/** * Copyright (C) 2020-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kQuery #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_coll_scan.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/collection.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/co_scan.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/exchange.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/filter.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/limit_skip.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/loop_join.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/project.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/scan.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/union.h" #include "mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder.h" #include "mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_filter.h" #include "mongo/db/query/util/make_data_structure.h" #include "mongo/db/record_id_helpers.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/util/str.h" namespace mongo::stage_builder { namespace { boost::optional registerOplogTs(sbe::RuntimeEnvironment* env, sbe::value::SlotIdGenerator* slotIdGenerator) { auto slotId = env->getSlotIfExists("oplogTs"_sd); if (!slotId) { return env->registerSlot( "oplogTs"_sd, sbe::value::TypeTags::Nothing, 0, false, slotIdGenerator); } return slotId; } /** * If 'shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp' is true, then returns a vector holding the name of the oplog * 'ts' field along with another vector holding a SlotId to map this field to, as well as the * standalone value of the same SlotId (the latter is returned purely for convenience purposes). */ std::tuple, sbe::value::SlotVector, boost::optional> makeOplogTimestampSlotsIfNeeded(sbe::RuntimeEnvironment* env, sbe::value::SlotIdGenerator* slotIdGenerator, bool shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp) { if (shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp) { auto slotId = registerOplogTs(env, slotIdGenerator); return {{repl::OpTime::kTimestampFieldName.toString()}, sbe::makeSV(*slotId), slotId}; } return {}; } /** * Checks whether a callback function should be created for a ScanStage and returns it, if so. The * logic in the provided callback will be executed when the ScanStage is opened or reopened. */ sbe::ScanOpenCallback makeOpenCallbackIfNeeded(const CollectionPtr& collection, const CollectionScanNode* csn) { if (csn->direction == CollectionScanParams::FORWARD && csn->shouldWaitForOplogVisibility) { invariant(!csn->tailable); invariant(collection->ns().isOplog()); return [](OperationContext* opCtx, const CollectionPtr& collection, bool reOpen) { if (!reOpen) { // Forward, non-tailable scans from the oplog need to wait until all oplog entries // before the read begins to be visible. This isn't needed for reverse scans because // we only hide oplog entries from forward scans, and it isn't necessary for tailing // cursors because they ignore EOF and will eventually see all writes. Forward, // non-tailable scans are the only case where a meaningful EOF will be seen that // might not include writes that finished before the read started. This also must be // done before we create the cursor as that is when we establish the endpoint for // the cursor. Also call abandonSnapshot to make sure that we are using a fresh // storage engine snapshot while waiting. Otherwise, we will end up reading from the // snapshot where the oplog entries are not yet visible even after the wait. opCtx->recoveryUnit()->abandonSnapshot(); collection->getRecordStore()->waitForAllEarlierOplogWritesToBeVisible(opCtx); } }; } return {}; } // If the scan should be started after the provided resume RecordId, we will construct a nested-loop // join sub-tree to project out the resume RecordId and feed it into the inner side (scan). We will // also construct a union sub-tree as an outer side of the loop join to implement the check that the // record we're trying to reposition the scan exists. // // nlj [] [seekRecordIdSlot] // left // limit 1 // union [seekRecordIdSlot] // [seekSlot] // nlj // left // project seekSlot = // limit 1 // coscan // right // seek seekSlot ... // [unusedSlot] // project unusedSlot = efail(KeyNotFound) // limit 1 // coscan // right // skip 1 // std::unique_ptr buildResumeFromRecordIdSubtree( StageBuilderState& state, const CollectionPtr& collection, const CollectionScanNode* csn, std::unique_ptr inputStage, sbe::value::SlotId seekRecordIdSlot, std::unique_ptr seekRecordIdExpression, PlanYieldPolicy* yieldPolicy, bool isTailableResumeBranch, bool resumeAfterRecordId) { invariant(seekRecordIdExpression); const auto forward = csn->direction == CollectionScanParams::FORWARD; // Project