/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include "mongo/base/status.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsonobj.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h" #include "mongo/bson/timestamp.h" #include "mongo/client/fetcher.h" #include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/callback_completion_guard.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/data_replicator_external_state.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/initial_sync_shared_data.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/initial_syncer_interface.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/multiapplier.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/oplog_applier.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/oplog_buffer.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/oplog_fetcher.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/optime.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/rollback_checker.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/sync_source_selector.h" #include "mongo/dbtests/mock/mock_dbclient_connection.h" #include "mongo/executor/scoped_task_executor.h" #include "mongo/platform/mutex.h" #include "mongo/stdx/condition_variable.h" #include "mongo/util/concurrency/thread_pool.h" #include "mongo/util/fail_point.h" #include "mongo/util/net/hostandport.h" namespace mongo { namespace repl { // TODO: Remove forward declares once we remove rs_initialsync.cpp and other dependents. // Failpoint which fails initial sync and leaves an oplog entry in the buffer. extern FailPoint failInitSyncWithBufferedEntriesLeft; // Failpoint which causes the initial sync function to hang before copying databases. extern FailPoint initialSyncHangBeforeCopyingDatabases; // Failpoint which stops the applier. extern FailPoint rsSyncApplyStop; struct InitialSyncState; struct MemberState; class ReplicationProcess; class StorageInterface; /** * The initial syncer provides services to keep collection in sync by replicating * changes via an oplog source to the local system storage. * * This class will use existing machinery like the Executor to schedule work and * network tasks, as well as provide serial access and synchronization of state. * * * Entry Points: * -- startup: Start initial sync. */ class InitialSyncer : public InitialSyncerInterface { InitialSyncer(const InitialSyncer&) = delete; InitialSyncer& operator=(const InitialSyncer&) = delete; public: /** * Callback completion guard for initial syncer. */ using OnCompletionGuard = CallbackCompletionGuard>; struct InitialSyncAttemptInfo { int durationMillis; Status status; HostAndPort syncSource; int rollBackId; int operationsRetried; int totalTimeUnreachableMillis; std::string toString() const; BSONObj toBSON() const; void append(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const; }; class OplogFetcherRestartDecisionInitialSyncer : public OplogFetcher::OplogFetcherRestartDecision { public: OplogFetcherRestartDecisionInitialSyncer(InitialSyncSharedData* sharedData, std::size_t maxFetcherRestarts) : _sharedData(sharedData), _defaultDecision(maxFetcherRestarts){}; bool shouldContinue(OplogFetcher* fetcher, Status status) final; void fetchSuccessful(OplogFetcher* fetcher) final; private: InitialSyncSharedData* _sharedData; // We delegate to the default strategy when it's a non-network error. OplogFetcher::OplogFetcherRestartDecisionDefault _defaultDecision; // The operation, if any, currently being retried because of a network error. InitialSyncSharedData::RetryableOperation _retryingOperation; }; struct Stats { std::uint32_t failedInitialSyncAttempts{0}; std::uint32_t maxFailedInitialSyncAttempts{0}; Date_t initialSyncStart; Date_t initialSyncEnd; std::vector initialSyncAttemptInfos; std::weak_ptr exec; std::string toString() const; BSONObj toBSON() const; void append(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const; }; InitialSyncer(InitialSyncerInterface::Options opts, std::unique_ptr dataReplicatorExternalState, ThreadPool* writerPool, StorageInterface* storage, ReplicationProcess* replicationProcess, const OnCompletionFn& onCompletion); virtual ~InitialSyncer(); /** * Returns true if an initial sync is currently running or in the process of shutting down. */ bool isActive() const; std::string getInitialSyncMethod() const final; bool allowLocalDbAccess() const final { return true; } Status startup(OperationContext* opCtx, std::uint32_t maxAttempts) noexcept final; Status shutdown() final; void join() final; /** * Returns internal state in a loggable format. */ std::string getDiagnosticString() const; BSONObj getInitialSyncProgress() const final; void cancelCurrentAttempt() final; /** * * Overrides how the initial syncer creates the client. * * For testing only */ void setCreateClientFn_forTest(const CreateClientFn& createClientFn); /** * * Overrides how the initial syncer creates the OplogFetcher. * * For testing only. */ void setCreateOplogFetcherFn_forTest(std::unique_ptr createOplogFetcherFn); /** * * Get a raw pointer to the OplogFetcher. Block up to 10s until the underlying OplogFetcher has * started. It is the caller's responsibility to not reuse this pointer beyond the lifetime of * the underlying OplogFetcher. * * For testing only. */ OplogFetcher* getOplogFetcher_forTest() const; /** * * Provides a separate executor for the cloners, so network operations based on * TaskExecutor::scheduleRemoteCommand() can use the NetworkInterfaceMock while the cloners * are stopped on a failpoint. * * For testing only */ void setClonerExecutor_forTest(std::shared_ptr clonerExec); /** * * Wait for the cloner thread to finish. * * For testing only */ void waitForCloner_forTest(); // State transitions: // PreStart --> Running --> ShuttingDown --> Complete // It is possible to skip intermediate states. For example, calling shutdown() when the data // replicator has not started will transition from PreStart directly to Complete. enum class State { kPreStart, kRunning, kShuttingDown, kComplete }; /** * Returns current initial syncer state. * For testing only. */ State getState_forTest() const; /** * Returns the wall clock time component of _lastApplied. * For testing only. */ Date_t getWallClockTime_forTest() const; /** * Sets the allowed outage duration in _sharedData. * For testing only. */ void setAllowedOutageDuration_forTest(Milliseconds allowedOutageDuration); private: enum LastOplogEntryFetcherRetryStrategy { kFetcherHandlesRetries, kInitialSyncerHandlesRetries }; /** * Returns true if we are still processing initial sync tasks (_state is either Running or * Shutdown). */ bool _isActive_inlock() const; /** * Cancels all outstanding work. * Used by shutdown() and CompletionGuard::setResultAndCancelRemainingWork(). */ void _cancelRemainingWork_inlock(); /** * Returns true if the initial syncer has received a shutdown request (_state is ShuttingDown). */ bool _isShuttingDown() const; bool _isShuttingDown_inlock() const; /** * Initial sync flowchart: * * start() * | * | * V * _setUp_inlock() * | * | * V * _startInitialSyncAttemptCallback() * | * | * |<-------+ * | | * | | (bad sync source) * | | * V | * _chooseSyncSourceCallback() * | * | * | (good sync source found) * | * | * V * _truncateOplogAndDropReplicatedDatabases() * | * | * V * _rollbackCheckerResetCallback() * | * | * V * _lastOplogEntryFetcherCallbackForDefaultBeginFetchingOpTime() * | * | * V * _getBeginFetchingOpTimeCallback() * | * | * V * _lastOplogEntryFetcherCallbackForBeginApplyingTimestamp() * | * | * V * _fcvFetcherCallback() * | * | * +------------------------------+ * | | * | | * V V * _oplogFetcherCallback() _allDatabaseClonerCallback * | | * | | * | V * | _lastOplogEntryFetcherCallbackForStopTimestamp() * | | | * | | | * | (no ops to apply) | | (have ops to apply) * | | | * | | V * | | _getNextApplierBatchCallback() * | | | ^ * | | | | * | | | (end ts not reached) * | | | | * | | V | * | | _multiApplierCallback()-----+ * | | | * | | | * | (reached end timestamp) * | | | * | V V * | _rollbackCheckerCheckForRollbackCallback() * | | * | | * +------------------------------+ * | * | * V * _finishInitialSyncAttempt() * | * | * V * _finishCallback() */ /** * Sets up internal state to begin initial sync. */ void _setUp_inlock(OperationContext* opCtx, std::uint32_t initialSyncMaxAttempts); /** * Tears down internal state before reporting final status to caller. */ void _tearDown_inlock(OperationContext* opCtx, const StatusWith& lastApplied); /** * Callback to start a single initial sync attempt. */ void _startInitialSyncAttemptCallback(const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& callbackArgs, std::uint32_t initialSyncAttempt, std::uint32_t initialSyncMaxAttempts) noexcept; /** * Callback to obtain sync source