/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include "mongo/db/catalog/util/partitioned.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/server_status_metric.h" #include "mongo/db/query/lru_key_value.h" #include "mongo/db/query/partitioned_cache.h" #include "mongo/db/query/plan_cache_callbacks.h" #include "mongo/db/query/plan_cache_debug_info.h" #include "mongo/platform/mutex.h" #include "mongo/util/container_size_helper.h" namespace mongo { class QuerySolution; struct QuerySolutionNode; template class PlanCacheEntryBase; /** * Tracks the approximate cumulative size of the plan cache entries across all the collections. */ extern CounterMetric planCacheTotalSizeEstimateBytes; /** * Tracks the number of query shapes in the plan cache entries across all the collections. Each * entry in the plan cache is a unique query shape. */ extern CounterMetric planCacheEntries; /** * Information returned from a get(...) query. */ template class CachedPlanHolder { private: CachedPlanHolder(const CachedPlanHolder&) = delete; CachedPlanHolder& operator=(const CachedPlanHolder&) = delete; public: CachedPlanHolder(const PlanCacheEntryBase& entry) : cachedPlan(entry.cachedPlan->clone()), decisionWorks(entry.works), debugInfo(entry.debugInfo) {} /** * Indicates whether or not the cached plan is pinned to cache. */ bool isPinned() const { return !decisionWorks; } // A cached plan that can be used to reconstitute the complete execution plan from cache. std::unique_ptr cachedPlan; // The number of work cycles taken to decide on a winning plan when the plan was first // cached. The value of boost::none indicates that the plan is pinned to the cache and // is not subject to replanning. const boost::optional decisionWorks; // Per-plan cache entry information that is used for debugging purpose. Shared across all plans // recovered from the same cached entry. const std::shared_ptr debugInfo; }; /** * Used by the cache to track entries and their performance over time. * Also used by the plan cache commands to display plan cache state. */ template class PlanCacheEntryBase { public: using Entry = PlanCacheEntryBase; static std::unique_ptr create(std::unique_ptr cachedPlan, uint32_t queryHash, uint32_t planCacheKey, uint32_t planCacheCommandKey, Date_t timeOfCreation, bool isActive, size_t works, DebugInfoType debugInfo) { // If the cumulative size of the plan caches is estimated to remain within a predefined // threshold, then include additional debug info which is not strictly necessary for // the plan cache to be functional. Once the cumulative plan cache size exceeds this // threshold, omit this debug info as a heuristic to prevent plan cache memory consumption // from growing too large. bool includeDebugInfo = planCacheTotalSizeEstimateBytes.get() < internalQueryCacheMaxSizeBytesBeforeStripDebugInfo.load(); // The stripping logic does not apply to SBE's debugging info as "DebugInfoSBE" is not // expected to be huge and is required to build a PlanExplainerSBE for the executor. if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { includeDebugInfo = true; } std::shared_ptr debugInfoOpt; if (includeDebugInfo) { debugInfoOpt = std::make_shared(std::move(debugInfo)); } return std::unique_ptr(new Entry(std::move(cachedPlan), timeOfCreation, queryHash, planCacheKey, planCacheCommandKey, isActive, works, std::move(debugInfoOpt))); } /** * Create a cache entry without a plan ranking decision. Such entries contain plans for which * there are no alternatives. As a result, these plans are pinned to the cache and are always * active. */ static std::unique_ptr createPinned(std::unique_ptr cachedPlan, uint32_t queryHash, uint32_t planCacheKey, uint32_t planCacheCommandKey, Date_t timeOfCreation, DebugInfoType debugInfo) { return std::unique_ptr( new Entry(std::move(cachedPlan), timeOfCreation, queryHash, planCacheKey, planCacheCommandKey, true, // isActive boost::none, // decisionWorks std::make_shared(std::move(debugInfo)))); } ~PlanCacheEntryBase() { planCacheTotalSizeEstimateBytes.decrement(estimatedEntrySizeBytes); planCacheEntries.decrement(1); } /** * Indicates whether or not the cache entry is pinned to cache. Pinned entries are always active * and are not subject to replanning. */ bool isPinned() const { return !works; } /** * Make a copy of