* Copyright (C) 2013 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
* code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
* conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
* linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
* must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for
* all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
* with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
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* it in the license file.
#define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kQuery
#include "mongo/db/query/planner_analysis.h"
#include "mongo/db/jsobj.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/query_planner_common.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/query_planner.h"
#include "mongo/util/log.h"
namespace mongo {
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
// Helpers for bounds explosion AKA quick-and-dirty SERVER-1205.
namespace {
* Walk the tree 'root' and output all leaf nodes into 'leafNodes'.
void getLeafNodes(QuerySolutionNode* root, vector* leafNodes) {
if (0 == root->children.size()) {
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < root->children.size(); ++i) {
getLeafNodes(root->children[i], leafNodes);
* Returns true if every interval in 'oil' is a point, false otherwise.
bool isUnionOfPoints(const OrderedIntervalList& oil) {
// We can't explode if there are empty bounds. Don't consider the
// oil a union of points if there are no intervals.
if (0 == oil.intervals.size()) {
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < oil.intervals.size(); ++i) {
if (!oil.intervals[i].isPoint()) {
return false;
return true;
* Should we try to expand the index scan(s) in 'solnRoot' to pull out an indexed sort?
* Returns the node which should be replaced by the merge sort of exploded scans
* in the out-parameter 'toReplace'.
bool structureOKForExplode(QuerySolutionNode* solnRoot, QuerySolutionNode** toReplace) {
// For now we only explode if we *know* we will pull the sort out. We can look at
// more structure (or just explode and recalculate properties and see what happens)
// but for now we just explode if it's a sure bet.
// TODO: Can also try exploding if root is AND_HASH (last child dictates order.),
// or other less obvious cases...
if (STAGE_IXSCAN == solnRoot->getType()) {
*toReplace = solnRoot;
return true;
if (STAGE_FETCH == solnRoot->getType()) {
if (STAGE_IXSCAN == solnRoot->children[0]->getType()) {
*toReplace = solnRoot->children[0];
return true;
if (STAGE_OR == solnRoot->getType()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < solnRoot->children.size(); ++i) {
if (STAGE_IXSCAN != solnRoot->children[i]->getType()) {
return false;
*toReplace = solnRoot;
return true;
return false;
// vectors of vectors can be > > annoying.
typedef vector PointPrefix;
* The first 'fieldsToExplode' fields of 'bounds' are points. Compute the Cartesian product
* of those fields and place it in 'prefixOut'.
void makeCartesianProduct(const IndexBounds& bounds,
size_t fieldsToExplode,
vector* prefixOut) {
vector prefixForScans;
// We dump the Cartesian product of bounds into prefixForScans, starting w/the first
// field's points.
verify(fieldsToExplode >= 1);
const OrderedIntervalList& firstOil = bounds.fields[0];
verify(firstOil.intervals.size() >= 1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < firstOil.intervals.size(); ++i) {
const Interval& ival = firstOil.intervals[i];
PointPrefix pfix;
// For each subsequent field...
for (size_t i = 1; i < fieldsToExplode; ++i) {
vector newPrefixForScans;
const OrderedIntervalList& oil = bounds.fields[i];
verify(oil.intervals.size() >= 1);
// For each point interval in that field (all ivals must be points)...
for (size_t j = 0; j < oil.intervals.size(); ++j) {
const Interval& ival = oil.intervals[j];
// Make a new scan by appending it to all scans in prefixForScans.
for (size_t k = 0; k < prefixForScans.size(); ++k) {
PointPrefix pfix = prefixForScans[k];
// And update prefixForScans.
* Take the provided index scan node 'isn'. Returns a list of index scans which are
* logically equivalent to 'isn' if joined by a MergeSort through the out-parameter
* 'explosionResult'. These index scan instances are owned by the caller.
* fieldsToExplode is a count of how many fields in the scan's bounds are the union of point
* intervals. This is computed beforehand and provided as a small optimization.
* Example:
* For the query find({a: {$in: [1,2]}}).sort({b: 1}) using the index {a:1, b:1}:
* 'isn' will be scan with bounds a:[[1,1],[2,2]] & b: [MinKey, MaxKey]
* 'sort' will be {b: 1}
* 'fieldsToExplode' will be 1 (as only one field isUnionOfPoints).
