/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/query/collation/collator_interface_mock.h" #include "mongo/db/query/query_planner_test_fixture.h" namespace { using namespace mongo; TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, StringComparisonWithNullCollatorOnIndexResultsInCollscan) { addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}")); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', filter: {a: {$lt: 'foo'}}, collation: {locale: 'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(1U); assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, StringComparisonWithNullCollatorOnQueryResultsInCollscan) { CollatorInterfaceMock collator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kAlwaysEqual); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &collator); runQuery(fromjson("{a: {$lt: 'foo'}}")); assertNumSolutions(1U); assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, StringComparisonWithUnequalCollatorsResultsInCollscan) { CollatorInterfaceMock alwaysEqualCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kAlwaysEqual); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &alwaysEqualCollator); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', filter: {a: {$lt: 'foo'}}, collation: {locale: 'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(1U); assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, StringComparisonWithMatchingCollationUsesIndexWithTransformedBounds) { CollatorInterfaceMock collator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &collator); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', filter: {a: {$lt: 'foo'}}, collation: {locale: 'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(2U); assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{fetch: {filter: null, collation: {locale: 'reverse'}, node: {ixscan: " "{pattern: {a: 1}, filter: null, " "bounds: {a: [['', 'oof', true, false]]}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, StringComparisonAndNonStringComparisonCanUseSeparateIndices) { CollatorInterfaceMock reverseStringCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); CollatorInterfaceMock alwaysEqualCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kAlwaysEqual); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &reverseStringCollator); addIndex(fromjson("{b: 1}"), &alwaysEqualCollator); // The string predicate can use index {a: 1}, since the collators match. The non-string // comparison can use index {b: 1}, even though the collators don't match. runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', filter: {a: {$lt: 'foo'}, b: {$lte: 4}}, collation: {locale: " "'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(3U); assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{fetch: {filter: {b: {$lte: 4}}, collation: {locale: 'reverse'}, node: " "{ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1}, " "filter: null, bounds: {a: [['', 'oof', true, false]]}}}}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{fetch: {filter: {a: {$lt: 'foo'}}, collation: {locale: 'reverse'}, node: {ixscan: " "{pattern: {b: 1}, filter: null, " "bounds: {b: [[-Infinity, 4, true, true]]}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, StringEqWrtCollatorCannotBeCovered) { CollatorInterfaceMock collator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &collator); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', filter: {a: 'string'}, projection: {_id: 0, a: 1}, collation: " "{locale: 'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(2U); assertSolutionExists("{proj: {spec: {_id: 0, a: 1}, node: {cscan: {dir: 1}}}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{proj: {spec: {_id: 0, a: 1}, node: {fetch: {filter: null, collation: " "{locale: 'reverse'}, node: " "{ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1}, filter: null, bounds: {a: [['gnirts', 'gnirts', true, " "true]]}}}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, StringGteWrtCollatorCannotBeCovered) { CollatorInterfaceMock collator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &collator); runQueryAsCommand(fromjson( "{find: 'testns', filter: {a: {$gte: 'string'}}, projection: {_id: 0, a: 1}, collation: " "{locale: 'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(2U); assertSolutionExists("{proj: {spec: {_id: 0, a: 1}, node: {cscan: {dir: 1}}}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{proj: {spec: {_id: 0, a: 1}, node: {fetch: {filter: null, collation: " "{locale: 'reverse'}, node: " "{ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1}, filter: null, bounds: {a: [['gnirts', {}, true, " "false]]}}}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, InContainingStringCannotBeCoveredWithCollator) { CollatorInterfaceMock collator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &collator); runQueryAsCommand(fromjson( "{find: 'testns', filter: {a: {$in: [2, 'foo']}}, projection: {_id: 0, a: 1}, collation: " "{locale: 'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(2U); assertSolutionExists("{proj: {spec: {_id: 0, a: 1}, node: {cscan: {dir: 1}}}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{proj: {spec: {_id: 0, a: 1}, node: {fetch: {filter: null, collation: " "{locale: 'reverse'}, node: " "{ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1}, filter: null, bounds: {a: [[2,2,true,true]," "['oof','oof',true,true]]}}}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TypeStringCannotBeCoveredWithCollator) { CollatorInterfaceMock