverseClone(); OrderedIntervalList reverseList("foo"); reverseList.intervals = {Interval(BSON("" << 25 << "" << 20), true, false), Interval(BSON("" << 20 << "" << 7), false, true)}; ASSERT(reverseList == listClone); ASSERT(listClone.computeDirection() == Interval::Direction::kDirectionDescending); OrderedIntervalList descendingPoints("foo"); descendingPoints.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 7 << "" << 7), true, true)); descendingPoints.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 5 << "" << 5), true, true)); ASSERT(descendingPoints.computeDirection() == Interval::Direction::kDirectionDescending); OrderedIntervalList ascendingPoints = descendingPoints.reverseClone(); ASSERT(ascendingPoints.computeDirection() == Interval::Direction::kDirectionAscending); } // // Tests for OrderedIntervalList::complement() // /** * Get a BSONObj which represents the interval from * MinKey to 'end'. */ BSONObj minKeyIntObj(int end) { BSONObjBuilder bob; bob.appendMinKey(""); bob.appendNumber("", end); return bob.obj(); } /** * Get a BSONObj which represents the interval from * 'start' to MaxKey. */ BSONObj maxKeyIntObj(int start) { BSONObjBuilder bob; bob.appendNumber("", start); bob.appendMaxKey(""); return bob.obj(); } /** * Get a BSONObj which represents the interval * [MinKey, MaxKey]. */ BSONObj allValues() { BSONObjBuilder bob; bob.appendMinKey(""); bob.appendMaxKey(""); return bob.obj(); } /** * Test that if we complement the OIL twice, * we get back the original OIL. */ void testDoubleComplement(const OrderedIntervalList* oil) { OrderedIntervalList clone; for (size_t i = 0; i < oil->intervals.size(); ++i) { clone.intervals.push_back(oil->intervals[i]); } clone.complement(); clone.complement(); ASSERT_EQUALS(oil->intervals.size(), clone.intervals.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < oil->intervals.size(); ++i) { ASSERT_EQUALS(Interval::INTERVAL_EQUALS, oil->intervals[i].compare(clone.intervals[i])); } } // Complement of empty is [MinKey, MaxKey] TEST(IndexBoundsTest, ComplementEmptyOil) { OrderedIntervalList oil; testDoubleComplement(&oil); oil.complement(); ASSERT_EQUALS(oil.intervals.size(), 1U); ASSERT_EQUALS(Interval::INTERVAL_EQUALS, oil.intervals[0].compare(Interval(allValues(), true, true))); } // Complement of [MinKey, MaxKey] is empty TEST(IndexBoundsTest, ComplementAllValues) { OrderedIntervalList oil; oil.intervals.push_back(Interval(allValues(), true, true)); testDoubleComplement(&oil); oil.complement(); ASSERT_EQUALS(oil.intervals.size(), 0U); } // Complement of [MinKey, 3), [5, MaxKey) is // [3, 5), [MaxKey, MaxKey]. TEST(IndexBoundsTest, ComplementRanges) { OrderedIntervalList oil; oil.intervals.push_back(Interval(minKeyIntObj(3), true, false)); oil.intervals.push_back(Interval(maxKeyIntObj(5), true, false)); testDoubleComplement(&oil); oil.complement(); ASSERT_EQUALS(oil.intervals.size(), 2U); ASSERT_EQUALS(Interval::INTERVAL_EQUALS, oil.intervals[0].compare(Interval(BSON("" << 3 << "" << 5), true, false))); // Make the interval [MaxKey, MaxKey]. BSONObjBuilder bob; bob.appendMaxKey(""); bob.appendMaxKey(""); BSONObj maxKeyInt = bob.obj(); ASSERT_EQUALS(Interval::INTERVAL_EQUALS, oil.intervals[1].compare(Interval(maxKeyInt, true, true))); } // Complement of (MinKey, 3), (3, MaxKey) is // [MinKey, MinKey], [3, 3], [MaxKey, MaxKey]. TEST(IndexBoundsTest, ComplementRanges2) { OrderedIntervalList oil; oil.intervals.push_back(Interval(minKeyIntObj(3), false, false)); oil.intervals.push_back(Interval(maxKeyIntObj(3), false, false)); testDoubleComplement(&oil); oil.complement(); ASSERT_EQUALS(oil.intervals.size(), 3U); // First interval is [MinKey, MinKey] BSONObjBuilder minBob; minBob.appendMinKey(""); minBob.appendMinKey(""); BSONObj minObj = minBob.obj(); ASSERT_EQUALS(Interval::INTERVAL_EQUALS, oil.intervals[0].compare(Interval(minObj, true, true))); // Second is [3, 3] ASSERT_EQUALS(Interval::INTERVAL_EQUALS, oil.intervals[1].compare(Interval(BSON("" << 3 << "" << 3), true, true))); // Third is [MaxKey, MaxKey] BSONObjBuilder maxBob; maxBob.appendMaxKey(""); maxBob.appendMaxKey(""); BSONObj maxObj = maxBob.obj(); ASSERT_EQUALS(Interval::INTERVAL_EQUALS, oil.intervals[2].compare(Interval(maxObj, true, true))); } // // Equality // TEST(IndexBoundsTest, IndexBoundsEqual) { // Both sets of bounds are {a: [[1, 3), (4, 5]], b: [[1,1]]} OrderedIntervalList oil1; oil1.name = "a"; oil1.