/** * Copyright (C) 2020-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/query/plan_explainer_sbe.h" #include #include "mongo/db/exec/plan_stats_walker.h" #include "mongo/db/fts/fts_query_impl.h" #include "mongo/db/keypattern.h" #include "mongo/db/query/optimizer/explain_interface.h" #include "mongo/db/query/plan_explainer_impl.h" #include "mongo/db/query/plan_summary_stats_visitor.h" #include "mongo/db/query/projection_ast_util.h" #include "mongo/db/query/query_knobs_gen.h" namespace mongo { namespace { void statsToBSON(const QuerySolutionNode* node, BSONObjBuilder* bob, const BSONObjBuilder* topLevelBob) { invariant(bob); invariant(topLevelBob); // Stop as soon as the BSON object we're building exceeds the limit. if (topLevelBob->len() > internalQueryExplainSizeThresholdBytes.load()) { bob->append("warning", "stats tree exceeded BSON size limit for explain"); return; } StageType nodeType = node->getType(); if ((nodeType == STAGE_COLLSCAN) && static_cast(node)->doSbeClusteredCollectionScan()) { bob->append("stage", sbeClusteredCollectionScanToString()); } else { bob->append("stage", stageTypeToString(node->getType())); } bob->appendNumber("planNodeId", static_cast(node->nodeId())); // Display the BSON representation of the filter, if there is one. if (node->filter) { bob->append("filter", node->filter->serialize()); } // Stage-specific stats. switch (node->getType()) { case STAGE_COLLSCAN: { auto csn = static_cast(node); bob->append("direction", csn->direction > 0 ? "forward" : "backward"); if (csn->minRecord) { csn->minRecord->appendToBSONAs(bob, "minRecord"); } if (csn->maxRecord) { csn->maxRecord->appendToBSONAs(bob, "maxRecord"); } break; } case STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2D: { auto geo2d = static_cast(node); bob->append("keyPattern", geo2d->index.keyPattern); bob->append("indexName", geo2d->index.identifier.catalogName); bob->append("indexVersion", geo2d->index.version); break; } case STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2DSPHERE: { auto geo2dsphere = static_cast(node); bob->append("keyPattern", geo2dsphere->index.keyPattern); bob->append("indexName", geo2dsphere->index.identifier.catalogName); bob->append("indexVersion", geo2dsphere->index.version); break; } case STAGE_IXSCAN: { auto ixn = static_cast(node); bob->append("keyPattern", ixn->index.keyPattern); bob->append("indexName", ixn->index.identifier.catalogName); auto collation = ixn->index.infoObj.getObjectField(IndexDescriptor::kCollationFieldName); if (!collation.isEmpty()) { bob->append("collation", collation); } bob->appendBool("isMultiKey", ixn->index.multikey); if (!ixn->index.multikeyPaths.empty()) { appendMultikeyPaths(ixn->index.keyPattern, ixn->index.multikeyPaths, bob); } bob->appendBool("isUnique", ixn->index.unique); bob->appendBool("isSparse", ixn->index.sparse); bob->appendBool("isPartial", ixn->index.filterExpr != nullptr); bob->append("indexVersion", static_cast(ixn->index.version)); bob->append("direction", ixn->direction > 0 ? "forward" : "backward"); auto bounds = ixn->bounds.toBSON(!collation.isEmpty()); if (topLevelBob->len() + bounds.objsize() > internalQueryExplainSizeThresholdBytes.load()) { bob->append("warning", "index bounds omitted due to BSON size limit for explain"); } else { bob->append("indexBounds", bounds); } break; } case STAGE_LIMIT: { auto ln = static_cast(node); bob->appendNumber("limitAmount", ln->limit); break; } case STAGE_PROJECTION_DEFAULT: case STAGE_PROJECTION_SIMPLE: case STAGE_PROJECTION_COVERED: { auto pn = static_cast(node); bob->append("transformBy", projection_ast::astToDebugBSON(pn->proj.root())); break; } case STAGE_SKIP: { auto sn = static_cast(node); bob->appendNumber("skipAmount", sn->skip); break; } case STAGE_SORT_SIMPLE: case STAGE_SORT_DEFAULT: { auto sn = static_cast(node); bob->append("sortPattern", sn->pattern); bob->appendNumber("memLimit", static_cast(sn->maxMemoryUsageBytes)); if (sn->limit > 0) { bob->appendNumber("limitAmount", static_cast(sn->limit)); } bob->append("type", node->getType() == STAGE_SORT_SIMPLE ? "simple" : "default"); break; } case STAGE_SORT_MERGE: { auto smn = static_cast(node); bob->append("sortPattern", smn->sort); break; } case STAGE_TEXT_MATCH: { auto tn = static_cast(node); bob->append("indexPrefix", tn->indexPrefix); bob->append("indexName", tn->index.identifier.catalogName); auto ftsQuery = dynamic_cast(tn->ftsQuery.get()); invariant(ftsQuery); bob->append("parsedTextQuery", ftsQuery->toBSON()); bob->append("textIndexVersion", tn->index.version); break; } case STAGE_EQ_LOOKUP: { auto eln = static_cast(node); bob->append("foreignCollection", eln->foreignCollection.toString()); bob->append("localField", eln->joinFieldLocal.fullPath()); bob->append("foreignField", eln->joinFieldForeign.fullPath()); bob->append("asField", eln->joinField.fullPath()); bob->append("strategy", EqLookupNode::serializeLookupStrategy(eln->lookupStrategy)); if (eln->idxEntry) { bob->append("indexName", eln->idxEntry->identifier.catalogName); bob->append("indexKeyPattern", eln->idxEntry->keyPattern); } break; } case STAGE_COLUMN_SCAN: { auto cisn = static_cast(node); { BSONArrayBuilder fieldsBab{bob->subarrayStart("allFields")}; for (const auto& field : cisn->allFields) { fieldsBab.append(field); } } if (!cisn->filtersByPath.empty()) { BSONObjBuilder filtersBob(bob->subobjStart("filtersByPath")); for (const auto& [path, matchExpr] : cisn->filtersByPath) { SerializationOptions opts; opts.includePath = false; filtersBob.append(path, matchExpr->serialize(opts)); } } if (cisn->postAssemblyFilter) { bob->append("residualPredicate", cisn->postAssemblyFilter->serialize()); } bob->appendBool("extraFieldsPermitted", cisn->extraFieldsPermitted); break; } default: break; } // We're done if there are no children. if (node->children.empty()) { return; } // If there's just one child (a common scenario), avoid making an array. This makes // the output more readable by saving a level of nesting. Name the field 'inputStage' // rather than 'inputStages'. if (node->children.size() == 1) { BSONObjBuilder childBob(bob->subobjStart("inputStage")); statsToBSON(node->children[0].get(), &childBob, topLevelBob); return; } // There is more than one child. Recursively call statsToBSON(...) on each // of them and add them to the 'inputStages' array. BSONArrayBuilder childrenBob(bob->subarrayStart("inputStages")); for (auto&& child : node->children) { BSONObjBuilder childBob(childrenBob.subobjStart()); statsToBSON(child.get(), &childBob, topLevelBob); } childrenBob.doneFast(); } void statsToBSONHelper(const sbe::PlanStageStats* stats, BSONObjBuilder* bob, const BSONObjBuilder* topLevelBob, std::uint32_t currentDepth) { invariant(stats); invariant(bob); invariant(topLevelBob); // Stop as soon as the BSON object we're building exceeds the limit. if (topLevelBob->len() > internalQueryExplainSizeThresholdBytes.load()) { bob->append("warning", "stats tree exceeded BSON size limit for explain"); return; } // Stop as soon as the BSON object we're building becomes too deep. Note that we go 2 less // than the max depth to account for when this stage has multiple children. if (currentDepth >= BSONDepth::getMaxDepthForUserStorage() - 2) { bob->append("warning", "stats tree exceeded BSON depth limit; omitting the rest of the tree"); return; } auto stageType = stats->common.stageType; bob->append("stage", stageType); bob->appendNumber("planNodeId", static_cast(stats->common.nodeId)); // Some top-level exec stats get pulled out of the root stage. bob->appendNumber("nReturned", static_cast(stats->common.advances)); // Include the execution time if it was recorded. if (stats->common.executionTime.precision == QueryExecTimerPrecision::kMillis) { bob->appendNumber( "executionTimeMillisEstimate", durationCount(stats->common.executionTime.executionTimeEstimate)); } else