/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kReplicationInitialSync #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/collection_cloner.h" #include #include "mongo/base/string_data.h" #include "mongo/bson/util/bson_extract.h" #include "mongo/client/dbclient_connection.h" #include "mongo/client/remote_command_retry_scheduler.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/collection_options.h" #include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h" #include "mongo/db/query/cursor_response.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/oplogreader.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/repl_server_parameters_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/storage_interface.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/storage_interface_mock.h" #include "mongo/rpc/get_status_from_command_result.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" #include "mongo/util/destructor_guard.h" #include "mongo/util/fail_point_service.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" #include "mongo/util/mongoutils/str.h" namespace mongo { namespace repl { namespace { using LockGuard = stdx::lock_guard; using UniqueLock = stdx::unique_lock; using executor::RemoteCommandRequest; constexpr auto kCountResponseDocumentCountFieldName = "n"_sd; const int kProgressMeterSecondsBetween = 60; const int kProgressMeterCheckInterval = 128; } // namespace // Failpoint which causes initial sync to hang before establishing its cursor to clone the // 'namespace' collection. MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(initialSyncHangBeforeCollectionClone); // Failpoint which causes initial sync to hang when it has cloned 'numDocsToClone' documents to // collection 'namespace'. MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(initialSyncHangDuringCollectionClone); // Failpoint which causes initial sync to hang after handling the next batch of results from the // DBClientConnection, optionally limited to a specific collection. MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(initialSyncHangCollectionClonerAfterHandlingBatchResponse); // Failpoint which causes initial sync to hang before establishing the cursors (but after // listIndexes), optionally limited to a specific collection. MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(initialSyncHangCollectionClonerBeforeEstablishingCursor); BSONObj makeCommandWithUUIDorCollectionName(StringData command, OptionalCollectionUUID uuid, const NamespaceString& nss) { BSONObjBuilder builder; if (uuid) uuid->appendToBuilder(&builder, command); else builder.append(command, nss.coll()); return builder.obj(); } CollectionCloner::CollectionCloner(executor::TaskExecutor* executor, ThreadPool* dbWorkThreadPool, const HostAndPort& source, const NamespaceString& sourceNss, const CollectionOptions& options, CallbackFn onCompletion, StorageInterface* storageInterface, const int batchSize) : _executor(executor), _dbWorkThreadPool(dbWorkThreadPool), _source(source), _sourceNss(sourceNss), _destNss(_sourceNss), _options(options), _onCompletion(std::move(onCompletion)), _storageInterface(storageInterface), _countScheduler(_executor, RemoteCommandRequest( _source, _sourceNss.db().toString(), makeCommandWithUUIDorCollectionName("count", _options.uuid, sourceNss), ReadPreferenceSetting::secondaryPreferredMetadata(), nullptr, RemoteCommandRequest::kNoTimeout), [this](const executor::TaskExecutor::RemoteCommandCallbackArgs& args) { return _countCallback(args); }, RemoteCommandRetryScheduler::makeRetryPolicy( numInitialSyncCollectionCountAttempts.load(), executor::RemoteCommandRequest::kNoTimeout, RemoteCommandRetryScheduler::kAllRetriableErrors)), _listIndexesFetcher( _executor, _source, _sourceNss.db().toString(), makeCommandWithUUIDorCollectionName("listIndexes", _options.uuid, sourceNss), [this](const Fetcher::QueryResponseStatus& fetchResult, Fetcher::NextAction * nextAction, BSONObjBuilder * getMoreBob) { _listIndexesCallback(fetchResult, nextAction, getMoreBob); }, ReadPreferenceSetting::secondaryPreferredMetadata(), RemoteCommandRequest::kNoTimeout /* find network timeout */, RemoteCommandRequest::kNoTimeout /* getMore network timeout */, RemoteCommandRetryScheduler::makeRetryPolicy( numInitialSyncListIndexesAttempts.load(), executor::RemoteCommandRequest::kNoTimeout, RemoteCommandRetryScheduler::kAllRetriableErrors)), _indexSpecs(), _documentsToInsert(), _dbWorkTaskRunner(_dbWorkThreadPool), _scheduleDbWorkFn([this](executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackFn work) { auto task = [ this, work = std::move(work) ]( OperationContext * opCtx, const Status& status) mutable noexcept->TaskRunner::NextAction { try { work(executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs(nullptr, {}, status, opCtx)); } catch (...) { _finishCallback(exceptionToStatus()); } return TaskRunner::NextAction::kDisposeOperationContext; }; _dbWorkTaskRunner.schedule(std::move(task)); return executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle(); }), _createClientFn([] { return stdx::make_unique(); }), _progressMeter(1U, // total will be replaced with count command result. kProgressMeterSecondsBetween, kProgressMeterCheckInterval, "documents copied", str::stream() << _sourceNss.toString() << " collection clone progress"), _collectionClonerBatchSize(batchSize) { // Fetcher throws an exception on null executor. invariant(executor); uassert(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "invalid collection namespace: " + sourceNss.ns(), sourceNss.isValid()); uassertStatusOK(options.validateForStorage()); uassert(50953, "Missing collection UUID in CollectionCloner, collection name: " + sourceNss.ns(), _options.uuid); uassert(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "callback function cannot be null", _onCompletion); uassert(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "storage interface cannot be null", storageInterface); uassert( 50954, "collectionClonerBatchSize must be non-negative.", _collectionClonerBatchSize >= 0); _stats.ns = _sourceNss.ns(); } CollectionCloner::~CollectionCloner() { DESTRUCTOR_GUARD(shutdown(); join();); } const NamespaceString& CollectionCloner::getSourceNamespace() const { return _sourceNss; } bool CollectionCloner::isActive() const { LockGuard lk(_mutex); return _isActive_inlock(); } bool CollectionCloner::_isActive_inlock() const { return State::kRunning == _state || State::kShuttingDown == _state; } bool CollectionCloner::_isShuttingDown() const { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); return State::kShuttingDown == _state; } Status CollectionCloner::startup() noexcept { LockGuard lk(_mutex); LOG(0) << "CollectionCloner::start called, on ns:" << _destNss; switch (_state) { case State::kPreStart: _state = State::kRunning; break; case State::kRunning: return Status(ErrorCodes::InternalError, "collection cloner already started"); case State::kShuttingDown: return Status(ErrorCodes::ShutdownInProgress, "collection cloner shutting down"); case State::kComplete: return Status(ErrorCodes::ShutdownInProgress, "collection cloner completed"); } _stats.start = _executor->now(); Status scheduleResult = _countScheduler.startup(); if (!scheduleResult.isOK()) { _state = State::kComplete; return scheduleResult; } return Status::OK(); } void CollectionCloner::shutdown() { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); switch (_state) { case State::kPreStart: // Transition directly from PreStart to Complete if not started yet. _state = State::kComplete; return; case State::kRunning: _state = State::kShuttingDown; break; case State::kShuttingDown: case State::kComplete: // Nothing to do if we are already in ShuttingDown or Complete state. return; } _cancelRemainingWork_inlock(); } void CollectionCloner::_cancelRemainingWork_inlock() { _countScheduler.shutdown(); _listIndexesFetcher.shutdown(); if (_verifyCollectionDroppedScheduler) { _verifyCollectionDroppedScheduler->shutdown(); } if (_queryState == QueryState::kRunning) { _queryState = QueryState::kCanceling; _clientConnection->shutdownAndDisallowReconnect(); } else { _queryState = QueryState::kFinished; } _dbWorkTaskRunner.cancel(); } CollectionCloner::Stats CollectionCloner::getStats() const { stdx::unique_lock lk(_mutex); return _stats; } void CollectionCloner::join() { stdx::unique_lock lk(_mutex); _condition.wait(lk, [this]() { return (_queryState == QueryState::kNotStarted || _queryState == QueryState::kFinished) && !