/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ /** Unit tests for RecordId. */ #include "mongo/db/record_id.h" #include "mongo/db/record_id_helpers.h" #include "mongo/unittest/death_test.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" #include "mongo/util/debug_util.h" namespace mongo { namespace { TEST(RecordId, HashEqual) { RecordId locA(1, 2); RecordId locB; locB = locA; ASSERT_EQUALS(locA, locB); RecordId::Hasher hasher; ASSERT_EQUALS(hasher(locA), hasher(locB)); } TEST(RecordId, HashEqualOid) { RecordId locA(record_id_helpers::keyForOID(OID::gen())); RecordId locB; locB = locA; ASSERT_EQUALS(locA, locB); RecordId::Hasher hasher; ASSERT_EQUALS(hasher(locA), hasher(locB)); } TEST(RecordId, HashNotEqual) { RecordId original(1, 2); RecordId diffFile(10, 2); RecordId diffOfs(1, 20); RecordId diffBoth(10, 20); RecordId reversed(2, 1); ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(original, diffFile); ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(original, diffOfs); ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(original, diffBoth); ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(original, reversed); // Unequal DiskLocs need not produce unequal hashes. But unequal hashes are likely, and // assumed here for sanity checking of the custom hash implementation. RecordId::Hasher hasher; ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(hasher(original), hasher(diffFile)); ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(hasher(original), hasher(diffOfs)); ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(hasher(original), hasher(diffBoth)); ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(hasher(original), hasher(reversed)); } TEST(RecordId, HashNotEqualOid) { RecordId loc1(record_id_helpers::keyForOID(OID::gen())); RecordId loc2(record_id_helpers::keyForOID(OID::gen())); RecordId loc3(record_id_helpers::keyForOID(OID::gen())); ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(loc1, loc2); ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(loc1, loc3); ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(loc2, loc3); // Unequal DiskLocs need not produce unequal hashes. But unequal hashes are likely, and // assumed here for sanity checking of the custom hash implementation. RecordId::Hasher hasher; ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(hasher(loc1), hasher(loc2)); ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(hasher(loc1), hasher(loc3)); ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(hasher(loc2), hasher(loc3)); } TEST(RecordId, KeyStringTest) { RecordId ridNull; ASSERT(ridNull.isNull()); ASSERT(!ridNull.isValid()); RecordId null2; ASSERT(null2 == ridNull); OID oid1 = OID::gen(); RecordId rid1(record_id_helpers::keyForOID(oid1)); ASSERT(rid1.isValid()); auto obj = record_id_helpers::toBSONAs(rid1, ""); ASSERT_EQ(oid1, obj.firstElement().OID()); ASSERT_GT(rid1, ridNull); ASSERT_LT(ridNull, rid1); } TEST(RecordId, NullTest) { // The int64 format should be considered null if its value is 0. Likewise, the value should be // interpreted as int64_t(0) if it is null. RecordId rid0(0); ASSERT(rid0.isNull()); RecordId nullRid; ASSERT(nullRid.isNull()); ASSERT_EQ(0, nullRid.getLong()); ASSERT_NE(rid0, nullRid); } TEST(RecordId, RidTestCompare) { RecordId ridNull; RecordId rid1(1); ASSERT_GT(rid1, ridNull); ASSERT_LT(ridNull, rid1); ASSERT_NE(ridNull, rid1); RecordId rid0(0); ASSERT_GT(rid0, ridNull); ASSERT_LT(ridNull, rid0); ASSERT_NE(ridNull, rid0); } TEST(RecordId, OidTestCompare) { RecordId ridNull; RecordId rid0 = record_id_helpers::keyForOID(OID::createFromString("000000000000000000000000")); ASSERT_GT(rid0, ridNull); RecordId rid1 = record_id_helpers::keyForOID(OID::createFromString("000000000000000000000001")); ASSERT_GT(rid1, rid0); RecordId oidMin = record_id_helpers::keyForOID(OID()); ASSERT_EQ(oidMin, rid0); ASSERT_GT(oidMin, ridNull); RecordId rid2 = record_id_helpers::keyForOID(OID::createFromString("000000000000000000000002")); ASSERT_GT(rid2, rid1); RecordId rid3 = record_id_helpers::keyForOID(OID::createFromString("ffffffffffffffffffffffff")); ASSERT_GT(rid3, rid2); ASSERT_GT(rid3, rid0); RecordId oidMax = record_id_helpers::keyForOID(OID::max()); ASSERT_EQ(oidMax, rid3); ASSERT_GT(oidMax, rid0); } TEST(RecordId, ReservationsLong) { // It's important that reserved IDs like this never change. RecordId ridReserved(RecordId::kMaxRepr - (1024 * 1024)); ASSERT_EQ(ridReserved, record_id_helpers::reservedIdFor( record_id_helpers::ReservationId::kWildcardMultikeyMetadataId, KeyFormat::Long)); ASSERT(record_id_helpers::isReserved(ridReserved)); ASSERT(ridReserved.isValid()); // Create a new RecordId in the reserved range and ensure it is considered reserved and unique. RecordId inReservedRange(RecordId::kMaxRepr - 1); ASSERT(record_id_helpers::isReserved(inReservedRange)); ASSERT(inReservedRange.isValid()); ASSERT_NE(inReservedRange, record_id_helpers::reservedIdFor( record_id_helpers::ReservationId::kWildcardMultikeyMetadataId, KeyFormat::Long)); } TEST(RecordId, ReservationsStr) { // It's important that reserved IDs like this never