if (stats->common.executionTime.precision == QueryExecTimerPrecision::kNanos) { bob->appendNumber( "executionTimeMillisEstimate", durationCount(stats->common.executionTime.executionTimeEstimate)); bob->appendNumber( "executionTimeMicros", durationCount(stats->common.executionTime.executionTimeEstimate)); bob->appendNumber( "executionTimeNanos", durationCount(stats->common.executionTime.executionTimeEstimate)); } bob->appendNumber("opens", static_cast(stats->common.opens)); bob->appendNumber("closes", static_cast(stats->common.closes)); bob->appendNumber("saveState", static_cast(stats->common.yields)); bob->appendNumber("restoreState", static_cast(stats->common.unyields)); bob->appendNumber("isEOF", stats->common.isEOF); // Include any extra debug info if present. bob->appendElements(stats->debugInfo); // We're done if there are no children. if (stats->children.empty()) { return; } // If there's just one child (a common scenario), avoid making an array. This makes // the output more readable by saving a level of nesting. Name the field 'inputStage' // rather than 'inputStages'. if (stats->children.size() == 1) { BSONObjBuilder childBob(bob->subobjStart("inputStage")); statsToBSONHelper(stats->children[0].get(), &childBob, topLevelBob, currentDepth + 1); return; } // For some stages we may want to output its children under different field names. auto overridenNames = [stageType]() -> std::vector { if (stageType == "branch"_sd) { return {"thenStage"_sd, "elseStage"_sd}; } else if (stageType == "nlj"_sd || stageType == "traverse"_sd || stageType == "mj"_sd || stageType == "hj"_sd) { return {"outerStage"_sd, "innerStage"_sd}; } return {}; }(); if (!overridenNames.empty()) { invariant(overridenNames.size() == stats->children.size()); for (size_t idx = 0; idx < stats->children.size(); ++idx) { BSONObjBuilder childBob(bob->subobjStart(overridenNames[idx])); statsToBSONHelper(stats->children[idx].get(), &childBob, topLevelBob, currentDepth + 1); } return; } // There is more than one child. Recursively call statsToBSON(...) on each // of them and add them to the 'inputStages' array. BSONArrayBuilder childrenBob(bob->subarrayStart("inputStages"_sd)); for (auto&& child : stats->children) { BSONObjBuilder childBob(childrenBob.subobjStart()); statsToBSONHelper(child.get(), &childBob, topLevelBob, currentDepth + 2); } childrenBob.doneFast(); } void statsToBSON(const sbe::PlanStageStats* stats, BSONObjBuilder* bob, const BSONObjBuilder* topLevelBob) { statsToBSONHelper(stats, bob, topLevelBob, 0); } PlanExplainer::PlanStatsDetails buildPlanStatsDetails( const QuerySolution* solution, const sbe::PlanStageStats& stats, const boost::optional& execPlanDebugInfo, const boost::optional& optimizerExplain, ExplainOptions::Verbosity verbosity) { BSONObjBuilder bob; if (verbosity >= ExplainOptions::Verbosity::kExecStats) { auto summary = sbe::collectExecutionStatsSummary(stats); if (solution != nullptr && verbosity >= ExplainOptions::Verbosity::kExecAllPlans) { summary.score = solution->score; } statsToBSON(&stats, &bob, &bob); // At the 'kQueryPlanner' verbosity level we use the QSN-derived format for the given plan, // and thus the winning plan and rejected plans at this verbosity should display the // stringified SBE plan, which is added below. However, at the 'kExecStats' the execution // stats use the PlanStage-derived format for the SBE tree, so there is no need to repeat // the stringified SBE plan and we only included what's been generated from the // PlanStageStats. return {bob.obj(), std::move(summary)}; } if (solution != nullptr) { statsToBSON(solution->root(), &bob, &bob); } invariant(execPlanDebugInfo); if (optimizerExplain) { return {BSON("optimizerPlan" << *optimizerExplain << "slotBasedPlan" << *execPlanDebugInfo), boost::none}; } else { return {BSON("queryPlan" << bob.obj() << "slotBasedPlan" << *execPlanDebugInfo), boost::none}; } } } // namespace const PlanExplainer::ExplainVersion& PlanExplainerSBE::getVersion() const { static const ExplainVersion kExplainVersion = "2"; return kExplainVersion; } std::string PlanExplainerSBE::getPlanSummary() const { return _debugInfo->planSummary; } void PlanExplainerSBE::getSummaryStats(PlanSummaryStats* statsOut) const { tassert(6466201, "statsOut should be a valid pointer", statsOut); if (!