* On return, 'explosionResult' will contain the following two scans:
* a:[[1,1]], b:[MinKey, MaxKey]
* a:[[2,2]], b:[MinKey, MaxKey]
void explodeScan(IndexScanNode* isn,
const BSONObj& sort,
size_t fieldsToExplode,
vector* explosionResult) {
// Turn the compact bounds in 'isn' into a bunch of points...
vector prefixForScans;
makeCartesianProduct(isn->bounds, fieldsToExplode, &prefixForScans);
for (size_t i = 0; i < prefixForScans.size(); ++i) {
const PointPrefix& prefix = prefixForScans[i];
verify(prefix.size() == fieldsToExplode);
// Copy boring fields into new child.
IndexScanNode* child = new IndexScanNode();
child->indexKeyPattern = isn->indexKeyPattern;
child->direction = isn->direction;
child->maxScan = isn->maxScan;
child->addKeyMetadata = isn->addKeyMetadata;
child->indexIsMultiKey = isn->indexIsMultiKey;
// Copy the filter, if there is one.
if (isn->filter.get()) {
// Create child bounds.
for (size_t j = 0; j < fieldsToExplode; ++j) {
child->bounds.fields[j].name = isn->bounds.fields[j].name;
for (size_t j = fieldsToExplode; j < isn->bounds.fields.size(); ++j) {
child->bounds.fields[j] = isn->bounds.fields[j];
* In the tree '*root', replace 'oldNode' with 'newNode'.
void replaceNodeInTree(QuerySolutionNode** root,
QuerySolutionNode* oldNode,
QuerySolutionNode* newNode) {
if (*root == oldNode) {
*root = newNode;
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < (*root)->children.size(); ++i) {
replaceNodeInTree(&(*root)->children[i], oldNode, newNode);
bool hasNode(QuerySolutionNode* root, StageType type) {
if (type == root->getType()) {
return true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < root->children.size(); ++i) {
if (hasNode(root->children[i], type)) {
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
// static
BSONObj QueryPlannerAnalysis::getSortPattern(const BSONObj& indexKeyPattern) {
BSONObjBuilder sortBob;
BSONObjIterator kpIt(indexKeyPattern);
while (kpIt.more()) {
BSONElement elt = kpIt.next();
if (elt.type() == mongo::String) {
long long val = elt.safeNumberLong();
int sortOrder = val >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
sortBob.append(elt.fieldName(), sortOrder);
return sortBob.obj();
// static
bool QueryPlannerAnalysis::explodeForSort(const CanonicalQuery& query,
const QueryPlannerParams& params,
QuerySolutionNode** solnRoot) {
vector leafNodes;
QuerySolutionNode* toReplace;
if (!structureOKForExplode(*solnRoot, &toReplace)) {
return false;
getLeafNodes(*solnRoot, &leafNodes);
const BSONObj& desiredSort = query.getParsed().getSort();
// How many scan leaves will result from our expansion?
size_t totalNumScans = 0;
// The value of entry i is how many scans we want to blow up for leafNodes[i].
// We calculate this in the loop below and might as well reuse it if we blow up
// that scan.
vector fieldsToExplode;
// The sort order we're looking for has to possibly be provided by each of the index scans
// upon explosion.
for (size_t i = 0; i < leafNodes.size(); ++i) {
// We can do this because structureOKForExplode is only true if the leaves are index
// scans.
IndexScanNode* isn = static_cast(leafNodes[i]);
const IndexBounds& bounds = isn->bounds;
// Not a point interval prefix, can't try to rewrite.
if (bounds.isSimpleRange) {
return false;
// How many scans will we create if we blow up this ixscan?
size_t numScans = 1;
// Skip every field that is a union of point intervals and build the resulting sort
// order from the remaining fields.
BSONObjIterator kpIt(isn->indexKeyPattern);
size_t boundsIdx = 0;
while (kpIt.more()) {
const OrderedIntervalList& oil = bounds.fields[boundsIdx];
if (!isUnionOfPoints(oil)) {
numScans *= oil.intervals.size();
// There's no sort order left to gain by exploding. Just go home. TODO: verify nothing
// clever we can do here.
if (!kpIt.more()) {
return false;
// Only explode if there's at least one field to explode for this scan.
if (0 == boundsIdx) {
return false;
// The rest of the fields define the sort order we could obtain by exploding
// the bounds.
BSONObjBuilder resultingSortBob;
while (kpIt.more()) {
// See if it's the order we're looking for.
BSONObj possibleSort = resultingSortBob.obj();
if (!desiredSort.isPrefixOf(possibleSort)) {
// We can't get the sort order from the index scan. See if we can
// get the sort by reversing the scan.
BSONObj reversePossibleSort = QueryPlannerCommon::reverseSortObj(possibleSort);
if (!desiredSort.isPrefixOf(reversePossibleSort)) {
// Can't get the sort order from the reversed index scan either. Give up.
return false;
} else {
// We can get the sort order we need if we reverse the scan.
