/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include #include #include #include "mongo/db/query/query_solution.h" #include #include #include "mongo/bson/bsontypes.h" #include "mongo/bson/mutable/document.h" #include "mongo/bson/simple_bsonelement_comparator.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/clustered_collection_util.h" #include "mongo/db/field_ref.h" #include "mongo/db/index_names.h" #include "mongo/db/keypattern.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_algo.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_geo.h" #include "mongo/db/query/collation/collation_index_key.h" #include "mongo/db/query/index_bounds_builder.h" #include "mongo/db/query/planner_analysis.h" #include "mongo/db/query/planner_wildcard_helpers.h" #include "mongo/db/query/projection_ast_util.h" #include "mongo/db/query/query_planner_common.h" #include "mongo/db/query/util/set_util.h" namespace mongo { namespace { namespace wcp = ::mongo::wildcard_planning; // Create an ordred interval list which represents the bounds for all BSON elements of type String, // Object, or Array. OrderedIntervalList buildStringBoundsOil(const std::string& keyName) { OrderedIntervalList ret; ret.name = keyName; BSONObjBuilder strBob; strBob.appendMinForType("", BSONType::String); strBob.appendMaxForType("", BSONType::String); ret.intervals.push_back( IndexBoundsBuilder::makeRangeInterval(strBob.obj(), BoundInclusion::kIncludeStartKeyOnly)); BSONObjBuilder objBob; objBob.appendMinForType("", BSONType::Object); objBob.appendMaxForType("", BSONType::Object); ret.intervals.push_back( IndexBoundsBuilder::makeRangeInterval(objBob.obj(), BoundInclusion::kIncludeStartKeyOnly)); BSONObjBuilder arrBob; arrBob.appendMinForType("", BSONType::Array); arrBob.appendMaxForType("", BSONType::Array); ret.intervals.push_back( IndexBoundsBuilder::makeRangeInterval(arrBob.obj(), BoundInclusion::kIncludeStartKeyOnly)); return ret; } bool rangeCanContainString(const BSONElement& startKey, const BSONElement& endKey, BoundInclusion boundInclusion) { OrderedIntervalList stringBoundsOil = buildStringBoundsOil(""); OrderedIntervalList rangeOil; BSONObjBuilder bob; bob.appendAs(startKey, ""); bob.appendAs(endKey, ""); rangeOil.intervals.push_back(IndexBoundsBuilder::makeRangeInterval(bob.obj(), boundInclusion)); IndexBoundsBuilder::intersectize(rangeOil, &stringBoundsOil); return !stringBoundsOil.intervals.empty(); } // Helper for 'getAllSecondaryNamespaces' that deduplicates namespaces. void getAllSecondaryNamespacesHelper(const QuerySolutionNode* qsn, const NamespaceString& mainNss, std::set& secondaryNssSet) { if (!qsn) { return; } if (auto eqLookupNode = dynamic_cast(qsn)) { NamespaceString nss(eqLookupNode->foreignCollection); if (nss != mainNss) { secondaryNssSet.emplace(std::move(nss)); } } for (auto&& child : qsn->children) { getAllSecondaryNamespacesHelper(child.get(), mainNss, secondaryNssSet); } } } // namespace bool ProvidedSortSet::contains(BSONObj input) const { auto sortPatternItr = BSONObjIterator(_baseSortPattern); for (auto&& inputElement : input) { // Remove all the fields that are present in '_ignoredFields' from the sort pattern object // since they do not contribute to changing the output order. if (_ignoredFields.count(inputElement.fieldName())) { continue; } if (SimpleBSONElementComparator::kInstance.evaluate(inputElement == *sortPatternItr)) { ++sortPatternItr; continue; } return false; } return true; } string QuerySolutionNode::toString() const { str::stream ss; appendToString(&ss, 0); return ss; } // static void QuerySolutionNode::addIndent(str::stream* ss, int level) { for (int i = 0; i < level; ++i) { *ss << "---"; } } void QuerySolutionNode::addCommon(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "nodeId = " << _nodeId << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "fetched = " << fetched() << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "sortedByDiskLoc = " << sortedByDiskLoc() << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "providedSorts = {" << providedSorts().debugString() << "}" << '\n'; } bool QuerySolutionNode::hasNode(StageType type) const { if (type == getType()) { return true; } for (auto&& child : children) { if (child->hasNode(type)) { return true; } } return false; } std::string QuerySolution::summaryString() const { tassert(5968205, "QuerySolutionNode cannot be null in this QuerySolution", _root); StringBuilder sb; bool seenLeaf = false; std::queue queue; queue.push(_root.get()); while (!queue.empty()) { auto node = queue.front(); queue.pop(); if (node->children.empty()) { if (seenLeaf) { sb << ", "; } else { seenLeaf = true; } sb << stageTypeToString(node->getType()); switch (node->getType()) { case STAGE_COUNT_SCAN: { auto csn = static_cast(node); const KeyPattern keyPattern{csn->index.keyPattern}; sb << " " << keyPattern; break; } case STAGE_DISTINCT_SCAN: { auto dn = static_cast(node); const KeyPattern keyPattern{dn->index.keyPattern}; sb << " " << keyPattern; break; } case STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2D: { auto geo2d = static_cast(node); const KeyPattern keyPattern{geo2d->index.keyPattern}; sb << " " << keyPattern; break; } case STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2DSPHERE: { auto geo2dsphere = static_cast(node); const KeyPattern keyPattern{geo2dsphere->index.keyPattern}; sb << " " << keyPattern; break; } case STAGE_IXSCAN: { auto ixn = static_cast(node); const KeyPattern keyPattern{ixn->index.keyPattern}; sb << " " << keyPattern; break; } case STAGE_TEXT_MATCH: { auto tn = static_cast(node); const KeyPattern keyPattern{tn->indexPrefix}; sb << " " << keyPattern; break; } case STAGE_COLUMN_SCAN: { auto cixn = static_cast(node); auto concat = [](const std::string& a, const std::string& b) { return a.empty() ? "'{}'"_format(b) : "{},'{}'"_format(a, b); }; const std::string matchColumns = std::accumulate( cixn->matchFields.begin(), cixn->matchFields.end(), std::string{}, concat); const std::string outputColumns = std::accumulate(cixn->outputFields.begin(), cixn->outputFields.end(), std::string{}, concat); sb << " {{'match':[{}],'output':[{}]}}"_format(matchColumns, outputColumns); break; } default: break; } } for (auto&& child : node->children) { queue.push(child.get()); } } return sb.str(); } void QuerySolution::assignNodeIds(QsnIdGenerator& idGenerator, QuerySolutionNode& node) { for (auto&& child : node.children) { assignNodeIds(idGenerator, *child); } node._nodeId = idGenerator.generate(); } void