/** * Copyright (C) 2015 MongoDB Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kReplication #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "initial_syncer.h" #include #include #include "mongo/base/counter.h" #include "mongo/base/status.h" #include "mongo/bson/simple_bsonobj_comparator.h" #include "mongo/bson/util/bson_extract.h" #include "mongo/client/fetcher.h" #include "mongo/client/remote_command_retry_scheduler.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/feature_compatibility_version.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/server_status_metric.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/d_concurrency.h" #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/databases_cloner.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/initial_sync_state.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/member_state.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/oplog_buffer.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/oplog_fetcher.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/optime.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_process.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/storage_interface.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/sync_source_selector.h" #include "mongo/db/server_parameters.h" #include "mongo/executor/task_executor.h" #include "mongo/rpc/metadata/repl_set_metadata.h" #include "mongo/stdx/memory.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" #include "mongo/util/destructor_guard.h" #include "mongo/util/fail_point_service.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" #include "mongo/util/mongoutils/str.h" #include "mongo/util/scopeguard.h" #include "mongo/util/time_support.h" namespace mongo { namespace repl { // Failpoint for initial sync MONGO_FP_DECLARE(failInitialSyncWithBadHost); // Failpoint which fails initial sync and leaves an oplog entry in the buffer. MONGO_FP_DECLARE(failInitSyncWithBufferedEntriesLeft); // Failpoint which causes the initial sync function to hang before copying databases. MONGO_FP_DECLARE(initialSyncHangBeforeCopyingDatabases); // Failpoint which causes the initial sync function to hang before finishing. MONGO_FP_DECLARE(initialSyncHangBeforeFinish); // Failpoint which causes the initial sync function to hang before calling shouldRetry on a failed // operation. MONGO_FP_DECLARE(initialSyncHangBeforeGettingMissingDocument); // Failpoint which stops the applier. MONGO_FP_DECLARE(rsSyncApplyStop); namespace { using namespace executor; using CallbackArgs = executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs; using Event = executor::TaskExecutor::EventHandle; using Handle = executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle; using Operations = MultiApplier::Operations; using QueryResponseStatus = StatusWith; using UniqueLock = stdx::unique_lock; using LockGuard = stdx::lock_guard; // 16MB max batch size / 12 byte min doc size * 10 (for good measure) = defaultBatchSize to use. const auto defaultBatchSize = (16 * 1024 * 1024) / 12 * 10; // The number of attempts to connect to a sync source. MONGO_EXPORT_SERVER_PARAMETER(numInitialSyncConnectAttempts, int, 10); // The number of attempts to call find on the remote oplog. MONGO_EXPORT_SERVER_PARAMETER(numInitialSyncOplogFindAttempts, int, 3); // The batchSize to use for the find/getMore queries called by the OplogFetcher MONGO_EXPORT_STARTUP_SERVER_PARAMETER(initialSyncOplogFetcherBatchSize, int, defaultBatchSize); // The number of initial sync attempts that have failed since server startup. Each instance of // InitialSyncer may run multiple attempts to fulfill an initial sync request that is triggered // when InitialSyncer::startup() is called. Counter64 initialSyncFailedAttempts; // The number of initial sync requests that have been requested and failed. Each instance of // InitialSyncer (upon successful startup()) corresponds to a single initial sync request. // This value does not include the number of times where a InitialSyncer is created successfully // but failed in startup(). Counter64 initialSyncFailures; // The number of initial sync requests that have been requested and completed successfully. Each // instance of InitialSyncer corresponds to a single initial sync request. Counter64 initialSyncCompletes; ServerStatusMetricField displaySSInitialSyncFailedAttempts( "repl.initialSync.failedAttempts", &initialSyncFailedAttempts); ServerStatusMetricField displaySSInitialSyncFailures("repl.initialSync.failures", &initialSyncFailures); ServerStatusMetricField displaySSInitialSyncCompleted("repl.initialSync.completed", &initialSyncCompletes); ServiceContext::UniqueOperationContext makeOpCtx() { return cc().makeOperationContext(); } StatusWith parseTimestampStatus(const QueryResponseStatus& fetchResult) { if (!fetchResult.isOK()) { return fetchResult.getStatus(); } else { const auto docs = fetchResult.getValue().documents; const auto hasDoc = docs.begin() != docs.end(); if (!hasDoc || !docs.begin()->hasField("ts")) { return {ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, "Could not find an oplog entry with 'ts' field."}; } else { return {docs.begin()->getField("ts").timestamp()}; } } } StatusWith parseOpTimeWithHash(const QueryResponseStatus& fetchResult) { if (!fetchResult.isOK()) { return fetchResult.getStatus(); } const auto docs = fetchResult.getValue().documents; const auto hasDoc = docs.begin() != docs.end(); return hasDoc ? AbstractOplogFetcher::parseOpTimeWithHash(docs.front()) : StatusWith{ErrorCodes::NoMatchingDocument, "no oplog entry found"}; } } // namespace InitialSyncer::InitialSyncer( InitialSyncerOptions opts, std::unique_ptr dataReplicatorExternalState, StorageInterface* storage, ReplicationProcess* replicationProcess, const OnCompletionFn& onCompletion) : _fetchCount(0), _opts(opts), _dataReplicatorExternalState(std::move(dataReplicatorExternalState)), _exec(_dataReplicatorExternalState->getTaskExecutor()), _storage(storage), _replicationProcess(replicationProcess), _onCompletion(onCompletion) { uassert(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "task executor cannot be null", _exec); uassert(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "invalid storage interface", _storage); uassert(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "invalid replication process", _replicationProcess); uassert(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "invalid getMyLastOptime function", _opts.getMyLastOptime); uassert(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "invalid setMyLastOptime function", _opts.setMyLastOptime); uassert(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "invalid resetOptimes function", _opts.resetOptimes); uassert(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "invalid getSlaveDelay function", _opts.getSlaveDelay); uassert(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "invalid sync source selector", _opts.syncSourceSelector); uassert(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "callback function cannot be