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 3), true, false)); oil1.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 4 << "" << 5), false, true)); OrderedIntervalList oil2; oil2.name = "b"; oil2.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 1), true, true)); IndexBounds bounds1; bounds1.fields.push_back(oil1); bounds1.fields.push_back(oil2); OrderedIntervalList oil3; oil3.name = "a"; oil3.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 3), true, false)); oil3.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 4 << "" << 5), false, true)); OrderedIntervalList oil4; oil4.name = "b"; oil4.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 1), true, true)); IndexBounds bounds2; bounds2.fields.push_back(oil3); bounds2.fields.push_back(oil4); ASSERT_TRUE(bounds1 == bounds2); ASSERT_FALSE(bounds1 != bounds2); } TEST(IndexBoundsTest, EmptyBoundsEqual) { IndexBounds bounds1; IndexBounds bounds2; ASSERT_TRUE(bounds1 == bounds2); ASSERT_FALSE(bounds1 != bounds2); } TEST(IndexBoundsTest, SimpleRangeBoundsEqual) { IndexBounds bounds1; bounds1.isSimpleRange = true; bounds1.startKey = BSON("" << 1 << "" << 3); bounds1.endKey = BSON("" << 2 << "" << 4); bounds1.boundInclusion = BoundInclusion::kIncludeStartKeyOnly; IndexBounds bounds2; bounds2.isSimpleRange = true; bounds2.startKey = BSON("" << 1 << "" << 3); bounds2.endKey = BSON("" << 2 << "" << 4); bounds2.boundInclusion = BoundInclusion::kIncludeStartKeyOnly; ASSERT_TRUE(bounds1 == bounds2); ASSERT_FALSE(bounds1 != bounds2); } TEST(IndexBoundsTest, BoundsNotEqualDifferentFieldNames) { // First set of bounds: {a: [[1, 3), (4, 5]], b: [[1,1]]} OrderedIntervalList oil1; oil1.name = "a"; oil1.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 3), true, false)); oil1.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 4 << "" << 5), false, true)); OrderedIntervalList oil2; oil2.name = "b"; oil2.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 1), true, true)); IndexBounds bounds1; bounds1.fields.push_back(oil1); bounds1.fields.push_back(oil2); // Second set of bounds identical except for the second field name: // {a: [[1, 3), (4, 5]], c: [[1,1]]} OrderedIntervalList oil3; oil3.name = "a"; oil3.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 3), true, false)); oil3.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 4 << "" << 5), false, true)); OrderedIntervalList oil4; oil4.name = "c"; oil4.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 1), true, true)); IndexBounds bounds2; bounds2.fields.push_back(oil3); bounds2.fields.push_back(oil4); ASSERT_FALSE(bounds1 == bounds2); ASSERT_TRUE(bounds1 != bounds2); } TEST(IndexBoundsTest, BoundsNotEqualOneRangeExclusive) { // First set of bounds: {a: [[1, 3), (4, 5]], b: [[1,1]]} OrderedIntervalList oil1; oil1.name = "a"; oil1.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 3), true, false)); oil1.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 4 << "" << 5), false, true)); OrderedIntervalList oil2; oil2.name = "b"; oil2.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 1), true, true)); IndexBounds bounds1; bounds1.fields.push_back(oil1); bounds1.fields.push_back(oil2); // Second set of bounds identical except for (4, 5] changed to (4, 5): // {a: [[1, 3), (4, 5]], b: [[1,1]]} OrderedIntervalList oil3; oil3.name = "a"; oil3.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 3), true, false)); oil3.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 4 << "" << 5), false, false)); OrderedIntervalList oil4; oil4.name = "b"; oil4.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 1), true, true)); IndexBounds bounds2; bounds2.fields.push_back(oil3); bounds2.fields.push_back(oil4); ASSERT_FALSE(bounds1 == bounds2); ASSERT_TRUE(bounds1 != bounds2); } TEST(IndexBoundsTest, BoundsNotEqualExtraInterval) { // First set of bounds: {a: [[1, 3), (4, 5]], b: [[1,1]]} OrderedIntervalList oil1; oil1.name = "a"; oil1.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 3), true, false)); oil1.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 4 << "" << 5), false, true)); OrderedIntervalList oil2; oil2.name = "b"; oil2.