/** * Copyright (C) 2019-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/clientcursor.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/database_cloner.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/initial_sync_cloner_test_fixture.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/storage_interface.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/storage_interface_mock.h" #include "mongo/db/service_context_test_fixture.h" #include "mongo/dbtests/mock/mock_dbclient_connection.h" #include "mongo/idl/server_parameter_test_util.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" #include "mongo/util/clock_source_mock.h" #include "mongo/util/concurrency/thread_pool.h" namespace mongo { namespace repl { struct CollectionCloneInfo { std::shared_ptr stats = std::make_shared(); CollectionBulkLoaderMock* loader = nullptr; }; const std::string dbNameStr = "testDb"; class DatabaseClonerTest : public InitialSyncClonerTestFixture { public: DatabaseClonerTest() : _dbName(boost::none, dbNameStr) {} protected: void setUp() override { InitialSyncClonerTestFixture::setUp(); _storageInterface.createCollectionForBulkFn = [this](const NamespaceString& nss, const CollectionOptions& options, const BSONObj& idIndexSpec, const std::vector& secondaryIndexSpecs) -> StatusWith> { const auto collInfo = &_collections[nss]; auto localLoader = std::make_unique(collInfo->stats); auto status = localLoader->init(secondaryIndexSpecs); if (!status.isOK()) return status; collInfo->loader = localLoader.get(); return std::move(localLoader); }; setInitialSyncId(); } std::unique_ptr makeDatabaseCloner() { return std::make_unique(_dbName, getSharedData(), _source, _mockClient.get(), &_storageInterface, _dbWorkThreadPool.get()); } BSONObj createListCollectionsResponse(const std::vector& collections) { auto ns = DatabaseNameUtil::serialize(_dbName) + "$cmd.listCollections"; BSONObjBuilder bob; { BSONObjBuilder cursorBob(bob.subobjStart("cursor")); cursorBob.append("id", CursorId(0)); cursorBob.append("ns", ns); { BSONArrayBuilder batchBob(cursorBob.subarrayStart("firstBatch")); for (const auto& coll : collections) { batchBob.append(coll); } } } bob.append("ok", 1); return bob.obj(); } std::vector> getCollectionsFromCloner( DatabaseCloner* cloner) { return cloner->_collections; } std::map _collections; DatabaseName _dbName; }; // A database may have no collections. Nothing to do for the database cloner. TEST_F(DatabaseClonerTest, ListCollectionsReturnedNoCollections) { _mockServer->setCommandReply("listCollections", createListCollectionsResponse({})); auto cloner = makeDatabaseCloner(); ASSERT_OK(cloner->run()); ASSERT_OK(getSharedData()->getStatus(WithLock::withoutLock())); ASSERT(getCollectionsFromCloner(cloner.get()).empty()); } TEST_F(DatabaseClonerTest, ListCollections) { auto cloner = makeDatabaseCloner(); cloner->setStopAfterStage_forTest("listCollections"); auto uuid1 = UUID::gen(); auto uuid2 = UUID::gen(); const std::vector sourceInfos = {BSON("name" << "a" << "type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid1)), BSON( "name" << "b" << "type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid2))}; _mockServer->setCommandReply("listCollections", createListCollectionsResponse({sourceInfos[0], sourceInfos[1]})); ASSERT_OK(cloner->run()); ASSERT_OK(getSharedData()->getStatus(WithLock::withoutLock())); auto collections = getCollectionsFromCloner(cloner.get()); ASSERT_EQUALS(2U, collections.size()); ASSERT_EQ(NamespaceString(_dbName, "a"), collections[0].first); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("uuid" << uuid1), collections[0].second.toBSON()); ASSERT_EQ(NamespaceString(_dbName, "b"), collections[1].first); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("uuid" << uuid2), collections[1].second.toBSON()); } // The listCollections command may return new fields in later versions; we do not want that // to cause upgrade/downgrade issues. TEST_F(DatabaseClonerTest, ListCollectionsAllowsExtraneousFields) { auto cloner = makeDatabaseCloner(); cloner->setStopAfterStage_forTest("listCollections"); auto uuid1 = UUID::gen(); auto uuid2 = UUID::gen(); const std::vector sourceInfos = {BSON("name" << "a" << "type" << "collection" // The "flavor" field is not really found in // listCollections. << "flavor" << "raspberry" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid1)), BSON("name" << "b" << "type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" // The "comet" field is not really found in // listCollections. << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid2 << "comet" << "2l_Borisov"))}; _mockServer->setCommandReply("listCollections", createListCollectionsResponse({sourceInfos[0], sourceInfos[1]})); ASSERT_OK(cloner->run()); ASSERT_OK(getSharedData()->getStatus(WithLock::withoutLock())); auto collections = getCollectionsFromCloner(cloner.get()); ASSERT_EQUALS(2U, collections.size()); ASSERT_EQ(NamespaceString(_dbName, "a"), collections[0].first); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("uuid" << uuid1), collections[0].second.toBSON()); ASSERT_EQ(NamespaceString(_dbName, "b"), collections[1].first); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("uuid" << uuid2), collections[1].second.toBSON()); } TEST_F(DatabaseClonerTest, ListCollectionsFailsOnDuplicateNames) { auto cloner = makeDatabaseCloner(); cloner->setStopAfterStage_forTest("listCollections"); auto uuid1 = UUID::gen(); auto uuid2 = UUID::gen(); const std::vector sourceInfos = {BSON("name" << "a" << "type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid1)), BSON( "name" << "a" << "type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid2))}; _mockServer->setCommandReply("listCollections", createListCollectionsResponse({sourceInfos[0], sourceInfos[1]})); auto status = cloner->run(); ASSERT_NOT_OK(status); ASSERT_EQUALS(51005, status.code()); } TEST_F(DatabaseClonerTest, ListCollectionsFailsOnMissingNameField) { auto cloner = makeDatabaseCloner(); cloner->setStopAfterStage_forTest("listCollections"); auto uuid1 = UUID::gen(); auto uuid2 = UUID::gen(); const std::vector sourceInfos = {BSON("type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid1)), BSON( "name" << "b" << "type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid2))}; _mockServer->setCommandReply("listCollections", createListCollectionsResponse({sourceInfos[0], sourceInfos[1]})); auto status = cloner->run(); ASSERT_NOT_OK(status); ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, status.code()); } TEST_F(DatabaseClonerTest, ListCollectionsFailsOnMissingOptions) { auto cloner = makeDatabaseCloner(); cloner->setStopAfterStage_forTest("listCollections"); auto uuid1 = UUID::gen(); const std::vector sourceInfos = {BSON("name" << "a" << "type" << "collection"), BSON( "name" << "a" << "type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid1))}; _mockServer->setCommandReply("listCollections", createListCollectionsResponse({sourceInfos[0], sourceInfos[1]})); auto status = cloner->run(); ASSERT_NOT_OK(status); ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, status.code()); } TEST_F(DatabaseClonerTest, ListCollectionsFailsOnMissingUUID) { auto cloner = makeDatabaseCloner(); cloner->setStopAfterStage_forTest("listCollections"); auto uuid1 = UUID::gen(); const std::vector sourceInfos = {BSON("name" << "a" << "type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false)), BSON( "name" << "b" << "type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid1))}; _mockServer->setCommandReply("listCollections", createListCollectionsResponse({sourceInfos[0], sourceInfos[1]})); auto status = cloner->run(); ASSERT_NOT_OK(status); ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, status.code()); } TEST_F(DatabaseClonerTest, ListCollectionsFailsOnInvalidCollectionOptions) { auto cloner = makeDatabaseCloner(); cloner->setStopAfterStage_forTest("listCollections"); auto uuid1 = UUID::gen(); auto uuid2 = UUID::gen(); const std::vector sourceInfos = {BSON("name" << "a" << "type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid1)), BSON("name" << "b" << "type" << "collection" // "storageEngine" is not an integer collection option. << "options" << BSON("storageEngine" << 1) << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid2))}; _mockServer->setCommandReply("listCollections", createListCollectionsResponse({sourceInfos[0], sourceInfos[1]})); auto status = cloner->run(); ASSERT_NOT_OK(status); ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, status.code()); } TEST_F(DatabaseClonerTest, FirstCollectionListIndexesFailed) { auto uuid1 = UUID::gen(); auto uuid2 = UUID::gen(); const BSONObj idIndexSpec = BSON("v" << 1 << "key" << BSON("_id" << 1) << "name" << "_id_"); const std::vector sourceInfos = {BSON("name" << "a" << "type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid1)), BSON( "name" << "b" << "type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid2))}; // The collection cloner pre-stage makes a remote call to collStats