collator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &collator); runQueryAsCommand(fromjson( "{find: 'testns', filter: {a: {$type: 'string'}}, projection: {_id: 0, a: 1}, collation: " "{locale: 'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(2U); assertSolutionExists("{proj: {spec: {_id: 0, a: 1}, node: {cscan: {dir: 1}}}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{proj: {spec: {_id: 0, a: 1}, node: {fetch: {filter: {a:{$type:'string'}}, collation: " "{locale: 'reverse'}, node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1}, filter: null, " "bounds: {a: [['',{},true,true]]}}}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, NotWithStringBoundsCannotBeCoveredWithCollator) { CollatorInterfaceMock collator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &collator); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', filter: {a: {$ne: 2}}, projection: {_id: 0, a: 1}, collation: " "{locale: 'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(2U); assertSolutionExists("{proj: {spec: {_id: 0, a: 1}, node: {cscan: {dir: 1}}}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{proj: {spec: {_id: 0, a: 1}, node: {fetch: {filter: null, collation: " "{locale: 'reverse'}, node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1}, filter: null, " "bounds: {a: [['MinKey',2,true,false], [2,'MaxKey',false,true]]}}}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, ExistsTrueCannotBeCoveredWithSparseIndexAndCollator) { CollatorInterfaceMock collator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &collator); params.indices.back().sparse = true; runQueryAsCommand(fromjson( "{find: 'testns', filter: {a: {$exists: true}}, projection: {_id: 0, a: 1}, collation: " "{locale: 'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(2U); assertSolutionExists("{proj: {spec: {_id: 0, a: 1}, node: {cscan: {dir: 1}}}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{proj: {spec: {_id: 0, a: 1}, node: {fetch: {filter: null, collation: " "{locale: 'reverse'}, node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1}, filter: null, " "bounds: {a: [['MinKey','MaxKey',true,true]]}}}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, MinMaxWithStringBoundsCannotBeCoveredWithCollator) { CollatorInterfaceMock collator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 1}"), &collator); runQueryAsCommand(fromjson( "{find: 'testns', min: {a: 1, b: 2}, max: {a: 2, b: 1}, " "projection: {_id: 0, a: 1, b: 1}, hint: {a: 1, b: 1}, collation: {locale: 'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(1U); assertSolutionExists( "{proj: {spec: {_id: 0, a: 1, b: 1}, node: {fetch: {filter: null, collation: " "{locale: 'reverse'}, node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1, b: 1}}}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, SimpleRegexCanUseAnIndexWithACollatorWithLooseBounds) { CollatorInterfaceMock collator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &collator); // Since the index has a collation, the regex must be applied after fetching the documents // (INEXACT_FETCH tightness). runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', filter: {a: /^simple/}, collation: {locale: 'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(2U); assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{fetch: {filter: {a: /^simple/}, node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1}, filter: null, bounds: " "{a: [['', {}, true, false], [/^simple/, /^simple/, true, true]]}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, SimpleRegexCanUseAnIndexWithoutACollatorWithTightBounds) { addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}")); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', filter: {a: /^simple/}, collation: {locale: 'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(2U); assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{fetch: {filter: null, node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1}, filter: null, bounds: " "{a: [['simple', 'simplf', true, false], [/^simple/, /^simple/, true, true]]}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, NonSimpleRegexCanUseAnIndexWithoutACollatorAsInexactCovered) { addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}")); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', filter: {a: /nonsimple/}, collation: {locale: 'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(2U); assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{fetch: {filter: null, node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1}, filter: {a: /nonsimple/}, bounds: " "{a: [['', {}, true, false], [/nonsimple/, /nonsimple/, true, true]]}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, AccessPlannerCorrectlyCombinesComparisonKeyBounds) { CollatorInterfaceMock collator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 1}"), &collator); runQueryAsCommand(fromjson( "{find: 'testns', filter: {a: {$gte: 'foo', $lte: 'zfoo'}, b: 'bar'}, collation: {locale: " "'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(2U); assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{fetch: {filter: null, collation: {locale: 'reverse'}, " "node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1, b: " "1}, filter: null, bounds: {a: [['oof','oofz',true,true]], b: " "[['rab','rab',true,true]]}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, OrQueryResultsInCollscanWhenOnlyOneBranchHasIndexWithMatchingCollation) { CollatorInterfaceMock reverseStringCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); CollatorInterfaceMock alwaysEqualCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kAlwaysEqual); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &reverseStringCollator); addIndex(fromjson("{b: 1}"), &alwaysEqualCollator); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', filter: {$or: [{a: 'foo'}, {b: 'bar'}]}, collation: {locale: " "'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(1U); assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, OrQueryCanBeIndexedWhenBothBranchesHaveIndexWithMatchingCollation) { CollatorInterfaceMock collator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &collator); addIndex(fromjson("{b: 1}"), &collator); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', filter: {$or: [{a: 'foo'}, {b: 'bar'}]}, collation: {locale: " "'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(2U); assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{fetch: {node: {or: {nodes: [" "{ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1}, bounds: {a: [['oof','oof',true,true]]}}}," "{ixscan: {pattern: {b: 1}, bounds: {b: [['rab','rab',true,true]]}}}]}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, ElemMatchObjectResultsInCorrectComparisonKeyBounds) { CollatorInterfaceMock collator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{'a.b': 1}"), &collator); runQueryAsCommand(fromjson( "{find: 'testns', filter: {a: {$elemMatch: {b: {$gte: 'foo', $lte: 'zfoo'}}}}, collation: " "{locale: " "'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(2U); assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{fetch: {filter: {a:{$elemMatch:{b:{$gte:'foo',$lte:'zfoo'}}}}, collation: {locale: " "'reverse'}, node: {ixscan: {pattern: " "{'a.b': 1}, filter: null, bounds: {'a.b': [['oof','oofz',true,true]]}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, QueryForNestedObjectWithMatchingCollatorCanUseIndex) { CollatorInterfaceMock collator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &collator); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', filter: {a: {b: 1}}, collation: {locale: 'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(2U); assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}"); assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, QueryForNestedObjectWithNonMatchingCollatorCantUseIndexWithCollator) { CollatorInterfaceMock indexCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &indexCollator); runQuery(fromjson("{a: {b: 1}}")); assertNumSolutions(1U); assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, CannotUseIndexWithNonMatchingCollatorForSort) { CollatorInterfaceMock indexCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &indexCollator); runQueryAsCommand(fromjson("{find: 'testns', filter: {b: 1}, sort: {a: 1}}")); assertNumSolutions(1U); assertSolutionExists( "{sort: {pattern: {a: 1}, limit: 0, node: {sortKeyGen:" "{node: {cscan: {dir: 1, filter: {b: 1}}}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, CanUseIndexWithMatchingCollatorForSort) { CollatorInterfaceMock indexCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &indexCollator); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', filter: {b: 1}, sort: {a: 1}, collation: {locale: 'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(2U); assertSolutionExists( "{sort: {pattern: {a: 1}, limit: 0, node: {sortKeyGen:" "{node: {cscan: {dir: 1, filter: {b: 1}, collation: {locale: 'reverse'}}}}}}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{fetch: {filter: {b: 1}, collation: {locale: 'reverse'}, node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: " "1}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, IndexWithNonMatchingCollatorCausesInMemorySort) { CollatorInterfaceMock indexCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &indexCollator); runQueryAsCommand(fromjson("{find: 'testns', filter: {a: {'$exists': true}}, sort: {a: 1}}")); assertNumSolutions(2U); assertSolutionExists( "{sort: {pattern: {a: 1}, limit: 0, node: {sortKeyGen:" "{node: {fetch: {node : {ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1}}}}}}}}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{sort: {pattern: {a: 1}, limit: 0, node: {sortKeyGen:" "{node: {cscan: {dir: 1, filter: {a: {'$exists': true}}}}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, IndexWithMatchingCollatorDoesNotCauseInMemorySort) { CollatorInterfaceMock indexCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &indexCollator); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', filter: {a: {'$exists': true}}, sort: {a: 1}," "collation: {locale: 'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(2U); assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node : {ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1}}}}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{sort: {pattern: {a: 1}, limit: 0, node: {sortKeyGen:" "{node: {cscan: {dir: 1, filter: {a: {'$exists': true}}}}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, CompoundIndexWithNonMatchingCollatorCausesInMemorySort) { CollatorInterfaceMock indexCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 1, c: 1, d: 1}"), &indexCollator); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', filter: {a: 1, b: 2, c: {a: 1}}," "sort: {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}}")); assertNumSolutions(2U); assertSolutionExists( "{sort: {pattern: {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}, limit: 0, node: {sortKeyGen:" "{node: {fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1, d: 1}}}}}}}}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{sort: {pattern: {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}, limit: 0, node: {sortKeyGen:" "{node: {cscan: {dir: 1, filter: {a: 1, b: 2, c: {a: 1}}}}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, CompoundIndexWithNonMatchingPrefixedCollatorDoesNotCauseInMemorySort) { CollatorInterfaceMock indexCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 1, c: 1, d: 1}"), &indexCollator); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', filter: {a: 1, b: 2, c: {a: 1 } }," "sort: {a: 1, b: 1 }}")); assertNumSolutions(2U); assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node : {ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1, d: 1}}}}}"); assertSolutionExists( "{sort: {pattern: {a: 1, b: 1}, limit: 0, node: {sortKeyGen:" "{node: {cscan: {dir: 1, filter : {a: 1, b: 2, c: {a: 1}}}}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, SuccessfullyPlanWhenMinMaxHaveNumberBoundariesAndCollationsDontMatch) { CollatorInterfaceMock indexCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kToLowerString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}"), &indexCollator); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', min: {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}, max: {a: 3, b: 3, c: 3}," "hint: {a:1, b: 1, c: 1}}")); assertNumSolutions(1U); assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, FailToPlanWhenMinHasStringBoundaryAndCollationsDontMatch) { CollatorInterfaceMock indexCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kToLowerString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}"), &indexCollator); runInvalidQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', min: {a: 1, b: 'foo', c: 1}, " "hint: {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}}")); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, FailToPlanWhenMaxHasStringBoundaryAndCollationsDontMatch) { CollatorInterfaceMock indexCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kToLowerString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}"), &indexCollator); runInvalidQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', max: {a: 1, b: 'foo', c: 1}, hint: {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}}")); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, FailToPlanWhenMinHasObjectBoundaryAndCollationsDontMatch) { CollatorInterfaceMock indexCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kToLowerString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}"), &indexCollator); runInvalidQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', min: {a: 1, b: {d: 'foo'}, c: 1}, " "hint: {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}}")); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, FailToPlanWhenMaxHasObjectBoundaryAndCollationsDontMatch) { CollatorInterfaceMock indexCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kToLowerString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}"), &indexCollator); runInvalidQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', max: {a: 1, b: {d: 'foo'}, c: 1}, " "hint: {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}}")); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, FailToPlanWhenMinHasArrayBoundaryAndCollationsDontMatch) { CollatorInterfaceMock indexCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kToLowerString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}"), &indexCollator); runInvalidQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', min: {a: 1, b: 1, c: [1, 'foo']}, " "hint: {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}}")); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, FailToPlanWhenMaxHasArrayBoundaryAndCollationsDontMatch) { CollatorInterfaceMock indexCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kToLowerString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}"), &indexCollator); runInvalidQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', max: {a: 1, b: 1, c: [1, 'foo']}, " "hint: {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}}")); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, FailToPlanWhenHintingIndexIncompatibleWithMinDueToCollation) { CollatorInterfaceMock indexCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kToLowerString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &indexCollator, "indexToHint"_sd); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}")); runInvalidQueryAsCommand(fromjson("{find: 'testns', min: {a: 'foo'}, hint: 'indexToHint'}")); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, FailToPlanWhenHintingIndexIncompatibleWithMaxDueToCollation) { CollatorInterfaceMock indexCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kToLowerString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &indexCollator, "indexToHint"_sd); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}")); runInvalidQueryAsCommand(fromjson("{find: 'testns', max: {a: 'foo'}, hint: 'indexToHint'}")); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, SuccessWithIndexWithMatchingSimpleCollationWhenMinHasStringBoundary) { addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), nullptr, "noCollation"_sd); runQueryAsCommand(fromjson("{find: 'testns', min: {a: 'foo'}, hint: {a: 1}}")); assertNumSolutions(1U); assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1}, name: 