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 1), true, true)); IndexBounds bounds1; bounds1.fields.push_back(oil1); bounds1.fields.push_back(oil2); // Second set of bounds has an additional interval for field 'a': // {a: [[1, 3), (4, 5], (6, 7)], b: [[1,1]]} OrderedIntervalList oil3; oil3.name = "a"; oil3.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 3), true, false)); oil3.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 4 << "" << 5), false, true)); oil3.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 6 << "" << 7), false, false)); OrderedIntervalList oil4; oil4.name = "b"; oil4.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 1), true, true)); IndexBounds bounds2; bounds2.fields.push_back(oil3); bounds2.fields.push_back(oil4); ASSERT_FALSE(bounds1 == bounds2); ASSERT_TRUE(bounds1 != bounds2); } TEST(IndexBoundsTest, BoundsNotEqualExtraField) { // First set of bounds: {a: [[1, 3), (4, 5]], b: [[1,1]]} OrderedIntervalList oil1; oil1.name = "a"; oil1.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 3), true, false)); oil1.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 4 << "" << 5), false, true)); OrderedIntervalList oil2; oil2.name = "b"; oil2.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 1), true, true)); IndexBounds bounds1; bounds1.fields.push_back(oil1); bounds1.fields.push_back(oil2); // Second set of bounds has an additional field 'c': // {a: [[1, 3), (4, 5]], b: [[1,1]], c: [[1]]} OrderedIntervalList oil3; oil3.name = "a"; oil3.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 3), true, false)); oil3.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 4 << "" << 5), false, true)); OrderedIntervalList oil4; oil4.name = "b"; oil4.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 1), true, true)); OrderedIntervalList oil5; oil4.name = "c"; oil4.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 1), true, true)); IndexBounds bounds2; bounds2.fields.push_back(oil3); bounds2.fields.push_back(oil4); bounds2.fields.push_back(oil5); ASSERT_FALSE(bounds1 == bounds2); ASSERT_TRUE(bounds1 != bounds2); } TEST(IndexBoundsTest, SimpleRangeBoundsNotEqualToRegularBounds) { IndexBounds bounds1; bounds1.isSimpleRange = true; bounds1.startKey = BSON("" << 1 << "" << 3); bounds1.endKey = BSON("" << 2 << "" << 4); bounds1.boundInclusion = BoundInclusion::kIncludeStartKeyOnly; IndexBounds bounds2; OrderedIntervalList oil; oil.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 1), true, true)); bounds2.fields.push_back(oil); ASSERT_FALSE(bounds1 == bounds2); ASSERT_TRUE(bounds1 != bounds2); } TEST(IndexBoundsTest, SimpleRangeBoundsNotEqualDifferentStartKey) { IndexBounds bounds1; bounds1.isSimpleRange = true; bounds1.startKey = BSON("" << 1 << "" << 3); bounds1.endKey = BSON("" << 2 << "" << 4); bounds1.boundInclusion = BoundInclusion::kIncludeStartKeyOnly; IndexBounds bounds2; bounds1.isSimpleRange = true; bounds1.startKey = BSON("" << 1 << "" << 1); bounds1.endKey = BSON("" << 2 << "" << 4); bounds1.boundInclusion = BoundInclusion::kIncludeStartKeyOnly; ASSERT_FALSE(bounds1 == bounds2); ASSERT_TRUE(bounds1 != bounds2); } TEST(IndexBoundsTest, SimpleRangeBoundsNotEqualDifferentEndKey) { IndexBounds bounds1; bounds1.isSimpleRange = true; bounds1.startKey = BSON("" << 1 << "" << 3); bounds1.endKey = BSON("" << 2 << "" << 4); bounds1.boundInclusion = BoundInclusion::kIncludeStartKeyOnly; IndexBounds bounds2; bounds1.isSimpleRange = true; bounds1.startKey = BSON("" << 1 << "" << 3); bounds1.endKey = BSON("" << 2 << "" << 99); bounds1.boundInclusion = BoundInclusion::kIncludeStartKeyOnly; ASSERT_FALSE(bounds1 == bounds2); ASSERT_TRUE(bounds1 != bounds2); } TEST(IndexBoundsTest, SimpleRangeBoundsNotEqualDifferentEndKeyInclusive) { IndexBounds bounds1; bounds1.isSimpleRange = true; bounds1.startKey = BSON("" << 1 << "" << 3); bounds1.endKey = BSON("" << 2 << "" << 4); bounds1.boundInclusion = BoundInclusion::kIncludeStartKeyOnly; IndexBounds bounds2; bounds1.isSimpleRange = true; bounds1.startKey = BSON("" << 1 << "" << 3); bounds1.endKey = BSON("" << 2 << "" << 4); bounds1.boundInclusion = BoundInclusion::kIncludeBothStartAndEndKeys; ASSERT_FALSE(bounds1 == bounds2); ASSERT_TRUE(bounds1 != bounds2); } TEST(IndexBoundsTest, ForwardizeSimpleRange) { IndexBounds bounds1; bounds1.isSimpleRange = true; bounds1.startKey = BSON("" << 2 << "" << 4); bounds1.endKey = BSON("" << 1 << "" << 3); bounds1.boundInclusion = BoundInclusion::kIncludeStartKeyOnly; IndexBounds expectedBounds1; expectedBounds1.isSimpleRange = true; expectedBounds1.startKey = bounds1.endKey; expectedBounds1.endKey = bounds1.startKey; expectedBounds1.boundInclusion = BoundInclusion::kIncludeEndKeyOnly; ASSERT(bounds1.forwardize() == expectedBounds1); IndexBounds bounds2; bounds1.isSimpleRange = true; bounds1.startKey = BSON("" << 1 << "" << 3); bounds1.endKey = BSON("" << 2 << "" << 4); bounds1.boundInclusion = BoundInclusion::kIncludeStartKeyOnly; ASSERT(bounds2 == bounds2.forwardize()); } TEST(IndexBoundsTest, ForwardizeOnNonSimpleRangeShouldOnlyReverseDescendingRanges) { OrderedIntervalList fooList("foo"); fooList.intervals = {Interval(BSON("" << 7 << "" << 20), true, true)}; OrderedIntervalList barList("bar"); barList.intervals = {Interval(BSON("" << 10 << "" << 5), false, false), Interval(BSON("" << 4 << "" << 3), false, false)}; IndexBounds bounds; bounds.fields = {fooList, barList}; IndexBounds forwardizedBounds = bounds.forwardize(); IndexBounds expectedBounds; expectedBounds.fields = {fooList, barList.reverseClone()}; ASSERT(expectedBounds == forwardizedBounds); } // // Iteration over // TEST(IndexBoundsCheckerTest, StartKey) { OrderedIntervalList fooList("foo"); fooList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 7 << "" << 20), true, true)); OrderedIntervalList barList("bar"); barList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 0 << "" << 5), false, false)); IndexBounds bounds; bounds.fields.push_back(fooList); bounds.fields.push_back(barList); IndexBoundsChecker it(&bounds, BSON("foo" << 1 << "bar" << 1), 1); IndexSeekPoint seekPoint; it.getStartSeekPoint(&seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.keySuffix[0]->numberInt(), 7); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.suffixInclusive[0], true); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.keySuffix[1]->numberInt(), 0); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.suffixInclusive[1], false); } TEST(IndexBoundsCheckerTest, CheckEnd) { OrderedIntervalList fooList("foo"); fooList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 7 << "" << 20), true, true)); fooList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 21 << "" << 30), true, false)); OrderedIntervalList barList("bar"); barList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 0 << "" << 5), false, false)); IndexBounds bounds; bounds.fields.push_back(fooList); bounds.fields.push_back(barList); IndexBoundsChecker it(&bounds, BSON("foo" << 1 << "bar" << 1), 1); IndexSeekPoint seekPoint; IndexBoundsChecker::KeyState state; // Start at something in our range. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 7 << "" << 1), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::VALID); // Second field moves past the end, but we're not done, since there's still an interval in // the previous field that the key hasn't advanced to. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 20 << "" << 5), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::MUST_ADVANCE); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.prefixLen, 1); ASSERT(seekPoint.prefixExclusive); // The next index key is in the second interval for 'foo' and there is a valid interval for // 'bar'. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 22 << "" << 1), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::VALID); // The next index key is very close to the end of the open interval for foo, and it's past // the interval for 'bar'. Since the interval for foo is open, we are asked to move // forward, since we possibly could. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 29.9 << "" << 5), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::MUST_ADVANCE); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.prefixLen, 1); ASSERT(seekPoint.prefixExclusive); } TEST(IndexBoundsCheckerTest, MoveIntervalForwardToNextInterval) { OrderedIntervalList fooList("foo"); fooList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 7 << "" << 20), true, true)); fooList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 21 << "" << 30), true, false)); OrderedIntervalList barList("bar"); barList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 0 << "" << 5), false, false)); IndexBounds bounds; bounds.fields.push_back(fooList); bounds.fields.push_back(barList); IndexBoundsChecker it(&bounds, BSON("foo" << 1 << "bar" << 1), 1); IndexSeekPoint seekPoint; IndexBoundsChecker::KeyState state; // Start at something in our range. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 7 << "" << 1), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::VALID); // "foo" moves between two intervals. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 20.5 << "" << 1), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::MUST_ADVANCE); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.prefixLen, 0); // Should be told to move exactly to the next interval's beginning. ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.prefixExclusive, false); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.keySuffix[0]->numberInt(), 21); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.suffixInclusive[0], true); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.keySuffix[1]->numberInt(), 0); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.suffixInclusive[1], false); } TEST(IndexBoundsCheckerTest, MoveIntervalForwardManyIntervals) { OrderedIntervalList fooList("foo"); fooList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 7 << "" << 20), true, true)); fooList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 21 << "" << 30), true, false)); fooList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 31 << "" << 40), true, false)); fooList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 41 << "" << 50), true, false)); IndexBounds bounds; bounds.fields.push_back(fooList); IndexBoundsChecker it(&bounds, BSON("foo" << 1), 1); IndexSeekPoint seekPoint; IndexBoundsChecker::KeyState state; // Start at something in our range. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 7), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::VALID); // "foo" moves forward a few intervals. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 42), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::VALID); } TEST(IndexBoundsCheckerTest, SimpleCheckKey) { OrderedIntervalList fooList("foo"); fooList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 7 << "" << 20), true, true)); OrderedIntervalList barList("bar"); barList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 0 << "" << 5), false, true)); IndexBounds bounds; bounds.fields.push_back(fooList); bounds.fields.push_back(barList); IndexBoundsChecker it(&bounds, BSON("foo" << 1 << "bar" << 1), 1); IndexSeekPoint seekPoint; IndexBoundsChecker::KeyState state; // Start at something in our range. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 7 << "" << 1), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::VALID); // The rightmost key is past the range. We should be told to move past the key before the // one whose interval we exhausted. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 7 << "" << 5.00001), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::MUST_ADVANCE); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.prefixLen, 1); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.prefixExclusive, true); // Move a little forward, but note that the rightmost key isn't in the interval yet. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 7.2 << "" << 0), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::MUST_ADVANCE); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.prefixLen, 1); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.prefixExclusive, false); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.keySuffix[1]->numberInt(), 0); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.suffixInclusive[1], false); // Move to the edge of both intervals, 20,5 state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 20 << "" << 5), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::VALID); // And a little beyond. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 20 << "" << 5.1), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::DONE); } TEST(IndexBoundsCheckerTest, FirstKeyMovedIsOKSecondKeyMustMove) { OrderedIntervalList fooList("foo"); fooList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 0 << "" << 9), true, true)); fooList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 10 << "" << 20), true, true)); OrderedIntervalList barList("bar"); barList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 0 << "" << 5), false, true)); IndexBounds bounds; bounds.fields.push_back(fooList); bounds.fields.push_back(barList); IndexBoundsChecker it(&bounds, BSON("foo" << 1 << "bar" << 1), 1); IndexSeekPoint seekPoint; IndexBoundsChecker::KeyState state; // Start at something in our range. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 0 << "" << 1), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::VALID); // First key moves to next interval, second key needs to be advanced. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 10 << "" << -1), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::MUST_ADVANCE); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.prefixLen, 1); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.prefixExclusive, false); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.keySuffix[1]->numberInt(), 0); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.suffixInclusive[1], false); } TEST(IndexBoundsCheckerTest, SecondIntervalMustRewind) { OrderedIntervalList first("first"); first.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 25 << "" << 30), true, true)); OrderedIntervalList second("second"); second.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 0 << "" << 0), true, true)); second.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 9 << "" << 9), true, true)); IndexBounds bounds; bounds.fields.push_back(first); bounds.fields.push_back(second); BSONObj idx = BSON("first" << 1 << "second" << 1); ASSERT(bounds.isValidFor(idx, 1)); IndexBoundsChecker it(&bounds, idx, 1); IndexSeekPoint seekPoint; IndexBoundsChecker::KeyState state; state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 25 << "" << 0), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::VALID); state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 25 << "" << 1), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::MUST_ADVANCE); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.prefixLen, 1); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.prefixExclusive, false); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.keySuffix[1]->numberInt(), 9); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.suffixInclusive[1], true); state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 25 << "" << 9), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::VALID); // First key moved forward. The second key moved back to a valid state but it's behind // the interval that the checker thought it was in. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 26 << "" << 0), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::VALID); } TEST(IndexBoundsCheckerTest, SimpleCheckKeyBackwards) { OrderedIntervalList fooList("foo"); fooList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 20 << "" << 7), true, true)); OrderedIntervalList barList("bar"); barList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 5 << "" << 0), true, false)); IndexBounds bounds; bounds.fields.push_back(fooList); bounds.fields.push_back(barList); BSONObj idx = BSON("foo" << -1 << "bar" << -1); ASSERT(bounds.isValidFor(idx, 1)); IndexBoundsChecker it(&bounds, idx, 1); IndexSeekPoint seekPoint; IndexBoundsChecker::KeyState state; // Start at something in our range. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 20 << "" << 5), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::VALID); // The rightmost key is past the range. We should be told to move past the key before the // one whose interval we exhausted. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 20 << "" << 0), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::MUST_ADVANCE); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.prefixLen, 1); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.prefixExclusive, true); // Move a little forward, but note that the rightmost key isn't in the interval yet. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 19 << "" << 6), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::MUST_ADVANCE); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.prefixLen, 1); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.prefixExclusive, false); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.keySuffix[1]->numberInt(), 5); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.suffixInclusive[1], true); // Move to the edge of both intervals state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 7 << "" << 0.01), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::VALID); // And a little beyond. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 7 << "" << 0), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::DONE); } TEST(IndexBoundsCheckerTest, CheckEndBackwards) { OrderedIntervalList fooList("foo"); fooList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 30 << "" << 21), true, true)); fooList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 20 << "" << 7), true, false)); OrderedIntervalList barList("bar"); barList.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 0 << "" << 5), false, false)); IndexBounds bounds; bounds.fields.push_back(fooList); bounds.fields.push_back(barList); BSONObj idx = BSON("foo" << 1 << "bar" << -1); ASSERT(bounds.isValidFor(idx, -1)); IndexBoundsChecker it(&bounds, idx, -1); IndexSeekPoint seekPoint; IndexBoundsChecker::KeyState state; // Start at something in our range. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 30 << "" << 1), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::VALID); // Second field moves past the end, but we're not done, since there's still an interval in // the previous field that the key hasn't advanced to. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 30 << "" << 5), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::MUST_ADVANCE); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.prefixLen, 1); ASSERT(seekPoint.prefixExclusive); // The next index key is in the second interval for 'foo' and there is a valid interval for // 'bar'. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 20 << "" << 1), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::VALID); // The next index key is very close to the end of the open interval for foo, and it's past // the interval for 'bar'. Since the interval for foo is open, we are asked to move // forward, since we possibly could. state = it.checkKey(BSON("" << 7.001 << "" << 5), &seekPoint); ASSERT_EQUALS(state, IndexBoundsChecker::MUST_ADVANCE); ASSERT_EQUALS(seekPoint.prefixLen, 1); ASSERT(seekPoint.prefixExclusive); } // // IndexBoundsChecker::findIntervalForField // /** * Returns string representation of IndexBoundsChecker::Location. */ std::string toString(IndexBoundsChecker::Location location) { switch (location) { case IndexBoundsChecker::BEHIND: return "BEHIND"; case IndexBoundsChecker::WITHIN: return "WITHIN"; case IndexBoundsChecker::AHEAD: return "AHEAD"; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } /** * Test function for findIntervalForField. * Constructs a list of point intervals from 'points' and searches for 'key' * using findIntervalForField(). Verifies expected location and index (if expectedLocation * is BEHIND or WITHIN). * 'points' is provided in BSON format: {points: [pt1, pt2, pt4, ...] */ void testFindIntervalForField(int key, const BSONObj& pointsObj, const int expectedDirection, IndexBoundsChecker::Location expectedLocation, size_t expectedIntervalIndex) { // Create key BSONElement. BSONObj keyObj = BSON("" << key); BSONElement keyElt = keyObj.firstElement(); // Construct point intervals. OrderedIntervalList oil("foo"); BSONObjIterator i(pointsObj.getObjectField("points")); while (i.more()) { BSONElement e = i.next(); int j = e.numberInt(); oil.