out the RecordId we want to resume from as 'seekSlot'. auto seekSlot = state.slotId(); auto projStage = sbe::makeProjectStage( sbe::makeS( sbe::makeS(csn->nodeId()), 1, boost::none, csn->nodeId()), csn->nodeId(), seekSlot, std::move(seekRecordIdExpression)); // Construct a 'seek' branch of the 'union'. If we're succeeded to reposition the cursor, // the branch will output the 'seekSlot' to start the real scan from, otherwise it will // produce EOF. auto seekBranch = sbe::makeS(std::move(projStage), sbe::makeS(collection->uuid(), boost::none /* recordSlot */, boost::none /* recordIdSlot*/, boost::none /* snapshotIdSlot */, boost::none /* indexIdSlot */, boost::none /* indexKeySlot */, boost::none /* keyPatternSlot */, boost::none /* oplogTsSlot */, std::vector{}, sbe::makeSV(), seekSlot, forward, yieldPolicy, csn->nodeId(), sbe::ScanCallbacks{}), sbe::makeSV(seekSlot), sbe::makeSV(seekSlot), nullptr, csn->nodeId()); // Construct a 'fail' branch of the union. The 'unusedSlot' is needed as each union branch must // have the same number of slots, and we use just one in the 'seek' branch above. This branch // will only be executed if the 'seek' branch produces EOF, which can only happen if the seek // did not find the resume record of a tailable cursor or the record id specified in // $_resumeAfter. auto unusedSlot = state.slotId(); auto [errorCode, errorMessage] = [&]() -> std::pair { if (isTailableResumeBranch) { return {ErrorCodes::CappedPositionLost, "CollectionScan died due to failure to restore tailable cursor position."}; } return {ErrorCodes::ErrorCodes::KeyNotFound, str::stream() << "Failed to resume collection scan the recordId from which we are " "attempting to resume no longer exists in the collection: " << csn->resumeAfterRecordId}; }(); auto failBranch = sbe::makeProjectStage(sbe::makeS(csn->nodeId()), csn->nodeId(), unusedSlot, sbe::makeE(errorCode, errorMessage)); // Construct a union stage from the 'seek' and 'fail' branches. Note that this stage will ever // produce a single call to getNext() due to a 'limit 1' sitting on top of it. auto unionStage = sbe::makeS( sbe::makeSs(std::move(seekBranch), std::move(failBranch)), std::vector{sbe::makeSV(seekSlot), sbe::makeSV(unusedSlot)}, sbe::makeSV(seekRecordIdSlot), csn->nodeId()); // Construct the final loop join. Note that for the resume branch of a tailable cursor case we // use the 'seek' stage as an inner branch, since we need to produce all records starting from // the supplied position. For a resume token case we also inject a 'skip 1' stage on top of the // inner branch, as we need to start _after_ the resume RecordId. In both cases we inject a // 'limit 1' stage on top of the outer branch, as it should produce just a single seek recordId. auto innerStage = isTailableResumeBranch || !resumeAfterRecordId ? std::move(inputStage) : sbe::makeS(std::move(inputStage), boost::none, 1, csn->nodeId()); return sbe::makeS( sbe::makeS(std::move(unionStage), 1, boost::none, csn->nodeId()), std::move(innerStage), sbe::makeSV(), sbe::makeSV(seekRecordIdSlot), nullptr, csn->nodeId()); } /** * Creates a collection scan sub-tree optimized for oplog scans. We can built an optimized scan * when any of the following scenarios apply: * * 1. There is a predicted on the 'ts' field of the oplog collection. * 1.1 If a lower bound on 'ts' is present, the collection scan will seek directly to the * RecordId of an oplog entry as close to this lower bound as possible without going higher. * 1.2 If the query is *only* a lower bound on 'ts' on a forward scan, every document in the * collection after the first matching one must also match. To avoid wasting time running the * filter on every document to be returned, we will stop applying the filter once it finds * the first match. * 1.3 If an upper bound on 'ts' is present, the collection scan will stop and return EOF the * first time it fetches a document that does not pass the filter and has 'ts' greater than * the upper bound. * 2. The user request specified a $_resumeAfter recordId from which to begin the scan. */ std::pair, PlanStageSlots> generateOptimizedOplogScan( StageBuilderState& state, const CollectionPtr& collection, const CollectionScanNode* csn, PlanYieldPolicy* yieldPolicy, bool isTailableResumeBranch) { invariant(collection->ns().isOplog()); // We can apply oplog scan optimizations only when at least one of the following was specified. invariant(csn->resumeAfterRecordId || csn->minRecord || csn->maxRecord); // The minRecord and maxRecord optimizations are not compatible with resumeAfterRecordId. invariant(!