null", _onCompletion); } InitialSyncer::~InitialSyncer() { DESTRUCTOR_GUARD({ shutdown().transitional_ignore(); join(); }); } bool InitialSyncer::isActive() const { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); return _isActive_inlock(); } bool InitialSyncer::_isActive_inlock() const { return State::kRunning == _state || State::kShuttingDown == _state; } Status InitialSyncer::startup(OperationContext* opCtx, std::uint32_t initialSyncMaxAttempts) noexcept { invariant(opCtx); invariant(initialSyncMaxAttempts >= 1U); stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); switch (_state) { case State::kPreStart: _state = State::kRunning; break; case State::kRunning: return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, "initial syncer already started"); case State::kShuttingDown: return Status(ErrorCodes::ShutdownInProgress, "initial syncer shutting down"); case State::kComplete: return Status(ErrorCodes::ShutdownInProgress, "initial syncer completed"); } _setUp_inlock(opCtx, initialSyncMaxAttempts); // Start first initial sync attempt. std::uint32_t initialSyncAttempt = 0; auto status = _scheduleWorkAndSaveHandle_inlock( [=](const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& args) { _startInitialSyncAttemptCallback(args, initialSyncAttempt, initialSyncMaxAttempts); }, &_startInitialSyncAttemptHandle, str::stream() << "_startInitialSyncAttemptCallback-" << initialSyncAttempt); if (!status.isOK()) { _state = State::kComplete; return status; } return Status::OK(); } Status InitialSyncer::shutdown() { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); switch (_state) { case State::kPreStart: // Transition directly from PreStart to Complete if not started yet. _state = State::kComplete; return Status::OK(); case State::kRunning: _state = State::kShuttingDown; break; case State::kShuttingDown: case State::kComplete: // Nothing to do if we are already in ShuttingDown or Complete state. return Status::OK(); } _cancelRemainingWork_inlock(); return Status::OK(); } void InitialSyncer::_cancelRemainingWork_inlock() { _cancelHandle_inlock(_startInitialSyncAttemptHandle); _cancelHandle_inlock(_chooseSyncSourceHandle); _cancelHandle_inlock(_getBaseRollbackIdHandle); _cancelHandle_inlock(_getLastRollbackIdHandle); _cancelHandle_inlock(_getNextApplierBatchHandle); _shutdownComponent_inlock(_oplogFetcher); if (_initialSyncState) { _shutdownComponent_inlock(_initialSyncState->dbsCloner); } _shutdownComponent_inlock(_applier); _shutdownComponent_inlock(_fCVFetcher); _shutdownComponent_inlock(_lastOplogEntryFetcher); } void InitialSyncer::join() { stdx::unique_lock lk(_mutex); _stateCondition.wait(lk, [this]() { return !_isActive_inlock(); }); } InitialSyncer::State InitialSyncer::getState_forTest() const { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); return _state; } bool InitialSyncer::_isShuttingDown() const { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); return _isShuttingDown_inlock(); } bool InitialSyncer::_isShuttingDown_inlock() const { return State::kShuttingDown == _state; } std::string InitialSyncer::getDiagnosticString() const { LockGuard lk(_mutex); str::stream out; out << "InitialSyncer -" << " opts: " << _opts.toString() << " oplogFetcher: " << _oplogFetcher->toString() << " opsBuffered: " << _oplogBuffer->getSize() << " active: " << _isActive_inlock() << " shutting down: " << _isShuttingDown_inlock(); if (_initialSyncState) { out << " opsAppied: " << _initialSyncState->appliedOps; } return out; } BSONObj InitialSyncer::getInitialSyncProgress() const { LockGuard lk(_mutex); return _getInitialSyncProgress_inlock(); } BSONObj InitialSyncer::_getInitialSyncProgress_inlock() const { BSONObjBuilder bob; try { _stats.append(&bob); if (_initialSyncState) { bob.appendNumber("fetchedMissingDocs", _initialSyncState->fetchedMissingDocs); bob.appendNumber("appliedOps", _initialSyncState->appliedOps); if (!_initialSyncState->beginTimestamp.isNull()) { bob.append("initialSyncOplogStart", _initialSyncState->beginTimestamp); } if (!_initialSyncState->stopTimestamp.isNull()) { bob.append("initialSyncOplogEnd", _initialSyncState->stopTimestamp); } if (_initialSyncState->dbsCloner) { BSONObjBuilder dbsBuilder(bob.subobjStart("databases")); _initialSyncState->dbsCloner->getStats().append(&dbsBuilder); dbsBuilder.doneFast(); } } } catch (const DBException& e) { bob.resetToEmpty(); bob.append("error", e.toString()); log() << "Error creating initial sync progress object: " << e.toString(); } return bob.obj(); } void InitialSyncer::setScheduleDbWorkFn_forTest(const CollectionCloner::ScheduleDbWorkFn& work) { LockGuard lk(_mutex); _scheduleDbWorkFn = work; } void InitialSyncer::_setUp_inlock(OperationContext* opCtx, std::uint32_t initialSyncMaxAttempts) { // 'opCtx' is passed through from startup(). _replicationProcess->getConsistencyMarkers()->setInitialSyncFlag(opCtx); auto serviceCtx = opCtx->getServiceContext(); _storage->setInitialDataTimestamp(serviceCtx, Timestamp::kAllowUnstableCheckpointsSentinel); _storage->setStableTimestamp(serviceCtx, Timestamp::min()); LOG(1) << "Creating oplogBuffer."; _oplogBuffer = _dataReplicatorExternalState->makeInitialSyncOplogBuffer(opCtx); _oplogBuffer->startup(opCtx); _stats.initialSyncStart = _exec->now(); _stats.maxFailedInitialSyncAttempts = initialSyncMaxAttempts; _stats.failedInitialSyncAttempts = 0; } void InitialSyncer::_tearDown_inlock(OperationContext* opCtx, const StatusWith& lastApplied) { _stats.initialSyncEnd = _exec->now(); // This might not be necessary if we failed initial sync. invariant(_oplogBuffer); _oplogBuffer->shutdown(opCtx); if (!lastApplied.isOK()) { return; } // This is necessary to ensure that the oplog contains at least one visible document prior to // setting an externally visible lastApplied. That way if any other node attempts to read from // this node's oplog, it won't appear empty. _storage->waitForAllEarlierOplogWritesToBeVisible(opCtx); _storage->setInitialDataTimestamp(opCtx->getServiceContext(), lastApplied.getValue().opTime.getTimestamp()); auto currentLastAppliedOpTime = _opts.getMyLastOptime(); if (currentLastAppliedOpTime.isNull()) { _opts.setMyLastOptime(lastApplied.getValue().opTime, ReplicationCoordinator::DataConsistency::Consistent); } else { invariant(currentLastAppliedOpTime == lastApplied.getValue().opTime); } _replicationProcess->getConsistencyMarkers()->clearInitialSyncFlag(opCtx); log() << "initial sync done; took " << duration_cast(_stats.initialSyncEnd - _stats.initialSyncStart) << "."; initialSyncCompletes.increment(); } void InitialSyncer::_startInitialSyncAttemptCallback( const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& callbackArgs, std::uint32_t initialSyncAttempt, std::uint32_t initialSyncMaxAttempts) { auto status = _checkForShutdownAndConvertStatus_inlock( callbackArgs, str::stream() << "error while starting initial sync attempt " << (initialSyncAttempt + 1) << " of " << initialSyncMaxAttempts); if (!status.isOK()) { _finishInitialSyncAttempt(status); return; } log() << "Starting initial sync (attempt " << (initialSyncAttempt + 1) << " of " << initialSyncMaxAttempts << ")"; // This completion guard invokes _finishInitialSyncAttempt on destruction. auto cancelRemainingWorkInLock = [this]() { _cancelRemainingWork_inlock(); }; auto finishInitialSyncAttemptFn = [this](const StatusWith& lastApplied) { _finishInitialSyncAttempt(lastApplied); }; auto onCompletionGuard = std::make_shared(cancelRemainingWorkInLock, finishInitialSyncAttemptFn); // Lock guard must be declared after completion guard because completion guard destructor // has to run outside lock. stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); LOG(2) << "Resetting sync source so a new one can be chosen for this initial sync attempt."; _syncSource = HostAndPort(); LOG(2) << "Resetting all optimes before starting this initial sync attempt."; _opts.resetOptimes(); _lastApplied = {}; _lastFetched = {}; LOG(2) << "Resetting feature compatibility version to last-stable. If the sync source is in " "latest feature compatibility version, we will find out when we clone the " "admin.system.version collection."; serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.reset(); // Clear the oplog buffer. _oplogBuffer->clear(makeOpCtx().get()); // Get sync source. std::uint32_t chooseSyncSourceAttempt = 0; std::uint32_t chooseSyncSourceMaxAttempts = static_cast(numInitialSyncConnectAttempts.load()); // _scheduleWorkAndSaveHandle_inlock() is shutdown-aware. status = _scheduleWorkAndSaveHandle_inlock( [=](const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& args) { _chooseSyncSourceCallback( args, chooseSyncSourceAttempt, chooseSyncSourceMaxAttempts, onCompletionGuard); }, &_chooseSyncSourceHandle, str::stream() << "_chooseSyncSourceCallback-" << chooseSyncSourceAttempt); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } } void InitialSyncer::_chooseSyncSourceCallback( const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& callbackArgs, std::uint32_t chooseSyncSourceAttempt, std::uint32_t chooseSyncSourceMaxAttempts, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard) { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); // Cancellation should be treated the same as other errors. In this case, the most likely cause // of a failed _chooseSyncSourceCallback() task is a cancellation triggered by // InitialSyncer::shutdown() or the task executor shutting down. auto status = _checkForShutdownAndConvertStatus_inlock(callbackArgs, "error while choosing sync source"); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(failInitialSyncWithBadHost)) { status = Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidSyncSource, "no sync source avail(failInitialSyncWithBadHost failpoint is set)."); onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } auto syncSource = _chooseSyncSource_inlock(); if (!syncSource.isOK()) { if (chooseSyncSourceAttempt + 1 >= chooseSyncSourceMaxAttempts) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock( lock, Status(ErrorCodes::InitialSyncOplogSourceMissing, "No valid sync source found in current replica set to do an initial sync.")); return; } auto when = _exec->now() + _opts.syncSourceRetryWait; LOG(1) << "Error getting sync source: '" << syncSource.getStatus() << "', trying again in " << _opts.syncSourceRetryWait << " at " << when.toString() << ". Attempt " << (chooseSyncSourceAttempt + 1) << " of " << numInitialSyncConnectAttempts.load(); auto status = _scheduleWorkAtAndSaveHandle_inlock( when, [=](const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& args) { _chooseSyncSourceCallback(args, chooseSyncSourceAttempt + 1, chooseSyncSourceMaxAttempts, onCompletionGuard); }, &_chooseSyncSourceHandle, str::stream() << "_chooseSyncSourceCallback-" << (chooseSyncSourceAttempt + 1)); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } return; } // There is no need to schedule separate task to create oplog collection since we are already in // a callback and we are certain there's no existing operation context (required for creating // collections and dropping user databases) attached to the current thread. status = _truncateOplogAndDropReplicatedDatabases(); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } // Schedule rollback ID checker. _syncSource = syncSource.getValue(); _rollbackChecker = stdx::make_unique(_exec, _syncSource); auto scheduleResult = _rollbackChecker->reset([=](const RollbackChecker::Result& result) { return _rollbackCheckerResetCallback(result, onCompletionGuard); }); status = scheduleResult.getStatus(); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } _getBaseRollbackIdHandle = scheduleResult.getValue(); } Status InitialSyncer::_truncateOplogAndDropReplicatedDatabases() { // truncate oplog; drop user databases. LOG(1) << "About to truncate the oplog, if it exists, ns:" << _opts.localOplogNS << ", and drop all user databases (so that we can clone them)."; auto opCtx = makeOpCtx(); // We are not replicating nor validating these writes. UnreplicatedWritesBlock unreplicatedWritesBlock(opCtx.get()); // 1.) Truncate the oplog. LOG(2) << "Truncating the existing oplog: " << _opts.localOplogNS; auto status = _storage->truncateCollection(opCtx.get(), _opts.localOplogNS); if (!status.isOK()) { // 1a.) Create the oplog. LOG(2) << "Creating the oplog: " << _opts.localOplogNS; status = _storage->createOplog(opCtx.get(), _opts.localOplogNS); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } } // 2.) Drop user databases. LOG(2) << "Dropping user databases"; return _storage->dropReplicatedDatabases(opCtx.get()); } void InitialSyncer::_rollbackCheckerResetCallback( const RollbackChecker::Result& result, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard) { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); auto status = _checkForShutdownAndConvertStatus_inlock(result.getStatus(), "error while getting base rollback ID"); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } status = _scheduleLastOplogEntryFetcher_inlock( [=](const StatusWith& response, mongo::Fetcher::NextAction*, mongo::BSONObjBuilder*) { _lastOplogEntryFetcherCallbackForBeginTimestamp(response, onCompletionGuard); }); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } } void InitialSyncer::_lastOplogEntryFetcherCallbackForBeginTimestamp( const StatusWith& result, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard) { stdx::unique_lock lock(_mutex); auto status = _checkForShutdownAndConvertStatus_inlock( result.getStatus(), "error while getting last oplog entry for begin timestamp"); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } const auto opTimeWithHashResult = parseOpTimeWithHash(result); status = opTimeWithHashResult.getStatus(); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } const auto& lastOpTimeWithHash = opTimeWithHashResult.getValue(); BSONObjBuilder queryBob; queryBob.append("find", nsToCollectionSubstring(FeatureCompatibilityVersion::kCollection)); auto filterBob = BSONObjBuilder(queryBob.subobjStart("filter")); filterBob.append("_id", FeatureCompatibilityVersion::kParameterName); filterBob.done(); _fCVFetcher = stdx::make_unique( _exec, _syncSource, nsToDatabaseSubstring(FeatureCompatibilityVersion::kCollection).toString(), queryBob.obj(), [=](const StatusWith& response, mongo::Fetcher::NextAction*, mongo::BSONObjBuilder*) { _fcvFetcherCallback(response, onCompletionGuard, lastOpTimeWithHash); }, ReadPreferenceSetting::secondaryPreferredMetadata(), RemoteCommandRequest::kNoTimeout /* find network timeout */, RemoteCommandRequest::kNoTimeout /* getMore network timeout */, RemoteCommandRetryScheduler::makeRetryPolicy( numInitialSyncOplogFindAttempts.load(), executor::RemoteCommandRequest::kNoTimeout, RemoteCommandRetryScheduler::kAllRetriableErrors)); Status scheduleStatus = _fCVFetcher->schedule(); if (!scheduleStatus.isOK()) { _fCVFetcher.reset(); onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, scheduleStatus); return; } } void InitialSyncer::_fcvFetcherCallback(const StatusWith& result, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard, const OpTimeWithHash& lastOpTimeWithHash) { stdx::unique_lock lock(_mutex); auto status = _checkForShutdownAndConvertStatus_inlock( result.getStatus(), "error while getting the remote feature compatibility version"); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } const auto docs = result.getValue().documents; if (docs.size() > 1) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock( lock, Status(ErrorCodes::TooManyMatchingDocuments, str::stream() << "Expected to receive one document, but received: " << docs.size() << ". First: " << redact(docs.front()) << ". Last: " << redact(docs.back()))); return; } const auto hasDoc = docs.begin() != docs.end(); if (!hasDoc) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock( lock, Status(ErrorCodes::IncompatibleServerVersion, "Sync source had no feature compatibility version document")); return; } auto fCVParseSW = FeatureCompatibilityVersion::parse(docs.front()); if (!fCVParseSW.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, fCVParseSW.getStatus()); return; } auto version = fCVParseSW.getValue(); if (version > ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version::kFullyDowngradedTo34 && version < ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version::kFullyUpgradedTo36) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock( lock, Status(ErrorCodes::IncompatibleServerVersion, str::stream() << "Sync source had unsafe feature compatibility version: " << FeatureCompatibilityVersion::toString(version))); return; } // This is where the flow of control starts to split into two parallel tracks: // - oplog fetcher // - data cloning and applier auto listDatabasesFilter = [](BSONObj dbInfo) { std::string name; auto status = mongo::bsonExtractStringField(dbInfo, "name", &name); if (!status.isOK()) { error() << "listDatabases filter failed to parse database name from " << redact(dbInfo) << ": " << redact(status); return false; } return (name != "local"); }; _initialSyncState = stdx::make_unique(stdx::make_unique( _storage, _exec, _dataReplicatorExternalState->getDbWorkThreadPool(), _syncSource, listDatabasesFilter, [=](const Status& status) { _databasesClonerCallback(status, onCompletionGuard); })); _initialSyncState->beginTimestamp = lastOpTimeWithHash.opTime.getTimestamp(); invariant(!result.getValue().documents.empty()); LOG(2) << "Setting begin timestamp to " << _initialSyncState->beginTimestamp << " using last oplog entry: " << redact(result.getValue().documents.front()) << ", ns: " << _opts.localOplogNS; const auto configResult = _dataReplicatorExternalState->getCurrentConfig(); status = configResult.getStatus(); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); _initialSyncState.reset(); return; } const auto& config = configResult.getValue(); _oplogFetcher = stdx::make_unique( _exec, lastOpTimeWithHash, _syncSource, _opts.remoteOplogNS, config, _opts.oplogFetcherMaxFetcherRestarts, _rollbackChecker->getBaseRBID(), false /* requireFresherSyncSource */, _dataReplicatorExternalState.get(), [=](Fetcher::Documents::const_iterator first, Fetcher::Documents::const_iterator last, const OplogFetcher::DocumentsInfo& info) { return _enqueueDocuments(first, last, info); }, [=](const Status& s) { _oplogFetcherCallback(s, onCompletionGuard); }, initialSyncOplogFetcherBatchSize); LOG(2) << "Starting OplogFetcher: " << _oplogFetcher->toString(); // _startupComponent_inlock is shutdown-aware. status = _startupComponent_inlock(_oplogFetcher); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); _initialSyncState->dbsCloner.reset(); return; } if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(initialSyncHangBeforeCopyingDatabases)) { lock.unlock(); // This could have been done with a scheduleWorkAt but this is used only by JS tests where // we run with multiple threads so it's fine to spin on this thread. // This log output is used in js tests so please leave it. log() << "initial sync - initialSyncHangBeforeCopyingDatabases fail point " "enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled."; while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(initialSyncHangBeforeCopyingDatabases) && !_isShuttingDown()) { mongo::sleepsecs(1); } lock.lock(); } if (_scheduleDbWorkFn) { // '_scheduleDbWorkFn' is passed through (DatabasesCloner->DatabaseCloner->CollectionCloner) // to the CollectionCloner so that CollectionCloner's default TaskRunner can be disabled to // facilitate testing. _initialSyncState->dbsCloner->setScheduleDbWorkFn_forTest(_scheduleDbWorkFn); } LOG(2) << "Starting DatabasesCloner: " << _initialSyncState->dbsCloner->toString(); // _startupComponent_inlock() is shutdown-aware. Additionally, if the component fails to // startup, _startupComponent_inlock() resets the unique_ptr to the component (in this case, // DatabasesCloner). status = _startupComponent_inlock(_initialSyncState->dbsCloner); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } } void InitialSyncer::_oplogFetcherCallback(const Status& oplogFetcherFinishStatus, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard) { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); log() << "Finished fetching oplog during initial sync: " << redact(oplogFetcherFinishStatus) << ". Last fetched optime and hash: " << _lastFetched.toString(); auto status = _checkForShutdownAndConvertStatus_inlock( oplogFetcherFinishStatus, "error fetching oplog during initial sync"); // When the OplogFetcher completes early (instead of being canceled at shutdown), we log and let // our reference to 'onCompletionGuard' go out of scope. Since we know the // DatabasesCloner/MultiApplier will still have a reference to it, the actual function within // the guard won't be fired yet. // It is up to the DatabasesCloner and MultiApplier to determine if they can proceed without any // additional data going into the oplog buffer. // It is not common for the OplogFetcher to return with an OK status. The only time it returns // an OK status is when the 'stopReplProducer' fail point is enabled, which causes the // OplogFetcher to ignore the current sync source response and return early. if (status.isOK()) { log() << "Finished fetching oplog fetching early. Last fetched optime and hash: " << _lastFetched.toString(); return; } // During normal operation, this call to onCompletion->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock // is a no-op because the other thread running the DatabasesCloner or MultiApplier will already // have called it with the success/failed status. // The OplogFetcher does not finish on its own because of the oplog tailing query it runs on the // sync source. The most common OplogFetcher completion status is CallbackCanceled due to either // a shutdown request or completion of the data cloning and oplog application phases. onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); } void InitialSyncer::_databasesClonerCallback(const Status& databaseClonerFinishStatus, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard) { log() << "Finished cloning data: " << redact(databaseClonerFinishStatus) << ". Beginning oplog replay."; stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); auto status = _checkForShutdownAndConvertStatus_inlock(databaseClonerFinishStatus, "error cloning databases"); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } status = _scheduleLastOplogEntryFetcher_inlock( [=](const StatusWith& status, mongo::Fetcher::NextAction*, mongo::BSONObjBuilder*) { _lastOplogEntryFetcherCallbackForStopTimestamp(status, onCompletionGuard); }); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } } void InitialSyncer::_lastOplogEntryFetcherCallbackForStopTimestamp( const StatusWith& result, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard) { OpTimeWithHash optimeWithHash; { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); auto status = _checkForShutdownAndConvertStatus_inlock( result.getStatus(), "error fetching last oplog entry for stop timestamp"); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } auto&& optimeWithHashStatus = parseOpTimeWithHash(result); if (!optimeWithHashStatus.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock( lock, optimeWithHashStatus.getStatus()); return; } optimeWithHash = optimeWithHashStatus.getValue(); _initialSyncState->stopTimestamp = optimeWithHash.opTime.getTimestamp(); if (_initialSyncState->beginTimestamp != _initialSyncState->stopTimestamp) { invariant(_lastApplied.opTime.isNull()); _checkApplierProgressAndScheduleGetNextApplierBatch_inlock(lock, onCompletionGuard); return; } } // Oplog at sync source has not advanced since we started cloning databases, so we use the last // oplog entry to seed the oplog before checking the rollback ID. { const auto& documents = result.getValue().documents; invariant(!documents.empty()); const BSONObj oplogSeedDoc = documents.front(); LOG(2) << "Inserting oplog seed document: " << oplogSeedDoc; auto opCtx = makeOpCtx(); // StorageInterface::insertDocument() has to be called outside the lock because we may // override its behavior in tests. See InitialSyncerReturnsCallbackCanceledAndDoesNot- // ScheduleRollbackCheckerIfShutdownAfterInsertingInsertOplogSeedDocument in // initial_syncer_test.cpp auto status = _storage->insertDocument( opCtx.get(), _opts.localOplogNS, TimestampedBSONObj{oplogSeedDoc, optimeWithHash.opTime.getTimestamp()}, optimeWithHash.opTime.getTerm()); if (!status.isOK()) { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } } stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); _lastApplied = optimeWithHash; log() << "No need to apply operations. (currently at " << _initialSyncState->stopTimestamp.toBSON() << ")"; // This sets the error in 'onCompletionGuard' and shuts down the OplogFetcher on error. _scheduleRollbackCheckerCheckForRollback_inlock(lock, onCompletionGuard); } void InitialSyncer::_getNextApplierBatchCallback( const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& callbackArgs, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard) { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); auto status = _checkForShutdownAndConvertStatus_inlock(callbackArgs, "error getting next applier batch"); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } auto batchResult = _getNextApplierBatch_inlock(); if (!batchResult.isOK()) { warning() << "Failure creating next apply batch: " << redact(batchResult.getStatus()); onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, batchResult.getStatus()); return; } // Schedule MultiApplier if we have operations to apply. const auto& ops = batchResult.getValue(); if (!ops.empty()) { _fetchCount.store(0); MultiApplier::ApplyOperationFn applyOperationsForEachReplicationWorkerThreadFn = [ =, source = _syncSource ](MultiApplier::OperationPtrs * x) { return _dataReplicatorExternalState->_multiInitialSyncApply(x, source, &_fetchCount); }; MultiApplier::MultiApplyFn applyBatchOfOperationsFn = [=](OperationContext* opCtx, MultiApplier::Operations ops, MultiApplier::ApplyOperationFn apply) { return _dataReplicatorExternalState->_multiApply(opCtx, ops, apply); }; const auto& lastEntry = ops.back(); OpTimeWithHash lastApplied(lastEntry.getHash(), lastEntry.getOpTime()); auto numApplied = ops.size(); MultiApplier::CallbackFn onCompletionFn = [=](const Status& s) { return _multiApplierCallback(s, lastApplied, numApplied, onCompletionGuard); }; _applier = stdx::make_unique( _exec, ops, std::move(applyOperationsForEachReplicationWorkerThreadFn), std::move(applyBatchOfOperationsFn), std::move(onCompletionFn)); status = _startupComponent_inlock(_applier); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } return; } // If the oplog fetcher is no longer running (completed successfully) and the oplog buffer is // empty, we are not going to make any more progress with this initial sync. Report progress so // far and return a RemoteResultsUnavailable error. if (!_oplogFetcher->isActive()) { std::string msg = str::stream() << "The oplog fetcher is no longer running and we have applied all the oplog entries " "in the oplog buffer. Aborting this initial sync attempt. Last applied: " << _lastApplied.toString() << ". Last fetched: " << _lastFetched.toString() << ". Number of operations applied: " << _initialSyncState->appliedOps; log() << msg; status = Status(ErrorCodes::RemoteResultsUnavailable, msg); onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } // If there are no operations at the moment to apply and the oplog fetcher is still waiting on // the sync source, we'll check the oplog buffer again in // '_opts.getApplierBatchCallbackRetryWait' ms. auto when = _exec->now() + _opts.getApplierBatchCallbackRetryWait; status = _scheduleWorkAtAndSaveHandle_inlock( when, [=](const CallbackArgs& args) { _getNextApplierBatchCallback(args, onCompletionGuard); }, &_getNextApplierBatchHandle, "_getNextApplierBatchCallback"); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } } void InitialSyncer::_multiApplierCallback(const Status& multiApplierStatus, OpTimeWithHash lastApplied, std::uint32_t numApplied, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard) { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); auto status = _checkForShutdownAndConvertStatus_inlock(multiApplierStatus, "error applying batch"); if (!status.isOK()) { error() << "Failed to apply batch due to '" << redact(status) << "'"; onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } _initialSyncState->appliedOps += numApplied; _lastApplied = lastApplied; _opts.setMyLastOptime(_lastApplied.opTime, ReplicationCoordinator::DataConsistency::Inconsistent); auto fetchCount = _fetchCount.load(); if (fetchCount > 0) { _initialSyncState->fetchedMissingDocs += fetchCount; _fetchCount.store(0); status = _scheduleLastOplogEntryFetcher_inlock( [=](const StatusWith& response, mongo::Fetcher::NextAction*, mongo::BSONObjBuilder*) { return _lastOplogEntryFetcherCallbackAfterFetchingMissingDocuments( response, onCompletionGuard); }); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } return; } _checkApplierProgressAndScheduleGetNextApplierBatch_inlock(lock, onCompletionGuard); } void InitialSyncer::_lastOplogEntryFetcherCallbackAfterFetchingMissingDocuments( const StatusWith& result, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard) { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); auto status = _checkForShutdownAndConvertStatus_inlock( result.getStatus(), "error getting last oplog entry after fetching missing documents"); if (!status.isOK()) { error() << "Failed to get new minValid from source " << _syncSource << " due to '" << redact(status) << "'"; onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } auto&& optimeWithHashStatus = parseOpTimeWithHash(result); if (!optimeWithHashStatus.isOK()) { error() << "Failed to parse new minValid from source " << _syncSource << " due to '" << redact(optimeWithHashStatus.getStatus()) << "'"; onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, optimeWithHashStatus.getStatus()); return; } auto&& optimeWithHash = optimeWithHashStatus.getValue(); const auto newOplogEnd = optimeWithHash.opTime.getTimestamp(); LOG(2) << "Pushing back minValid from " << _initialSyncState->stopTimestamp << " to " << newOplogEnd; _initialSyncState->stopTimestamp = newOplogEnd; // Get another batch to apply. _checkApplierProgressAndScheduleGetNextApplierBatch_inlock(lock, onCompletionGuard); } void InitialSyncer::_rollbackCheckerCheckForRollbackCallback( const RollbackChecker::Result& result, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard) { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); auto status = _checkForShutdownAndConvertStatus_inlock(result.getStatus(), "error while getting last rollback ID"); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } auto hasHadRollback = result.getValue(); if (hasHadRollback) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock( lock, Status(ErrorCodes::UnrecoverableRollbackError, str::stream() << "Rollback occurred on our sync source " << _syncSource << " during initial sync")); return; } // Set UUIDs for all non-replicated collections on secondaries. See comment in // ReplicationCoordinatorExternalStateImpl::initializeReplSetStorage() for the explanation of // why we do this. const NamespaceString nss("admin", "system.version"); auto opCtx = makeOpCtx(); auto statusWithUUID = _storage->getCollectionUUID(opCtx.get(), nss); if (!statusWithUUID.isOK()) { // If the admin database does not exist, we intentionally fail initial sync. As part of // SERVER-29448, we disallow dropping the admin database, so failing here is fine. onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, statusWithUUID.getStatus()); return; } if (statusWithUUID.getValue()) { auto schemaStatus = _storage->upgradeUUIDSchemaVersionNonReplicated(opCtx.get()); if (!schemaStatus.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, schemaStatus); return; } } // Success! onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, _lastApplied); } void InitialSyncer::_finishInitialSyncAttempt(const StatusWith& lastApplied) { // Since _finishInitialSyncAttempt can be called from any component's callback function or // scheduled task, it is possible that we may not be in a TaskExecutor-managed thread when this // function is invoked. // For example, if CollectionCloner fails while inserting documents into the // CollectionBulkLoader, we will get here via one of CollectionCloner's TaskRunner callbacks // which has an active OperationContext bound to the current Client. This would lead to an // invariant when we attempt to create a new OperationContext for _tearDown(opCtx). // To avoid this, we schedule _finishCallback against the TaskExecutor rather than calling it // here synchronously. // Unless dismissed, a scope guard will schedule _finishCallback() upon exiting this function. // Since it is a requirement that _finishCallback be called outside the lock (which is possible // if the task scheduling fails and we have to invoke _finishCallback() synchronously), we // declare the scope guard before the lock guard. auto result = lastApplied; auto finishCallbackGuard = MakeGuard([this, &result] { auto scheduleResult = _exec->scheduleWork( [=](const mongo::executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs&) { _finishCallback(result); }); if (!scheduleResult.isOK()) { warning() << "Unable to schedule initial syncer completion task due to " << redact(scheduleResult.getStatus()) << ". Running callback on current thread."; _finishCallback(result); } }); log() << "Initial sync attempt finishing up."; stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); log() << "Initial Sync Attempt Statistics: " << redact(_getInitialSyncProgress_inlock()); auto runTime = _initialSyncState ? _initialSyncState->timer.millis() : 0; _stats.initialSyncAttemptInfos.emplace_back( InitialSyncer::InitialSyncAttemptInfo{runTime, result.getStatus(), _syncSource}); if (result.isOK()) { // Scope guard will invoke _finishCallback(). return; } // This increments the number of failed attempts for the current initial sync request. ++_stats.failedInitialSyncAttempts; // This increments the number of failed attempts across all initial sync attempts since process // startup. initialSyncFailedAttempts.increment(); error() << "Initial sync attempt failed -- attempts left: " << (_stats.maxFailedInitialSyncAttempts - _stats.failedInitialSyncAttempts) << " cause: " << redact(result.getStatus()); // Check if need to do more retries. if (_stats.failedInitialSyncAttempts >= _stats.maxFailedInitialSyncAttempts) { const std::string err = "The maximum number of retries have been exhausted for initial sync."; severe() << err; initialSyncFailures.increment(); // Scope guard will invoke _finishCallback(). return; } auto when = _exec->now() + _opts.initialSyncRetryWait; auto status = _scheduleWorkAtAndSaveHandle_inlock( when, [=](const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& args) { _startInitialSyncAttemptCallback( args, _stats.failedInitialSyncAttempts, _stats.maxFailedInitialSyncAttempts); }, &_startInitialSyncAttemptHandle, str::stream() << "_startInitialSyncAttemptCallback-" << _stats.failedInitialSyncAttempts); if (!status.isOK()) { result = status; // Scope guard will invoke _finishCallback(). return; } // Next initial sync attempt scheduled successfully and we do not need to call _finishCallback() // until the next initial sync attempt finishes. finishCallbackGuard.Dismiss(); } void InitialSyncer::_finishCallback(StatusWith lastApplied) { // After running callback function, clear '_onCompletion' to release any resources that might be // held by this function object. // '_onCompletion' must be moved to a temporary copy and destroyed outside the lock in case // there is any logic that's invoked at the function object's destruction that might call into // this InitialSyncer. 