/* Copyright 2009 10gen Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include "jsobj.h" #include "mongo/db/index/btree_key_generator.h" namespace mongo { //maximum number of intervals produced by $in queries. static const unsigned MAX_IN_COMBINATIONS = 4000000; /** * One side of an interval of BSONElements, defined by a value and a boolean indicating if the * interval includes the value. */ struct FieldBound { BSONElement _bound; bool _inclusive; bool operator==( const FieldBound &other ) const { return _bound.woCompare( other._bound ) == 0 && _inclusive == other._inclusive; } void flipInclusive() { _inclusive = !_inclusive; } }; // Keep track of what special indices we're using. This can be nontrivial // because an index could be required by one operator but not by another. struct SpecialIndices { // Unlike true/false, this is readable. :) enum IndexRequired { INDEX_REQUIRED, NO_INDEX_REQUIRED, }; map _indexRequired; bool has(const string& name) const { return _indexRequired.end() != _indexRequired.find(name); } SpecialIndices combineWith(const SpecialIndices& other) { SpecialIndices ret = *this; for (map::const_iterator it = other._indexRequired.begin(); it != other._indexRequired.end(); ++it) { ret._indexRequired[it->first] = ret._indexRequired[it->first] || it->second; } return ret; } void add(const string& name, IndexRequired req) { _indexRequired[name] = _indexRequired[name] || (req == INDEX_REQUIRED); } bool allRequireIndex() const { for (map::const_iterator it = _indexRequired.begin(); it != _indexRequired.end(); ++it) { if (!it->second) { return false; } } return true; } bool empty() const { return _indexRequired.empty(); } string toString() const { stringstream ss; for (map::const_iterator it = _indexRequired.begin(); it != _indexRequired.end(); ++it) { ss << it->first; ss << (it->second ? " (needs index)" : " (no index needed)"); ss << ", "; } return ss.str(); } }; /** An interval defined between a lower and an upper FieldBound. */ struct FieldInterval { FieldInterval() : _cachedEquality( -1 ) {} FieldInterval( const BSONElement& e ) : _cachedEquality( -1 ) { _lower._bound = _upper._bound = e; _lower._inclusive = _upper._inclusive = true; } FieldBound _lower; FieldBound _upper; /** * @return true when the interval can contain one or more values. * NOTE May also return true in certain 'empty' discrete cases like x > false && x < true. */ bool isStrictValid() const { int cmp = _lower._bound.woCompare( _upper._bound, false ); return ( cmp < 0 || ( cmp == 0 && _lower._inclusive && _upper._inclusive ) ); } /** @return true if the interval is an equality constraint. */ bool equality() const; mutable int _cachedEquality; string toString() const; }; /** * An ordered list of FieldIntervals expressing constraints on valid * BSONElement values for a field. */ class FieldRange { public: /** * Creates a FieldRange representing a superset of the BSONElement values matching a query * expression element. * @param e - The query expression element. * @param isNot - Indicates that 'e' appears within a query $not clause and its matching * semantics are inverted. * @param optimize - If true, the range may be bracketed by 'e''s data type. * TODO It is unclear why 'optimize' is optional, see SERVER-5165. */ FieldRange( const BSONElement &e , bool isNot, bool optimize ); void setElemMatchContext( const BSONElement& elemMatchContext ) { _elemMatchContext = elemMatchContext; } /** * @return Range intersection with 'other'. * @param singleKey - Indicate whether intersection will be performed in a single value or * multi value context. */ const FieldRange &intersect( const FieldRange &other, bool singleKey ); /** @return Range union with 'other'. */ const FieldRange &operator|=( const FieldRange &other ); /** @return Range of elements elements included in 'this' but not 'other'. */ const FieldRange &operator-=( const FieldRange &other ); /** @return true iff this range is a subset of 'other'. */ bool operator<=( const FieldRange &other ) const; /** * If there are any valid values for this range, the extreme values can * be extracted. */ BSONElement min() const { verify( !empty() ); return _intervals[ 0 ]._lower._bound; } BSONElement max() const { verify( !empty() ); return _intervals[ _intervals.size() - 1 ]._upper._bound; } bool minInclusive() const { verify( !empty() ); return _intervals[ 0 ]._lower._inclusive; } bool