QuerySolution::extendWith(std::unique_ptr extensionRoot) { auto current = extensionRoot.get(); if (current == nullptr || current->getType() == StageType::STAGE_SENTINEL) { // Nothing to do for a trivial extension. return; } QuerySolutionNode* parentOfSentinel = nullptr; while (current->getType() != StageType::STAGE_SENTINEL) { parentOfSentinel = current; tassert(5842801, "Cannot find the sentinel node in the extension tree", !parentOfSentinel->children.empty()); // At the moment, we only extend a solution plan with a tree for $group stage(s), which have // exactly one child. We'll replace the left-most branch descent with a full tree traversal, // if/when it becomes necessary. tassert(5842800, "Only chain extension trees are supported", parentOfSentinel->children.size() == 1); current = parentOfSentinel->children[0].get(); } parentOfSentinel->children[0] = std::move(_root); setRoot(std::move(extensionRoot)); } void QuerySolution::setRoot(std::unique_ptr root) { uassert(6882300, "QuerySolutionNode must be non null", root); _root = std::move(root); _enumeratorExplainInfo.hitScanLimit = _root->getScanLimit(); QsnIdGenerator idGenerator; assignNodeIds(idGenerator, *_root); } std::unique_ptr QuerySolution::extractRoot() { return std::move(_root); } std::vector QuerySolution::getAllSecondaryNamespaces( const NamespaceString& mainNss) { std::set secondaryNssSet; getAllSecondaryNamespacesHelper(_root.get(), mainNss, secondaryNssSet); return {secondaryNssSet.begin(), secondaryNssSet.end()}; } // // CollectionScanNode // CollectionScanNode::CollectionScanNode() : clusteredIndex(boost::none), hasCompatibleCollation(false), tailable(false), direction(1) {} void CollectionScanNode::computeProperties() { if (clusteredIndex && hasCompatibleCollation) { auto sort = clustered_util::getSortPattern(*clusteredIndex); if (direction == -1) { // If we are scanning the collection in the descending direction, we provide the reverse // sort order. sort = QueryPlannerCommon::reverseSortObj(sort); } sortSet = ProvidedSortSet(sort); } } void CollectionScanNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "COLLSCAN\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "ns = " << name << '\n'; if (nullptr != filter) { addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "filter = " << filter->debugString(); } addCommon(ss, indent); } std::unique_ptr CollectionScanNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(); cloneBaseData(copy.get()); copy->name = this->name; copy->tailable = this->tailable; copy->direction = this->direction; copy->isClustered = this->isClustered; copy->isOplog = this->isOplog; copy->shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp = this->shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp; copy->assertTsHasNotFallenOff = this->assertTsHasNotFallenOff; copy->shouldWaitForOplogVisibility = this->shouldWaitForOplogVisibility; copy->clusteredIndex = this->clusteredIndex; copy->hasCompatibleCollation = this->hasCompatibleCollation; copy->lowPriority = this->lowPriority; return copy; } // // VirtualScanNode // VirtualScanNode::VirtualScanNode(std::vector docs, ScanType scanType, bool hasRecordId, BSONObj indexKeyPattern) : docs(std::move(docs)), scanType(scanType), hasRecordId(hasRecordId), indexKeyPattern(std::move(indexKeyPattern)) {} void VirtualScanNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "VIRTUAL_SCAN\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "nDocuments = " << docs.size(); addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "hasRecordId = " << hasRecordId; addCommon(ss, indent); *ss << "scanType = " << static_cast(scanType); addCommon(ss, indent); *ss << "indexKeyPattern = " << indexKeyPattern; addCommon(ss, indent); } std::unique_ptr VirtualScanNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(docs, scanType, hasRecordId, indexKeyPattern); cloneBaseData(copy.get()); return copy; } // // AndHashNode // AndHashNode::AndHashNode() {} AndHashNode::~AndHashNode() {} void AndHashNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "AND_HASH\n"; if (nullptr != filter) { addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << " filter = " << filter->debugString() << '\n'; } addCommon(ss, indent); for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "Child " << i << ":\n"; children[i]->appendToString(ss, indent + 1); } } bool AndHashNode::fetched() const { // Any WSM output from this stage came from all children stages. If any child provides // fetched data, we merge that fetched data into the WSM we output. for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { if (children[i]->fetched()) { return true; } } return false; } FieldAvailability AndHashNode::getFieldAvailability(const string& field) const { // A field can be provided by any of the children. auto result = FieldAvailability::kNotProvided; for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { result = std::max(result, children[i]->getFieldAvailability(field)); } return result; } std::unique_ptr AndHashNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(); cloneBaseData(copy.get()); return copy; } // // AndSortedNode // AndSortedNode::AndSortedNode() {} AndSortedNode::~AndSortedNode() {} void AndSortedNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "AND_SORTED\n"; addCommon(ss, indent); for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "Child " << i << ":\n"; children[i]->appendToString(ss, indent + 1); } } bool AndSortedNode::fetched() const { // Any WSM output from this stage came from all children stages. If any child provides // fetched data, we merge that fetched data into the WSM we output. for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { if (children[i]->fetched()) { return true; } } return false; } FieldAvailability AndSortedNode::getFieldAvailability(const string& field) const { // A field can be provided by any of the children. auto result = FieldAvailability::kNotProvided; for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { result = std::max(result, children[i]->getFieldAvailability(field)); } return result; } std::unique_ptr AndSortedNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(); cloneBaseData(copy.get()); return copy; } // // OrNode // OrNode::OrNode() : dedup(true) {} OrNode::~OrNode() {} void OrNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "OR\n"; if (nullptr != filter) { addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << " filter = " << filter->debugString() << '\n'; } addCommon(ss, indent); for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "Child " << i << ":\n"; children[i]->appendToString(ss, indent + 2); *ss << '\n'; } } bool OrNode::fetched() const { // Any WSM output from this stage came exactly one child stage. Given that we don't know // what child stage it came from, we require that all children provide fetched data in order // to guarantee that our output is fetched. for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { if (!children[i]->fetched()) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Any WSM output from this stage came from exactly one child stage. Therefore, if * we want to guarantee that any output has a certain field, all of our children must * have that field. */ FieldAvailability OrNode::getFieldAvailability(const string& field) const { auto result = FieldAvailability::kFullyProvided; for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { result = std::min(result, children[i]->getFieldAvailability(field)); } return result; } std::unique_ptr OrNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(); cloneBaseData(copy.get()); copy->dedup = this->dedup; return copy; } // // MergeSortNode // MergeSortNode::MergeSortNode() : dedup(true) {} MergeSortNode::~MergeSortNode() {} void MergeSortNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "MERGE_SORT\n"; if (nullptr != filter) { addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << " filter = " << filter->debugString() << '\n'; } addCommon(ss, indent); for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "Child " << i << ":\n"; children[i]->appendToString(ss, indent + 2); *ss << '\n'; } } bool MergeSortNode::fetched() const { // Any WSM output from this stage came exactly one child stage. Given that we don't know // what child stage it came from, we require that all children provide fetched data in order // to guarantee that our output is fetched. for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { if (!children[i]->fetched()) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Any WSM output from this stage came from exactly one child stage. Therefore, if * we want to guarantee that any output has a certain field, all of our children must * have that field. */ FieldAvailability MergeSortNode::getFieldAvailability(const string& field) const { auto result = FieldAvailability::kFullyProvided; for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { result = std::min(result, children[i]->getFieldAvailability(field)); } return result; } std::unique_ptr MergeSortNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(); cloneBaseData(copy.get()); copy->dedup = this->dedup; copy->sort = this->sort; return copy; } // // FetchNode // void FetchNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "FETCH\n"; if (nullptr != filter) { addIndent(ss, indent + 1); StringBuilder sb; *ss << "filter:\n"; filter->debugString(sb, indent + 2); *ss << sb.str(); } addCommon(ss, indent); addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "Child:" << '\n'; children[0]->appendToString(ss, indent + 2); } std::unique_ptr FetchNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(); cloneBaseData(copy.get()); return copy; } // // IndexScanNode // IndexScanNode::IndexScanNode(IndexEntry indexEntry) : index(std::move(indexEntry)), direction(1), addKeyMetadata(false), shouldDedup(index.multikey), queryCollator(nullptr) {} void IndexScanNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "IXSCAN\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "indexName = " << index.identifier.catalogName << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "keyPattern = " << index.keyPattern << '\n'; if (nullptr != filter) { addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "filter = " << filter->debugString(); } addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "direction = " << direction << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "bounds = " << bounds.toString(index.collator != nullptr) << '\n'; if (!iets.empty()) { addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "iets = " << ietsToString(index, iets) << '\n'; } addCommon(ss, indent); } FieldAvailability IndexScanNode::getFieldAvailability(const string& field) const { // A $** index whose bounds overlap the object type bracket cannot provide covering, since the // index only contains the leaf nodes along each of the object's subpaths. if (index.type == IndexType::INDEX_WILDCARD && wcp::isWildcardObjectSubpathScan(this)) { return FieldAvailability::kNotProvided; } // The index is multikey but does not have any path-level multikeyness information. Such indexes // can never provide covering. if (index.multikey && index.multikeyPaths.empty()) { return FieldAvailability::kNotProvided; } // Compound hashed indexes can be covered when the projection is not on the hashed field. Other // custom index access methods may return non-exact key data - this function is currently used // for covering exact key data only. auto indexPluginName = IndexNames::findPluginName(index.keyPattern); switch (IndexNames::nameToType(indexPluginName)) { case IndexType::INDEX_BTREE: case IndexType::INDEX_HASHED: break; default: // All other index types provide no fields. return FieldAvailability::kNotProvided; } // If the index has a non-simple collation and we have collation keys inside 'field', then this // index scan does not provide that field (and the query cannot be covered). if (index.collator) { std::set collatedFields = getFieldsWithStringBounds(bounds, index.keyPattern); if (collatedFields.find(field) != collatedFields.end()) { return FieldAvailability::kNotProvided; } } size_t keyPatternFieldIndex = 0; for (auto&& elt : index.keyPattern) { // For $** indexes, the keyPattern is prefixed by a virtual field, '$_path'. We therefore // skip the first keyPattern field when deciding whether we can provide the requested field. if (index.type == IndexType::INDEX_WILDCARD && keyPatternFieldIndex == index.wildcardFieldPos - 1) { tassert(7246701, "Expected element at the position before the wildcard field to be the virtual " "field $_path.", elt.fieldNameStringData() == "$_path"_sd); ++keyPatternFieldIndex; continue; } // The index can provide this field if the requested path appears in the index key pattern, // and that path has no multikey components. We can't cover a field that has multikey // components because the index keys contain individual array elements, and we can't // reconstitute the array from the index keys in the