/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include "mongo/base/status.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/plan_stats.h" #include "mongo/db/operation_context.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/update_result.h" #include "mongo/db/query/canonical_query.h" #include "mongo/db/query/plan_explainer.h" #include "mongo/db/query/plan_summary_stats.h" #include "mongo/db/query/plan_yield_policy.h" #include "mongo/db/query/restore_context.h" namespace mongo { class BSONObj; class PlanStage; class RecordId; /** * If a getMore command specified a lastKnownCommittedOpTime (as secondaries do), we want to stop * waiting for new data as soon as the committed op time changes. * * 'clientsLastKnownCommittedOpTime' represents the time passed to the getMore command. * If the replication coordinator ever reports a higher committed op time, we should stop waiting * for inserts and return immediately to speed up the propagation of commit level changes. */ extern const OperationContext::Decoration clientsLastKnownCommittedOpTime; /** * If a plan yielded because it encountered a sharding critical section, * 'planExecutorShardingCriticalSectionFuture' will be set to a future that becomes ready when the * critical section ends. This future can be waited on to hold off resuming the plan execution while * the critical section is still active. */ extern const OperationContext::Decoration>> planExecutorShardingCriticalSectionFuture; /** * A PlanExecutor is the abstraction that knows how to crank a tree of stages into execution. * The executor is usually part of a larger abstraction that is interacting with the cache * and/or the query optimizer. * * Executes a plan. Calls work() on a plan until a result is produced. Stops when the plan is * EOF or if the plan errors. */ class PlanExecutor { public: enum ExecState { // Successfully returned the next document and/or record id. ADVANCED, // Execution is complete. There is no next document to return. IS_EOF, }; // Describes whether callers should acquire locks when using a PlanExecutor. Not all cursors // have the same locking behavior. In particular, find executors using the legacy PlanStage // engine require the caller to lock the collection in MODE_IS. Aggregate executors and SBE // executors, on the other hand, may access multiple collections and acquire their own locks on // any involved collections while producing query results. Therefore, the caller need not // explicitly acquire any locks for such PlanExecutors. // // The policy is consulted on getMore in order to determine locking behavior, since during // getMore we otherwise could not easily know what flavor of cursor we're using. enum class LockPolicy { // The caller is responsible for locking the collection over which this PlanExecutor // executes. kLockExternally, // The caller need not hold no locks; this PlanExecutor acquires any necessary locks itself. kLocksInternally, }; /** * This class will ensure a PlanExecutor is disposed before it is deleted. */ class Deleter { public: /** * Constructs an empty deleter. Useful for creating a * unique_ptr without populating it. */ Deleter() = default; inline Deleter(OperationContext* opCtx) : _opCtx(opCtx) {} /** * If an owner of a std::unique_ptr wants to assume * responsibility for calling PlanExecutor::dispose(), they can call dismissDisposal(). If * dismissed, a Deleter will not call dispose() when deleting the PlanExecutor. */ void dismissDisposal() { _dismissed = true; } /** * If 'execPtr' hasn't already been disposed, will call dispose(). If 'execPtr' is a * yielding PlanExecutor, callers must hold a lock on the collection in at least MODE_IS. */ inline void operator()(PlanExecutor* execPtr) { try { // It is illegal to invoke operator() on a default constructed Deleter. invariant(_opCtx); if (!_dismissed) { execPtr->dispose(_opCtx); } delete execPtr; } catch (...) { std::terminate(); } } private: OperationContext* _opCtx = nullptr; bool _dismissed = false; }; /** * Helper method to aid in displaying an ExecState for debug or other recreational purposes. */ static std::string stateToStr(ExecState s); /** * Throws a user exception if "planExecutorAlwaysFails" is enabled. */ static void checkFailPointPlanExecAlwaysFails(); /** * A PlanExecutor must be disposed before destruction. In most cases, this will happen * automatically through a PlanExecutor::Deleter or a ClientCursor. */ PlanExecutor() = default; virtual ~PlanExecutor() = default; /** * Get the query that this executor is executing, without transferring ownership. */ virtual