from sync source selector. * For every initial sync attempt, we will try up to 'numInitialSyncConnectAttempts' times (at * an interval of '_opts.syncSourceRetryWait' ms) to obtain a valid sync source before giving up * and returning ErrorCodes::InitialSyncOplogSourceMissing. */ void _chooseSyncSourceCallback(const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& callbackArgs, std::uint32_t chooseSyncSourceAttempt, std::uint32_t chooseSyncSourceMaxAttempts, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard) noexcept; /** * This function does the following: * 1.) Truncate oplog. * 2.) Drop user databases (replicated dbs). */ Status _truncateOplogAndDropReplicatedDatabases(); /** * Callback for rollback checker's first replSetGetRBID command before starting data cloning. */ void _rollbackCheckerResetCallback(const RollbackChecker::Result& result, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard); /** * Callback for first '_lastOplogEntryFetcher' callback. A successful response lets us * determine the default starting point for tailing the oplog using the OplogFetcher if there * are no active transactions on the sync source. This will be used as the default for the * beginFetchingTimestamp. */ void _lastOplogEntryFetcherCallbackForDefaultBeginFetchingOpTime( const StatusWith& result, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard); /** * Schedules a remote command to issue a find command on sync source's transaction table, which * will get us the optime of the oldest active transaction on that node. It will be used as the * beginFetchingTimestamp. */ Status _scheduleGetBeginFetchingOpTime_inlock( std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard, const OpTime& defaultBeginFetchingOpTime); /** * Callback that gets the optime of the oldest active transaction in the sync source's * transaction table. It will be used as the beginFetchingTimestamp. */ void _getBeginFetchingOpTimeCallback(const StatusWith& result, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard, const OpTime& defaultBeginFetchingOpTime); /** * Callback for second '_lastOplogEntryFetcher' callback. A successful response lets us * determine the starting point for applying oplog entries during the oplog application phase * as well as setting a reference point for the state of the sync source's oplog when data * cloning completes. */ void _lastOplogEntryFetcherCallbackForBeginApplyingTimestamp( const StatusWith& result, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard, OpTime& beginFetchingOpTime); /** * Callback for the '_fCVFetcher'. A successful response lets us check if the remote node * is in a currently acceptable fCV and if it has a 'targetVersion' set. */ void _fcvFetcherCallback(const StatusWith& result, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard, const OpTime& lastOpTime, OpTime& beginFetchingOpTime); /** * Callback for oplog fetcher. */ void _oplogFetcherCallback(const Status& status, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard); /** * Callback for DatabasesCloner. */ void _allDatabaseClonerCallback(const Status& status, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard); /** * Callback for second '_lastOplogEntryFetcher' callback. This is scheduled to obtain the stop * timestamp after DatabasesCloner has completed and enables us to determine if the oplog on * the sync source has advanced since we started cloning the databases. */ void _lastOplogEntryFetcherCallbackForStopTimestamp( const StatusWith& result, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard); /** * Callback to obtain next batch of operations to apply. */ void _getNextApplierBatchCallback( const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& callbackArgs, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard) noexcept; /** * Callback for MultiApplier completion. */ void _multiApplierCallback(const Status& status, OpTimeAndWallTime lastApplied, std::uint32_t numApplied, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard); /** * Callback for rollback checker's last replSetGetRBID command after cloning data and applying * operations. */ void _rollbackCheckerCheckForRollbackCallback( const RollbackChecker::Result& result, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard); /** * Reports result of current initial sync attempt. May schedule another initial sync attempt * depending on shutdown