right order. In order for the field to // be fully provided by the scan, it must be ascending (1) or descending (-1). if (field == elt.fieldName() && (!index.multikey || index.multikeyPaths[keyPatternFieldIndex].empty())) { // We already know that the index is either ascending, descending or hashed. If the // field is hashed, we only provide hashed value. return elt.isNumber() ? FieldAvailability::kFullyProvided : FieldAvailability::kHashedValueProvided; } ++keyPatternFieldIndex; } return FieldAvailability::kNotProvided; } bool IndexScanNode::sortedByDiskLoc() const { // Indices use RecordId as an additional key after the actual index key. // Therefore, if we're only examining one index key, the output is sorted // by RecordId. // If it's a simple range query, it's easy to determine if the range is a point. if (bounds.isSimpleRange) { return 0 == bounds.startKey.woCompare(bounds.endKey, index.keyPattern); } // If it's a more complex bounds query, we make sure that each field is a point. for (size_t i = 0; i < bounds.fields.size(); ++i) { const OrderedIntervalList& oil = bounds.fields[i]; if (1 != oil.intervals.size()) { return false; } const Interval& interval = oil.intervals[0]; if (0 != interval.start.woCompare(interval.end, false)) { return false; } } return true; } // static std::set IndexScanNode::getFieldsWithStringBounds(const IndexBounds& inputBounds, const BSONObj& indexKeyPattern) { // Produce a copy of the bounds which are all ascending, as we can only compute intersections // of ascending bounds. IndexBounds bounds = inputBounds.forwardize(); BSONObjIterator keyPatternIterator(indexKeyPattern); if (bounds.isSimpleRange) { // With a simple range, the only cases we can say for sure do not contain strings // are those with point bounds. BSONObjIterator startKeyIterator(bounds.startKey); BSONObjIterator endKeyIterator(bounds.endKey); while (keyPatternIterator.more() && startKeyIterator.more() && endKeyIterator.more()) { BSONElement startKey = startKeyIterator.next(); BSONElement endKey = endKeyIterator.next(); if (SimpleBSONElementComparator::kInstance.evaluate(startKey != endKey) || CollationIndexKey::isCollatableType(startKey.type())) { BoundInclusion boundInclusion = bounds.boundInclusion; if (startKeyIterator.more()) { boundInclusion = BoundInclusion::kIncludeBothStartAndEndKeys; } if (!rangeCanContainString(startKey, endKey, boundInclusion)) { // If the first non-point range cannot contain strings, we don't need to // add it to the return set. keyPatternIterator.next(); } // Any remaining keys could have strings. std::set ret; while (keyPatternIterator.more()) { ret.insert(keyPatternIterator.next().fieldNameStringData()); } return ret; } keyPatternIterator.next(); } return std::set{}; } std::set ret; invariant(bounds.fields.size() == static_cast(indexKeyPattern.nFields())); for (const auto& oil : bounds.fields) { invariant(keyPatternIterator.more()); BSONElement el = keyPatternIterator.next(); OrderedIntervalList intersection = buildStringBoundsOil(el.fieldName()); IndexBoundsBuilder::intersectize(oil, &intersection); if (!intersection.intervals.empty()) { ret.insert(el.fieldNameStringData()); } } return ret; } namespace { std::set getMultikeyFields(const BSONObj& keyPattern, const MultikeyPaths& multikeyPaths) { std::set multikeyFields; size_t i = 0; for (auto&& elem : keyPattern) { if (!multikeyPaths[i].empty()) { multikeyFields.insert(elem.fieldNameStringData()); } ++i; } return multikeyFields; } /** * Returns true if the index scan described by 'multikeyFields' and 'bounds' can legally provide the * 'sortPatternComponent' field, or false if the sort cannot be provided. A multikey index cannot * provide a sort if either of the following is true: 1) the sort spec includes a multikey field * that has bounds other than [minKey, maxKey], 2) there are bounds other than [minKey, maxKey] over * a multikey field which share a path prefix with a component of the sort pattern. These cases are * further explained in SERVER-31898. */ bool confirmBoundsProvideSortComponentGivenMultikeyness( StringData sortPatternComponent, const IndexBounds& bounds, const std::set& multikeyFields) { // Forwardize the bounds to correctly apply checks to descending sorts and well as ascending // sorts. const auto ascendingBounds = bounds.forwardize(); const auto& fields = ascendingBounds.fields; if (multikeyFields.count(sortPatternComponent) == 0) { // If this component of the sort pattern (which must be one of the components of // the index spec) is not multikey, we don't need additional checks. return true; } // Return false if the bounds are specified as a simple range. As a future improvement, we could // extend this optimization to allow simple multikey scans to provide a sort. if (ascendingBounds.isSimpleRange) { return false; } // Checks if the 'sortPatternComponent' has [MinKey, MaxKey]. for (auto&& intervalList : fields) { if (sortPatternComponent == intervalList.name && !intervalList.isMinToMax()) { return false; } } // Checks if there is a shared path prefix between the bounds and the sort pattern of // multikey fields. FieldRef refName(sortPatternComponent); for (const auto& intervalList : fields) { // Ignores the prefix if the bounds are [MinKey, MaxKey] or if the field is not // multikey. if (intervalList.isMinToMax() || (multikeyFields.find(intervalList.name) == multikeyFields.end())) { continue; } FieldRef boundsPath(intervalList.name); const auto commonPrefixSize = boundsPath.commonPrefixSize(refName); // The interval list name and the sort pattern name will never be equal at this point. // This is because if they are equal and do not have [minKey, maxKey] bounds, we would // already have bailed out of the function. If they do have [minKey, maxKey] bounds, // they will be skipped in the check for [minKey, maxKey] bounds above. invariant(refName != boundsPath); // Checks if there's a common prefix between the interval list name and the sort pattern // name. if (commonPrefixSize > 0) { return false; } } return true; } std::set extractEqualityFields( const IndexBounds& bounds, const IndexEntry& index, const std::vector* iets) { std::set equalityFields; // Find all equality predicate fields. if (!bounds.isSimpleRange) { // Figure out how many fields are point intervals. for (size_t i = 0; i < bounds.fields.size(); ++i) { const OrderedIntervalList& oil = bounds.fields[i]; if (oil.intervals.size() != 1) { continue; } const Interval& ival = oil.intervals[0]; if (!ival.isPoint()) { continue; } // If