/** * Copyright (C) 2020-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_expression.h" #include "mongo/db/query/util/make_data_structure.h" #include "mongo/base/string_data.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/branch.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/co_scan.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/filter.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/hash_agg.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/limit_skip.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/loop_join.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/project.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/traverse.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/union.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/values/arith_common.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/values/bson.h" #include "mongo/db/operation_context.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/accumulator.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/accumulator_multi.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression_visitor.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression_walker.h" #include "mongo/db/query/expression_walker.h" #include "mongo/db/query/projection_parser.h" #include "mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder.h" #include "mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_eval_frame.h" #include "mongo/util/str.h" #include #include namespace mongo::stage_builder { namespace { struct ExpressionVisitorContext { struct VarsFrame { std::deque variablesToBind; // Slots that have been used to bind $let variables. This list is necessary to know which // slots to remove from the environment when the $let goes out of scope. std::set slotsForLetVariables; template VarsFrame(Args&&... args) : variablesToBind{std::forward(args)...}, slotsForLetVariables{} {} }; ExpressionVisitorContext(StageBuilderState& state, EvalStage inputStage, boost::optional optionalRootSlot, PlanNodeId planNodeId) : state(state), optionalRootSlot(optionalRootSlot), planNodeId(planNodeId) { evalStack.emplaceFrame(std::move(inputStage)); } void ensureArity(size_t arity) { invariant(evalStack.topFrame().exprsCount() >= arity); } EvalStage extractCurrentEvalStage() { return evalStack.topFrame().extractStage(); } void setCurrentStage(EvalStage stage) { evalStack.topFrame().setStage(std::move(stage)); } std::unique_ptr popExpr() { return evalStack.topFrame().popExpr().extractExpr(); } EvalExpr popEvalExpr() { return evalStack.topFrame().popExpr(); } void pushExpr(EvalExpr expr) { evalStack.topFrame().pushExpr(std::move(expr)); } void pushExpr(EvalExpr expr, EvalStage stage) { pushExpr(std::move(expr)); evalStack.topFrame().setStage(std::move(stage)); } EvalExprStagePair popFrame() { return evalStack.popFrame(); } sbe::value::SlotVector getLexicalEnvironment() { sbe::value::SlotVector lexicalEnvironment; for (const auto& [_, slot] : environment) { lexicalEnvironment.push_back(slot); } return lexicalEnvironment; } EvalExprStagePair done() { invariant(evalStack.framesCount() == 1); auto [expr, stage] = popFrame(); return {std::move(expr), std::move(stage)}; } StageBuilderState& state; EvalStack<> evalStack; boost::optional optionalRootSlot; // The lexical environment for the expression being traversed. A variable reference takes the // form "$$variable_name" in MQL's concrete syntax and gets transformed into a numeric // identifier (Variables::Id) in the AST. During this translation, we directly translate any // such variable to an SBE slot using this mapping. std::map environment; std::stack varsFrameStack; // The id of the QuerySolutionNode to which the expression we are converting to SBE is attached. const PlanNodeId planNodeId; // This stack contains slot id for the current element variable of $filter expression. std::stack filterExprSlotIdStack; // We use this counter to track which children of $filter we've already processed. std::stack filterExprChildrenCounter; }; std::unique_ptr generateTraverseHelper( const sbe::EVariable& inputVar, const FieldPath& fp, size_t level, sbe::value::FrameIdGenerator* frameIdGenerator) { using namespace std::literals; invariant(level < fp.getPathLength()); // Generate an expression to read a sub-field at the current nested level. auto fieldName = sbe::makeE(fp.getFieldName(level)); auto fieldExpr = makeFunction("getField"_sd, inputVar.clone(), std::move(fieldName)); if (level == fp.getPathLength() - 1) { // For the last level, we can just return the field slot without the need for a // traverse stage. return fieldExpr; } // Generate nested traversal. auto lambdaFrameId = frameIdGenerator->generate(); auto lambdaParam = sbe::EVariable{lambdaFrameId, 0}; auto resultExpr = generateTraverseHelper(lambdaParam, fp, level + 1, frameIdGenerator); auto lambdaExpr = sbe::makeE(lambdaFrameId, std::move(resultExpr)); // Generate the traverse stage for the current nested level. return makeFunction("traverseP", std::move(fieldExpr), std::move(lambdaExpr), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, 1)); } /** * For the given MatchExpression 'expr', generates a path traversal SBE plan stage sub-tree * implementing the comparison expression. */ std::unique_ptr generateTraverse(const sbe::EVariable& inputVar, bool expectsDocumentInputOnly, const FieldPath& fp, sbe::value::FrameIdGenerator* frameIdGenerator) { size_t level = 0; if (expectsDocumentInputOnly) { // When we know for sure that 'inputVar' will be a document and _not_ an array (such as // when traversing the root document), we can generate a simpler expression. return generateTraverseHelper(inputVar, fp, level, frameIdGenerator); } else { // The general case: the value in the 'inputVar' may be an array that will require // traversal. auto lambdaFrameId = frameIdGenerator->generate(); auto lambdaParam = sbe::EVariable{lambdaFrameId, 0}; auto resultExpr = generateTraverseHelper(lambdaParam, fp, level, frameIdGenerator); auto lambdaExpr = sbe::makeE(lambdaFrameId, std::move(resultExpr)); return makeFunction("traverseP", inputVar.clone(), std::move(lambdaExpr), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, 1)); } } /** * Generates an EExpression that converts the input to upper or lower case. */ void generateStringCaseConversionExpression(ExpressionVisitorContext* _context, const std::string& caseConversionFunction) { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto str = sbe::makeEs(_context->popExpr()); sbe::EVariable inputRef(frameId, 0); uint32_t typeMask = (getBSONTypeMask(sbe::value::TypeTags::StringSmall) | getBSONTypeMask(sbe::value::TypeTags::StringBig) | getBSONTypeMask(sbe::value::TypeTags::bsonString) | getBSONTypeMask(sbe::value::TypeTags::bsonSymbol) | getBSONTypeMask(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32) | getBSONTypeMask(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64) | getBSONTypeMask(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberDouble) | getBSONTypeMask(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberDecimal) | getBSONTypeMask(sbe::value::TypeTags::Date) | getBSONTypeMask(sbe::value::TypeTags::Timestamp)); auto checkValidTypeExpr = makeFunction("typeMatch", inputRef.clone(), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(typeMask))); auto checkNullorMissing = generateNullOrMissing(inputRef); auto [emptyStrTag, emptyStrVal] = sbe::value::makeNewString(""); auto caseConversionExpr = sbe::makeE( std::move(checkValidTypeExpr), makeFunction(caseConversionFunction, makeFunction("coerceToString", inputRef.clone())), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5066300}, str::stream() << "$" << caseConversionFunction << " input type is not supported")); auto totalCaseConversionExpr = sbe::makeE(std::move(checkNullorMissing), sbe::makeE(emptyStrTag, emptyStrVal), std::move(caseConversionExpr)); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(str), std::move(totalCaseConversionExpr))); } void buildArrayAccessByConstantIndex(ExpressionVisitorContext* context, const std::string& exprName, int32_t index) { context->ensureArity(1); // It's important that we project the array to a slot here. If we didn't do this, then the // view of the array element could potentially outlive the array itself (which could result // in use-after-free bugs). auto [arraySlot, stage] = projectEvalExpr(context->popEvalExpr(), context->extractCurrentEvalStage(), context->planNodeId, context->state.slotIdGenerator); auto array = makeVariable(arraySlot); auto frameId = context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(std::move(array)); sbe::EVariable arrayRef{frameId, 0}; auto indexExpr = sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(index)); auto argumentIsNotArray = makeNot(makeFunction("isArray", arrayRef.clone())); auto resultExpr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(arrayRef), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{std::move(argumentIsNotArray), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5126704}, exprName + " argument must be an array")}, makeFunction("getElement", arrayRef.clone(), std::move(indexExpr))); context->pushExpr(sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(resultExpr)), std::move(stage)); } /** * Generate an EExpression representing a Regex function result upon null argument(s) depending on * the type of the function: $regexMatch - false, $regexFind - null, $RegexFindAll - []. */ std::unique_ptr generateRegexNullResponse(StringData exprName) { if (exprName.toString().compare(std::string("regexMatch")) == 0) { return sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Boolean, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(false)); } else if (exprName.toString().compare("regexFindAll") == 0) { auto [arrTag, arrVal] = sbe::value::makeNewArray(); return sbe::makeE(arrTag, arrVal); } return sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0); } class ExpressionPreVisitor final : public ExpressionConstVisitor { public: ExpressionPreVisitor(ExpressionVisitorContext* context) : _context{context} {} void visit(const ExpressionConstant* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionAbs* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionAdd* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionAllElementsTrue* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionAnd* expr) final { visitMultiBranchLogicExpression(expr, sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd); } void visit(const ExpressionAnyElementTrue* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionArray* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionArrayElemAt* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFirst* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionLast* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionObjectToArray* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionArrayToObject* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionBsonSize* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionCeil* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionCoerceToBool* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionCompare* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionConcat* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionConcatArrays* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionCond* expr) final { _context->evalStack.emplaceFrame(EvalStage{}); } void visit(const ExpressionDateDiff* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDateFromString* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDateFromParts* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDateToParts* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDateToString* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDateTrunc* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDivide* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionBetween* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionExp* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFieldPath* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFilter* expr) final { _context->filterExprChildrenCounter.push(1); } void visit(const ExpressionFloor* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionIfNull* expr) final { _context->evalStack.emplaceFrame(EvalStage{}); } void visit(const ExpressionIn* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionIndexOfArray* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionIndexOfBytes* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionIndexOfCP* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionIsNumber* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionLet* expr) final { _context->varsFrameStack.push(ExpressionVisitorContext::VarsFrame{ std::begin(expr->getOrderedVariableIds()), std::end(expr->getOrderedVariableIds())}); } void visit(const ExpressionLn* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionLog* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionLog10* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionInternalFLEBetween* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionInternalFLEEqual* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionMap* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionMeta* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionMod* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionMultiply* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionNot* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionObject* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionOr* expr) final { visitMultiBranchLogicExpression(expr, sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr); } void visit(const ExpressionPow* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionRange* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionReduce* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionReplaceOne* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionReplaceAll* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSetDifference* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSetEquals* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSetIntersection* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSetIsSubset* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSetUnion* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSize* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionReverseArray* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSortArray* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSlice* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionIsArray* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionInternalFindAllValuesAtPath* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionRound* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSplit* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSqrt* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionStrcasecmp* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSubstrBytes* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSubstrCP* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionStrLenBytes* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionBinarySize* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionStrLenCP* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSubtract* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSwitch* expr) final { _context->evalStack.emplaceFrame(EvalStage{}); } void visit(const ExpressionTestApiVersion* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionToLower* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionToUpper* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionTrim* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionTrunc* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionType* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionZip* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionConvert* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionRegexFind* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionRegexFindAll* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionRegexMatch* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionCosine* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSine* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionTangent* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionArcCosine* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionArcSine* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionArcTangent* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionArcTangent2* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionHyperbolicArcTangent* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionHyperbolicArcCosine* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionHyperbolicArcSine* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionHyperbolicTangent* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionHyperbolicCosine* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionHyperbolicSine* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDegreesToRadians* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionRadiansToDegrees* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDayOfMonth* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDayOfWeek* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDayOfYear* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionHour* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionMillisecond* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionMinute* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionMonth* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSecond* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionWeek* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionIsoWeekYear* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionIsoDayOfWeek* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionIsoWeek* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionYear* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulatorN* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulatorN* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulatorN* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulatorN* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionTests::Testable* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionInternalJsEmit* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionInternalFindSlice* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionInternalFindPositional* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionInternalFindElemMatch* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFunction* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionRandom* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionToHashedIndexKey* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDateAdd* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDateSubtract* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionGetField* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSetField* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionTsSecond* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionTsIncrement* expr) final {} private: void visitMultiBranchLogicExpression(const