/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include #include #include "mongo/db/field_ref.h" #include "mongo/db/index/index_descriptor.h" #include "mongo/db/index/multikey_paths.h" #include "mongo/db/index_names.h" #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/util/container_size_helper.h" #include "mongo/util/str.h" namespace mongo { class CollatorInterface; class MatchExpression; class WildcardProjection; /** * A CoreIndexInfo is a representation of an index in the catalog with parsed information which is * used for updating indexability discriminators. Its lifetime is not tied to the underlying * collection. It is a subset of IndexEntry and is missing fields that are expensive or unavailable. */ struct CoreIndexInfo { struct Identifier; CoreIndexInfo(const BSONObj& kp, IndexType type, bool sp, Identifier ident, const MatchExpression* fe = nullptr, const CollatorInterface* ci = nullptr, const WildcardProjection* wildcardProj = nullptr) : identifier(std::move(ident)), keyPattern(kp), filterExpr(fe), type(type), sparse(sp), collator(ci), wildcardProjection(wildcardProj) { // We always expect a projection executor for $** indexes, and none otherwise. invariant((type == IndexType::INDEX_WILDCARD) == (wildcardProjection != nullptr)); } virtual ~CoreIndexInfo() = default; /** * This struct is used to uniquely identify an index. The index "Identifier" has two * components: catalog name, and "disambiguator". The catalog name is just the name of the * index in the catalog. The disambiguator is used by the planner when multiple IndexEntries * may refer to the same underlying index in the catalog. This can only happen with $** * indices. Otherwise, the disambiguator should be empty. * * Has the same comparison and equality semantics as std::pair. * */ struct Identifier { explicit Identifier(std::string aCatalogName) : catalogName(std::move(aCatalogName)) {} Identifier(std::string aCatalogName, std::string nameDisambiguator) : catalogName(std::move(aCatalogName)), disambiguator(std::move(nameDisambiguator)) {} bool operator==(const Identifier& other) const { return other.catalogName == catalogName && other.disambiguator == disambiguator; } bool operator!=(const Identifier& other) const { return !(*this == other); } bool operator<(const Identifier& other) const { const auto cmpRes = catalogName.compare(other.catalogName); if (cmpRes != 0) { return cmpRes < 0; } return disambiguator < other.disambiguator; } std::string toString() const { return "(" + catalogName + ", " + disambiguator + ")"; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return catalogName.capacity() + disambiguator.capacity() + sizeof(*this); } // The name of the index in the catalog. std::string catalogName; // A string used for disambiguating multiple IndexEntries with the same catalogName (such // as in the case with a wildcard index). std::string disambiguator; } identifier; BSONObj keyPattern; const MatchExpression* filterExpr; // What type of index is this? (What access method can we use on the index described by the // keyPattern?) IndexType type; bool sparse; // Null if this index orders strings according to the simple binary compare. If non-null, // represents the collator used to generate index keys for indexed strings. const CollatorInterface* collator = nullptr; // For $** indexes, a pointer to the projection executor owned by the index access method. Null // unless this IndexEntry represents a wildcard index, in which case this is always non-null. const WildcardProjection* wildcardProjection = nullptr; }; /** * An IndexEntry is a representation of an index in the catalog with parsed information which is * helpful for query planning. Its lifetime is not tied to the underlying collection. In contrast * to CoreIndexInfo, it includes information such as 'multikeyPaths' which can require resources to * compute (i.e. for wildcard indexes, this requires reading the index) and so may not always be * available. */ struct IndexEntry : CoreIndexInfo { IndexEntry(const BSONObj& kp, IndexType type, IndexDescriptor::IndexVersion version, bool mk, const MultikeyPaths& mkp, std::set multikeyPathSet, bool sp, bool unq, Identifier ident, const MatchExpression* fe, const BSONObj& io, const CollatorInterface* ci, const WildcardProjection* wildcardProjection) : CoreIndexInfo(kp, type, sp, std::move(ident), fe, ci, wildcardProjection), version(version), multikey(mk), multikeyPaths(mkp), multikeyPathSet(std::move(multikeyPathSet)), unique(unq), infoObj(io) { // The caller must not supply multikey metadata in two different formats. invariant(multikeyPaths.empty() || multikeyPathSet.empty()); } IndexEntry(const IndexEntry&) = default; IndexEntry(IndexEntry&&) = default; IndexEntry& operator=(const IndexEntry&) = default; IndexEntry& operator=(IndexEntry&&) = default; ~IndexEntry() { // An IndexEntry should never have both formats of multikey metadata simultaneously. invariant(multikeyPaths.empty() || multikeyPathSet.empty()); } /** * Returns true if 'indexedField' has any multikey components. For example, returns true if this * index has a multikey component "a", and 'indexedField' is "a.b". Illegal to call unless * 'indexedField' is present in this index's key pattern. * * For indexes created on older versions we may not have path-level multikey information. In * these cases we only have a single boolean to track whether any path in the index is multikey. * If this is the case we defensively return true for any path. */ bool pathHasMultikeyComponent(StringData indexedField) const; bool operator==(const IndexEntry& rhs) const { // Indexes are logically equal when names are equal. return this->identifier == rhs.identifier; } std::string toString() const; uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return // For each element in 'multikeyPaths' add the 'length of the vector * size of the // vector element'. container_size_helper::estimateObjectSizeInBytes( multikeyPaths, [](const auto& keyPath) { // Calculate the size of each std::set in 'multiKeyPaths'. return container_size_helper::estimateObjectSizeInBytes(keyPath); }, true) + container_size_helper::estimateObjectSizeInBytes( multikeyPathSet, [](const auto& fieldRef) { return fieldRef.estimateObjectSizeInBytes(); }, false) + // Subtract static size of 'identifier' since it is already included in // 'sizeof(*this)'. (identifier.estimateObjectSizeInBytes() - sizeof(identifier)) + // Add the runtime BSONObj size of 'keyPattern'. keyPattern.objsize() + // The BSON size of the 'infoObj' is purposefully excluded since its ownership is shared // with the index catalog. // Add size of the object. sizeof(*this); } IndexDescriptor::IndexVersion version; bool multikey; // If non-empty, 'multikeyPaths' is a vector with size equal to the number of elements in the // index key pattern. Each element in the vector is an ordered set of positions (starting at 0) // into the corresponding indexed field that represent what prefixes of the indexed field cause // the index to be multikey. // // An IndexEntry may either represent multikey metadata as a fixed-size MultikeyPaths vector, or // as an arbitrarily large set of field refs, but not both. That is, either 'multikeyPaths' or // 'multikeyPathSet' must be empty. MultikeyPaths multikeyPaths; // A set of multikey paths. Used instead of 'multikeyPaths' when there could be arbitrarily many // multikey paths associated with this index entry. // // An IndexEntry may either represent multikey metadata as a fixed-size MultikeyPaths vector, or // as an arbitrarily large set of field refs, but not both. That is, either 'multikeyPaths' or // 'multikeyPathSet' must be empty. std::set multikeyPathSet; bool unique; // Geo indices have extra parameters. We need those available to plan correctly. BSONObj infoObj; }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const IndexEntry::Identifier& ident); StringBuilder& operator<<(StringBuilder& builder, const IndexEntry::Identifier& ident); } // namespace mongo