/** * Copyright (C) 2021-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/stages.h" #include "mongo/db/hasher.h" #include "mongo/db/operation_context.h" #include "mongo/db/query/plan_cache.h" #include "mongo/db/query/plan_cache_key_info.h" #include "mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder.h" #include "mongo/db/service_context.h" namespace mongo { namespace sbe { /** * Represents the sharding epoch of the collection which entry will be stored in the plan cache. The * sharding epoch is not updated on operations like chunk splits and moves but rather on sharding * and refine shard key operations. */ struct PlanCacheKeyShardingEpoch { bool operator==(const PlanCacheKeyShardingEpoch& other) const { return epoch == other.epoch && ts == other.ts; } OID epoch; Timestamp ts; }; struct PlanCacheKeyCollectionState { bool operator==(const PlanCacheKeyCollectionState& other) const { return other.uuid == uuid && other.version == version && other.newestVisibleIndexTimestamp == newestVisibleIndexTimestamp && other.shardVersion == shardVersion; } size_t hashCode() const { size_t hash = UUID::Hash{}(uuid); boost::hash_combine(hash, version); if (newestVisibleIndexTimestamp) { boost::hash_combine(hash, newestVisibleIndexTimestamp->asULL()); } if (shardVersion) { shardVersion->epoch.hash_combine(hash); boost::hash_combine(hash, shardVersion->ts.asULL()); } return hash; } UUID uuid; // There is a special collection versioning scheme associated with the SBE plan cache. Whenever // an action against a collection is made which should invalidate the plan cache entries for the // collection -- in particular index builds and drops -- the version number is incremented. // Readers specify the version number that they are reading at so that they only pick up cache // entries with the right set of indexes. // // We also clean up all cache entries for a particular (collectionUuid, versionNumber) pair when // all readers seeing this version of the collection have drained. size_t version; // The '_collectionVersion' is not currently sufficient in order to ensure that the indexes // visible to the reader are consistent with the indexes present in the cache entry. The reason // is that all readers see the latest copy-on-write version of the 'Collection' object, even // though they are allowed to read at an older timestamp, potentially at a time before an index // build completed. // // To solve this problem, we incorporate the timestamp of the newest index visible to the reader // into the plan cache key. This ensures that the set of indexes visible to the reader match // those present in the plan cache entry, preventing a situation where the plan cache entry // reflects a newer version of the index catalog than the one visible to the reader. // // In the future, this could instead be solved with point-in-time catalog lookups. boost::optional newestVisibleIndexTimestamp; // Ensures that a cached SBE plan cannot be reused if the collection has since become sharded or // changed its shard key. The cached plan may no longer be valid after sharding or shard key // refining since the structure of the plan depends on whether the collection is sharded, and if // sharded depends on the shard key. const boost::optional shardVersion; }; /** * Represents the "key" used in the PlanCache mapping from query shape -> query plan. */ class PlanCacheKey { public: PlanCacheKey(PlanCacheKeyInfo&& info, PlanCacheKeyCollectionState mainCollectionState, std::vector secondaryCollectionStates) : _info{std::move(info)}, _mainCollectionState{std::move(mainCollectionState)}, _secondaryCollectionStates{std::move(secondaryCollectionStates)} { // For secondary collections, we don't encode shard version in the key since we don't shard // version these collections. This is OK because we only push down $lookup queries to SBE // when involved collections are unsharded. for (const auto& collState : _secondaryCollectionStates) { tassert(6443202, "Secondary collections should not encode shard version in plan cache key", collState.shardVersion == boost::none); } } const PlanCacheKeyCollectionState& getMainCollectionState() const { return _mainCollectionState; } const std::vector& getSecondaryCollectionStates() const { return _secondaryCollectionStates; } bool operator==(const PlanCacheKey& other) const { return other._info == _info && other._mainCollectionState == _mainCollectionState && other._secondaryCollectionStates == _secondaryCollectionStates; } bool operator!=(const PlanCacheKey& other) const { return !(*this == other); } uint32_t queryHash() const { return _info.queryHash(); } uint32_t planCacheKeyHash() const { size_t hash = _info.planCacheKeyHash(); boost::hash_combine(hash, _mainCollectionState.hashCode()); for (auto& collectionState : _secondaryCollectionStates) { boost::hash_combine(hash, collectionState.hashCode()); } return hash; } const std::string& toString() const { return _info.toString(); } private: // Contains the actual encoding of the query shape as well as the index discriminators. const PlanCacheKeyInfo _info; const PlanCacheKeyCollectionState _mainCollectionState; // To make sure the plan cache key matches, the secondary collection states need to be passed // in a defined order. Currently, we use the collection order stored in // MultipleCollectionAccessor, which is ordered by the collection namespaces. const std::vector _secondaryCollectionStates; }; class PlanCacheKeyHasher { public: std::size_t operator()(const PlanCacheKey& k) const { return k.planCacheKeyHash(); } }; struct PlanCachePartitioner { // Determines the partitioning function for use with the 'Partitioned' utility. std::size_t operator()(const PlanCacheKey& k, const std::size_t nPartitions) const { return PlanCacheKeyHasher{}(k) % nPartitions; } }; /** * Represents the data cached in the SBE plan cache. This data holds an execution plan and necessary * auxiliary data for preparing and executing the PlanStage tree. */ struct CachedSbePlan { CachedSbePlan(std::unique_ptr root, stage_builder::PlanStageData data) : root(std::move(root)), planStageData(std::move(data)) { tassert(5968206, "The RuntimeEnvironment should not be null", planStageData.env); } std::unique_ptr clone() const { return std::make_unique(root->clone(), planStageData); } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return root->estimateCompileTimeSize(); } std::unique_ptr root; stage_builder::PlanStageData planStageData; bool indexFilterApplied = false; }; using PlanCacheEntry = PlanCacheEntryBase; struct BudgetEstimator { size_t operator()(const std::shared_ptr& entry) { return entry->estimatedEntrySizeBytes; } }; using PlanCache = PlanCacheBase; /** * A helper method to get the global SBE plan cache decorated in 'serviceCtx'. */ PlanCache& getPlanCache(ServiceContext* serviceCtx); /** * A wrapper for the helper above. 'opCtx' cannot be null. */ PlanCache& getPlanCache(OperationContext* opCtx); /** * Removes cached plan entries with the given collection UUID and collection version number. * * When 'matchSecondaryCollections' is 'true' this function will also clear plan cache entries * whose list of secondary collection contains at least one collection with the 'collectionUuid'. * Otherwise, only the main collection will be matched against the given 'collectionUuid'. */ void clearPlanCacheEntriesWith(ServiceContext* serviceCtx, UUID collectionUuid, size_t collectionVersion, bool matchSecondaryCollections); } // namespace sbe } // namespace mongo