_root) { return; } // If the exec tree _root was provided, so must be _rootData holding auxiliary data. tassert(5323806, "exec tree data is not provided", _rootData); auto common = _root->getCommonStats(); statsOut->nReturned = common->advances; statsOut->fromMultiPlanner = isMultiPlan(); statsOut->fromPlanCache = isFromCache(); statsOut->totalKeysExamined = 0; statsOut->totalDocsExamined = 0; statsOut->replanReason = _rootData->replanReason; // Collect cumulative execution stats for the plan. auto visitor = PlanSummaryStatsVisitor(*statsOut); _root->accumulate(kEmptyPlanNodeId, &visitor); // Use the pre-computed summary stats instead of traversing the QuerySolution tree. const auto& indexesUsed = _debugInfo->mainStats.indexesUsed; statsOut->indexesUsed.clear(); statsOut->indexesUsed.insert(indexesUsed.begin(), indexesUsed.end()); statsOut->collectionScans = _debugInfo->mainStats.collectionScans; statsOut->collectionScansNonTailable = _debugInfo->mainStats.collectionScansNonTailable; } void PlanExplainerSBE::getSecondarySummaryStats(std::string secondaryColl, PlanSummaryStats* statsOut) const { tassert(6466202, "statsOut should be a valid pointer", statsOut); // Use the pre-computed summary stats instead of traversing the QuerySolution tree. const auto& entry = _debugInfo->secondaryStats.find(secondaryColl); // The secondary collection stats may not be filled in debugInfo if the SBE engine is only // responsible for the subtree of the query. if (entry != _debugInfo->secondaryStats.end()) { const auto& secondaryStats = entry->second; const auto& indexesUsed = secondaryStats.indexesUsed; statsOut->indexesUsed.insert(indexesUsed.begin(), indexesUsed.end()); statsOut->collectionScans += secondaryStats.collectionScans; statsOut->collectionScansNonTailable += secondaryStats.collectionScansNonTailable; } } PlanExplainer::PlanStatsDetails PlanExplainerSBE::getWinningPlanStats( ExplainOptions::Verbosity verbosity) const { invariant(_root); auto stats = _root->getStats(true /* includeDebugInfo */); invariant(stats); return buildPlanStatsDetails(_solution, *stats, buildExecPlanDebugInfo(_root, _rootData), buildCascadesPlan(), verbosity); } PlanExplainer::PlanStatsDetails PlanExplainerSBE::getWinningPlanTrialStats() const { invariant(_rootData); if (_rootData->savedStatsOnEarlyExit) { invariant(_solution); return buildPlanStatsDetails( _solution, *_rootData->savedStatsOnEarlyExit, // This parameter is not used in `buildPlanStatsDetails` if the last parameter is // `ExplainOptions::Verbosity::kExecAllPlans`, as is the case here. boost::none, boost::none, ExplainOptions::Verbosity::kExecAllPlans); } return getWinningPlanStats(ExplainOptions::Verbosity::kExecAllPlans); } std::vector PlanExplainerSBE::getRejectedPlansStats( ExplainOptions::Verbosity verbosity) const { if (_rejectedCandidates.empty()) { return {}; } std::vector res; res.reserve(_rejectedCandidates.size()); for (auto&& candidate : _rejectedCandidates) { invariant(candidate.root); invariant(candidate.solution); auto stats = candidate.root->getStats(true /* includeDebugInfo */); invariant(stats); auto execPlanDebugInfo = buildExecPlanDebugInfo(candidate.root.get(), &candidate.data.stageData); res.push_back(buildPlanStatsDetails( candidate.solution.get(), *stats, execPlanDebugInfo, boost::none, verbosity)); } return res; } boost::optional PlanExplainerSBE::buildCascadesPlan() const { if (_optimizerData) { return _optimizerData->explainBSON(); } return {}; } } // namespace mongo