CanonicalQuery* getCanonicalQuery() const = 0; /** * Return the namespace that the query is running over. * * WARNING: In general, a query execution plan can involve multiple collections, and therefore * there is not a single namespace associated with a PlanExecutor. This method is here for * legacy reasons, and new call sites should not be added. */ virtual const NamespaceString& nss() const = 0; /** * Returns a vector of secondary namespaces that are relevant to this executor. */ virtual const std::vector& getSecondaryNamespaces() const = 0; /** * Return the OperationContext that the plan is currently executing within. */ virtual OperationContext* getOpCtx() const = 0; /** * Save any state required to recover from changes to the underlying collection's data. * * While in the "saved" state, it is only legal to call restoreState, * detachFromOperationContext, or the destructor. */ virtual void saveState() = 0; /** * Restores the state saved by a saveState() call. When this method returns successfully, the * execution tree can once again be executed via work(). * * RestoreContext is a context containing external state needed by plan stages to be able to * restore into a valid state. The RequiresCollectionStage requires a valid CollectionPtr for * example. * * Throws a UserException if the state cannot be successfully restored (e.g. a collection was * dropped or the position of a capped cursor was lost during a yield). If restore fails, it is * only safe to call dispose(), detachFromOperationContext(), or the destructor. * * If allowed by the executor's yield policy, will yield and retry internally if a * WriteConflictException is encountered. If the time limit is exceeded during this retry * process, throws ErrorCodes::MaxTimeMSExpired. */ virtual void restoreState(const RestoreContext& context) = 0; /** * Detaches from the OperationContext and releases any storage-engine state. * * It is only legal to call this when in a "saved" state. While in the "detached" state, it is * only legal to call reattachToOperationContext or the destructor. It is not legal to call * detachFromOperationContext() while already in the detached state. */ virtual void detachFromOperationContext() = 0; /** * Reattaches to the OperationContext and reacquires any storage-engine state. * * It is only legal to call this in the "detached" state. On return, the cursor is left in a * "saved" state, so callers must still call restoreState to use this object. */ virtual void reattachToOperationContext(OperationContext* opCtx) = 0; /** * Produces the next document from the query execution plan. The caller can request that the * executor returns documents by passing a non-null pointer for the 'objOut' output parameter, * and similarly can request the RecordId by passing a non-null pointer for 'dlOut'. * * If a query-fatal error occurs, this method will throw an exception. If an exception is * thrown, then the PlanExecutor is no longer capable of executing. The caller may extract stats * from the underlying plan stages, but should not attempt to do anything else with the executor * other than dispose() and destroy it. * * If the plan's YieldPolicy allows yielding, then any call to this method can result in a * yield. This relinquishes any locks that were previously acquired, regardless of the use of * any RAII locking helpers such as 'AutoGetCollection'. Furthermore, if an error is encountered * during yield recovery, an exception can be thrown while locks are not held. Callers cannot * expect locks to be held when this method throws an exception. */ virtual ExecState getNext(BSONObj* out, RecordId* dlOut) = 0; /** * Similar to 'getNext()', but returns a Document rather than a BSONObj. * * Callers should generally prefer the BSONObj variant, since not all implementations of * PlanExecutor use Document/Value as their runtime value format. These implementations will * typically just convert the BSON to Document on behalf of the caller. */ virtual ExecState getNextDocument(Document* objOut, RecordId* dlOut) = 0; /** * Returns 'true' if the plan is done producing results (or writing), 'false' otherwise. * * Tailable cursors are a possible exception to this: they may have further results even if * isEOF() returns true. */ virtual bool isEOF() = 0; /** * If this plan executor was constructed to execute a count implementation, e.g. it was obtained * by calling 'getExecutorCount()', then executes the count operation and returns the result. * Illegal to call on other plan executors. */ virtual long long executeCount() = 0; /** * If this plan executor was