'onCompletion' must be destroyed outside the lock and this should happen // before we transition the state to Complete. decltype(_onCompletion) onCompletion; { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); auto opCtx = makeOpCtx(); _tearDown_inlock(opCtx.get(), lastApplied); invariant(_onCompletion); std::swap(_onCompletion, onCompletion); } if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(initialSyncHangBeforeFinish)) { // This log output is used in js tests so please leave it. log() << "initial sync - initialSyncHangBeforeFinish fail point " "enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled."; while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(initialSyncHangBeforeFinish) && !_isShuttingDown()) { mongo::sleepsecs(1); } } // Completion callback must be invoked outside mutex. try { onCompletion(lastApplied); } catch (...) { warning() << "initial syncer finish callback threw exception: " << redact(exceptionToStatus()); } // Destroy the remaining reference to the completion callback before we transition the state to // Complete so that callers can expect any resources bound to '_onCompletion' to be released // before InitialSyncer::join() returns. onCompletion = {}; stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); invariant(_state != State::kComplete); _state = State::kComplete; _stateCondition.notify_all(); } Status InitialSyncer::_scheduleLastOplogEntryFetcher_inlock(Fetcher::CallbackFn callback) { BSONObj query = BSON( "find" << _opts.remoteOplogNS.coll() << "sort" << BSON("$natural" << -1) << "limit" << 1); _lastOplogEntryFetcher = stdx::make_unique(_exec, _syncSource, _opts.remoteOplogNS.db().toString(), query, callback, ReadPreferenceSetting::secondaryPreferredMetadata(), RemoteCommandRequest::kNoTimeout /* find network timeout */, RemoteCommandRequest::kNoTimeout /* getMore network timeout */, RemoteCommandRetryScheduler::makeRetryPolicy( numInitialSyncOplogFindAttempts.load(), executor::RemoteCommandRequest::kNoTimeout, RemoteCommandRetryScheduler::kAllRetriableErrors)); Status scheduleStatus = _lastOplogEntryFetcher->schedule(); if (!scheduleStatus.isOK()) { _lastOplogEntryFetcher.reset(); } return scheduleStatus; } void InitialSyncer::_checkApplierProgressAndScheduleGetNextApplierBatch_inlock( const stdx::lock_guard& lock, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard) { // We should check our current state because shutdown() could have been called before // we re-acquired the lock. if (_isShuttingDown_inlock()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock( lock, Status(ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled, "failed to schedule applier to check for " "rollback: initial syncer is shutting down")); return; } // Basic sanity check on begin/stop timestamps. if (_initialSyncState->beginTimestamp > _initialSyncState->stopTimestamp) { std::string msg = str::stream() << "Possible rollback on sync source " << _syncSource.toString() << ". Currently at " << _initialSyncState->stopTimestamp.toBSON() << ". Started at " << _initialSyncState->beginTimestamp.toBSON(); error() << msg; onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock( lock, Status(ErrorCodes::OplogOutOfOrder, msg)); return; } if (_lastApplied.opTime.isNull()) { // Check if any ops occurred while cloning. invariant(_initialSyncState->beginTimestamp < _initialSyncState->stopTimestamp); log() << "Applying operations until " << _initialSyncState->stopTimestamp.toBSON() << " before initial sync can complete. (starting at " << _initialSyncState->beginTimestamp.toBSON() << ")"; // Fall through to scheduling _getNextApplierBatchCallback(). } else if (_lastApplied.opTime.getTimestamp() >= _initialSyncState->stopTimestamp) { // Check for rollback if we have applied far enough to be consistent. invariant(!_lastApplied.opTime.getTimestamp().isNull()); _scheduleRollbackCheckerCheckForRollback_inlock(lock, onCompletionGuard); return; } // Get another batch to apply. // _scheduleWorkAndSaveHandle_inlock() is shutdown-aware. auto status = _scheduleWorkAndSaveHandle_inlock( [=](const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& args) { return _getNextApplierBatchCallback(args, onCompletionGuard); }, &_getNextApplierBatchHandle, "_getNextApplierBatchCallback"); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } } void InitialSyncer::_scheduleRollbackCheckerCheckForRollback_inlock( const stdx::lock_guard& lock, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard) { // We should check our current state because shutdown() could have been called before // we re-acquired the lock. if (_isShuttingDown_inlock()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock( lock, Status(ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled, "failed to schedule rollback checker to check " "for rollback: initial syncer is shutting " "down")); return; } auto scheduleResult = _rollbackChecker->checkForRollback([=](const RollbackChecker::Result& result) { _rollbackCheckerCheckForRollbackCallback(result, onCompletionGuard); }); auto status = scheduleResult.getStatus(); if (!status.isOK()) { onCompletionGuard->setResultAndCancelRemainingWork_inlock(lock, status); return; } _getLastRollbackIdHandle = scheduleResult.getValue(); return; } Status InitialSyncer::_checkForShutdownAndConvertStatus_inlock( const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& callbackArgs, const std::string& message) { return _checkForShutdownAndConvertStatus_inlock(callbackArgs.status, message); } Status InitialSyncer::_checkForShutdownAndConvertStatus_inlock(const Status& status, const std::string& message) { if (_isShuttingDown_inlock()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled, message + ": initial syncer is shutting down"); } return status.withContext(message); } Status InitialSyncer::_scheduleWorkAndSaveHandle_inlock( const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackFn& work, executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle* handle, const std::string& name) { invariant(handle); if (_isShuttingDown_inlock()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled, str::stream() << "failed to schedule work " << name << ": initial syncer is shutting down"); } auto result = _exec->scheduleWork(work); if (!result.isOK()) { return result.getStatus().withContext(str::stream() << "failed to schedule work " << name); } *handle = result.getValue(); return Status::OK(); } Status InitialSyncer::_scheduleWorkAtAndSaveHandle_inlock( Date_t