state and whether we've exhausted all initial sync retries. */ void _finishInitialSyncAttempt(const StatusWith& lastApplied); /** * Invokes completion callback and transitions state to State::kComplete. */ void _finishCallback(StatusWith lastApplied); // Obtains a valid sync source from the sync source selector. // Returns error if a sync source cannot be found. StatusWith _chooseSyncSource_inlock(); /** * Pushes documents from oplog fetcher to blocking queue for * applier to consume. * * Returns a status even though it always returns OK, to conform the interface OplogFetcher * expects for the EnqueueDocumentsFn. */ Status _enqueueDocuments(OplogFetcher::Documents::const_iterator begin, OplogFetcher::Documents::const_iterator end, const OplogFetcher::DocumentsInfo& info); void _appendInitialSyncProgressMinimal_inlock(BSONObjBuilder* bob) const; BSONObj _getInitialSyncProgress_inlock() const; StatusWith> _getNextApplierBatch_inlock(); /** * Schedules a fetcher to get the last oplog entry from the sync source. * * If 'retryStrategy' is 'kFetcherHandlesRetries', the fetcher will retry up to the server * parameter 'numInitialSyncOplogFindAttempts' times. Otherwise any failures must be handled by * the caller. */ Status _scheduleLastOplogEntryFetcher_inlock(Fetcher::CallbackFn callback, LastOplogEntryFetcherRetryStrategy retryStrategy); /** * Checks the current oplog application progress (begin and end timestamps). * If necessary, schedules a _getNextApplierBatchCallback() task. * If the stop and end timestamps are inconsistent or if there is an issue scheduling the task, * we set the error status in 'onCompletionGuard' and shut down the OplogFetcher. * Passes 'lock' through to completion guard. */ void _checkApplierProgressAndScheduleGetNextApplierBatch_inlock( const stdx::lock_guard& lock, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard); /** * Schedules a rollback checker to get the rollback ID after data cloning or applying. This * helps us check if a rollback occurred on the sync source. * If we fail to schedule the rollback checker, we set the error status in 'onCompletionGuard' * and shut down the OplogFetcher. * Passes 'lock' through to completion guard. */ void _scheduleRollbackCheckerCheckForRollback_inlock( const stdx::lock_guard& lock, std::shared_ptr onCompletionGuard); /** * Check if a status is one which means there's a retriable error and we should retry the * current operation, and records whether an operation is currently being retried. Note this * can only handle one operation at a time (i.e. it should not be used in both parts of the * "split" section of Initial Sync) */ bool _shouldRetryError(WithLock lk, Status status); /** * Indicates we are no longer handling a retriable error. */ void _clearRetriableError(WithLock lk); /** * Checks the given status (or embedded status inside the callback args) and current data * replicator shutdown state. If the given status is not OK or if we are shutting down, returns * a new error status that should be passed to _finishCallback. The reason in the new error * status will include 'message'. * Otherwise, returns Status::OK(). */ Status _checkForShutdownAndConvertStatus_inlock( const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& callbackArgs, const std::string& message); Status _checkForShutdownAndConvertStatus_inlock(const Status& status, const std::string& message); /** * Schedules work to be run by the task executor. * Saves handle if work was successfully scheduled. * Returns scheduleWork status (without the handle). */ Status _scheduleWorkAndSaveHandle_inlock(executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackFn work, executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle* handle, const std::string& name); Status _scheduleWorkAtAndSaveHandle_inlock(Date_t when, executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackFn work, executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle* handle, const std::string& name); /** * Cancels task executor callback handle if not null. */ void _cancelHandle_inlock(executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle handle); /** * Starts up component and checks initial syncer's shutdown state at the same time. * If component's startup() fails, resets 'component' (which is assumed to be a unique_ptr * to the component type). */ template Status _startupComponent_inlock(Component& component); /** * Shuts down component if not null. */ template void _shutdownComponent_inlock(Component& component); // Counts how many documents have been refetched from the source in the current batch. AtomicWord _fetchCount; // // All member variables are labeled with one of the following codes indicating the // synchronization rules for accessing them. // // (R) Read-only in concurrent operation; no synchronization required. // (S) Self-synchronizing; access in any way from any context. // (M) Reads and writes guarded by _mutex // (X) Reads and writes must be performed in a callback in _exec // (MX) Must hold _mutex and be in a callback in _exec to write; must either hold // _mutex or be in a callback in _exec to read. mutable Mutex _mutex = MONGO_MAKE_LATCH("InitialSyncer::_mutex"); // (S) const InitialSyncerInterface::Options _opts; // (R) std::unique_ptr _dataReplicatorExternalState; // (R) std::shared_ptr _exec; // (R) std::unique_ptr _attemptExec; // (X) // The executor that the Cloner thread runs on. In production code this is the same as _exec, // but for unit testing, _exec is single-threaded and our NetworkInterfaceMock runs it in // lockstep with the unit test code. If we pause the cloners using failpoints // NetworkInterfaceMock is unaware of this and this causes our unit tests to deadlock. std::shared_ptr _clonerExec; // (R) std::unique_ptr _clonerAttemptExec; // (X) ThreadPool* _writerPool; // (R) StorageInterface* _storage; // (R) ReplicationProcess* _replicationProcess; // (S) // This is invoked with the final status of the initial sync. If startup() fails, this callback // is never invoked. The caller gets the last applied optime when the initial sync completes // successfully or an error status. // '_onCompletion' is cleared on completion (in _finishCallback()) in order to release any // resources that might be held by the callback function object. OnCompletionFn _onCompletion; // (M) // Handle to currently scheduled _startInitialSyncAttemptCallback() task. executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle _startInitialSyncAttemptHandle; // (M) // Handle to currently scheduled _chooseSyncSourceCallback() task. executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle _chooseSyncSourceHandle; // (M) // RollbackChecker to get rollback ID before and after each initial sync attempt. std::unique_ptr _rollbackChecker; // (M) // Handle returned from RollbackChecker::reset(). RollbackChecker::CallbackHandle _getBaseRollbackIdHandle; // (M) // Handle returned from RollbackChecker::checkForRollback(). RollbackChecker::CallbackHandle _getLastRollbackIdHandle; // (M) // Handle to currently scheduled _getNextApplierBatchCallback() task. executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle _getNextApplierBatchHandle; // (M) // The operation, if any, currently being retried because of a network error. InitialSyncSharedData::RetryableOperation _retryingOperation; // (M) std::unique_ptr _initialSyncState; // (M) std::unique_ptr _oplogFetcher; // (S) std::unique_ptr _beginFetchingOpTimeFetcher; // (S) std::unique_ptr _lastOplogEntryFetcher; // (S) std::unique_ptr _fCVFetcher; // (S) std::unique_ptr _applier; // (M) HostAndPort _syncSource; // (M) std::unique_ptr _client; // (M) OpTime _lastFetched; // (MX) OpTimeAndWallTime _lastApplied; // (MX) std::unique_ptr _oplogBuffer; // (M) std::unique_ptr _oplogApplier; // (M) // Used to signal changes in _state. mutable stdx::condition_variable _stateCondition; // Current initial syncer state. See comments for State enum class for details. State _state = State::kPreStart; // (M) // Used to create the DBClientConnection for the cloners CreateClientFn _createClientFn; // Used to create the OplogFetcher for the InitialSyncer. std::unique_ptr _createOplogFetcherFn; // Contains stats on the current initial sync request (includes all attempts). // To access these stats in a user-readable format, use getInitialSyncProgress(). Stats _stats; // (M) // Data shared by cloners and fetcher. Follow InitialSyncSharedData synchronization rules. std::unique_ptr _sharedData; // (S) // Amount of time an outage is allowed to continue before the initial sync attempt is marked // as failed. Milliseconds _allowedOutageDuration; // (M) // The initial sync attempt has been canceled bool _attemptCanceled = false; // (X) }; } // namespace repl } // namespace mongo