Expression* expr, sbe::EPrimBinary::Op logicOp) { invariant(logicOp == sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr || logicOp == sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd); if (expr->getChildren().size() < 2) { // All this bookkeeping is only necessary for short circuiting, so we can skip it if we // don't have two or more branches. return; } _context->evalStack.emplaceFrame(EvalStage{}); } ExpressionVisitorContext* _context; }; class ExpressionInVisitor final : public ExpressionConstVisitor { public: ExpressionInVisitor(ExpressionVisitorContext* context) : _context{context} {} void visit(const ExpressionConstant* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionAbs* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionAdd* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionAllElementsTrue* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionAnd* expr) final { visitMultiBranchLogicExpression(expr, sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd); } void visit(const ExpressionAnyElementTrue* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionArray* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionArrayElemAt* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFirst* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionLast* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionObjectToArray* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionArrayToObject* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionBsonSize* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionCeil* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionCoerceToBool* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionCompare* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionConcat* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionConcatArrays* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionCond* expr) final { _context->evalStack.emplaceFrame(EvalStage{}); } void visit(const ExpressionDateDiff* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDateFromString* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDateFromParts* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDateToParts* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDateToString* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDateTrunc*) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDivide* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionBetween* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionExp* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFieldPath* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFilter* expr) final { // $filter has up to three children: cond, as, and limit (optional). // Only the filter predicate (cond) needs access to the value of the "as" arg, here referred // to as current element var. The filter predicate will be the second element in // the _children vector the expression_walker walks and limit will be the last if it exists. const auto limitPredIndex = 3; const auto filterPredIndex = 2; auto variableId = expr->getVariableId(); // We use this counter in the visit methods of ExpressionFilter to track which child we are // processing and which children we've already processed. auto& currentIndex = _context->filterExprChildrenCounter.top(); if (++currentIndex == filterPredIndex) { tassert(3273901, "Current element variable already exists in _context", _context->environment.find(variableId) == _context->environment.end()); auto currentElementSlot = _context->state.slotId(); _context->environment.insert({variableId, currentElementSlot}); // This stack maintains the current element variable for $filter so that we can erase it // from our context in inVisitor when processing the optional limit arg, but then still // have access to this var again in postVisitor when constructing the filter // predicate/'cond' subtree. _context->filterExprSlotIdStack.push(currentElementSlot); } if (currentIndex == limitPredIndex) { tassert(3273902, "$Filter expression has unknown third child (not 'limit' arg)", expr->hasLimit()); _context->environment.erase(variableId); } // Push new frame to provide clean context for sub-tree generated by filter predicate or // limit arg. _context->evalStack.emplaceFrame(EvalStage{}); } void visit(const ExpressionFloor* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionIfNull* expr) final { _context->evalStack.emplaceFrame(EvalStage{}); } void visit(const ExpressionIn* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionIndexOfArray* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionIndexOfBytes* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionIndexOfCP* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionIsNumber* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionLet* expr) final { // This visitor fires after each variable definition in a $let expression. The top of the // _context's expression stack will be an expression defining the variable initializer. We // use a separate frame stack ('varsFrameStack') to keep track of which variable we are // visiting, so we can appropriately bind the initializer. invariant(!_context->varsFrameStack.empty()); auto& currentFrame = _context->varsFrameStack.top(); invariant(!currentFrame.variablesToBind.empty()); auto varToBind = currentFrame.variablesToBind.front(); currentFrame.variablesToBind.pop_front(); // We create two bindings. First, the initializer result is bound to a slot (if it's not // already in a slot). auto [slotToBind, projectStage] = projectEvalExpr(_context->popEvalExpr(), _context->extractCurrentEvalStage(), _context->planNodeId, _context->state.slotIdGenerator); _context->setCurrentStage(std::move(projectStage)); currentFrame.slotsForLetVariables.insert(slotToBind); // Second, we bind this variables AST-level name (with type Variable::Id) to the SlotId that // will be used for compilation and execution. Once this "stage builder" finishes, these // Variable::Id bindings will no longer be relevant. invariant(_context->environment.find(varToBind) == _context->environment.end()); _context->environment.insert({varToBind, slotToBind}); } void visit(const ExpressionLn* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionLog* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionLog10* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionInternalFLEBetween* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionInternalFLEEqual* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionMap* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionMeta* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionMod* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionMultiply* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionNot* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionObject* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionOr* expr) final { visitMultiBranchLogicExpression(expr, sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr); } void visit(const ExpressionPow* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionRange* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionReduce* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionReplaceOne* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionReplaceAll* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSetDifference* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSetEquals* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSetIntersection* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSetIsSubset* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSetUnion* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSize* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionReverseArray* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSortArray* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSlice* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionIsArray* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionInternalFindAllValuesAtPath* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionRound* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSplit* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSqrt* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionStrcasecmp* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSubstrBytes* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSubstrCP* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionStrLenBytes* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionBinarySize* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionStrLenCP* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSubtract* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSwitch* expr) final { _context->evalStack.emplaceFrame(EvalStage{}); } void visit(const ExpressionTestApiVersion* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionToLower* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionToUpper* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionTrim* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionTrunc* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionType* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionZip* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionConvert* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionRegexFind* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionRegexFindAll* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionRegexMatch* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionCosine* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSine* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionTangent* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionArcCosine* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionArcSine* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionArcTangent* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionArcTangent2* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionHyperbolicArcTangent* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionHyperbolicArcCosine* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionHyperbolicArcSine* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionHyperbolicTangent* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionHyperbolicCosine* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionHyperbolicSine* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDegreesToRadians* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionRadiansToDegrees* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDayOfMonth* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDayOfWeek* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDayOfYear* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionHour* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionMillisecond* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionMinute* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionMonth* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSecond* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionWeek* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionIsoWeekYear* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionIsoDayOfWeek* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionIsoWeek* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionYear* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulatorN* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulatorN* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulatorN* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulatorN* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionTests::Testable* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionInternalJsEmit* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionInternalFindSlice* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionInternalFindPositional* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionInternalFindElemMatch* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionFunction* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionRandom* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionToHashedIndexKey* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDateAdd* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionDateSubtract* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionGetField* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionSetField* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionTsSecond* expr) final {} void visit(const ExpressionTsIncrement* expr) final {} private: void visitMultiBranchLogicExpression(const Expression* expr, sbe::EPrimBinary::Op logicOp) { // The infix visitor should only visit expressions with more than one child. invariant(expr->getChildren().size() >= 2); invariant(logicOp == sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr || logicOp == sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd); _context->evalStack.emplaceFrame(EvalStage{}); } ExpressionVisitorContext* _context; }; struct DoubleBound { DoubleBound(double b, bool isInclusive) : bound(b), inclusive(isInclusive) {} static DoubleBound minInfinity() { return DoubleBound(-std::numeric_limits::infinity(), false); } static DoubleBound plusInfinity() { return DoubleBound(std::numeric_limits::infinity(), false); } static DoubleBound plusInfinityInclusive() { return DoubleBound(std::numeric_limits::infinity(), true); } std::string printLowerBound() const { return str::stream() << (inclusive ? "[" : "(") << bound; } std::string printUpperBound() const { return str::stream() << bound << (inclusive ? "]" : ")"); } double bound; bool inclusive; }; class ExpressionPostVisitor final : public ExpressionConstVisitor { public: ExpressionPostVisitor(ExpressionVisitorContext* context) : _context{context} {} enum class SetOperation { Difference, Intersection, Union, Equals, }; void visit(const ExpressionConstant* expr) final { auto [tag, val] = makeValue(expr->getValue()); _context->pushExpr(sbe::makeE(tag, val)); } void visit(const ExpressionAbs* expr) final { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(_context->popExpr()); sbe::EVariable inputRef(frameId, 0); auto absExpr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(inputRef), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{generateNonNumericCheck(inputRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4903700}, "$abs only supports numeric types")}, CaseValuePair{generateLongLongMinCheck(inputRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4903701}, "can't take $abs of long long min")}, makeFunction("abs", inputRef.clone())); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(absExpr))); } void visit(const ExpressionAdd* expr) final { size_t arity = expr->getChildren().size(); _context->ensureArity(arity); auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto generateNotNumberOrDate = [frameId](const sbe::value::SlotId slotId) { sbe::EVariable var{frameId, slotId}; return makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, makeNot(makeFunction("isNumber", var.clone())), makeNot(makeFunction("isDate", var.clone()))); }; if (arity == 0) { // Return a zero constant if the expression has no operand children. _context->pushExpr(makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, 0)); } else { sbe::EExpression::Vector binds; sbe::EExpression::Vector argVars; sbe::EExpression::Vector checkExprsNull; sbe::EExpression::Vector checkExprsNotNumberOrDate; binds.reserve(arity); argVars.reserve(arity); checkExprsNull.reserve(arity); checkExprsNotNumberOrDate.reserve(arity); for (size_t idx = 0; idx < arity; ++idx) { binds.push_back(_context->popExpr()); argVars.push_back(sbe::makeE(frameId, idx)); checkExprsNull.push_back(generateNullOrMissing(frameId, idx)); checkExprsNotNumberOrDate.push_back(generateNotNumberOrDate(idx)); } // At this point 'binds' vector contains arguments of $add expression in the reversed // order. We need to reverse it back to perform summation in the right order below. // Summation in different order can lead to different result because of accumulated // precision errors from floating point types. std::reverse(std::begin(binds), std::end(binds)); using iter_t = sbe::EExpression::Vector::iterator; auto checkNullAllArguments = std::accumulate( std::move_iterator(checkExprsNull.begin() + 1), std::move_iterator(checkExprsNull.end()), std::move(checkExprsNull.front()), [](auto&& acc, auto&& ex) { return makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, std::move(acc), std::move(ex)); }); auto checkNotNumberOrDateAllArguments = std::accumulate( std::move_iterator(checkExprsNotNumberOrDate.begin() + 1), std::move_iterator(checkExprsNotNumberOrDate.end()), std::move(checkExprsNotNumberOrDate.front()), [](auto&& acc, auto&& ex) { return makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, std::move(acc), std::move(ex)); }); auto addOp = std::move(argVars[0]); for (size_t idx = 1; idx < arity; ++idx) { addOp = makeLocalBind( _context->state.frameIdGenerator, [&](sbe::EVariable var1, sbe::EVariable var2) { return sbe::makeE( makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, makeFunction("isDate", var1.clone()), makeFunction("isDate", var2.clone())), makeFail(4974202, "only one date allowed in an $add expression"), makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::add, var1.clone(), var2.clone())); }, std::move(addOp), std::move(argVars[idx])); } auto addExpr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{std::move(checkNullAllArguments), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{ std::move(checkNotNumberOrDateAllArguments), makeFail(4974201, "only numbers and dates are allowed in an $add expression")}, std::move(addOp)); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(addExpr))); } } void visit(const ExpressionAllElementsTrue* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionAnd* expr) final { visitMultiBranchLogicExpression(expr, sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd); } void visit(const ExpressionAnyElementTrue* expr) final { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(_context->popExpr()); sbe::EVariable inputRef(frameId, 0); auto lambdaFrame = _context->state.frameId(); sbe::EVariable lambdaParam(lambdaFrame, 0); auto lambdaExpr = sbe::makeE(lambdaFrame, generateCoerceToBoolExpression(lambdaParam)); auto resultExpr = makeBinaryOp( sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, makeFillEmptyFalse(makeFunction("isArray", inputRef.clone())), makeFail(5159200, "$anyElementTrue's argument must be an array")), makeFunction("traverseF", inputRef.clone(), std::move(lambdaExpr), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Boolean, false))); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(resultExpr))); } void visit(const ExpressionArray* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionArrayElemAt* expr) final { _context->ensureArity(2); auto index = _context->popExpr(); // It's important that we project the array to a slot here. If we didn't do this, then the // view of the array element could potentially outlive the array itself (which could result // in use-after-free bugs). auto [arraySlot, stage] = projectEvalExpr(_context->popEvalExpr(), _context->extractCurrentEvalStage(), _context->planNodeId, _context->state.slotIdGenerator); auto array = makeVariable(arraySlot); auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(std::move(array), std::move(index)); sbe::EVariable arrayRef{frameId, 0}; sbe::EVariable indexRef{frameId, 1}; auto int32Index = [&]() { auto convertedIndex = sbe::makeE( indexRef.clone(), sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32); auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(std::move(convertedIndex)); sbe::EVariable convertedIndexRef{frameId, 0}; auto inExpression = sbe::makeE( makeFunction("exists", convertedIndexRef.clone()), convertedIndexRef.clone(), sbe::makeE( ErrorCodes::Error{5126703}, "$arrayElemAt second argument cannot be represented as a 32-bit integer")); return sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(inExpression)); }(); auto anyOfArgumentsIsNullish = makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, generateNullOrMissing(arrayRef), generateNullOrMissing(indexRef)); auto firstArgumentIsNotArray = makeNot(makeFunction("isArray", arrayRef.clone())); auto secondArgumentIsNotNumeric = generateNonNumericCheck(indexRef); auto arrayElemAtExpr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{std::move(anyOfArgumentsIsNullish), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{std::move(firstArgumentIsNotArray), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5126701}, "$arrayElemAt first argument must be an array")}, CaseValuePair{std::move(secondArgumentIsNotNumeric), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5126702}, "$arrayElemAt second argument must be a number")}, makeFunction("getElement", arrayRef.clone(), std::move(int32Index))); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(arrayElemAtExpr)), std::move(stage)); } void visit(const ExpressionFirst* expr) final { buildArrayAccessByConstantIndex(_context, expr->getOpName(), 0); } void visit(const ExpressionLast* expr) final { buildArrayAccessByConstantIndex(_context, expr->getOpName(), -1); } void visit(const ExpressionObjectToArray* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionArrayToObject* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionBsonSize* expr) final { // Build an expression which evaluates the size of a BSON document and validates the input // argument. // 1. If the argument is null or empty, return null. // 2. Else, if the argument is a BSON document, return its size. // 3. Else, raise an error. auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(_context->popExpr()); sbe::EVariable inputRef(frameId, 0); auto bsonSizeExpr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(inputRef), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{generateNonObjectCheck(inputRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5043001}, "$bsonSize requires a document input")}, makeFunction("bsonSize", inputRef.clone())); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(bsonSizeExpr))); } void visit(const ExpressionCeil* expr) final { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(_context->popExpr()); sbe::EVariable inputRef(frameId, 0); auto ceilExpr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(inputRef), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{generateNonNumericCheck(inputRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4903702}, "$ceil only supports numeric types")}, makeFunction("ceil", inputRef.clone())); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(ceilExpr))); } void visit(const ExpressionCoerceToBool* expr) final { // Since $coerceToBool is internal-only and there are not yet any input expressions that // generate an ExpressionCoerceToBool expression, we will leave it as unreachable for now. MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void visit(const ExpressionCompare* expr) final { _context->ensureArity(2); sbe::EExpression::Vector operands(2); for (auto it = operands.rbegin(); it != operands.rend(); ++it) { *it = _context->popExpr(); } auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); sbe::EVariable lhsRef(frameId, 0); sbe::EVariable rhsRef(frameId, 1); auto comparisonOperator = [expr]() { switch (expr->getOp()) { case ExpressionCompare::CmpOp::EQ: return sbe::EPrimBinary::eq; case ExpressionCompare::CmpOp::NE: return sbe::EPrimBinary::neq; case ExpressionCompare::CmpOp::GT: return sbe::EPrimBinary::greater; case ExpressionCompare::CmpOp::GTE: return sbe::EPrimBinary::greaterEq; case ExpressionCompare::CmpOp::LT: return sbe::EPrimBinary::less; case ExpressionCompare::CmpOp::LTE: return sbe::EPrimBinary::lessEq; case ExpressionCompare::CmpOp::CMP: return sbe::EPrimBinary::cmp3w; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; }(); // We use the "cmp3w" primitive for every comparison, because it "type brackets" its // comparisons (for example, a number will always compare as less than a string). The other // comparison primitives are designed for comparing values of the same type. auto cmp3w = makeBinaryOp( sbe::EPrimBinary::cmp3w, lhsRef.clone(), rhsRef.clone(), _context->state.data->env); auto cmp = (comparisonOperator == sbe::EPrimBinary::cmp3w) ? std::move(cmp3w) : makeBinaryOp(comparisonOperator, std::move(cmp3w), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(0))); // If either operand evaluates to "Nothing", then the entire operation expressed by 'cmp' // will also evaluate to "Nothing". MQL comparisons, however, treat "Nothing" as if it is a // value that is less than everything other than MinKey. (Notably, two expressions that // evaluate to "Nothing" are considered equal to each other.) // We also need to explicitly check for 'bsonUndefined' type because it is considered equal // to "Nothing" according to MQL semantics. auto generateExists = [&](const sbe::EVariable& var) { auto undefinedTypeMask = static_cast(getBSONTypeMask(BSONType::Undefined)); return makeBinaryOp( sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, makeFunction("exists", var.clone()), makeFunction("typeMatch", var.clone(), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(~undefinedTypeMask)))); }; auto nothingFallbackCmp = makeBinaryOp(comparisonOperator, generateExists(lhsRef), generateExists(rhsRef)); auto cmpWithFallback = makeFunction("fillEmpty", std::move(cmp), std::move(nothingFallbackCmp)); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(operands), std::move(cmpWithFallback))); } void visit(const ExpressionConcat* expr) final { auto arity = expr->getChildren().size(); _context->ensureArity(arity); // Concatination of no strings is an empty string. if (arity == 0) { _context->pushExpr(makeConstant(""_sd)); return; } auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); sbe::EExpression::Vector binds; sbe::EExpression::Vector checkNullArg; sbe::EExpression::Vector checkStringArg; sbe::EExpression::Vector argVars; sbe::value::SlotId slot{0}; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < arity; ++idx, ++slot) { sbe::EVariable var(frameId, slot); binds.push_back(_context->popExpr()); checkNullArg.push_back(generateNullOrMissing(frameId, slot)); checkStringArg.push_back(makeFunction("isString", var.clone())); argVars.push_back(var.clone()); } std::reverse(std::begin(binds), std::end(binds)); using iter_t = sbe::EExpression::Vector::iterator; auto checkNullAnyArgument = std::accumulate( std::move_iterator(checkNullArg.begin() + 1), std::move_iterator(checkNullArg.end()), std::move(checkNullArg.front()), [](auto&& acc, auto&& ex) { return makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, std::move(acc), std::move(ex)); }); auto checkStringAllArguments = std::accumulate( std::move_iterator(checkStringArg.begin() + 1), std::move_iterator(checkStringArg.end()), std::move(checkStringArg.front()), [](auto&& acc, auto&& ex) { return makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, std::move(acc), std::move(ex)); }); auto concatExpr = sbe::makeE( std::move(checkNullAnyArgument), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0), sbe::makeE(std::move(checkStringAllArguments), sbe::makeE("concat", std::move(argVars)), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5073001}, "$concat supports only strings"))); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(concatExpr))); } void visit(const ExpressionConcatArrays* expr) final { auto numChildren = expr->getChildren().size(); _context->ensureArity(numChildren); // If there are no children, return an empty array. if (numChildren == 0) { auto [emptyArrTag, emptyArrValue] = sbe::value::makeNewArray(); _context->pushExpr(makeConstant(emptyArrTag, emptyArrValue)); return; } auto binds = sbe::makeEs(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) { binds.emplace_back(_context->popExpr()); } std::reverse(binds.begin(), binds.end()); auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto args = sbe::makeEs(); std::unique_ptr checkArgsForNull; for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) { sbe::EVariable argRef(frameId, i); args.emplace_back(argRef.clone()); checkArgsForNull = checkArgsForNull ? makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, std::move(checkArgsForNull), generateNullOrMissing(argRef)) : generateNullOrMissing(argRef); } auto nullOrFailExpr = sbe::makeE(std::move(checkArgsForNull), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5153400}, "$concatArrays only supports arrays")); auto resultExpr = makeLocalBind( _context->state.frameIdGenerator, [&](sbe::EVariable concatArraysRef) { // We optimize for the case where all of the args are arrays. If concatArrays() // returns Nothing, then we deal with checking if any of the args are null and // either returning null or raising an error. return sbe::makeE(makeFunction("exists", concatArraysRef.clone()), concatArraysRef.clone(), std::move(nullOrFailExpr)); }, sbe::makeE("concatArrays"_sd, std::move(args))); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(resultExpr))); } void visit(const ExpressionCond* expr) final { visitConditionalExpression(expr); } void visit(const ExpressionDateDiff* expr) final { using namespace std::literals; auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); sbe::EExpression::Vector arguments; sbe::EExpression::Vector bindings; sbe::EVariable startDateRef(frameId, 0); sbe::EVariable endDateRef(frameId, 1); sbe::EVariable unitRef(frameId, 2); sbe::EVariable timezoneRef(frameId, 3); sbe::EVariable startOfWeekRef(frameId, 4); // An auxiliary boolean variable to hold a value of a common subexpression 'unit'=="week" // (string). sbe::EVariable unitIsWeekRef(frameId, 5); auto children = expr->getChildren(); invariant(children.size() == 5); _context->ensureArity(3 + (expr->isTimezoneSpecified() ? 1 : 0) + (expr->isStartOfWeekSpecified() ? 1 : 0)); // Get child expressions. auto startOfWeekExpression = expr->isStartOfWeekSpecified() ? _context->popExpr() : nullptr; auto timezoneExpression = expr->isTimezoneSpecified() ? _context->popExpr() : makeConstant("UTC"_sd); auto unitExpression = _context->popExpr(); auto endDateExpression = _context->popExpr(); auto startDateExpression = _context->popExpr(); auto timezoneDBSlot = _context->state.data->env->getSlot("timeZoneDB"_sd); // Set parameters for an invocation of built-in "dateDiff" function. arguments.push_back(sbe::makeE(timezoneDBSlot)); arguments.push_back(startDateRef.clone()); arguments.push_back(endDateRef.clone()); arguments.push_back(unitRef.clone()); arguments.push_back(timezoneRef.clone()); if (expr->isStartOfWeekSpecified()) { // Parameter "startOfWeek" - if the time unit is the week, then pass value of parameter // "startOfWeek" of "$dateDiff" expression, otherwise pass a valid default value, since // "dateDiff" built-in function does not accept non-string type values for this // parameter. arguments.push_back(sbe::makeE( unitIsWeekRef.clone(), startOfWeekRef.clone(), makeConstant("sun"_sd))); } // Set bindings for the frame. bindings.push_back(std::move(startDateExpression)); bindings.push_back(std::move(endDateExpression)); bindings.push_back(std::move(unitExpression)); bindings.push_back(std::move(timezoneExpression)); if (expr->isStartOfWeekSpecified()) { bindings.push_back(std::move(startOfWeekExpression)); bindings.push_back(generateIsEqualToStringCheck(unitRef, "week"_sd)); } // Create an expression to invoke built-in "dateDiff" function. auto dateDiffFunctionCall = sbe::makeE("dateDiff"_sd, std::move(arguments)); // Create expressions to check that each argument to "dateDiff" function exists, is not // null, and is of the correct type. std::vector inputValidationCases; // Return null if any of the parameters is either null or missing. inputValidationCases.push_back(generateReturnNullIfNullOrMissing(startDateRef)); inputValidationCases.push_back(generateReturnNullIfNullOrMissing(endDateRef)); inputValidationCases.push_back(generateReturnNullIfNullOrMissing(unitRef)); inputValidationCases.push_back(generateReturnNullIfNullOrMissing(timezoneRef)); if (expr->isStartOfWeekSpecified()) { inputValidationCases.emplace_back( sbe::makeE(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, unitIsWeekRef.clone(), generateNullOrMissing(startOfWeekRef)), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)); } // "timezone" parameter validation. inputValidationCases.emplace_back( generateNonStringCheck(timezoneRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5166504}, "$dateDiff parameter 'timezone' must be a string")); inputValidationCases.emplace_back( makeNot(makeFunction( "isTimezone", sbe::makeE(timezoneDBSlot), timezoneRef.clone())), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5166505}, "$dateDiff parameter 'timezone' must be a valid timezone")); // "startDate" parameter validation. inputValidationCases.emplace_back(generateFailIfNotCoercibleToDate( startDateRef, ErrorCodes::Error{5166500}, "$dateDiff"_sd, "startDate"_sd)); // "endDate" parameter validation. inputValidationCases.emplace_back(generateFailIfNotCoercibleToDate( endDateRef, ErrorCodes::Error{5166501}, "$dateDiff"_sd, "endDate"_sd)); // "unit" parameter validation. inputValidationCases.emplace_back( generateNonStringCheck(unitRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5166502}, "$dateDiff parameter 'unit' must be a string")); inputValidationCases.emplace_back( makeNot(makeFunction("isTimeUnit", unitRef.clone())), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5166503}, "$dateDiff parameter 'unit' must be a valid time unit")); // "startOfWeek" parameter validation. if (expr->isStartOfWeekSpecified()) { // If 'timeUnit' value is equal to "week" then validate "startOfWeek" parameter. inputValidationCases.emplace_back( sbe::makeE(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, unitIsWeekRef.clone(), generateNonStringCheck(startOfWeekRef)), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5338801}, "$dateDiff parameter 'startOfWeek' must be a string")); inputValidationCases.emplace_back( sbe::makeE( sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, unitIsWeekRef.clone(), makeNot(makeFunction("isDayOfWeek", startOfWeekRef.clone()))), sbe::makeE( ErrorCodes::Error{5338802}, "$dateDiff parameter 'startOfWeek' must be a valid day of the week")); } auto dateDiffExpression = buildMultiBranchConditionalFromCaseValuePairs( std::move(inputValidationCases), std::move(dateDiffFunctionCall)); _context->pushExpr(sbe::makeE( frameId, std::move(bindings), std::move(dateDiffExpression))); } void visit(const ExpressionDateFromString* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$dateFromString"); } void visit(const ExpressionDateFromParts* expr) final { // This expression can carry null children depending on the set of fields provided, // to compute a date from parts so we only need to pop if a child exists. auto children = expr->getChildren(); invariant(children.size() == 11); auto eTimezone = children[10] ? _context->popExpr() : nullptr; auto eIsoDayOfWeek = children[9] ? _context->popExpr() : nullptr; auto eIsoWeek = children[8] ? _context->popExpr() : nullptr; auto eIsoWeekYear = children[7] ? _context->popExpr() : nullptr; auto eMillisecond = children[6] ? _context->popExpr() : nullptr; auto eSecond = children[5] ? _context->popExpr() : nullptr; auto eMinute = children[4] ? _context->popExpr() : nullptr; auto eHour = children[3] ? _context->popExpr() : nullptr; auto eDay = children[2] ? _context->popExpr() : nullptr; auto eMonth = children[1] ? _context->popExpr() : nullptr; auto eYear = children[0] ? _context->popExpr() : nullptr; // Save a flag to determine if we are in the case of an iso // week year. Note that the agg expression parser ensures that one of date or // isoWeekYear inputs are provided so we don't need to enforce that at this depth. auto isIsoWeekYear = static_cast(eIsoWeekYear); auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); sbe::EVariable yearRef(frameId, 0); sbe::EVariable monthRef(frameId, 1); sbe::EVariable dayRef(frameId, 2); sbe::EVariable hourRef(frameId, 3); sbe::EVariable minRef(frameId, 4); sbe::EVariable secRef(frameId, 5); sbe::EVariable millisecRef(frameId, 6); sbe::EVariable timeZoneRef(frameId, 7); // Build a chain of nested bounds checks for each date part that is provided in the // expression. We elide the checks in the case that default values are used. These bound // checks are then used by folding over pairs of ite tests and else branches to implement // short-circuiting in the case that checks fail. To emulate the control flow of MQL for // this expression we interleave type conversion checks with time component bound checks. const auto minInt16 = std::numeric_limits::lowest(); const auto maxInt16 = std::numeric_limits::max(); // Constructs an expression that does a bound check of var over a closed interval [lower, // upper]. auto boundedCheck = [](sbe::EExpression& var, int16_t lower, int16_t upper, const std::string& varName) { str::stream errMsg; if (varName == "year" || varName == "isoWeekYear") { errMsg << "'" << varName << "'" << " must evaluate to an integer in the range " << lower << " to " << upper; } else { errMsg << "'" << varName << "'" << " must evaluate to a value in the range [" << lower << ", " << upper << "]"; } return std::make_pair( makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::greaterEq, var.clone(), sbe::makeE( sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(lower))), makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::lessEq, var.clone(), sbe::makeE( sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(upper)))), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4848972}, errMsg)); }; // Here we want to validate each field that is provided as input to the agg expression. To // do this we implement the following checks: // // 1) Check if the value in a given slot null or missing. If so bind null to l1.0, and // continue to the next binding. Otherwise, do check 2 below. // // 2) Check if the value in a given slot is an integral int64. This test is done by // computing a lossless conversion of the value in s1 to an int64. The exposed // conversion function by the vm returns a value if there is no loss of precision, // otherwise it returns Nothing. In both the valid or Nothing case, we can store the result // of the conversion in l2.0 of the inner let binding and test for existence. If the // existence check fails we know the conversion is lossy and we can fail the query. // Otherwise, the inner let evaluates to