_isActive_inlock(); }); } void CollectionCloner::waitForDbWorker() { if (!isActive()) { return; } _dbWorkTaskRunner.join(); } void CollectionCloner::setScheduleDbWorkFn_forTest(ScheduleDbWorkFn scheduleDbWorkFn) { LockGuard lk(_mutex); _scheduleDbWorkFn = std::move(scheduleDbWorkFn); } void CollectionCloner::setCreateClientFn_forTest(const CreateClientFn& createClientFn) { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _createClientFn = createClientFn; } std::vector CollectionCloner::getDocumentsToInsert_forTest() { LockGuard lk(_mutex); return _documentsToInsert; } void CollectionCloner::_countCallback( const executor::TaskExecutor::RemoteCommandCallbackArgs& args) { // No need to reword status reason in the case of cancellation. if (ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled == args.response.status) { _finishCallback(args.response.status); return; } if (!args.response.status.isOK()) { _finishCallback(args.response.status.withContext( str::stream() << "Count call failed on collection '" << _sourceNss.ns() << "' from " << _source.toString())); return; } long long count = 0; Status commandStatus = getStatusFromCommandResult(args.response.data); if (commandStatus == ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound) { // Querying by a non-existing collection by UUID returns an error. Treat same as // behavior of find by namespace and use count == 0. } else if (!commandStatus.isOK()) { _finishCallback(commandStatus.withContext( str::stream() << "Count call failed on collection '" << _sourceNss.ns() << "' from " << _source.toString())); return; } else { auto countStatus = bsonExtractIntegerField( args.response.data, kCountResponseDocumentCountFieldName, &count); if (!countStatus.isOK()) { _finishCallback(countStatus.withContext( str::stream() << "There was an error parsing document count from count " "command result on collection " << _sourceNss.ns() << " from " << _source.toString())); return; } } if (count < 0) { _finishCallback({ErrorCodes::BadValue, str::stream() << "Count call on collection " << _sourceNss.ns() << " from " << _source.toString() << " returned negative document count: " << count}); return; } { LockGuard lk(_mutex); _stats.documentToCopy = count; _progressMeter.setTotalWhileRunning(static_cast(count)); } auto scheduleStatus = _listIndexesFetcher.schedule(); if (!scheduleStatus.isOK()) { _finishCallback(scheduleStatus); return; } } void CollectionCloner::_listIndexesCallback(const Fetcher::QueryResponseStatus& fetchResult, Fetcher::NextAction* nextAction, BSONObjBuilder* getMoreBob) { const bool collectionIsEmpty = fetchResult == ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound; if (collectionIsEmpty) { // Schedule collection creation and finish callback. auto&& scheduleResult = _scheduleDbWorkFn([this](const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& cbd) { if (!cbd.status.isOK()) { _finishCallback(cbd.status); return; } auto opCtx = cbd.opCtx; UnreplicatedWritesBlock uwb(opCtx); auto&& createStatus = _storageInterface->createCollection(opCtx, _destNss, _options); _finishCallback(createStatus); }); if (!scheduleResult.isOK()) { _finishCallback(scheduleResult.getStatus()); } return; }; if (!fetchResult.isOK()) { _finishCallback(fetchResult.getStatus().withContext( str::stream() << "listIndexes call failed on collection '" << _sourceNss.ns() << "'")); return; } auto batchData(fetchResult.getValue()); auto&& documents = batchData.documents; if (documents.empty()) { warning() << "No indexes found for collection " << _sourceNss.ns() << " while cloning from " << _source; } UniqueLock lk(_mutex); // When listing indexes by UUID, the sync source may use a different name for the collection // as result of renaming or two-phase drop. As the index spec also includes a 'ns' field, this // must be rewritten. BSONObjBuilder nsFieldReplacementBuilder; nsFieldReplacementBuilder.append("ns", _sourceNss.ns()); BSONElement nsFieldReplacementElem = nsFieldReplacementBuilder.done().firstElement(); // We may be called with multiple batches leading to a need to grow _indexSpecs. _indexSpecs.reserve(_indexSpecs.size() + documents.size()); for (auto&& doc : documents) { // The addField replaces the 'ns' field with the correct name, see above. if (StringData("_id_") == doc["name"].str()) { _idIndexSpec = doc.addField(nsFieldReplacementElem); continue; } _indexSpecs.push_back(doc.addField(nsFieldReplacementElem)); } lk.unlock(); // The fetcher will continue to call with kGetMore until an error or the last batch. if (*nextAction == Fetcher::NextAction::kGetMore) { invariant(getMoreBob); getMoreBob->append("getMore", batchData.cursorId); getMoreBob->append("collection", batchData.nss.coll()); return; } // We have all of the indexes now, so we can start cloning the collection data. auto&& scheduleResult = _scheduleDbWorkFn( [=](const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& cbd) { _beginCollectionCallback(cbd); }); if (!scheduleResult.isOK()) { _finishCallback(scheduleResult.getStatus()); return; } } void CollectionCloner::_beginCollectionCallback(const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& cbd) { if (!cbd.status.isOK()) { _finishCallback(cbd.status); return; } MONGO_FAIL_POINT_BLOCK(initialSyncHangCollectionClonerBeforeEstablishingCursor, nssData) { const BSONObj& data = nssData.getData(); auto nss = data["nss"].str(); // Only hang when cloning the specified collection, or if no collection was specified. if (nss.empty() || _destNss.toString() == nss) { while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(initialSyncHangCollectionClonerBeforeEstablishingCursor) && !