this plan cache entry. For all members a deep copy will be made, apart from * 'debugInfo' which is shared among all clone entries. */ std::unique_ptr clone() const { return std::unique_ptr(new Entry(cachedPlan->clone(), timeOfCreation, queryHash, planCacheKey, planCacheCommandKey, isActive, works, debugInfo)); } std::string debugString() const { StringBuilder builder; builder << "("; builder << "queryHash: " << queryHash; builder << "; planCacheKey: " << planCacheKey; if (debugInfo) { builder << "; " << debugInfo->debugString(); } builder << "; timeOfCreation: " << timeOfCreation.toString() << ")"; return builder.str(); } // A cached plan that can be used to reconstitute the complete execution plan from cache. const std::unique_ptr cachedPlan; const Date_t timeOfCreation; // Hash of the cache key. Intended as an identifier for the query shape in logs and other // diagnostic output. const uint32_t queryHash; // Hash of the "stable" cache key, which is the same regardless of what indexes are around. const uint32_t planCacheKey; // Hash of the plan cache command key. This key is a representation of the query shape used // specifically by the plan cache commands (planCacheClear, planCacheClearFilter, // planCacheListFilters, and planCacheSetFilter). Its encoding incorporates the filter, sort, // projection, and user-defined collation. const uint32_t planCacheCommandKey; // Whether or not the cache entry is active. Inactive cache entries should not be used for // planning. bool isActive = false; // The number of "works" required for a plan to run on this shape before it becomes // active. This value is also used to determine the number of works necessary in order to // trigger a replan. Running a query of the same shape while this cache entry is inactive may // cause this value to be increased. // // If boost::none the cached entry is pinned to cached. Pinned entries are always active // and are not subject to replanning. const boost::optional works; // Optional debug info containing plan cache entry information that is used strictly as // debug information. Read-only and shared between all plans recovered from this entry. const std::shared_ptr debugInfo; // An estimate of the size in bytes of this plan cache entry. This is the "deep size", // calculated by recursively incorporating the size of owned objects, the objects that they in // turn own, and so on. const uint64_t estimatedEntrySizeBytes; private: /** * All arguments constructor. */ PlanCacheEntryBase(std::unique_ptr cachedPlan, Date_t timeOfCreation, uint32_t queryHash, uint32_t planCacheKey, uint32_t planCacheCommandKey, bool isActive, boost::optional works, std::shared_ptr debugInfo) : cachedPlan(std::move(cachedPlan)), timeOfCreation(timeOfCreation), queryHash(queryHash), planCacheKey(planCacheKey), planCacheCommandKey(planCacheCommandKey), isActive(isActive), works(works), debugInfo(std::move(debugInfo)), estimatedEntrySizeBytes(_estimateObjectSizeInBytes()) { tassert(6108300, "A plan cache entry should never be empty", this->cachedPlan); tassert(6108301, "Pinned cache entry should always be active", !isPinned() || isActive); // Account for the object in the global metric for estimating the server's total plan cache // memory consumption. planCacheTotalSizeEstimateBytes.increment(estimatedEntrySizeBytes); // Account for new entry in the plan cache. planCacheEntries.increment(1); } // Ensure that PlanCacheEntryBase is non-copyable. PlanCacheEntryBase(const PlanCacheEntryBase&) = delete; PlanCacheEntryBase& operator=(const PlanCacheEntryBase&) = delete; uint64_t _estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { uint64_t size = sizeof(PlanCacheEntryBase); size += cachedPlan->estimateObjectSizeInBytes(); if (debugInfo) { size += debugInfo->estimateObjectSizeInBytes(); } return size; } }; /** * A data structure for caching execution plans, to avoid repeatedly performing query optimization * and plan compilation on each invocation of a query. The cache is logically a mapping from * 'KeyType' to 'CachedPlanType'. The cache key is derived from the query, and can be used to * determine whether a cached plan is available. The cache has an LRU replacement policy, so it only * keeps the most recently used plans. */ template > class PlanCacheBase : public PartitionedCache< KeyType, // The 