the converted value which is then bound to the // outer let. // // Each invocation of fieldConversionBinding will produce a nested let of the form. // // let [l1.0 = s1] in // if (isNull(l1.0) || !exists(l1.0), null, // let [l2.0 = convert(l1.0, int)] in // if (exists(l2.0), l2.0, fail("... must evaluate to an integer")]), ...] // in ... auto fieldConversionBinding = [](std::unique_ptr expr, sbe::value::FrameIdGenerator* frameIdGenerator, const std::string& varName) { auto outerFrameId = frameIdGenerator->generate(); auto innerFrameId = frameIdGenerator->generate(); sbe::EVariable outerSlotRef(outerFrameId, 0); sbe::EVariable convertedFieldRef(innerFrameId, 0); return sbe::makeE( outerFrameId, sbe::makeEs(expr->clone()), sbe::makeE( makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, makeNot(makeFunction("exists", outerSlotRef.clone())), makeFunction("isNull", outerSlotRef.clone())), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0), sbe::makeE( innerFrameId, sbe::makeEs(sbe::makeE( outerSlotRef.clone(), sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64)), sbe::makeE( makeFunction("exists", convertedFieldRef.clone()), convertedFieldRef.clone(), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4848979}, str::stream() << "'" << varName << "'" << " must evaluate to an integer"))))); }; // Build two vectors on the fly to elide bound and conversion for defaulted values. std::vector, std::unique_ptr>> boundChecks; // checks for lower and upper bounds of date fields. // Operands is for the outer let bindings. sbe::EExpression::Vector operands; if (isIsoWeekYear) { boundChecks.push_back(boundedCheck(yearRef, 1, 9999, "isoWeekYear")); operands.push_back(fieldConversionBinding( std::move(eIsoWeekYear), _context->state.frameIdGenerator, "isoWeekYear")); if (!eIsoWeek) { eIsoWeek = sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(1)); operands.push_back(std::move(eIsoWeek)); } else { boundChecks.push_back(boundedCheck(monthRef, minInt16, maxInt16, "isoWeek")); operands.push_back(fieldConversionBinding( std::move(eIsoWeek), _context->state.frameIdGenerator, "isoWeek")); } if (!eIsoDayOfWeek) { eIsoDayOfWeek = sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(1)); operands.push_back(std::move(eIsoDayOfWeek)); } else { boundChecks.push_back(boundedCheck(dayRef, minInt16, maxInt16, "isoDayOfWeek")); operands.push_back(fieldConversionBinding( std::move(eIsoDayOfWeek), _context->state.frameIdGenerator, "isoDayOfWeek")); } } else { // The regular year/month/day case. if (!eYear) { eYear = sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(1970)); operands.push_back(std::move(eYear)); } else { boundChecks.push_back(boundedCheck(yearRef, 1, 9999, "year")); operands.push_back(fieldConversionBinding( std::move(eYear), _context->state.frameIdGenerator, "year")); } if (!eMonth) { eMonth = sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(1)); operands.push_back(std::move(eMonth)); } else { boundChecks.push_back(boundedCheck(monthRef, minInt16, maxInt16, "month")); operands.push_back(fieldConversionBinding( std::move(eMonth), _context->state.frameIdGenerator, "month")); } if (!eDay) { eDay = sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(1)); operands.push_back(std::move(eDay)); } else { boundChecks.push_back(boundedCheck(dayRef, minInt16, maxInt16, "day")); operands.push_back(fieldConversionBinding( std::move(eDay), _context->state.frameIdGenerator, "day")); } } if (!eHour) { eHour = sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(0)); operands.push_back(std::move(eHour)); } else { boundChecks.push_back(boundedCheck(hourRef, minInt16, maxInt16, "hour")); operands.push_back( fieldConversionBinding(std::move(eHour), _context->state.frameIdGenerator, "hour")); } if (!eMinute) { eMinute = sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(0)); operands.push_back(std::move(eMinute)); } else { boundChecks.push_back(boundedCheck(minRef, minInt16, maxInt16, "minute")); operands.push_back(fieldConversionBinding( std::move(eMinute), _context->state.frameIdGenerator, "minute")); } if (!eSecond) { eSecond = sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(0)); operands.push_back(std::move(eSecond)); } else { // MQL doesn't place bound restrictions on the second field, because seconds carry over // to minutes and can be large ints such as 71,841,012 or even unix epochs. operands.push_back(fieldConversionBinding( std::move(eSecond), _context->state.frameIdGenerator, "second")); } if (!eMillisecond) { eMillisecond = sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(0)); operands.push_back(std::move(eMillisecond)); } else { // MQL doesn't enforce bound restrictions on millisecond fields because milliseconds // carry over to seconds. operands.push_back(fieldConversionBinding( std::move(eMillisecond), _context->state.frameIdGenerator, "millisecond")); } if (!eTimezone) { eTimezone = sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::StringSmall, 0); operands.push_back(std::move(eTimezone)); } else { // Validate that eTimezone is a string. auto tzFrameId = _context->state.frameId(); sbe::EVariable timezoneRef(tzFrameId, 0); operands.push_back(sbe::makeE( tzFrameId, sbe::makeEs(std::move(eTimezone)), sbe::makeE( makeFunction("isString", timeZoneRef.clone()), timezoneRef.clone(), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4848980}, str::stream() << "'timezone' must evaluate to a string")))); } // Make a disjunction of null checks for each date part by over this vector. These checks // are necessary after the initial conversion computation because we need have the outer let // binding evaluate to null if any field is null. auto nullExprs = sbe::makeEs(generateNullOrMissing(frameId, 7), generateNullOrMissing(frameId, 6), generateNullOrMissing(frameId, 5), generateNullOrMissing(frameId, 4), generateNullOrMissing(frameId, 3), generateNullOrMissing(frameId, 2), generateNullOrMissing(frameId, 1), generateNullOrMissing(frameId, 0)); using iter_t = sbe::EExpression::Vector::iterator; auto checkPartsForNull = std::accumulate( std::move_iterator(nullExprs.begin() + 1), std::move_iterator(nullExprs.end()), std::move(nullExprs.front()), [](auto&& acc, auto&& b) { return makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, std::move(acc), std::move(b)); }); // Invocation of the datePartsWeekYear and dateParts functions depend on a TimeZoneDatabase // for datetime computation. This global object is registered as an unowned value in the // runtime environment so we pass the corresponding slot to the datePartsWeekYear and // dateParts functions as a variable. auto timeZoneDBSlot = _context->state.data->env->getSlot("timeZoneDB"_sd); auto computeDate = makeFunction(isIsoWeekYear ? "datePartsWeekYear" : "dateParts", sbe::makeE(timeZoneDBSlot), yearRef.clone(), monthRef.clone(), dayRef.clone(), hourRef.clone(), minRef.clone(), secRef.clone(), millisecRef.clone(), timeZoneRef.clone()); using iterPair_t = std::vector, std::unique_ptr>>::iterator; auto computeBoundChecks = std::accumulate(std::move_iterator(boundChecks.begin()), std::move_iterator(boundChecks.end()), std::move(computeDate), [](auto&& acc, auto&& b) { return sbe::makeE( std::move(b.first), std::move(acc), std::move(b.second)); }); // This final ite expression allows short-circuting of the null field case. If the nullish, // checks pass, then we check the bounds of each field and invoke the builtins if all checks // pass. auto computeDateOrNull = sbe::makeE(std::move(checkPartsForNull), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0), std::move(computeBoundChecks)); _context->pushExpr(sbe::makeE( frameId, std::move(operands), std::move(computeDateOrNull))); } void visit(const ExpressionDateToParts* expr) final { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto children = expr->getChildren(); std::unique_ptr date, timezone, isoflag; std::unique_ptr totalExprDateToParts; sbe::EExpression::Vector args; sbe::EExpression::Vector isoargs; sbe::EExpression::Vector operands; sbe::EVariable dateRef(frameId, 0); sbe::EVariable timezoneRef(frameId, 1); sbe::EVariable isoflagRef(frameId, 2); // Initialize arguments with values from stack or default values. if (children[2]) { isoflag = _context->popExpr(); } else { isoflag = sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Boolean, false); } if (children[1]) { timezone = _context->popExpr(); } else { auto [utcTag, utcVal] = sbe::value::makeNewString("UTC"); timezone = sbe::makeE(utcTag, utcVal); } if (children[0]) { date = _context->popExpr(); } else { _context->pushExpr(sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4997700}, "$dateToParts must include a date")); return; } // Add timezoneDB to arguments. args.push_back( sbe::makeE(_context->state.data->env->getSlot("timeZoneDB"_sd))); isoargs.push_back( sbe::makeE(_context->state.data->env->getSlot("timeZoneDB"_sd))); // Add date to arguments. operands.push_back(std::move(date)); args.push_back(dateRef.clone()); isoargs.push_back(dateRef.clone()); // Add timezone to arguments. operands.push_back(std::move(timezone)); args.push_back(timezoneRef.clone()); isoargs.push_back(timezoneRef.clone()); // Add iso8601 to arguments. uint32_t isoTypeMask = getBSONTypeMask(sbe::value::TypeTags::Boolean); operands.push_back(std::move(isoflag)); args.push_back(isoflagRef.clone()); isoargs.push_back(isoflagRef.clone()); // Determine whether to call dateToParts or isoDateToParts. auto checkIsoflagValue = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{ makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::eq, isoflagRef.clone(), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Boolean, false)), sbe::makeE("dateToParts", std::move(args))}, sbe::makeE("isoDateToParts", std::move(isoargs))); // Check that each argument exists, is not null, and is the correct type. auto totalDateToPartsFunc = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(frameId, 1), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{makeNot(makeFunction("isString", timezoneRef.clone())), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4997701}, "$dateToParts timezone must be a string")}, CaseValuePair{ makeNot(makeFunction( "isTimezone", sbe::makeE(_context->state.data->env->getSlot("timeZoneDB"_sd)), timezoneRef.clone())), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4997704}, "$dateToParts timezone must be a valid timezone")}, CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(frameId, 2), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{ makeNot(makeFunction("typeMatch", isoflagRef.clone(), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(isoTypeMask)))), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4997702}, "$dateToParts iso8601 must be a boolean")}, CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(frameId, 0), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{ makeNot(makeFunction( "typeMatch", dateRef.clone(), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(dateTypeMask())))), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4997703}, "$dateToParts date must have the format of a date")}, std::move(checkIsoflagValue)); _context->pushExpr(sbe::makeE( frameId, std::move(operands), std::move(totalDateToPartsFunc))); } void visit(const ExpressionDateToString* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$dateFromString"); } void visit(const ExpressionDateTrunc* expr) final { auto children = expr->getChildren(); invariant(children.size() == 5); _context->ensureArity(2 + (expr->isBinSizeSpecified() ? 1 : 0) + (expr->isTimezoneSpecified() ? 1 : 0) + (expr->isStartOfWeekSpecified() ? 1 : 0)); // Get child expressions. auto startOfWeekExpression = expr->isStartOfWeekSpecified() ? _context->popExpr() : makeConstant("sun"_sd); auto timezoneExpression = expr->isTimezoneSpecified() ? _context->popExpr() : makeConstant("UTC"_sd); auto binSizeExpression = expr->isBinSizeSpecified() ? _context->popExpr() : makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64, 1); auto unitExpression = _context->popExpr(); auto dateExpression = _context->popExpr(); auto timezoneDBSlot = _context->state.data->env->getSlot("timeZoneDB"_sd); auto [timezoneDBTag, timezoneDBVal] = _context->state.data->env->getAccessor(timezoneDBSlot)->getViewOfValue(); tassert(7003901, "$dateTrunc first argument must be a timezoneDB object", timezoneDBTag == sbe::value::TypeTags::timeZoneDB); auto timezoneDB = sbe::value::getTimeZoneDBView(timezoneDBVal); // Local bind to hold the date expression result auto dateFrameId = _context->state.frameId(); sbe::EExpression::Vector dateBindings; sbe::EVariable dateRef(dateFrameId, 0); dateBindings.push_back(std::move(dateExpression)); // Set parameters for an invocation of built-in "dateTrunc" function. sbe::EExpression::Vector arguments; arguments.push_back(makeVariable(timezoneDBSlot)); arguments.push_back(dateRef.clone()); arguments.push_back(unitExpression->clone()); arguments.push_back(binSizeExpression->clone()); arguments.push_back(timezoneExpression->clone()); arguments.push_back(startOfWeekExpression->clone()); // Create an expression to invoke built-in "dateTrunc" function. auto dateTruncFunctionCall = sbe::makeE("dateTrunc"_sd, std::move(arguments)); // Local bind to hold the $dateTrunc function call result auto dateTruncFrameId = _context->state.frameId(); sbe::EExpression::Vector dateTruncBindings; sbe::EVariable dateTruncRef(dateTruncFrameId, 0); dateTruncBindings.push_back(std::move(dateTruncFunctionCall)); // Local bind to hold the unitIsWeek common subexpression auto unitIsWeekFrameId = _context->state.frameId(); sbe::EExpression::Vector unitIsWeekBindings; sbe::EVariable unitIsWeekRef(unitIsWeekFrameId, 0); unitIsWeekBindings.push_back(generateIsEqualToStringCheck(*unitExpression, "week"_sd)); // Create expressions to check that each argument to "dateTrunc" function exists, is not // null, and is of the correct type. std::vector inputValidationCases; // Return null if any of the parameters is either null or missing. inputValidationCases.push_back(generateReturnNullIfNullOrMissing(dateRef)); inputValidationCases.push_back(generateReturnNullIfNullOrMissing(unitExpression->clone())); inputValidationCases.push_back( generateReturnNullIfNullOrMissing(binSizeExpression->clone())); inputValidationCases.push_back( generateReturnNullIfNullOrMissing(timezoneExpression->clone())); inputValidationCases.emplace_back( makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, unitIsWeekRef.clone(), generateNullOrMissing(startOfWeekExpression->clone())), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)); // "timezone" parameter validation. if (timezoneExpression->as()) { auto [timezoneTag, timezoneVal] = timezoneExpression->as()->getConstant(); tassert(7003907, "$dateTrunc parameter 'timezone' must be a string", sbe::value::isString(timezoneTag)); tassert(7003908, "$dateTrunc parameter 'timezone' must be a valid timezone", sbe::vm::isValidTimezone(timezoneTag, timezoneVal, timezoneDB)); } else { inputValidationCases.emplace_back( generateNonStringCheck(*timezoneExpression), makeFail(5439100, "$dateTrunc parameter 'timezone' must be a string")); inputValidationCases.emplace_back( makeNot(makeFunction( "isTimezone", makeVariable(timezoneDBSlot), timezoneExpression->clone())), makeFail(5439101, "$dateTrunc parameter 'timezone' must be a valid timezone")); } // "date" parameter validation. inputValidationCases.emplace_back(generateFailIfNotCoercibleToDate( dateRef, ErrorCodes::Error{5439102}, "$dateTrunc"_sd, "date"_sd)); // "unit" parameter validation. if (unitExpression->as()) { auto [unitTag, unitVal] = unitExpression->as()->getConstant(); tassert(7003902, "$dateTrunc parameter 'unit' must be a string", sbe::value::isString(unitTag)); auto unitString = sbe::value::getStringView(unitTag, unitVal); tassert(7003903, "$dateTrunc parameter 'unit' must be a valid time unit", isValidTimeUnit(unitString)); } else { inputValidationCases.emplace_back( generateNonStringCheck(*unitExpression), makeFail(5439103, "$dateTrunc parameter 'unit' must be a string")); inputValidationCases.emplace_back( makeNot(makeFunction("isTimeUnit", unitExpression->clone())), makeFail(5439104, "$dateTrunc parameter 'unit' must be a valid time unit")); } // "binSize" parameter validation. if (expr->isBinSizeSpecified()) { if (binSizeExpression->as()) { auto [binSizeTag, binSizeValue] = binSizeExpression->as()->getConstant(); tassert( 7003904, "$dateTrunc parameter 'binSize' must be coercible to a positive 64-bit integer", sbe::value::isNumber(binSizeTag)); auto [binSizeLongOwn, binSizeLongTag, binSizeLongValue] = sbe::value::genericNumConvert( binSizeTag, binSizeValue, sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64); tassert( 7003905, "$dateTrunc parameter 'binSize' must be coercible to a positive 64-bit integer", binSizeLongTag != sbe::value::TypeTags::Nothing); auto binSize = sbe::value::bitcastTo(binSizeLongValue); tassert( 7003906, "$dateTrunc parameter 'binSize' must be coercible to a positive 64-bit integer", binSize > 0); } else { inputValidationCases.emplace_back( makeNot(makeBinaryOp( sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, makeFunction("isNumber", binSizeExpression->clone()), makeFunction("exists", sbe::makeE( binSizeExpression->clone(), sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64))), generatePositiveCheck(*binSizeExpression))), makeFail( 5439105, "$dateTrunc parameter 'binSize' must be coercible to a positive 64-bit " "integer")); } } // "startOfWeek" parameter validation. if (expr->isStartOfWeekSpecified()) { if (startOfWeekExpression->as()) { auto [startOfWeekTag, startOfWeekVal] = startOfWeekExpression->as()->getConstant(); tassert(7003909, "$dateTrunc parameter 'startOfWeek' must be a string", sbe::value::isString(startOfWeekTag)); auto startOfWeekString = sbe::value::getStringView(startOfWeekTag, startOfWeekVal); tassert(7003910, "$dateTrunc parameter 'startOfWeek' must be a valid day of the week", isValidDayOfWeek(startOfWeekString)); } else { // If 'timeUnit' value is equal to "week" then validate "startOfWeek" parameter. inputValidationCases.emplace_back( makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, unitIsWeekRef.clone(), generateNonStringCheck(*startOfWeekExpression)), makeFail(5439106, "$dateTrunc parameter 'startOfWeek' must be a string")); inputValidationCases.emplace_back( makeBinaryOp( sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, unitIsWeekRef.clone(), makeNot(makeFunction("isDayOfWeek", startOfWeekExpression->clone()))), makeFail(5439107, "$dateTrunc parameter 'startOfWeek' must be a valid day of the week")); } } _context->pushExpr(sbe::makeE( dateFrameId, std::move(dateBindings), sbe::makeE( dateTruncFrameId, std::move(dateTruncBindings), sbe::makeE(makeFunction("exists", dateTruncRef.clone()), dateTruncRef.clone(), sbe::makeE( unitIsWeekFrameId, std::move(unitIsWeekBindings), buildMultiBranchConditionalFromCaseValuePairs( std::move(inputValidationCases), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Nothing, 0))))))); } void visit(const ExpressionDivide* expr) final { _context->ensureArity(2); auto rhs = _context->popExpr(); auto lhs = _context->popExpr(); auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(std::move(lhs), std::move(rhs)); sbe::EVariable lhsRef{frameId, 