we have an IET for this field in our index bounds, we determine whether it // guarantees that, upon evaluation, we will have point bounds for the corresponding // field in our index. In particular, if the IET evaluates to a ConstNode, an equality // EvalNode, or an ExplodeNode, then this field represents an equality. if (iets && !iets->empty()) { const auto& iet = (*iets)[i]; auto mustBePointInterval = [&]() { if (const auto* constNode = iet.cast(); constNode) { // If we have 'constNodePtr', it must be the case that the interval that it // contains is the same as 'ival'. tassert(7426201, "'constNode' must have a single interval", constNode->oil.intervals.size() == 1); tassert( 7426202, "'constNode' must have the same point interval as the one in 'bounds'", constNode->oil.intervals[0].equals(ival)); return true; } else if (const auto* evalNode = iet.cast(); evalNode) { if (evalNode->matchType() == MatchExpression::MatchType::EQ) { return true; } } else if (const auto* explodeNode = iet.cast(); explodeNode) { return true; } return false; }(); if (!mustBePointInterval) { continue; } } equalityFields.insert(oil.name); } } else { tassert(7426200, "Should not have IETs when evaluating min/max index bounds", !iets || iets->empty()); BSONObjIterator keyIter(index.keyPattern); BSONObjIterator startIter(bounds.startKey); BSONObjIterator endIter(bounds.endKey); while (keyIter.more() && startIter.more() && endIter.more()) { BSONElement key = keyIter.next(); if (SimpleBSONElementComparator::kInstance.evaluate(startIter.next() == endIter.next())) { equalityFields.insert(key.fieldName()); } } } return equalityFields; } /** * Returns a 'ProvidedSortSet' with the sort orders provided by an index scan over 'index', * with the given 'bounds' and 'direction'. */ ProvidedSortSet computeSortsForScan(const IndexEntry& index, int direction, const IndexBounds& bounds, const CollatorInterface* queryCollator, const std::set& multikeyFields, const std::vector* iets) { BSONObj sortPatternProvidedByIndex = index.keyPattern; // If 'index' is the result of expanding a wildcard index, then its key pattern should look like // {$_path: 1, : 1}. The "$_path" prefix stores the value of the path associated with the // key as opposed to real user data. We shouldn't report any sort orders including "$_path". In // fact, $-prefixed path components are illegal in queries in most contexts, so misinterpreting // this as a path in user-data could trigger subsequent assertions. // // An expanded compound wildcard index can be used to answer queries on non-wildcard prefix // fields, in this case, the wildcard field is unknown. This expanded IndexEntry holds a key // pattern with the wildcard field being the reserved path, "$_path". All following regular // fields should not support any sort operation, therefore, we should strip all fields starting // from the first "$_path" field. if (index.type == IndexType::INDEX_WILDCARD) { tassert(7246700, "The bounds did not have as many fields as the key pattern.", static_cast(index.keyPattern.nFields()) == bounds.fields.size()); // No sorts are provided if the bounds for '$_path' consist of multiple intervals. This can // happen for existence queries. For example, {a: {$exists: true}} results in bounds // [["a","a"], ["a.", "a/")] for '$_path' so that keys from documents where "a" is a nested // object are in bounds. if (bounds.fields[index.wildcardFieldPos - 1].intervals.size() != 1u) { return {}; } BSONObjBuilder sortPatternStripped; // Strip '$_path' and following fields out of 'sortPattern' and then proceed with regular // sort analysis. // (Ignore FCV check): This is intentional because we want clusters which have wildcard // indexes still be able to use the feature even if the FCV is downgraded. if (feature_flags::gFeatureFlagCompoundWildcardIndexes.isEnabledAndIgnoreFCVUnsafe()) { bool hasPathField = false; for (auto elem : sortPatternProvidedByIndex) { if (elem.fieldNameStringData() == "$_path"_sd) { if (hasPathField) { break; } hasPathField = true; } else { sortPatternStripped.append(elem); } } sortPatternProvidedByIndex = sortPatternStripped.obj(); } else { BSONObjIterator it{sortPatternProvidedByIndex}; invariant(it.more()); auto pathElement = it.next(); invariant(pathElement.fieldNameStringData() == "$_path"_sd); invariant(it.more()); auto secondElement = it.next(); invariant(!it.more()); sortPatternProvidedByIndex = BSONObjBuilder{}.append(secondElement).obj(); } } // // There are two buckets of field names "equality fields" and "unsupported fields". The // "equality fields" are those over which we have an equality predicate. These fields can // optionally be ignored when checking whether a pattern is provided or not. The "unsupported // fields" are fields for which we cannot provide a sort. Currently we cannot provide sort when // the field is collated or multikey. // // The intersection of the "equality fields" and "unsupported fields" (called 'ignoreFields') // can simply be ignored. The index scan does not provide these fields in sorted order (e.g. // because of a mismatched collation), but due to the point bounds in the index scan, this // doesn't affect our ability to provide a sort on any subsequent fields. Fields in this // intersection set can simply be dropped when constructing the "base sort pattern". // // The remaining are 'unsupportedFields', which we get when we do a set subtraction of // the initial "unsupported fields" minus 'ignoreFields'. The index scan will never provide a // sort order on this field or any subsequent fields. When we encounter such a field in the // index key pattern, we truncate it and any later fields to form the "base sort pattern". // // When dealing with autoparameterization (that is, when 'iets' is non-empty), the requirement // for a field to be considered an equality field is stricter. In particular, we must be able to // prove that the index bounds will always yield point bounds for any future value of the input // parameter. // // Example, consider an index pattern {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1, d: 1}, // - If the query predicate is {a: 1} and 'c' is a multikey field then, unsupportedFields = {c}, // equalityFields = {a}, ignoreFields = {} and baseSortPattern = {b: 1}. Field 'a' is dropped // from the base sort pattern because it is an equality field. Fields 'c' and 'd' are truncted // from the base sort pattern because 'c' is an unsupported field. // - If the query predicate is {} and 'a' is a multikey field then, unsupportedFields = {a}, // equalityFields = {}, ignoreFields = {} and baseSortPattern = {}. The entire sort pattern is // truncated since the first field 'a' is an unsupported field. // - If the query predicate is {b: 1} with 'b' is a multikey field then, unsupportedFields = {}, // equalityFields = {}, ignoreFields = {b} and baseSortPattern = {a: 1, c: 1, d: 1}. Field 'b' // has to be dropped from the base sort pattern, since although we are not sorted by 'b', we // have point bounds on it. // - If the query predicate is {b: 1, c: 1} and 'b' is a multikey field then, unsupportedFields // = {}, equalityFields = {c}, ignoreFields = {b} and baseSortPattern = {a: 1, d: 1}. Field 'b' // has to be dropped from the base sort pattern, since although we are not sorted by 'b', we // have point bounds on it. Field 'c' is removed because of the presence of equality predicate. // So we can provide sorts {a: 1, d: 1}, {a: 1, c: 1, d: 1} but not sort patterns that include // field 'b'. // std::set equalityFields = extractEqualityFields(bounds, index, iets); std::set unsupportedFields; std::set ignoreFields; if (!CollatorInterface::collatorsMatch(queryCollator, index.collator)) { for (auto&& collatedField : IndexScanNode::getFieldsWithStringBounds(bounds, index.keyPattern)) { if (equalityFields.count(collatedField.toString())) { ignoreFields.insert(collatedField); equalityFields.erase(collatedField.toString()); } else { unsupportedFields.insert(collatedField); } } } if (index.multikey) { for (auto&& multikeyField : multikeyFields) { if (!confirmBoundsProvideSortComponentGivenMultikeyness( multikeyField, bounds, multikeyFields)) { if (equalityFields.count(multikeyField.toString())) { ignoreFields.insert(multikeyField); equalityFields.erase(multikeyField.toString()); } else { unsupportedFields.insert(multikeyField); } } } } // Remove all equality predicates from sort object since they do not contribute in changing the // sort order. sortPatternProvidedByIndex = QueryPlannerAnalysis::getSortPattern( sortPatternProvidedByIndex.removeFields(equalityFields)); if (direction == -1) { sortPatternProvidedByIndex = QueryPlannerCommon::reverseSortObj(sortPatternProvidedByIndex); } BSONObjBuilder prefixBob; for (auto&& elem : sortPatternProvidedByIndex) { if (ignoreFields.count(elem.fieldNameStringData())) { continue; } // Once a multi-key/collator field is encountered we cannot provide sort the the later // fields. if (unsupportedFields.find(elem.fieldNameStringData()) != unsupportedFields.end()) { break; } prefixBob.append(elem); } return ProvidedSortSet(prefixBob.obj(), std::move(equalityFields)); } /** * Computes sort orders for index scans, including DISTINCT_SCAN. Returns a pair where the first * field is 'ProvidedSortSet', which contains all the sort orders that can be provided by the index * scan. The second field is a set populated with the names of all fields that the index indicates * are multikey. */ std::pair> computeSortsAndMultikeyPathsForScan( const IndexEntry& index, int direction, const IndexBounds& bounds, const CollatorInterface* queryCollator, const std::vector* iets) { // If the index is multikey but does not have path-level multikey metadata, then this index // cannot provide any sorts and we need not populate 'multikeyFieldsOut'. if (index.multikey && index.multikeyPaths.empty()) { return {}; } std::set multikeyFieldsOut; if (index.multikey) { multikeyFieldsOut = getMultikeyFields(index.keyPattern, index.multikeyPaths); } return {computeSortsForScan(index, direction, bounds, queryCollator, multikeyFieldsOut, iets), std::move(multikeyFieldsOut)}; } } // namespace void IndexScanNode::computeProperties() { std::tie(sortSet, multikeyFields) = computeSortsAndMultikeyPathsForScan(index, direction, bounds, queryCollator, &iets); } std::unique_ptr IndexScanNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(this->index); cloneBaseData(copy.get()); copy->direction = this->direction; copy->addKeyMetadata = this->addKeyMetadata; copy->bounds = this->bounds; copy->queryCollator = this->queryCollator; copy->lowPriority = this->lowPriority; return copy; } namespace { bool filtersAreEquivalent(const MatchExpression* lhs, const MatchExpression* rhs) { if (!lhs && !rhs) { return true; } else if (!lhs || !rhs) { return false; } else { return lhs->equivalent(rhs); } } } // namespace bool IndexScanNode::operator==(const IndexScanNode& other) const { return filtersAreEquivalent(filter.get(), other.filter.get()) && index == other.index && direction == other.direction && addKeyMetadata == other.addKeyMetadata && bounds == other.bounds; } // // ColumnIndexScanNode // ColumnIndexScanNode::ColumnIndexScanNode(ColumnIndexEntry indexEntry, OrderedPathSet outputFieldsIn, OrderedPathSet matchFieldsIn, OrderedPathSet allFieldsIn, StringMap> filtersByPath, std::unique_ptr postAssemblyFilter, bool extraFieldsPermitted) : indexEntry(std::move(indexEntry)), outputFields(std::move(outputFieldsIn)), matchFields(std::move(matchFieldsIn)), allFields(std::move(allFieldsIn)), filtersByPath(std::move(filtersByPath)), postAssemblyFilter(std::move(postAssemblyFilter)), extraFieldsPermitted(extraFieldsPermitted) {} void ColumnIndexScanNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "COLUMN_SCAN\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "outputFields = [" << boost::algorithm::join(outputFields, ", ") << "]\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "matchFields = [" << boost::algorithm::join(matchFields, ", ") << "]\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "filtersByPath = " << expression::filterMapToString(filtersByPath) << "\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "postAssemblyFilter = " << (postAssemblyFilter ? postAssemblyFilter->toString() : "{}") << "\n"; addCommon(ss, indent); } // // ReturnKeyNode // void ReturnKeyNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "RETURN_KEY\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "sortKeyMetaFields = [" << boost::algorithm::join( sortKeyMetaFields | boost::adaptors::transformed([](const auto& field) { return field.fullPath(); }), ", "); *ss << "]\n"; addCommon(ss, indent); addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "Child:" << '\n'; children[0]->appendToString(ss, indent + 2); } std::unique_ptr ReturnKeyNode::clone() const { return std::make_unique(children[0]->clone(), std::vector(sortKeyMetaFields)); } // // ProjectionNode // void ProjectionNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "PROJ\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "proj = " << projection_ast::astToDebugBSON(proj.root()).toString() << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "type = " << projectionImplementationTypeToString() << '\n'; addCommon(ss, indent); addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "Child:" << '\n'; children[0]->appendToString(ss, indent + 2); } void ProjectionNode::computeProperties() { invariant(children.size() == 1U); children[0]->computeProperties(); // Our input sort is not necessarily maintained if we project some fields that are part of the // sort out. BSONObjBuilder prefixBob; const auto& inputSorts = children[0]->providedSorts(); for (auto&& key : inputSorts.getBaseSortPattern()) { if (!proj.isFieldRetainedExactly(key.fieldNameStringData())) { break; } prefixBob.append(key); } sortSet = ProvidedSortSet(prefixBob.obj(), inputSorts.getIgnoredFields()); } void ProjectionNode::cloneProjectionData(ProjectionNode* copy) const { // ProjectionNode should not populate filter. This should be a no-op. if (this->filter) copy->filter = this->filter->clone(); copy->sortSet = this->sortSet; } std::unique_ptr ProjectionNodeDefault::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(children[0]->clone(), fullExpression, proj); ProjectionNode::cloneProjectionData(copy.get()); return copy; } std::unique_ptr ProjectionNodeCovered::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique( children[0]->clone(), fullExpression, proj, coveredKeyObj); ProjectionNode::cloneProjectionData(copy.get()); return copy; } std::unique_ptr ProjectionNodeSimple::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(children[0]->clone(), fullExpression, proj); ProjectionNode::cloneProjectionData(copy.get()); return copy; } // // SortKeyGeneratorNode // void SortKeyGeneratorNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "SORT_KEY_GENERATOR\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "sortSpec = " << sortSpec.toString() << '\n'; addCommon(ss, indent); addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "Child:" << '\n'; children[0]->appendToString(ss, indent + 2); } std::unique_ptr SortKeyGeneratorNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(); cloneBaseData(copy.get()); copy->sortSpec = this->sortSpec; return copy; } // // SortNode // void SortNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "SORT\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "type = " << sortImplementationTypeToString() << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "pattern = " << pattern.toString() << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "limit = " << limit << '\n'; addCommon(ss, indent); addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "Child:" << '\n'; children[0]->appendToString(ss, indent + 2); } void SortNode::cloneSortData(SortNode* copy) const { cloneBaseData(copy); copy->pattern = this->pattern; copy->limit = this->limit; copy->addSortKeyMetadata = this->addSortKeyMetadata; } std::unique_ptr SortNodeDefault::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(); cloneSortData(copy.get()); return copy; } std::unique_ptr SortNodeSimple::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(); cloneSortData(copy.get()); return copy; } // // LimitNode // void LimitNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "LIMIT\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "limit = " << limit << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); addCommon(ss, indent); addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "Child:" << '\n'; children[0]->appendToString(ss, indent + 2); } std::unique_ptr LimitNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(); cloneBaseData(copy.get()); copy->limit = this->limit; return copy; } // // SkipNode // void SkipNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "SKIP\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "skip= " << skip << '\n'; addCommon(ss, indent); addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "Child:" << '\n'; children[0]->appendToString(ss, indent + 2); } std::unique_ptr SkipNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(); cloneBaseData(copy.get()); copy->skip = this->skip; return copy; } // // GeoNear2DNode // void GeoNear2DNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "GEO_NEAR_2D\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "name = " << index.identifier.catalogName << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "keyPattern = " << index.keyPattern.toString() << '\n'; addCommon(ss, indent); *ss << "nearQuery = " << nq->toString() << '\n'; if (nullptr != filter) { addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << " filter = " << filter->debugString(); } } std::unique_ptr GeoNear2DNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(this->index); cloneBaseData(copy.get()); copy->nq = this->nq; copy->baseBounds = this->baseBounds; copy->addPointMeta = this->addPointMeta; copy->addDistMeta = this->addDistMeta; return copy; } // // GeoNear2DSphereNode // void GeoNear2DSphereNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "GEO_NEAR_2DSPHERE\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "name = " << index.identifier.catalogName << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "keyPattern = " << index.keyPattern.toString() << '\n'; addCommon(ss, indent); *ss << "baseBounds = " << baseBounds.toString(index.collator != nullptr) << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "nearQuery = " << nq->toString() << '\n'; if (nullptr != filter) { addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << " filter = " << filter->debugString(); } } std::unique_ptr GeoNear2DSphereNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(this->index); cloneBaseData(copy.get()); copy->nq = this->nq; copy->baseBounds = this->baseBounds; copy->addPointMeta = this->addPointMeta; copy->addDistMeta = this->addDistMeta; return copy; } // // ShardingFilterNode // void ShardingFilterNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "SHARDING_FILTER\n"; if (nullptr != filter) { addIndent(ss, indent + 1); StringBuilder sb; *ss << "filter:\n"; filter->debugString(sb, indent + 2); *ss << sb.str(); } addCommon(ss, indent); addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "Child:" << '\n'; children[0]->appendToString(ss, indent + 2); } std::unique_ptr ShardingFilterNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(); cloneBaseData(copy.get()); return