/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kQuery #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/query/plan_cache.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "mongo/base/owned_pointer_vector.h" #include "mongo/base/string_data_comparator_interface.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_array.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_geo.h" #include "mongo/db/query/canonical_query_encoder.h" #include "mongo/db/query/collation/collator_interface.h" #include "mongo/db/query/plan_ranker.h" #include "mongo/db/query/query_knobs_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/query/query_solution.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" #include "mongo/util/hex.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" #include "mongo/util/transitional_tools_do_not_use/vector_spooling.h" namespace mongo { namespace { // Delimiters for cache key encoding. const char kEncodeDiscriminatorsBegin = '<'; const char kEncodeDiscriminatorsEnd = '>'; void encodeIndexabilityForDiscriminators(const MatchExpression* tree, const IndexToDiscriminatorMap& discriminators, StringBuilder* keyBuilder) { for (auto&& indexAndDiscriminatorPair : discriminators) { *keyBuilder << indexAndDiscriminatorPair.second.isMatchCompatibleWithIndex(tree); } } void encodeIndexability(const MatchExpression* tree, const PlanCacheIndexabilityState& indexabilityState, StringBuilder* keyBuilder) { if (!tree->path().empty()) { const IndexToDiscriminatorMap& discriminators = indexabilityState.getDiscriminators(tree->path()); IndexToDiscriminatorMap wildcardDiscriminators = indexabilityState.buildWildcardDiscriminators(tree->path()); if (!discriminators.empty() || !wildcardDiscriminators.empty()) { *keyBuilder << kEncodeDiscriminatorsBegin; // For each discriminator on this path, append the character '0' or '1'. encodeIndexabilityForDiscriminators(tree, discriminators, keyBuilder); encodeIndexabilityForDiscriminators(tree, wildcardDiscriminators, keyBuilder); *keyBuilder << kEncodeDiscriminatorsEnd; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < tree->numChildren(); ++i) { encodeIndexability(tree->getChild(i), indexabilityState, keyBuilder); } } } // namespace std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const PlanCacheKey& key) { stream << key.stringData(); return stream; } StringBuilder& operator<<(StringBuilder& builder, const PlanCacheKey& key) { builder << key.stringData(); return builder; } // // Cache-related functions for CanonicalQuery // bool PlanCache::shouldCacheQuery(const CanonicalQuery& query) { const QueryRequest& qr = query.getQueryRequest(); const MatchExpression* expr = query.root(); // Collection scan // No sort order requested if (qr.getSort().isEmpty() && expr->matchType() == MatchExpression::AND && expr->numChildren() == 0) { return false; } // Hint provided if (!qr.getHint().isEmpty()) { return false; } // Min provided // Min queries are a special case of hinted queries. if (!qr.getMin().isEmpty()) { return false; } // Max provided // Similar to min, max queries are a special case of hinted queries. if (!qr.getMax().isEmpty()) { return false; } // We don't read or write from the plan cache for explain. This ensures // that explain queries don't affect cache state, and it also makes // sure that we can always generate information regarding rejected plans // and/or trial period execution of candidate plans. if (qr.isExplain()) { return false; } // Tailable cursors won't get cached, just turn into collscans. if (query.getQueryRequest().isTailable()) { return false; } return true; } // // CachedSolution // CachedSolution::CachedSolution(const PlanCacheKey& key, const PlanCacheEntry& entry) : plannerData(entry.plannerData.size()), key(key), query(entry.query.getOwned()), sort(entry.sort.getOwned()), projection(entry.projection.getOwned()), collation(entry.collation.getOwned()), decisionWorks(entry.works) { // CachedSolution should not having any references into // cache entry. All relevant data should be cloned/copied. for (size_t i = 0; i < entry.plannerData.size(); ++i) { verify(entry.plannerData[i]); plannerData[i] = entry.plannerData[i]->clone(); } } CachedSolution::~CachedSolution() { for (std::vector::const_iterator i = plannerData.begin(); i != plannerData.end(); ++i) { SolutionCacheData* scd = *i; delete scd; } } // // PlanCacheEntry // PlanCacheEntry::PlanCacheEntry(const std::vector& solutions, PlanRankingDecision* why, uint32_t queryHash, uint32_t planCacheKey) : plannerData(solutions.size()), queryHash(queryHash), planCacheKey(planCacheKey), decision(why) { invariant(why); // The caller of this constructor is responsible for ensuring // that the QuerySolution 's' has valid cacheData. If there's no // data to cache you shouldn't be trying to construct a PlanCacheEntry. // Copy the solution's cache data into the plan cache entry. for (size_t i = 0; i < solutions.size(); ++i) { invariant(solutions[i]->cacheData.get()); plannerData[i] = solutions[i]->cacheData->clone(); } } PlanCacheEntry::~PlanCacheEntry() { for (size_t i = 0; i < plannerData.size(); ++i) { delete plannerData[i]; } } PlanCacheEntry* PlanCacheEntry::clone() const { std::vector> solutions; for (size_t i = 0; i < plannerData.size(); ++i) { auto qs = stdx::make_unique(); qs->cacheData.reset(plannerData[i]->clone()); solutions.push_back(std::move(qs)); } PlanCacheEntry* entry = new PlanCacheEntry(transitional_tools_do_not_use::unspool_vector(solutions), decision->clone(), queryHash, planCacheKey); // Copy query shape. entry->query = query.getOwned(); entry->sort = sort.getOwned(); entry->projection = projection.getOwned(); entry->collation = collation.getOwned(); entry->timeOfCreation = timeOfCreation; entry->isActive = isActive; entry->works = works; // Copy performance stats. entry->feedback = feedback; return entry; } std::string PlanCacheEntry::toString() const { return str::stream() << "(query: " << query.toString() << ";sort: " << sort.toString() << ";projection: " << projection.toString() << ";collation: " << collation.toString() << ";solutions: " << plannerData.size() << ";timeOfCreation: " << timeOfCreation.toString() << ")"; } std::string CachedSolution::toString() const { return str::stream() << "key: " << key << '\n'; } // // PlanCacheIndexTree // void PlanCacheIndexTree::setIndexEntry(const IndexEntry& ie) { entry.reset(new IndexEntry(ie)); } PlanCacheIndexTree* PlanCacheIndexTree::clone() const { PlanCacheIndexTree* root = new PlanCacheIndexTree(); if (NULL != entry.get()) { root->index_pos = index_pos; root->setIndexEntry(*entry.get()); root->canCombineBounds = canCombineBounds; } root->orPushdowns = orPushdowns; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it) { PlanCacheIndexTree* clonedChild = (*it)->clone(); root->children.push_back(clonedChild); } return root; } std::string PlanCacheIndexTree::toString(int indents) const { StringBuilder result; if (!children.empty()) { result << std::string(3 * indents, '-') << "Node\n"; int newIndent = indents + 1; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it) { result << (*it)->toString(newIndent); } return result.str(); } else { result << std::string(3 * indents, '-') << "Leaf "; if (NULL != entry.get()) { result << entry->identifier << ", pos: " << index_pos << ", can combine? " << canCombineBounds; } for (const auto& orPushdown : orPushdowns) { result << "Move to "; bool firstPosition = true; for (auto position : orPushdown.route) { if (!firstPosition) { result << ","; } firstPosition = false; result << position; } result << ": " << orPushdown.indexEntryId << " pos: " << orPushdown.position << ", can combine? " << orPushdown.canCombineBounds << ". "; } result << '\n'; } return result.str(); } // // SolutionCacheData // SolutionCacheData* SolutionCacheData::clone() const { SolutionCacheData* other = new SolutionCacheData(); if (NULL != this->tree.get()) { // 'tree' could be NULL if the cached solution // is a collection scan. other->tree.reset(this->tree->clone()); } other->solnType = this->solnType; other->wholeIXSolnDir = this->wholeIXSolnDir; other->indexFilterApplied = this->indexFilterApplied; return other; } std::string SolutionCacheData::toString() const { switch (this->solnType) { case WHOLE_IXSCAN_SOLN: verify(this->tree.get()); return str::stream() << "(whole index scan solution: " << "dir=" << this->wholeIXSolnDir << "; " << "tree=" << this->tree->toString() << ")"; case COLLSCAN_SOLN: return "(collection scan)"; case USE_INDEX_TAGS_SOLN: verify(this->tree.get()); return str::stream() << "(index-tagged expression tree: " << "tree=" << this->tree->toString() << ")"; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } // // PlanCache // PlanCache::PlanCache() : PlanCache(internalQueryCacheSize.load()) {} PlanCache::PlanCache(size_t size) : _cache(size) {} PlanCache::PlanCache(const std::string& ns) : _cache(internalQueryCacheSize.load()), _ns(ns) {} PlanCache::~PlanCache() {} std::unique_ptr PlanCache::getCacheEntryIfActive(const PlanCacheKey& key) const { PlanCache::GetResult res = get(key); if (res.state == PlanCache::CacheEntryState::kPresentInactive) { LOG(2) << "Not using cached entry for " << redact(res.cachedSolution->toString()) << " since it is inactive"; return nullptr; } return std::move(res.cachedSolution); } /** * Given a query, and an (optional) current cache entry for its shape ('oldEntry'), determine * whether: * - We should create a new entry * - The new entry should be marked 'active' */ PlanCache::NewEntryState PlanCache::getNewEntryState(const CanonicalQuery& query, uint32_t queryHash, uint32_t planCacheKey, PlanCacheEntry* oldEntry, size_t newWorks, double growthCoefficient) { NewEntryState res; if (!oldEntry) { LOG(1) << "Creating inactive cache entry for query shape " << redact(query.toStringShort()) << " queryHash " << unsignedIntToFixedLengthHex(queryHash) << " planCacheKey " << unsignedIntToFixedLengthHex(planCacheKey) << " with works value " << newWorks; res.shouldBeCreated = true; res.shouldBeActive = false; return res; } if (oldEntry->isActive && newWorks <= oldEntry->works) { // The new plan did better than the currently stored active plan. This case may // occur if many MultiPlanners are run simultaneously. LOG(1) << "Replacing active cache entry for query " << redact(query.toStringShort()) << " queryHash " << unsignedIntToFixedLengthHex(queryHash) << " planCacheKey " << unsignedIntToFixedLengthHex(planCacheKey) << " with works " << oldEntry->works << " with a plan with works " << newWorks; res.shouldBeCreated = true; res.shouldBeActive = true; } else if (oldEntry->isActive) { LOG(1) << "Attempt to write to the planCache for query " << redact(query.toStringShort()) << " queryHash " << unsignedIntToFixedLengthHex(queryHash) << " planCacheKey " << unsignedIntToFixedLengthHex(planCacheKey) << " with a plan with works " << newWorks << " is a noop, since there's already a plan with works value " << oldEntry->works; // There is already an active cache entry with a higher works value. // We do nothing. res.shouldBeCreated = false; } else if (newWorks > oldEntry->works) { // This plan performed worse than expected. Rather than immediately overwriting the // cache, lower the bar to what is considered good performance and keep the entry // inactive. // Be sure that 'works' always grows by at least 1, in case its current // value and 'internalQueryCacheWorksGrowthCoefficient' are low enough that // the old works * new works cast to size_t is the same as the previous value of // 'works'. const double increasedWorks = std::max( oldEntry->works + 1u, static_cast(oldEntry->works * growthCoefficient)); LOG(1) << "Increasing work value associated with cache entry for query " << redact(query.toStringShort()) << " queryHash " << unsignedIntToFixedLengthHex(queryHash) << " planCacheKey " << unsignedIntToFixedLengthHex(planCacheKey) << " from " << oldEntry->works << " to " << increasedWorks; oldEntry->works = increasedWorks; // Don't create a new entry. res.shouldBeCreated = false; } else { // This plan performed just as well or better than we expected, based on the // inactive entry's works. We use this as an indicator that it's safe to // cache (as an active entry) the plan this query used for the future. LOG(1) << "Inactive cache entry for query " << redact(query.toStringShort()) << " queryHash " << unsignedIntToFixedLengthHex(queryHash) << " planCacheKey " << unsignedIntToFixedLengthHex(planCacheKey) << " with works " << oldEntry->works << " is being promoted to active entry with works value " << newWorks; // We'll replace the old inactive entry with an active entry. res.shouldBeCreated = true; res.shouldBeActive = true; } return res; } Status PlanCache::set(const CanonicalQuery& query, const std::vector& solns, std::unique_ptr why, Date_t now, boost::optional worksGrowthCoefficient) { invariant(why); if (solns.empty()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "no solutions provided"); } if (why->stats.size() != solns.size()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "number of stats in decision must match solutions"); } if (why->scores.size() != solns.size()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "number of scores in decision must match solutions"); } if (why->candidateOrder.size() != solns.size()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "candidate ordering entries in decision must match solutions"); } const auto key = computeKey(query); const size_t newWorks = why->stats[0]->common.works; stdx::lock_guard cacheLock(_cacheMutex); bool isNewEntryActive = false; uint32_t queryHash; uint32_t planCacheKey; if (internalQueryCacheDisableInactiveEntries.load()) { // All entries are always active. isNewEntryActive = true; planCacheKey = canonical_query_encoder::computeHash(key.stringData()); queryHash = canonical_query_encoder::computeHash(key.getStableKeyStringData()); } else { PlanCacheEntry* oldEntry = nullptr; Status cacheStatus = _cache.get(key, &oldEntry); invariant(cacheStatus.isOK() || cacheStatus == ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey); if (oldEntry) { queryHash = oldEntry->queryHash; planCacheKey = oldEntry->planCacheKey; } else { planCacheKey = canonical_query_encoder::computeHash(key.stringData()); queryHash = canonical_query_encoder::computeHash(key.getStableKeyStringData()); } const auto newState = getNewEntryState( query, queryHash, planCacheKey, oldEntry, newWorks, worksGrowthCoefficient.get_value_or(internalQueryCacheWorksGrowthCoefficient)); if (!newState.shouldBeCreated) { return Status::OK(); } isNewEntryActive = newState.shouldBeActive; } auto newEntry = std::make_unique(solns, why.release(), queryHash, planCacheKey); const QueryRequest& qr = query.getQueryRequest(); newEntry->query = qr.getFilter().getOwned(); newEntry->sort = qr.getSort().getOwned(); newEntry->isActive = isNewEntryActive; newEntry->works = newWorks; if (query.getCollator()) { newEntry->collation = query.getCollator()->getSpec().toBSON(); } newEntry->timeOfCreation = now; // Strip projections on $-prefixed fields, as these are added by internal callers of the query // system and are not considered part of the user projection. BSONObjBuilder projBuilder; for (auto elem : qr.getProj()) { if (elem.fieldName()[0] == '$') { continue; } projBuilder.append(elem); } newEntry->projection = projBuilder.obj(); std::unique_ptr evictedEntry = _cache.add(key, newEntry.release()); if (NULL != evictedEntry.get()) { LOG(1) << _ns << ": plan cache maximum size exceeded - " << "removed least recently used entry " << redact(evictedEntry->toString()); } return Status::OK(); } void PlanCache::deactivate(const CanonicalQuery& query) { if (internalQueryCacheDisableInactiveEntries.load()) { // This is a noop if inactive entries are disabled. return; } PlanCacheKey key = computeKey(query); stdx::lock_guard cacheLock(_cacheMutex); PlanCacheEntry* entry = nullptr; Status cacheStatus = _cache.get(key, &entry); if (!cacheStatus.isOK()) { invariant(cacheStatus == ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey); return; } invariant(entry); entry->isActive = false; } PlanCache::GetResult PlanCache::get(const CanonicalQuery& query) const { PlanCacheKey key = computeKey(query); return get(key); } PlanCache::GetResult PlanCache::get(const PlanCacheKey& key) const { stdx::lock_guard cacheLock(_cacheMutex); PlanCacheEntry* entry = nullptr; Status cacheStatus = _cache.get(key, &entry); if (!cacheStatus.isOK()) { invariant(cacheStatus == ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey); return {CacheEntryState::kNotPresent, nullptr}; } invariant(entry); auto state = entry->isActive ? CacheEntryState::kPresentActive : CacheEntryState::kPresentInactive; return {state, stdx::make_unique(key, *entry)}; } Status PlanCache::feedback(const CanonicalQuery& cq, double score) { PlanCacheKey ck = computeKey(cq); stdx::lock_guard cacheLock(_cacheMutex); PlanCacheEntry* entry; Status cacheStatus = _cache.get(ck, &entry); if (!cacheStatus.isOK()) { return cacheStatus; } invariant(entry); // We store up to a constant number of feedback entries. if (entry->feedback.size() < static_cast(internalQueryCacheFeedbacksStored.load())) { entry->feedback.push_back(score); } return Status::OK(); } Status PlanCache::remove(const CanonicalQuery& canonicalQuery) { stdx::lock_guard cacheLock(_cacheMutex); return _cache.remove(computeKey(canonicalQuery)); } void PlanCache::clear() { stdx::lock_guard cacheLock(_cacheMutex); _cache.clear(); } PlanCacheKey PlanCache::computeKey(const CanonicalQuery& cq) const { const auto shapeString = cq.encodeKey(); StringBuilder indexabilityKeyBuilder; encodeIndexability(cq.root(), _indexabilityState, &indexabilityKeyBuilder); return PlanCacheKey(std::move(shapeString), indexabilityKeyBuilder.str()); } StatusWith> PlanCache::getEntry(const CanonicalQuery& query) const { PlanCacheKey key = computeKey(query); stdx::lock_guard cacheLock(_cacheMutex); PlanCacheEntry* entry; Status cacheStatus = _cache.get(key, &entry); if (!cacheStatus.isOK()) { return cacheStatus; } invariant(entry); return std::unique_ptr(entry->clone()); } std::vector> PlanCache::getAllEntries() const { stdx::lock_guard cacheLock(_cacheMutex); std::vector> entries; for (auto&& cacheEntry : _cache) { auto entry = cacheEntry.second; entries.push_back(std::unique_ptr(entry->clone())); } return entries; } size_t PlanCache::size() const { stdx::lock_guard cacheLock(_cacheMutex); return _cache.size(); } void PlanCache::notifyOfIndexUpdates(const std::vector& indexCores) { _indexabilityState.updateDiscriminators(indexCores); } std::vector PlanCache::getMatchingStats( const std::function& serializationFunc, const std::function& filterFunc) const { std::vector results; stdx::lock_guard cacheLock(_cacheMutex); for (auto&& cacheEntry : _cache) { const auto entry = cacheEntry.second; auto serializedEntry = serializationFunc(*entry); if (filterFunc(serializedEntry)) { results.push_back(serializedEntry); } } return results; } } // namespace mongo