'noCollation'}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, SuccessWithIndexWithMatchingNonSimpleCollationWhenMinHasStringBoundary) { CollatorInterfaceMock indexCollator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), &indexCollator, "withCollation"_sd); runQueryAsCommand(fromjson( "{find: 'testns', min: {a: 'foo'}, hint: {a: 1}, collation: {locale: 'reverse'}}")); assertNumSolutions(1U); assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1}, name: 'withCollation'}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, SuccessWithIndexWithMatchingSimpleCollationWhenMaxHasStringBoundary) { addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1}"), nullptr, "noCollation"_sd); runQueryAsCommand(fromjson("{find: 'testns', max: {a: 'foo'}, hint: {a: 1}}")); assertNumSolutions(1U); assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1}, name: 'noCollation'}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, MustSortInMemoryWhenMinMaxQueryHasCollationAndIndexDoesNot) { addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 1}")); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', min: {a: 1, b: 1}, max: {a: 2, b: 1}, hint: {a:1, b:1}, " "collation: {locale: 'reverse'}, sort: {a: 1, b: 1}}")); assertNumSolutions(1U); assertSolutionExists( "{fetch: {node: {sort: {pattern: {a: 1, b: 1}, limit: 0, node: {sortKeyGen:{node: {ixscan: " "{pattern: {a: 1, b: 1}}}}}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, MustSortInMemoryWhenMinMaxIndexHasCollationAndQueryDoesNot) { CollatorInterfaceMock collator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1, b:1}"), &collator); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', min: {a: 1, b: 1}, max: {a: 2, b: 1}, sort: {a: 1, b: 1}, " "hint: {a: 1, b: 1}}")); assertNumSolutions(1U); assertSolutionExists( "{sort: {pattern: {a: 1, b: 1}, limit: 0, node: {sortKeyGen:" "{node: {fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1, b: 1}}}}}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, CanProduceCoveredSortPlanWhenQueryHasCollationButIndexDoesNot) { addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 1}")); runQueryAsCommand(fromjson( "{find: 'testns', projection: {a: 1, b: 1, _id: 0}, min: {a: 1, b: 1}, max: {a: 2, " "b: 1}, hint: {a: 1, b: 1}, collation: {locale: 'reverse'}, sort: {a: 1, b: 1}}")); assertNumSolutions(1U); assertSolutionExists( "{proj: {spec: {a: 1, b:1, _id: 0}, node: {sort: {pattern: {a: 1, b: 1}, limit: 0, node: " "{sortKeyGen:{node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1, b: 1}}}}}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, CannotUseIndexWhenQueryHasNoCollationButIndexHasNonSimpleCollation) { CollatorInterfaceMock collator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kToLowerString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 1}"), &collator); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', projection: {a: 1, b:1, _id: 0}, sort: {a: 1, b: 1}}")); assertNumSolutions(1U); assertSolutionExists( "{proj: {spec: {a: 1, b:1, _id: 0}, node: {sort: {pattern: {a: 1, b: 1}, limit: 0, node: " "{sortKeyGen:{node: {cscan: {dir: 1}}}}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, CannotUseIndexWhenQueryHasDifferentNonSimpleCollationThanIndex) { CollatorInterfaceMock collator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kToLowerString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 1}"), &collator); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', projection: {a: 1, b:1, _id: 0}, collation: {locale: " "'reverse'}, sort: {a: 1, b: 1}}")); assertNumSolutions(1U); assertSolutionExists( "{proj: {spec: {a: 1, b:1, _id: 0}, node: {sort: {pattern: {a: 1, b: 1}, limit: 0, node: " "{sortKeyGen:{node: {cscan: {dir: 1}}}}}}}}"); } /** * This test confirms that we place a fetch stage before sortKeyGen in the case where both query * and index have the same non-simple collation. To handle this scenario without this fetch would * require a mechanism to ensure we don't attempt to encode for collation an already encoded index * key entry when generating the sort key. */ TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, MustFetchBeforeSortWhenQueryHasSameNonSimpleCollationAsIndex) { params.options &= ~QueryPlannerParams::INCLUDE_COLLSCAN; CollatorInterfaceMock collator(CollatorInterfaceMock::MockType::kReverseString); addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 1}"), &collator); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', filter: {a: {$gt: 0}}, projection: {a: 1, b:1, _id: 0}, " "collation: {locale: " "'reverse'}, sort: {b: 1, a: 1}}")); assertNumSolutions(1U); assertSolutionExists( "{proj: {spec: {a: 1, b:1, _id: 0}, node: {sort: {pattern: {b: 1, a: 1}, limit: 0, node: " "{sortKeyGen:{node: {fetch: {filter: null, collation: {locale: 'reverse'}, node: {ixscan: " "{pattern: {a: 1, b: 1}}}}}}}}}}}}}"); } TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, NoSortStageWhenMinMaxIndexCollationDoesNotMatchButBoundsContainNoStrings) { addIndex(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}")); runQueryAsCommand( fromjson("{find: 'testns', min: {a: 1, b: 8, c: 1}, max: {a: 1, b: 8, c: 100}, " "hint: {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}, collation: {locale: 'reverse'}, " "sort: {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}}")); assertNumSolutions(1U); assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}}}}}"); } } // namespace