// Do some bookkeeping to see how many ixscans we'll create total.
totalNumScans += numScans;
// And for this scan how many fields we expand.
// Too many ixscans spoil the performance.
if (totalNumScans > (size_t)internalQueryMaxScansToExplode) {
LOG(5) << "Could expand ixscans to pull out sort order but resulting scan count"
<< "(" << totalNumScans << ") is too high.";
return false;
// If we're here, we can (probably? depends on how restrictive the structure check is)
// get our sort order via ixscan blow-up.
MergeSortNode* merge = new MergeSortNode();
merge->sort = desiredSort;
for (size_t i = 0; i < leafNodes.size(); ++i) {
IndexScanNode* isn = static_cast(leafNodes[i]);
explodeScan(isn, desiredSort, fieldsToExplode[i], &merge->children);
// Replace 'toReplace' with the new merge sort node.
replaceNodeInTree(solnRoot, toReplace, merge);
// And get rid of the node that got replaced.
delete toReplace;
return true;
// static
QuerySolutionNode* QueryPlannerAnalysis::analyzeSort(const CanonicalQuery& query,
const QueryPlannerParams& params,
QuerySolutionNode* solnRoot,
bool* blockingSortOut) {
*blockingSortOut = false;
const LiteParsedQuery& lpq = query.getParsed();
const BSONObj& sortObj = lpq.getSort();
if (sortObj.isEmpty()) {
return solnRoot;
// TODO: We could check sortObj for any projections other than :1 and :-1
// and short-cut some of this.
// If the sort is $natural, we ignore it, assuming that the caller has detected that and
// outputted a collscan to satisfy the desired order.
BSONElement natural = sortObj.getFieldDotted("$natural");
if (!natural.eoo()) {
return solnRoot;
// See if solnRoot gives us the sort. If so, we're done.
BSONObjSet sorts = solnRoot->getSort();
// If the sort we want is in the set of sort orders provided already, bail out.
if (sorts.end() != sorts.find(sortObj)) {
return solnRoot;
// Sort is not provided. See if we provide the reverse of our sort pattern.
// If so, we can reverse the scan direction(s).
BSONObj reverseSort = QueryPlannerCommon::reverseSortObj(sortObj);
if (sorts.end() != sorts.find(reverseSort)) {
LOG(5) << "Reversing ixscan to provide sort. Result: " << solnRoot->toString() << endl;
return solnRoot;
// Sort not provided, can't reverse scans to get the sort. One last trick: We can "explode"
// index scans over point intervals to an OR of sub-scans in order to pull out a sort.
// Let's try this.
if (explodeForSort(query, params, &solnRoot)) {
return solnRoot;
// If we're here, we need to add a sort stage.
// If we're not allowed to put a blocking sort in, bail out.
if (params.options & QueryPlannerParams::NO_BLOCKING_SORT) {
delete solnRoot;
return NULL;
// Add a fetch stage so we have the full object when we hit the sort stage. TODO: Can we
// pull the values that we sort by out of the key and if so in what cases? Perhaps we can
// avoid a fetch.
if (!solnRoot->fetched()) {
FetchNode* fetch = new FetchNode();
solnRoot = fetch;
// And build the full sort stage.
SortNode* sort = new SortNode();
sort->pattern = sortObj;
sort->query = lpq.getFilter();
solnRoot = sort;
// When setting the limit on the sort, we need to consider both
// the limit N and skip count M. The sort should return an ordered list
// N + M items so that the skip stage can discard the first M results.
if (lpq.getLimit()) {
// We have a true limit. The limit can be combined with the SORT stage.
sort->limit = static_cast(*lpq.getLimit()) + static_cast(lpq.getSkip());
} else if (!lpq.isFromFindCommand() && lpq.getBatchSize()) {
// We have an ntoreturn specified by an OP_QUERY style find. This is used
// by clients to mean both batchSize and limit.
// Overflow here would be bad and could cause a nonsense limit. Cast
// skip and limit values to unsigned ints to make sure that the
// sum is never stored as signed. (See SERVER-13537).
sort->limit = static_cast(*lpq.getBatchSize()) + static_cast(lpq.getSkip());
// This is a SORT with a limit. The wire protocol has a single quantity
// called "numToReturn" which could mean either limit or batchSize.
// We have no idea what the client intended. One way to handle the ambiguity
// of a limited OR stage is to use the SPLIT_LIMITED_SORT hack.
