/** * Copyright (C) 2019-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/expressions/expression.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/collection_helpers.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/values/slot.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/values/value.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/trial_period_utils.h" #include "mongo/db/query/interval_evaluation_tree.h" #include "mongo/db/query/multiple_collection_accessor.h" #include "mongo/db/query/plan_yield_policy_sbe.h" #include "mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_helpers.h" #include "mongo/db/query/shard_filterer_factory_interface.h" #include "mongo/db/query/stage_builder.h" namespace mongo::stage_builder { /** * Creates a new compilation environment and registers global values within the * new environment. */ std::unique_ptr makeRuntimeEnvironment( const CanonicalQuery& cq, OperationContext* opCtx, sbe::value::SlotIdGenerator* slotIdGenerator); /** * This function prepares the SBE tree for execution, such as attaching the OperationContext, * ensuring that the SBE tree is registered with the PlanYieldPolicySBE and populating the * "RuntimeEnvironment". * * The caller should pass true for 'preparingFromCache' if the SBE plan being prepared is being * recovered from the SBE plan cache. */ void prepareSlotBasedExecutableTree(OperationContext* opCtx, sbe::PlanStage* root, PlanStageData* data, const CanonicalQuery& cq, const MultipleCollectionAccessor& collections, PlanYieldPolicySBE* yieldPolicy, bool preparingFromCache = false); class PlanStageReqs; /** * The ParameterizedIndexScanSlots struct is used by SlotBasedStageBuilder while building the index * scan stage to return the slots that are registered in the runtime environment and will be * populated based on the index bounds. */ struct ParameterizedIndexScanSlots { // Holds the low and high key for the single interval index scan algorithm. struct SingleIntervalPlan { sbe::value::SlotId lowKey; sbe::value::SlotId highKey; }; // Holds the slots for the generic index scan algorithm. struct GenericPlan { // Holds the value whether the generic or optimized index scan should be used. sbe::value::SlotId isGenericScan; // Holds the value of the initial 'startKey' for the generic index scan algorithm. sbe::value::SlotId initialStartKey; // Holds the value of the IndexBounds used for the generic index scan algorithm. sbe::value::SlotId indexBounds; // Holds the value of an array of low and high keys for each interval. sbe::value::SlotId lowHighKeyIntervals; }; // In the case that the parameterized plan will always consist of a single interval index scan, // this holds the SingleInterval struct. Otherwise, holds the necessary slots for a fully // generic parameterized index scan plan. stdx::variant slots; }; /** * The PlanStageSlots class is used by SlotBasedStageBuilder to return the output slots produced * after building a stage. */ class PlanStageSlots { public: static constexpr StringData kResult = "result"_sd; static constexpr StringData kRecordId = "recordId"_sd; static constexpr StringData kReturnKey = "returnKey"_sd; static constexpr StringData kSnapshotId = "snapshotId"_sd; static constexpr StringData kIndexId = "indexId"_sd; static constexpr StringData kIndexKey = "indexKey"_sd; static constexpr StringData kIndexKeyPattern = "indexKeyPattern"_sd; PlanStageSlots() = default; PlanStageSlots(const PlanStageReqs& reqs, sbe::value::SlotIdGenerator* slotIdGenerator); bool has(StringData str) const { return _slots.count(str); } sbe::value::SlotId get(StringData str) const { auto it = _slots.find(str); invariant(it != _slots.end()); return it->second; } boost::optional getIfExists(StringData str) const { if (auto it = _slots.find(str); it != _slots.end()) { return it->second; } return boost::none; } void set(StringData str, sbe::value::SlotId slot) { _slots[str] = slot; } void clear(StringData str) { _slots.erase(str); } const boost::optional& getIndexKeySlots() const { return _indexKeySlots; } boost::optional extractIndexKeySlots() { ON_BLOCK_EXIT([this] { _indexKeySlots = boost::none; }); return std::move(_indexKeySlots); } void setIndexKeySlots(sbe::value::SlotVector iks) { _indexKeySlots = std::move(iks); } void setIndexKeySlots(boost::optional iks) { _indexKeySlots = std::move(iks); } /** * This method applies an action to some/all of the slots within this struct (excluding index * key slots). For each slot in this struct, the action is will be applied to the slot if (and * only if) the corresponding flag in 'reqs' is true. */ inline void forEachSlot(const PlanStageReqs& reqs, const std::function& fn); private: StringMap _slots; // When an index scan produces parts of an index key for a covered plan, this is where the // slots for the produced values are stored. boost::optional _indexKeySlots; }; /** * The PlanStageReqs class is used by SlotBasedStageBuilder to represent the incoming requirements * and context when building a stage. */ class PlanStageReqs { public: PlanStageReqs copy() const { return *this; } bool has(StringData str) const { auto it = _slots.find(str); return it != _slots.end() && it->second; } PlanStageReqs& set(StringData str) { _slots[str] = true; return *this; } PlanStageReqs& setIf(StringData str, bool condition) { if (condition) { _slots[str] = true; } return *this; } PlanStageReqs& clear(StringData