copy; } // // DistinctNode // void DistinctNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "DISTINCT\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "name = " << index.identifier.catalogName << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "keyPattern = " << index.keyPattern << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "direction = " << direction << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "bounds = " << bounds.toString(index.collator != nullptr) << '\n'; } std::unique_ptr DistinctNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(this->index); cloneBaseData(copy.get()); copy->direction = this->direction; copy->bounds = this->bounds; copy->queryCollator = this->queryCollator; copy->fieldNo = this->fieldNo; return copy; } void DistinctNode::computeProperties() { // Note that we don't need to save the returned multikey fields for a DISTINCT_SCAN. They are // only needed for explodeForSort(), which works on IXSCAN but not DISTINCT_SCAN. sortSet = computeSortsAndMultikeyPathsForScan( index, direction, bounds, queryCollator, nullptr /* iets */) .first; } // // CountScanNode // void CountScanNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "COUNT\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "name = " << index.identifier.catalogName << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "keyPattern = " << index.keyPattern << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "startKey = " << startKey << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "endKey = " << endKey << '\n'; } std::unique_ptr CountScanNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(this->index); cloneBaseData(copy.get()); copy->startKey = this->startKey; copy->startKeyInclusive = this->startKeyInclusive; copy->endKey = this->endKey; copy->endKeyInclusive = this->endKeyInclusive; return copy; } // // EofNode // void EofNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "EOF\n"; } std::unique_ptr EofNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(); cloneBaseData(copy.get()); return copy; } // // TextOrNode // void TextOrNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "TEXT_OR\n"; if (nullptr != filter) { addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << " filter = " << filter->debugString() << '\n'; } addCommon(ss, indent); for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "Child " << i << ":\n"; children[i]->appendToString(ss, indent + 2); *ss << '\n'; } } std::unique_ptr TextOrNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(); cloneBaseData(copy.get()); copy->dedup = this->dedup; return copy; } // // TextMatchNode // void TextMatchNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "TEXT_MATCH\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "name = " << index.identifier.catalogName << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "keyPattern = " << index.keyPattern.toString() << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "query = " << ftsQuery->getQuery() << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "language = " << ftsQuery->getLanguage() << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "caseSensitive= " << ftsQuery->getCaseSensitive() << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "diacriticSensitive= " << ftsQuery->getDiacriticSensitive() << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "indexPrefix = " << indexPrefix.toString() << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "wantTextScorex = " << wantTextScore << '\n'; if (nullptr != filter) { addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << " filter = " << filter->debugString(); } addCommon(ss, indent); } std::unique_ptr TextMatchNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(index, ftsQuery->clone(), wantTextScore); cloneBaseData(copy.get()); copy->indexPrefix = indexPrefix; return copy; } /** * GroupNode. */ void GroupNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "GROUP\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "key = "; auto idx = 0; if (auto exprObj = dynamic_cast(groupByExpression.get()); exprObj) { for (auto&& [groupName, expr] : exprObj->getChildExpressions()) { if (idx > 0) { *ss << ", "; } *ss << "{" << groupName << ": " << exprObj->serialize(false).toString() << "}"; ++idx; } } else { *ss << "{_id: " << groupByExpression->serialize(false).toString() << "}"; } *ss << '\n'; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "accs = ["; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < accumulators.size(); ++idx) { if (idx > 0) { *ss << ", "; } auto& acc = accumulators[idx]; *ss << "{" << acc.fieldName << ": {" << acc.expr.name << ": " << acc.expr.argument->serialize(true).toString() << "}}"; } *ss << "]" << '\n'; addCommon(ss, indent); addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "Child:" << '\n'; children[0]->appendToString(ss, indent + 2); } std::unique_ptr GroupNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique( children[0]->clone(), groupByExpression, accumulators, doingMerge, shouldProduceBson); return copy; } /** * EqLookupNode. */ void EqLookupNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "EQ_LOOKUP\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "from = " << foreignCollection << "\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "as = " << joinField.fullPath() << "\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "localField = " << joinFieldLocal.fullPath() << "\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "foreignField = " << joinFieldForeign.fullPath() << "\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "lookupStrategy = " << serializeLookupStrategy(lookupStrategy) << "\n"; if (idxEntry) { addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "indexName = " << idxEntry->identifier.catalogName << "\n"; addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "indexKeyPattern = " << idxEntry->keyPattern << "\n"; } addCommon(ss, indent); addIndent(ss, indent + 1); *ss << "Child:" << '\n'; children[0]->appendToString(ss, indent + 2); } std::unique_ptr EqLookupNode::clone() const { auto copy = std::make_unique(children[0]->clone(), foreignCollection, joinFieldLocal, joinFieldForeign, joinField, lookupStrategy, idxEntry, shouldProduceBson); return copy; } /** * SentinelNode. */ std::unique_ptr SentinelNode::clone() const { return std::make_unique(); } void SentinelNode::appendToString(str::stream* ss, int indent) const { addIndent(ss, indent); *ss << "SENTINEL\n"; } } // namespace mongo