// If wantMore is false (meaning that 'ntoreturn' was initially passed to
// the server as a negative value), then we treat numToReturn as a limit.
// Since there is no limit-batchSize ambiguity in this case, we do not use the
// If numToReturn is really a limit, then we want to add a limit to this
// SORT stage, and hence perform a topK.
// If numToReturn is really a batchSize, then we want to perform a regular
// blocking sort.
// Since we don't know which to use, just join the two options with an OR,
// with the topK first. If the client wants a limit, they'll get the efficiency
// of topK. If they want a batchSize, the other OR branch will deliver the missing
// results. The OR stage handles deduping.
if (lpq.wantMore() && params.options & QueryPlannerParams::SPLIT_LIMITED_SORT &&
!QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::TEXT) &&
!QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::GEO) &&
!QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(query.root(), MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR)) {
// If we're here then the SPLIT_LIMITED_SORT hack is turned on,
// and the query is of a type that allows the hack.
// Not allowed for geo or text, because we assume elsewhere that those
// stages appear just once.
OrNode* orn = new OrNode();
SortNode* sortClone = static_cast(sort->clone());
sortClone->limit = 0;
solnRoot = orn;
} else {
sort->limit = 0;
*blockingSortOut = true;
return solnRoot;
// static
QuerySolution* QueryPlannerAnalysis::analyzeDataAccess(const CanonicalQuery& query,
const QueryPlannerParams& params,
QuerySolutionNode* solnRoot) {
unique_ptr soln(new QuerySolution());
soln->filterData = query.getQueryObj();
soln->indexFilterApplied = params.indexFiltersApplied;
// solnRoot finds all our results. Let's see what transformations we must perform to the
// data.
// If we're answering a query on a sharded system, we need to drop documents that aren't
// logically part of our shard.
if (params.options & QueryPlannerParams::INCLUDE_SHARD_FILTER) {
if (!solnRoot->fetched()) {
// See if we need to fetch information for our shard key.
// NOTE: Solution nodes only list ordinary, non-transformed index keys for now
bool fetch = false;
BSONObjIterator it(params.shardKey);
while (it.more()) {
BSONElement nextEl = it.next();
if (!solnRoot->hasField(nextEl.fieldName())) {
fetch = true;
if (fetch) {
FetchNode* fetch = new FetchNode();
solnRoot = fetch;
ShardingFilterNode* sfn = new ShardingFilterNode();
solnRoot = sfn;
bool hasSortStage = false;
solnRoot = analyzeSort(query, params, solnRoot, &hasSortStage);
// This can happen if we need to create a blocking sort stage and we're not allowed to.
if (NULL == solnRoot) {
return NULL;
// A solution can be blocking if it has a blocking sort stage or
// a hashed AND stage.
bool hasAndHashStage = hasNode(solnRoot, STAGE_AND_HASH);
soln->hasBlockingStage = hasSortStage || hasAndHashStage;
const LiteParsedQuery& lpq = query.getParsed();
// If we can (and should), add the keep mutations stage.
// We cannot keep mutated documents if:
// 1. The query requires an index to evaluate the predicate ($text). We can't tell whether
// or not the doc actually satisfies the $text predicate since we can't evaluate a
// text MatchExpression.
// 2. The query implies a sort ($geoNear). It would be rather expensive and hacky to merge
// the document at the right place.
// 3. There is an index-provided sort. Ditto above comment about merging.
// TODO: do we want some kind of pre-planning step where we look for certain nodes and cache
// them? We do lookups in the tree a few times. This may not matter as most trees are
// shallow in terms of query nodes.
bool cannotKeepFlagged = hasNode(solnRoot, STAGE_TEXT) ||
hasNode(solnRoot, STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2D) || hasNode(solnRoot, STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2DSPHERE) ||
(!lpq.getSort().isEmpty() && !hasSortStage);
// Only these stages can produce flagged results. A stage has to hold state past one call
// to work(...) in order to possibly flag a result.
bool couldProduceFlagged =
hasAndHashStage || hasNode(solnRoot, STAGE_AND_SORTED) || hasNode(solnRoot, STAGE_FETCH);
bool shouldAddMutation = !cannotKeepFlagged && couldProduceFlagged;
if (shouldAddMutation && (params.options & QueryPlannerParams::KEEP_MUTATIONS)) {
KeepMutationsNode* keep = new KeepMutationsNode();
// We must run the entire expression tree to make sure the document is still valid.
if (STAGE_SORT == solnRoot->getType()) {
// We want to insert the invalidated results before the sort stage, if there is one.