(csn->resumeAfterRecordId && (csn->minRecord || csn->maxRecord))); // Oplog scan optimizations can only be done for a forward scan. invariant(csn->direction == CollectionScanParams::FORWARD); auto resultSlot = state.slotId(); auto recordIdSlot = state.slotId(); // Start the scan from the RecordId stored in seekRecordId. // Otherwise, if we're building a collection scan for a resume branch of a special union // sub-tree implementing a tailable cursor scan, we can use the seekRecordIdSlot directly // to access the recordId to resume the scan from. auto [seekRecordIdSlot, seekRecordIdExpression] = [&]() -> std::pair, std::unique_ptr> { if (isTailableResumeBranch) { auto resumeRecordIdSlot = state.data->env->getSlot("resumeRecordId"_sd); return {resumeRecordIdSlot, makeVariable(resumeRecordIdSlot)}; } else if (csn->resumeAfterRecordId) { auto [tag, val] = sbe::value::makeCopyRecordId(*csn->resumeAfterRecordId); return {state.slotId(), makeConstant(tag, val)}; } else if (csn->minRecord) { auto cursor = collection->getRecordStore()->getCursor(state.opCtx); auto startRec = cursor->seekNear(csn->minRecord->recordId()); if (startRec) { LOGV2_DEBUG(205841, 3, "Using direct oplog seek"); auto [tag, val] = sbe::value::makeCopyRecordId(startRec->id); return {state.slotId(), makeConstant(tag, val)}; } } return {}; }(); // Check if we need to project out an oplog 'ts' field as part of the collection scan. We will // need it either when 'maxRecord' bound has been provided, so that we can apply an EOF filter, // of if we need to track the latest oplog timestamp. const auto shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp = (csn->maxRecord || csn->shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp); auto&& [fields, slots, tsSlot] = makeOplogTimestampSlotsIfNeeded( state.data->env, state.slotIdGenerator, shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp); sbe::ScanCallbacks callbacks({}, {}, makeOpenCallbackIfNeeded(collection, csn)); auto stage = sbe::makeS(collection->uuid(), resultSlot, recordIdSlot, boost::none /* snapshotIdSlot */, boost::none /* indexIdSlot */, boost::none /* indexKeySlot */, boost::none /* keyPatternSlot */, tsSlot, std::move(fields), std::move(slots), seekRecordIdSlot, true /* forward */, yieldPolicy, csn->nodeId(), std::move(callbacks)); // Start the scan from the seekRecordId. if (seekRecordIdSlot) { stage = buildResumeFromRecordIdSubtree(state, collection, csn, std::move(stage), *seekRecordIdSlot, std::move(seekRecordIdExpression), yieldPolicy, isTailableResumeBranch, csn->resumeAfterRecordId.has_value()); } // Create a filter which checks the first document to ensure either that its 'ts' is less than // or equal the minimum timestamp that should not have rolled off the oplog, or that it is a // replica set initialization message. If this fails, then we throw // ErrorCodes::OplogQueryMinTsMissing. We avoid doing this check on the resumable branch of a // tailable scan; it only needs to be done once, when the initial branch is run. if (csn->assertTsHasNotFallenOffOplog && !isTailableResumeBranch) { invariant(csn->shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp); // There should always be a 'tsSlot' already allocated on the RuntimeEnvironment for the // existing scan that we created previously. invariant(tsSlot); // We will be constructing a filter that needs to see the 'ts' field. We name it 'minTsSlot' // here so that it does not shadow the 'tsSlot' which we allocated earlier. Our filter will // also need to see the 'op' and 'o.msg' fields. auto opTypeSlot = state.slotId(); auto oObjSlot = state.slotId(); auto minTsSlot = state.slotId(); sbe::value::SlotVector minTsSlots = {minTsSlot, opTypeSlot, oObjSlot}; std::vector fields = {repl::OpTime::kTimestampFieldName.toString(), "op", "o"}; // If the first entry we see in the oplog is the replset initialization, then it doesn't // matter if its timestamp is later than the specified minTs; no events earlier than the // minTs can have fallen off this oplog. Otherwise, we must verify that the timestamp of the // first observed oplog entry is earlier than or equal to the minTs time. // // To achieve this, we build a two-branch union subtree. The left branch is a scan with a // filter that checks the first entry in the oplog for the above criteria, throws via EFail // if they are not met, and EOFs otherwise. The right branch of the union plan is the tree // that we originally built above. // // union [s9, s10, s11] [ // [s6, s7, s8] efilter {if (ts <= minTs || op == "n" && isObject (o) && // getField (o, "msg") == "initiating set", false, fail ( 326 ))} // scan [s6 = ts, s7 = op, s8 = o] @oplog, // // Set up the filter stage to be used in the left branch of the union. If the main body of // the expression does not match the input document, it throws OplogQueryMinTsMissing. If // the expression does