when, const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackFn& work, executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle* handle, const std::string& name) { invariant(handle); if (_isShuttingDown_inlock()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled, str::stream() << "failed to schedule work " << name << " at " << when.toString() << ": initial syncer is shutting down"); } auto result = _exec->scheduleWorkAt(when, work); if (!result.isOK()) { return result.getStatus().withContext( str::stream() << "failed to schedule work " << name << " at " << when.toString()); } *handle = result.getValue(); return Status::OK(); } void InitialSyncer::_cancelHandle_inlock(executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle handle) { if (!handle) { return; } _exec->cancel(handle); } template Status InitialSyncer::_startupComponent_inlock(Component& component) { if (_isShuttingDown_inlock()) { component.reset(); return Status(ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled, "initial syncer shutdown while trying to call startup() on component"); } auto status = component->startup(); if (!status.isOK()) { component.reset(); } return status; } template void InitialSyncer::_shutdownComponent_inlock(Component& component) { if (!component) { return; } component->shutdown(); } StatusWith InitialSyncer::_getNextApplierBatch_inlock() { // If the fail-point is active, delay the apply batch by returning an empty batch so that // _getNextApplierBatchCallback() will reschedule itself at a later time. // See InitialSyncerOptions::getApplierBatchCallbackRetryWait. if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(rsSyncApplyStop)) { return Operations(); } const int slaveDelaySecs = durationCount(_opts.getSlaveDelay()); std::uint32_t totalBytes = 0; Operations ops; BSONObj op; // Return a new batch of ops to apply. // A batch may consist of: // * at most "replBatchLimitOperations" OplogEntries // * at most "replBatchLimitBytes" worth of OplogEntries // * only OplogEntries from before the slaveDelay point // * a single command OplogEntry (including index builds, which appear to be inserts) // * consequently, commands bound the previous batch to be in a batch of their own auto opCtx = makeOpCtx(); while (_oplogBuffer->peek(opCtx.get(), &op)) { auto entry = OplogEntry(op); // Check for oplog version change. If it is absent, its value is one. if (entry.getVersion() != OplogEntry::kOplogVersion) { std::string message = str::stream() << "expected oplog version " << OplogEntry::kOplogVersion << " but found version " << entry.getVersion() << " in oplog entry: " << redact(entry.toBSON()); severe() << message; return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, message}; } // Check for ops that must be processed one at a time. if (entry.isCommand() || // Index builds are achieved through the use of an insert op, not a command op. // The following line is the same as what the insert code uses to detect an index // build. (entry.getNamespace().isSystemDotIndexes())) { if (ops.empty()) { // Apply commands one-at-a-time. ops.push_back(std::move(entry)); BSONObj opToPopAndDiscard; invariant(_oplogBuffer->tryPop(opCtx.get(), &opToPopAndDiscard)); dassert(ops.back() == OplogEntry(opToPopAndDiscard)); } // Otherwise, apply what we have so far and come back for the command. return std::move(ops); } // Apply replication batch limits. if (ops.size() >= _opts.replBatchLimitOperations) { return std::move(ops); } if (totalBytes + entry.getRawObjSizeBytes() >= _opts.replBatchLimitBytes) { return std::move(ops); } // Check slaveDelay boundary. if (slaveDelaySecs > 0) { const auto opTimestampSecs = entry.getTimestamp().getSecs(); const unsigned int slaveDelayBoundary = static_cast(time(0) - slaveDelaySecs); // Stop the batch as the lastOp is too new to be applied. If we continue // on, we can get ops that are way ahead of the delay and this will // make this thread sleep longer when handleSlaveDelay is called // and apply ops much sooner than we like. if (opTimestampSecs > slaveDelayBoundary) { return std::move(ops); } } // Add op to buffer. ops.push_back(std::move(entry)); totalBytes += entry.getRawObjSizeBytes(); BSONObj opToPopAndDiscard; invariant(_oplogBuffer->tryPop(opCtx.get(), &opToPopAndDiscard)); dassert(ops.back() == OplogEntry(opToPopAndDiscard)); } return std::move(ops); } StatusWith InitialSyncer::_chooseSyncSource_inlock() { auto syncSource = _opts.syncSourceSelector->chooseNewSyncSource(_lastFetched.opTime); if (syncSource.empty()) { return Status{ErrorCodes::InvalidSyncSource, str::stream() << "No valid sync source available. Our last fetched optime: " << _lastFetched.opTime.toString()}; } return syncSource; } Status InitialSyncer::_enqueueDocuments(Fetcher::Documents::const_iterator begin, Fetcher::Documents::const_iterator end, const OplogFetcher::DocumentsInfo& info) { if (info.toApplyDocumentCount == 0) { return Status::OK(); } if (_isShuttingDown()) { return Status::OK(); } invariant(_oplogBuffer); // Wait for enough space. // Gets unblocked on shutdown. _oplogBuffer->waitForSpace(makeOpCtx().get(), info.toApplyDocumentBytes); OCCASIONALLY { LOG(2) << "bgsync buffer has " << _oplogBuffer->getSize() << " bytes"; } // Buffer docs for later application. _oplogBuffer->pushAllNonBlocking(makeOpCtx().get(), begin, end); _lastFetched = info.lastDocument; // TODO: updates metrics with "info". return Status::OK(); } std::string InitialSyncer::Stats::toString() const { return toBSON().toString(); } BSONObj InitialSyncer::Stats::toBSON() const { BSONObjBuilder bob; append(&bob); return bob.obj(); } void InitialSyncer::Stats::append(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const { builder->appendNumber("failedInitialSyncAttempts", static_cast(failedInitialSyncAttempts)); builder->appendNumber("maxFailedInitialSyncAttempts", static_cast(maxFailedInitialSyncAttempts)); if (initialSyncStart != Date_t()) { builder->appendDate("initialSyncStart", initialSyncStart); if (initialSyncEnd != Date_t()) { builder->appendDate("initialSyncEnd", initialSyncEnd); auto elapsed = initialSyncEnd - initialSyncStart; long long elapsedMillis = duration_cast(elapsed).count(); builder->appendNumber("initialSyncElapsedMillis", elapsedMillis); } } BSONArrayBuilder arrBuilder(builder->subarrayStart("initialSyncAttempts")); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < initialSyncAttemptInfos.size(); ++i) { arrBuilder.append(initialSyncAttemptInfos[i].toBSON()); } arrBuilder.doneFast(); } std::string InitialSyncer::InitialSyncAttemptInfo::toString() const { return toBSON().toString(); } BSONObj InitialSyncer::InitialSyncAttemptInfo::toBSON() const { BSONObjBuilder bob; append(&bob); return bob.obj(); } void InitialSyncer::InitialSyncAttemptInfo::append(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const { builder->appendNumber("durationMillis", durationMillis); builder->append("status", status.toString()); builder->append("syncSource", syncSource.toString()); } } // namespace repl } // namespace mongo