0}; sbe::EVariable rhsRef{frameId, 1}; auto checkIsNumber = makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, makeFunction("isNumber", lhsRef.clone()), makeFunction("isNumber", rhsRef.clone())); auto checkIsNullOrMissing = makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, generateNullOrMissing(lhsRef), generateNullOrMissing(rhsRef)); auto divideExpr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{std::move(checkIsNullOrMissing), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{std::move(checkIsNumber), makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::div, lhsRef.clone(), rhsRef.clone())}, sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5073101}, "$divide only supports numeric types")); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(divideExpr))); } void visit(const ExpressionExp* expr) final { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(_context->popExpr()); sbe::EVariable inputRef(frameId, 0); auto expExpr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(inputRef), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{generateNonNumericCheck(inputRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4903703}, "$exp only supports numeric types")}, makeFunction("exp", inputRef.clone())); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(expExpr))); } void visit(const ExpressionBetween* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$_between"); } void visit(const ExpressionFieldPath* expr) final { // There's a chance that we've already generated a SBE plan stage tree for this field path, // in which case we avoid regeneration of the same plan stage tree. if (auto it = _context->state.preGeneratedExprs.find(expr->getFieldPath().fullPath()); it != _context->state.preGeneratedExprs.end()) { tassert(6089301, "Expressions for top-level document or a variable must not be pre-generated", expr->getFieldPath().getPathLength() != 1 && !expr->isVariableReference()); if (auto optionalSlot = it->second.getSlot(); optionalSlot) { _context->pushExpr(*optionalSlot); } else { auto preGeneratedExpr = it->second.extractExpr(); _context->pushExpr(preGeneratedExpr->clone()); it->second = std::move(preGeneratedExpr); } return; } tassert(6075901, "Must have a valid root slot", _context->optionalRootSlot.has_value()); sbe::value::SlotId slotId; if (!Variables::isUserDefinedVariable(expr->getVariableId())) { if (expr->getVariableId() == Variables::kRootId) { slotId = *(_context->optionalRootSlot); } else if (expr->getVariableId() == Variables::kRemoveId) { // For the field paths that begin with "$$REMOVE", we always produce Nothing, // so no traversal is necessary. _context->pushExpr(sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Nothing, 0)); return; } else { auto it = Variables::kIdToBuiltinVarName.find(expr->getVariableId()); tassert(5611300, "Encountered unexpected system variable ID", it != Variables::kIdToBuiltinVarName.end()); auto variableSlot = _context->state.data->env->getSlotIfExists(it->second); uassert(5611301, str::stream() << "Builtin variable '$$" << it->second << "' is not available", variableSlot.has_value()); slotId = *variableSlot; } } else { auto it = _context->environment.find(expr->getVariableId()); if (it != _context->environment.end()) { slotId = it->second; } else { slotId = _context->state.getGlobalVariableSlot(expr->getVariableId()); } } if (expr->getFieldPath().getPathLength() == 1) { // A solo variable reference (e.g.: "$$ROOT" or "$$myvar") that doesn't need any // traversal. _context->pushExpr(slotId); return; } // Dereference a dotted path, which may contain arrays requiring implicit traversal. const bool expectsDocumentInputOnly = slotId == *(_context->optionalRootSlot); auto resultExpr = generateTraverse(sbe::EVariable{slotId}, expectsDocumentInputOnly, expr->getFieldPathWithoutCurrentPrefix(), _context->state.frameIdGenerator); _context->pushExpr(std::move(resultExpr)); } void visit(const ExpressionFilter* expr) final { // Remove index tracking current child of $filter expression, since it is not used anymore. _context->filterExprChildrenCounter.pop(); // Extract limit expression and sub-tree. // Note that, auto&& [limitExpr, limitStage] = ...., desugars to a copy on windows. auto LimitEvalPair = expr->hasLimit() ? _context->popFrame() : EvalExprStagePair{}; auto&& limitExpr = LimitEvalPair.first; auto&& limitStage = LimitEvalPair.second; // Extract filter predicate expression and sub-tree. auto [filterPredicate, filterStage] = _context->popFrame(); _context->ensureArity(1); auto input = _context->popExpr(); // Filter predicate of $filter expression expects current array element to be stored in the // specific variable. We already allocated slot for it in the "in" visitor, now we just need // to retrieve it from the environment. // This slot will be used in the traverse stage twice - to store the input array and to // store current element in this array. auto currentElementVariable = expr->getVariableId(); // We no longer need this mapping because filter predicate which expects it was already // compiled. _context->environment.erase(currentElementVariable); tassert(3273900, "Expected slot id for the current element variable of $filter expression", !_context->filterExprSlotIdStack.empty()); auto inputArraySlot = _context->filterExprSlotIdStack.top(); _context->filterExprSlotIdStack.pop(); // Construct 'from' branch of traverse stage. SBE tree stored in 'fromBranch' variable looks // like this: // // project inputIsNotNullishSlot = !(isNull(inputArraySlot) || !exists(inputArraySlot)) // project inputArraySlot = ( // let inputRef = input // in // if isArray(inputRef) || isNull(inputRef) || !exists(inputRef) // inputRef // else // fail() // ) // auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(std::move(input)); sbe::EVariable inputRef(frameId, 0); auto inputIsArrayOrNullish = makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, generateNullOrMissing(inputRef), makeFunction("isArray", inputRef.clone())); auto checkInputArrayType = sbe::makeE(std::move(inputIsArrayOrNullish), inputRef.clone(), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5073201}, "input to $filter must be an array")); auto inputArray = sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(checkInputArrayType)); sbe::EVariable inputArrayVariable{inputArraySlot}; // When our $filter expression does not have a limit arg, we insert the main tree into the // 'from' branch of traverse stage: // traverse // from // project inputArraySlot = {let inputRef = inputSlot in …} // // in // ... // // However, when we do have a limit arg, we need to evaluate the limit expression and expose // it to the traverse stage by inserting a NLJ on top of it: // nlj [] [inputSlot] // outer // // inner // nlj [] [limitSlot] // outer // // inner // traverse // from // project inputArraySlot = {let inputRef = inputSlot in …} // limit 1 // coscan // in // ... // // As the main evaluation tree is now the outer branch of a top NLJ, we use the limit 1 / // coscan subtree for the 'from' branch of the traverse stage. auto inputArrayEvalStage = expr->hasLimit() ? EvalStage{} : _context->extractCurrentEvalStage(); auto projectInputArray = makeProject(std::move(inputArrayEvalStage), _context->planNodeId, inputArraySlot, std::move(inputArray)); auto inputIsNotNullish = makeNot(generateNullOrMissing(inputArrayVariable)); auto inputIsNotNullishSlot = _context->state.slotId(); auto fromBranch = makeProject(std::move(projectInputArray), _context->planNodeId, inputIsNotNullishSlot, std::move(inputIsNotNullish)); // Construct 'in' branch of traverse stage. SBE tree stored in 'inBranch' variable looks // like this: // // cfilter Variable{inputIsNotNullishSlot} // filter filterPredicate // filterStage // // Filter predicate can return non-boolean values. To fix this, we generate expression to // coerce it to bool type. frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto boolFilterPredicate = sbe::makeE(frameId, sbe::makeEs(filterPredicate.extractExpr()), generateCoerceToBoolExpression(sbe::EVariable{frameId, 0})); auto filterWithPredicate = makeFilter( std::move(filterStage), std::move(boolFilterPredicate), _context->planNodeId); // If input array is null or missing, we do not evaluate filter predicate and return EOF. auto innerBranch = makeFilter(std::move(filterWithPredicate), makeVariable(inputIsNotNullishSlot), _context->planNodeId); auto filteredArraySlot = _context->state.slotId(); // If input array is null or missing, 'in' stage of traverse will return EOF. In this case // traverse sets output slot (filteredArraySlot) to Nothing. We replace it with Null to // match $filter expression behaviour. auto result = makeFunction("fillEmpty", makeVariable(filteredArraySlot), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)); if (expr->hasLimit()) { // To support $filter queries that have a limit, we create a finalExpr that we pass to // the traverse stage. The finalExpr is used as an early checkout condition. As each // element of the array is traversed, the finalExpr evaluates the size of the output // array and returns early if this size is equal to our limit arg. For $filter queries // without a limit arg, the finalExpr is null and therefore the entire array is // traversed. auto limitSlot = _context->state.slotId(); auto checkLimitIsNullOrPositiveInt32 = makeLocalBind( _context->state.frameIdGenerator, [&](sbe::EVariable outerSlotRef) { auto innerLocalBind = makeLocalBind( _context->state.frameIdGenerator, [&](sbe::EVariable convertedFieldRef) { return sbe::makeE( makeFunction("exists", convertedFieldRef.clone()), sbe::makeE( generatePositiveCheck(convertedFieldRef), convertedFieldRef.clone(), makeFail(327392, "'$filter.limit' must be greater than 0")), makeFail(327391, "'$filter.limit' must evaluate to an integer")); }, sbe::makeE(outerSlotRef.clone(), sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32)); return sbe::makeE(generateNullOrMissing(outerSlotRef), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0), std::move(innerLocalBind)); }, limitExpr.extractExpr()->clone()); auto projectLimitStage = makeProject(std::move(limitStage), _context->planNodeId, limitSlot, std::move(checkLimitIsNullOrPositiveInt32)); auto getArraySizeExpr = makeFunction("getArraySize", makeVariable(filteredArraySlot)); auto finalExpr = makeBinaryOp( sbe::EPrimBinary::greaterEq, std::move(getArraySizeExpr), makeVariable(limitSlot)); auto traverseStage = makeTraverse(std::move(fromBranch), std::move(innerBranch), inputArraySlot /* inField */, filteredArraySlot /* outField */, inputArraySlot /* outFieldInner */, nullptr /* foldExpr */, std::move(finalExpr), _context->planNodeId, 1 /* nestedArraysDepth */, _context->getLexicalEnvironment()); // TODO: SERVER-60849 Remove NLJs from traverse stage for $filter.limit auto loopJoinStage = makeLoopJoin(std::move(projectLimitStage), std::move(traverseStage), _context->planNodeId, _context->getLexicalEnvironment()); loopJoinStage = makeLoopJoin(_context->extractCurrentEvalStage(), std::move(loopJoinStage), // NOLINT(bugprone-use-after-move) _context->planNodeId, _context->getLexicalEnvironment()); _context->pushExpr(std::move(result), std::move(loopJoinStage)); return; } // Construct traverse stage with the following slots: // * inputArraySlot - slot containing input array of $filter expression // * filteredArraySlot - slot containing the array with items on which filter predicate has // evaluated to true // * inputArraySlot - slot where 'in' branch of traverse stage stores current array // element if it satisfies the filter predicate auto traverseStage = makeTraverse(std::move(fromBranch), std::move(innerBranch), inputArraySlot /* inField */, filteredArraySlot /* outField */, inputArraySlot /* outFieldInner */, nullptr /* foldExpr */, nullptr /* finalExpr */, _context->planNodeId, 1 /* nestedArraysDepth */, _context->getLexicalEnvironment()); _context->pushExpr(std::move(result), std::move(traverseStage)); } void visit(const ExpressionFloor* expr) final { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(_context->popExpr()); sbe::EVariable inputRef(frameId, 0); auto floorExpr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(inputRef), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{generateNonNumericCheck(inputRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4903704}, "$floor only supports numeric types")}, makeFunction("floor", inputRef.clone())); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(floorExpr))); } void visit(const ExpressionIfNull* expr) final { auto numChildren = expr->getChildren().size(); invariant(numChildren >= 2); std::vector branches; branches.reserve(numChildren); for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) { auto [expr, stage] = _context->popFrame(); branches.emplace_back(std::move(expr), std::move(stage)); } std::reverse(branches.begin(), branches.end()); // Prepare to create limit-1/union with N branches (where N is the number of operands). Each // branch will be evaluated from left to right until one of the branches produces a value. auto branchFn = [](EvalExpr evalExpr, EvalStage stage, PlanNodeId planNodeId, sbe::value::SlotIdGenerator* slotIdGenerator) { auto [slot, projectStage] = projectEvalExpr(std::move(evalExpr), std::move(stage), planNodeId, slotIdGenerator); // Create a FilterStage for each branch (except the last one). If a branch's filter // condition is true, it will "short-circuit" the evaluation process. For ifNull, // short-circuiting should happen if the current variable is not null or missing. auto filterExpr = makeNot(generateNullOrMissing(slot)); auto filterStage = makeFilter(std::move(projectStage), std::move(filterExpr), planNodeId); // Set the current expression as the output to be returned if short-circuiting occurs. return std::make_pair(slot, std::move(filterStage)); }; auto [resultExpr, opStage] = generateSingleResultUnion( std::move(branches), branchFn, _context->planNodeId, _context->state.slotIdGenerator); auto loopJoinStage = makeLoopJoin(_context->extractCurrentEvalStage(), std::move(opStage), _context->planNodeId, _context->getLexicalEnvironment()); _context->pushExpr(std::move(resultExpr), std::move(loopJoinStage)); } void visit(const ExpressionIn* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionIndexOfArray* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionIndexOfBytes* expr) final { visitIndexOfFunction(expr, _context, "indexOfBytes"); } void visit(const ExpressionIndexOfCP* expr) final { visitIndexOfFunction(expr, _context, "indexOfCP"); } void visit(const ExpressionIsNumber* expr) final { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(_context->popExpr()); sbe::EVariable inputRef(frameId, 0); auto exprIsNum = sbe::makeE(makeFunction("exists", inputRef.clone()), makeFunction("isNumber", inputRef.clone()), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Boolean, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(false))); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(exprIsNum))); } void visit(const ExpressionLet* expr) final { // The evaluated result of the $let is the evaluated result of its "in" field, which is // already on top of the stack. The "infix" visitor has already popped the variable // initializers off the expression stack. _context->ensureArity(1); // We should have bound all the variables from this $let expression. invariant(!_context->varsFrameStack.empty()); auto& currentFrame = _context->varsFrameStack.top(); invariant(currentFrame.variablesToBind.empty()); // Pop the lexical frame for this $let and remove all its bindings, which are now out of // scope. auto it = _context->environment.begin(); while (it != _context->environment.end()) { if (currentFrame.slotsForLetVariables.count(it->second)) { it = _context->environment.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } _context->varsFrameStack.pop(); // Note that there is no need to remove SlotId bindings from the the _context's environment. // The AST parser already enforces scope rules. } void visit(const ExpressionLn* expr) final { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(_context->popExpr()); sbe::EVariable inputRef(frameId, 0); auto lnExpr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(inputRef), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{generateNonNumericCheck(inputRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4903705}, "$ln only supports numeric types")}, // Note: In MQL, $ln on a NumberDecimal NaN historically evaluates to a NumberDouble // NaN. CaseValuePair{generateNaNCheck(inputRef), sbe::makeE(inputRef.clone(), sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberDouble)}, CaseValuePair{generateNonPositiveCheck(inputRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4903706}, "$ln's argument must be a positive number")}, makeFunction("ln", inputRef.clone())); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(lnExpr))); } void visit(const ExpressionLog* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionLog10* expr) final { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(_context->popExpr()); sbe::EVariable inputRef(frameId, 0); auto log10Expr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(inputRef), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{generateNonNumericCheck(inputRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4903707}, "$log10 only supports numeric types")}, // Note: In MQL, $log10 on a NumberDecimal NaN historically evaluates to a NumberDouble // NaN. CaseValuePair{generateNaNCheck(inputRef), sbe::makeE(inputRef.clone(), sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberDouble)}, CaseValuePair{generateNonPositiveCheck(inputRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4903708}, "$log10's argument must be a positive number")}, makeFunction("log10", inputRef.clone())); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(log10Expr))); } void visit(const ExpressionInternalFLEBetween* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$_internalFleBetween"); } void visit(const ExpressionInternalFLEEqual* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$_internalFleEq"); } void visit(const ExpressionMap* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$map"); } void visit(const ExpressionMeta* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$meta"); } void visit(const ExpressionMod* expr) final { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto rhs = _context->popExpr(); auto lhs = _context->popExpr(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(std::move(lhs), std::move(rhs)); sbe::EVariable lhsVar{frameId, 0}; sbe::EVariable rhsVar{frameId, 1}; // If the rhs is a small integral double, convert it to int32 to match $mod MQL semantics. auto numericConvert32 = sbe::makeE(rhsVar.clone(), sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32); auto rhsExpr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{ makeBinaryOp( sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, makeFunction("typeMatch", rhsVar.clone(), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(getBSONTypeMask( sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberDouble)))), makeNot( makeFunction("typeMatch", lhsVar.clone(), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(getBSONTypeMask( sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberDouble)))))), makeFunction("fillEmpty", std::move(numericConvert32), rhsVar.clone())}, rhsVar.clone()); auto