maxInclusive() const { verify( !empty() ); return _intervals[ _intervals.size() - 1 ]._upper._inclusive; } /** @return true iff this range expresses a single equality interval. */ bool equality() const; /** * @return true iff this range includes all BSONElements * (the range is the universal set of BSONElements). */ bool universal() const; /** @return true iff this range includes no BSONElements. */ bool empty() const { return _intervals.empty(); } /** * @return true in many cases when this FieldRange represents the exact set of BSONElement * values matching the query expression element used to construct the FieldRange. This * attribute is used to implement higher level optimizations and is computed with a simple * implementation that identifies common (but not all) cases of this property and may return * false negatives. */ bool mustBeExactMatchRepresentation() const { return _exactMatchRepresentation; } /* Checks whether this FieldRange is a non-empty union of point-intervals. * Examples: * FieldRange( { a:3 } ), isPointIntervalSet() -> true * FieldRange( { a:{ $in:[ 1, 2 ] } } ), isPointIntervalSet() -> true * FieldRange( { a:{ $gt:5 } } ), isPointIntervalSet() -> false * FieldRange( {} ), isPointIntervalSet() -> false */ bool isPointIntervalSet() const; const BSONElement& elemMatchContext() const { return _elemMatchContext; } /** Empty the range so it includes no BSONElements. */ void makeEmpty() { _intervals.clear(); } const vector &intervals() const { return _intervals; } const SpecialIndices& getSpecial() const { return _special; } /** Make component intervals noninclusive. */ void setExclusiveBounds(); /** * Constructs a range where all FieldIntervals and FieldBounds are in * the opposite order of the current range. * NOTE the resulting intervals might not be strictValid(). */ void reverse( FieldRange &ret ) const; string toString() const; private: BSONObj addObj( const BSONObj &o ); void finishOperation( const vector &newIntervals, const FieldRange &other, bool exactMatchRepresentation ); vector _intervals; // Owns memory for our BSONElements. vector _objData; SpecialIndices _special; // Index type name of a non standard (eg '2d') index required by a // parsed query operator (eg '$near'). Could be >1. bool _exactMatchRepresentation; BSONElement _elemMatchContext; // Parent $elemMatch object of the field constraint that // generated this FieldRange. For example if the query is // { a:{ $elemMatch:{ b:1, c:1 } } }, then the // _elemMatchContext for the FieldRange on 'a.b' is the query // element having field name '$elemMatch'. }; class QueryPattern; /** * A set of FieldRanges determined from constraints on the fields of a query, * that may be used to determine index bounds. */ class FieldRangeSet { public: friend class OrRangeGenerator; friend class FieldRangeVector; /** * Creates a FieldRangeSet representing a superset of the documents matching a query. * @param ns - The query's namespace. * @param query - The query. * @param singleKey - Indicates that document fields contain single values (there are no * multiply valued fields). * @param optimize - If true, each field's value range may be bracketed by data type. * TODO It is unclear why 'optimize' is optional, see SERVER-5165. */ FieldRangeSet( const char *ns, const BSONObj &query , bool singleKey , bool optimize ); /** @return range for the given field. */ const FieldRange &range( const char *fieldName ) const; /** @return range for the given field. Public for testing. */ FieldRange &range( const char *fieldName ); /** @return the number of non universal ranges. */ int numNonUniversalRanges() const; /** @return the field ranges comprising this set. */ const map &ranges() const { return _ranges; } /** * @return true if a match could be possible on every field. Generally this * is not useful information for a single key FieldRangeSet and * matchPossibleForIndex() should be used instead. */ bool matchPossible() const; /** * @return true if a match could be possible given the value of _singleKey * and index key 'keyPattern'. * @param keyPattern May be {} or {$natural:1} for a non index scan. */ bool matchPossibleForIndex( const BSONObj &keyPattern ) const; /** * @return true in many cases when this FieldRangeSet represents the exact set of BSONObjs * matching the query expression used to construct the FieldRangeSet. This attribute is * used to implement higher level