_isShuttingDown()) { log() << "initialSyncHangCollectionClonerBeforeEstablishingCursor fail point " "enabled for " << _destNss.toString() << ". Blocking until fail point is disabled."; mongo::sleepsecs(1); } } } if (!_idIndexSpec.isEmpty() && _options.autoIndexId == CollectionOptions::NO) { warning() << "Found the _id_ index spec but the collection specified autoIndexId of false on ns:" << this->_sourceNss; } auto collectionBulkLoader = _storageInterface->createCollectionForBulkLoading( _destNss, _options, _idIndexSpec, _indexSpecs); if (!collectionBulkLoader.isOK()) { _finishCallback(collectionBulkLoader.getStatus()); return; } _stats.indexes = _indexSpecs.size(); if (!_idIndexSpec.isEmpty()) { ++_stats.indexes; } _collLoader = std::move(collectionBulkLoader.getValue()); // The query cannot run on the database work thread, because it needs to be able to // schedule work on that thread while still running. auto runQueryCallback = _executor->scheduleWork([this](const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& callbackData) { ON_BLOCK_EXIT([this] { { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); _queryState = QueryState::kFinished; _clientConnection.reset(); } _condition.notify_all(); }); _runQuery(callbackData); }); if (!runQueryCallback.isOK()) { _finishCallback(runQueryCallback.getStatus()); return; } } void CollectionCloner::_runQuery(const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& callbackData) { if (!callbackData.status.isOK()) { _finishCallback(callbackData.status); return; } bool queryStateOK = false; { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); queryStateOK = _queryState == QueryState::kNotStarted; if (queryStateOK) { _queryState = QueryState::kRunning; _clientConnection = _createClientFn(); } } if (!queryStateOK) { // _finishCallback must not called with _mutex locked. If the queryState changes // after the mutex is released, we will do the query and cancel after the first batch. _finishCallback({ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled, "Collection cloning cancelled."}); return; } MONGO_FAIL_POINT_BLOCK(initialSyncHangBeforeCollectionClone, options) { const BSONObj& data = options.getData(); if (data["namespace"].String() == _destNss.ns()) { log() << "initial sync - initialSyncHangBeforeCollectionClone fail point " "enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled."; while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(initialSyncHangBeforeCollectionClone) && !_isShuttingDown()) { mongo::sleepsecs(1); } } } Status clientConnectionStatus = _clientConnection->connect(_source, StringData()); if (!clientConnectionStatus.isOK()) { _finishCallback(clientConnectionStatus); return; } if (!replAuthenticate(_clientConnection.get())) { _finishCallback({ErrorCodes::AuthenticationFailed, str::stream() << "Failed to authenticate to " << _source}); return; } // This completion guard invokes _finishCallback on destruction. auto cancelRemainingWorkInLock = [this]() { _cancelRemainingWork_inlock(); }; auto finishCallbackFn = [this](const Status& status) { _finishCallback(status); }; auto onCompletionGuard = std::make_shared(cancelRemainingWorkInLock, finishCallbackFn); // readOnce is available on 4.2 sync sources only. Initially we don't know FCV, so // we won't use the readOnce feature, but once the admin database is cloned we will use it. // The admin database is always cloned first, so all user data should use readOnce. const bool readOnceAvailable = serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.getVersionUnsafe() == ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version::kFullyUpgradedTo42; try { _clientConnection->query( [this, onCompletionGuard](DBClientCursorBatchIterator& iter) { _handleNextBatch(onCompletionGuard, iter); }, NamespaceStringOrUUID(_sourceNss.db().toString(), *_options.uuid), readOnceAvailable ? QUERY("query" << BSONObj() << "$readOnce" << true) : Query(), nullptr /* fieldsToReturn */, QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout | QueryOption_SlaveOk | (collectionClonerUsesExhaust ? QueryOption_Exhaust : 0), _collectionClonerBatchSize); } catch (const DBException& e) { auto queryStatus = e.toStatus().withContext(str::stream() << "Error