'Value' being "std::shared_ptr" is because we allow readers to clone // cache entries out of the lock, therefore it is illegal to mutate the pieces of a cache // entry that can be cloned whether you are holding a lock or not. std::shared_ptr>, BudgetEstimator, Partitioner, KeyHasher> { private: PlanCacheBase(const PlanCacheBase&) = delete; PlanCacheBase& operator=(const PlanCacheBase&) = delete; public: using Base = PartitionedCache>, BudgetEstimator, Partitioner, KeyHasher>; using Entry = PlanCacheEntryBase; // We have three states for a cache entry to be in. Rather than just 'present' or 'not // present', we use a notion of 'inactive entries' as a way of remembering how performant our // original solution to the query was. This information is useful to prevent much slower // queries from putting their plans in the cache immediately, which could cause faster queries // to run with a sub-optimal plan. Since cache entries must go through the "vetting" process of // being inactive, we protect ourselves from the possibility of simply adding a cache entry // with a very high works value which will never be evicted. enum CacheEntryState { // There is no cache entry for the given query shape. kNotPresent, // There is a cache entry for the given query shape, but it is inactive, meaning that it // should not be used when planning. kPresentInactive, // There is a cache entry for the given query shape, and it is active. kPresentActive, }; /** * Encapsulates the value returned from a call to get(). */ struct GetResult { CacheEntryState state; std::unique_ptr> cachedPlanHolder; }; /** * Initialize plan cache with the total cache size in bytes and number of partitions. */ explicit PlanCacheBase(size_t cacheSize, size_t numPartitions = 1) : Base(cacheSize, numPartitions) {} ~PlanCacheBase() = default; /** * Tries to add 'cachedPlan' into the plan cache. * * Callers are responsible for passing the current time so that the time the plan cache entry * was created is stored in the plan cache. * * 'worksGrowthCoefficient' specifies what multiplier to use when growing the 'works' value of * an inactive cache entry. If boost::none is provided, the function will use * 'internalQueryCacheWorksGrowthCoefficient'. * * A 'callbacks' argument should be provided to perform some custom actions when the state of * the plan cache or a plan cache entry has been changed. The 'callbacks' is also responsible * for constructing DebugInfo. * * If the mapping was set successfully, returns Status::OK(), even if it evicted another entry. */ Status set(const KeyType& key, std::unique_ptr cachedPlan, const plan_ranker::PlanRankingDecision& why, Date_t now, const PlanCacheCallbacks* callbacks, boost::optional worksGrowthCoefficient = boost::none) { invariant(cachedPlan); if (why.scores.size() != why.candidateOrder.size()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "number of scores in decision must match viable candidates"); } auto newWorks = stdx::visit(OverloadedVisitor{[](const plan_ranker::StatsDetails& details) { return details.candidatePlanStats[0]->common.works; }, [](const plan_ranker::SBEStatsDetails& details) { return calculateNumberOfReads( details.candidatePlanStats[0].get()); }}, why.stats); auto oldEntryWithPartitionLock = this->getWithPartitionLock(key); // Can't use reference to structured bindings in a lambda until C++20 so manually // destructure it here. auto partitionLock = std::move(oldEntryWithPartitionLock.second); auto oldEntryWithStatus = std::move(oldEntryWithPartitionLock.first); auto [queryHash, planCacheKey, isNewEntryActive, shouldBeCreated, increasedWorks] = [&]() { if (internalQueryCacheDisableInactiveEntries.load()) { // All entries are always active. return std::make_tuple(key.queryHash(), key.planCacheKeyHash(), true /* isNewEntryActive */, true /* shouldBeCreated */, boost::optional(boost::none)); } else { tassert(6007020, "LRU store must get value or NoSuchKey error code", oldEntryWithStatus.isOK() || oldEntryWithStatus.getStatus() == ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey); bool hasOldEntry = oldEntryWithStatus.isOK(); const auto newState = getNewEntryState( key, // Deference the pointer, then the shared_ptr, and then back to a raw pointer. hasOldEntry ? &**oldEntryWithStatus.getValue() : nullptr, newWorks, worksGrowthCoefficient.get_value_or(internalQueryCacheWorksGrowthCoefficient), callbacks); // Avoid recomputing the hashes if we've got an old entry to grab them from. auto [queryHash, planCacheKey] = [&]() { if (hasOldEntry) { auto&& oldEntry = &**oldEntryWithStatus.getValue(); return std::make_pair(oldEntry->queryHash, oldEntry->planCacheKey); } else { return std::make_pair(key.queryHash(), key.planCacheKeyHash()); } }(); return std::make_tuple(queryHash, planCacheKey, newState.shouldBeActive, newState.shouldBeCreated, newState.increasedWorks); } }(); if (!shouldBeCreated) { return Status::OK(); } // We use callback function here to build the 'DebugInfo' rather than pass in a constructed // DebugInfo for performance. // // Most of the time when either creating a new cache entry or replacing an old cache entry, // the 'works' value is based on the latest trial run. However, if the cache entry was // inactive and the latest trial required a higher works value, then we follow a special // formula for computing an 'increasedWorks' value. std::shared_ptr newEntry = Entry::create(std::move(cachedPlan), queryHash, planCacheKey, callbacks->getPlanCacheCommandKeyHash(), now, isNewEntryActive, increasedWorks ? *increasedWorks : newWorks, callbacks->buildDebugInfo()); this->put(key, std::move(newEntry), partitionLock); return Status::OK(); } /** * Adds a 'cachedPlan', resulting from a single QuerySolution, into the cache. A new cache entry * is always created and always active in this scenario. */ void setPinned(const KeyType& key, const uint32_t planCacheCommandKey, std::unique_ptr plan, Date_t now, DebugInfoType debugInfo) { invariant(plan); std::shared_ptr entry = Entry::createPinned(std::move(plan), key.queryHash(), key.planCacheKeyHash(), planCacheCommandKey, now, std::move(debugInfo)); this->put(key, std::move(entry)); } /** * Set a cache entry back to the 'inactive' state. Rather than completely evicting an entry * when the associated plan starts to perform poorly, we deactivate it, so that plans which * perform even worse than the one already in the cache may not easily take its place. */ void deactivate(const KeyType& key) { if (internalQueryCacheDisableInactiveEntries.load()) { // This is a noop if inactive entries are disabled. return; } auto [entry, partitionLock] = this->getWithPartitionLock(key); if (!entry.isOK()) { tassert(6007021, "Unexpected error code from LRU store", entry.getStatus() == ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey); return; } auto entryPtr = *entry.getValue(); if (entryPtr->isActive == true) { std::shared_ptr newEntry = entryPtr->clone(); newEntry->isActive = false; this->put(key, std::move(newEntry), partitionLock); } } /** * Look up the cached data access for the provided key. Circumvents the recalculation * of a plan cache key. * * The return value will provide the "state" of the cache entry, as well as the CachedSolution * for the query (if there is one). */ GetResult get(const KeyType& key) const { std::shared_ptr entrySharedPtr; CacheEntryState state; { auto [entry, partitionLock] = this->getWithPartitionLock(key); if (!entry.isOK()) { tassert(6007023, "Unexpected error code from LRU store", entry.getStatus() == ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey); return {CacheEntryState::kNotPresent, nullptr}; } entrySharedPtr = *entry.getValue(); state = entrySharedPtr->isActive ? CacheEntryState::kPresentActive : CacheEntryState::kPresentInactive; } // The purpose of cloning 'entry' (in CachedPlanHolder ctor) after we release the lock // is to allow multiple threads to clone the same plan cache entry at once. 'entry' // cannot be deleted by another thread even if the plan cache is being concurrently // modified by other threads because we are holding a std::shared_ptr to this entry. return {state, std::make_unique>(*entrySharedPtr)}; } /** * If the cache entry exists and is active, return a CachedSolution. If the cache entry is * inactive, log a message and return a nullptr. If no cache entry exists, return a nullptr. */ std::unique_ptr> getCacheEntryIfActive( const KeyType& key) const { auto res = get(key); if (res.state == CacheEntryState::kPresentInactive) { log_detail::logInactiveCacheEntry(key.toString()); return nullptr; } return