optimizations and is computed with a simple implementation * that identifies common (but not all) cases of this property and may return false * negatives. */ bool mustBeExactMatchRepresentation() const { return _exactMatchRepresentation; } /* Checks whether this FieldRangeSet is a non-empty union of point-intervals * on a given field. * Examples: * FieldRangeSet({a : 3}), isPointIntervalSet("a") -> true * FieldRangeSet({a : {$in : [1 , 2]}}), isPointIntervalSet("a") -> true * FieldRangeSet({}), isPointIntervalSet("a") -> false * FieldRangeSet({b : 1}), isPointIntervalSet("a") -> false * * Used in determining "suitability" for hashedindexes, and also in * sharding for determining the relevant shards for a query. * * TODO: move this into FieldRange instead of FieldRangeSet */ bool isPointIntervalSet( const string& fieldname ) const; const char *ns() const { return _ns.c_str(); } QueryPattern pattern( const BSONObj &sort = BSONObj() ) const; SpecialIndices getSpecial() const; /** * @return a FieldRangeSet approximation of the documents in 'this' but * not in 'other'. The approximation will be a superset of the documents * in 'this' but not 'other'. */ const FieldRangeSet &operator-=( const FieldRangeSet &other ); /** @return intersection of 'this' with 'other'. */ const FieldRangeSet &operator&=( const FieldRangeSet &other ); /** * @return - A new FieldRangeSet based on this FieldRangeSet, but with only * a subset of the fields. * @param fields - Only fields which are represented as field names in this object * will be included in the returned FieldRangeSet. */ FieldRangeSet *subset( const BSONObj &fields ) const; /** * @return A new FieldRangeSet based on this FieldRangeSet, but with all field names * prefixed by the specified @param prefix field name. */ FieldRangeSet* prefixed( const string& prefix ) const; bool singleKey() const { return _singleKey; } BSONObj originalQuery() const { return _queries[ 0 ]; } string toString() const; private: /** * Private constructor for implementation specific delegate objects. * @param boundElemMatch - If false, FieldRanges will not be computed for $elemMatch * expressions. */ FieldRangeSet( const char* ns, const BSONObj& query, bool singleKey, bool optimize, bool boundElemMatch ); /** Initializer shared by the constructors. */ void init( bool optimize ); void appendQueries( const FieldRangeSet &other ); void makeEmpty(); /** * Query parsing routines. * TODO integrate these with an external query parser shared by the matcher. SERVER-1009 */ void handleMatchField( const BSONElement& matchElement, bool optimize ); void handleConjunctionClauses( const BSONObj& clauses, bool optimize ); void handleOp( const char* matchFieldName, const BSONElement& op, bool isNot, bool optimize ); void handleNotOp( const char* matchFieldName, const BSONElement& notOp, bool optimize ); void handleElemMatch( const char* matchFieldName, const BSONElement& elemMatch, bool isNot, bool optimize ); /** Must be called when a match element is skipped or modified to generate a FieldRange. */ void adjustMatchField(); void intersectMatchField( const char *fieldName, const BSONElement &matchElement, bool isNot, bool optimize ); static FieldRange *__universalRange; const FieldRange &universalRange() const; map _ranges; string _ns; // Owns memory for FieldRange BSONElements. vector _queries; bool _singleKey; bool _exactMatchRepresentation; bool _boundElemMatch; }; class NamespaceDetails; /** * A pair of FieldRangeSets, one representing constraints for single key * indexes and the other representing constraints for multi key indexes and * unindexed scans. In several member functions the caller is asked to * supply an index so that the implementation may utilize the proper * FieldRangeSet and return results that are appropriate with respect to that * supplied index. */ class FieldRangeSetPair { public: FieldRangeSetPair( const char *ns, const BSONObj &query, bool optimize=true ) :_singleKey( ns, query, true, optimize ), _multiKey( ns, query, false, optimize ) {} /** * @return the appropriate single or multi key FieldRangeSet for the specified index. * @param idxNo -1 for non index scan. */ const FieldRangeSet &frsForIndex( const NamespaceDetails* nsd, int idxNo ) const; /** @return a field range in the single key FieldRangeSet. */ const FieldRange &shardKeyRange( const char *fieldName ) const { return _singleKey.range( fieldName ); } /** @return true if the range limits are equivalent to an empty query. */ bool noNonUniversalRanges() const; /** @return false if a match is impossible regardless of index. */ bool matchPossible() const { return _multiKey.matchPossible(); } /** * @return false if a match is impossible on the specified index. * @param idxNo -1 for non index scan. */ bool matchPossibleForIndex( NamespaceDetails *d, int idxNo, const BSONObj &keyPattern ) const; const char *ns() const { return _singleKey.ns(); } SpecialIndices getSpecial() const { return _singleKey.getSpecial(); } /** Intersect with another FieldRangeSetPair. */ FieldRangeSetPair &operator&=( const FieldRangeSetPair &other ); /** * Subtract a FieldRangeSet, generally one expressing a range that has * already been scanned. */ FieldRangeSetPair &operator-=( const FieldRangeSet &scanned ); bool matchPossibleForSingleKeyFRS( const BSONObj &keyPattern ) const { return _singleKey.matchPossibleForIndex( keyPattern ); } BSONObj originalQuery() const { return _singleKey.originalQuery(); } const FieldRangeSet getSingleKeyFRS() const { return _singleKey; } const FieldRangeSet getMultiKeyFRS() const { return _singleKey; } string toString() const; private: FieldRangeSetPair( const FieldRangeSet &singleKey, const FieldRangeSet &multiKey ) :_singleKey( singleKey ), _multiKey( multiKey ) {} void assertValidIndex( const NamespaceDetails *d, int idxNo ) const; void assertValidIndexOrNoIndex( const NamespaceDetails *d, int idxNo ) const; /** matchPossibleForIndex() must be true. */ FieldRangeSet _singleKey; FieldRangeSet _multiKey; friend class OrRangeGenerator; friend struct QueryUtilIndexed; }; /** * An ordered list of fields and their FieldRanges, corresponding to valid * index keys for a given index spec. */ class FieldRangeVector { public: /** * @param frs The valid ranges for all fields, as defined by the query spec. None of the * fields in indexSpec may be empty() ranges of frs. * @param indexSpec The index spec (key pattern and info) * @param direction The direction of index traversal */ FieldRangeVector( const FieldRangeSet &frs, BSONObj keyPattern, int direction ); /** * Methods for identifying compound start and end btree bounds describing this field range * vector. * * A FieldRangeVector contains the FieldRange bounds for every field of an index. A * FieldRangeVectorIterator may be used to efficiently search for btree keys within these * bounds. Alternatively, a single compound field interval of the btree may be scanned, * between a compound field start point and end point. If isSingleInterval() is true then * the interval between the start and end points will be an exact description of this * FieldRangeVector, otherwise the start/end interval will be a superset of this * FieldRangeVector. For example: * * index { a:1 }, query { a:{ $gt:2, $lte:4 } } * -> frv ( 2, 4 ] * -> start/end bounds ( { '':2 }, { '':4 } ] * * index { a:1, b:1 }, query { a:2, b:{ $gte:7, $lt:9 } } * -> frv [ 2, 2 ], [ 7, 9 ) * -> start/end bounds [ { '':2, '':7 }, { '':2, '':9 } ) * * index { a:1, b:-1 }, query { a:2, b:{ $gte:7, $lt:9 } } * -> frv [ 2, 2 ], ( 9, 7 ] * -> start/end bounds ( { '':2, '':9 }, { '':2, '':7 } ] * * index { a:1, b:1 }, query { a:{ $gte:7, $lt:9 } } * -> frv [ 7, 9 ) * -> start/end bounds [ { '':7, '':MinKey }, { '':9, '':MinKey } ) * * index { a:1, b:1 }, query { a:{ $gte:2, $lte:5 }, b:{ $gte:7, $lte:9 } } * -> frv [ 2, 5 ], [ 7, 9 ] * -> start/end bounds [ { '':2, '':7 }, { '':5, '':9 } ] * (isSingleInterval() == false) */ /** * @return true if this FieldRangeVector represents a single interval within a btree, * comprised of all keys between a single start point and a single end point. */ bool isSingleInterval() const; /** * @return a starting point for an index traversal, a lower bound on the ranges represented * by this FieldRangeVector according to the btree's native ordering. */ BSONObj startKey() const; /** @return true if the startKey() bound is inclusive. */ bool startKeyInclusive() const; /** * @return an end point for an index traversal, an upper bound on the ranges represented * by this FieldRangeVector according to the btree's native ordering. */ BSONObj endKey() const; /** @return true if the endKey() bound is inclusive. */ bool endKeyInclusive() const; /** @return the number of index ranges represented by 'this' */ unsigned size() const; /** @return a client