constructed to execute an update, e.g. it was obtained by calling * 'getExecutorUpdate()', then executes the update operation and returns an 'UpdateResult' * describing the outcome. Illegal to call on other plan executors. */ virtual UpdateResult executeUpdate() = 0; /** * If this plan executor has already executed an update operation, returns the an 'UpdateResult' * describing the outcome of the update. Illegal to call if either 1) the PlanExecutor is not * an update PlanExecutor, or 2) the PlanExecutor has not yet been executed either with * 'executeUpdate()' or by calling 'getNext()' until end-of-stream. */ virtual UpdateResult getUpdateResult() const = 0; /** * If this plan executor was constructed to execute a delete, e.g. it was obtained by calling * 'getExecutorDelete()', then executes the delete operation and returns the number of documents * that were deleted. Illegal to call on other plan executors. */ virtual long long executeDelete() = 0; /** * If this plan executor has already executed a batched delete operation, returns the * 'BatchedDeleteStats' describing the outcome of the batched delete. Illegal to call if either * 1) the PlanExecutor is not a delete PlanExecutor that executed a batched delete, or 2) the * PlanExecutor has not yet been executed either with 'executeDelete()' or by calling * 'getNext()' until end-of-stream. */ virtual BatchedDeleteStats getBatchedDeleteStats() = 0; // // Concurrency-related methods. // /** * Notifies a PlanExecutor that it should die. Callers must specify the reason for why this * executor is being killed. Subsequent calls to getNext() will throw a query-fatal exception * with an error reflecting 'killStatus'. If this method is called multiple times, only the * first 'killStatus' will be retained. It is illegal to call this method with Status::OK. */ virtual void markAsKilled(Status killStatus) = 0; /** * Cleans up any state associated with this PlanExecutor. Must be called before deleting this * PlanExecutor. It is illegal to use a PlanExecutor after calling dispose(). * * There are multiple cleanup scenarios: * - This PlanExecutor will only ever use one OperationContext. In this case the * PlanExecutor::Deleter will automatically call dispose() before deleting the PlanExecutor, * and the owner need not call dispose(). * - This PlanExecutor may use multiple OperationContexts over its lifetime. In this case it * is the owner's responsibility to call dispose() with a valid OperationContext before * deleting the PlanExecutor. */ virtual void dispose(OperationContext* opCtx) = 0; /** * Stash the BSONObj so that it gets returned from the PlanExecutor a subsequent call to * getNext(). Implementations should NOT support returning stashed BSON objects using * 'getNextDocument()'. Only 'getNext()' should return the stashed BSON objects. * * Enqueued documents are returned in LIFO order. The stashed results are exhausted before * generating further results from the underlying query plan. * * Subsequent calls to getNext() must request the BSONObj and *not* the RecordId. */ virtual void stashResult(const BSONObj& obj) = 0; virtual bool isMarkedAsKilled() const = 0; virtual Status getKillStatus() = 0; virtual bool isDisposed() const = 0; /** * If the last oplog timestamp is being tracked for this PlanExecutor, return it. * Otherwise return a null timestamp. */ virtual Timestamp getLatestOplogTimestamp() const = 0; /** * If this PlanExecutor is tracking change stream or other resume tokens, returns the most * recent token for the batch that is currently being built. Otherwise, returns an empty object. */ virtual BSONObj getPostBatchResumeToken() const = 0; virtual LockPolicy lockPolicy() const = 0; /** * Returns a PlanExplainer instance to generate plan details and execution stats tracked by this * executor. * * Implementations must be able to successfully generate and return stats even if the * PlanExecutor has issued a query-fatal exception and the executor cannot be used for further * query execution. */ virtual const PlanExplainer& getPlanExplainer() const = 0; /* * Virtual methods to enable using save/restore logic that stashes the RecoveryUnit on the * ClientCursor for future getMore commands in order to retain valid and positioned cursors. */ virtual void enableSaveRecoveryUnitAcrossCommandsIfSupported() = 0; virtual bool isSaveRecoveryUnitAcrossCommandsEnabled() const = 0; /** * For queries that have multiple executors, this can be used to differentiate between them. */ virtual boost::optional getExecutorType() const { return boost::none; } }; } // namespace mongo