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << j << "" << j), true, true)); } size_t intervalIndex = 0; IndexBoundsChecker::Location location = IndexBoundsChecker::findIntervalForField(keyElt, oil, expectedDirection, &intervalIndex); if (expectedLocation != location) { str::stream ss; ss << "Unexpected location from findIntervalForField: key=" << keyElt << "; intervals=" << oil.toString() << "; direction=" << expectedDirection << ". Expected: " << toString(expectedLocation) << ". Actual: " << toString(location); FAIL(ss); } // Check interval index if location is BEHIND or WITHIN. if ((IndexBoundsChecker::BEHIND == expectedLocation || IndexBoundsChecker::WITHIN == expectedLocation) && expectedIntervalIndex != intervalIndex) { str::stream ss; ss << "Unexpected interval index from findIntervalForField: key=" << keyElt << "; intervals=" << oil.toString() << "; direction=" << expectedDirection << "; location= " << toString(location) << ". Expected: " << expectedIntervalIndex << ". Actual: " << intervalIndex; FAIL(ss); } } TEST(IndexBoundsCheckerTest, FindIntervalForField) { // No intervals BSONObj pointsObj = fromjson("{points: []}"); testFindIntervalForField(5, pointsObj, 1, IndexBoundsChecker::AHEAD, 0U); testFindIntervalForField(5, pointsObj, -1, IndexBoundsChecker::AHEAD, 0U); // One interval pointsObj = fromjson("{points: [5]}"); testFindIntervalForField(4, pointsObj, 1, IndexBoundsChecker::BEHIND, 0U); testFindIntervalForField(5, pointsObj, 1, IndexBoundsChecker::WITHIN, 0U); testFindIntervalForField(6, pointsObj, 1, IndexBoundsChecker::AHEAD, 0U); // One interval - reverse direction pointsObj = fromjson("{points: [5]}"); testFindIntervalForField(6, pointsObj, -1, IndexBoundsChecker::BEHIND, 0U); testFindIntervalForField(5, pointsObj, -1, IndexBoundsChecker::WITHIN, 0U); testFindIntervalForField(4, pointsObj, -1, IndexBoundsChecker::AHEAD, 0U); // Two intervals // Verifies off-by-one handling in upper bound of binary search. pointsObj = fromjson("{points: [5, 7]}"); testFindIntervalForField(4, pointsObj, 1, IndexBoundsChecker::BEHIND, 0U); testFindIntervalForField(5, pointsObj, 1, IndexBoundsChecker::WITHIN, 0U); testFindIntervalForField(6, pointsObj, 1, IndexBoundsChecker::BEHIND, 1U); testFindIntervalForField(7, pointsObj, 1, IndexBoundsChecker::WITHIN, 1U); testFindIntervalForField(8, pointsObj, 1, IndexBoundsChecker::AHEAD, 0U); // Two intervals - reverse direction // Verifies off-by-one handling in upper bound of binary search. pointsObj = fromjson("{points: [7, 5]}"); testFindIntervalForField(8, pointsObj, -1, IndexBoundsChecker::BEHIND, 0U); testFindIntervalForField(7, pointsObj, -1, IndexBoundsChecker::WITHIN, 0U); testFindIntervalForField(6, pointsObj, -1, IndexBoundsChecker::BEHIND, 1U); testFindIntervalForField(5, pointsObj, -1, IndexBoundsChecker::WITHIN, 1U); testFindIntervalForField(4, pointsObj, -1, IndexBoundsChecker::AHEAD, 0U); // Multiple intervals - odd number of intervals. pointsObj = fromjson("{points: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]}"); testFindIntervalForField(0, pointsObj, 1, IndexBoundsChecker::BEHIND, 0U); testFindIntervalForField(1, pointsObj, 1, IndexBoundsChecker::WITHIN, 0U); testFindIntervalForField(2, pointsObj, 1, IndexBoundsChecker::BEHIND, 1U); testFindIntervalForField(3, pointsObj, 1, IndexBoundsChecker::WITHIN, 1U); testFindIntervalForField(4, pointsObj, 1, IndexBoundsChecker::BEHIND, 2U); testFindIntervalForField(5, pointsObj, 1, IndexBoundsChecker::WITHIN, 2U); testFindIntervalForField(6, pointsObj, 1, IndexBoundsChecker::BEHIND, 3U); testFindIntervalForField(7, pointsObj, 1, IndexBoundsChecker::WITHIN, 3U); testFindIntervalForField(8, pointsObj, 1, IndexBoundsChecker::BEHIND, 4U); testFindIntervalForField(9, pointsObj, 1, IndexBoundsChecker::WITHIN, 4U); testFindIntervalForField(10, pointsObj, 1, IndexBoundsChecker::AHEAD, 0U); // Multiple intervals - even number of intervals, reverse direction // Interval order has to match direction. pointsObj = fromjson("{points: [7, 5, 3, 1]}"); testFindIntervalForField(8, pointsObj, -1, IndexBoundsChecker::BEHIND, 0U); testFindIntervalForField(7, pointsObj, -1, IndexBoundsChecker::WITHIN, 0U); testFindIntervalForField(6, pointsObj, -1, IndexBoundsChecker::BEHIND, 1U); testFindIntervalForField(5, pointsObj, -1, IndexBoundsChecker::WITHIN, 1U); testFindIntervalForField(4, pointsObj, -1, IndexBoundsChecker::BEHIND, 2U); testFindIntervalForField(3, pointsObj, -1, IndexBoundsChecker::WITHIN, 2U); testFindIntervalForField(2, pointsObj, -1, IndexBoundsChecker::BEHIND, 3U); testFindIntervalForField(1, pointsObj, -1, IndexBoundsChecker::WITHIN, 3U); testFindIntervalForField(0, pointsObj, -1, IndexBoundsChecker::AHEAD, 0U); } } // namespace