verify(1 == solnRoot->children.size());
solnRoot->children[0] = keep;
} else {
solnRoot = keep;
// Project the results.
if (NULL != query.getProj()) {
LOG(5) << "PROJECTION: fetched status: " << solnRoot->fetched() << endl;
LOG(5) << "PROJECTION: Current plan is:\n" << solnRoot->toString() << endl;
ProjectionNode::ProjectionType projType = ProjectionNode::DEFAULT;
BSONObj coveredKeyObj;
if (query.getProj()->requiresDocument()) {
LOG(5) << "PROJECTION: claims to require doc adding fetch.\n";
// If the projection requires the entire document, somebody must fetch.
if (!solnRoot->fetched()) {
FetchNode* fetch = new FetchNode();
solnRoot = fetch;
} else if (!query.getProj()->wantIndexKey()) {
// The only way we're here is if it's a simple projection. That is, we can pick out
// the fields we want to include and they're not dotted. So we want to execute the
// projection in the fast-path simple fashion. Just don't know which fast path yet.
LOG(5) << "PROJECTION: requires fields\n";
const vector& fields = query.getProj()->getRequiredFields();
bool covered = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) {
if (!solnRoot->hasField(fields[i])) {
LOG(5) << "PROJECTION: not covered due to field " << fields[i] << endl;
covered = false;
LOG(5) << "PROJECTION: is covered?: = " << covered << endl;
// If any field is missing from the list of fields the projection wants,
// a fetch is required.
if (!covered) {
FetchNode* fetch = new FetchNode();
solnRoot = fetch;
// It's simple but we'll have the full document and we should just iterate
// over that.
projType = ProjectionNode::SIMPLE_DOC;
LOG(5) << "PROJECTION: not covered, fetching.";
} else {
if (solnRoot->fetched()) {
// Fetched implies hasObj() so let's run with that.
projType = ProjectionNode::SIMPLE_DOC;
LOG(5) << "PROJECTION: covered via FETCH, using SIMPLE_DOC fast path";
} else {
// If we're here we're not fetched so we're covered. Let's see if we can
// get out of using the default projType. If there's only one leaf
// underneath and it's giving us index data we can use the faster covered
// impl.
vector leafNodes;
getLeafNodes(solnRoot, &leafNodes);
if (1 == leafNodes.size()) {
// Both the IXSCAN and DISTINCT stages provide covered key data.
if (STAGE_IXSCAN == leafNodes[0]->getType()) {
projType = ProjectionNode::COVERED_ONE_INDEX;
IndexScanNode* ixn = static_cast(leafNodes[0]);
coveredKeyObj = ixn->indexKeyPattern;
LOG(5) << "PROJECTION: covered via IXSCAN, using COVERED fast path";
} else if (STAGE_DISTINCT_SCAN == leafNodes[0]->getType()) {
projType = ProjectionNode::COVERED_ONE_INDEX;
DistinctNode* dn = static_cast(leafNodes[0]);
coveredKeyObj = dn->indexKeyPattern;
LOG(5) << "PROJECTION: covered via DISTINCT, using COVERED fast path";
// We now know we have whatever data is required for the projection.
ProjectionNode* projNode = new ProjectionNode();
projNode->fullExpression = query.root();
projNode->projection = lpq.getProj();
projNode->projType = projType;
projNode->coveredKeyObj = coveredKeyObj;
solnRoot = projNode;
} else {
// If there's no projection, we must fetch, as the user wants the entire doc.
if (!solnRoot->fetched()) {
FetchNode* fetch = new FetchNode();
solnRoot = fetch;
if (0 != lpq.getSkip()) {
SkipNode* skip = new SkipNode();
skip->skip = lpq.getSkip();
solnRoot = skip;
// When there is both a blocking sort and a limit, the limit will
// be enforced by the blocking sort.
// Otherwise, we need to limit the results in the case of a hard limit
// (ie. limit in raw query is negative)
if (!hasSortStage) {
// We don't have a sort stage. This means that, if there is a limit, we will have
// to enforce it ourselves since it's not handled inside SORT.
if (lpq.getLimit()) {
LimitNode* limit = new LimitNode();
limit->limit = *lpq.getLimit();
solnRoot = limit;
} else if (!lpq.isFromFindCommand() && lpq.getBatchSize() && !lpq.wantMore()) {
// We have a "legacy limit", i.e. a negative ntoreturn value from an OP_QUERY style
// find.
LimitNode* limit = new LimitNode();
limit->limit = *lpq.getBatchSize();
solnRoot = limit;
return soln.release();
} // namespace mongo