to store in-progress // metrics. _mockServer->setCommandReply("collStats", BSON("size" << 0)); _mockServer->setCommandReply("listCollections", createListCollectionsResponse({sourceInfos[0], sourceInfos[1]})); _mockServer->setCommandReply("count", {createCountResponse(0), createCountResponse(0)}); _mockServer->setCommandReply( "listIndexes", {BSON("ok" << 0 << "errmsg" << "fake message" << "code" << ErrorCodes::CursorNotFound), createCursorResponse(_dbName.db() + ".b", BSON_ARRAY(idIndexSpec))}); auto cloner = makeDatabaseCloner(); auto status = cloner->run(); ASSERT_NOT_OK(status); ASSERT_EQ(status.code(), ErrorCodes::InitialSyncFailure); ASSERT_EQUALS(0u, _collections.size()); } TEST_F(DatabaseClonerTest, CreateCollections) { auto uuid1 = UUID::gen(); auto uuid2 = UUID::gen(); const BSONObj idIndexSpec = BSON("v" << 1 << "key" << BSON("_id" << 1) << "name" << "_id_"); const std::vector sourceInfos = {BSON("name" << "a" << "type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid1)), BSON( "name" << "b" << "type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid2))}; _mockServer->setCommandReply("listCollections", createListCollectionsResponse({sourceInfos[0], sourceInfos[1]})); // The collection cloner pre-stage makes a remote call to collStats to store in-progress // metrics. _mockServer->setCommandReply("collStats", BSON("size" << 0)); _mockServer->setCommandReply("count", {createCountResponse(0), createCountResponse(0)}); _mockServer->setCommandReply( "listIndexes", {createCursorResponse(_dbName.db() + ".a", BSON_ARRAY(idIndexSpec)), createCursorResponse(_dbName.db() + ".b", BSON_ARRAY(idIndexSpec))}); auto cloner = makeDatabaseCloner(); auto status = cloner->run(); ASSERT_OK(status); ASSERT_EQUALS(2U, _collections.size()); auto collInfo = _collections[NamespaceString{_dbName, "a"}]; auto stats = *collInfo.stats; ASSERT_EQUALS(0, stats.insertCount); ASSERT(stats.commitCalled); collInfo = _collections[NamespaceString{_dbName, "b"}]; stats = *collInfo.stats; ASSERT_EQUALS(0, stats.insertCount); ASSERT(stats.commitCalled); } TEST_F(DatabaseClonerTest, DatabaseAndCollectionStats) { auto uuid1 = UUID::gen(); auto uuid2 = UUID::gen(); const BSONObj idIndexSpec = BSON("v" << 1 << "key" << BSON("_id" << 1) << "name" << "_id_"); const BSONObj extraIndexSpec = BSON("v" << 1 << "key" << BSON("x" << 1) << "name" << "_extra_"); const std::vector sourceInfos = {BSON("name" << "a" << "type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid1)), BSON( "name" << "b" << "type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid2))}; _mockServer->setCommandReply("listCollections", createListCollectionsResponse({sourceInfos[0], sourceInfos[1]})); // The collection cloner pre-stage makes a remote call to collStats to store in-progress // metrics. _mockServer->setCommandReply("collStats", BSON("size" << 0)); _mockServer->setCommandReply("count", {createCountResponse(0), createCountResponse(0)}); _mockServer->setCommandReply( "listIndexes", {createCursorResponse(_dbName.db() + ".a", BSON_ARRAY(idIndexSpec << extraIndexSpec)), createCursorResponse(_dbName.db() + ".b", BSON_ARRAY(idIndexSpec))}); auto cloner = makeDatabaseCloner(); auto collClonerBeforeFailPoint = globalFailPointRegistry().find("hangBeforeClonerStage"); auto collClonerAfterFailPoint = globalFailPointRegistry().find("hangAfterClonerStage"); auto timesEntered = collClonerBeforeFailPoint->setMode( FailPoint::alwaysOn, 0, fromjson("{cloner: 'CollectionCloner', stage: 'count', nss: '" + _dbName.db() + ".a'}")); collClonerAfterFailPoint->setMode( FailPoint::alwaysOn, 0, fromjson("{cloner: 'CollectionCloner', stage: 'count', nss: '" + _dbName.db() + ".a'}")); // Run the cloner in a separate thread. stdx::thread clonerThread([&] { Client::initThread("ClonerRunner"); ASSERT_OK(cloner->run()); }); // Wait for the failpoint to be reached collClonerBeforeFailPoint->waitForTimesEntered(timesEntered + 1); // Collection stats should be set up with namespace. auto stats = cloner->getStats(); ASSERT_EQ(_dbName, stats.dbname); ASSERT_EQ(_clock.now(), stats.start); ASSERT_EQ(2, stats.collections); ASSERT_EQ(0, stats.clonedCollections); ASSERT_EQ(2, stats.collectionStats.size()); ASSERT_EQ(NamespaceString(_dbName, "a"), stats.collectionStats[0].nss); ASSERT_EQ(NamespaceString(_dbName, "b"), stats.collectionStats[1].nss); ASSERT_EQ(_clock.now(), stats.collectionStats[0].start); ASSERT_EQ(Date_t(), stats.collectionStats[0].end); ASSERT_EQ(Date_t(), stats.collectionStats[1].start); ASSERT_EQ(0, stats.collectionStats[0].indexes); ASSERT_EQ(0, stats.collectionStats[1].indexes); _clock.advance(Minutes(1)); // Move