modExpr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, generateNullOrMissing(lhsVar), generateNullOrMissing(rhsVar)), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, generateNonNumericCheck(lhsVar), generateNonNumericCheck(rhsVar)), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5154000}, "$mod only supports numeric types")}, makeFunction("mod", lhsVar.clone(), std::move(rhsExpr))); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(modExpr))); } void visit(const ExpressionMultiply* expr) final { auto arity = expr->getChildren().size(); _context->ensureArity(arity); // Return multiplicative identity if the $multiply expression has no operands. if (arity == 0) { _context->pushExpr(makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, 1)); return; } auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); sbe::EExpression::Vector binds; sbe::EExpression::Vector variables; sbe::EExpression::Vector checkExprsNull; sbe::EExpression::Vector checkExprsNumber; binds.reserve(arity); variables.reserve(arity); checkExprsNull.reserve(arity); checkExprsNumber.reserve(arity); sbe::value::SlotId slot{0}; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < arity; ++idx, ++slot) { binds.push_back(_context->popExpr()); sbe::EVariable currentVariable{frameId, slot}; variables.push_back(currentVariable.clone()); checkExprsNull.push_back(generateNullOrMissing(currentVariable)); checkExprsNumber.push_back(makeFunction("isNumber", currentVariable.clone())); } // At this point 'binds' vector contains arguments of $multiply expression in the reversed // order. We need to reverse it back to perform multiplication in the right order below. // Multiplication in different order can lead to different result because of accumulated // precision errors from floating point types. std::reverse(std::begin(binds), std::end(binds)); using iter_t = sbe::EExpression::Vector::iterator; auto checkNullAnyArgument = std::accumulate( std::move_iterator(checkExprsNull.begin() + 1), std::move_iterator(checkExprsNull.end()), std::move(checkExprsNull.front()), [](auto&& acc, auto&& ex) { return makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, std::move(acc), std::move(ex)); }); auto checkNumberAllArguments = std::accumulate( std::move_iterator(checkExprsNumber.begin() + 1), std::move_iterator(checkExprsNumber.end()), std::move(checkExprsNumber.front()), [](auto&& acc, auto&& ex) { return makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, std::move(acc), std::move(ex)); }); auto multiplication = std::accumulate( std::move_iterator(variables.begin() + 1), std::move_iterator(variables.end()), std::move(variables.front()), [](auto&& acc, auto&& ex) { return makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::mul, std::move(acc), std::move(ex)); }); auto multiplyExpr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{std::move(checkNullAnyArgument), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{std::move(checkNumberAllArguments), std::move(multiplication)}, sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5073102}, "only numbers are allowed in an $multiply expression")); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(multiplyExpr))); } void visit(const ExpressionNot* expr) final { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(_context->popExpr()); auto notExpr = makeNot(generateCoerceToBoolExpression({frameId, 0})); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(notExpr))); } void visit(const ExpressionObject* expr) final { auto&& childExprs = expr->getChildExpressions(); size_t childSize = childExprs.size(); _context->ensureArity(childSize); // The expression argument for 'newObj' must be a sequence of a field name constant // expression and an expression for the value. So, we need 2 * childExprs.size() elements in // the expression vector. sbe::EExpression::Vector exprs(childSize * 2); size_t i = exprs.size(); for (auto rit = childExprs.rbegin(); rit != childExprs.rend(); ++rit) { exprs[--i] = _context->popExpr(); exprs[--i] = makeConstant(rit->first); } _context->pushExpr(sbe::makeE("newObj"_sd, std::move(exprs))); } void visit(const ExpressionOr* expr) final { visitMultiBranchLogicExpression(expr, sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr); } void visit(const ExpressionPow* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$pow"); } void visit(const ExpressionRange* expr) final { auto outerFrameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto innerFrameId = _context->state.frameId(); sbe::EVariable startRef(outerFrameId, 0); sbe::EVariable endRef(outerFrameId, 1); sbe::EVariable stepRef(outerFrameId, 2); sbe::EVariable convertedStartRef(innerFrameId, 0); sbe::EVariable convertedEndRef(innerFrameId, 1); sbe::EVariable convertedStepRef(innerFrameId, 2); auto step = expr->getChildren().size() == 3 ? _context->popExpr() : sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, 1); auto end = _context->popExpr(); auto start = _context->popExpr(); auto rangeExpr = sbe::makeE( outerFrameId, sbe::makeEs(std::move(start), std::move(end), std::move(step)), buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{ generateNonNumericCheck(startRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5154300}, "$range only supports numeric types for start")}, CaseValuePair{generateNonNumericCheck(endRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5154301}, "$range only supports numeric types for end")}, CaseValuePair{ generateNonNumericCheck(stepRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5154302}, "$range only supports numeric types for step")}, sbe::makeE( innerFrameId, sbe::makeEs(sbe::makeE(startRef.clone(), sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32), sbe::makeE(endRef.clone(), sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32), sbe::makeE( stepRef.clone(), sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32)), buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{ makeNot(makeFunction("exists", convertedStartRef.clone())), sbe::makeE( ErrorCodes::Error{5154303}, "$range start argument cannot be represented as a 32-bit integer")}, CaseValuePair{ makeNot(makeFunction("exists", convertedEndRef.clone())), sbe::makeE( ErrorCodes::Error{5154304}, "$range end argument cannot be represented as a 32-bit integer")}, CaseValuePair{ makeNot(makeFunction("exists", convertedStepRef.clone())), sbe::makeE( ErrorCodes::Error{5154305}, "$range step argument cannot be represented as a 32-bit integer")}, CaseValuePair{ makeBinaryOp( sbe::EPrimBinary::eq, convertedStepRef.clone(), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, 0)), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5154306}, "$range requires a non-zero step value")}, makeFunction("newArrayFromRange", convertedStartRef.clone(), convertedEndRef.clone(), convertedStepRef.clone()))))); _context->pushExpr(std::move(rangeExpr)); } void visit(const ExpressionReduce* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$reduce"); } void visit(const ExpressionReplaceOne* expr) final { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto replacement = _context->popExpr(); auto find = _context->popExpr(); auto input = _context->popExpr(); sbe::EVariable inputRef(frameId, 0); sbe::EVariable findRef(frameId, 1); sbe::EVariable replacementRef(frameId, 2); sbe::EVariable inputNullOrMissingRef(frameId, 3); sbe::EVariable findNullOrMissingRef(frameId, 4); sbe::EVariable replacementNullOrMissingRef(frameId, 5); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(std::move(input), std::move(find), std::move(replacement), generateNullOrMissing(inputRef), generateNullOrMissing(findRef), generateNullOrMissing(replacementRef)); auto generateValidateParameter = [](const sbe::EVariable& paramRef, const sbe::EVariable& paramMissingRef, const std::string& paramName) { return makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, paramMissingRef.clone(), makeFunction("isString", paramRef.clone())), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5154400}, str::stream() << "$replaceOne requires that '" << paramName << "' be a string")); }; auto inputIsStringOrFail = generateValidateParameter(inputRef, inputNullOrMissingRef, "input"); auto findIsStringOrFail = generateValidateParameter(findRef, findNullOrMissingRef, "find"); auto replacementIsStringOrFail = generateValidateParameter(replacementRef, replacementNullOrMissingRef, "replacement"); auto checkNullExpr = makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, inputNullOrMissingRef.clone(), findNullOrMissingRef.clone()), replacementNullOrMissingRef.clone()); // Order here is important because we want to preserve the precedence of failures in MQL. auto isNullExpr = makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, std::move(inputIsStringOrFail), std::move(findIsStringOrFail)), std::move(replacementIsStringOrFail)), std::move(checkNullExpr)); // Check if find string is empty, and if so return the the concatenation of the replacement // string and the input string, otherwise replace the first occurrence of the find string. auto [emptyStrTag, emptyStrVal] = sbe::value::makeNewString(""); auto isEmptyFindStr = makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::eq, findRef.clone(), sbe::makeE(emptyStrTag, emptyStrVal), _context->state.data->env); auto replaceOrReturnInputExpr = sbe::makeE( std::move(isEmptyFindStr), makeFunction("concat", replacementRef.clone(), inputRef.clone()), makeFunction("replaceOne", inputRef.clone(), findRef.clone(), replacementRef.clone())); auto replaceOneExpr = sbe::makeE(std::move(isNullExpr), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0), std::move(replaceOrReturnInputExpr)); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(replaceOneExpr))); } void visit(const ExpressionReplaceAll* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionSetDifference* expr) final { invariant(expr->getChildren().size() == 2); generateSetExpression(expr, SetOperation::Difference); } void visit(const ExpressionSetEquals* expr) final { invariant(expr->getChildren().size() >= 2); generateSetExpression(expr, SetOperation::Equals); } void visit(const ExpressionSetIntersection* expr) final { if (expr->getChildren().size() == 0) { auto [emptySetTag, emptySetValue] = sbe::value::makeNewArraySet(); _context->pushExpr(makeConstant(emptySetTag, emptySetValue)); return; } generateSetExpression(expr, SetOperation::Intersection); } void visit(const ExpressionSetIsSubset* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionSetUnion* expr) final { if (expr->getChildren().size() == 0) { auto [emptySetTag, emptySetValue] = sbe::value::makeNewArraySet(); _context->pushExpr(makeConstant(emptySetTag, emptySetValue)); return; } generateSetExpression(expr, SetOperation::Union); } void visit(const ExpressionSize* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionReverseArray* expr) final { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(_context->popExpr()); sbe::EVariable inputRef{frameId, 0}; auto argumentIsNotArray = makeNot(makeFunction("isArray", inputRef.clone())); auto exprRevArr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(inputRef), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{std::move(argumentIsNotArray), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5154901}, "$reverseArray argument must be an array")}, makeFunction("reverseArray", inputRef.clone())); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(exprRevArr))); } void visit(const ExpressionSortArray* expr) final { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(_context->popExpr()); sbe::EVariable inputRef{frameId, 0}; auto [specTag, specVal] = makeValue(expr->getSortPattern()); auto specConstant = makeConstant(specTag, specVal); auto collatorSlot = _context->state.data->env->getSlotIfExists("collator"_sd); auto argumentIsNotArray = makeNot(makeFunction("isArray", inputRef.clone())); auto exprSortArr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(inputRef), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{std::move(argumentIsNotArray), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{6096700}, "$sortArray input argument must be an array")}, collatorSlot ? makeFunction("sortArray", inputRef.clone(), std::move(specConstant), makeVariable(*collatorSlot)) : makeFunction("sortArray", inputRef.clone(), std::move(specConstant))); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(exprSortArr))); } void visit(const ExpressionSlice* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionIsArray* expr) final { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(_context->popExpr()); sbe::EVariable inputRef(frameId, 0); auto exprIsArr = makeFillEmptyFalse(makeFunction("isArray", inputRef.clone())); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(exprIsArr))); } void visit(const ExpressionInternalFindAllValuesAtPath* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionRound* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionSplit* expr) final { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); sbe::EExpression::Vector args; sbe::EExpression::Vector binds; sbe::EVariable stringExpressionRef(frameId, 0); sbe::EVariable delimiterRef(frameId, 1); invariant(expr->getChildren().size() == 2); _context->ensureArity(2); auto delimiter = _context->popExpr(); auto stringExpression = _context->popExpr(); // Add stringExpression to arguments. binds.push_back(std::move(stringExpression)); args.push_back(stringExpressionRef.clone()); // Add delimiter to arguments. binds.push_back(std::move(delimiter)); args.push_back(delimiterRef.clone()); auto [emptyStrTag, emptyStrVal] = sbe::value::makeNewString(""); auto [arrayWithEmptyStringTag, arrayWithEmptyStringVal] = sbe::value::makeNewArray(); sbe::value::ValueGuard arrayWithEmptyStringGuard{arrayWithEmptyStringTag, arrayWithEmptyStringVal}; auto arrayWithEmptyStringView = sbe::value::getArrayView(arrayWithEmptyStringVal); arrayWithEmptyStringView->push_back(emptyStrTag, emptyStrVal); arrayWithEmptyStringGuard.reset(); auto generateIsEmptyString = [this, emptyStrTag = emptyStrTag, emptyStrVal = emptyStrVal]( const sbe::EVariable& var) { return makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::eq, var.clone(), sbe::makeE(emptyStrTag, emptyStrVal), _context->state.data->env); }; auto checkIsNullOrMissing = makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, generateNullOrMissing(stringExpressionRef), generateNullOrMissing(delimiterRef)); // In order to maintain MQL semantics, first check both the string expression // (first agument), and delimiter string (second argument) for null, undefined, or // missing, and if either is nullish make the entire expression return null. Only // then make further validity checks against the input. Fail if the delimiter is an empty // string. Return [""] if the string expression is an empty string. auto totalSplitFunc = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{std::move(checkIsNullOrMissing), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{generateNonStringCheck(stringExpressionRef), sbe::makeE( ErrorCodes::Error{5155402}, str::stream() << "$split string expression must be a string")}, CaseValuePair{ generateNonStringCheck(delimiterRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5155400}, str::stream() << "$split delimiter must be a string")}, CaseValuePair{generateIsEmptyString(delimiterRef), sbe::makeE( ErrorCodes::Error{5155401}, str::stream() << "$split delimiter must not be an empty string")}, sbe::makeE( generateIsEmptyString(stringExpressionRef), sbe::makeE(arrayWithEmptyStringTag, arrayWithEmptyStringVal), sbe::makeE("split", std::move(args)))); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(totalSplitFunc))); } void visit(const ExpressionSqrt* expr) final { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(_context->popExpr()); sbe::EVariable inputRef(frameId, 0); auto lnExpr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(inputRef), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{generateNonNumericCheck(inputRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4903709}, "$sqrt only supports numeric types")}, CaseValuePair{ generateNegativeCheck(inputRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4903710}, "$sqrt's argument must be greater than or equal to 0")}, makeFunction("sqrt", inputRef.clone())); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(lnExpr))); } void visit(const ExpressionStrcasecmp* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionSubstrBytes* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionSubstrCP* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionStrLenBytes* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionBinarySize* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionStrLenCP* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionSubtract* expr) final { invariant(expr->getChildren().size() == 2); _context->ensureArity(2); auto rhs = _context->popExpr(); auto lhs = _context->popExpr(); auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(std::move(lhs), std::move(rhs)); sbe::EVariable lhsRef{frameId, 0}; sbe::EVariable rhsRef{frameId, 1}; auto checkNullArguments = makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, generateNullOrMissing(lhsRef.clone()), generateNullOrMissing(rhsRef.clone())); auto checkArgumentTypes = makeNot(sbe::makeE( makeFunction("isNumber", lhsRef.clone()), makeFunction("isNumber", rhsRef.clone()), makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, makeFunction("isDate", lhsRef.clone()), makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, makeFunction("isNumber", rhsRef.clone()), makeFunction("isDate", rhsRef.clone()))))); auto subtractOp = makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::sub, lhsRef.clone(), rhsRef.clone()); auto subtractExpr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{std::move(checkNullArguments), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{ std::move(checkArgumentTypes), makeFail(5156200, "Only numbers and dates are allowed in an $subtract expression. To " "subtract a number from a date, the date must be the first argument.")