readable representation of 'this' */ BSONObj obj() const; /** * @return true iff the provided document matches valid ranges on all * of this FieldRangeVector's fields, which is the case iff this document * would be returned while scanning the index corresponding to this * FieldRangeVector. This function is used for $or clause deduping. */ bool matches( const BSONObj &obj ) const; /** * @return true if all values in the provided index key are contained within the field * ranges of their respective fields in this FieldRangeVector. * * For example, given a query { a:3, b:4 } and index { a:1, b:1 }, the FieldRangeVector is * [ [[ 3, 3 ]], [[ 4, 4 ]] ], consisting of field range [[ 3, 3 ]] on field 'a' and * [[ 4, 4 ]] on field 'b'. The index key { '':3, '':4 } matches, but the index key * { '':3, '':5 } does not match because the value 5 in the second field is not contained in * the field range [[ 4, 4 ]] for field 'b'. */ bool matchesKey( const BSONObj& key ) const; /** * @return first key of 'obj' that would be encountered by a forward * index scan using this FieldRangeVector, BSONObj() if no such key. */ BSONObj firstMatch( const BSONObj &obj ) const; /** * @return true if all ranges within the field range set on fields of this index are * represented in this field range vector. May be false in certain multikey index cases * when intervals on two fields cannot both be used, see comments related to SERVER-958 in * FieldRangeVector(). */ bool hasAllIndexedRanges() const { return _hasAllIndexedRanges; } string toString() const; private: int matchingLowElement( const BSONElement &e, int i, bool direction, bool &lowEquality ) const; bool matchesElement( const BSONElement &e, int i, bool direction ) const; vector _ranges; BSONObj _keyPattern; int _direction; vector _queries; // make sure mem owned bool _hasAllIndexedRanges; friend class FieldRangeVectorIterator; vector _fieldNames; vector _fixed; // See FieldRangeVector::matches for comment on key generation. scoped_ptr _keyGenerator; }; /** * Helper class for iterating through an ordered representation of keys * to find those keys that match a specified FieldRangeVector. */ class FieldRangeVectorIterator { public: /** * @param v - a FieldRangeVector representing matching keys. * @param singleIntervalLimit - The maximum number of keys to match a single (compound) * interval before advancing to the next interval. Limit checking is disabled if 0. */ FieldRangeVectorIterator( const FieldRangeVector &v, int singleIntervalLimit ); /** * @return Suggested advance method through an ordered list of keys with lookup support * (generally a btree). * -2 Iteration is complete, no need to advance further. * -1 Advance to the next ordered key, without skipping. * >=0 Skip parameter, let's call it 'r'. If after() is true, skip past the key prefix * comprised of the first r elements of curr. For example, if curr is {a:1,b:1}, the * index is {a:1,b:1}, the direction is 1, and r == 1, skip past {a:1,b:MaxKey}. If * after() is false, skip to the key comprised of the first r elements of curr followed * by the (r+1)th and greater elements of cmp() (with inclusivity specified by the * (r+1)th and greater elements of inc()). For example, if curr is {a:1,b:1}, the * index is {a:1,b:1}, the direction is 1, r == 1, cmp()[1] == b:4, and inc()[1] == * true, then skip to {a:1,b:4}. Note that the element field names in curr and cmp() * should generally be ignored when performing index key comparisons. * @param curr The key at the current position in the list of keys. Values of curr must be * supplied in order. */ int advance( const BSONObj &curr ); const vector &cmp() const { return _cmp; } const vector &inc() const { return _inc; } bool after() const { return _after; } void prepDive(); /** * Helper class representing a position within a vector of ranges. Public for testing. */ class CompoundRangeCounter { public: CompoundRangeCounter( int size, int singleIntervalLimit ); int size() const { return (int)_i.size(); } int get( int i ) const { return _i[ i ]; } void set( int i, int newVal ); void inc( int i ); void setZeroes( int i ); void setUnknowns( int i ); void incSingleIntervalCount() { if ( isTrackingIntervalCounts() ) ++_singleIntervalCount; } bool hasSingleIntervalCountReachedLimit() const { return isTrackingIntervalCounts() && _singleIntervalCount >= _singleIntervalLimit; } void