querying collection '" << _sourceNss.ns()); stdx::unique_lock lock(_mutex); if (queryStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::OperationFailed || queryStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::CursorNotFound || queryStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::QueryPlanKilled) { // With these errors, it's possible the collection was dropped while we were // cloning. If so, we'll execute the drop during oplog application, so it's OK to // just stop cloning. // // A 4.2 node should only ever raise QueryPlanKilled, but an older node could raise // OperationFailed or CursorNotFound. _verifyCollectionWasDropped(lock, queryStatus, onCompletionGuard); return; } else if (queryStatus.code() != ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound) { // NamespaceNotFound means the collection was dropped before we started cloning, so // we're OK to ignore the error. Any other error we must report. onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, queryStatus); return; } } waitForDbWorker(); stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, Status::OK()); } void CollectionCloner::_handleNextBatch(std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard, DBClientCursorBatchIterator& iter) { _stats.receivedBatches++; { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); uassert(ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled, "Collection cloning cancelled.", _queryState != QueryState::kCanceling); while (iter.moreInCurrentBatch()) { BSONObj o = iter.nextSafe(); _documentsToInsert.emplace_back(std::move(o)); } } // Schedule the next document batch insertion. auto&& scheduleResult = _scheduleDbWorkFn([=](const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& cbd) { _insertDocumentsCallback(cbd, onCompletionGuard); }); if (!scheduleResult.isOK()) { Status newStatus = scheduleResult.getStatus().withContext( str::stream() << "Error cloning collection '" << _sourceNss.ns() << "'"); // We must throw an exception to terminate query. uassertStatusOK(newStatus); } MONGO_FAIL_POINT_BLOCK(initialSyncHangCollectionClonerAfterHandlingBatchResponse, nssData) { const BSONObj& data = nssData.getData(); auto nss = data["nss"].str(); // Only hang when cloning the specified collection, or if no collection was specified. if (nss.empty() || _destNss.toString() == nss) { while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(initialSyncHangCollectionClonerAfterHandlingBatchResponse) && !_isShuttingDown()) { log() << "initialSyncHangCollectionClonerAfterHandlingBatchResponse fail point " "enabled for " << _destNss.toString() << ". Blocking until fail point is disabled."; mongo::sleepsecs(1); } } } } void CollectionCloner::_verifyCollectionWasDropped( const stdx::unique_lock& lk, Status batchStatus, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard) { // If we already have a _verifyCollectionDroppedScheduler, just return; the existing // scheduler will take care of cleaning up. if (_verifyCollectionDroppedScheduler) { return; } BSONObjBuilder cmdObj; _options.uuid->appendToBuilder(&cmdObj, "find"); cmdObj.append("batchSize", 0); _verifyCollectionDroppedScheduler = stdx::make_unique( _executor, RemoteCommandRequest(_source, _sourceNss.db().toString(), cmdObj.obj(), ReadPreferenceSetting::secondaryPreferredMetadata(), nullptr /* No OperationContext require for replication commands */, RemoteCommandRequest::kNoTimeout), [this, batchStatus, onCompletionGuard](const RemoteCommandCallbackArgs& args) { // If the attempt to determine if the collection was dropped fails for any reason other // than NamespaceNotFound, return the original error code. // // Otherwise, if the collection was dropped, either the error will be NamespaceNotFound, // or it will be a drop-pending collection and the find will succeed and give us a // collection with a drop-pending name. UniqueLock lk(_mutex); Status finalStatus(batchStatus); if (args.response.isOK()) { auto response = CursorResponse::parseFromBSON(args.response.data); if (response.getStatus().code() == ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound || (response.isOK() && response.getValue().getNSS().isDropPendingNamespace())) { log() << "CollectionCloner ns: '" << _sourceNss.ns() << "' uuid: UUID(\"" << *_options.uuid << "\") stopped because collection was dropped."; finalStatus = Status::OK(); } else if (!response.isOK()) { log() << "CollectionCloner received an unexpected error when verifying drop of " "ns: '" << _sourceNss.ns() << "' uuid: UUID(\"" << *_options.uuid << "\"), status " << response.getStatus(); } } else { log() << "CollectionCloner is unable to verify drop of ns: '" << _sourceNss.ns() << "' uuid: UUID(\"" << *_options.uuid << "\"), status " << args.response.status; } onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lk, finalStatus); }, RemoteCommandRetryScheduler::makeNoRetryPolicy()); auto status = _verifyCollectionDroppedScheduler->startup(); if (!status.isOK()) { log() << "CollectionCloner is unable to start verification of ns: '" << _sourceNss.ns() << "' uuid: UUID(\"" << *_options.uuid << "\"), status " << status; // If we can't run the command, assume this wasn't a drop and just use the original error. onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lk, batchStatus); } } void CollectionCloner::_insertDocumentsCallback( const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& cbd, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard) { if (!cbd.status.isOK()) { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, cbd.status); return; } UniqueLock lk(_mutex); std::vector docs; if (_documentsToInsert.size() == 0) { warning() << "_insertDocumentsCallback, but no documents to insert for ns:" << _destNss; return; } _documentsToInsert.swap(docs); _stats.documentsCopied += docs.size(); ++_stats.fetchedBatches; _progressMeter.hit(int(docs.size())); invariant(_collLoader); const auto status = _collLoader->insertDocuments(docs.cbegin(), docs.cend()); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lk, status); return; } MONGO_FAIL_POINT_BLOCK(initialSyncHangDuringCollectionClone, options) { const BSONObj& data = options.getData(); if (data["namespace"].String() == _destNss.ns() && static_cast(_stats.documentsCopied) >= data["numDocsToClone"].numberInt()) { lk.unlock(); log() << "initial sync - initialSyncHangDuringCollectionClone fail point " "enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled."; while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(initialSyncHangDuringCollectionClone) && !_isShuttingDown()) { mongo::sleepsecs(1); } lk.lock(); } } } void CollectionCloner::_finishCallback(const Status& status) { log() << "CollectionCloner ns:" << _destNss << " finished cloning with status: " << redact(status); // Copy the status so we can change it below if needed. auto finalStatus = status; bool callCollectionLoader = false; decltype(_onCompletion) onCompletion; { LockGuard lk(_mutex); invariant(_state != State::kComplete); callCollectionLoader = _collLoader.operator bool(); invariant(_onCompletion); std::swap(_onCompletion, onCompletion); } if (callCollectionLoader) { if (finalStatus.isOK()) { const auto loaderStatus = _collLoader->commit(); if (!loaderStatus.isOK()) { warning() << "Failed to commit collection indexes " << _destNss.ns() << ": " << redact(loaderStatus); finalStatus = loaderStatus; } } // This will release the resources held by the loader. _collLoader.reset(); } onCompletion(finalStatus); // This will release the resources held by the callback function object. '_onCompletion' is // already cleared at this point and 'onCompletion' is the remaining reference to the callback // function (with any implicitly held resources). To avoid any issues with destruction logic // in the function object's resources accessing this CollectionCloner, we release this function // object outside the lock. onCompletion = {}; LockGuard lk(_mutex); _stats.end = _executor->now(); _progressMeter.finished(); _state = State::kComplete; _condition.notify_all(); LOG(1) << " collection: " << _destNss << ", stats: " << _stats.toString(); } constexpr StringData CollectionCloner::Stats::kDocumentsToCopyFieldName; constexpr StringData CollectionCloner::Stats::kDocumentsCopiedFieldName; std::string CollectionCloner::Stats::toString() const { return toBSON().toString(); } BSONObj CollectionCloner::Stats::toBSON() const { BSONObjBuilder bob; bob.append("ns", ns); append(&bob); return bob.obj(); } void CollectionCloner::Stats::append(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const { builder->appendNumber(kDocumentsToCopyFieldName, documentToCopy); builder->appendNumber(kDocumentsCopiedFieldName, documentsCopied); builder->appendNumber("indexes", indexes); builder->appendNumber("fetchedBatches", fetchedBatches); if (start != Date_t()) { builder->appendDate("start", start); if (end != Date_t()) { builder->appendDate("end", end); auto elapsed = end - start; long long elapsedMillis = duration_cast(elapsed).count(); builder->appendNumber("elapsedMillis", elapsedMillis); } } builder->appendNumber("receivedBatches", receivedBatches); } } // namespace repl } // namespace mongo