to the next collection timesEntered = collClonerBeforeFailPoint->setMode( FailPoint::alwaysOn, 0, fromjson("{cloner: 'CollectionCloner', stage: 'count', nss: '" + _dbName.db() + ".b'}")); collClonerAfterFailPoint->setMode(FailPoint::off); // Wait for the failpoint to be reached collClonerBeforeFailPoint->waitForTimesEntered(timesEntered + 1); stats = cloner->getStats(); ASSERT_EQ(2, stats.collections); ASSERT_EQ(1, stats.clonedCollections); ASSERT_EQ(2, stats.collectionStats.size()); ASSERT_EQ(NamespaceString(_dbName, "a"), stats.collectionStats[0].nss); ASSERT_EQ(NamespaceString(_dbName, "b"), stats.collectionStats[1].nss); ASSERT_EQ(2, stats.collectionStats[0].indexes); ASSERT_EQ(0, stats.collectionStats[1].indexes); ASSERT_EQ(_clock.now(), stats.collectionStats[0].end); ASSERT_EQ(_clock.now(), stats.collectionStats[1].start); ASSERT_EQ(Date_t(), stats.collectionStats[1].end); _clock.advance(Minutes(1)); // Finish collClonerBeforeFailPoint->setMode(FailPoint::off, 0); clonerThread.join(); stats = cloner->getStats(); ASSERT_EQ(_dbName, stats.dbname); ASSERT_EQ(_clock.now(), stats.end); ASSERT_EQ(2, stats.collections); ASSERT_EQ(2, stats.clonedCollections); ASSERT_EQ(2, stats.collectionStats.size()); ASSERT_EQ(NamespaceString(_dbName, "a"), stats.collectionStats[0].nss); ASSERT_EQ(NamespaceString(_dbName, "b"), stats.collectionStats[1].nss); ASSERT_EQ(2, stats.collectionStats[0].indexes); ASSERT_EQ(1, stats.collectionStats[1].indexes); ASSERT_EQ(_clock.now(), stats.collectionStats[1].end); } class DatabaseClonerMultitenancyTest : public DatabaseClonerTest { public: DatabaseClonerMultitenancyTest() : _dbName(TenantId(OID::gen()), dbNameStr) {} protected: void setUp() override { RAIIServerParameterControllerForTest multitenancySupportController("multitenancySupport", true); DatabaseClonerTest::setUp(); } std::unique_ptr makeDatabaseCloner() { return std::make_unique(_dbName, getSharedData(), _source, _mockClient.get(), &_storageInterface, _dbWorkThreadPool.get()); } DatabaseName _dbName; }; TEST_F(DatabaseClonerMultitenancyTest, ListCollectionsMultitenancySupport) { auto cloner = makeDatabaseCloner(); cloner->setStopAfterStage_forTest("listCollections"); auto uuid1 = UUID::gen(); auto uuid2 = UUID::gen(); const std::vector sourceInfos = {BSON("name" << "a" << "type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid1)), BSON( "name" << "b" << "type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid2))}; _mockServer->setCommandReply("listCollections", createListCollectionsResponse({sourceInfos[0], sourceInfos[1]})); ASSERT_OK(cloner->run()); ASSERT_OK(getSharedData()->getStatus(WithLock::withoutLock())); auto collections = getCollectionsFromCloner(cloner.get()); ASSERT_EQUALS(2U, collections.size()); ASSERT_EQ(NamespaceString(_dbName, "a"), collections[0].first); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("uuid" << uuid1), collections[0].second.toBSON()); ASSERT_EQ(NamespaceString(_dbName, "b"), collections[1].first); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("uuid" << uuid2), collections[1].second.toBSON()); } TEST_F(DatabaseClonerMultitenancyTest, ListCollectionsMultitenancySupportFeatureFlagRequireTenantId) { RAIIServerParameterControllerForTest featureFlagController("featureFlagRequireTenantID", true); auto cloner = makeDatabaseCloner(); cloner->setStopAfterStage_forTest("listCollections"); auto uuid1 = UUID::gen(); auto uuid2 = UUID::gen(); const std::vector sourceInfos = {BSON("name" << "a" << "type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid1)), BSON( "name" << "b" << "type" << "collection" << "options" << BSONObj() << "info" << BSON("readOnly" << false << "uuid" << uuid2))}; _mockServer->setCommandReply("listCollections", createListCollectionsResponse({sourceInfos[0], sourceInfos[1]})); ASSERT_OK(cloner->run()); ASSERT_OK(getSharedData()->getStatus(WithLock::withoutLock())); auto collections = getCollectionsFromCloner(cloner.get()); ASSERT_EQUALS(2U, collections.size()); ASSERT_EQ(NamespaceString(_dbName, "a"), collections[0].first); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("uuid" << uuid1), collections[0].second.toBSON()); ASSERT_EQ(NamespaceString(_dbName, "b"), collections[1].first); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("uuid" << uuid2), collections[1].second.toBSON()); } } // namespace repl } // namespace mongo