resetIntervalCount() { _singleIntervalCount = 0; } string toString() const; private: bool isTrackingIntervalCounts() const { return _singleIntervalLimit > 0; } vector _i; int _singleIntervalCount; int _singleIntervalLimit; }; /** * Helper class for matching a BSONElement with the bounds of a FieldInterval. Some * internal comparison results are cached. Public for testing. */ class FieldIntervalMatcher { public: FieldIntervalMatcher( const FieldInterval &interval, const BSONElement &element, bool reverse ); bool isEqInclusiveUpperBound() const { return upperCmp() == 0 && _interval._upper._inclusive; } bool isGteUpperBound() const { return upperCmp() >= 0; } bool isEqExclusiveLowerBound() const { return lowerCmp() == 0 && !_interval._lower._inclusive; } bool isLtLowerBound() const { return lowerCmp() < 0; } private: struct BoundCmp { BoundCmp() : _cmp(), _valid() {} void set( int cmp ) { _cmp = cmp; _valid = true; } int _cmp; bool _valid; }; int mayReverse( int val ) const { return _reverse ? -val : val; } int cmp( const BSONElement &bound ) const { return mayReverse( _element.woCompare( bound, false ) ); } void setCmp( BoundCmp &boundCmp, const BSONElement &bound ) const { boundCmp.set( cmp( bound ) ); } int lowerCmp() const; int upperCmp() const; const FieldInterval &_interval; const BSONElement &_element; bool _reverse; mutable BoundCmp _lowerCmp; mutable BoundCmp _upperCmp; }; private: /** * @return values similar to advance() * -2 Iteration is complete for the current interval. * -1 Iteration is not complete for the current interval. * >=0 Return value to be forwarded by advance(). */ int validateCurrentInterval( int intervalIdx, const BSONElement &currElt, bool reverse, bool first, bool &eqInclusiveUpperBound ); /** Skip to curr / i / nextbounds. */ int advanceToLowerBound( int i ); /** Skip to curr / i / superlative. */ int advancePast( int i ); /** Skip to curr / i / superlative and reset following interval positions. */ int advancePastZeroed( int i ); bool hasReachedLimitForLastInterval( int intervalIdx ) const { return _i.hasSingleIntervalCountReachedLimit() && ( intervalIdx + 1 == _endNonUniversalRanges ); } /** @return the index of the last non universal range + 1. */ int endNonUniversalRanges() const; const FieldRangeVector &_v; CompoundRangeCounter _i; vector _cmp; vector _inc; bool _after; int _endNonUniversalRanges; }; /** * As we iterate through $or clauses this class generates a FieldRangeSetPair * for the current $or clause, in some cases by excluding ranges that were * included in a previous clause. */ class OrRangeGenerator { public: OrRangeGenerator( const char *ns, const BSONObj &query , bool optimize=true ); /** @return true iff we are done scanning $or clauses, or if there are no $or clauses. */ bool orRangesExhausted() const { return _orSets.empty(); } /** Iterates to the next $or clause by removing the current $or clause. */ void popOrClause( NamespaceDetails *nsd, int idxNo, const BSONObj &keyPattern ); void popOrClauseSingleKey(); /** @return FieldRangeSetPair for the current $or clause. */ FieldRangeSetPair *topFrsp() const; /** * @return original FieldRangeSetPair for the current $or clause. While the * original bounds are looser, they are composed of fewer ranges and it * is faster to do operations with them; when they can be used instead of * more precise bounds, they should. */ FieldRangeSetPair *topFrspOriginal() const; SpecialIndices getSpecial() const { return _baseSet.getSpecial(); } private: void assertMayPopOrClause(); void _popOrClause( const FieldRangeSet *toDiff, NamespaceDetails *d, int idxNo, const BSONObj &keyPattern ); FieldRangeSetPair _baseSet; list _orSets; list _originalOrSets; // ensure memory is owned list _oldOrSets; bool _orFound; friend struct QueryUtilIndexed; }; /** returns a string that when used as a matcher, would match a super set of regex() returns "" for complex regular expressions used to optimize queries in some simple regex cases that start with '^' if purePrefix != NULL, sets it to whether the regex can be converted to a range query */ string simpleRegex(const char* regex, const char* flags, bool* purePrefix=NULL); /** returns the upper bound of a query that matches prefix */ string simpleRegexEnd( string prefix ); long long applySkipLimit( long long num , const BSONObj& cmd ); bool isSimpleIdQuery( const BSONObj& query ); } // namespace mongo #include "queryutil-inl.h"