match, then it returns 'false', which causes the filter (and as a // result, the branch) to EOF immediately. Note that the resultSlot and recordIdSlot // arguments to the ScanStage are boost::none, as we do not need them. sbe::ScanCallbacks branchCallbacks{}; auto minTsBranch = sbe::makeS>( sbe::makeS(collection->uuid(), boost::none /* resultSlot */, boost::none /* recordIdSlot */, boost::none /* snapshotIdSlot */, boost::none /* indexIdSlot */, boost::none /* indexKeySlot */, boost::none /* keyPatternSlot */, boost::none /* oplogTsSlot*/, std::move(fields), minTsSlots, /* don't move this */ boost::none, true /* forward */, yieldPolicy, csn->nodeId(), branchCallbacks), sbe::makeE( makeBinaryOp( sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::lessEq, makeVariable(minTsSlot), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Timestamp, csn->assertTsHasNotFallenOffOplog->asULL())), makeBinaryOp( sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::eq, makeVariable(opTypeSlot), makeConstant("n")), makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, makeFunction("isObject", makeVariable(oObjSlot)), makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::eq, makeFunction("getField", makeVariable(oObjSlot), makeConstant("msg")), makeConstant(repl::kInitiatingSetMsg))))), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Boolean, false), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::OplogQueryMinTsMissing, "Specified minTs has already fallen off the oplog")), csn->nodeId()); // All branches of the UnionStage must have the same number of input and output slots, and // we want to remap all slots from the basic scan we constructed earlier through the union // stage to the output. We're lucky that the real scan happens to have the same number of // slots (resultSlot, recordSlot, tsSlot) as the minTs check branch (minTsSlot, opTypeSlot, // oObjSlot), so we don't have to compensate with any unused slots. Note that the minTsSlots // will never be mapped to output in practice, since the minTs branch either throws or EOFs. // // We also need to update the local variables for each slot to their remapped values, so // subsequent subtrees constructed by this function refer to the correct post-union slots. auto realSlots = sbe::makeSV(resultSlot, recordIdSlot, *tsSlot); resultSlot = state.slotId(); recordIdSlot = state.slotId(); tsSlot = state.slotId(); auto outputSlots = sbe::makeSV(resultSlot, recordIdSlot, *tsSlot); // Create the union stage. The left branch, which runs first, is our resumability check. stage = sbe::makeS( sbe::makeSs(std::move(minTsBranch), std::move(stage)), makeVector(std::move(minTsSlots), std::move(realSlots)), std::move(outputSlots), csn->nodeId()); } // Add an EOF filter to stop the scan after we fetch the first document that has 'ts' greater // than the upper bound. if (csn->maxRecord) { // The 'maxRecord' optimization is not compatible with 'stopApplyingFilterAfterFirstMatch'. invariant(!csn->stopApplyingFilterAfterFirstMatch); invariant(tsSlot); stage = sbe::makeS>( std::move(stage), makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::lessEq, makeVariable(*tsSlot), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Timestamp, csn->maxRecord->recordId().getLong())), csn->nodeId()); } // If csn->stopApplyingFilterAfterFirstMatch is true, assert that csn has a filter. invariant(!csn->stopApplyingFilterAfterFirstMatch || csn->filter); if (csn->filter) { auto relevantSlots = sbe::makeSV(resultSlot, recordIdSlot); if (tsSlot) { relevantSlots.push_back(*tsSlot); } auto [_, outputStage] = generateFilter(state, csn->filter.get(), {std::move(stage), std::move(relevantSlots)}, resultSlot, csn->nodeId()); stage = std::move(outputStage.stage); // We may be requested to stop applying the filter after the first match. This can happen // if the query is just a lower bound on 'ts' on a forward scan. In this case every document // in the collection after the first matching one must also match, so there is no need to // run the filter on such elements. // // To apply this optimization we will construct the following sub-tree: // // nlj [] [seekRecordIdSlot] // left // limit 1 // filter // // right // seek seekRecordIdSlot resultSlot recordIdSlot @coll // // Here, the nested loop join outer branch is the collection scan we constructed above, with // a csn->filter predicate sitting on top. The 'limit 1' stage is to ensure this branch // returns a single row. Once executed, this branch will filter out documents which doesn't // satisfy the predicate, and will return the first document, along with a RecordId, that // matches. This RecordId is then used as a starting point of the collection scan in the // inner branch, and