str) { _slots.erase(str); return *this; } boost::optional& getIndexKeyBitset() { return _indexKeyBitset; } const boost::optional& getIndexKeyBitset() const { return _indexKeyBitset; } bool getIsBuildingUnionForTailableCollScan() const { return _isBuildingUnionForTailableCollScan; } void setIsBuildingUnionForTailableCollScan(bool b) { _isBuildingUnionForTailableCollScan = b; } bool getIsTailableCollScanResumeBranch() const { return _isTailableCollScanResumeBranch; } void setIsTailableCollScanResumeBranch(bool b) { _isTailableCollScanResumeBranch = b; } void setTargetNamespace(const NamespaceString& nss) { _targetNamespace = nss; } const NamespaceString& getTargetNamespace() const { return _targetNamespace; } friend PlanStageSlots::PlanStageSlots(const PlanStageReqs& reqs, sbe::value::SlotIdGenerator* slotIdGenerator); friend void PlanStageSlots::forEachSlot(const PlanStageReqs& reqs, const std::function& fn); private: StringMap _slots; // A bitset here indicates that we have a covered projection that is expecting to parts of the // index key from an index scan. boost::optional _indexKeyBitset; // When we're in the middle of building a special union sub-tree implementing a tailable cursor // collection scan, this flag will be set to true. Otherwise this flag will be false. bool _isBuildingUnionForTailableCollScan{false}; // When we're in the middle of building a special union sub-tree implementing a tailable cursor // collection scan, this flag indicates whether we're currently building an anchor or resume // branch. At all other times, this flag will be false. bool _isTailableCollScanResumeBranch{false}; // Tracks the current namespace that we're building a plan over. Given that the stage builder // can build plans for multiple namespaces, a node in the tree that targets a namespace // different from its parent node can set this value to notify any child nodes of the correct // namespace. NamespaceString _targetNamespace; }; void PlanStageSlots::forEachSlot(const PlanStageReqs& reqs, const std::function& fn) { for (auto&& [slotName, isRequired] : reqs._slots) { if (isRequired) { auto it = _slots.find(slotName); invariant(it != _slots.end()); fn(it->second); } } } using InputParamToSlotMap = stdx::unordered_map; using VariableIdToSlotMap = stdx::unordered_map; /** * IndexBoundsEvaluationInfo struct contains Interval Evaluation Trees (IETs) and additional data * structures required to restore index bounds from IETs and bind them to generic index scan * algorithm. */ struct IndexBoundsEvaluationInfo { IndexEntry index; KeyString::Version keyStringVersion; Ordering ordering; int direction; std::vector iets; ParameterizedIndexScanSlots slots; }; /** * Some auxiliary data returned by a 'SlotBasedStageBuilder' along with a PlanStage tree root, which * is needed to execute the PlanStage tree. */ struct PlanStageData { PlanStageData(PlanStageData&&) = default; PlanStageData& operator=(PlanStageData&&) = default; explicit PlanStageData(std::unique_ptr env) : env(env.get()), ctx(std::move(env)) {} PlanStageData(const PlanStageData& other) : PlanStageData(other.env->makeDeepCopy()) { copyFrom(other); } PlanStageData& operator=(const PlanStageData& other) { if (this != &other) { auto envCopy = other.env->makeDeepCopy(); env = envCopy.get(); ctx = sbe::CompileCtx(std::move(envCopy)); copyFrom(other); } return *this; } std::string debugString() const; // This holds the output slots produced by SBE plan (resultSlot, recordIdSlot, etc). PlanStageSlots outputs; // Map from index name to IAM. StringMap iamMap; // The CompileCtx object owns the RuntimeEnvironment. The RuntimeEnvironment owns various // SlotAccessors which are accessed when the SBE plan is executed. sbe::RuntimeEnvironment* env{nullptr}; sbe::CompileCtx ctx; bool shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp{false}; bool shouldTrackResumeToken{false}; bool shouldUseTailableScan{false}; // If this execution tree was built as a result of replanning of the cached plan, this string // will include the reason for replanning. boost::optional replanReason; // If this candidate plan has completed the trial run early by achieving one of the trial run // metrics, the stats are cached in here. std::unique_ptr savedStatsOnEarlyExit{nullptr}; // Stores plan cache entry information used as debug information or for "explain" purpose. // Note that 'debugInfo' is present only if this PlanStageData is recovered from the plan cache. std::shared_ptr debugInfo; // If the query has been auto-parameterized, then the mapping from input parameter id to the // id of a slot in the runtime environment is maintained here. This mapping is established // during stage building and stored in the cache. When a cached plan is used for a subsequent // query, this mapping is used to set the new constant value associated with each input // parameter id in the runtime environment. // // For example, imagine an auto-parameterized query {a: , b: } is present in the SBE // plan cache. Also present in the cache is this mapping: // p1 -> s3 // p2 -> s4 // // A new query {a: 5, b: 6} runs. Using this mapping, we set a value of 5 in s3 and 6 in s4. InputParamToSlotMap inputParamToSlotMap; // This Variable-to-SlotId map stores all the Variables that were translated into corresponding // SBE Slots. The slots are registered in the 'RuntimeEnvironment'. VariableIdToSlotMap variableIdToSlotMap; // Stores