change. constexpr char buf[] = {static_cast(0xFF), 0}; RecordId ridReserved(buf, sizeof(buf)); ASSERT_EQ( ridReserved, record_id_helpers::reservedIdFor( record_id_helpers::ReservationId::kWildcardMultikeyMetadataId, KeyFormat::String)); ASSERT(record_id_helpers::isReserved(ridReserved)); ASSERT(ridReserved.isValid()); // Create a new RecordId in the reserved range and ensure it is considered reserved and unique. constexpr char buf2[] = {static_cast(0xFF), static_cast(0xFF)}; RecordId inReservedRange(buf2, sizeof(buf2)); ASSERT(record_id_helpers::isReserved(inReservedRange)); ASSERT(inReservedRange.isValid()); ASSERT_NE( inReservedRange, record_id_helpers::reservedIdFor( record_id_helpers::ReservationId::kWildcardMultikeyMetadataId, KeyFormat::String)); } TEST(RecordId, RoundTripSerialize) { { RecordId id(1); BSONObjBuilder builder; id.serializeToken("rid", &builder); BSONObj obj = builder.done(); ASSERT_EQ(id, RecordId::deserializeToken(obj["rid"])); } { RecordId id(4611686018427387904); BSONObjBuilder builder; id.serializeToken("rid", &builder); BSONObj obj = builder.done(); ASSERT_EQ(id, RecordId::deserializeToken(obj["rid"])); } { RecordId id; BSONObjBuilder builder; id.serializeToken("rid", &builder); BSONObj obj = builder.done(); ASSERT_EQ(id, RecordId::deserializeToken(obj["rid"])); } { RecordId id(record_id_helpers::keyForOID(OID::gen())); BSONObjBuilder builder; id.serializeToken("rid", &builder); BSONObj obj = builder.done(); ASSERT_EQ(id, RecordId::deserializeToken(obj["rid"])); } { char buf[1024] = {'x'}; RecordId id(buf, sizeof(buf)); BSONObjBuilder builder; id.serializeToken("rid", &builder); BSONObj obj = builder.done(); ASSERT_EQ(id, RecordId::deserializeToken(obj["rid"])); } { BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.append("rid", OID::gen()); BSONObj obj = builder.done(); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE( RecordId::deserializeToken(obj["rid"]), DBException, ErrorCodes::BadValue); } } TEST(RecordId, RoundTripSerializeBinary) { { RecordId id(1); BufBuilder builder; id.serializeToken(builder); BufReader reader(builder.buf(), builder.len()); ASSERT_EQ(id, RecordId::deserializeToken(reader)); } { RecordId id(4611686018427387904); BufBuilder builder; id.serializeToken(builder); BufReader reader(builder.buf(), builder.len()); ASSERT_EQ(id, RecordId::deserializeToken(reader)); } { RecordId id; BufBuilder builder; id.serializeToken(builder); BufReader reader(builder.buf(), builder.len()); ASSERT_EQ(id, RecordId::deserializeToken(reader)); } { RecordId id(record_id_helpers::keyForOID(OID::gen())); BufBuilder builder; id.serializeToken(builder); BufReader reader(builder.buf(), builder.len()); ASSERT_EQ(id, RecordId::deserializeToken(reader)); } { char buf[1024] = {'x'}; RecordId id(buf, sizeof(buf)); BufBuilder builder; id.serializeToken(builder); BufReader reader(builder.buf(), builder.len()); ASSERT_EQ(id, RecordId::deserializeToken(reader)); } } TEST(RecordId, RecordIdBigStr) { char buf[1024] = {'x'}; // This string should be just enough to qualify for the small string optimization. RecordId smallId(buf, RecordId::kSmallStrMaxSize); ASSERT_TRUE(smallId.isInlineAllocated_forTest()); ASSERT_EQ(smallId.getStr().size(), RecordId::kSmallStrMaxSize); ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(RecordId), smallId.memUsage()); // At a certain size RecordId strings should expand beyond the size of the struct and start // using a heap buffer. RecordId bigId(buf, RecordId::kSmallStrMaxSize + 1); ASSERT_FALSE(bigId.isInlineAllocated_forTest()); ASSERT_EQ(bigId.getStr().size(), RecordId::kSmallStrMaxSize + 1); ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(RecordId) + bigId.getStr().size(), bigId.memUsage()); ASSERT_GT(bigId, smallId); ASSERT_LT(smallId, bigId); // Once copied, this RecordId should be sharing its contents. RecordId bigCopy = bigId; ASSERT_FALSE(bigId.isInlineAllocated_forTest()); ASSERT_FALSE(bigCopy.isInlineAllocated_forTest()); ASSERT_EQ(bigId.getStr().rawData(), bigCopy.getStr().rawData()); ASSERT_EQ(bigId.getStr().size(), bigCopy.getStr().size()); ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(RecordId) + bigId.getStr().size(), bigCopy.memUsage()); ASSERT_EQ(bigCopy, bigId); ASSERT_EQ(bigCopy.toString(), bigId.toString()); ASSERT_EQ(bigCopy.isValid(), bigId.isValid()); ASSERT_EQ(bigCopy.isStr(), bigId.isStr()); // Ensure there is a limit and it is enforced. std::string huge(RecordId::kBigStrMaxSize + 1, 'x'); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(RecordId(huge.c_str(), huge.size()), AssertionException, 5894900); } // RecordIds of different formats may not be compared. DEATH_TEST(RecordId, UnsafeComparison, "Invariant failure") { if (kDebugBuild) { RecordId rid1(1); RecordId rid2 = record_id_helpers::keyForOID(OID::createFromString("000000000000000000000001")); ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(rid1, rid2); } else { // This test should not be run in release builds as the assertion won't be in there. invariant(false, "Deliberately crash here so the test doesn't fail on release builds"); } } } // namespace } // namespace mongo