the execution will continue from this point further on, without // applying the filter. if (csn->stopApplyingFilterAfterFirstMatch) { invariant(!csn->maxRecord); invariant(csn->direction == CollectionScanParams::FORWARD); seekRecordIdSlot = recordIdSlot; resultSlot = state.slotId(); recordIdSlot = state.slotId(); std::tie(fields, slots, tsSlot) = makeOplogTimestampSlotsIfNeeded( state.data->env, state.slotIdGenerator, shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp); stage = sbe::makeS( sbe::makeS(std::move(stage), 1, boost::none, csn->nodeId()), sbe::makeS(collection->uuid(), resultSlot, recordIdSlot, boost::none /* snapshotIdSlot */, boost::none /* indexIdSlot */, boost::none /* indexKeySlot */, boost::none /* keyPatternSlot */, tsSlot, std::move(fields), std::move(slots), seekRecordIdSlot, true /* forward */, yieldPolicy, csn->nodeId(), sbe::ScanCallbacks{}), sbe::makeSV(), sbe::makeSV(*seekRecordIdSlot), nullptr, csn->nodeId()); } } // If csn->shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp is true, assert that we generated tsSlot. invariant(!csn->shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp || tsSlot); PlanStageSlots outputs; outputs.set(PlanStageSlots::kResult, resultSlot); outputs.set(PlanStageSlots::kRecordId, recordIdSlot); return {std::move(stage), std::move(outputs)}; } /** * Generates a generic collection scan sub-tree. * - If a resume token has been provided, the scan will start from a RecordId contained within this * token. * - Else if 'isTailableResumeBranch' is true, the scan will start from a RecordId contained in * slot "resumeRecordId". * - Otherwise the scan will start from the beginning of the collection. */ std::pair, PlanStageSlots> generateGenericCollScan( StageBuilderState& state, const CollectionPtr& collection, const CollectionScanNode* csn, PlanYieldPolicy* yieldPolicy, bool isTailableResumeBranch) { const auto forward = csn->direction == CollectionScanParams::FORWARD; invariant(!csn->shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp || collection->ns().isOplog()); invariant(!csn->resumeAfterRecordId || forward); invariant(!csn->resumeAfterRecordId || !csn->tailable); auto resultSlot = state.slotId(); auto recordIdSlot = state.slotId(); auto [seekRecordIdSlot, seekRecordIdExpression] = [&]() -> std::pair, std::unique_ptr> { if (csn->resumeAfterRecordId) { auto [tag, val] = sbe::value::makeCopyRecordId(*csn->resumeAfterRecordId); return {state.slotId(), makeConstant(tag, val)}; } else if (isTailableResumeBranch) { auto resumeRecordIdSlot = state.data->env->getSlot("resumeRecordId"_sd); return {resumeRecordIdSlot, makeVariable(resumeRecordIdSlot)}; } return {}; }(); // See if we need to project out an oplog latest timestamp. auto&& [fields, slots, tsSlot] = makeOplogTimestampSlotsIfNeeded( state.data->env, state.slotIdGenerator, csn->shouldTrackLatestOplogTimestamp); sbe::ScanCallbacks callbacks({}, {}, makeOpenCallbackIfNeeded(collection, csn)); auto stage = sbe::makeS(collection->uuid(), resultSlot, recordIdSlot, boost::none /* snapshotIdSlot */, boost::none /* indexIdSlot */, boost::none /* indexKeySlot */, boost::none /* keyPatternSlot */, tsSlot, std::move(fields), std::move(slots), seekRecordIdSlot, forward, yieldPolicy, csn->nodeId(), std::move(callbacks)); if (seekRecordIdSlot) { stage = buildResumeFromRecordIdSubtree(state, collection, csn, std::move(stage), *seekRecordIdSlot, std::move(seekRecordIdExpression), yieldPolicy, isTailableResumeBranch, true /* resumeAfterRecordId */); } if (csn->filter) { // The 'stopApplyingFilterAfterFirstMatch' optimization is only applicable when the 'ts' // lower bound is also provided for an oplog scan, and is handled in // 'generateOptimizedOplogScan()'. invariant(!csn->stopApplyingFilterAfterFirstMatch); auto relevantSlots = sbe::makeSV(resultSlot, recordIdSlot); auto [_, outputStage] = generateFilter(state, csn->filter.get(), {std::move(stage), std::move(relevantSlots)}, resultSlot, csn->nodeId()); stage = std::move(outputStage.stage); } PlanStageSlots outputs; outputs.set(PlanStageSlots::kResult, resultSlot); outputs.set(PlanStageSlots::kRecordId, recordIdSlot); return {std::move(stage), std::move(outputs)}; } } // namespace std::pair, PlanStageSlots> generateCollScan( StageBuilderState& state, const CollectionPtr& collection, const CollectionScanNode* csn, PlanYieldPolicy* yieldPolicy, bool isTailableResumeBranch) { if (csn->minRecord || csn->maxRecord || csn->stopApplyingFilterAfterFirstMatch) { return generateOptimizedOplogScan( state, collection, csn, yieldPolicy, isTailableResumeBranch); } else { return generateGenericCollScan(state, collection, csn, yieldPolicy, isTailableResumeBranch); } } } // namespace mongo::stage_builder