}, std::move(subtractOp)); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(subtractExpr))); } void visit(const ExpressionSwitch* expr) final { visitConditionalExpression(expr); } void visit(const ExpressionTestApiVersion* expr) final { _context->pushExpr( makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(1))); } void visit(const ExpressionToLower* expr) final { generateStringCaseConversionExpression(_context, "toLower"); } void visit(const ExpressionToUpper* expr) final { generateStringCaseConversionExpression(_context, "toUpper"); } void visit(const ExpressionTrim* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$trim"); } void visit(const ExpressionTrunc* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionType* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionZip* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$zip"); } void visit(const ExpressionConvert* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$convert"); } void visit(const ExpressionRegexFind* expr) final { generateRegexExpression(expr, "regexFind"); } void visit(const ExpressionRegexFindAll* expr) final { generateRegexExpression(expr, "regexFindAll"); } void visit(const ExpressionRegexMatch* expr) final { generateRegexExpression(expr, "regexMatch"); } void visit(const ExpressionCosine* expr) final { generateTrigonometricExpressionWithBounds( "cos", DoubleBound::minInfinity(), DoubleBound::plusInfinity()); } void visit(const ExpressionSine* expr) final { generateTrigonometricExpressionWithBounds( "sin", DoubleBound::minInfinity(), DoubleBound::plusInfinity()); } void visit(const ExpressionTangent* expr) final { generateTrigonometricExpressionWithBounds( "tan", DoubleBound::minInfinity(), DoubleBound::plusInfinity()); } void visit(const ExpressionArcCosine* expr) final { generateTrigonometricExpressionWithBounds( "acos", DoubleBound(-1.0, true), DoubleBound(1.0, true)); } void visit(const ExpressionArcSine* expr) final { generateTrigonometricExpressionWithBounds( "asin", DoubleBound(-1.0, true), DoubleBound(1.0, true)); } void visit(const ExpressionArcTangent* expr) final { generateTrigonometricExpression("atan"); } void visit(const ExpressionArcTangent2* expr) final { generateTrigonometricExpressionBinary("atan2"); } void visit(const ExpressionHyperbolicArcTangent* expr) final { generateTrigonometricExpressionWithBounds( "atanh", DoubleBound(-1.0, true), DoubleBound(1.0, true)); } void visit(const ExpressionHyperbolicArcCosine* expr) final { generateTrigonometricExpressionWithBounds( "acosh", DoubleBound(1.0, true), DoubleBound::plusInfinityInclusive()); } void visit(const ExpressionHyperbolicArcSine* expr) final { generateTrigonometricExpression("asinh"); } void visit(const ExpressionHyperbolicCosine* expr) final { generateTrigonometricExpression("cosh"); } void visit(const ExpressionHyperbolicSine* expr) final { generateTrigonometricExpression("sinh"); } void visit(const ExpressionHyperbolicTangent* expr) final { generateTrigonometricExpression("tanh"); } void visit(const ExpressionDegreesToRadians* expr) final { generateTrigonometricExpression("degreesToRadians"); } void visit(const ExpressionRadiansToDegrees* expr) final { generateTrigonometricExpression("radiansToDegrees"); } void visit(const ExpressionDayOfMonth* expr) final { generateDayOfExpression("dayOfMonth", expr); } void visit(const ExpressionDayOfWeek* expr) final { generateDayOfExpression("dayOfWeek", expr); } void visit(const ExpressionDayOfYear* expr) final { generateDayOfExpression("dayOfYear", expr); } void visit(const ExpressionHour* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$hour"); } void visit(const ExpressionMillisecond* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$millisecond"); } void visit(const ExpressionMinute* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$minute"); } void visit(const ExpressionMonth* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$month"); } void visit(const ExpressionSecond* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$second"); } void visit(const ExpressionWeek* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$week"); } void visit(const ExpressionIsoWeekYear* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$isoWeekYear"); } void visit(const ExpressionIsoDayOfWeek* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$isoDayOfWeek"); } void visit(const ExpressionIsoWeek* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$isoWeek"); } void visit(const ExpressionYear* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$year"); } void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulatorN* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulatorN* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulatorN* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulatorN* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionFromAccumulator* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionTests::Testable* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$test"); } void visit(const ExpressionInternalJsEmit* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$internalJsEmit"); } void visit(const ExpressionInternalFindSlice* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$internalFindSlice"); } void visit(const ExpressionInternalFindPositional* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$internalFindPositional"); } void visit(const ExpressionInternalFindElemMatch* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$internalFindElemMatch"); } void visit(const ExpressionFunction* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$function"); } void visit(const ExpressionRandom* expr) final { unsupportedExpression(expr->getOpName()); } void visit(const ExpressionToHashedIndexKey* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$toHashedIndexKey"); } void visit(const ExpressionDateAdd* expr) final { generateDateArithmeticsExpression(expr, "dateAdd"); } void visit(const ExpressionDateSubtract* expr) final { generateDateArithmeticsExpression(expr, "dateSubtract"); } void visit(const ExpressionGetField* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$getField"); } void visit(const ExpressionSetField* expr) final { unsupportedExpression("$setField"); } void visit(const ExpressionTsSecond* expr) final { _context->ensureArity(1); auto tsSecondExpr = makeLocalBind( _context->state.frameIdGenerator, [&](sbe::EVariable operand) { // The branching is as follows, // * if the input value is null or missing, then return null // * if the input value is not timestamp, then throw an exception // * else, create a builtin function with the name 'tsSecond' return buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(operand), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{generateNonTimestampCheck(operand), sbe::makeE( ErrorCodes::Error{5687400}, str::stream() << expr->getOpName() << " expects argument of type timestamp")}, makeFunction("tsSecond", operand.clone())); }, _context->popExpr()); _context->pushExpr(std::move(tsSecondExpr)); } void visit(const ExpressionTsIncrement* expr) final { _context->ensureArity(1); auto tsIncrementExpr = makeLocalBind( _context->state.frameIdGenerator, [&](sbe::EVariable operand) { // The branching is as follows, // * if the input value is null or missing, then return null // * if the input value is not timestamp, then throw an exception // * else, create a builtin function with the name 'tsIncrement' return buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(operand), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{generateNonTimestampCheck(operand), sbe::makeE( ErrorCodes::Error{5687401}, str::stream() << expr->getOpName() << " expects argument of type timestamp")}, makeFunction("tsIncrement", operand.clone())); }, _context->popExpr()); _context->pushExpr(std::move(tsIncrementExpr)); } private: /** * Shared logic for $and, $or. Converts each child into an EExpression that evaluates to Boolean * true or false, based on MQL rules for $and and $or branches, and then chains the branches * together using binary and/or EExpressions so that the result has MQL's short-circuit * semantics. */ void visitMultiBranchLogicExpression(const Expression* expr, sbe::EPrimBinary::Op logicOp) { invariant(logicOp == sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd || logicOp == sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr); size_t numChildren = expr->getChildren().size(); if (numChildren == 0) { // Empty $and and $or always evaluate to their logical operator's identity value: true // and false, respectively. auto logicIdentityVal = (logicOp == sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd); _context->pushExpr(sbe::makeE( sbe::value::TypeTags::Boolean, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(logicIdentityVal))); return; } else if (numChildren == 1) { // No need for short circuiting logic in a singleton $and/$or. Just execute the branch // and return its result as a bool. auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); _context->pushExpr(sbe::makeE( frameId, sbe::makeEs(_context->popExpr()), generateCoerceToBoolExpression(sbe::EVariable{frameId, 0}))); return; } std::vector branches; for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) { auto [expr, stage] = _context->popFrame(); auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto coercedExpr = sbe::makeE( frameId, sbe::makeEs(expr.extractExpr()), generateCoerceToBoolExpression(sbe::EVariable{frameId, 0})); branches.emplace_back(std::move(coercedExpr), std::move(stage)); } std::reverse(branches.begin(), branches.end()); auto [resultExpr, opStage] = generateShortCircuitingLogicalOp(logicOp, std::move(branches), _context->planNodeId, _context->state.slotIdGenerator, BooleanStateHelper{}); auto loopJoinStage = makeLoopJoin(_context->extractCurrentEvalStage(), std::move(opStage), _context->planNodeId, _context->getLexicalEnvironment()); _context->pushExpr(std::move(resultExpr), std::move(loopJoinStage)); } /** * Handle $switch and $cond, which have different syntax but are structurally identical in the * AST. */ void visitConditionalExpression(const Expression* expr) { // The default case is always the last child in the ExpressionSwitch. If it is unspecified // in the user's query, it is a nullptr. In ExpressionCond, the last child is the "else" // branch, and it is guaranteed not to be nullptr. if (expr->getChildren().back() == nullptr) { _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4934200}, "$switch could not find a matching branch for an " "input, and no default was specified.")); } auto numChildren = expr->getChildren().size(); std::vector branches; branches.reserve(numChildren); for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren / 2 + 1; ++i) { auto [expr, stage] = _context->popFrame(); if (i == 0) { // The first branch is the default value. branches.emplace_back(std::move(expr), std::move(stage)); continue; } auto [thenSlot, thenStage] = projectEvalExpr(std::move(expr), std::move(stage), _context->planNodeId, _context->state.slotIdGenerator); // Construct a FilterStage tree that will EOF if "case" expression returns false. In // this case inner branch of loop join with "then" expression will never be executed. std::tie(expr, stage) = _context->popFrame(); auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto coercedExpr = sbe::makeE( frameId, sbe::makeEs(expr.extractExpr()), generateCoerceToBoolExpression(sbe::EVariable{frameId, 0})); auto conditionStage = makeFilter(std::move(stage), std::move(coercedExpr), _context->planNodeId); // Create a LoopJoinStage that will evaluate its outer child exactly once. If outer // child produces non-EOF result (i.e. condition evaluated to true), inner child is // executed. Inner child simply bounds result of "then" expression to a slot. auto loopJoinStage = makeLoopJoin(std::move(conditionStage), std::move(thenStage), _context->planNodeId, _context->getLexicalEnvironment()); branches.emplace_back(thenSlot, std::move(loopJoinStage)); } std::reverse(branches.begin(), branches.end()); auto [resultExpr, resultStage] = generateSingleResultUnion( std::move(branches), {}, _context->planNodeId, _context->state.slotIdGenerator); auto loopJoinStage = makeLoopJoin(_context->extractCurrentEvalStage(), std::move(resultStage), _context->planNodeId, _context->getLexicalEnvironment()); _context->pushExpr(std::move(resultExpr), std::move(loopJoinStage)); } void generateDayOfExpression(StringData exprName, const Expression* expr) { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); sbe::EExpression::Vector args; sbe::EExpression::Vector binds; sbe::EVariable dateRef(frameId, 0); sbe::EVariable timezoneRef(frameId, 1); auto children = expr->getChildren(); invariant(children.size() == 2); _context->ensureArity(children[1] ? 2 : 1); auto timezone = [&]() { if (children[1]) { return _context->popExpr(); } auto [utcTag, utcVal] = sbe::value::makeNewString("UTC"); return sbe::makeE(utcTag, utcVal); }(); auto date = _context->popExpr(); auto timeZoneDBSlot = _context->state.data->env->getSlot("timeZoneDB"_sd); args.push_back(sbe::makeE(timeZoneDBSlot)); // Add date to arguments. binds.push_back(std::move(date)); args.push_back(dateRef.clone()); // Add timezone to arguments. binds.push_back(std::move(timezone)); args.push_back(timezoneRef.clone()); // Check that each argument exists, is not null, and is the correct type. auto totalDayOfFunc = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(timezoneRef), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{generateNonStringCheck(timezoneRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4998200}, str::stream() << "$" << exprName.toString() << " timezone must be a string")}, CaseValuePair{ makeNot(makeFunction( "isTimezone", sbe::makeE(timeZoneDBSlot), timezoneRef.clone())), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4998201}, str::stream() << "$" << exprName.toString() << " timezone must be a valid timezone")}, CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(dateRef), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{ makeNot( makeFunction("typeMatch", dateRef.clone(), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(dateTypeMask())))), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4998202}, str::stream() << "$" << exprName.toString() << " date must have a format of a date")}, sbe::makeE(exprName.toString(), std::move(args))); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(totalDayOfFunc))); } /** * Creates a CaseValuePair such that an exception is thrown if a value of the parameter denoted * by variable 'dateRef' is of a type that is not coercible to a date. * * dateRef - a variable corresponding to the parameter. * errorCode - error code of the type mismatch error. * expressionName - a name of an expression the parameter belongs to. * parameterName - a name of the parameter corresponding to variable 'dateRef'. */ static CaseValuePair generateFailIfNotCoercibleToDate(const sbe::EVariable& dateRef, ErrorCodes::Error errorCode, StringData expressionName, StringData parameterName) { return { makeNot(makeFunction("typeMatch", dateRef.clone(), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(dateTypeMask())))), sbe::makeE(errorCode, str::stream() << expressionName << " parameter '" << parameterName << "' must be coercible to date")}; } /** * Creates a CaseValuePair such that Null value is returned if a value of variable denoted by * 'variable' is null or missing. */ static CaseValuePair generateReturnNullIfNullOrMissing(const sbe::EVariable& variable) { return {generateNullOrMissing(variable), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}; } static CaseValuePair generateReturnNullIfNullOrMissing(std::unique_ptr expr) { return {generateNullOrMissing(std::move(expr)), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}; } /** * Creates a boolean expression to check if 'variable' is equal to string 'string'. */ static std::unique_ptr generateIsEqualToStringCheck( const sbe::EExpression& expr, StringData string) { return sbe::makeE( sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, makeFunction("isString", expr.clone()), sbe::makeE(sbe::EPrimBinary::eq, expr.clone(), makeConstant(string))); } /** * Shared expression building logic for trignometric expressions to make sure the operand * is numeric and is not null. */ void generateTrigonometricExpression(StringData exprName) { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(_context->popExpr()); sbe::EVariable inputRef(frameId, 0); auto genericTrignomentricExpr = sbe::makeE( generateNullOrMissing(frameId, 0), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0), sbe::makeE(makeFunction("isNumber", inputRef.clone()), makeFunction(exprName.toString(), inputRef.clone()), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4995501}, str::stream() << "$" << exprName.toString() << " supports only numeric types"))); _context->pushExpr(sbe::makeE( frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(genericTrignomentricExpr))); } /** * Shared expression building logic for binary trigonometric expressions to make sure the * operands are numeric and are not null. */ void generateTrigonometricExpressionBinary(StringData exprName) { _context->ensureArity(2); auto x = _context->popExpr(); auto y = _context->popExpr(); auto genericTrignomentricExpr = makeLocalBind( _context->state.frameIdGenerator, [&](sbe::EVariable lhs, sbe::EVariable rhs) { return buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, generateNullOrMissing(lhs), generateNullOrMissing(rhs)), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{ makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, makeFunction("isNumber", lhs.clone()), makeFunction("isNumber", rhs.clone())), makeFunction(exprName.toString(), lhs.clone(), rhs.clone()), }, sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5688500}, str::stream() << "$" << exprName << " supports only numeric types")); }, std::move(y), std::move(x)); _context->pushExpr(std::move(genericTrignomentricExpr)); } /** * Shared expression building logic for trignometric expressions with bounds for the valid * values of the argument. */ void generateTrigonometricExpressionWithBounds(StringData exprName, const DoubleBound& lowerBound, const DoubleBound& upperBound) { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(_context->popExpr()); sbe::EVariable inputRef(frameId, 0); sbe::EPrimBinary::Op lowerCmp = lowerBound.inclusive ? sbe::EPrimBinary::greaterEq : sbe::EPrimBinary::greater; sbe::EPrimBinary::Op upperCmp = upperBound.inclusive ? sbe::EPrimBinary::lessEq : sbe::EPrimBinary::less; auto checkBounds = makeBinaryOp( sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, makeBinaryOp( lowerCmp, inputRef.clone(), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberDouble, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(lowerBound.bound))), makeBinaryOp( upperCmp, inputRef.clone(), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberDouble, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(upperBound.bound)))); auto genericTrignomentricExpr = sbe::makeE( generateNullOrMissing(frameId, 0), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0), sbe::makeE( makeNot(makeFunction("isNumber", inputRef.clone())), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{4995502}, str::stream() << "$" << exprName.toString() << " supports only numeric types"), sbe::makeE( // return NaN when NaN is the input. generateNaNCheck(inputRef), inputRef.clone(), sbe::makeE( std::move(checkBounds), makeFunction(exprName.toString(), inputRef.clone()), sbe::makeE( ErrorCodes::Error{4995503}, str::stream() << "Cannot apply $" << exprName.toString() << ", value must be in " << lowerBound.printLowerBound() << ", " << upperBound.printUpperBound()))))); _context->pushExpr(sbe::makeE( frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(genericTrignomentricExpr))); } /* * Generates an EExpression that returns an index for $indexOfBytes or $indexOfCP. */ void visitIndexOfFunction(const Expression* expr, ExpressionVisitorContext* _context, const std::string& indexOfFunction) { auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto children = expr->getChildren(); auto operandSize = children.size() <= 3 ? 