auxiliary data to restore index bounds for a cached auto-parameterized SBE plan for // every index used by the plan. std::vector indexBoundsEvaluationInfos; private: // This copy function copies data from 'other' but will not create a copy of its // RuntimeEnvironment and CompileCtx. void copyFrom(const PlanStageData& other) { outputs = other.outputs; iamMap = other.iamMap; shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp = other.shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp; shouldTrackResumeToken = other.shouldTrackResumeToken; shouldUseTailableScan = other.shouldUseTailableScan; replanReason = other.replanReason; if (other.savedStatsOnEarlyExit) { savedStatsOnEarlyExit.reset(other.savedStatsOnEarlyExit->clone()); } else { savedStatsOnEarlyExit.reset(); } if (other.debugInfo) { debugInfo = std::make_unique(*other.debugInfo); } else { debugInfo.reset(); } inputParamToSlotMap = other.inputParamToSlotMap; variableIdToSlotMap = other.variableIdToSlotMap; indexBoundsEvaluationInfos = other.indexBoundsEvaluationInfos; } }; /** * A stage builder which builds an executable tree using slot-based PlanStages. */ class SlotBasedStageBuilder final : public StageBuilder { public: static constexpr StringData kResult = PlanStageSlots::kResult; static constexpr StringData kRecordId = PlanStageSlots::kRecordId; static constexpr StringData kReturnKey = PlanStageSlots::kReturnKey; static constexpr StringData kSnapshotId = PlanStageSlots::kSnapshotId; static constexpr StringData kIndexId = PlanStageSlots::kIndexId; static constexpr StringData kIndexKey = PlanStageSlots::kIndexKey; static constexpr StringData kIndexKeyPattern = PlanStageSlots::kIndexKeyPattern; SlotBasedStageBuilder(OperationContext* opCtx, const MultipleCollectionAccessor& collections, const CanonicalQuery& cq, const QuerySolution& solution, PlanYieldPolicySBE* yieldPolicy); std::unique_ptr build(const QuerySolutionNode* root) final; PlanStageData getPlanStageData() { return std::move(_data); } private: std::pair, PlanStageSlots> build(const QuerySolutionNode* node, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildCollScan( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildVirtualScan( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildIndexScan( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildColumnScan( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildFetch( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildLimit( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildSkip( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildSort( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildSortKeyGeneraror( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildSortMerge( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildProjectionSimple( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildProjectionCovered( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildProjectionDefault( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildOr( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildTextMatch( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildReturnKey( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildEof( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildAndHash( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildAndSorted( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> makeUnionForTailableCollScan( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildShardFilter( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); /** * Constructs an optimized SBE plan for 'filterNode' in the case that the fields of the * 'shardKeyPattern' are provided by 'childIxscan'. In this case, the SBE plan for the child * index scan node will fill out slots for the necessary components of the index key. These * slots can be read directly in order to determine the shard key that should be passed to the * 'shardFiltererSlot'. */ std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildShardFilterCovered( const ShardingFilterNode* filterNode, sbe::value::SlotId shardFiltererSlot, BSONObj shardKeyPattern, BSONObj indexKeyPattern, const QuerySolutionNode* child, PlanStageReqs childReqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildGroup( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); std::pair, PlanStageSlots> buildLookup( const QuerySolutionNode* root, const PlanStageReqs& reqs); /** * Returns a CollectionPtr corresponding to the collection that we are currently building a * plan over. If no current namespace is configured, a CollectionPtr referencing the main * collection tracked by '_collections' is returned. */ const CollectionPtr& getCurrentCollection(const PlanStageReqs& reqs) const; sbe::value::SlotIdGenerator _slotIdGenerator; sbe::value::FrameIdGenerator _frameIdGenerator; sbe::value::SpoolIdGenerator _spoolIdGenerator; const MultipleCollectionAccessor& _collections; // Indicates the main namespace that we're building a plan over. NamespaceString _mainNss; PlanYieldPolicySBE* const _yieldPolicy{nullptr}; // Apart from generating just an execution tree, this builder will also produce some auxiliary // data which is needed to execute the tree. PlanStageData _data; bool _buildHasStarted{false}; bool _shouldProduceRecordIdSlot{true}; // Common parameters to SBE stage builder functions. StageBuilderState _state; }; } // namespace mongo::stage_builder