std::move(res.cachedPlanHolder); } /** * Returns a copy of a cache entry, looked up by the plan cache key. * * If there is no entry in the cache for the 'query', returns an error Status. */ StatusWith> getEntry(const KeyType& key) const { auto result = this->lookup(key); if (!result.isOK()) { return {result.getStatus()}; } return {result.getValue()->get()->clone()}; } /** * Returns a vector of all cache entries. Does not guarantee a point-in-time view of the cache. */ std::vector> getAllEntries() const { std::vector> entries; this->forEach([&](const KeyType& key, const std::shared_ptr& entry) { entries.emplace_back(entry); }); return entries; } /** * Iterates over the plan cache. For each entry, first filters according to the predicate * function 'cacheKeyFilterFunc', (Note that 'cacheKeyFilterFunc' could be empty, if so, we * don't filter by plan cache key.), then serializes the PlanCacheEntryBase according to * 'serializationFunc'. Returns a vector of all serialized entries which match 'filterFunc'. */ std::vector getMatchingStats( const std::function& cacheKeyFilterFunc, const std::function& serializationFunc, const std::function& filterFunc) const { tassert(6033900, "serialization function and filter function are required when retrieving plan " "cache entries", serializationFunc && filterFunc); std::vector results; this->forEach([&](const KeyType& key, const std::shared_ptr& entry) { if (cacheKeyFilterFunc && !cacheKeyFilterFunc(key)) { return; } auto serializedEntry = serializationFunc(*entry); if (filterFunc(serializedEntry)) { results.push_back(serializedEntry); } }); return results; } private: struct NewEntryState { bool shouldBeCreated = false; bool shouldBeActive = false; boost::optional increasedWorks = boost::none; }; /** * Given a query, and an (optional) current cache entry for its shape ('oldEntry'), determine * whether: * - We should create a new entry * - The new entry should be marked 'active' * - The new entry should update 'works' to the new value returned as 'increasedWorks'. */ NewEntryState getNewEntryState( const KeyType& key, const Entry* oldEntry, size_t newWorks, double growthCoefficient, const PlanCacheCallbacks* callbacks) { NewEntryState res; if (!oldEntry) { if (callbacks) { callbacks->onCreateInactiveCacheEntry(key, oldEntry, newWorks); } res.shouldBeCreated = true; res.shouldBeActive = false; return res; } tassert(6108302, "Works value is not present in the old cache entry (is it a pinned entry?)", oldEntry->works); auto oldWorks = oldEntry->works.get(); if (oldEntry->isActive && newWorks <= oldWorks) { // The new plan did better than the currently stored active plan. This case may // occur if many MultiPlanners are run simultaneously. if (callbacks) { callbacks->onReplaceActiveCacheEntry(key, oldEntry, newWorks); } res.shouldBeCreated = true; res.shouldBeActive = true; } else if (oldEntry->isActive) { if (callbacks) { callbacks->onNoopActiveCacheEntry(key, oldEntry, newWorks); } // There is already an active cache entry with a lower works value. // We do nothing. res.shouldBeCreated = false; } else if (newWorks > oldWorks) { // The cached plan performed worse than expected. Rather than immediately overwriting // the cache, lower the bar to what is considered good performance and keep the entry // inactive. // Be sure that 'works' always grows by at least 1, in case its current // value and 'internalQueryCacheWorksGrowthCoefficient' are low enough that // the old works * new works cast to size_t is the same as the previous value of // 'works'. const double increasedWorks = std::max(oldWorks + 1u, static_cast(oldWorks * growthCoefficient)); if (callbacks) { callbacks->onIncreasingWorkValue(key, oldEntry, increasedWorks); } // Create a new inactive cache entry with 'increasedWorks'. res.shouldBeCreated = true; res.increasedWorks.emplace(increasedWorks); } else { // This cached plan performed just as well or better than we expected, based on the // inactive entry's works. We use this as an indicator that it's safe to // cache (as an active entry) the plan this query used for the future. if (callbacks) { callbacks->onPromoteCacheEntry(key, oldEntry, newWorks); } // We'll replace the old inactive entry with an active entry. res.shouldBeCreated = true; res.shouldBeActive = true; } return res; } }; } // namespace mongo