/** * Copyright (C) 2019-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kReplicationInitialSync #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/base/string_data.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/clustered_collection_options_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/clustered_collection_util.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/list_collections_filter.h" #include "mongo/db/index_build_entry_helpers.h" #include "mongo/db/index_builds_coordinator.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/collection_bulk_loader.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/collection_cloner.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/database_cloner_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/repl_server_parameters_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/wire_version.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/rpc/get_status_from_command_result.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" namespace mongo { namespace repl { // Failpoint which causes initial sync to hang when it has cloned 'numDocsToClone' documents to // collection 'namespace'. MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(initialSyncHangDuringCollectionClone); // Failpoint which causes initial sync to hang after handling the next batch of results from the // DBClientConnection, optionally limited to a specific collection. MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(initialSyncHangCollectionClonerAfterHandlingBatchResponse); CollectionCloner::CollectionCloner(const NamespaceString& sourceNss, const CollectionOptions& collectionOptions, InitialSyncSharedData* sharedData, const HostAndPort& source, DBClientConnection* client, StorageInterface* storageInterface, ThreadPool* dbPool) : InitialSyncBaseCloner( "CollectionCloner"_sd, sharedData, source, client, storageInterface, dbPool), _sourceNss(sourceNss), _collectionOptions(collectionOptions), _sourceDbAndUuid(NamespaceString("UNINITIALIZED")), _collectionClonerBatchSize(collectionClonerBatchSize), _countStage("count", this, &CollectionCloner::countStage), _listIndexesStage("listIndexes", this, &CollectionCloner::listIndexesStage), _createCollectionStage("createCollection", this, &CollectionCloner::createCollectionStage), _queryStage("query", this, &CollectionCloner::queryStage), _setupIndexBuildersForUnfinishedIndexesStage( "setupIndexBuildersForUnfinishedIndexes", this, &CollectionCloner::setupIndexBuildersForUnfinishedIndexesStage), _progressMeter(1U, // total will be replaced with count command result. kProgressMeterSecondsBetween, kProgressMeterCheckInterval, "documents copied", str::stream() << _sourceNss.toString() << " collection clone progress"), _scheduleDbWorkFn([this](executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackFn work) { auto task = [ this, work = std::move(work) ]( OperationContext * opCtx, const Status& status) mutable noexcept->TaskRunner::NextAction { try { work(executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs(nullptr, {}, status, opCtx)); } catch (const DBException& e) { setSyncFailedStatus(e.toStatus()); } return TaskRunner::NextAction::kDisposeOperationContext; }; _dbWorkTaskRunner.schedule(std::move(task)); return executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle(); }), _dbWorkTaskRunner(dbPool) { invariant(sourceNss.isValid()); invariant(collectionOptions.uuid); _sourceDbAndUuid = NamespaceStringOrUUID(sourceNss.db().toString(), *collectionOptions.uuid); _stats.ns = _sourceNss.ns(); } BaseCloner::ClonerStages CollectionCloner::getStages() { if (_sourceNss.isChangeStreamPreImagesCollection()) { // Only the change stream pre-images collection needs to be created - its documents should // not be copied. return {&_listIndexesStage, &_createCollectionStage, &_setupIndexBuildersForUnfinishedIndexesStage}; } return {&_countStage, &_listIndexesStage, &_createCollectionStage, &_queryStage, &_setupIndexBuildersForUnfinishedIndexesStage}; } void CollectionCloner::preStage() { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _stats.start = getSharedData()->getClock()->now(); BSONObj res; getClient()->runCommand( _sourceNss.db().toString(), BSON("collStats" << _sourceNss.coll().toString()), res); if (auto status = getStatusFromCommandResult(res); status.isOK()) { _stats.bytesToCopy = res.getField("size").safeNumberLong(); if (_stats.bytesToCopy > 0) { // The 'avgObjSize' parameter is only available if 'collStats' returns a 'size' field // greater than zero. _stats.avgObjSize = res.getField("avgObjSize").safeNumberLong(); } } else { LOGV2_DEBUG(4786302, 1, "Skipping the recording of some initial sync metrics due to failure in the " "'collStats' command", logAttrs(_sourceNss), "status"_attr = status); } } void CollectionCloner::postStage() { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _stats.end = getSharedData()->getClock()->now(); } // Collection cloner stages exit normally if the collection is not found. BaseCloner::AfterStageBehavior CollectionCloner::CollectionClonerStage::run() { try { return ClonerStage::run(); } catch (const ExceptionFor&) { LOGV2(21132, "CollectionCloner ns: '{namespace}' uuid: " "UUID(\"{uuid}\") stopped because collection was dropped on source.", "CollectionCloner stopped because collection was dropped on source", "namespace"_attr = getCloner()->getSourceNss(), "uuid"_attr = getCloner()->getSourceUuid()); getCloner()->waitForDatabaseWorkToComplete(); return kSkipRemainingStages; } catch (const DBException&) { getCloner()->waitForDatabaseWorkToComplete(); throw; } } BaseCloner::AfterStageBehavior CollectionCloner::countStage() { auto count = getClient()->count(_sourceDbAndUuid, {} /* Query */, QueryOption_SecondaryOk, 0 /* limit */, 0 /* skip */, ReadConcernArgs::kLocal); // The count command may return a negative value after an unclean shutdown, // so we set it to zero here to avoid aborting the collection clone. // Note that this count value is only used for reporting purposes. if (count < 0) { LOGV2_WARNING(21142, "Count command returned negative value. Updating to 0 to allow progress " "meter to function properly"); count = 0; } _progressMeter.setTotalWhileRunning(static_cast(count)); { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _stats.documentToCopy = count; } return kContinueNormally; } BaseCloner::AfterStageBehavior CollectionCloner::listIndexesStage() { const bool includeBuildUUIDs = true; auto indexSpecs = getClient()->getIndexSpecs(_sourceDbAndUuid, includeBuildUUIDs, QueryOption_SecondaryOk); if (indexSpecs.empty()) { LOGV2_WARNING(21143, "No indexes found for collection {namespace} while cloning from {source}", "No indexes found for collection while cloning", "namespace"_attr = _sourceNss.ns(), "source"_attr = getSource()); } // Parse the index specs into their respective state, ready or unfinished. for (auto&& spec : indexSpecs) { if (spec.hasField("clustered")) { invariant(_collectionOptions.clusteredIndex); invariant(spec.getBoolField("clustered") == true); invariant(clustered_util::formatClusterKeyForListIndexes( _collectionOptions.clusteredIndex.get(), _collectionOptions.collation) .woCompare(spec) == 0); // Skip if the spec is for the collection's clusteredIndex. } else if (spec.hasField("buildUUID")) { _unfinishedIndexSpecs.push_back(spec.getOwned()); } else if (spec.hasField("name") && spec.getStringField("name") == "_id_"_sd) { _idIndexSpec = spec.getOwned(); } else { _readyIndexSpecs.push_back(spec.getOwned()); } } { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _stats.indexes = _readyIndexSpecs.size() + _unfinishedIndexSpecs.size() + (_idIndexSpec.isEmpty() ? 0 : 1); }; if (!_idIndexSpec.isEmpty() && _collectionOptions.autoIndexId == CollectionOptions::NO) { LOGV2_WARNING(21144, "Found the _id_ index spec but the collection specified autoIndexId of false " "on ns:{namespace}", "Found the _id index spec but the collection specified autoIndexId of false", "namespace"_attr = this->_sourceNss); } return kContinueNormally; } BaseCloner::AfterStageBehavior CollectionCloner::createCollectionStage() { auto collectionBulkLoader = getStorageInterface()->createCollectionForBulkLoading( _sourceNss, _collectionOptions, _idIndexSpec, _readyIndexSpecs); uassertStatusOK(collectionBulkLoader.getStatus()); _collLoader = std::move(collectionBulkLoader.getValue()); return kContinueNormally; } BaseCloner::AfterStageBehavior CollectionCloner::queryStage() { runQuery(); waitForDatabaseWorkToComplete(); // We want to free the _collLoader regardless of whether the commit succeeds. std::unique_ptr loader = std::move(_collLoader); uassertStatusOK(loader->commit()); return kContinueNormally; } BaseCloner::AfterStageBehavior CollectionCloner::setupIndexBuildersForUnfinishedIndexesStage() { if (_unfinishedIndexSpecs.empty()) { return kContinueNormally; } // Need to group the index specs by 'buildUUID' and start all the index specs with the same // 'buildUUID' on the same index builder thread. stdx::unordered_map, UUID::Hash> groupedIndexSpecs; for (const auto& unfinishedSpec : _unfinishedIndexSpecs) { UUID buildUUID = uassertStatusOK(UUID::parse(unfinishedSpec["buildUUID"])); groupedIndexSpecs[buildUUID].push_back(unfinishedSpec["spec"].Obj()); } auto opCtx = cc().makeOperationContext(); for (const auto& groupedIndexSpec : groupedIndexSpecs) { std::vector indexNames; std::vector indexSpecs; for (const auto& indexSpec : groupedIndexSpec.second) { std::string indexName = indexSpec.getStringField(IndexDescriptor::kIndexNameFieldName).toString(); indexNames.push_back(indexName); indexSpecs.push_back(indexSpec.getOwned()); } UnreplicatedWritesBlock uwb(opCtx.get()); // This spawns a new thread and returns immediately once the index build has been // registered with the IndexBuildsCoordinator. try { IndexBuildsCoordinator::get(opCtx.get()) ->applyStartIndexBuild(opCtx.get(), IndexBuildsCoordinator::ApplicationMode::kInitialSync, {getSourceUuid(), repl::OplogEntry::CommandType::kStartIndexBuild, "createIndexes", groupedIndexSpec.first, std::move(indexNames), std::move(indexSpecs), boost::none}); } catch (const ExceptionFor&) { // Suppress the IndexAlreadyExists error code. // It's possible for the DBDirectClient to return duplicate index specs with different // buildUUIDs from the sync source due to getMore() making multiple network calls. // In these cases, we can ignore this error as the oplog replay phase will correctly // abort and start the appropriate indexes. // Example: // - listIndexes on the sync source sees x_1 (ready: false) with buildUUID ‘x’. // - Sync source aborts the index build with buildUUID ‘x’. // - Sync source starts x_1 (ready: false) with buildUUID ‘y’. // - getMore on listIndexes sees x_1 with buildUUID 'y'. } } return kContinueNormally; } void CollectionCloner::runQuery() { // Non-resumable query. Query query; if (_resumeToken) { // Resume the query from where we left off. LOGV2_DEBUG(21133, 1, "Collection cloner will resume the last successful query"); query.requestResumeToken(true).resumeAfter(_resumeToken.get()); } else { // New attempt at a resumable query. LOGV2_DEBUG(21134, 1, "Collection cloner will run a new query"); query.requestResumeToken(true); } query.hint(BSON("$natural" << 1)); // We reset this every time we retry or resume a query. // We distinguish the first batch from the rest so that we only store the remote cursor id // the first time we get it. _firstBatchOfQueryRound = true; getClient()->query_DEPRECATED( [this](DBClientCursorBatchIterator& iter) { handleNextBatch(iter); }, _sourceDbAndUuid, BSONObj{}, query, nullptr /* fieldsToReturn */, QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout | QueryOption_SecondaryOk | (collectionClonerUsesExhaust ? QueryOption_Exhaust : 0), _collectionClonerBatchSize, ReadConcernArgs::kLocal); } void CollectionCloner::handleNextBatch(DBClientCursorBatchIterator& iter) { { stdx::lock_guard lk(*getSharedData()); if (!getSharedData()->getStatus(lk).isOK()) { static constexpr char message[] = "Collection cloning cancelled due to initial sync failure"; LOGV2(21136, message, "error"_attr = getSharedData()->getStatus(lk)); uasserted(ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled, str::stream() << message << ": " << getSharedData()->getStatus(lk)); } } // If this is 'true', it means that something happened to our remote cursor for a reason other // than the collection being dropped, all while we were running a non-resumable (4.2) clone. // We must abort initial sync in that case. if (_lostNonResumableCursor) { // This will be caught in runQuery(). uasserted(ErrorCodes::InitialSyncFailure, "Lost remote cursor"); } if (_firstBatchOfQueryRound) { // Store the cursorId of the remote cursor. _remoteCursorId = iter.getCursorId(); } _firstBatchOfQueryRound = false; { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _stats.receivedBatches++; while (iter.moreInCurrentBatch()) { _documentsToInsert.emplace_back(iter.nextSafe()); } } // Schedule the next document batch insertion. auto&& scheduleResult = _scheduleDbWorkFn( [=](const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& cbd) { insertDocumentsCallback(cbd); }); if (!scheduleResult.isOK()) { Status newStatus = scheduleResult.getStatus().withContext( str::stream() << "Error cloning collection '" << _sourceNss.ns() << "'"); // We must throw an exception to terminate query. uassertStatusOK(newStatus); } // Store the resume token for this batch. _resumeToken = iter.getPostBatchResumeToken(); initialSyncHangCollectionClonerAfterHandlingBatchResponse.executeIf( [&](const BSONObj&) { while (MONGO_unlikely( initialSyncHangCollectionClonerAfterHandlingBatchResponse.shouldFail()) && !mustExit()) { LOGV2(21137, "initialSyncHangCollectionClonerAfterHandlingBatchResponse fail point " "enabled for {namespace}. Blocking until fail point is disabled.", "initialSyncHangCollectionClonerAfterHandlingBatchResponse fail point " "enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled", "namespace"_attr = _sourceNss.toString()); mongo::sleepsecs(1); } }, [&](const BSONObj& data) { // Only hang when cloning the specified collection, or if no collection was specified. auto nss = data["nss"].str(); return nss.empty() || nss == _sourceNss.toString(); }); } void CollectionCloner::insertDocumentsCallback(const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& cbd) { uassertStatusOK(cbd.status); { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); std::vector docs; // Increment 'fetchedBatches' even if no documents were inserted to match the number of // 'receivedBatches'. ++_stats.fetchedBatches; if (_documentsToInsert.size() == 0) { LOGV2_WARNING(21145, "insertDocumentsCallback, but no documents to insert for ns:{namespace}", "insertDocumentsCallback, but no documents to insert", "namespace"_attr = _sourceNss); return; } _documentsToInsert.swap(docs); _stats.documentsCopied += docs.size(); _stats.approxBytesCopied = ((long)_stats.documentsCopied) * _stats.avgObjSize; _progressMeter.hit(int(docs.size())); invariant(_collLoader); // The insert must be done within the lock, because CollectionBulkLoader is not // thread safe. uassertStatusOK(_collLoader->insertDocuments(docs.cbegin(), docs.cend())); } initialSyncHangDuringCollectionClone.executeIf( [&](const BSONObj&) { LOGV2(21138, "initial sync - initialSyncHangDuringCollectionClone fail point " "enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled"); while (MONGO_unlikely(initialSyncHangDuringCollectionClone.shouldFail()) && !mustExit()) { mongo::sleepsecs(1); } }, [&](const BSONObj& data) { return data["namespace"].String() == _sourceNss.ns() && static_cast(_stats.documentsCopied) >= data["numDocsToClone"].numberInt(); }); } bool CollectionCloner::isMyFailPoint(const BSONObj& data) const { auto nss = data["nss"].str(); return (nss.empty() || nss == _sourceNss.toString()) && BaseCloner::isMyFailPoint(data); } void CollectionCloner::waitForDatabaseWorkToComplete() { _dbWorkTaskRunner.join(); } CollectionCloner::Stats CollectionCloner::getStats() const { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); return _stats; } std::string CollectionCloner::Stats::toString() const { return toBSON().toString(); } BSONObj CollectionCloner::Stats::toBSON() const { BSONObjBuilder bob; bob.append("ns", ns); append(&bob); return bob.obj(); } void CollectionCloner::Stats::append(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const { builder->appendNumber(kDocumentsToCopyFieldName, static_cast(documentToCopy)); builder->appendNumber(kDocumentsCopiedFieldName, static_cast(documentsCopied)); builder->appendNumber("indexes", static_cast(indexes)); builder->appendNumber("fetchedBatches", static_cast(fetchedBatches)); builder->appendNumber("bytesToCopy", bytesToCopy); if (bytesToCopy) { builder->appendNumber("approxBytesCopied", approxBytesCopied); } if (start != Date_t()) { builder->appendDate("start", start); if (end != Date_t()) { builder->appendDate("end", end); auto elapsed = end - start; long long elapsedMillis = duration_cast(elapsed).count(); builder->appendNumber("elapsedMillis", elapsedMillis); } } builder->appendNumber("receivedBatches", static_cast(receivedBatches)); } } // namespace repl } // namespace mongo