3 : 4; sbe::EExpression::Vector operands(operandSize); sbe::EExpression::Vector bindings; sbe::EVariable strRef(frameId, 0); sbe::EVariable substrRef(frameId, 1); boost::optional startIndexRef; boost::optional endIndexRef; // Get arguments from stack. switch (children.size()) { case 2: { operands[2] = sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(0)); operands[1] = _context->popExpr(); operands[0] = _context->popExpr(); startIndexRef.emplace(frameId, 2); break; } case 3: { operands[2] = _context->popExpr(); operands[1] = _context->popExpr(); operands[0] = _context->popExpr(); startIndexRef.emplace(frameId, 2); break; } case 4: { operands[3] = _context->popExpr(); operands[2] = _context->popExpr(); operands[1] = _context->popExpr(); operands[0] = _context->popExpr(); startIndexRef.emplace(frameId, 2); endIndexRef.emplace(frameId, 3); break; } default: MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } // Add string and substring operands. bindings.push_back(strRef.clone()); bindings.push_back(substrRef.clone()); // Add start index operand. if (startIndexRef) { auto numericConvert64 = sbe::makeE( startIndexRef->clone(), sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64); auto checkValidStartIndex = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{generateNullishOrNotRepresentableInt32Check(*startIndexRef), sbe::makeE( ErrorCodes::Error{5075303}, str::stream() << "$" << indexOfFunction << " start index must resolve to a number")}, CaseValuePair{generateNegativeCheck(*startIndexRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5075304}, str::stream() << "$" << indexOfFunction << " start index must be positive")}, std::move(numericConvert64)); bindings.push_back(std::move(checkValidStartIndex)); } // Add end index operand. if (endIndexRef) { auto numericConvert64 = sbe::makeE( endIndexRef->clone(), sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64); auto checkValidEndIndex = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{generateNullishOrNotRepresentableInt32Check(*endIndexRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5075305}, str::stream() << "$" << indexOfFunction << " end index must resolve to a number")}, CaseValuePair{generateNegativeCheck(*endIndexRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5075306}, str::stream() << "$" << indexOfFunction << " end index must be positive")}, std::move(numericConvert64)); bindings.push_back(std::move(checkValidEndIndex)); } // Check if string or substring are null or missing before calling indexOfFunction. auto checkStringNullOrMissing = generateNullOrMissing(frameId, 0); auto checkSubstringNullOrMissing = generateNullOrMissing(frameId, 1); auto exprIndexOfFunction = sbe::makeE(indexOfFunction, std::move(bindings)); auto totalExprIndexOfFunction = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{std::move(checkStringNullOrMissing), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{generateNonStringCheck(strRef), sbe::makeE( ErrorCodes::Error{5075300}, str::stream() << "$" << indexOfFunction << " string must resolve to a string or null")}, CaseValuePair{std::move(checkSubstringNullOrMissing), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5075301}, str::stream() << "$" << indexOfFunction << " substring must resolve to a string")}, CaseValuePair{generateNonStringCheck(substrRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5075302}, str::stream() << "$" << indexOfFunction << " substring must resolve to a string")}, std::move(exprIndexOfFunction)); _context->pushExpr(sbe::makeE( frameId, std::move(operands), std::move(totalExprIndexOfFunction))); } /** * Generic logic for building set expressions: setUnion, setIntersection, etc. */ void generateSetExpression(const Expression* expr, SetOperation setOp) { using namespace std::literals; size_t arity = expr->getChildren().size(); _context->ensureArity(arity); auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto generateNotArray = [frameId](const sbe::value::SlotId slotId) { sbe::EVariable var{frameId, slotId}; return makeNot(makeFunction("isArray", var.clone())); }; sbe::EExpression::Vector binds; sbe::EExpression::Vector argVars; sbe::EExpression::Vector checkExprsNull; sbe::EExpression::Vector checkExprsNotArray; binds.reserve(arity); argVars.reserve(arity); checkExprsNull.reserve(arity); checkExprsNotArray.reserve(arity); auto collatorSlot = _context->state.data->env->getSlotIfExists("collator"_sd); auto [operatorName, setFunctionName] = [setOp, collatorSlot]() { switch (setOp) { case SetOperation::Difference: return std::make_pair("setDifference"_sd, collatorSlot ? "collSetDifference"_sd : "setDifference"_sd); case SetOperation::Intersection: return std::make_pair("setIntersection"_sd, collatorSlot ? "collSetIntersection"_sd : "setIntersection"_sd); case SetOperation::Union: return std::make_pair("setUnion"_sd, collatorSlot ? "collSetUnion"_sd : "setUnion"_sd); case SetOperation::Equals: return std::make_pair("setEquals"_sd, collatorSlot ? "collSetEquals"_sd : "setEquals"_sd); default: MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } }(); if (collatorSlot) { argVars.push_back(sbe::makeE(*collatorSlot)); } for (size_t idx = 0; idx < arity; ++idx) { binds.push_back(_context->popExpr()); argVars.push_back(sbe::makeE(frameId, idx)); checkExprsNull.push_back(generateNullOrMissing(frameId, idx)); checkExprsNotArray.push_back(generateNotArray(idx)); } // Reverse the binds array to preserve the original order of the arguments, since some set // operations, such as $setDifference, are not commutative. std::reverse(std::begin(binds), std::end(binds)); using iter_t = sbe::EExpression::Vector::iterator; auto checkNullAnyArgument = std::accumulate( std::move_iterator(checkExprsNull.begin() + 1), std::move_iterator(checkExprsNull.end()), std::move(checkExprsNull.front()), [](auto&& acc, auto&& ex) { return makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, std::move(acc), std::move(ex)); }); auto checkNotArrayAnyArgument = std::accumulate( std::move_iterator(checkExprsNotArray.begin() + 1), std::move_iterator(checkExprsNotArray.end()), std::move(checkExprsNotArray.front()), [](auto&& acc, auto&& ex) { return makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, std::move(acc), std::move(ex)); }); auto setExpr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{std::move(checkNullAnyArgument), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{std::move(checkNotArrayAnyArgument), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5126900}, str::stream() << "All operands of $" << operatorName << " must be arrays.")}, sbe::makeE(setFunctionName, std::move(argVars))); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(setExpr))); } /** * Shared expression building logic for regex expressions. */ void generateRegexExpression(const ExpressionRegex* expr, StringData exprName) { size_t arity = expr->hasOptions() ? 3 : 2; _context->ensureArity(arity); std::unique_ptr options = expr->hasOptions() ? _context->popExpr() : nullptr; auto pattern = _context->popExpr(); auto input = _context->popExpr(); // Create top level local bind. auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); auto binds = sbe::makeEs(std::move(input)); sbe::EVariable inputVar{frameId, 0}; auto makeError = [exprName](int errorCode, StringData message) { return sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{errorCode}, str::stream() << "$" << exprName.toString() << ": " << message.toString()); }; auto makeRegexFunctionCall = [&](std::unique_ptr compiledRegex) { return makeLocalBind( _context->state.frameIdGenerator, [&](sbe::EVariable regexResult) { return sbe::makeE( makeFunction("exists", regexResult.clone()), regexResult.clone(), makeError(5073403, "error occurred while executing the regular expression")); }, makeFunction(exprName.toString(), std::move(compiledRegex), inputVar.clone())); }; auto regexFunctionResult = [&]() { if (auto patternAndOptions = expr->getConstantPatternAndOptions(); patternAndOptions) { auto [pattern, options] = *patternAndOptions; if (!pattern) { // Pattern is null, just generate null result. return generateRegexNullResponse(exprName); } // Create the compiled Regex from constant pattern and options. auto [regexTag, regexVal] = sbe::value::makeNewPcreRegex(*pattern, options); auto compiledRegex = sbe::makeE(regexTag, regexVal); return makeRegexFunctionCall(std::move(compiledRegex)); } // Include pattern and options in the outer local bind. sbe::EVariable patternVar{frameId, 1}; binds.push_back(std::move(pattern)); boost::optional optionsVar; if (options) { binds.push_back(std::move(options)); optionsVar.emplace(frameId, 2); } // 'patternArgument' contains the following expression: // // if isString(pattern) { // if hasNullBytes(pattern) { // fail('pattern cannot have null bytes in it') // } else { // pattern // } // } else if isBsonRegex(pattern) { // getRegexPattern(pattern) // } else { // fail('pattern must be either string or BSON RegEx') // } auto patternNullBytesCheck = sbe::makeE( makeFunction("hasNullBytes", patternVar.clone()), makeError(5126602, "regex pattern must not have embedded null bytes"), patternVar.clone()); auto patternArgument = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{makeFunction("isString", patternVar.clone()), std::move(patternNullBytesCheck)}, CaseValuePair{makeFunction("typeMatch", patternVar.clone(), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64, sbe::value::bitcastFrom( getBSONTypeMask(BSONType::RegEx)))), makeFunction("getRegexPattern", patternVar.clone())}, makeError(5126601, "regex pattern must have either string or BSON RegEx type")); if (!optionsVar) { // If no options are passed to the expression, try to extract them from the pattern. auto optionsArgument = sbe::makeE( makeFunction("typeMatch", patternVar.clone(), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64, sbe::value::bitcastFrom( getBSONTypeMask(BSONType::RegEx)))), makeFunction("getRegexFlags", patternVar.clone()), makeConstant("")); auto compiledRegex = makeFunction( "regexCompile", std::move(patternArgument), std::move(optionsArgument)); return sbe::makeE(makeFunction("isNull", patternVar.clone()), generateRegexNullResponse(exprName), makeRegexFunctionCall(std::move(compiledRegex))); } auto optionsArgument = [&]() { // The code below generates the following expression: // // let stringOptions = // if isString(options) { // if hasNullBytes(options) { // fail('options cannot have null bytes in it') // } else { // options // } // } else if isNull(options) { // '' // } else { // fail('options must be either string or null') // } // in // if isBsonRegex(pattern) { // let bsonOptions = getRegexFlags(pattern) // in // if stringOptions == "" { // bsonOptions // } else if bsonOptions == "" { // stringOptions // } else { // fail('multiple options specified') // } // } else { // stringOptions // } auto optionsNullBytesCheck = sbe::makeE( makeFunction("hasNullBytes", optionsVar->clone()), makeError(5126604, "regex flags must not have embedded null bytes"), optionsVar->clone()); auto stringOptions = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{makeFunction("isString", optionsVar->clone()), std::move(optionsNullBytesCheck)}, CaseValuePair{makeFunction("isNull", optionsVar->clone()), makeConstant("")}, makeError(5126603, "regex flags must have either string or null type")); auto generateIsEmptyString = [](const sbe::EVariable& var) { return makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::eq, var.clone(), makeConstant("")); }; return makeLocalBind( _context->state.frameIdGenerator, [&](sbe::EVariable stringOptions) { auto checkBsonRegexOptions = makeLocalBind( _context->state.frameIdGenerator, [&](sbe::EVariable bsonOptions) { return buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{generateIsEmptyString(stringOptions), bsonOptions.clone()}, CaseValuePair{generateIsEmptyString(bsonOptions), stringOptions.clone()}, makeError(5126605, "regex options cannot be specified in both BSON " "RegEx and 'options' field")); }, makeFunction("getRegexFlags", patternVar.clone())); return sbe::makeE( makeFunction("typeMatch", patternVar.clone(), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64, sbe::value::bitcastFrom( getBSONTypeMask(BSONType::RegEx)))), std::move(checkBsonRegexOptions), stringOptions.clone()); }, std::move(stringOptions)); }(); // If there are options passed to the expression, we construct local bind with options // argument because it needs to be validated even when pattern is null. return makeLocalBind( _context->state.frameIdGenerator, [&](sbe::EVariable options) { auto compiledRegex = makeFunction("regexCompile", std::move(patternArgument), options.clone()); return sbe::makeE(makeFunction("isNull", patternVar.clone()), generateRegexNullResponse(exprName), makeRegexFunctionCall(std::move(compiledRegex))); }, std::move(optionsArgument)); }(); auto resultExpr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(inputVar), generateRegexNullResponse(exprName)}, CaseValuePair{generateNonStringCheck(inputVar), makeError(5073401, "input must be of type string")}, std::move(regexFunctionResult)); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(resultExpr))); } /** * Generic logic for building $dateAdd and $dateSubtract expressions. */ void generateDateArithmeticsExpression(const ExpressionDateArithmetics* expr, const std::string& dateExprName) { auto children = expr->getChildren(); auto arity = children.size(); invariant(arity == 4); _context->ensureArity(children[3] ? 4 : 3); auto timezoneExpr = [&]() { if (children[3]) { return _context->popExpr(); } return makeConstant("UTC"); }(); auto amountExpr = _context->popExpr(); auto unitExpr = _context->popExpr(); auto startDateExpr = _context->popExpr(); sbe::EExpression::Vector binds; binds.push_back(std::move(startDateExpr)); binds.push_back(std::move(unitExpr)); binds.push_back(std::move(amountExpr)); binds.push_back(std::move(timezoneExpr)); auto frameId = _context->state.frameId(); sbe::EVariable startDateRef{frameId, 0}; sbe::EVariable unitRef{frameId, 1}; sbe::EVariable origAmountRef{frameId, 2}; sbe::EVariable tzRef{frameId, 3}; sbe::EVariable amountRef{frameId, 4}; auto convertedAmountInt64 = [&]() { if (dateExprName == "dateAdd") { return sbe::makeE(origAmountRef.clone(), sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64); } else if (dateExprName == "dateSubtract") { return sbe::makeE( sbe::makeE(sbe::EPrimUnary::negate, origAmountRef.clone()), sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64); } else { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } }(); binds.push_back(std::move(convertedAmountInt64)); sbe::EExpression::Vector args; auto timeZoneDBSlot = _context->state.data->env->getSlot("timeZoneDB"_sd); args.push_back(sbe::makeE(timeZoneDBSlot)); args.push_back(startDateRef.clone()); args.push_back(unitRef.clone()); args.push_back(amountRef.clone()); args.push_back(tzRef.clone()); sbe::EExpression::Vector checkNullArg; sbe::value::SlotId slot{0}; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < arity; ++idx, ++slot) { checkNullArg.push_back(generateNullOrMissing(frameId, slot)); } using iter_t = sbe::EExpression::Vector::iterator; auto checkNullAnyArgument = std::accumulate( std::move_iterator(checkNullArg.begin() + 1), std::move_iterator(checkNullArg.end()), std::move(checkNullArg.front()), [](auto&& acc, auto&& ex) { return makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr, std::move(acc), std::move(ex)); }); auto dateAddExpr = buildMultiBranchConditional( CaseValuePair{std::move(checkNullAnyArgument), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)}, CaseValuePair{generateNonStringCheck(tzRef), sbe::makeE( ErrorCodes::Error{5166601}, str::stream() << "$" << dateExprName << " expects timezone argument of type string")}, CaseValuePair{makeNot(makeFunction("isTimezone", sbe::makeE(timeZoneDBSlot), tzRef.clone())), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5166602}, str::stream() << "$" << dateExprName << " expects a valid timezone")}, CaseValuePair{ makeNot( makeFunction("typeMatch", startDateRef.clone(), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(dateTypeMask())))), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5166603}, str::stream() << "$" << dateExprName << " must have startDate argument convertable to date")}, CaseValuePair{ generateNonStringCheck(unitRef), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5166604}, str::stream() << "$" << dateExprName << " expects unit argument of type string")}, CaseValuePair{makeNot(makeFunction("isTimeUnit", unitRef.clone())), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5166605}, str::stream() << "$" << dateExprName << " expects a valid time unit")}, CaseValuePair{makeNot(makeFunction("exists", amountRef.clone())), sbe::makeE(ErrorCodes::Error{5166606}, str::stream() << "invalid $" << dateExprName << " 'amount' argument value")}, sbe::makeE("dateAdd", std::move(args))); _context->pushExpr( sbe::makeE(frameId, std::move(binds), std::move(dateAddExpr))); } void unsupportedExpression(const char* op) const { // We're guaranteed to not fire this assertion by implementing a mechanism in the upper // layer which directs the query to the classic engine when an unsupported expression // appears. tasserted(5182300, str::stream() << "Unsupported expression in SBE stage builder: " << op); } ExpressionVisitorContext* _context; }; } // namespace std::unique_ptr generateCoerceToBoolExpression(const sbe::EVariable& branchRef) { auto makeNotNullOrUndefinedCheck = [&branchRef]() { return makeNot(makeFunction( "typeMatch", branchRef.clone(), makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(getBSONTypeMask(BSONType::jstNULL) | getBSONTypeMask(BSONType::Undefined))))); }; auto makeNeqFalseCheck = [&branchRef]() { return makeBinaryOp( sbe::EPrimBinary::neq, makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::cmp3w, branchRef.clone(), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::Boolean, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(false))), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(0))); }; auto makeNeqZeroCheck = [&branchRef]() { return makeBinaryOp( sbe::EPrimBinary::neq, makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::cmp3w, branchRef.clone(), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(0))), sbe::makeE(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64, sbe::value::bitcastFrom(0))); }; return makeBinaryOp( sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, makeFunction("exists", branchRef.clone()), makeBinaryOp( sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, makeNotNullOrUndefinedCheck(), makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd, makeNeqFalseCheck(), makeNeqZeroCheck()))); } EvalExprStagePair generateExpression(StageBuilderState& state, const Expression* expr, EvalStage stage, boost::optional optionalRootSlot, PlanNodeId planNodeId) { ExpressionVisitorContext context(state, std::move(stage), optionalRootSlot, planNodeId); ExpressionPreVisitor preVisitor{&context}; ExpressionInVisitor inVisitor{&context}; ExpressionPostVisitor postVisitor{&context}; ExpressionWalker walker{&preVisitor, &inVisitor, &postVisitor}; expression_walker::walk(expr, &walker); return context.done(); } } // namespace mongo::stage_builder